FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MRaH is151 Bloody Stalemate 'EN. DOUGLAS MacARTHUR again suc- ceeded in surprising everyone yesterday, it this time the surprise was pleasant. The General called for talks with the Chinese military leaders, leading to a ruce. Under the circumstances, this is ust plain common sense. Right now in Korea, there exists a bloody alemate which is benefiting nobody but >e Stalin. For some weeks now, the Allied rces have been slogging forward with )peration Killer," which is about as good description as can be given of the present ttle status. But there seems to be no end to this oody little war that nobody wants. The mies sweep back and forth over ruined orea, and nobody has any real prospects gaining anything. 'itorials published in The Michigan Daily e written by members of The Daily staff ud represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: RICH THOMAS It has been pretty well demonstrated now that the Chinese can't drive us out of Korea. But then there is little hope that the UN forces could push the Communists back up to Manchuria, should they so desire. So from now on, the only prospect is for thou- sands of lives to be sacrificed to maintain a status quo. The real losers in this local eruption of the global diplomatic struggle, as is the case, in any war, are the people. It is estimated that half of the 20 million South Koreans are now homeless. Death stalks the land as starvation and exposure reap their grim toll. Reports from Korea indicate that the U.S. relief program has been almost wholly sidetracked by the operation of the war. So let us hope that, now that Gen. Mac- Arthur is able to see the advantages of a peaceful settlement, the Chinese will also accept a reasonable compromise and back down on their present unreasonable peace objectives. It will soon be time to plant the crops that will avert an intensified famine next fall and winter. Crops cannot be sown while vast armies are bivouaced in the fields. -Crawford Young Committee for Costello COMMITTEE To Save Frank Costello should be formed. The grouchy gambler is really being persecuted but so far not a single liberal has raised his voice in protest. The Uni- versity, last strongholdof freedom in a fascist world, is the logical place for Free-Franking. An ad ho (Latin for "spontaneous combustion") committee must pop up. The Kefa er Krime Kommittee daily ex- posed Frank (all but his face) to millions of televiewers. It exposed his so-called rack- ets to so many public eyes that it will be impossible for the obese operator to get a fair trial even in the smallest American hamet. Frank's guilt has been assumed from the very start of the hearings. He has been called a racketeer by even the cautious As- sociated Press. When and if Costello is brought to trial (and that is surely the goal of the hearings) his guilt will be an accepted fact. Costello will be tried in a mob atmosphere, a huge TV mob much bigger than any which ever plagued a courtroom. He could also plead he's been denied equal protection of the law because he has received more pro- tection than he wants. The protection of course has been from himself; the govern- ment doesn't want him to gamble, though it can't say just why. So we'd better start saving him right now. Besides, the laws Frank is supposed to have broken are bad laws in the first place. Vp+grain7ntj WHAT WITH three film groups (exclusive of the SL Cinema Guild) taking rather firm root this year, an unprecedented interest ht film art seems to have engulfed the cam- pus. Each of these groups, the Triton, Gothic, and Hillel Film Societies have concrned themselves mainly with bringing the best of older films to Ann Arbor, and judging from the response, this is apparently a good idea. Since early in the fall, the oldest and largest of these groups, Gothic Film has been ceneentrating on choice examples of vintage American comedy. By the way of a change, the club is set to expose itself tomorrow night to four straight hours of Sex and Swashbuckling. Theda Bara, the original vamp and lineal ancestor of Lana Turner, will appear in "A Fool There Was," the film which made her famous. Doug Fairbanks, who made his living for twenty years by looking sinful and swinging on ropes, will be seen in the $2,000,000 spec- tacle, "The Thief of Bagdad." Meanwhile, Dick Kraus, the intrepid man- ager of the SL Cinema Guild, has tentatively secured some excellent film for campus Spring consumption. First off is "Movie Crazy," a Harold Lloyd silent, to be shown next weekend in Hill Auditorium. "The Rocking-Horse Winner" a recent British film based on a wierd short story by D. H. Lawrence will follow around the middle of , April. Concerning a small boy who rocks himself to death in an atmosphere of fan- tastic horror, the picture has been hailed in England as one of the best. Marlene Dietrich, when her legs were young, made a film in Germany titled "The Blue Angel." Kracauer calls this a "new in- carnation of sex." At any rate, it is the story of a stodgy little professor who heads for the primrose path on the instance of Miss Dietrich. Which was perhaps understandable. The film will appear just before finals. -Perry Logan. Educational Nose EDUCATORS and public officials were shocked when the Georgia Legislature made provisions for closing the public schools He is a gambler. So what? It's his money, isn't it? Why not let him us@ it as he pleases? He isn't hurting anyone. He is a bookmaker. Well no one has to place bets with him. He's providing service to satisfied customers. Everyone in the deal is satisfied. It's nobody else's business. He is said to have bribed cops and other officials. He only paid them not to do things they shouldn't do in the first place, like persecuting gamblers. Costello is simply using the only effective weapon he has-money-to fight a Purity- ranical government. ' But liberals aren't the only ones who could feel at home on the Save Frank Committee. Free enterprisers too can see their principles are in danger. The doctrine of laissez faire took a terrific beating in the Kefauver hearings. The Student Legislature can justify its existence and maybe drum up some interest in the SL elections by authorizing (but not endorsing, of course) the Committee To Save Frank Costello. -Floyd Thomas t I) DORIS FLEESON: O'Dwyer Testimony 1YASHINGTON-The television cables do not reach to Key West yet, so President Truman, Democratic National Chairman Boyle and the Truman staff were denied the terrific visual impact of the Kefauver crime hearings in New York. This is prob- ably lucky for the Hon. William O'Dwyer, ambassador to Mexico. O'Dwyer says he will not resign despite the testimony about political gift-giving, smelly appointments and Costello calls. This puts it squarely up to the President who appointed him to Mexico City as part of what New York politicos insisted was a sure-fire scheme for capturing city hall and Albany. The scheme didn't work, in- cidentally. The President will be under no special pressure from the State Department to re- place O'Dwyer. Naturally, state is not hap- py over the portrait of a U.S. diplomat etched in acid by the Kefauver committee. But so much mayhem has so long been in- flicted upon the foreign service by politicians with socially ambitious wives or a yen to relax in foreign climes-and by businessmen ditto-the career men can't work up much indignation over having O'Dwyer in their midst. .* * * * FORTUNATELY the United States and Mexico are enjoying a period of tran- quility and close relations. No very serious problems are on tap. The Mexican govern- ment is not under fire here for anti-demo- cratic practices. If O'Dwyer were, for example, U.S. am- bassador to Argentina at this time or to Franco Spain, it is easy to perceive the immediate embarrassments. These are gov- ernments of which the United States is ex- tremely critical because they do not, in our view, give their citizens the democratic rights Americans have been abusing. This country is also continuously involved in delicate ne- gotiations with them. O'Dwyer happily has at his back in Mexico City one of the ablest of the old foreign-service hands, Paul Culbertson, an alumnus of Madrid and other difficult capitals. Culbertson is counselor of the embassy and acts as its executive head when the ambassador has appointments with Senator Kefauver, the grand jury, and so on. The fact is that the President seems to be rapidly approaching the point where, if he decides to do any firing, it will have to be in wholesale lots. Key West reports were that he gave no sign of any such intentions. . He is having a long week end here to review developments during his holiday and make up his mind. There will be little work done from Good Friday through Easter, and Congress has obliged also by keeping out of his way next week. The President does have some important diplomatic chores including the visit of President Auriol of France. M. Auriol, of course, can be relied upon not to mention the frequent U.S. criticism of weak and corrupt French governments. There has been some discussion in the capital about whether the current crop of investigations are not hurting us more abroad and in"disunity at home than they are helping. Some serious, honest observers question whether television does not turn them into too much of a Roman holiday. But the weight of opinion still is that they must go on until no suspicion of suppression or whitewash can remain. (Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Left of Center ... To the Editor: 1 --Daiy-B1- Hampton "This Nation wants to know exactly how many nest eggs YOU'VE got salted away ... " * * * * LA PRENSA-A week ago, the Argentine newspaper La Prensa, Dictator Peron's greatest public opposition, finally slid under Peron's control. It had not been an easy conquest, but it appeared an effec- tive one. The Peron-dominated congress passed a resolution appoint- ing a committee to investigate the newspaper, in the meanwhile stifling it under a nine-man board of control. La Prensa's editor and publisher, Alberto Gainza Paz, protested that the seizure was uncon- stitutional: he was immediately ordered jailed for 15 days for con- tempt of congress. *' * * * , Around the World .. . KOREA-The limited Allied offensive that began at the end of January paid off this week with major dividends. Edging carefully forward and repulsing stubborn Red counterattacks, the UN troops had suddenly found the Chinese lines melting before them. Hoeng- chon, Seoul and Chunchon fell in rapid succession and the Allies moved ever closer to the magic 38th parallel. Chinese troops, though vastly outnumbering the UN forces, had failed to stand up under our superior fire power. Rather than face useless losses they were retreating without giving a major battle. Friday, General Ridgeway's paratroops made a dramatic attack behind Red lines north of Seoul. That was the clincher. The Chinese pulled out, to leave South Korea completely in the hands of the UN army. Mao Tse-Tung's threat to drive the Allies into the ocean had been flung back in his face. Now, the big question is whether the UN army will again cross the 38th parallel. Diplomatically, Britain has urged that they stop. MacArthur has UN authority to go as far as he wishes, but he will probably not extend his supply lines too far. The next few weeks will likely find the Allies crossing the 38th only so far as it is necessary to establish military security. PARIS TALKS-It was the West against Gromyko again this week in Paris, where representatives from the Big Four nations have been meeting to settle a slate of issues for a future ministers con- ference. The debate resolved itself into a tangled and generally futile bantering over word meanings, and the deadlock still shows little sign of breaking. The Russians want to talk about the "demilitarization" and "remilitarization" of Germany, and nothing else, while the West- ern powers are in favor of extending the discussion to other critical issues. DAILY EDITORIAL writer Ron ' Watts has missed the boat in classifying all those who have flocked to the -defense of Willie McGee as "slightly left of center." (Daily, Thursday, March 15) It seems inconceivable to me that Watts, who was a member of The Daily during last year's con- troversy over the showing of the film, "Birth of a Nation," should not yet have learned to differenti- ate between those who sincerely desire to protect the rights of minority groups and those who have a different axe to grind. Frankly, Mr. Watts, the classi- fication "slightly left of center" includes the present national ad- ministration, the Governor of the state of Michigan, most of your co-workers on The Daily, and if you'll pardon the expression-me. And even more frankly, I resent being classified with some of the fanatics who have filled The Daily's letter columns with thinly- disguised attacks on the UN effort in Korea in the form of appeals for Willie McGee. After many heated discussions with some of these prolific letter writers during the "Birth of a Nation" squabble last year, I be- came convinced that their primary purpose was not to save unfortun- ates like Willie McGee or to help Negroes attain their full civil rights, but to discredit the United States at home and abroad. "Things like this would never happen in Russia," one of them said to me quite earnestly. This year's batch of letters from the same group of fanatics merely strengthens my convictions. Mak- ing Willie McGee part of the Kor- ean issue actually follows the lat- est twist in the American Com- munist party line : "If we don't have democracyin Mississippi, why should we fight for it in Korea?" So please, Mr. Watts, use a lit- tle more discretion in your politi- cal designations. We "slightly-to- the-left-of-center's" think that Willie McGee should be reprieved if there is any doubt of his guilt and that every effort should be made to strengthen our democracy by eliminating its flaws. But. we also think that UN forces in Korea have shot a hole in the plans of a handful of pow- er-hungry men to achieve domina- tion of the world and that some of the witting and unwitting tools of the Kremlin on the University of Michigan campus are going to have to produce something better than the hogwash they have been turning out to convince us that we're wrong. The Week's News . . . IN RETROSPECT . . Xette'J TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors., easy to see that Mr. Challis is objecting to being called back to active duty before finishing his education, while thousands of other physically fit men, who have not as yet rendered a duty to their country, are being permitted the privilege of a college education. Mr. Trim's letter will also be misinterpreted by many readers. I don't know this man either, but I would guess that he also is a veteran that is objecting to eing called back into service before finishing his education. Thus, we have two cases where letter writers failed to put their congruent point across. I wish to make a third attempt on this point and make it clear that many veterans now going to this univer- sity are being called out of school to active duty while "brainy" non- veterans will be permitted to fin- ish their education. This is clear- ly unfair; I protest; and request that the situation be corrected. -Nistor Potcova Jr. * * * McGee Case To the Editor: WE STUDENTS seem to be for- getting something mighty im- portant in the case of Willie Mc- Gee. Some of us forget (others cannot forget) that this is a Jim Crow country, where Jim Crow is the law of the land. But the case of Willie McGee cannot be considered apart from the insti- tutions of discrimination, segrega- tion, and outright persecution that are the practice of federal, state, and local governments in the Uni- ted States. The State of Mississippi's of- ficial policy, inscribed in its own statute-books, is one of repression and hostility against the Negro people. Jim Crow in Mississippi is not just something "in the mind;" it is official State policy, backed up by the police, the courts; and the law. The MeGee case did not happen in a vacuum. We must also bear in mind that the McGee case is not an isolated, exceptional instance of a Negro's suffering injustice in the courts. There have been and are cases where courts have tried to "get" Negroes, and many more cases where the Negro has been denied the full protection of the law. It adds up to a pattern of Jim Crow justice that can only be broken by the protest of an aroused pub- lic conscience. A small group of white law- yers (they need not concern them- selves) decry all this as "agita- tion;" but no American is afraid to speak out for democracy. To- gether, we can whip Jim Crow in the U.S.A., and in our lifetime. -David R. Luce, Grad. i . 4 r * 4 4 4 ART CURRENTLY ON VIEW at the Museum of Art is the exhibit of the Museum's ac- cessions to its collections for 1950. The Museum's policy in making these purchases is to limit itself for the most part to contem- porary art, and in this field primarily to examples of the graphic arts and sculpture. This Is, of course, not the result of any antagonism towards the old masters, but rather the result of the realization that since quality works of the old mas- ters demand a price which only the IArger museums and private collectors can meet, the small museum with limited funds can purchase a greater number of works and works of higher quality by remaining within the contemporary field. Modern sculpture is represented in the exhibit by an abstract iron and steel sculp- ture by David Smith and by two stone fig- ures by John Flannagan. "Crouching Figure" and "Horse." "Crouching Figure" is far more effective from both an abstract and an expressive point of view. ' Though the number of paintings purchas- ed is small, Ben Shahn's "Boy" deserves mention as a good example of this painter's feeling for the isolation, the loneliness of the individual. i A # # * * National , 0 0 - i MUSIC THE GREATER PART of the collection consists of examples of the graphic arts and shows a wide variety of media and style. Two Rouaults have been added, a colored aquatint, "Christ on the Cross with Disci- ples," and a black and white aquatint from the series, "Miserere et Guerre," published in 1949. Rather surprising is the lithograph by Wilhelm Lehmbruck. In this work, the head of the artist's small son, he departs radical- ly from the elongated proportions of his better known sculpture. Also worth mention is a little black and white Klee lithograph, "The Witch with the Comb," showing Klee's usual excellence in dealing with subjects of fantasy. * * * * O ITS CELEBRATED Beckmann paint- ing, "Begin the Beguine," the Museum has added an example of the artist's work in the graphic arts, a pen and ink sketch entitled, "Self Portrait with Fishing Pole." Unfortunately, this example is rather dis- appointing in the light of Beckmann's other works. Out of the contemporary field and by now really an old master is Renoir, represented by a large black and white lithograph, "Le Chapeau Epingl." From the same period comes the impressionistic Pierre Bonnard lithograph from his series on Parisian life, entitled "Le Pont." In a group by themselves are several Chinese ceramic vessels and figurines from , THE STUDENT Arts Festival present the Inter-Arts Union continued night with a program by the Modern D Club and the Ballet Club and an oper Edward Chudacoff, with libretto by D Waldron, '51. The productions of the Modern Dance Ballet groups were well planned in a grammatic sense. The Modern DanceI presented selections from A. A. Milne "Dirge" by Benjamin Britton while Ballet Club danced to Dohnanyi's "Iphig in Aulis." The choreography in the second sele of Milne was particularly outstanding.I ever, "Dirge," a more serious dance, h, dramatic beginning but lacked the nece direction and concentration to produ sufficient impact. The ballerina portrayed the ancient end of Agamemnon very well. The of the sacred stag was artistically perfoi Her technique (especially in the fortes grace were particularly evident in this and in the following scenes. Edward Chudacoff's opera, "Circus," pleted this very interesting program. I ed by last ance ra by aniel and pro- Club LABOR-Last Wednesday, Economic Stabilizer Eric Johnston climbed on an airplane and flew to Key West, Florida, to talk to President Truman. Johnston was worried, and for good reason. About the middle of February, the now-extinct Wage Stabilization Board had voted to limit future wage increases to ten per cent, and the decision had not only dissolved the Board itself, but had sent the whole labor- mobilization situation into what appeared an inextricable snarl. Since then, things have gone from bad to worse, and last week Johnston found himself being battered around Washington by a mounting storm of labor criticism. Clearly, something had to be done. So Johnston tuyned up in Key West, primed to get the word from Harry. It took Truman 35 minutes to tell Johnston to redouble his efforts to find a solution. Presumably, that is what he is doing now. CRIME QUIZ KIDS-The Senate Crime Committee closed shop in Foley Square Thursday, moving on to Washington after a second week of sensational TV programs. Major New York finding was a link between New York racketeers and Tammany Hall politicians. William O'Dwyer, former mayor of New York and present ambassador to Mexico, flew in to take the stand. Self-righteous Senator Tobey accused him of sullying himself with crooked companions. O'Dwyer promptly chastened Tobey by suggesting that he was no political angel either. Back in Washington, however, Tobey recommended that the Senate Foreign Relations Committee review O'Dwyer's fitness to serve as an ambassador. Other developments during the week: crime leader Frank Costello admitted graft and perjured himself, while political appointee Jim Moran resigned his life-time job as City Water Commissioner. Next week's show? What's left of Murder Incor- porated. DRAFT-Army manpower needs seemed to be thinning out some- what last week, as defense officials announced that the April draft call would be cut in half. Reasons given for the cut included an un- expected number of volunteers and a lowered casualty rate in Korea. * * * * Student Draft To the Editor: I WISH to correct Mr. Marvin E. Trim's assumption that he would be a g'reater asset to his country if he were allowed to fin- ish his senior year. He assumes that the armed forces need offi- cers and that college, graduates are a good source of supply. I know of many graduates from this university, some of them veterans, who are now in service and are NOT commissioned officers. I am sure all Daily Readers are fa- miliar with Pvt. Peter Hotton, a graduate of t'h is university. (Please see back page) Mr. Trim makes many unjust comments in reference to Mr. Stan Challis USAFR. I do not know this man, but I believe that his letter was misinterpreted by many readers. I'll risk a guess that he is a veteran that is being called back to active duty. It is 1 A . . -Leon M. Jaroff Forest Hills, N.Y. . DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ~1 Sixty-First Year t Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jim Brown,...........Managing Editor Paul Brentlinger ...........City Editor Roma Lipsky .........Editorial Director Dave Thomas ...Feature Editor Janet Watts ..........Associate Editor Nancy Bylan...........Associate Editor James Gregory .......Associate Editor Bill Connolly............Sports Editor Bob Sandell ....Associate Sports Editor Bill Brenton ....Associate Sports Editor Barbara Jans ..........Women's Editor Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Daniels........Business Manager Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager Paul Schaible...Advertising Manager Bob Mersereau.......Finance Manager Bob Miller ........Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. & and the genia ction How- ad a ssary ice a leg- solo rmed. ) and solo com- It is Local.... ZONING-Fraternities and sororities have been floating around A and AA zones of Ann Arbor in a somewhat unauthorized fashion for years. There have been several attempts on the part of residents in the past few years to establish the houses as multiple dwellings and so exclude them from the zoned areas. The question came up for serious discussion in the City Council again this fall, and things looked pretty grey for the house groups. In January, an alternate suggestion was made: that special A-1 zones be established around the bulk of the fraternities, allowing them to remain as special groups. This week, after heated debate, the Council voted the new zones into existence. They also voted to include co-ops, but wouldn't admit league houses. The measure now awaits Mayor Brown's expected okay. -LEONARD GREENBAUM, CHUCK ELLIOT. (Continued from Page 2) nowned Ballets de Lubienski, including ballet, can-can, gypsy and Mexican dances in costume. Soceidad Hispanica: Social hour, Mon., 4-6 p.m., International Center. History Club: Meeting, Tues., March 27, 8 p.m., East Conference Room, Rack- ham Bldg. Talks will be given on the "History of the virgin Islands,"'"Rela- tionship of Canadian to American His- tory," and "~The American War of In- dependence viewed from a British point of view." BARNABY t - Say, do you think Tennessee - 3 11IN Fa~egis-s That's too bad isn't it? Because IrNm! WII1 .I 7:1