p COLLEGE DEFERMENT See Page 4 .latest Deadline in the Statoe DaitliV lob". ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 1951 s I . 1, * * * * * * * * * cI NY Police Graft Put at $25,000, 000' MacArthur Advised by Washington General Told to Clear Statements WASHINGTON - (A') - In- formed officials said last nigh t h at t h e Administration haq asked Gen. Douglas MacArthur t inform Washington in the future of any statements he intends tc make having political importance I. There is general agreement among State Department, Defense Department and White House _ authorities, it was said, that the measure was necessary. * * * IT IS INTENDED to try to pre- vent a recurrence of the situation which developed when MacArthur made a public declaration before visiting the Korean front last Sat. urday. At that time, without inform- ing Washington, the United Na- tions Commander offered to meet the Communist Command- er-In-Chief in the field for truce talks. MacArthur at the same time raised, at least by implication, the possibility that the UN might change' its policy and authorize attacks on Chinese Military bases and on China's coastal areas. * * * STATE DEPARTMENT officials subsequently disclosed that what I MacArthur said had not been dis- patched to Washington before- hand. There was a round of top-level conferences on Saturday involv- ing state and defense officials and authorities at the White House, Including Secretary Ach- eson and President Truman. The message which was report- ed last night to have been sent to MacArthur was descrikd as a request to him to inform Wash- ington -before making any such declaration in the future. Officials here said that he was already under instructions, re- affirmed in a general directive circulated by President Truman last December, to clear political statements in Washington. The latest word to MacArthur served in effect as a reminder of this standing instruction. McGee Appeal 'Denied Again The Supreme Court yesterday denied a hearing to Willie McGee, Mississippian sentenced to the electric chair for the assault of a white woman, the Associated Press reported. This marks the fourth times that the high court has refused to con- sider the case. McGee has been convicted three times in Missis- sippi courts. The Court rendered its decision in the face of a nation-wide cam- paign to have McGee released from the death sentence. A com- mittee to save McGee had, been formed on this campus and was active in soliciting students to re- quest federal officials to act in behalf of McGee. The committee also sponsored a talk by Mrs. Willie McGee at Lane Hall several weeks ago. Resident Director n" 4 a - - 7 - Candidaites for SL ti SLAnno unce One hundred seven students have elected to fight it Out for a total of 51 offices in the approaching all-campus election. Campaigning is not expected to get underway much before spring vacation, but the Student Legislature open-house program, under the direction of Susie Craig, '53, is already busy scheduling meetings. MEANWHILE, prospective SL members have begun learning their way around the Legislature by means of the candidate training 'U' Finances Precarious 'NiehussSays. Small colleges are going to have a difficult time making ends meet, but the University is also in a pre- carious financial position, Marvin L. Niehuss, vice-president of the University said yesterday. Niehuss greeted sympathetically news that five church-related Michigan colleges have banded to- gether in a drive to seek $500,000 to bridge deficits of this and the next school year. * * "I CAN SEE the necessity for such a campaign," Niehuss said, "especially in these critical times when the outlook for smaller col- leges is bleak." On the other hand, he contin- ued, the University itself-which faces essentially the same prob-I lems-won't be able to solve itsI financial troubles without heavy legislative support. "We also have to take into ac- count the trend toward higher pricesand higher wages," he ex- plained. next ss s ea. * * ADRIAN, A 1 mn a, Emmanuel (Berrien Springs), Hillsdale and Hope Colleges met in Detroit last week and formed the Michigan College Foundation to present a combined plea to prominent bus- iness men for aid. Among the primary factors causing the colleges' financial pinch were decreases in enroll- ment because pf a disappearance of the great number of students who formerly attended school un- der the GI Bill and the low birth rate of the depression years which has resulted in fewer youths of college age. Welke Faces Jury A Detroit Recorder's Court jury will deliberate today in the case against William E. Welke, Uni- versity graduate accused of extor- tion. Welke is accused of extorting $3,500 last spring from the mother of University student Cordell Vasu to effect his return in an alleged "kidnapping." program. A special program meeting is scheduled for 4 p.m. tomorrow in the Union. A breakdown v on the candidate totals for the various offices shows that 47 students are running for 25 SL posts, 28 for the nine-mem- ber J-Hop committee, 15 for lit school senior class officers, 15 for engine school class officers, and four for the single Board in Con- trol of Intercollegiate Athletics seat. CANDIDATES for literary col- lege senior class officers are: For president: Doug Cutler, Neale Traves, John Hobyak, and Nancy Watkins. For vice-president: Chuck El- jliott, Fred Ittner, M. Glenn Gross- man, Nancy Ericke, and Bob Leo- pold. For secretary: Dorothy Shaver, Virginia Robinson, Dorothy Gar- rett, and Joan Beeman. For treasurer: Irv Stenn and Joe Epstein. RUNNING FOR engineering sen- ior class officers are: For president: Bill Hickman and Howard Low. For vice-president: Harvey Neu- mann, Nicholas Radell, and David Barrett. For secretary: Duncan Erley. For treasurer: Chuck Good. Junior engineers running for president are Thad D. Epps, Wil- liam Palluth, Duane Lose, Allen Krass, and John Knudsen, while Warren Norquist and Robert Erf are running for vice-presi- dent and secretary, respectively. The lone candidate for engi- neering sophomore class officer is (Continued on Page 6) Announce All 'A' Students Names of 100 more students with all-A records for the fall se- mester were announced by the University yesterday, The perfect records announced included all schools and colleges of the University except the Law School, which will issue its list later, and the engineering college, which published its 32 all-A names several weeks ago. Only those with 12 or more credit hours were counted in the tabulation. The names, broken down by school or college, follow: College of Architecture and De- (Continued on Page 6) Testimony Given Before Senate Group O'Dwyer Called To Grand Jury WASHINGTON-(P)-A nation- ally known Brooklyn judge testi- fied yesterday that gamblers paid up to $25,000,000 a year in protec- tion money to crooked members of the New York City Police Force. Samuel Leibowitz, one of the na- tion's leading criminal lawyers un- til he ascended the Kings County (Brooklyn) bench, made the esti- mate in testimony before the Sen- ate Crime Investigating Commit- tee. IN THE widespread uproar touched off by the Committee's disclosures in televised hearings watched by millions, there were these other developments: William O'Dwyer, Ambassador to Mexico and former Mayor of New York,awas called before a Brooklyn grand jury for ques- tioning of an undisclosed nature. The jury was ready to inquire into the mysterious death in 1941 of a hoodlum named Abe Reles, informer on the notorious Mur- der, Inc., killer gang. This took place while O'Dwyer was New York's prosecuting attorney. James J. Moran, longtime friend of O'Dwyer and resigned New York City Water Commissioner,' was charged with perjury by another New York grand jury based on his testimony two weeks ago before the Senate Crime Committee. FBI DIRECTOR J. Edgar Hoo- ver told the Senate crime. probers that organized gambling could be wiped out anywhere in the U.S. within 48 hours if state and local laws were strictly enforced. Attorney General McGrath, also appearing before the Senate group, said racketeer Frank Costello can't be deported or deprived of his citi- zenship because he wasn't con- victed of two serious crimes within five years of coming to this coun- try from Italy. However, Chairman Kefauver called for a quick report on Costello from the Immigration and Naturalization Service in view of his testimony before the com- mittee. Also last night ex-boot- legger Abner (Longie) Zwillman risked contempt proceedings by refusing to tell the crime probers details of his rum-running activi- ties during prohibition or his many money-making activities since. World News Roundup PARTLY CLOUDY, WARMER SIX PAGES kRALLEL. AlliesEnveloping Rest of S. Korea TOKYO-(P)-Chinese Reds moved up reinforcements today just north of the 38th Parallel in efforts to ward off any U.N. attack in North Korea. Allied troops were fast enveloping the last bit of Sout1 Korea. The Reds jammed supply roads behind their front with the heaviest traffic in two weeks. BUT THEY OFFERED only delaying action in South Korea against Allied.divisions advancing across the last thin slice of land between them and the 38th Parallel. In Western Korea, where the Allied front still was 10 miles short of the Parallel, three Allied divisions were closing the _ gap. Their columns had linked up Monday 18 miles north of Seoul, causing the Chinese 26th Army (corps) to fall back. The linkup eliminated the list big enemy pocket in South Korea. Today the Reds tried, only one, psmall counterattack. It was re- pulsed. fI ELSEWHERE, in Central and Y: Eastern Korea, the United Na- tions front' already was virtually flush with the 38th Parallel. The Reds moved up fresh troops just north of the 38th Parallel in Central Korea. The reinforcements were seen on roads south of the enemy supply base of Kumhwa. It is 19 miles. d :north of the 38th. Parallel. .° h Allied fliers spotted the heaviest .:...Y Red traffic in two weeks along the North Korean supply arteries. On the western side alone, just north of Pyongyang, pilots counted ANN ARBOR 870 vehicles. Appropriately named * * * * * * LIGHT BOMBERS attacked the road convoys and a train. Services U.S. Eighth Army Head- ,quarters said 1,360 Reds were killed or wounded and 407 cap- tured across Korea in ground Instead he talked to a Chicago action Monday. Allied fliers newspaper man who described the claimed they inflicted 460 more law students' request in a column. casualties, all on the central The column reported that Miss Or- front. lando, wife of the theatre manager, Allied tank-infantry columns had declared, "It's a barefaced at- waded through hub-deep mud to tempt to get a lot of free, bare- make Monday's linkup in Western faced pinup pictures." Korea east of Munsan. The future lawyers deny that * * this was their intention. "We're SOUTH KOREAN troops ad- not that hard up for pornogra- vanced north of Munsan to the phic material," they pointed out. banks of the Imjin River without contacting the foe. Dardy, who is billed as the "An The Chinese Reds cleared out atomy Award Winner," also before the attack. Only a single claimed that she was willing to bfr h tak nyasnl proveher art. "If those college company of tank-supported Reds boys are really leveling, I'll gladly was left behind to fight a rear- go up to Ann Arbor and put on my guard action north of Uijongu. dance to prove that nudity is not necessary to the art of the exotic," she said. Report ri1i shi AND STILL ANOTHER bur- Move To Halt lesque queen was willing to put on a show here. An artist appropriate- ly named Ann Arbor was reported as saying she was willing to plead the case of the morality of strip- LAKE SUCCESS-) - Britain ping. was reported yesterday trying to The Law School never received delay a new United Nations dec- official word from either Ann or laration of policy toward Korea in Dardy. "We heard about them order that Communist China could only indirectly. A couple of the Imake a move to start negotiations students wanted to take them up for a settlement. on their claims, but we decided A diplomatic source said that not to press the matter," Byrnes the countries with forces fighting said. in' Korea have been working on DARDY ORLANDO "Nudity is not necessary to the art of the exotic . . ." S * * * * * Show QueensOffer -By JANET WATTS Two Chicago burlesque queens today are waiting for an invitation to visit Ann Arbor to prove that the bump, grind and strip routine is a legitimate art. The invitation probably will never come. DARDY ORLANDO and Ann Ar- bor, featured strippers at the Rial- to theatre, have offered to show their wares here as testimony in a Law School Practice Court case. But the law students pleading the case are not interested. Last fall they might have been. When Paul Steere, '51L, and Chester Byrns, '51L, needed evi- dence for their breach of contract suit, they wrote to the Rialto for S hull To Give Russel Lecture The 25th annual Henry Russel lecture will be delivered on May 1 by Prof. A. Franklin Shull of the zoology department. The honor of giving a Russel lecture is awarded each year to a faculty member who has achieved the highest distinction in his field of scholarship. Prof. Shull's lecture will deal with "Some Problems in Biology." A noted expert on genetics and evolution, Prof. Shull has been president of the American Society of Naturalists and is author of three textbooks used by the zoology department. This year's recipient of the Henry Russel award will be an- nounced at the lecture. pictures of a dancer in "an as un- clothed a condition as she might appear on stage" and a copy of a typical contract between a man- ager and a dancer. * * * THE PRACTICE CASE involves a Boston theatre manager who sued a mythical strip teaseartist, Fifi Contour, for failing to meet the demands of a contract. "She didn't expose enough hide," Steere and Byrns explain. Counsel for Miss Contour's de- fense, Hilton McLain, '51L, and Camille Hutson, '51L, claim that not only did Miss Contour meet the contract but if she had car- ried out the manager's demands, she would have broken a Boston blue law on moral conduct. By displaying photos of living burlesque queens, Steere and Byrns hoped to prove that Fifi could not have broken any morals law. "We were seriously interested in pro- ducing real evidence for the trial," Byrns said. * * * BUT THE Chicago theatre man- ager didn't see it that way. Ap- parently thinking the whole case was one big joke, he never sent the pictures nor answered Byrns' letter. Kluth Pleads Guilty In Circuit Court Paul Kluth, Grad., pleaded guilty yesterday in Circuit Court to charges of breaking and entering a local drug store. He was released on $2500 bond and will go before Judge Breakey for sentencing on April 9. 1 l 3 7 3 1 l RAISE STANDARDS: Waugh Requests State Educational Reforms A state-wide minimum teachers' wage law and an audit for the ex- penditure of school funds were de- manded last night by Prof. Edgar Waugh of Michigan State Normal College, Democratic candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion. Speaking at the Union to Phi Delta Kappa, honorary education fraternity, Prof. Waugh also asked for a mandatory teacher tenure cates, the teaching profession is losing its self respect, Prof. Waugh added. "No other profes- ion would allow inferior people to enter its ranks." "But there are still places in this state where teachers with sub- standard certificates have been hired at low wages, while teachers with standard qualifications are unemployed." r, r c r. a t By The Associated Press ' WASHINGTON-President Tru- man told the 20 Latin American republics yesterday the time has come for all to join in a western hemisphere defense buildup against "aggressive expansion of Soviet power" which he said threatens the whole world. The International League for the Rights of Man, headed by Roger Baldwin, charged at Lake Success yesterday that Argen- tina violated its United Nations obligations by seizure of the newspaper La Prensa. While 'in Buenos Aires the congressional committee inves- tigating the padlocked news- paper said pro-government un- ions are urging the government to expropriate it and "charge its owners with operating an illicit -rwnnim fin ifel nHa--n i WEEKEND OF INFORMALITY: Dancing, Races Planned for May Although Byrnes and Steere lost the decision in the trial court, they are appealing to a higher court on' a technicality of law. The case will be heard sometime next week. In the meantime they are trying to forget about Dardy Orlando and Ann Arbor. They figure that bur- lesque dancing probably would not affect the outcome of the coming appeal. such a declaration, to be issued as the U.N. Armies neared the 38th parallel. This source said, how- ever, that the policy declaration would not be put out at this time because the British want the Red Chinese to make the first move. * * * BRITISH SOURCES here paid they knew of no moves by the Chinese Reds so far toward a set- tlement. This disclosure came as the United States Mission to the U.N. relayed to the U.N. Gen. Douglas MacArthur's Feb. 13 statement on. crossing the 38th parallel, The U.S. did not endorse May- Arthur's statement as a formal recommendation so it is being circulated mainly for the infor- mation of the U.N. members. - By RON WATTS An all-campus Arb party, danc- ing under the stars and a soap hnx drh ra m-na11n netivitie of thp Ball on Friday night followed by a soap box derby and Arb party Saturday afternoon and evening. The venin narty to be held under the stars at Palmer Field. The 'shuffle on cement', founded two years ago, takes place on alter- nate vears with Michigrs. I,