1 Y L BLOODY STALEMATE See Page 4 Latest De~adline in the pState. aii4 t ' o P 11 a,, a c L. LXI, NO. 121 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 1951 FAIR, WARMER EIGHT PAGES Argentine Claims Atom Discovery Peron Boasts Country's H-Bomb Research, Production Superiority BUENOS AIRES - (I) -- Argentina scientists have produced Atomic energy by a new method much cheaper than the usual processes and are investigating problems of the hydrogen bomb, Sesident Juan Peron announced yesterday. He said the atomic energy will be developed on a big scale and P arnessed exclusively for industrial use. IMPLYING ARGENTINE leadership in hydrogen bomb research, Ie said the study of solar reactions by a new type apparatus called the thremotron show foreign scientists are "still far from their goal," t least on the basis of what they have published. < The production of atomic en- UJ.S. Experts Dou bt Pero -tom Claim WASHINGTON - WP) - Som tdp-ranking American Scientists yesterday doubted President Per- on's claim that Argentina has rfected a new way of releasing "controlled" atomic energy on a 1rge scale. They are Urna Lidel, chief nuc- ear physicist of the Office o 'aval Research; Ralph Lapp, for- merly of that office; and Georg .Gmow, one of the first scientist to envision the possibilities of a TIydrogen Bomb. * * * PRESIDENT Peron of Argen- tina has claimed his scientists have developed a new wrinkle for producing "controlled" atomic en- ergy of utilizing "thermo-nuclear r'action" like those going on in the sun. It is this type of reaction that would be used in the proposed American Hydrogen Bomb, uti- 4izing an A-Bomb as a trigger to produce the sun-like temper. atures estimated as high as -4200 million degrees. Lidel told a reporter that even i~the H-Bomb is perfected, it is "mprobable that the thermo- nuclear reaction could be used for the "controlled" release of atomic energy for pratcical, peace-time purposes on any scale other than d laboratory one. * * * LAPP VOICED even a stronger 'iew: . "There is no controllable fea- ture in the Hydrogen Bomb type of reaction," he said. "To ;sustain such a reaction, you'd have to maintain a temperature .f at least 100 million degrees, and to do that you'd have to Keep exploding A-Bombs." Scoffing at the Argentina re- uprt, at least on the evidence pre- stnted so far, Lapp said: "I'm surprised the Soviet haven't pulled tiatf one. Maybe they (Argen- tina) are trying it on for size." Gamow declared that on the tidence so far presented, the Ar- gentina report now struck him like "advertising without grounds." He said it was conceivable that the Argentinian might have de- vploped a new method for releas- ing atomic energy on a "niicro- seopic" laboratory scale. But he alded that it is another thing to do it on a pratcical scale. . * ha etor Stlt Against Ford Starts Monday Foley Square will be the scene of action for Irish tractor-maker 1arry Ferguson's $342.6 million showdown battle with the Ford Motor Company starting tomor- row. " Setting for many a famous trial s&pce the end of the war, Foley Square and the Federal district courthouse have seen everything fkm Communists on parade to big league gangsters. 'ACCORDING to a spokesman for Ferguson, t h e complaint against Ford is the "largest civil l1wsuit ever tried in the United States," noching startling for the historic square. The present lawsuit price fig- ure, formerly set at $251,000,000,' ergy is "transcendental for the future life of Argentina and I do not doubt of the entire world," Peron said. He made the announcement at a news conference limited to Ar- gentine newsmen normally sta- ;ioned at his palace, the Rose House. Foreign correspondents were excluded. e A stenographic report was made s public later. - Argentine scientists obtained s "the controlled release of atomic g energy" through "thermonuclear a reactions" Feb. 16 at a government pilot plant on Huemul Island at - San Carlos de Bariloche, the pres- f ident said in a prepared state- - ment. e* * * . s AUSTRIAN-BORN Ronald Rich- ter, 42, one of scores of European, scientists and technicians who came to Argentina after World - War II, was introduced as the cre-1 s ator of the Argentine system. S Richter told the newsmen, "For some time Argentina has r known the secret of the hydro- gen bomb but in spite of, this knowledge the president never asked that hydrogen bombs be developed. On the contrary, I have always found a refusal on Peron's part to make use of this secret." / Anerican scientists and perhaps others also know the secret of the 11-bomb, which theoretically would s be many times more powerful than -the atom bomb. The trick is how r to put it together so it will work. The scientist, a tall, blond grad- uate of the University of Prague, a used the word explosion in refer- ring to the experiments but speci- fied that it was not like an atom- r bomb blast. Meat Strike Averted by Extension Negotiators Wait Action by Board WASHINGTON - (P) - The threat of an imediate meat-pack- ing strike was lifted off the sagging shoulders of the Government's high commanders yesterday as they held an important meeting at the White House on the future of the controls program. At Chicago, the CIO Packing- houes Workers announced an ex- tension to May 7 of their tentative wage agreement with the major meat-packing firms. It was due to expire today and a strike had been threatened for tomorow. AFL and independent unions made a similar extension Friday. THE THREE UNIONS and the companies have agreed on a wage raise of 11 cents an hour, subject to approval of the government. Economic stabilizer Eric Johnston has refused to allow more than 3 cents of the increase becase the other 8 cents would breach the present wage control formula of 10 percent above the level of Jan. 15, 1950. The meat unions and the com- panies hope that before May 7 Johnston will have succeeded in setting up a new Wage Stabiliza- tion Board, which would decide whether to grant more than 3 cents in their case. Johnston attended yesterday's White House meeting. So did Defense Mobilizer Charles Wilson and his general counsel, Herbert Bergson. And so did Attorney General J. Howard MGrath, his top assistant, Pey ton Ford, and Solicitor General Philip Perlman. Everybody was close-mouthed about the meeting. 'I * * * PERHAPS the most urgent im- mediate question of interpreting the law is whether a formal, public labor-management conference must be held .before the Wage. Stabilization Board can be given power to settle labor-management disputes. Johnston, who has held many conferences with union and man- agement men during the last four weeks, has taken the position that an agreement reached in such con- ferences would satisfy the provi- sions of the law. UN Troops Near Go-Ahead Given 4 I Referees Fix Cage Games, BettorSays Big Ten Involved, Crime Quiz Told WASHINGTON-(A')-A $1,000,- 000-a-year bettor testified yester- day that "three, four or five" still- active basketball referees are be- lieved in gambling circles to be in- volved in fixing college games. The self-described professional gambler, Sidney Brodson, of Mil-, waukee, also said he felt "some- thing was abnormal" about Madi- son Square Garden games long before the bribery scandal de- veloped there. * * * BRODSON, slender, smooth- talking former lawyer, testified be- for the Senate crime-investigating committee. He wasn't asked for and sup- posedly didn't give the names of the referees he suspected of be- ing approachable by fixers. However, he said at least one is in the midwestern Big Ten con- ference and another in the East's Ivy League. But the Milwaukee Journal said Brodson gave the committee names of teams, players and officials. "ODDLY ENOUGH," Brodson said, "these officials are still ref- ereeing." He referred to the Big Ten in this somewhat tangled sen- tence: I-' "There was one instance in the Big Ten where, when one par- ticular referee referees the games, almost the same situation as took place in the Garden developed." Big Ten leaders "know about this case," he added. IN NEW YORK Knneth "Tug" Wilson, commissioner of the Big Ten, said: "In my opinion the integrity of our officials is beyond suspicion. We have about 35 officials on call but none of them is a pro- fessional refree. They have their regular work and the officiating is a sideline. If Brodson has any definite information I will be glad to receive it." Brodson faced the Senators, microphones and newsreel and television cameras after another witness had told of helping get two Kansas City gangsters out of jail at the suggestion of a well- known Kansas City doctor. The earlier witness was Lew Farrell, formerly Luigi Fratto, chubby ex-boxer known in §om police records as "Cockeyed Louis." He's a beer distributor in Des Moines. S * * * + w , Entry Fails at Costello Home NEW YORK-W)-Three men, one carrying a gun, tried vmsuc-j cessfully yesterday to enter the] 18th floor apartment of Frank1 Costello, reputed rackets ruler1 questioned this week by the Sen- ate Crime Committee, Costello told the committee- and millions of television listen-j ers-that he kept from $40,000 to $50,000 in cash in the swank nine-i room uite overlooking Centralj Park. ' Police s a i d, however, they learned from Mrs. Cstello that all "valuables" had been removed, from the apartment soon , BUNNY BOY-Kirk Hampton, two and a half years old, frolics with his Easter bunny on the eve of Easter. Although he has looked, he hasn't found any eggs yet. ,* 4 *. * Winds To RustleIusties In Fashion Promenade Egg-clesiastical GARDEN CITY -(P) -- The Rev. Wilbert R. Nelson of the Church of God requested his congregation to come to Easter morning services today in over- als and house dresses. The pastor explained that too much emphasis is being put on new Easter clothes and not 'enough on the Easter miracle. Pliane with 53, Aboard Still Missing SHANNON AIRPORT, Ireland -(P)-Recovery of an airforce- type valise yesterday swung fleets of ships and planes toward a new sector of the Atlantic in search of the U.S. Airforce Globemaster, missing since early Friday with 53 persons aboard. The valise was picked up by the international weather ship Char- lie at 1:30 p.m. 630 miles south- west of Shannon.- The Charlie was one of two weather ships which had previously been sent to an area 500 miles west of Ireland fol- lowing reports early yesterday that flares, wreckage and life- rafts had been sighted. * * * THE VALISE was the first ob- ject taken from the water as ai possible clue to the whereabouts of the huge army transport C-124. It was found as hopes were fad- ing for the missing men. U.S. Coast Guard headquar- ters in-'Boston said its cutter I Casco radioed it had picked up a charred duffle bag, identified as belonging to one of the Globemaster's passengers, 550 miles west southwest of Shan-, non. The Casco's message said the bag belonged to U.S. Airforce Capt. L. E. Rafferty, of .Great Lakes, Ill., listed among the 53 persons aboard the plane. Apparently, the Casco was bas- ed at the international weather station in the Atlantic designated as "C for Charlie." Boston Coast Guard headquarters said the Cas- co was not at its assigned weather station when it reported picking up the bag. It is possible the Casco may, have referred to itself simply as "Charlie" in its message to the airforce rescue headquarters at Shannon. The Airforce said the message it had received gave no description of the condition of the bag or any other details. The differences in reported po- sitions where the bag was found could not immediately be explain- ed but it appeared both messages referred to the same bag 38th; To Cross OK To ross If Needed -- MacArthur- Approach Within Hour of Parallel TOKYO-{AP)-Allied troops yes- terday moved less than an hour's march from Korea's 38h parallel as Gen. Dougles MacArthur said they were free to cross at any time military needs dictated. Sot th Korean Troops drove up the east coast highway north of Kangnung to within less than a mile of the North-South Korns boundary. South Korean patrols in the past 24 hours have crossed the parallel several times, the Repub- lic's army disclosed. * * * IN CENTRAL KOREA, north of Chunchon, other Allied forces fought Chinese Reds less than two miles from the border. In western Korea north of Seoul, Red forces resisted fiercely from defenses in depth extending some 15 miles below, the parallel. The Communists there attempted two counterattacks today but were beaten back. The bitter fighting, some of it hand-t-hand with bayonets and frei 'c'es, cost the Reds 3,235 killed cr wounded and 341 prisoners in gr urd action. ALLIED PLANES in record Inumbers added to the toll. Carrier- based pilots estmated in one area; attack north of Seoul they ac- counted for 60 to 80 per cent of the hill-entrenched Communists. There was hard fighting along 12 miles of a ridge front north of Seoul. The action, extended eastward from a point northwest of Uijongbu. That Alied-held highway town is 12 miles north of Seoul. U.S. troops fought all day before driving elements of twoRed bat- talions from the first line of ridges north of Uijongbu. * * * BELGIANS and Americans dug the Communists out of camou- flaged caves northwest and north- east of Uijongbu while advancing more than half a mile. The Communists' positions continued northward in depth across the 38th parallel into North Korea. Twenty miles northwest of Seoul, where 3,300 paratroopers dropped at Munsan, Friday, surprised ele- ments of the North Korean First Corps were giving themselves up. Twenty-seven were captured in one brush. sixty-four surrendered after a fight south of Munsan. Sorltd News By The Associated Press GRAND RAPIDS-Sen. Arthur Vandenberg (R-Mich), seriously ill at his home here, was reported as resting fairly comfortably yes- i Four Talks Will Continue PARIS - (P) - The Big Four Deputy Foreign Ministers decided yesterday to continue their dead- locked discussions here into next week, by which time Soviet Depu- ty Andrei Gromyko may - have fresh instructions on the Krem- lin's attitude toward a top-level conference. A French spokesman said it seemed obvious from the "long propaganda filibuster" of Gromy- ko in the deputies' 17th session that he had not yet received re- cent instructions from Moscow. The Four will gather again Tuesday-and it may be the last try to arrange an agenda for a foreign ministers' conference on international tensions. While there was little indica- tion here of success of the Depu- ties' Conferences, a Berlin report quoted Soviet sources as saying the meetings have followed a "satisfactory course." terday, but his general condition remained unchanged, Dr. A. B. Smith said. WASHINGTON - Republicans had a campaign under way yes- terday to get White House aide Donald Dawson on a witness stand before the Fulbright subcommittee. BUENOS AIRES, Argentina- Police are still hunting for Al- berto Gainza Paz, editor of the government-seized independent newspaper La Prensa, who has been declared a fugitive from justice. .* * * PARIS - French rail strikers were flocking back to work last night, spurred by a government pledge of wage raises. * * * NEW DELHI, India - The newspaper Statesman reported yesterday that religious rioting broke out in three towns of northern India as Hindus cele- brated the second day of their "Holi" festival. .* * * CAIRO, Egypt-King Farouk I "has decided by God's will" to marry 17-year-old Narriman Sa- dek May 6, a palace announce- ment said yesterday. High winds and frosty tempera- tures were expected to rustle the brand new bustles of early church- goers this bright Easter morning. Local women's clothing store managers however, doubted that very many co-eds would be com- pletely clad in, new Easter outfits. * * *1 BEMOANING the early date of Easter this year, they asserted that the cold weather, especially during the last week, had decidedly in- jured their sales. "However,' one women's shop manager said, "for the early spring Army To Call 150 Seniors : From ROTC Approximately 150 University seniors enrolled in the Army Re- serve Officer Training Corps will be called into active service this summer, according to Maj. George E. Rippey, Public Information Of- ficer of the ROTC unit on campus. Under the new order released Friday by the Army, one-third of the graduates will be called in July, one-third "in August and the last third, in September. Maj. Rippey pointed out that the new order affects only seniors presently enrolled in the ROTCr presently enrolled in the ROTC program and due to graduate in June. ROTC graduates of previous years wil continue in their present status as Reserve officers subject to immediate call when wanted. . Maj. Rippey added that the call is partly intended to fill the need inductees. It has been under con- for more junior officers to train sideration for several weeks, he said, but was not announced until approved by the Manpower Com- mission. season, we consider business quite good." "Dresses and accessories seem to be very popular among the women students." she continued. "Even hat sales have been high, considering that only 25 per cent of the women wear them." i With the mercury expected tat rise little during the day, most wonen plan to combine bonnet- type Easter hats with winter coats. * * * JUDGING FROM sales in the Slocal flower shops, women in Ann Arbor and back home can expect a corsage to top off the Easter out- fit. The traditional lily still ranks high among the favorites for par- ents. It also looks as if very few people are planning to wear the old outfit. The dry cleaning es- tablishments have noticed no surprisable increase in cleaning business, but do expect a wave of cleaning next week. Local restaurants are preparing for a large number of dinner guests. Most of them will be fea- turing ham and lamb dinners in addition to the usual bill of fare. 4 * * * * "MEN, HOWEVER, don't seem to regard Easter as the high point -of the fashion year," a haberdash- V 'ON Tb THE MAINLAND': * * * Church Services SUNRISE SERVICES Wesleyan Guild, First Metho- dist Church, 6:30 a.m. Baptist Student Center, 520 E. Huron, 6 a.m. St. Andrews Episcopal Church, 306 N. Division, 7 a.m. Congregational, D i s c i ples, Evangelical and Reformed Guild, 438 Maynard, 6:45 a.m. Presbyterian Church, 1432 Washtenaw, 5:30 a.m. SPECIAL CHURCH EVENTS Wesleyan G u ild - Special Easter service, 6:30 p.m. First Baptist Church, 512 Huron-showing of "King of Kings", 7 p.m. Congregational, Reformed Guild-Easter music program, 7:30 p.m., Lutheran Student Associa- tion at Zion Lutheran Church, 309 Washington - Easter pro- gram, music and meditation, 5:30 p.m. Presbyterian Church-uild U.S. Denies MacArthur Beat China' Statement WASHINGTON-.0P)- The Ad- ministration disassociated itself yesterday from Gen. Douglas Mac- Arthur's declaration that the Unit- ed Nations can destroy Red China if it expands its military opera- tions to attacks on the Chinese mainland. The Administration's hands-off A- Zone May Be Extended A movement now underway may result in League houses being in- cluded in the newly formed A-1 house group zone, according to TSr. A T n nnn ,o nf attitude-indicating some disap- proval but falling short of real disavowal or rebuke-was express- ed in two ways. 1. State Department'officials said in response to reporters 'in- quiries that so far as they could determine Gen. MacArthur's statement was not cleared in Washington before he released it in Tokyo. 2. A department press officer, Reginald Mitchell, issued a care- fully worded statement which hadbeen under preparation for several hours. It offered no support to any- thing Gen. MacArthur had said and emphasized that political is- sues beyond his responsibility as mil-a - nn .wt - - _a _ . .._ niii BUS AD SCHOOL FOUNDER: Edmund Day's Death Evokes Faculty Tribute The death of Edmund Day, founder of the business adminis- tration school. brought expressions years he has made a significant contribution to higher education." to work with the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial and later "an educator and administrator of broad vision, a man of highest I ii I