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March 28, 1951 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State

VOL. LXI, No. 123





Gay Union Opera Set
For Premiere Tonight

* * *

* s *

4' 4'

-Daily-Roger Reinke
Bob Lemmer, Mark Neville and George Boucher run through their parts in "Go West-Madam"
* * * * * * ** *

The Michigan Theatre's velvetyt
curtains will slither apart at 8:30
p.m. sharp today to herald the
world premiere of "Go West-Ma-
dam, the latest in a 43 year par-
.de of Union Opera spectacles.
The 1951 show will emerge this
evening as the product of months
i of planning and hard work on the
part of more than 106, cast mem-
bers, script writers, musicians and
production bosses.
S * 4
PLAYING before a first night
crowd of several thousand stu-
dents and alumni, "Go West-
Madam" will take a laughing look
at life in a Colorado town of the
Among the spectators will be
Gov. Mennen Williams, guest of

honor for the third year in a
row. Arriving with a party of
eight, the governor will feast
with Opera officials at his old
fraternity house, Phi Gamma
Delta, before attending the per-
Opening with a spooky lumines-
cent number in a blacked-out the-
atre, "Go West-Madam" will
treat its audience to a host of spe-
cial lighting effects and stage
S * *
AMONG THE group of mare
performers will include some two-
score hairy-legged "girls," led by
Opera veteran Jimmie LoBaugh,
'51 SM. As leading lady. Lo-
Baugh is expected to bring forth
plenty of smiles in his portrayal of
Artemus Finch, a medicine show

Houses Named in Honor
Of Late U' Professors

The names of seven deceased
University professors have been
chosen by the Board of Regents
to become an integral part of the
day-to-day campus vocabulary.
Individual houses in the Uni-
versity's huge, nearly-completed
South Quadrangle will carry the
names in line with a tradition
Laves Tells
Early Woes
A board of directors which was
"essentially mediocre" and a Dir-
ector-General who proved inept
as a political administrator were
cited last night as major problems
which plagued UNESCO in its
early days.
Prof. Laves, of the University
of Chicago, is a former Deputy
Director-General of UNESCO. He
criticized the directors as rela-
tively unknown internationally. "It
had been hoped that men of world-
wide reputation in educational,
scientific, and cultural fields would
occupy these posts," he said.
Julian Huxley, famous English
biologist and writer, and until
1948 Director-General of UNESCO,
was felt by Prof. Laves to be the
wrong type of person to head
such an organization. "He is a
brilliant and personable man, but
) showed a persistant disregard for
the protocol which is so important
in international dealings."

established here more than a de-
cade ago.
THE MEN ARE: Fred Manville
Taylor, Moses Gomberg, C. Carl
Huber, Francis W. Kelsey, Jesse
Siddall Reeves, Fred'Newton Scott
and Claude Halstead Van Tyne.
Prof Taylor was a University
alumnus who joined the eco-
nomics department faculty in
1892. Before being granted an
emeritus status in 1930 he was
credited with establishing'the
University's elementary eco-
nomics course, a program wide-
ly recognized as setting unusual-
ly high standards in undergrad-
uate studies.
Prof. Gomberg was a Russian-
born chemist who studied through-
out Europe and the United States.
He came to the University in 1890,
served as chairman of the chem-
istry department from 1927 to
.1936 and died in Ann Arbor in
* * *
PROF. HUBER, a brilliant schol-
ar, was continuously affiliated with
the University following his grad-
uation from the Medical School in
1887. At the time of his death he
was director of anatomical labora-
tories and dean of the graduate
Prof. Kelsey joined the faculty
in 1889 and divided his time
between music and archaeology.
He facilitated musical instruc-
tion in Ann Arbor and led ex-
plorations and excavations in
the Near East.
Prof. Reeves was a prominent
member of the political science

On the strictly male side,
George Boucher, '51, holds the
lead role of Hamlet Osgood, an-
other medicine show performer.
Other featured players in "Go
W e s t - Madam" include Jim
Wright as mayor; Don Stout as a
bar fly; Pres Holmes, Grad., as
opera'tor of teh medicine show;
Pete Dendrinos as bartender; and
Don Ghareeb, '52, as the bartend-
ei's son.
MOST OF the action will take
place in an old western saloon
which serves as community center
for the frontier town of Helldo-
Directing the . affair will be
veteran New York theatrical
producer W illi a m Holbrook,
whose Broadway accomplish-
ments include coaching the
dance chorus for the stage hit
"Gentlemen Prefer Blonds."
Holbrook also supervised the
singing and acting in last year's
Opera success "Lace It Up."
In charge of the entire produc-
tion is general manager Gene
Overbeck, a senior from St. Louis.
His assistants include Neal Traves,
'52, general secretary; Ben Gates,
'51, promotions chairman; Jim
Yobst, '52, production manager;
and David DeVries, '51 BAd, and
David Leddick, '51, program co-
The script and lyrics were writ-
ten by Bill Edmunds, '52 Med. Mu-
sic director is Don Wyant, '51 SM,
and his assistant is arranger and
composer Hal Singer, '52.
"Go West-Madam" will con-
tinue its Ann Arbor run at 8:30
p.m. tomorrow and at 3:15 p.m.
and 8:30 p.m. Friday. A very few
scattered seats are still available
at the Michigan Theatre box of-
fice, most of them for the Friday
Problems in
Research Told
Prof. Robert Angell, chairman
of the sociology department, last
night named three main difficul-
ties of international sociological
Angell blamed a lack of quali-
fied personnel, the absence of an
effective central organization and
the lack of any guiding theories
in the field for the apparent fail-
ure sociologists have displayed in
dealing with the world situation.
Speaking at an initiation dinner
of Pi Sigma Alpha honorary poli-
tical science fraternity, Angell
cited many fields where sociologi-
. . .-- -- _ . _ _ . . - _Y _.

Big Kefauver
Probe Show
Shuts Doors
Call on America
To Support Drive
crime probers rang down the cur-
tain yesterday on "television's
greatest show and called on the
American people to get behind
their drive in Congress to wipe out
big scale gambling.
Then the crime investigating
committee went into closedsession
and swiftly voted to ask the Senate
to cite for contempt two alleged
big-scale gamblers who refused to
talk at Monday night's sessions.
The two are Morris Kleinman and
Louis Rothkopf of Cleveland.
* * *
ANOTHER long-sought witness,
James Brink, was quizzed at the
closed session. Arrested by the FBI
last week, Brink was identified by
committee attaches as the operator
of a gambling place in Covington,
Ky., known as the Lookout House.
Committee investigators said Brink
answered a number of questions
That was an abrupt break in
the monotony of refusals by
such witnesses to testify.
But things went back to routine
with the next witness. William G.
O'Brien of Chicago was questioned
about race wire operations in
Florida. He wouldn't tell the com-
mittee a thing except his name-
not even his address or whether he
was married.
* * ,
under $10,000 bond along with
Kleinman, Rothkopf and Jacob
(Greasy Thumb) Guzik of Chi-
The committee ended its
eleven months of public hearings
in nine states by accusing the
Treasury of failure to crack
down hard enoughron under-
world tax-dodgers.
Senator Tobey (R-NH) disclosed
that he had received two threats by
letetr and one by telephone. Chair-
man Kefauver (D-Tenn) got a
number of threatening "crackpot
letters" which he treated lightly,
A warning against 'sticking your
nose in other people's business"
was received by Senator Hunt (D-
T' Graduate
Found Guilty
Of Extortion
DETROIT-A Recorder's Court
jury yesterday convicted William
Welke, a 25-year-old University
graduate, of extorting $3,500 from
the wife of a Detroit physician.
T he jurors deliberated five
hours before returning the verdict.
accused of obtaining the money
from Mrs. Katherine Vasu follow-
ing a telephone call oi May 31,
1949, in which he reportedly
threatened harm to her son Cor-
dell, a Universty student.
Within a few hours of the call,
she testified she paid money to
a man whose head was swathed
in bandages.
Later Mrs.Vasu's son, a class-
mate of Welke's, introduced his
mother to Welke. She identified
him on the witness stand as the
man to whom she had given the

A confession in which Welke ad-
mitted his part in the crime was
read to the jury. He denied, the
confession during the-trial.
Recorder's Judge John Maher
referred Welke to the probation
department and set sentencing for
April 10. Welke faces a maximum
punishment of 20 years imprison-
ment and $10,000 fine.


--Daly-Roger Reinke
GARG'S OUT-Cathie Clairmont, '51D, has found a way to make the men come running. That's
a copy of the current issue of Gargbyle she has in her hand. "Not a mouthwash but a magazine"
Gargoyle will be on sale at the Union, Angell Hall, the Engineering Arch and the Diag today.
Wison Says Start Garg' Sale Today-;
U.S. WxsR eady EdiztorWxsJ ubtlant





For Defense
E. Wilson, mobilization director,
said yesterday that this nation's
principal enemy should be "fright-
ened" by the progress the United
States has made in girding for any
The country now has "in sight"
the military might to deter any
aggressor, the former president of
General Electric Corporation told
a news conference.
"If I were a principal enemy, I
would be frightened by our pro
gress," he said.
As for the labor unions' re-
volt over stabilization policy,
Wilson said a Wage Stabilization
Board will be reestablished "very
soon, I hope."
The first board was scuttled
when labor members walked out in
protest against the 10 per cent
ceiling on wage increases above
Jan. 15, 1950 levels.
Economic Stabilizer Eric John-
ston will meet again with labor
representatives tomorrow in an-
other effort to win their agree-
ment on a compromise plan for
re-creating the board as a dispute-
handling agency like the War La-
bor Board in World War II.
For Arsonist,
Leonard H. Young, attorney for
convicted arsonist Robert Stacy,
announced yesterday that he will
send an appeal of Stacy's case to
the State Supreme Court by April
"The appeal will be in Lansing
on that date whether the Circuit
Court Judge has okayed my state-
ment of facts in the case or not,"
Young said. He noted that Judge
James R. Breakey, jr., is in agree-
ment with this plan.

Gargoyle, the horned imp who
has plagued the University for
nearly half a century, will renew
his attack against the high wall
of humor today.
The Daily, therefore, reluctant-
ly assumes its bi-monthly duty
and by this notice warns all stu-
dents of the Gargoyle's arrival.
- * * *
THE SANE and literate need
read no further, but to convince
the others, the following state-
ment, made by Bob Uchitelle, '51,
Gargoyle's Managing Editor, is
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - S e n a t o r
Knowland (R-Calif) charged last
night the State Department has
"undermined the position" of Gen.
Douglas MacArthur in Korea and
demanded that the General's au-
thority be clarified.
TEHRAN, IRAN -Agovern-
ment source said yesterday f a-
naticalsNationalistssplotted to
assassinate Shah Mohammed
Reza Pahlevi, Premier Hussein
Ala and other high ;officials of
this oil-rich nation on the morn-
ing of the Persian New Year
March 21.
DETROIT -- The Detroit City
Council and Mayor Albert E. Cobo
agreed yesterday to petition Gov.
Williams and the state legislature
for $3,000,000 for a new Wayne
University Medical Building.
* * *
WASHINGTON - The enlisted
air force and naval reservists with
less than nine months to serve on
their enlistments will not be re-
called to active duty, the Air Force
and Navy said yesterday.

"Today's Gargoyle will be a
parody of all types of literature;
from crossword puzzles and
army questionaires to a take off'
on the literary college cata-
logue. - The unusual picture of
Burton Memorial Tower, which
will appear on the front of the
catalogue, was taken with a
"After reading our catalogue, I
predict that thousands of students
will try to drop their present
courses and substitute some . of
ours. I have already warned the
academic counselers of my expec-
* * *
"THE WINNER of our 'Garg
Girl' contest will appear in a full
page glamour, photo (also taken
with a camera) and will quell for-
ever all unfavorable publicity con-
cerning the beauty of Michigan
"The latest adventures of
'Double Dick', and a new in-
stallment of 'Who Stole My
Dinosaur' will also appear."
"We have printed 4,000 copies
of Gargoyle and they will be given
away today for a fee of 25 cents
to defray printing costs. A steal
at any price, for 25 cents its a
More INames
Added to Slate
The following names have been
added to yesterday's list of Stu-
dent Legislature candidates:
Ed Kerr, '53, Jerry Kremer, "52,
Ron Seavoy, '52, and Dot Wendler,
Two additional candidates for
the Board in Control of Intercol-
legiate Athletics, recommended by
the team managers, are Tom
Witherspoon and Carl Brunsting,
'53. The managers annually en-
dorse two Athletic Board candi-

Trap Largey
Red Fre
Near Seoul
Enemy Slows
Drive inCenter
TOKYO - () - South Korean
forces have captured five towns
inside North Korea, forging ahead
today beyond the 38th parallel
along the Korean east coast.
Forward elements were at least
six miles above the old boundary.
IN THE WEST, other aliedl
forces tightened a trap around
three Chinese Red battalions north
of Seoul. A Red regiment was cut
to pieces in the same area yester-
But a hard core of enemy
strength slowed progress in the'
peninsula's mountainous center.
The main force of a South Kor-
ean division, across the 38th par-
allel on the east coast, occupie
Yangyang, Kapyong, Chonggok,
Sorin and Younpo in advances
that began Sunday.
Yangyang, five miles northof
the border, was the first large
point seized. That rail and high-
way hub was captured yesterday
against light resistance by retreat-
ing North Koreans. The deepest
point of the advance was at
Chonggok, north of Yangyang.
BUT THE MAIN developments
were in the center of the penin-
Honeycombed in the r a n
drenched ridges about five mes
south of the prewar boundary be-
tween North and South Kore
were 10,000 Reds. They held tena-
ciously in the hills north of Chun-
Another 80,000 Commis'ts-
units of five Chinese army
corps-were massed immediate-
ly north of the parallel.
Seven of a total of eight Allied
patrols fanning north of Chun-
chon drew heavy Communist fire.
In each case the patrols returned
the fire and withdrew, according
to AP Correspondent William C.
Allied artillery then pounded at
enemy defenses where the patrols
were fired upon.. Chunchon is
eight miles south of the 38th and
45 miles northeast of liberated
WHILE THE Allied central front
drive ground methodically forward
yesterday, American troops in the
west mauled a Chinese regiment
and sprang a trap on three more
Chinese batalions.
The Chinese 77th Divisin,
part of Gen. Chen Yi's Third
Field Army, lost 350 men killed
in a bloody clash with Ameri-
can troops six miles south of the
parallel in the hills north of
The 77th, a reserve outfit, was
thrust into the line north of Seoul
last week to meet the United Na-
tions advance. U.S. intelligence
officers said the 77th no longer
could be regarded an effective or-
ganized fighting force.
Global 'State
Called Serious
By Marshall'r
WASHINGTON - (A')-- Secre-

tary of Defense Marshall warned
the United States yesterday that
the world situation is more serious.
than it was last November wheni
the Western allies were shocked
by costly reverses in Korea.
The general did not go into de-
tails but made it clear that he was
viewing the global picture as a
whole. He said that it is unfoi-
tunate that the United States is
engaged in a struggle on the small
Trnra" -ninrl.t x..a ae- r_



'U' Denounces Proposed Airport Tax

In answer to charges that the
University should be paying taxes
on the profits made from the
operation of Willow Run airport,

bur K. Pierpont said. "Actually the
operations of the airport for pub-
lic airport purposes is carried on
by the airlines and not the Uni-

peting with private enterprise since
airports servicing the public are
operated by government units
without paying taxes to any other
government units. '
46T t7[iln: . .v" - - a it

immediate re-use by the military
Willow Run, at that time the
world's largest operating airport
would have proved a great fi-
ina.ialh..dp-to f p nivAr..ty

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