THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUEh~SDAY, MARCH 27, 1951 College Deferment A SHORT TIME ago, Selective Service Di- rector Lewis B. Hershey submitted to Mobilization Director Charles E. Wilson a proposal that would give draft deferments to scholastically superior high school and- college students. Because of a strong need for some sort of deferment-for-college pro- gram, the plan has merit. But close exami- nation of the actual provisions of the college deferment proposal lead to the conclusion that the Hershey proposal is quite unsound. The proposal, known as the Trytten Plan, contains three main points: 1. High school graduates and first, second, and third year college students would be deferred only upon demonstrating ability to pass a "general educational aptitude test" with a score of 70 or above. - 2. College freshmen in the tipper half of their class and sophomores in the upper two- thirds of their class would be deferred for a year. In addition, juniors in the upper three-fourths of their class would be allowed to continue until graduation. 3. Deferred students would be pern tted to take any programof study they wish so long ,as they are enrolled in an "accredited" four-year college or university as a full-time student. The first weaknessesr the Trytten Plan is the question of what constitutes "gen- eral educational aptitude." A noted so- cial psychologist, Prof. Robert C. Myers, speaks of "general education aptitude" in a test as "whatever is measured by a test that someone has put together." Prof. Myers states further' that "you could get a high score on one test and a low one on another depending upon what items hap- pened to be in each test." Such a test is not the same as an intelli- gence test but would attempt to predict suc- Fjitor'ials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. N NIGHT EDITOR: BOB VAUGHN cess in college on the basis of past scholastic training. The tests are based on the type of scho- lastic training that students in Eastern pri- Since wide difference exists in high school curriculum and training throughout the country, students in these private schools would have an advantage over many public school students in getting a draft deferment based on results of the test. The Trytten plan is also weak when we cpnsider the extent to which the "education- al aptitude" test would be equally predicative of success for students already in college. For example, would the test be as fair to students majoring in physics as to those majoring in dairy husbandry. The provision for deferment on the basis of high grades is useless as to whether this refers to the upper half of the freshman class of the entire school or college, or only to the upper half of those students on a particular curriculum. Would pre-meds be compared to other pre-meds in their fresh- man class or to all students in the freshman class of a particular college? It makes quite a difference. But the most unfortunate aspect of the plan to defer college students with high grades is that in effect it would make col- lege instructors draft deferment officials. And students might attempt to keep 'their grades up by just seeking the easiest curri- culm or perhaps the easiest college. A final weakness in the Trytten Plan is that while it provides for the deferment of full-time students attending "accredit- ed" four-year colleges and universities, it makes no provision for students attending one, two and three year technical and trade schools. Thus a philosophy major might be deferred ahead of a radar-tele- vision technical student attending a trade school. For effective national security the situation actually should be the other way around. Since many of the Trytten Plan's pro- visions are unsound and could give rise to difficulties and unfortunate situations, it should be rejected and a more equitable so- lution found. -Clancy Borns 1 M ATTE7 P 0OrF FACT By JOSEPH ALSOP :i NERVE WAR OFFtNSIVE BERLIN-The shape of things to come, at least for the months immediately ahead, is foreshadowed by two massive facts. The first fact is simply the power of the six So- viet armies In East Germany. These are now moving, nearly a fortnight earlier than usual, to their maneuver areas close to the zonal border. There they will remain all summer, a permanent, open threat to all of Western Europe. The second fact is more complex. No one can say whether the Kremlin is even considering using these armies this sum- mer in the way that armies are normally used. The probabilities are.certainly quite heavily against such an act of madness. But there is no doubt at all that the Krem- lin has already begun to use these armies in quite another way, as powerful wea- pons in an offensive in the war of nerves, aimed to disrupt the Western alliance and prevent the rebuilding of the defenses of the West. This war of nerves offensive thus far takes the crude form of having Soviet and satellite diplomats and officials whisper "confidential" warnings into appropriate ears, for transmission to Paris, London and other capitals. President Petitpierre of Switzerland and several other European neutrals have been used as channels for these warnings, that the Soviet armies in East Germany may really attack-that the Kremlin really will not "tolerate" any West German rearmament-that the only way to escape war this year i to abandon the pro- ject of a German contribution to the de- fense of the West. A previous report examined the evidence for and against a rather different Soviet gambit, which until recently was the one mainly feared by the State Department. This was, in brief, an attempt toblock the Western defense effort by offering to trade the Soviet imperial province of East Ger- many for the demilitarization of all Ger- many and the withdrawal of all occupa- tion forces. It now seems clear that the preferred gambit is the cheaper, simpler and more promising war of nerves offen- sive. Thus at Paris Andrei Gromyko has hard- ly mentioned the German unity which has been so loudly emphasized in Soviet pro- paganda all winter. He has talked solely about "German demilitarization and the return to Potsdam." This is a pretty clear indication of what his master, Vishinsky, will mainly demand when and if the Con- ference of Foreign Ministers of the Big Four is at last convened. One can hear the demand being yelled, perhaps against the background of reinforcement in East Ger- many. * * * EANWHILE, AT PARIS, the behavior of the French representative, Alexandre Parodi, and in a lesser degree of the British- er, Ernest Davies, suggests that the war of nerves offensive, even in this very prelim- inary stage, is already having some success. The tendency of the French and British to want to hold a Big Four Conference at any cost has other reasons besides public opin- ion. For the future, it is clear that the or- ganizers of the defense of Jhe West are impaled on the horns of an agonizing di- lpemma. One horn is the fact, acknow- ledged by every general staff in Europe with the French and British conspicuous- ly in the lead, that a solid defense of Western Europe cannot possibly be built up without a fairly important con- tribution of Germany divisions. The other horn is the fact, which has already made so many difficulties, that natural nation- al memories make the French people in- tensely, emotionally reluctant to see Ger- man armed forces recreated. By their war of nerves offensive, the So- viets are now taking shrewd advantage of this dilemma. They too recognize that a solid Western defense is not possible with- out an eventual German contribution. And they therefore hope to scuttle Western de- fense plans by playing on the French na- tional mood, causing the French leaders to say "we cannot risk a war over German divisions," just as they once said, "We can- not fight for Berlin." Already here in Ger- many, certain eminent Frenchmen are say- The New Army THE TRIALS and tribulations of Pvt. Pe- ter Hotton at Camp Polk, Louisiana and later at Fort Ord, California, sound some- what like' a rehashed version of "Sad Sack." His articles whi h have been appearing on the back pages of The Daily make highly amusing reading, but the thoroughness of some of his statements is questionable. In denouncing the lack of recreational facilities at Camp Polk, Private Ilotton writes that the pastimes of the enlisted men amount to dreaming about their girls back home or attending a dull box- ing match. But in his anguish, he skill- fully neglects to mention that every train- ing 'camp has a snack bar, a post ex- change where beer is sold, a library, and a movie-house where the latest films are shown. In addition, dances on the post aie us- ually held with hostesses provided from nearby towns and many sight-seeing trips are also planned. Private Hotton also "for- got" to mention that it is a rare Army post that doesn't offer a bus service to the near- est town. There is always a special staff of officers and non-coms that plan the sport programs for the men on the post. Although not ev- ery post has a gym when weather permits outdoor sports are arranged and many times bowling alleys fill the bill for indoor sports. The complaint about the preparation of Army food is an old one. Admittedly the food is not always prepared in the most tasty manner, but if Private Hotton will give the Army a little more time he may find the food to be appetizing and well- 'prepared at a future base. But to judge all Army food by his experience at a training camp alone is not viewing the situation clearly. Inspection, Private Hotton goes on, is al- so another pain in the neck. Perhaps if he would try to understand why the Army is so strict about this regulation, he might find it less irritating. The Army requires that a soldier's equipment be kept in top condition at all times and that it must be in its proper place. From experience, the Army knows that unless this regulation is enforced, the cost of missing equipment would reach a staggering sum. And Army officers also know that when a neophyte soldier is ac- customed to having Mom sew on his but- tons for him, it is easy for him to mis- place a rifle bolt and never bother to look for it. Many of the basic facts that Private Hot- ton describes are true. But his interpreta- tion of them shows a lack of consideration of why some of these conditions exist. No one likes being drafted and no one relishes the idea of doing some of the disagreeable tasks that the Army assigns. But the sooner he realizes that these tasks are purposely as- signed to help accustom the draftee to any like. hardships he may meet against the enemy in the future, the better off he wi be. -Mary Letsis Mispla4ed *s -I MXR. FLOYD THOMAS ha ben w~a thing too much television lately, for it is bur- ring and warping his powers of association. In his editorial in Sunday's Daily he got crooks, principles, and sarcasm all mixed up in ai odd way. Humor is cer- tainly good and can serve many func- tions, but in this case the attempt at hu- mor was completely misplaced. Somehow he connected the Willie McGee "crusade" with television's crime circus (in his own subtle way, of course). This is simply flagrant rudeness to those who have been sincerely and earnestly concerned about jus- tice in the McGee case. I am sure Mr. Thomas is aware that the McGee case goes a little more deeply than just the guilt or innocence of one man. It is a question of probing into something which is slightly afoul in our system of democratic justice; that is, when a penalty for a crime is determined by a man's color rather than the nature of the crime. It is obvious there is no connection be- tween the McGee case and the expose of political corruption and money grabbing so vividly displayed over TV. Perhaps, Mr. Thomas was feeling sprightly when he wrote his strange satire, but his sincongruous attempt to draw parallels shows a lack of understanding of the issues involved in either case. -Paula Edelman fity or sixty thousand men already under arms. Rence the Kremlin can easily sacrifcee this German force. In addition Vishiusky can also offer to reduce the Soviet divi- sions in East Germany to perhaps twenty, asking in return guarantee that no West Germans will be rearmed, and that British French and American divisions in West- ern Germany will also be limited. The Western defense effort will then be stop- ped dead in its tracks. Yet the Kremlin will still be able at any moment to draw on its vast reserves in the Soviet Union, rebuilding its E :ast erman armies at the When The Pie Was Ojbe. The Birds Began to Sing iki ,yr r Y.N". E PEASN -ECONOMIC BELT-TIGHTENING- (CNE OF THE most important economic reports ever prepared by Congress will soon recommend the removal of farm support prices and a high tax program which may set American living'standards for the next 10 to 20 years. It is also proposed to abolish all federal sub- sidies to the states. The report has the support of both Senators Joe O'Mahoney of Wyoming, Democrat, ani Bob Taft, Ohio Republican, and has been adopted, so far confidential, by the Joint Congressional Committee on the econom'c report. Though the report as not ben made public, this column has obtained a copy. Its reommenaions are based upon a "long pull,' which is expected to strain the nion' economy for the next 10 to 20 years. In blunt language, the reort urges: "It is essential that new and heavier taxes be prompt assessed. Increases in withholding rates and corporation proit txes are vital now. They are neces- sary to put a damper on iie i creases which are steadily gnaw- ing away at civiian income ad government appropriations." The report adds, however, that "people with incomes of $3,000 a year or less are already o'erburde'ied by the increasing cost of living and the present level of taxes. The goernment cannot look to them for any substantial new i'cvenue." S* * * IAU Cancelation T it ti us od bi fo: iZE an in th T ti ti ti ti tb (c p p iP o m t t t r e h, ti b t t i c s tl 0 i S s g' ti ti1 Al o the Editor: CHE STATEMENT of the Inter Arts Union in connection with s decision to cancel the produc- on of the play "War Sky" strikes S as a shallow inconsistent and doriferous shirking of responsi- ility. The reason given by the IAU or its decision was that unauthor- zed publicity was given the play nd that this constituted a break faith between the author of he play and the organization. his raises some interesting ques- ons concerning both the defini- on of the word "publicity" and he IAU's own particular concep- ion of it . . . No "publicity" in he ordinary meaning of the word obviously not the IAU's) either ublished in any newspaper, rinted on any poster, distributed n any handbill, ranted by any rator appeared anywhere on r off of the campus. If com- ments of the members of the cast o friends about the content of he play be publicity, then the In- er Arts Union has certainly 'eached the level of perfumed sotericism for which it seems so hard to be striving. Does the IAU seriously imply hat an author and/or the mem- bers of his cast cannot discuss heir work to anyone showing in- erest? Is the IAU's definition of publicity any street corner re- mark? "The Inter Arts Union affirms ts right and responsibility to choose works solely on the basiE of artistic interest and excellence' says the published statement of the IAU. The play "War Sky" was obviously chosen by this criter- on for the IAU statement alsc says "The play was selected fo production on the basis of its ar- tistic merit over any considera- tions of controversial subject mat- ter." Here let us pause and not( that the IAU also publishes Gen- eration, in which "War Sky" origi nally appeared.. The artistic merit of the plat could certainly not have change( overnight .. Although the IAt insists it is non-political an( tries so hard to isolate itself fron political considerations, its suddex refusal to continue the play after weeks of rehearsal was evident1 stimulated by political considera. Lions (or fear of political reper, cussions) on their part ... -Seymour Baxter Daniel Greenberg Sidney Goldberg Vincent Giuliano Stephen Smale Arthur Rose * * * 1 t the present challenge insomewhat the ,same way it has surmolnted similar crisesin the past? -Marshall Knappen * * * To the Editor: F I COULD read Harvey Gross' " "Oefense of Criticism," without reading his Heifetz review, I might consider it rather witty. How- ever, it presents but one side of the picture; the other is best presented. by comparing thg two articles. The "Arguments" listed all be- come valid when a critic disre- gards them for a display of his erudition. "Authority" is ,valid- when the critic takes pleasure I disproving the critics and showi how he finds faults unnoticed others. Similarly with "Audien Appreciation." Perhaps the "Fol - sy Argument" would be iet named if Harvey knew that t artist is conveying his concept the works; the critic should t to understand those concepts is certainly not difficult wi Heifetz). Even the "Argument ad Hominum" is good when t critic must use a score, rath than trusting his human sen tivities and tastes, Certainly good example of "artful hafidi of the shifted construction" Harvey's term "Anti-intellectu an article such as this, filled wi such emotional exaggeration, not "intellectual." (Mr. ors should also tell us how he co - siders music "intellectual" - t would be interesting.) The "Argument on huma Grounds" becomes valid when e campus music picture looks black as it does when Harvey himself with a score and starts charge his windmills. Any pe - son, in my estimation, is justif - in using these arguments itgat - Harvey's inhumane treatment f our musical reputation. (Hurin ity towards him need not conce n - us, either, for surely Harvey cou d work for "The Nation.") I y lieve that the hypocrisy of W d Gross' article should only furt J show us his inadequacy as r d music critic. --Don W. Krummel, Grad School of Music r * * ette 4 TO THE EDITOR' The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste vill be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. WATCh Till: MILITA--!- WARNING AGAINST wvting a bank check for the military, thet report declares: In an period of heavy defense expenditures, there does not ei the ui'wn i o sed first and then look around and see how mu('h the oove ent wil ned to borrow in order to pay its bills ...,.The defense g nt" houd be cut to the revenue cloth4 .... Military hoarding of n' mpoc and materials must be kept toga minimum." The report also warns tat "decit spening cannot be con- templated even for the current defense program, unless we are willing to invitethecrack-up'the me nsystem-.. . Con- gress, short of all-out war, should make no military appropriation unless and until ade-uate tax revenues are definitely in sight." Here are other impt nt iighhghts of the Taft-O'Mahoney eco- nomic blueprint. 1. The report drastical.y suggests abolishing federal aid to states and relying upon "traditional lcali methods of financing education and medical aid and public health." The report points out that in a period of long-run n C;tion and economic strain, the "role of the federal government wilh respect to state governments might well be reversed." - Nt PARITY PRICELS- 2. TI'HE REPORT dcst'ib-s a'm parity as a "device which was in- vented at the depths J the aiiultural depression" and hints strongly that it i's no out of date. "To permit private price sup- port programs to op'iaTe with undiminished force," says the report, "is merely to set up an unbeniable mechanism of built-in inflation." 3. The report also takes a dim view of public housing and rent control, deLring: "The Ifel r government provision of housing and community fe is an ad be large . . . the need for ex- tending any strengthei ret control has not yet been clearly established." 4. The report views with suspicion the tremendous tax deductions that have been granted to (Orporations for _xpanding defejse plants. Warning against "chiseling fon the inside," the report notes that "corporations and ether busiesses hav( been granted certificates of eligibility for tax deductions in phenomenally large amounts with respect to facilities which had e'n planned aind begun in many cases months before the war broke out in Korea" 5. The report also advocates a tough anti-trust program. "Far from granting exemptions 0' post on(ment of anti-trust action," the report urges, "the government nmst mere vigorously than ever push the program to aid small husiness and to preserve free, private, com- petitive enterprise." . The report takes a a commodity speculation, warn- ing that "the co 'e of cyr's uring 1950 has demon- strated again thai the c o not to speak of costs of pro- duction in geeral, ho' f m informed and indis- criminate spec laie ma e pl~i~i' After pointing out 1ha( touh road a1ad, the report adds hope- fully: "TIhe United txates l's the spiritual power, the economic strength and the produtive -resoutrcs to perform the task it has un- dertaken. (C'upvL' ht, 19,1, ) I, th. 1 Synd 5 iat1 Inc.) Warning To the Editor: NOTE TO M. K. Rasnick, re ton Smith, Bob Kapell Hoeper, Harvey Gross, Roma' sky, et al.: As my good friend F. Roosev once observed: "A plague on your houses." In brief: Lay off.! -George S. May G. Modern Science * s * I CURRENTM MOIE To the Editor: PACIFIST MqVEMENTS have flourished after all major wars in recent history. It is therefore quite natural that Professor Bould- .ing, along with other people of intelligence and good will, should react as he does against the waste and destiuctiveness-of modern war. IP seems regrettable, however, that he should go so far as to maintain in the letter published in your col- umns on March 15-that "the de- mands of military defense are es- sentially insatiable and ultimate- ly incompatible with the mainten- ance of either democracy or cap- italism" and to assert that "mili- tary conscription is the beginning of totalitarianism." - Possibly there is a realm of ab- stract theory in which these gen- eralizations hold true, but it is difficult to square them with the facts of history. The capitalistic Dutch Republic defended itself by force of arms for the better part of two centuries. Great Britain has done the same for an even longer period without turning totalitar- ian. Switzerland has had universal and compulsory military service since 1874. This country used con- scription during the Civil War and has employed the same device dur- ing two later ones. Granted that we are facing ser- ious problems, why picture them as worse than they are? In the 1930's pessimists said that any future world war would mean the end of democracy and civilization. The pessimists of 1910 said much the same thing. Seen in historical perspective the problems of this generation are perhaps not greater than the great resources we have at our disposal. If Stalin anjl his kind can be persuaded to follow Ghandi's principles, by all means let us also subscribe to.them. If not, is it unreasonable to believe that our country may be able to meet Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by studentsof the University of Michigan uder he authority of the Board in Corntrol of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jim Brown.... ........Managing EdCor Paul Brentlinger ...........Ciy Ecor Roma Lipsky .........Editorial Dlrebor Dave Thomas ..........Feature Edor Janet Watts ...........Associate Er Nancy Bylan ..,.......Associate E r James Gregory ........Associate Eq3r Bill Connolly ............Sports FK or Bob Sandell ....Associate Sporis E ,r Bill Brenton .. .. Associate Spotss E :)r Barbara Jans ....Women'sE Pat Brownson Associate Womer'E r i t 74 0 i At The State 4 0 . THE MATING SEASON, with Thelma Ritter, Gene Tierney, and John Lund. FOR THOSE few who have not yet dis- covered the. comedy talents of Thelma Ritter, late of "Letter to Three Wives" and "All About Eve," here is an ideal place to begin. Along about the first five minutes of this picture, she wraps it up, puts it in her hip pocket, and is off to the races with the rest of the cast trailing behind. Who needs Bette Davis anyway? The situation in which our heroine finds herself is a more or less routine comedy complicatign of poor boy marries rich girl. But as the structures of formula do not much bother Miss Ritter, the minor characters seem to take heart and the results are, in general, lively and amusing, This is parti- cularly true when Miss Ritter presents her- self for a job as cook in the household of her social-climbing son (John Lund) and his wife (Gene Tierney). Ma, being from the wrong side of the tracks, does not reveal her true identity to the social set, and so we get the classic "well-made" comic situation Business Staff Bob Daniels .........Business Maier Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Marfer Paul Schaible .....Advertising Maier' Bob Mersereau.......Finance 'Msier .. Bob Miller....... Circuation Mauier Telephone 23-24-1' Member of The Associated Pis The Associated Press is exclutely entitled to the use for republio.on of all news dispatches credii' to or otherwise credited to"this x er. All rights of republication of all 1er matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office atinn Arbor, Michigan as second-Mass all matter. Subscription during regulao sol. year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $ Your intrepid Fairyo went fearlessly ina Tennessee Hennessy will stop them, I bet. 6arnaby, doesn't your Fairy Godfather like I