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March 30, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-03-30

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r FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1951

Tug Week

Seating Capacity

EMBERS OF. the Student Legislature
apparently still haven't learned what
hool spirit is. They seem to believe-in
ite of two dismal rah-rah weeks-that
ag Week is not only the gauge of spirit on
is campus, but the spark that keeps the
'e of spirit ablaze.
Tug Week/itself was first revived a couple
years back mainly because it was said
e school lacked spirit. Supporters of the
an therefore decided that a few days of
eering, marching, pep rallies and tugs-
-war were all that was needed to liven
ings up.
But after two seasons of tugging and
.eering, and loosing some $280 between
.ll Auditorium and the Huron River, many
ople say there is not enough spirit yet.
rhaps this is why the Legislature Wed-
sday night voted to continue its juvenile
rn-tooting drum-thumping brand of al-
ed spirit.
This behavior, which happily seems to
w unaccepted by most students, can
ardly be called school spirit. Of course,
pirit is partially displayed at pep rallies,
thletic events and maybe even tugs-of-
ar. Spirit, however, must be a spontan-
ous feeling; it cannot be scheduled for
ertain times and events.
I maintain, as I did when Tug Week was
st revived, that school spirit is a feeling
at prompts students to take part in cam-
s activities-even activities around their
uses or in their studies-and is derived
om a feeling of belonging to the University
some segment of it. It cannnot be fur-
ered or shown to exist by any childish,
isy display such as Tug Week.
-Vernon Emerson
itorials published in The Michigan Daily
e written by members of The Daily staff
d represent the views of the writers only.

DESPITE THE many large halls that the
University possesses, people were turned
away from a guest lecture because of inade-
quate space yesterday for the second time
this month. Scores more lined the walls and
sat on the floor in Rackham Amphitheatre
to hear Assistant Secretary of State Dean
Rusk. The same situation occurred two
weeks ago at the James Farrell lecture in
Architecture Auditorium.
Of course it is true that scheduling rooms
for a lecture is a calculated risk, and that
many speakers talk to half-filled rooms.
But in most such cases the lack of audience
is due to the solely departmental appeal of
both the topic and the lecturer. In the case
of Farrell and again with Rusk it was not
difficult to anticipate that their lectures
would be of a decided general appeal.

Yet, while people were trying to cram ii
way into the Amphitheatre yesterday, the
much larger Rackham Lecture Fail wa
tightly locked.
The only possible explanation for -
duling lectures in a small room thed
sire to impress the speaker with an over
flow audience rather than embarras, hi
with what might appear to be no audineL
at all. Undoubtedly both Farrel and It
were impressed by their popular ae
but the many people who had to oreo
the lectures were not.
In the future either the risk will have ut
be taken by those who schedule lectur-e 01
some sunny afternoon no one will shox up
rather than sit on the floor or have to leave
because of no standing room.
-Leonard Greenbaum.

r c tsa ders on matters of
0'~ ii ~0 U~S vhichae igned by the writer
s e e ng 3) words iin cngt hr defamatory or
h' r any reason are not in good taste will
h ei publication at the discretion of the


woutd have been made a public
( o her words, Mr. Thomas,
is no connection between
"leCostello and McGee cases,
ose of us who are vitally
rnd in preserving and
ghening our democratic in-
t s will not be stymied in
h last by your uncalled-for,
us, and destructive editor-




I: . s ~n~d

-Leonard Sandweiss
* * *
on,(stce . .

Capita Cover-up

WASHINGTON-The reluctance of Wash-
ington to present bad news plainly or
admit its difficulties to the American people
was twice illustrated within a few hours
Tuesday by two important administration
leaders at widely attended press conferences.
Secretary of Defense Marshall com-
mented that "the world situation as I
see it now is more serious than it was in
November." He then refused to say why.
The Secretary was equally inconclusive
about the perennially vexing question of
whether General MacArthur is exceeding
his authority by venturing into the political
arena. This is back in the news in con-
nection with the MacArthur truce offer to
the Chinese Reds last weekend.
"General MacArthur will proceed in ac-
cordance with the necessity to safeguard
the security of his command," General
Marshall said. "And general advance is a

matter for political{
was that.

conlsideation."' That





HE FRESH and exciting student art on
exhibition in the South Gallery of
tmni Memorial Hall offers an interesting
k into the type of are work being done
students here at the University. Becausa
convincing vital and clean effect of this
wing it is especially recommended for
se who have had an unpleasant experi-
e with modern art.
On exhibition are paintings, pen and
The Weekend

In Town

EVENTS of unusual interest in town this
NCAA GYMNASTICS meet; colleges from
all over the nation taking part in the big
show of college gymnastics. Preliminaries
today, 1:30 and 7: 0 p.m.; finals, tomorrow,
7:30 p.m. At the IM Bldg.
ONDONTO BALL-Dentists' dance, open
wide please, only to dental and medical stu-
dents, at the Union tonight.
LITTLE CLUB-Night clubbing, in a mild
sort of way, at the League tonight, with Bob
Leopold's combo.
WISHING-WELL BALL, with Frank Tin-
ker's orchestra, tomorrow night at the Uni-
versity of Michigan Union.
SEMBLE FESTIVAL, sponsored by the Mu-
sic School, Band, and Orchestra; contests, 8
a.m. to noon, 1 to 6 p.m. in Hill Auditorium
Madam," the traditional all-male musical
comedy, which this year satirizes the woolli-
ness of the great American West, and
pleased even the Daily reviewer. At the
Michigan theater, today at 3:15 and 8:30
ROMEO AND JULIET, by William Shake-
speare, noted British dramatist, in a full-
scale production by the Speech Department.
See Review this page. Today and tomor-
row at 8 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn.
THE MASTER-BUILDER, by Ibsen, third
in the Arts' Theater Club's current series,
opens tonight at the Club's Theater. To-
day, tomorrow and Sunday at 8:30 p.m.
(Also being given all next week). Call 7301
for reservations.
MOVIE CRAZY, a top-notch, old-time
comedy with Harold Lloyd; today and to-
morrow at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. at Hill Audi-
THE LEMON DROP KID, starring Bob
Hope, is based loosely on something by Da-
mon Runyon; it's not supposed to be too
good Damon Runyon, but pretty good Hope.
At the Michigan Saturday and Sunday.
DULCIMER STREET, the story of groups
of different people who live in the same
house, in Britain: said to be quite good. A

ink drawings, lithographs, sculpture, and
handicraft. They are selections from work
done by students in the School of Archi-
tecture and Design as a part of the Inter
Arts Festival.
The show is marked by variety, both in
media utilized and the difference of ex-
pression within each medium. This is partly
explained by a continued emphasis on self-
expression as readily seen exemplified in
the realistic oil portraits by Jackie Bergey
and the abstraction watercolor "La Mer" by
Judith Feinberg.
The vibrant play of color against color
and sharp geometrical- design in Jamie
Ross' well rendered oil "Abandoned Mine" 1
are also carried out in Ilona Sippola's water
color "Schubert's Serenade, which manages
to capture on a geometrical blue background
a feeling of the musical theme; and the
crescendo heights are expressed by brilliant
splashes of yellow. Anita Seiler's charming
watercolor "Playmates" presents a nice con-
trast to these by her use of soft pastel col-
or and flowing lines.
Among the objects in the handicraft case
Edward Purdo's handsome silver work mer-
its particular attention for its striking de-
sign. And the sculptured heads of lead and
terra cotta in the next case show a youth-
ful, but fairly competent mastery of media.
I was particularly impressed by John Kings-
bury's "Head" as he managed to contrast
long smooth lines on the rough textured
lead which creates an interesting play of
light and shade.
John Goodyear's pen and ink "The Ele-
phant" adds a quaint and simple final
touch to the show.
This is just a sampling of the variety
offered, and although there is experi-
mental trial and error in evidence it is
a very worthwhile showing of young Am-
erica's efforts in the art world.
All work is for sale. The exhibit will last
until April 4th.
-Paula Edelman
At Hill Auditorium.. .
Movie Crazy with Harold Lloyd and
Constance Cummings.
PRESENT-DAY comedians who depend on
rapid-fire verbal gags and stock situa-
tions are a far cry from the fabulous Chap-
lin-Keaton-Lloyd tradition. While Lloyd
made the transition from silent to sound
motion pictures gracefully enough, his voice,
atleast here, is not his greatest asset. It is
his phenomenal timing, his ability to milk
a situation of all its possibilities before bore-
dom sets in, the incredible pace that he
maintains. Always the classic rube, Lloyd
is clowning within seconds of the picture's
opening shot and thereafter there is no let
up. The sound is crude but not impossible
(this was produced in 1932 when the sound-
track was still something of a novelty), and

At the old state building in President
Truman's press conference room, Cie
Mobilizer Wilson expanded ebeerf lly
when allowed to talk generalities. But he
had little to offer when asked for spe i-
fications about 'beating inflation.
There are probably no two questions put
more often in congressional mail than:
When are we going to end the war in Korea?
How are we going to stop irflation?
It is not as if the existence of the two
problems could be kept secret.
When General MacArthur intrudes his
own predilections into the Korean question,
he is filling an apparent vacuum left by
the United Nations or America and her ma-
jor allies who seem to have found no way
to resolve the situation. The General would-
n't need to be as astute as he unquestion-
ably is to realize that any move toward end-
ing the cofiflict would find a happy echo
in public opinion here.
But it is also an open secret that Gene-
al MacArthur wants to bring the Chinese
Nationalists into the war against Red Chun
with more or less U.S. support. This cont ra-
dicts the State Department whichaters-
in part, at least-to the firm, even absolute,
anti-Chiang sentiment of Britain and the
Commonwealth nations.
Yet the same dreary maneuvers persist.
General MacArthur goes as far again as he
dares. No one here, including his Comr-
mander-in-Chief, Mr. Truman, or Gneral
Marshall, is willing to join the issue with
him and end the confusion of the Amfrncan
people about their cross-purposes.
The inflation headache is painfully ob-
vious. The enemy may groan hen he looks
at us, as Mobilizer Wilson said Tuesra-it
is fair to add that he was answering a ea-
ing question-but Americans are gronn,
Asked if he were satisfied that mobiliza-
tion is proceeding on the principle of equal-
ity of sacrifice, Wilson answered with a
loud no. But he stopped there; he'd talk
about it later on the radio, he said.
Wilson, incidentally, was holding only his
second press conference in three mnths,
reportedly the work of his new press man,
Andrew Berding, an experienced colrespon-
dent who aided his fellow Tenesseean Cor-
dell Hull, in the writing of the Hull memoirs.
A collateral aspect of General Marshal's
undocumented, crisis cry: The House is be-
ginning to debate the manpower bill and
may resent it as an effort to build a fire
under them.
(Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc)
A NY GOOD production of Romeo and Ju-
liet is a certain pleasure--and tile
speech department's production of the play
is good. It has a few unfortunate short-
comings, but it is brightened by some very
clever stage business and spots of superior
Among the shortcomings, I would list
the cutting of Benvolio's part to the point
where his commonsense character lose
both character and significance. Ao,iRon
Sobel's rugged Tybalt hardly fits Mercuto's
description of "lisping, affecting fiali-
coes," and Victor Hughes' portrayal of Pens
suffers from what looks like a lack of con-
The most serious fault of the play ies il
the presentation of Capule. The play o t
much of its tragic import by robbing hi
of the lordly dignity and pride that aima n
peare intended him to have. Instad of a
stern and noble father growing senile, we
are given a capricious fool who looks in-
capable of ever commanding or 'eserving
But the bright spots in the plny ame
numerous: Nafe Katter's Mercutio (which
suffers from overcuttinf is a little wea

at the beginning, but ends in a splen
death scene. The other major po-
ing roles are all competeny '< ro
The iambic pentameteri seldo s
obtrusively labored, and even the sword

Sd 1




nate Crime Committee - a
q a from John Locke on "the
e nt of legislative power:"
e ondly, the legislative or su-
pme authority cannot assume to
elf a power to rule by extempor-
t abirary decrees, but is bound
c ense justice and decide the
-1 1 s of the subject by promul-
d snding laws, and known
aulorized Jges. For the law
ta r Ces telo of nature being unwritten, and
of a so nowere to be found but in
Saealty, the minds of men, they who,
1 i not b through passion or interest, shall
Sth r of Mr. miscite or misapply it, cannot so
n; M- Y>c~e was easily be convinced of their mis-
hs life lor' take where there is no established
rae mn in judge; and so it serves not, as it
2 e l Is; life, ought, to determine the rights
e:,t . TV on and fence the properties of those
Is e . n ed, I that live under it, especially where
ctl ar inuvesic- every one is judge, interpreter,
-nduced in the same and executioner of it too, and that
a gen in his own case; and he that has
'a an, I be- right on his side, having ordinarily
in'-. 1w ba.e but his own single strength, hath
rnot orce enough to defend him-
el from injuries of punish delin-
uents. To avoid these inconven-
- oh ices which disorder men's prop-
't rs inthe state of nature, men
unite into societies that they may
ihav the united strength of the
ole society to secure and defend
properties, alld may have'
nding rules to bound it, by
h every one may know what
SlsTo this end it is that men
e up all their natural power
'o te society they enter into, and
Jh community put the legislative
Soer into such hands, as they
h fit; with this trust, that they
all be governed by declared
w s, or else their peace, quiet,
. a propQrty will still be at the
I e uncertainty as it was in the
' s of nature."
The Constitution of the United
- States: "Article III.
Section 3. The trial of all crimes
. I no c - except in case of impeachment,
nt shall be by jury . .
John Locke: "And when the
people have said, 'We will submit
to rules, and be governed by laws
7r 4 made by such men, and in such
L f snobody else can say. other
v shall make laws for them...
-ETerence H. Benbow


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