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February 13, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-02-13

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Latest Deadline in the State

VOL. LXI, No. 86




Daily Offers
To Students
.Staff Issues. Call
For New Tryouts
Potential draftees need not face
-t semester of non-participation in.
campus activities just because calls
from the armed services await
them in .June.
Unlimited opportunities in re-
portlng, editorial writing, adver-
tising and business methods are
open for students working on the
staffs of The Daily. Former staff-
ers now in' the service claim that
their Daily experience has often
,proved invaluable in advancing
their status in the Army and Navy.
* *' *
der 19 years of age and 4-F's as
dwell as draft bait may become
members of the Daily staff this
semester by attending tryout
.meetings tomorrow and Thursday
at the2Student Publications Build-
1 ing, 420 Maynard St.
Meetings to sign up new mem-
bers of the editorial, sports,
women's and business staffs are
open to all scholastically eligible
students of second semester
" freshman or higher class stand-
Time schedule for meetings is:
editorial, sports and women's staff,
4 p.m. tomorrow and 5 p.m. Thurs-
day; business staff, 5 p.m. tomor.-
row and 4 p.m. Thursday.
grams to acquaint tryouts with
,reportorial and business methods
have been outlined by staff mem-
bers with long experience on the
Editorial tryouts will begin night
desk duties which includes head-
line writing and proof reading
after short training periods. Dur-
ing the course of the semester they
will learn journalistic style,
straight news, feature and editori-
.al writing techniques and the re-
lation of the Daily to the rest of
the campus.
Business tryouts ill make on-
tacts with local merchants for ad-
vertising and will learn advertis-
ing writing techniques, methods of
accounting and personnel manage-
-. ment.
- Enrollment
Shows Drop
E Of0 12,000
University enrollment figures
"sagged by more than 2,000 this
semester, to continue a decline
begun last year.
Incomplete figures indicate
that a total of 19,014 students
have registered, including 1,847
taking extension courses. Regis-
trar Ira M. Smith indicated that
wY a late registrants are recorded
the total figure is likely to ap-
proach 20,000.
' Last year's between-semester
loss was about 1,270, to begin the
,decline from the all-time peak in
Fall, 1949.
Although the enrollment has
dropped 7.2 per cent from last
fall totals, Smith pointed out
that the drop is considerably
less than that of certain other
midwestern universities. Ohio

State University showed a de-
crease of 12.9 per cent, while
the University of Chicago went
down 12.8 per cent.
The ratio between men and
women here seems to be slightly
.:nproved this semester, although
the ancient three to one axiom is
not completely outmoded. The
new figures indicate that there
are precisely 2.6 men to each wo-
nan on this campus.

'U' Officials Changed







Truman Defies
4 O
RFC Critic
WASHINGTON--(')-President Truman yesterday renominated
all five members of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation board to
new terms, and promptly ran into fire from his own party.
Senator Douglas (D-Ill), and Senator Fulbright (D-Ark) joined
in saying they would fight to block confirmation of three of the five
directors of the big lending agency.
"I do not believe these men are fit to serve in the RFC," Douglas
told newsmen.



+k a t *

Pierpont Replaces
Former controller Wilbur E. Pierpont has been appointed Univer-
sity vice president in charge of business and finance to replace Robert
P. Briggs.
Briggs, who had been vice president here since 1945, will become
vice president and director of the Jackson Consumer's Power Company
and will specialize in financial matters, according to Justin R. Whiting,
president of the company.

* *. *


SIMILARLY, Fulbright declared:
"I would not vote to confirm them."
Douglas also commented that he thought Mr. Truman spoke "in
a fit of temper" when the President last week sharply criticized a


IN ACCEPTING Briggs' resignation, the Board of Regents ex-
pressed great appreciation of his contributions to the welfare of the,
University and commended 3im for "his unusual store of energy,
tactfulness and good judgment."
During Briggs' six-year administration many increases have
been made in the property and plant of the University. A building
program in excess of $20 million has been completed and a $15
million program is presently under way.
After he received his bachelor's degree in 1925 and master's
degree in 1928, both from the University, Briggs was acting dean of
the business administration school at Kansas Wesleyan University,
Salina, Kan.
* * * *
IN 1937 HE RETURNED to the University as an instructor and
remained here until 1941. During this period he was advanced to
the position of associate professor in economics and accounting.
From 1941 to 1944 Briggs was on leave from the University
as chief of the General Office Division of the Detroit Ordnance
district. He then became president of the Standard Steel Spring
Co. in St. Louis, Mo. and on May 1, 1945 he was appointed vice
president of the University.
Briggs, whose home is in Monroe, has been a member of the
Michigan State Board of Accountancy, the Board of Examiners of
the American Institute of Accountants and the American Economics
THE APPOINTMENT of Pierpont as .vice president has been ef-
fective since Feb. 1. He received his master's degree in business ad-
ministration in 1938 and, doctorate in 1938 from the University. He had
been controller since 1947.
During the War Pierpont served as a price analyst for the Army
Ordnance department and then entered the Navy in 1944. He re-
turned to the University in 1946 to become an assistant professor of
accounting in the School of Business Administration and an assistant
to Briggs.

Losses Cited
By Williamsy
LANSING--P)--Gov. Williams
informed t h e legislature last
night that state agencies cannot
be back in the fire damaged state
office building for at least six
He told the law makers that
architects and engineers recom-
mended removing the top two
floors and re-roofing the building
at that point.
S* *
Loss to the state will exceed
$4,500,000, the Governor bald in
a lengthy report of the 45-hour
blaze which struck the 28 year
old building from Thursday until
Engineers estimate $2,500,000
will be needed to raze the top
two floors, build the new roof
and rehabilitate the remainder
of the building, Williams slid.
It will cost $1,500,000 to replace
the space lost by the destruction
of the two floors, Williams said,
assuming that the space would be
built elsewhere.
*~ * *
DAMAGE to equipment is esti-
mated at $500,000 depending upon
the speed with which soaked
equipment can be removed and
reconditioned,~ the Governor de-
The Governor spoke at law-
makers' first session since fire
damaged the office building and
since a 19-year-old state highway
employe, Richard C. Shay, con-
fessed he set the fire.
Shay is scheduled to be taken
to court today on an arson charge,
for which he could receive a sen-
tence of one to 10 years in prison
if convicted.

'Senate banking subcommittee's re-
port on the RFC. He called the
President's criticism "very un-
by Fulbright, charged that three of
the five RFC directors "seriously
abused their authority by yielding
to outside influence in granting
Fulbright said he will call the
Senate subcommittee together to-
day or tomorrow to decide on its
next move in the face of the presi-
dent's insistence on renominating
the same directors.
* * *
THE ARKANSAS lawmaker said
he was "not inclined to retract"
any of the statements made in the
report, which specifically accused
Donald Dawson, a Presidential ad-
ministrative assistant, as one of
those who "exercised influence"
over RFC loans.
Both Douglas and Fulbright
named RFC directors C. Edward
Rowe, William E. Willett and
Walter Lee Dunham as the three
they would oppose for renomina-
Curbs Lifted
move intended to encourage re-
sumption of commodity trading'
without pinching the consumer too
hard, the government yesterday
removed price ceilings from sugar
and all raw farm products selling
below parity.
Eggs, milk, wheat and some
tobaccos were affected by the new
Office of Price Stabilization order,
as well as fresh fruit and vege-
tables, chickens and turkeys.
It was expected here that the
price of sugar to the housewife
might rise one or two cents a
pound, but OPS officials figured
there should be little change in
the prices of other products at the
retail level.
However, impartial observers
predicted that removal of ceilings
"will mean higher prices for con-
"The exemption will solve the
exchange problem that existed
with respect to these below-parity
commodities by permitting free
trading on the markets," OPS
Fraternity Rushing
To Begin Sunday
Registration f or fraternity
rushing will continue in the Union
lobby from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
through Saturday, the IFC an-
nounced yesterday.
Spring rushing will get under-
way Sunday, with all houses hold-
ing open house from 2 to 6 p.m.

-Daily--Jack Bergstrom
AVALANCHE OF BOOKS-Lura Cation, '53, Is trapped In a
flood of books in the IFC-sponsored Student Book Exchange. The
book store sold $1618 worth of education yesterday as it' con-
tinued to do a bargain-basement business. The Exchange will re-
main open through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., but has al-
ready topped all previous sales records.
Zo-ning Law Amenaidment
Checked b City Council.
A major revision of the proposed Ann Arbor zoning law was out-
lined by the city ordinance committee during the between-semesters
At a meeting of the Common Council last week the committee de-
cided to allow co-op houses to exist in the proposed A-1 zone, to
extend the area to include the future site of a new sorority house, to
ease regulations on nine fraternity houses outside of the new zone.
T * * 'b
THE GROUPS OUTSIDE of the area had previously been granted

Red Resurge
City of Woi
Drive Threatens
Troops at Seoul
TOKYO-(A')-Red troops surg
ing down snow-caked mountain
passes today drove a dent 18 mile
deep into the allied line in Central
Elements of more than 100,000
Chinese and North Koreans seized
the pivotal town of Hoengsong at
midnight aftera 24-hour figt
and pushed south almost to
WONJU is a major highway hub
10 miles south of Hoengsong. The
Communist counterattack, which
began Sunday night, first fell or
South Koreans eight miles north
of Hoengsong.
The enemy assault obviously
was aimed at bursting through teUS 0hcrsadmn
the U.S. 10th corps and men-
acing 100,000 United Nations
troops of the First and Ninth
Corps in the west around Seoul.
Hoengsong is 55 mies east of
AP correspondent William J.
Waugh reported from the western
front that air observers saw a
heavy small arms fight only two
and a half miles west of Wonju.
WONJU is the key to highways
radiating to all points of South
Korea. Its heroic defnse early in
January by American troops
thwarted a Red drive similar to
the current push.
'The Reds then had tried to
crack the U.N. defense line
across Korea and cut in behind
the main force of the U.S.
Eighth Army at that time re-
treating south from Seoul.
A 10th corps spokesman told
Waugh that allied forces gave up
Hoengsong "to preserve a morE
favorable defense line." But he
said overrun allied groups, in
breaking out of Red traps, had
to leave behind artillery and ve-
American troops still clung to
Chipyong, 20 miles west of fallen
The counter-drive by elements
of nine Chinese and six North
Korean divisions landed with
stunning force on two South Kor-
ean divisions and forward Amer-
ican units.
The Red offensive, gaining mo-
mentum all day Monday after its
start late Sunday night, drove a
seven-mile wedge in the allied
The Red hordes swarmed down
from the North in their first ma-
jor attack since they smashed
across the 38th parallel New
Year's Eve.
Lincoln Day
Quietly Here
Dampened University students
and Ann Arbor townspeople took
scanty heed of the red letter day.
on the calendar yesterday mark-
ing the birthday of Abraham Lin-
The holiday honoring the great
emancipator went unheralded in
Ann Arbor public schools, which
remained open all day and did not
have any commorative services.
lMany people remembered only

when they faced locked doors at
local banks, trust companies and
county offices.
The Ann Arbor Women's Fed-
eration of Republican C 1 u b s
marked the day with a Lincoln
Day luncheon at the Union.
Young Republicans on campus
dicj nothing in observation of the
holiday. Dave Belin, '51, past
president of the Big 10 Young Re-
publican clubs, said this inactivity

Fidele Fauri Appointed Deal
Of New Social work School


The new School of Social Work
moved two steps closer to becom-
ing a reality with the appoint-
ment of a dean and the announce-
ment that the date of its forma-
tion in Ann Arbor has been moved
up to March 1.
Tle appointment of Fidele F.
Fauri, a former director of the
Michigan Department of Social,
Welfare, as dean of the school was
announced by Provost James P.
First approved by the Univer-
sity Board of Regents last spring,

the school will in effect be a re-
constitution of the present Insti-
tute of Social Work, now located
in Detroit. The move to Ann Ar-
bor was originally scheduled for
July of this year.
The curriculum of the school
will stress public welfare and ad-
ministration. After the change
to Ann Arbor is Completed in Sep-
tember, a basic program will still
be offered in Detroit, and work
will be carried on in coordination
with the social agencies of that

Marines Announce Two
New Resere Pogrms

World News
By The Associated Press
TEHRAN, IRAN-Iran's king of
kings, Shah Mohammed Reza Pah-
levi, who visited the University of
Michigan in November, 1949, was
married yesterday in a simple
CHICAGO - The government
will move tomorrow to call the
Brotherhood of Railroad train-
men to account for the January
strike of switchmen.
** *
WASHINGTON-The Army dis-
closed yesterday a special transfer
of troops to Korea-and a rota-
tion scheme for combat veterans
is expected to be one result.
Grand jurors yesterday opened an
inquiry into the Woodbridge com-
muter train wreck while a federal
probe ended with a New Jersey ac-

the right to continue operation a.
Keller Seaks
On Collective
"Collective bargaining will sur-
vive the emergency and merge a
healthy animal," Prof. Leonard
Keller of the business administra-
tion school told members of the
Economics Club last night.
"There will be many problems'
in labor-management affairs," he
related, "but they will be worked
out despite waste and bickering."
Among the problems that may
arise soon, he said, are questions
of pay raises commensurate with
the inflationary trend in the price
level, communist agitation in la-
bor organizations and proper in-
centives toward high production
As for the Communists prob-
lem, Prof. Keller stated that the
Reds can be counted on to take,
advantages of any, grievances to
provoke such action as wildcat
walkouts. But he pointed out
that they can't pull anyone out
of work so long as workers are
satisfied with their present re-
lations with management.

long as they did not leave their
dwellings vacant for 90 days or
more. The new amendment would
ease this regulation in the case of
a mobilization period.
Prof. A. D. Moore, chairman
of the ordinance committee, said
that the exact form this amend-
ment will take has not yet been
worked out.
Only Prof. Moore's vote in favor
of allowing the co-ops to exist in
the zone ended a bitter dispute
over adding the amendment to
the proposal. League houses were
not included in the measure.
* * *
THE CO-OP RULING supposed-
ly was adopted because of strong
opposition to excluding them from
tives at a public hearing last
A-1, as voiced by co-op representa-
semester. Another hearing will be
held on the new amendments on
March 5.
At the previous meeting, Paul
R. Kempf, president of the
Board of Public Works, called
for provisions in the new zon-
ing law allowing for policing of
fraternity and sorority houses,
which he claimed are abusing
state and city building codes.
He said that mpany houses let
their grass grow several feet high
and allow rat-infested garbage to
accumulate in the summer and
neglect proper cleaning of their
walks in wintertime. He noted that
some houses have more residents
than the law allows' for the
amount of space they have, and
are inadequately protected from

SMTTI announced


jeer last spring's totals in five of
.he 16 units of the university.
iowever, the increases (in dent-
stry, medicine, nursing, public
health, and pharmacy) did'unot
nearly offset the losses sustained
by other larger schools.
The campusveteran population
continued i t s steady decline.
there are only 5,925 now, com-
tared to 6,825 in the fall and 8,575
gst spring.
U t M W 7 '

The Recruiting of University
students for two Marine Corps
Reserve programs requiring no
participation during the school
year will start today at North
The first program, the Platoon
Leader's Class, is open to fresh-
men, sophomores and juniors in
good standing with the Univer-
sity who will be 25 years old or
less.when they graduate.
The second program, an Offi-

both periods they will be commis-
sioned second lieutenants in the
Marine Reserve Corps and will
be eligible to apply for arcommis-
sion in the regular Corps. All
those that remain in the reserve
will be liable to call into active
duty at the rank they hold.
Seniors and graduates who
are accepted in the Officer's
Candidate Course will be com-
missioned second lieutenants in

Democratic Board Nominees Named

With spring elections looming up
on April 2, Michigan Democrats
ntrp~r~vhA ui relnted1,nominees ,for

chosen at the recent Democratic
state convention.
* d * i

City and newspaper publisher
Harold Fitzgerald of Pontiac.
Regepnt. Van Wagroner apparently

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