THE MICHIGAN DAILY -I McCarthy vs. Pearson WA "lHe Left MA(TTR OF FACT By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP There To Get Away From The Cheering Crowds" TME DRAWN OUT feud between Drew Pearson, the noted Washington column- ist, and Sen. Joseph McCarthy, the militant solon from Wisconsin, was dramatized last week when two newspapers failed to renew their contracts for Pearson's syndicated column. The Flint News-Advertiser was one of those papers. A journal with a circula. tion of 35,000, the News-Advertiser has long been nonpartisan. A spokesman for the paper has emphatically denied Pear- son's charges that the McCarthy-Pearson fracas had anything to do with the ter- mination of the contract. In answering Pearson, the paper has explained that Pearson's column would probably not be replaced. Certainly, other factors may have induced the paper to discontinue the column, but it is possible that McCarthy's charges against Pearson contributed to the final decision. There is evidence that a pro-McCarthy anti-Pearson sentiment does exist in Flint. One hears, anti-Pearson remarks among auto dealers, merchants, in barbershops, on buses-where he is referred to as "that pink!" Asked why he considered Pearson a "pink," one Flint merchant retorted: "He sticks up for freedom of the press, doesn't he?" And only yesterday, the swashbuckling senator was invited to speak in that city under the auspices of local Republicans. Perhaps the hysterical nature of Mc- Carthy's charges that one of Pearson's staff formerly penned news articles for the Daily Worker and other derogatory remarks con- cerning the nature of Pearson's writings- may haveinfluenced Flint citizens. And of course, Pearson has also been having trouble with his radio sponsors, who are quietly preparing to abandon him. It all adds up to one thing: McCarthy, the same McCarthy who resorted to strong arm methods and bludgeoned Pearson in a Capitol Hill brawl, .may be succeeding in carrying out his threat to "break" the Washington commentator. Though unsuc- cessful in silencing Pearson by breaking his pate, the intrepid senator seems to have found another way-public opinion. The entire incident is unfortunate, for Pearson is neither a Red nor a Pink. He has consistently lashed out at both the Democratics and Republicans. Actually, Pearson has contributed a great deal to the security of our country. His exploits as a "watchdog of society" are widely recognized. And certainly his revealing exposes are reminders of the muckraking days of Steffens and Norris. If McCarthy succeeds in muffling Pear- son, it means that one man-a man whom Gerald L. K. Smith described as "the only bright light on the American scene"-can exert a pressure which can hinder the ex- pression of honest opinions. -Cal Samra Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: PAUL BRENTLINGER. DORIS FLEESON: U.S. Defeatism WASHINGTON-The Hon. Robert Aber- crombie Lovett, Deputy Undersecretary of Defense, is disgusted. He is so disgusted that he has been st>- ping out of character to sound off, pithily and profanely, about U.S. defeatism. Lovett is a Wall Street banker, a slendidly correct occupation to which he is well suited. But his country at this point is getting him down. Why, he is asking impatiently, does this great nation at the peak of its power, the strongest country in the world,-flap around like a chicken with its head off, fearful, complaining, exalting its enemies as super- demons and downgrading the best people on earth? Lovett, though exceeding angry, is probably incapable of putting on this performance in public but those privileged to watch him jumping up and down say it is quite a spectacle. The Deputy Undersecretary has been on the job with General Marshall for four months. He is absolutely sure that we are well on our way toward securing our de- fenses and that we are gaining momentum every day. Certainly his clarion call to America to think of its might, majesty and great mis- sion as well as of its problems strikes a re- freshing note. It represents in essence what our allies at Lake Success most complain about-that this country does not act like a great power. It is not always easy to dig out of Lovett's security-minded Pentagon the facts that cause him to take a more sanguine view of our affairs than is gen- erally heard around here. If he is right, it would pay the military to declare as much of a moratorium as possible on their collection of "restricted," "top se- cret" rubber stamps and let people know how things are going. The truth is-and experienced Bureau- crats don't deny it-that the restricting crt 1 WASHINGTON, The right way to deal with future acts of aggression by Soviet satellites may become a really seri- ous issue. Since the Korean experience, American leaders are pretty well agreed that hereafter we must "brush away the false whiskers," and penalize the satellites' masters in the Klemlin. But inter-govern- mental discussions of the satellite threat to Yugoslavia have already developed some sentiment across the Atlantic for what looks, for the short run, like a more cautious plan. Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria are to be treated as independent states. They, not Moscow, are to be warned that the Western powers will not tolerate any new aggression in Europe. It is even said that they may be moved by such a warn- ing to resist Moscow's commands. The appropriate commentary on this scheme for encouraging satellite indepen- dence by pretending that it exists has already been provided by the disappearance from Prague of the former Czech Foreign Minister, V. Clementis, who has probably taken refuge in the American zone of Ger- many. Czechoslovakia was formerly allowed immeasurably more freedom than any of the satellites in the Balkans. But the flight of Clementis, a faithful Communist whose sole crimes were a trace of national feeling and an ability to converse with Westerners, shows how even Czechoslovakia has now been reduced to the status of a Soviet province. The job has been done with perfect ruth- lessness. As a safeguard against nationalist impulses, control of the Communist party in Bohemia has been transferred to non- Czechs, like the Sudeten Germans, Ger- minder -and Koehler. In Slovakia, similarly, the men on top now are Hungarians, Siroky and Battonvansky. Widespread purges have sapped the power of the former top party leader, President Gottwald. Gottald's humi- liation by the new, Moseow-approved chief, Slansky, was even, as it were, officially an- nounced a couple of months ago, when the leading newspaper, "Rude Pravo," a Gott- wald stronghold, was rebuked for errors and deviations, * * * IN THE BALKANS, of course, the same " job was begun much earlier. In Bul- garia, the aging Georgyi Dimitrov was or- dered to Moscow in February, 1949, and murdered there in July. Shortly thereafter, Dimitrov's deputy, Traicho Kostov, disap- peared from view, to reappear on trial as a Tito-ist at the end of the year. Since then at least 60 per cent of the Bulgarian Communists of any importance, including almost the whole top leadership, have been purged privately or in public. The Prime Minister, Chervenkov, is the most notorious Moscow stooge in any satellite state, and the new chief of army general staff, Gen- eral Panchevsky, is a former colonel in the Red Army. In Hungary, the chief national-minded Communist, Raik, was also tried and found guilty long ago, and all his followers have since been purged. More recently, the President of Hungary, Szakasits, the Judas goat who led the Hungarian Social Demo- cratic party into its alliance with the Com- munists, has himself been sent to the slaughter-house, or at least he has dis- appeared. The leading men in the gov- ernment, Rakosy, Gero and Zold, are all non-Hungarians, and the Commander of the Army, General Vata, is believed to be Russian. In Romania, no less than 192,000 mem- bers of the. Communist party had been purged, by official figures, by the end of 1950. Last year the celebrated Commun- ist chieftainess of Romania, Ana Pauker, and her deputy, Georghiu Dej, were called to Moscow, brutally disciplined, and re- turned wholly submissive. Here again, Russian control is most overt in the army, and the Soviets have openly transformed the main Romanian port, Constanza, into a Russian naval base. As for Poland, Marshal of the Red Army Rokossovsky now controls not only the national mili- tary forces, but the whole apparatus of the party and the state. In the fact of this sort of evidence, treat- ing the satellites as independent is a polite but dangerous farce. If the Texas and California National Guard divisions at- tacked Mexico, the Mexican protests would not be addressed to Austin and Sacramento. If Moscow's European satellites embark on a career of aggression, the blame will not be, theirs, and if future aggressions are to be deterred, the deterrents must be aimed at Moscow, where the power lies. (Copyright, 1951, New York Herald Tribune Inc.) tory Week population about some achievements of Negroes, the week strives to inspire younger Americans, especially younger Americans of color, to emulate people of distinction. * . * THE THEME OF this year's 26th annual observance of Negro History Week (February 11-18) will be "Eminent Negroes in World Affairs." Special recognition is also being given to the memory of the late Dr. Woodson. In line with the international theme, in- formation has been gathered about eminent Negroes of the United States, the Carrib- bean, Africa and South America. Included are: Dr. Ralph Bunche, Governor-General Felix Ebone of French Equatorial Africa, President William V. S. Tubman of Liberia, and many others. These eminent Negroes are making noteworthy contributions to their countries. It is fitting that their achievements be called to the attention of the general public particularly at this time when the democracies of the world are redoubling their efforts to serve their constituents more effectively. It is also fitting that Negro History Week this year should have an international theme to point out some achievements of the world's leading citizens of color. -Mildred Ellis CURRENT MOVIES Negro His N r- - d A .... t... ON THE Washington.,Merry-Go-Round with DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-It isn't often that senators can confidentially cross examine the Supreme Commander of the North Atlantic union! But that's what the Senate Foreign Relations and Armed Services Committees did to General Eisenhower for three long hours recently. Here are highlights from secret minutes of the meeting. Sen. "Long Tom" Connally of Texas, Chairman of the For- eign Relations Committee, opened by calling attention to four "distinguished visitors." Actually they were three distinguished isolationists-Senators Wherry of Nebraska, Bricker of Ohio, and Malone of Nevada-who have been vigorously opposed to Eisen- hower's policy in Europe-plus Senator Thye of Minnesota, who is not an isolationist. Not members of the committees, they had asked permission to attend. In referring to Nevada's Malone, an armchair strategist, Connally sarcastically called him "General Malone." Senator Long Tom, a man who knows how to run committees, also emphasized that "this is an executive session, and I wat it to be kept an executive session." He put "everybody on his honor" not even to hint to newsmen what happened at the meeting because, he warned, "some newspapermen are smart, and if you hint around, they can figure out the rest." "I see," continued Connally, eyeing the visiting senators sourly, "some of our visitors are taking notes already." Connally then turned to Eisenhower and invited him "to proceed." "I didn't come to make a speech," replied Ike. "I came to answer questions." So Connally polled the senators by seniority, and they asked the questions. Senator Russell of Georgia fired a broadside of technical questions on European strength which Eisenhower an- swered, but which, for security reasons, cannot be reported here. However, Ike said that he "hoped by the end of 1952 to have 40 European divisions." Refusing to be pinned down on the number of American troops that should be stationed in Europe, or even on the mathematical ratio of American divisions to European divisions, Ike did state that "cer- tain of our units" would have to be transferred to Europe beginning this summer. HASTEN WAR WITH RUSSIA?. Russell asked the most important question worrying the State Department and the Pentagon: Will the program of rearming West- ern Europe precipitate all-out war with Russia? Eisenhower replied that Russia's actions so far have been made on her own and not as a result of our actions. However, he admtited: "I don't understand the Russian mind, and I don't know anyone who does. I think this program is a good gamble, the best gamble we can take." Repeatedly Eisenhower stressed: "This report I am making to Congress is based upon a preliminary survey, by necessity a very hasty preliminary survey. As I get in deeper, I may find it necessary to alter my previous statements. I may come back six months from now and tell a different story." "Does this mean you are going to make periodic reports to Con- gress?" asked Senator Bridges of New Hampshire. Eisenhower replied that periodic reports would be made, but he would make them through channels "as any good soldier would." Sen. Lyndon Johnson of Texas asked about establishing an Amer- ican Foreign Legion. LINCOLN DAY QUOTES THERE WAS SOME backstage kidding when copies of the Lincoln Day booklet prepared by the GOP National Committee were passed around the Senate Republican cloakroom. The booklet was prepared to help GOP speakers give Lincoln Day speeches, an done section which caused some ribbing was "Quotations from Abraham Lincoln pertinent to current times." One or two waggish GOP members even suggested that certain quotes might be applied to their own colleagues. For Sen. Robert Taft, for instance, they suggested Lincoln's words: "A few words now to Republicans. It is exceedingly desirable that all parts of this great confederacy shall be at peace, and in har- mony with one another; let us Republicans do our part to have it so. Even though much provoked, let us do nothing through passion and ill temper." For Sen. Joe McCarthy they suggested: "If you forfeit the con- fidence of your fellow citizens, you can never again regain their respect and esteem. It is true that you may fool all of the people some of the time; you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool 'all of the people all the time." And for the old, old guard: "I shall try to correct errors when shown to be errors, and I shall adopt new views as fast as they shall appear to be true views." (Copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) (Continued from Page 1) lifted during the college year ex- cept when announced in the "Daily Official Bulletin." Failure to' comply with all regu- lations governing the use of au- tomobiles by University students will invite penalties in the form of monetary fines, and/or with- drawal of the driving permit it- self. Engineers, Physics and Math Students: The following men will be interviewing June and August graduates this week: Feb. 14, 15 & 16: Mr. William Werback of Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corp., San Diego, Calif. Feb. 15 & 16: Mr. Ray Blay- lock of Chance Vought, Dallas, Texas. 1 Feb. 15 & 16: Mr. Ray Schney- yer of Aro, Inc., Tullahoma, Ten- essee. (Mr. Schneyer will also hold a group meeting at 7:30 p.m., Feb. 14, Room 1213, E.E.) Further information and inter- view schedules are posted on the Aeronautical Engineering bulletin board opposite Room 1079, E.E. Bureau of Appointments: The Merrill-Palmer School, De- troit, Mich., is offering assistant- ships and advanced fellowships for graduate students in the fol- lowing: 1. Physical Growth 2. Psychology 3. Family Life 4. Infant Laboratory 5. Nursery School 6. Recreational Clubs 7. Research 8. Nursing 9. Library For further information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 35- 28 Administration Bldg. Bureau of Appointments: The Palmer Incorporated Schools, Palmer, Alaska need a band teacher. They will consider those without experience. The Near East College Associa- tion, New York, N.Y. need per- sonnel for colleges in Turkey, Le- banon, and Greece. They are seeking teachers of Art History, English, Music, Science, History, Home Economics, Physical Edu- cation, Mathematis,- Commerce, and Elementary grades. The American College for Girls, Istanbul, Turkey needs a young American woman to teach physi- cal education for a period of three years. For further information con- tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg. Lectures University Lecture, auspices of the Department of English Lan- guage and Literature. "Modern American Literary Criticism." James R. Sutherland, of the Uni- versity of London, Visiting Pro- fessor at Indiana University, Wed.. Feb. 14, 4:15 p.m., Kellogg Audi- torium. University Museums Lecture. "Microscopic Life in Michigan Seas 300,000,000 Years Ago" (il- lustrated). Dr. Robert V. Kesling, Assistant Professor of Geology and Associate Curator of Micro- paleontology ii the Museum of Paleontology. Wed., Feb. 14, 8:15 p.m., School of Public Health Au- ditorium. Freshman Health Lectures for Men, Second Semester, 1950-51: It is a University requirement that all entering Freshmen, in- cluding veterans, attend a series of lectures on Personal and Com- munity Health and pass an ex- amination on the content of these lectures. Thansfer students with freshman standing (less than 30 hours credit) are also required to take the course unless they have had a similar course elsewhere which has been accredited here. Upperclassmen who were here as freshman and who did not ful- fill the requirements are request- ed to do so this term. The lectures will be given in Room 25, Angell Hall at 4 and at 7:30 p.m. as per the following schedule: Lecture No. Day Date 1 Mon. Feb. 12 2 Tues. Feb. 13 3 Wed. Feb. 14 4 Thurs. Feb. 15 5 Mon. Feb. 19 6 Tues. Feb. 20 7 (Final Exam) Wed. Feb. 21 You may attend at either of the above hours. Enrollment will take place at the first lecture. Note that attendance is required. Academic Notices Make-up Examination, Philo- sophy 34: Mon., Feb. 19, 1:30- (Editor's Note-The following article was writ- ten by Mildred Ellis, a University graduate stu- dent in Musicology. Miss Ellis will present a special program of piano music by outstanding Negro composers on WUOM at 7 p.m. tomorrow.) FOR A DEMOCRACY to function at its best each member should feel it his supreme obligation to live constructively and to contribute toward the general good of the entire society. No one individual or group of individuals should feel that his contribution, however small, is insignificant, but rather that it is necessary to enrich the whole. The American Negro, a member of a democratic society has, throughout his history, striven to contribute to the gen- eral good of this society according to his talents and opportunities provided him. Constitutionally speaking, he is quite young as a full-fledged citizen and for this reason sometimes many of his achievements tend to go unnoticed-by those even of his own race, as well as by those of other races. * * * THUS IT WAS FELT necessary to set aside a special week in the year when emphasis could be placed on achievements of Negroes. This idea was given shapd by the late Dr. Carter G. Woodson, noted Negro historian, and blossomed into what is now known as Negro History Week. The week, falling around the second week in February, is selected so as to include the birthdays of two outstanding Americans-- Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. Dr. Woodson's aim in observing such a week was an attempt at "mass educa- tion"-to bring to the attention of the public the achievements of persons of African blood not with the aim of merely emphasizing Negro History, but to bring to the public's attention facts relating to the Negro in history. As Dr. Woodson said, "What we need is not a history of selected races or nations, but a history of the world void of national bias, race hate, and religious prejudice. The case of the Negro is well taken care of when it it shown how he has influenced the devel- opment of civilization." In addition to enlightening the general Freedom FREEDOM OF MEN under government is to have a standing rule to live by, com- mon to every one of that society, and made by the legislative nower vested in it: a lib- At The State . 0 . GROUNDS FOR MARRIAGE, with Van Johnson, Kathryn Grayson, Paula Ray- mond, Reginald Owen. VAN JOHNSON is still Van Johnson even though they change the name of the pic- ture and call him "doctor." And as usual, he grimaces his merry way through a variety of sets ranging from a symphony orchestra in an hospital amphitheater to a Greenwich Village bistro. * The movie aspires no higher than to be "cute." And it is occasionally this, and never more. As usual, an old story is re- surrected: ex-wife decides she wants ex- husband who thinks he wants greener pastures while ex-husband's playboy brother knows he wants ex-wife. All this means that the various characters scamper -:* BARNABY We should have kept this That wasn't a cop's beep. Those guys hijacked I