___THE MICHIGAN DAILY SAT 'URDAY, MARCH 31, 1951 Undercover Action TASHTENAW COUNTY'S Rent Advisory Board has displayed a great lack of rernmental responsibility in not announc- that it has decided to recommend rent control for Ann Arbor, Whether or not decontrol is justified, irpressing the news that the board has eted on the matter certainly is not. One oard member said that word of the meet- g was kept undercover so that the pub- c would. not become stirred up needless- . If people had become heated about he action, they might have put some pres- ire on the board. rhroughout the country the rent issue s been a hot one. In Ann Arbor interest s dropped off in the past months. The ard feels that rental housing is adequate. d with the possibility that many land- ds are getting above ceiling rates, the 'itorials published in The Michigan Daily r written by members of The Daily staff d represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: RON WATTS board has decided to recommend that Washington remove controls. Possibly the board is correct in its as- sumptions. But, as one board member point- ed out, no real study of the problem has Ieen made. In the past such actions have only been taken after investigators from the Detroit rent office had made a thor- ough study. That !decontrol of the Ann Arbor area would be discussed at the meeting was un- known to some of the members. The labor representative - who speaks for the lar- gest tenant group in the city-was absent. And according to members of the board, the meeting itself was one of high feeling. After the decision was made the presi- dent of the city council was not even in- formed of the action. Word finally got out Thursday thanks to some alert re- porting by WPAG's Otis Hardy.' There does not seem to be any excuse for keeping news of the board's action from those most vitally affected. When a govern- ment body acts in the manner that the rent board did, there is no justification in saying that the people have any place in the government. -Vernon Emerson MATTR OPFACT By JOSEPH ALSOP )TN-The newly rebuilt Rhine bridges are newly chambered, to be blown up in if need arises. The British, French i American occupetion forces are being Lbat-trained and tactically re-disposed >e ready to defend the Rhine line against armies of the Soviet empire. Rein- :ements for this purpose are already ring into Germany. There is only one ect in this picture of active preparation. 1n plain language, even if Germany is be abandoned to a second devastation, e rest of Western Europe cannot be illy successfully defended on the line the Rhine in this age of the new apons. This central fact, admitted by ery general staff in Europe, transforms erything that is being done now into a DRAMA THE MASTER BUILDER. By Henrik Ibsen. Presented by the Arts Theater Club at 209 East Washington. BY THIS TIME it has become a little re- dundant to point out that the Arts The- ater group has been industriously at work these past months demonstrating that it is not impossible to find excellent drama, well-produced, in Ann Arbor. I shall never- theless once more remind those of you whoy have not yet investigated the group's activi- ties to do so. The Master Bulder is as good a place to begin as any. The play has to do, briefly, with an aging builder whose reach has always ex- ceeded his grasp, and who finds that he has built at'the expense of others. Being by nature a thoughtful man, this realiza- tion results in a great deal of introspec- tion about whether or not the goal is worth the race; whether the good he has done in the world can be genuinely good if others have been hurt in the process. Clustering about this more or less central problem are such issues as the builder's r responsibility to his wife and to his em- ployes; to his God; and to himself. A familiar enough theme, Lord knows, but no less ponderous because of it. The in- evitable result is, of course, much talk, much defining of emotions, much self-analysis. Happily, the Arts Theater group appear able to do this sort of thing with life and vitality, and with the maximum of variety in char- acters which do not easily lend themselves to variety. Dana Elcar, who bore the heaviest burden as the builder, was as clear cut and precise in his performance as anyone has the right to ask. As his wife, Bette Ellis was properly bemused and other-worldly. Also partici- pating, but in briefer roles, were Jerry Le- pard, Pat Newhall, Strowan Robertson, and Warren Pickett, all of whom acquitted themselves with delicacy and perceition. Sonya Raimi, who was Hilda Wangel--a sort of alter-ego to the builder's soul-search- ings-I found something below class aver- age. In a role filled with innuendo and entendre she delivered her part from the surface; from the obvious. The result was simplicity where there should have been complexity; frankness where there ought to have been ambiguity. Either a fault in di- rection or interpretation, this was never- theless too bad, because the role is an im- portant one. Direction was by Strowan Robertson, who\ delivered here one of the best packages the group has yet turned out. Set and lights were by Jerry Lepard and Warren Pickett, and Joyce Edgar was responsible for prop- erties. The Master Builder is, in total, an imaginative and engrossing production, ex- cellently acted, and produced on a level far makeshift and a stopgap. Furthermore, every general staff in Europe, conspicu- ously including the French, also firmly agrees that a substantial German con- tribution is needed for the more advanced and sounder Western defense on the line of the Elbe. These unpleasant truths in turn explain why a single question now dominates the European scene. Do the Western Europeans really want to defend themselves enough to make the heavy effort to rebuild their power, and meanwhile to defy the Soviet menaces End threats intended to deter them from this vital task? * * * * THIE QUESTION ultimately turns upon the problem of the German contribution, which is essential to complete a solid West- ern defense. Hence preventing the German contribution is the object of all the Soviet threats and menaces. An empire of hun- dreds of millions of people, with upwards of 10,000,000 men actually under arms, cannot after all be hysterically alarmed by the recreation of ten or fifteen divisions by an amputated nation of 50,000,000. The Kremlin's true purpose is not to keep Ger- many disarmed,-but to keep the whole West undefended. British, French and German attitudes will give the final answer to the great question. Speaking first of the German attitude exhaustive cenversations with Chancellor Adenauer, the opposition lead- er, Dr. Schumacher, and almost all the other leafing Germans directly involved, have convinced this reporter that few matters have been so persistently mis- represented. Undoubtedly the spirit of neutralism-,-of , 'ohne' mich" or "count me out"-is strong in Germany today as it is elsewhere in Europe. Of course this spirit will triumph if the Western allies convince the Germans they have nothing to fight for. But if the Western Germans have a country to defend, they will de- fend it. As to the conditions of a German con- tribution to Western defense there is, first of all, complete agreement in principle be- tween Chancellor Adenauer and his great socialist opponent Dr. Schumacher. The Germans must be granted political equality. They must be granted military equality. And the Western, forces in Germany must be strengthened, to form a screen behind which the creation of new German forces can more safely proceed. Dr. Schumacher, who has been making valuable political capital out of this issue, specifically denounces the "neutralization" of Germany. His line is rather to proclaim that the three conditions are not being and will not be adequately met. Since he wants to come to power and finds the issue useful, he may be expected to attack any bargain Chancellor Adenauer makes. But the satis- faction of Dr. Schumacher is less important than the satisfaction of the German people. * * * * (HANCELLOR ADENAUER clearly believes that if the allies are willing to grant to Germany genuine political and military equality, the German people will be satis- fied. In the embryo defense establishment that the Chancellor has formed, headed by the miners' leader, Herr Blank, and Gen- erals Speidel and Heusinger, it is even esti- mated that a volunteer force of 200,000- or just about enough for twelve German divisions-can be raised in Germany the day after equality is granted. The trouble is that equality is not being granted at the moment. The political ne- gotiations have bogged down. On the mili- tary side the best French offer to date is the Pleven plan. For reasons which must be examined on another occasion, this is anathema in Germany. In short, all is on dead center at the moment. Perhaps, in the end, neutralism will triumph in Germany, partly because of the Western allies' delays and indeci- Rushing Enforcement THIFIRST experiment with tightened enforcement of fraternity rushing rules fizzled to an end Wednesday night, as the IFC Executive Council dismissed charges against the last three "dirty rushing" sus- pects. As it turned out, evidence was not suf- ficient to w =' fining the three. But the fact that final consideration of these cases took place a month after rushing concluded points out a major flaw in the new enforcement system. By this time, it is a matter of indiffer- ence to the campus whether the fraterni- ties are fined or not-rushing is now a dead issue. Presumably, the IFC is not col- lecting fine money to add to their already bulging coffers, but only to encourage oth- er houses to play fair in rushing. A fine now would be completely forgotten by the time the IFC declares open season again on independents, and would hence have been useless even if one of the fraternities had been guilty. The delay was essentially due to pro- crastination by the Executive Council, which is empowered to judge the cases brought before it by the Enforcement Committee. The council stuck to a bi- weekly meeting schedule despite the ob- vious need for quick action on rushing violations. Sigma Alpha Epsilon kindly arranged their violation just before a meeting, but other fraternities were less considerate. In most other respects, the IFC policing of rushing was a success. This year "dirty rushing" was the exception rather than the rule. But the future effectiveness of the program has been threatened by the leth- argy of the Executive Council. If the frater- nities can count on IFC inactivity, then there will be little fear of being caught cheating on the rushing rules. The experience of this semester has shown that, if the new system is to be prevented from degenerating into as much of a farce as the old, the Executive Council must as- sume the responsibility of taking immediate action on rushing violations. -Crawford Young A Lesson APPARENTLY the United States has learned something from its own and other countries' efforts to do business with dictators or with men who act like dictators. Edward G. Miller, Jr., assistant secretary of state for inter-American affairs, has ex- pressed himself as "deeply concerned" over the closing of La Prensa, Buenos Aires news- paper, and has said North American public reaction to this is bound to limit the ability of the United States Government to con- tinue positive efforts for cooperation with Argentina. That cooperation within the last year has included a $125,000,000 credit to Argentina through the Export-Import Bank to furnish dollars for unpaid United States creditors of, the normally wealthy South American coun- try and so to facilitate trade between Argen- tina and the United States. But where freedom of persons and ideas is encroached upon, freedom of enterprise and trade does not long flourish. The maneuvered assault on La Prensa for its independent attitude toward President Juan Peron is a threat by example to the right of peoples to a free press anywhere. The subterfuge of working through gov- ernment-dominated so-called labor unions while the 1,300 actual employees of La Prensa petition for its reopening only re- calls the Nazi tactics of Dr. Robert Ley, under whom German labor organizations were contorted into servitors of Hitler. With such methods those who love the principles of individual liberty can find little in common. -Christian Science Monitor QPS"TQ-Et!! 'ppF 3d 4 V t IettePJTO THE EDITOR' The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. "Please - One Guessing Game At A Time!" ..3_ L f K Y SCR ,z. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Invitation, To the Editor: REGARDING THE article in Tuesday's Daily about the1 two young ladies from Chicago who are desirous of being invited to entertain some of the local residents, Miss Watts remarked, "The invitation probably will nev- er come.". We the residents of the third floor of Adams House wish to take issue with that statement and announce to all concerned that there are still some red-blooded Michigan men who would genu- inely appreciate a generous view of feminine pulchritude which is so sadly lacking here on campus. Therefore, we take this opportun- ity to cordially extend an invita- tion to the Misses Orlando and Arbor to display their art here on campus. -Bob Schmidt Bill Broecher Chuck Averill Dale Diener David Weaver Warren Russ Harold Hilsinger Daniel Fogel Steve True Stuart Orman John Sweetland A. Wayne Slawson Donald Schade Robert Buechner Neil Bernstein Dale Clark Daniel Palmer Thomas Buck Bruce Thornton O. A. Miltner Joseph Tardiff James Hilbrt Ralph Smith Amourous Garg ;. Dear Daily: WE LOVE YOU, too. -Gargoyle A Mother's Protest. . .. To the Editor: EVER SINCE my daughter en-' rolled at the University of Michigan a year ago last fall I have been a loyal subscriber of The Michigan Daily. During this period, one summer included, I have not noticed one instance of the sort of libidinous, licentious and pornographic journalism as that which appeared on the front page of your Mar. 27 issue. Until you disgraced yourselves by print- ing those two obscene pictures of burlesque women and the accom- panying suggestive story, I firm- ly believed that The Daily was one of the best papers in the country. I can no longer feel this now and am seriously considering cancelling my subscription even though it has two months to run. Not only do I think it outrage- ous of you to insult the minds and bodies of my daughter and her friends in the dormitory with an article of this nature, but it seems to me, with so many of our young college men being sent to Korea, that plain common sense and good taste should prevail in The Daily at least. You have sadly disappointed me. -Mrs. Williams Spelling . . . To the Editor: N YOUR feature on Luis Child in Sunday's Daily you men- tion the name of his county (and mine) no less than five times. And every last time you misspell it!! This has been going on in your paper for months and I've charitably attributed it to the us- ual "typographical error," up un- til now. But this is going too far. For your information, the offi- cial name of the northernmost country in South America is Co- lombia. With an "o," not a "u." For a college newspaper, that's not too good. I'm sure you'll find no justification in "common us- age." You are thinking of the Dis- trict of Columbia, British Colum- bia, Columbia University, Colum- bia the gem of the Ocean, or something else. Definitely not the Republic of Colombia. And while you were at this business of misspelling, you went all the way. You didn't even get the name of the principal char- acter right. His name is Child, not "Childs." But what really takes the $64 is the little word "Bolikenionos." After much re- search, I found out you meant the 1947 "Juegos Bolivarianos," or Bolivarian gamnes. Somebody at the Daily better get on the ball. -Roberto Valenzuela, '53E * * * Hair Trouble.... To the Editor: A COMMUNICATION to the edi- tor in the issue of the Michi- gan Daily for March 29 contains the following sentence: "I think we are all convinced that Heifetz is one of our leading artists today, and regardless of what Mr. Gross says we don't have to get our dandruff up just because we don't agree with him." Fortunately readers who do not have dandruff will not be at all disturbed by Mr., Gross's musical critiques. Those who are afflicted with dandruff will be under obli- gations to Mr. Gross if the dand- ruff falls off as it rises. -Eugene S. McCartney * * * Arts Festival .. . To the Editor: WISH to give a personal vote of thanks to the Inter-Arts Union for the results of their effort on the Student Art Festival. I found that it had much to offer the par- ticipants, both in entertainment and pleasure, and in enriching the experience in the art forms repre- sented. On the debit side is the fact that more of the campus did not share it. A full weekend of events may have contributed to this. However, the Inter-Arts Union should find it encouraging that at least one ex-student will leave home Easter weekend and travel 100 miles to come to the Festival, and that a graduating student will also accept a blanket invitation to come 'back for next year's program. From my point of view, all the programs had a lot to contribute, although they were not uniform in quality. The pane discussions, y ' m 4 ' = 4 r+M 7 M~I-. CeM*..Y The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construe- M tire notice to all members of the Uni- M versity. Notices should be sent in r TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552 Administration Building, by 3 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11 a.-t m, Saturdays). SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1951 VOL. LXI, No. 126 0 Notices Men Students: Applications are now being accepted by the Inter-Coopera- tive Council for rooming or boarding for both the summer and fall semes- ters. For information write Personnel Chairman, 1017 Oakland or call, 22218 JUNIORS in Mechanical and Indus- 1e trial-Mechanical Engineering: Quite a few companies are sending represen- tatives to interview Juniors for sum- mer employment 1951. Notice is caled to the Mechanical Engineering Bulletin Board at 225 W. Engineering Bldg. Proctor & Gamble Company wish to have preliminary application blanks sent in early in April, for May I inter views. Submit applications by April 5. Interview schedules are posted about a week in advance of date of interviews. University Community Center, Willow e Run Village: t Sun., April 1, village Church Fellow- n ship (interdenominational) 10:45h Church and Sunday-schol; 4:30 Di- s cussion Group; 5:30 Pot-luck Supper. p Mon., April 2, 8 p.m. Fashion Show * Rehearsal. Tues., April 3, 8 p.m., Wives' Club - Home Fashion Show. Wed., April 4, 8 p.m., Choir Practice. 0 Thurs., April 5, 8 p.m., Ceramics. I R Academic Notices Set Theory Seminar: Mon., April 2, C 3 p.m., 2016 Angell Hall. Dr. Frank n Harary will speak on "The Stone Repre- g smtation Theorem of Boolean Alge- h, bras." * i Doctoral Examinationfor E. James Moore, Geologist; thesis: "Determina- a tion of Crustal Structure by the Dis- c persion of Rayleigh Waves," Mon., April 2, 4065Natural Science Bldg., 3 p.m. Chairman, J. T. Wilson. Doctoral Examination for Alfred S. Ray. Economics; thesis: "The Problem of Economic Development in Backward Areas with Special References to Iran," Mon., April 2, 105 Economics Bldg., 3 p.m. Chairman, C. F. Remer. Lecturesg University Lecture, auspices of the Department of Psychiatry and the Neurosurgery Division, Department of Surgery. "Some Neurophysioogical Me- chanisms Underlying Consciousness and the Higher Integrated Functions of the Brain." Dr. Herbert H. Jasper, Neuro-B physiologist, Montreal Neurological In- stitute, Mon., April 2, 4 p.m., University Hospital Amphitheater. University Lecture, auspices of the T Department of English. "The Poet as Creator." Meyer H. Abram, Associate Professor of English, Cornell University Mon., April 2, 4:15 pam., Kellogg Audi- torium. Prof. Abram is the author of "Archetypal Analogies in the Language of Criticisni." which never did descend to the level of saying nothing at all and at least once reached a high pitch of excitement, were surprisingly valuable. At a University as large as this, the works of the various people contributing to the Festival are often obscured in the crowd or confined to their individual com- partments of study. Then the Inter-Arts' Union's role in making this work available to a larger seg- ment of the crowd enables many of us to realize and enjoy the crea- tive things being done which we might not otherwise even know about. I hope that next year's Festival will hve even more to offer, with more art work of a broadened scope. -Pam Wagner * ' * To the Editor: WAS interested to read in The Daily last week that one of our IRegents. Mr. Bonisteel, was invit- ed by a State Legislature commit- tee to discuss the University's bud- get with them. This was certainly a courteous gesture and also a well timed poli- tical move since Mr. Bonisteel is a candidate for re-election Mon- day. I am sure, however, that I was not alone in thinking as I read the article how much better it would have been for the University if we had read that the entire Board of Regents, as the elected political arm of the University, had taken the initiative of going to the Leg- islature to insist on adequate ap- propriations for the University. Perhaps what we need is to elect the two Democratic candi- dates Monday to provide a shot in the arm for the remaining six Re- publicans. -Leah Marks At The Orpheum .. . DULCIMER STREET, with Richard At- tenborough Alastair Sim, Tay Compton, and Stephen Murray. IF MID-SEMESTER exams are getting you down, a good antidote is Dulcimer Street, which is humorous, entertaining, and absolutely unrelated to academic mat- ters. No. 10 Dulcimer, in London (circa. 1939) as you undoubtedly suspect, is tenanted by assorted representatives of what sociologists call the "upper-lower class," with several verging on the "lower-lower." Young Percy Dobbs swipes a car from which an unwant- ed girl friend falls out, leaving her dead and him implicated. The girl of his dreams takes up with the policeman. who is after him. The landlady settles for a crafty medium, and the unattached lady upstairs tries to steal the milk, as she happens to come in about that time of the morning. Events improve as they go, especially when the "Save Percy Dobbs" movement is organized. Although this writer can profess no pri- BARNABY i f 17 ' "'-- - I m it i * 11