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March 31, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-03-31

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Latest Deadline in the State


-_.... _ __. _..Y -


VOL. LXI, No. 126



SMlini, USC
plead NC AA
Gym Meet
Roetzheim, Stout
Pace Qualifiers
Illinois and Southern California,
- with 12 qualifiers each, paced the
preliminary rounds of the NCAA
Gymnastics Meet at the Intramur-
'al Building yesterday.
The Illini, undisputed pre-tour-
nament favorites to retain the na-
tional title which they have made
a habit of winning during the eight
year history of the meet, ran into
unexpectedly, strong competition,
and had to "push" to qualify one
man in each. of the 10 events.
THE TROJANS displayed depth
in tumbling, free exercise, long
horse and, trampoline,' qualifying
two men in each event and also
sending. two mep to the finals of
the importsynt all-around event.
Michigan State, Florida State
and Syracuse did their bit to
prevent total Illinf-Trojan dom-
ination of the meet, but the other
18 teams were completely out of
the running throughout most of
the afternoon and evening ses-
Michigan earned four berths in
tonight's final competition. Reli-
able Captain Ed Buchanan quali-
fied first out of 16 entrants in the
trampoline event. Con Ettl, the
Wolverine jack-of-all-trades, qual-
ified for free exercise, the parallel
bars an'd the horizontal bar.
were Mel Stout of Michigan State,
Florida State's Bill Roetzheim, Joe
Baba of Syracuse and Joe Kotys
of Kent State.
Stout, who virtually swept last
week's Conference meet, quail.
fied in seven events, leading the
field on the parallel bars, and
finishing near the top on the
flying rings and the horizontal
Top-qualifier in the all-around
event was Roetzheim who, a-
though he did not score first in a
single event, was consistently near
the top.
*p . * e
DEFENDING all-around, cham-
pion Kotys, who also holds the
parallel bars atid horizontal bar
crowns, did not win any of these
events, although he easily outdis-
See BUCHANAN, Page 3
7Gromyko Hits _
=XAtlantic Pact in
Paris Meeting
PARIS--(P) - Andrei Gromyko
attacked the North Atlantic Pact
in the Big Four deputies meeting
last night and said it should be
discussed by the Council of For-
*eign Minister's.
The Soviet deputy Foreign Min-
ister singled out "the creation of
' American military bases in Eng-
land, Norway, Iceland and in
other countries of Europe and the
Near East" under the 12-nation
He introduced also a proposal
that the foreign ministers take up
provisions of the Italian, Roman-
ian, Bulgarian and Hungarian
peace treaties.
Western officials who attended
; this 20th session of the United

States, British, French and Rus-
sian deputies s a id Gromyko's
speech by raising the Atlantic Pact
issue, may have "seriously set
back" the four-power efforts to
draw up an agenda for the foreign
ministers. The United States, Bri-,
tain and France are all members
of the pact.
Early in the long meeting,
Gromyko asked the Western dele-
gates for their answers to the new
proposals on the level of four-
power armament and German de-
militarization which he introduced
Halt Absentee
Ballots Today
Today is the last chance for
away-from-home voters to obtain
absentee ballots for the State's

NwRent Pliy
'Bings Pr~otests,'
Control Board Chairman Issues
Explanation of Surprise Decision
A surprise move by the County Rent Advisory Board to end rent
controls in Ann Arbor yesterday brought an explanation from"the
board's chairman, an attack on the ruling from an SL committee
and the protest resignation of a board member.
Karl Karsian, one of the three on the board who opposed the
decision to decontrol the city, has sent his resignation to Federal
Housing Expeditor Tighe Woods.
"I am protesting the hasty and irresponsible action of the board
in recommending decontrol of rents in this area. I believe that this










W. H. Judd
TO Lecture
On Far East
Rep. Walter H Judd, (T-Minn.)
will deliver a ser s of two lectures
here tomorrow when he addresses
meetings at the First Methodist
"The Meaning of Events in the
Far East" will be' the topic of his
talk at 7 p.m. in the Wesley
* * *

is a matter too vital to the citizens
of Ann Arbor to be decided so
THE DECISION came at a clos-
ed' meeting of the board Monday.
In what was reported to be a heat-
ed session, the group split five to
three over passage of the measure.
One member-a -representative of
local labor-was absent.
What happens to Ann Arbor's
rent regulations is now solely in
the hands of Housing Expeditor
Woods, unless the board rescinds
its action.
A flurry of protests to, the
board's decision arose with the
announcement of the group's
action. One came from the Stu-
dent Legislature's Campus Ac-
tion Committee, which plans to
propose to SL Wednesday that
a letter of protest be sent to
Leah Marks, '52, chairman of
SL's newly reactivated Rent Con-
trdl Committee, said the proposed
letter will tell Woods that no real
study of the city's rent set-up has
ever been made.
"We will also point out that al-
though the board says a decrease
in University enrollment has eas-
ed the local rent situation, the
number of students in graduate
schools has increased," Miss Marks
said. "And most of these people
will continue to live outside resi-
dence halls."
THE biggest complaint against
the board's action came from
citizens protesting the secrecy sur-
rounding the meeting. No word
of the decision got out to the pub-
lic until Thursday.
Board chairman Wilson H.
White explained this in a pre-
pared statement yesterday. "As
a majority of the board felt that
the action was only a recom-
mendation, any announcement,
might be construed as definitek
White said those supporting the
decision feel that Ann Arbor's
rent situation has gradually
changed until at present there is
a substantial number of housing'
accommodations and few seeking
THESE BOARD members gave
the following as other reasons for
justifying decontrol:
1. University enrollment has not
only dropped, but opening the new
South Quad will take many stu-
dents out of rooming houses.
2. When a chance to ask for
rent increases was given local
landlords only 25 percent applied.
Many of the rest are suspected of
violating the law, making it in-
3. Rental housing accommoda-
tions in Ann Arbor and surround-
ing area have been greatly in-
creased in the past five years.

Lounge. A forum discussion per-
iod will follow the address, which
will be open to the public.
AT THE REGULAR 10:45 a.m.
worship service he will speak on
the topic, "The Christian Faith
in a Worlds of Conflict."
Rep. Judd has had a varied
career, working as a physician,,
missionary and Congressman.
In 1925 he volunteered. as a
medical missionary to China un-
der the Foreign Mission Board of
the Congregational Church. He
served .six years in South China,
organizing and building a hospi-
tal during that time.
Rep. Judd subsequently spent
four years in North China, where
he was the superintendent of a
hospital. During this period he
and his staff worked through a
Communist revolution and the
Japanese invasion.
In 1938 he returned to the Uni-
ted States and made a nation-
wide speaking tour to arouse the
public to the problems of the Far
East. Partly as a result of this
tour he was entered in the Minne-
sota congressional race in 1942,
from which he emerged victori-
Since that time Rep. Judd has
served in the House of Represen-
tatives. He is currently a mem-
ber of the House Committee on
Foreign Affairs.

General Clay
Resigns as
Wilson's Aid
cius D. Clay, target of labor union
criticism, resigned yesterday as a
top adviser to Defense Mobilizer
Charles E. Wilson.
His departure may help end the
union leaders' "revolt" against the
admnistration's home-front poli-
cies, although Clay denied empha-
tically he had that in mind.
CLAY, who is returning to his
post as chairman of the Continen-
tal Can Company, New York, had
been assailed by union representa-
tives who expressed fear that he
might favor compulsory labor
service. Wilson denied that Clay
or any other of his assistants had
that in mind.
Labor leaders pulled their rep-
resentatives out of the federal
emergency agencies s e v e r a 1
weeks ago with a blast at Wil-
son and the charge that big bus-
iness was running the mobiliza-
tion show.
Union spokesmen commenting
on Clay's acticn said it alone was
not enough to bring them troop-
ing back to Wilson's setup.
* * *
WILSON said yesterday there
had long been an understanding
that Clay could return to private
business when the Office of De-
fense Mobilization in which he
held the rank of special assisstant,
was well embarked on its gigantic
Clay was deputy to Gen
Dwight D. Eisenhower during
the last year of World War II.
Until 1949 he served as military
governor of Germany.
It was during his service there
that the famed air-lift broke the
Russian blockade of Berlin.
ALSO ON THE Economic Mobi-
lization front, Price Controller
Michael V. DiSalle said'price cuts
are coming-"in certain fields
where they are warranted." "Ra-
tioning isn't in the picture," he
Where unjustified profits are
exposed in studies, they- will be
rolled back, DiSalle pledged.
Approve New
Funds for 'U'
State legislature financial lead-
ers have approved a $1,586,000 de-
ficiency 'appropriation for the
The final figure, only $130,000
under the figure requested by the
University, was reached after a
meeting between Vice Presidents
Marvin L. Niehuss and Wilbur K.
Pierpont and State Controller
Robert F. Steadman and House
and Senate finance committee
"This amount while under our
estimate, nevertheless probably
will see us through the current
fiscal year without serious diffi-
culty," Niehuss said.
On Feb. 22 University officials
estimated their budget operating
shortages for the year ending June
30 would be approximately $1,716,-
000. Steadman had recommended
a supplemental appropriation of
The 10 per cent salary increase
granted University faculty and
employees on Dec. 16, 1950 was re-

sponsible for most of the $981,000
University officials also said
that the remainder of the deficit
was due to a loss of fee revenues.
Clever Chatter
f -. - Ct f

. . 'Enslan Managing Editor
* * *

.. .Gargoyle Managing Editor
* * *

. . 'Ensian Business Manager
-* * *

'Ensian, G;arg Staffs Picked

Harry Miller '52, and Neale
Traves '32, were appointed man-
aging editor and business mana-
ger respectively of the 1952 Michi-
ganensian last night by the Board
in Control of Student Publications.

At the same time

the BoardI

Vote To Cite'
Costello ifor
ate topped off the sensation
packed hearings of its crime com-
mittee yesterday by voting con-
tempt citations against 12 balky
witnesses headed by Frank Cos-
tello, reputed New York gambling
At the same time Senator Wiley
(R-Wis) announced he and Sena-
tor Tobey (R-NH) will introduce
a resolution within a week to ex-
tend the life of the committee un-
til next Jan. 15.
* * *
originally was scheduled to expire
tonight but the Senate, acceding
to popular demand, voted late
Wednesday for a month's exten-
The list, besides Costello, in-
cluded Frank Erickson, big time
New York bookmaker who is
serving a two year jail sentence
for gambling; Joe Adonis, New
York and New Jersey gambler,
described as a Costello lieuten-
ant, Morris Kleinman,' said to
have once been the king - of
Cleveland bootleggers; Lo u is
Rothkopf, another alleged for-
mer Cleveland bootlegger; and
Jacob Guzik.
Conviction of contempt carries
a maximum penalty of a year in
jail and a $1,000 fine on each
Costello was cited for a refusal
to tell the committee how much
he was worth, financially, and to
give other information.
Most of the others declined to
give information on the grounds
it might tend to incriminate them;
or they refused to appear before
television cameras set up in the
The contempt cases will be re-
ferred to the federal district at-
torneys in the cities where the
witnesses refused to testify.

appointed Peg Nimz '53 managing
editor and John Merow '52E, bus-
iness manager &_ the Gargoyle for'
the coming year.
* * *
MILLER, 20 years old, hails
from Ashtabula, Ohio. A former
member of The Daily, he. joined
,the 'Ensian staff in 1949 and was
a junior editor of the 1951 year-
Traves, whose hometown is
Rocky River, Ohio, joined the
'Ensian in 1949. . He was pro-
motions manager in 1950 and
advertising manager this year.
A member of Phi Gamma Delta,
Traves has also been active in
the Union Opera, being promo-
tions manager for last year's
World News
By The Associated Press
LONDON-The U.S. Air Force,
yesterday called off the eight-day
hunt for survivors of a Globe-
master transport plane which van-
ished mysteriously with 53 men in
a storm over the Atlantic.
* * *
NEW YORK-Jose Ferrer said
ysterday his winning of a Holly-
wood Oscar for 1950's top film
performance by an actor was a
direct slap at those trying to
smear him as a Red.
Alberto Gainza Paz, editor of the
independent newspaper La Prensa
closed by Congressional authori-
ties in Buenos Aires, said .yester-
day he will remain in exile in
Uruguary until freedom of the
press is restored in Argentina.
-, *
WASHINGTON - President
Truman pledged United States
resources yesterday to help re-
lieve France, Britain, Belgium,
Holland, Norway and other al-
lies of the "fear of ' being over-
run once more in another gener-
* * *
GRAND RAPIDS-"No change"
was reported yesterday in the con-
dition of Sen. Arthur H. Vanden-
berg, seriously ill at his home here.
NEW YORK-Canadian Defense.
Minister Brooke Claxton yesterday
called the proposed St. Lawrence
Waterways Project "an urgently
needed lefense measure."

production, "Lace It Up," and
general secretary for the current
"Go West-Madam."
Miss Nimz, 18 years old and
from Chicago, was a Garg staffer
during its undercover days as an
unrecognized student publication.
She became a member of theedi-
torial board when the humor
magazine was welcomed back into
the official family last semester.
* *, *
MEROW, 21 years old, from
Little Valley, N. Y. joined the
Garg staff this year. 'He is presi-
dent of Kappa Sigma.
Rounding out next year's
Garg senior staff will be Jim
Eldrige '53 A, who was reap-
pointed art editor.
Two asso iate editors were also
appointed to the 'Ensian editorial
staff-Margaret Padden '52, of
Ferndale, Mich., and Polly Kurtz
'53 of Clearfield, Pa.
IN CHARGE of the business end
Of the 1952 year book will be Peg
Blackford, '52 Ed, of Findley, Ohio,
office manager; Dorothy Blom-'
quist '52 BAd, of Detroit, account
manager; Elliott Jose, '52 BAd, of
Indianapolis, advertising nyana-
ger; and Sid Kripke '53, of Toledo,
general sales manager.
Miller will succeed Paul Sage,
'51, of Bessemer, Mich., as 'En-
sian managing editor, while
Traves will take over the bus-
iness manager's position vacated
by Slug Kettler '51, of Chevy
Chase, Md.a
Mss Nimz will be.replacing Bob
Uchitelle '51, of Great Necks, N. Y.,
who led Gargoyle out of the cel-
lar into its place in the sun.
Farm Prices
Drop Slightly
WASHINGTON-(P)-The aver-
age price of farm products de-
clined nearly one per cent from
Feb. 15 to March 15 while the cost
of things the farmer buys rose 1.5
per cent to set a new record, the
Agriculture Department reported
These figures could have the
effect, temporarily at least, of
taking some of the steam out of
demands for moresdrastic con-
trols on farm prices.
Today's report represented a
break in an uptrend2which had
boosted farm prices 26 per cent
since the Korean war broke out.,

Enemy Continues
Mass Buildup
TOKYO-OP)--Fresh Red troops
hit' into the Korean central front
and today seized positions a mile
from, American-occupied Chun-
chon, the offensive jumpoff point
for either side.
This was not the expected Red
spring offensive but it may be £
forerunner of it. Heavy move-
ment of'enemy traffic toward the
front continued despite unrelent-
ing Allied aerial assaults. Allied
pilots said they destroyed about
100 of 1,800 vehicles sighted lst
MEANWHILE, American tank
forces smashed across the 38th
parallel into Red North Korea. The
crossing by U.S. Troops north of
Seoul came just a week after
South Korean forces on the east
coast punched over the parallel
without opposition.
The lunge close to Chunchon
was the Reds' strongest push
south of the 38th parallel sinoe
the Communist Chinese and
North Koreans began their
withdrawal six weeks ago.
Some of the day's sharpest
flghtii g was in the sector west of
Changgo, 25 miles northeast ofj
Seoul on a highway running north-
east out of Uijonbu
THERE WAS evidence of a
Communist withdrawal across
the Imjin iver in the Munsan
area 21 miles northwest ofSebuh.
U.S. troops pushed north for sub-'
stantial gains yesteray south and
east of the Imjin.
At least 30,000 rested Chinese
troops were rushed into central
front positions, field reports
said. These replaced battle
casualties and, troops incapaci-
tated by disease.
Once again a massive Red build-
up appeared definitely underway.
Allied commanders anticipated ad
spring drive sometime during the
first three weeks of April. from
as many as 270,000 fresh Or well-
a ma y a 27 ,0 fr s or ww l.rested Chinese of the Third Field
Red aircraft 'also were more
venturesome yesterday. Up to 4
Russian-built, MIG jets crossed
south of the Manchurian border to
attack American jets. One MIG
was shot down in flames. Two
more were damaged but escaped.
No American planes were lost.
A Red sneak attack six miles
south of the 38th parallel in the
Uijongbu area was nippe by a
deadly barrage of American ar-
Senate May
Investigate Oil
Tanker Deal
pronged Senate investigation was
in prospect last night as a result
of a profitable il tanker deal to
which the names of a ,war .hers
admiral, a former Secretary o
State and other notables have
been linked.-
Investigating Senators have r-
ceived testimony that a lOO,0p,
investment resulted in a $2,SGG,-
000 profit. The group bought
five surplus government ships,
chartered them and later sold
The maritimne adminitratiou
Thursday night namped Admiral
William F. Halsey, the late for--
mer Secretary of State Edward R.
Stettinius .Tr. and Jnliu C.

Push May B

Nfv doubles Strength
Of Mediterranean Fleet

! _

-The U.S. Navy nearly doubled
yesterday its r e cent normal
strength in the Mediterranean.
The head of this powerful task
force said its role is to support
American occupation forces in
Europe and American policy.
who became Chief of the U.S.

new ships is part of a routine ro-
tation in Mediterranean training
but that the arrival this time is
one month ahead of normal sche-
* 4 ,
HE SAID the reinforced fleet-
the strongest the U.S. has oper-
ated on Europe's south flank since
the last war-will operate toge-
ther until early May. Then, he

Rampaging Rivers Overflow Banks

By The Associated Press
Rampaging southern rivers,
which already have drivenr1,200
persons from their homes, posed

estimate of the damage so far.
But indications were that it
would run into the millions of
dollars. This iincludes dmage

This was the picture in the
The danger apparently was past
at Northnnt.+ at IA , d A1QhnYVn,

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