~1 TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY c r v - 'y ir r'~i 4, 1: 1 I I La Prensa' .. UN Appeal T E OUTSTANDING Buenos Aires news- paper, La Prensa, has finally become one of the many government-controlled dailies in Argentina. Labor union troubles, newsprint restrictions, threats, force-all inspired by the shrewd but unscrupulous Juan Peron-preceded the, seizure. No doubt from here on in, La Prensa's newsprint will be whittled down to the intelligence of President Peron. This is clearly a matter of international, concern, and as such, a matter for the United Nations to consider. But according to the Monroe-doctrinated Chicago Tribune, the UN is helpless.j The other day, in an obvious crack at the UN, the Chitrib (as it is affectionately call- ed by sympathetic Republicans) pointed out that under the UN Charter it's quite legal for Peron to expropriate La Prensa. The McCormick-fettered writer, seeming-j ly well-versed in the provisions of the Char- ter, points to article 14, section 3: "The right to seek, receive, and impartj information and ideas carries with it special duties and responsibilities and may there-j fore be subject to certain penalties, liabili- ties, and restrictions, but these shall be such only as are provided by law and are neces- sary for the protection of national security, public order, safety, health, or morals .. " Peron has contended that La Prensa's fight for existence has been waged for the purpose of "injuring Argentina's interna- tional prestige and indestructible union of her people with their government." On these grounds, the Tribune, pausing "with regret" to shed a tear for La Prensa, con- cludes that Peron was entirely within his rights and the UN is powerless. Editorials publisbed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT F4DIT0R: BOB KEITH AL AL But the Tribune has disregarded-as per usual-several more vital factors. For one, Article 14 of the Charter definitely gives the General Assembly power to review and recommend on any situation-regardless of origin-which might impair world peace. It could be argued that the suppression of La Prensa has created such resentment on the part of other countries that another war may be precipated. But even more convincing: the Peron Gov- ernment has committed a flagrant violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 17, section 2 states: "No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property." Article 19 says: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opin- ions without interference and to seek, re- ceive, and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers." Of course, the Declaration, although adop- ted unanimously by the General Assembly in 1948, has no binding effect on member states. But these rights have been, in effect, incorporated in the principles and purposes of the United Nations. In this case, one of the most fundamental rights-freedom of press-has been violated. La Prensa itself cannot appeal its case to the UN under the provisions of the Charter. But any member state can bring the case before the General Assembly. A precedent for this occurred when Bolivia protested the imprisonment of Cardinal Mindzenty by the Soviets. This too was a domestic issue, but had international implications. The United States, a country with a tra- ditionally free press, should bring the case before the UN. In so doing, the UN might correct a tyrannical abuse, and the United States would benefit the more as a cham- pion of a free press. -Cal Samra Labor & Mobilization THE AFL and CIO are opening themselves to some devastating blows from public pinion with their renewed blasts at the overnment mobilization program. Citizens ire working themselves into a lather over abor's action, mainly because they don't ealize the background and motivation of inions. Labor's withdrawal frdm the mobilization Grogram can best be explained as a char- acteristic method of unions in fighting MUS1 C L AST NIGHT THE Inter-Arts Union pre- sented its first musical offerings of The Student Arts Festival: string quartets by George Wilson and Robert Cogan. Both works demonstrate a high order of crafts- manship; both works impressed this listener with their dramatic forcefulness and emo- tional intensity. Indeed, musical drama- the balancing of moods, the building up and releasing of tensions, the contrasting of ex- pressive sonorities-seemed the chief con- cern of the composers. If there was a feeling of strain, a sense that the composer was, so to speak, singing at the top of his voice, it could be traced to this concern with the dra- matic. I wished for more repose, perhaps for more musical elements of a neutral, non- dramatic nature which would serve to point up the significant, dramatic ideas. And there were ideas: the fine, upsurg- ing first theme of the first movement of Cogan's "Quartet;" the meditative sub- ject of the fugue in the "Adagio" of the Wilson work. I was especially impressed by the way Wilson developed the subject and made of this movement a passionate, moving musical entity. Cogan's "Quartet" stood up well under a second hearing. The astringent scherzo, and the slow movement-written in a spacious, declamatory idiom-made the deepest im- pression. And this is as much as this journal- ist can say in five inches. -Harvey Gross something they don't like-with a strike or boycott. To labor its fears seem very real and in many aspects are justified. Only within the last twenty years have they received any sort of formal recognition from man-. agement. Following the passage of the Wagner Act, labor won many of the long sought goals of minimum wage and hours, unemployment compensation and several other aspects of the New Deal labor legis- lation. Then, when Charles E. Wilson, the presi- dent of one of the nation's largest cor- porations, was named chief mobilizer with almost unbelievable powers of executive or- der, labor began to feel the ground getting mighty shaky under them. The unions had realized that the Taft-Hartley Act was an indication of adverse public opinion toward labor. And now, Wilson, one of their strong- est opponents was in position to wipe away the remainder of these hard fought gains. Wilson has a reputation for being a tough man with labor. He almost ruined some fine labor relations in his old job simply through his stubborness. And he now seems to have carried the attitude into his new job that heading the mobilization program is no dif- ferent than running ,a big corporation - those who don't cooperate can be bullied or just tossed aside. The two big labor organizations operating through the United Labor Policy Commit- tee have merged for convenience to fight out this problem. They are convinced, and rightly so, that labor as well as management should have a top ranking representative in the mobilization program. Many of the labor leaders certainly have the ability to handle such a job. One could hardly deny that it takes just as much tact and administrative ability to lead a heterogeneous political labor group as it does to head a large corporation. The labor groups are fighting for a fair representation in the mobilization program. The arrival of wide-spread collective bar- gaining on the labor-management scene proved that they were at last officially re- cognized by management. Now they are rightly battling for an extension of the re- cognition into our mobilization program. -Ron Watts MATTER OF FACTI By JOSEPH ALSOP DANGEROUS CORNER AHEAD BERLIN-This tragic but brave city is the best place to think about the projected conference of the Big Four Ministers. In Washington, they worry about tactics. In Paris, the deputies wrangle about the agen- da. But here in Berlin, you see all around you the human and material stakes in the desperate game the Soviets are playing. In sum, these stakes add up to Ger- many. Germany nowadays is the key, both strategically and politically, of Wes- tern Europe. Hence this projected con- ference which in America seems so re- mote is likely to be as significant a turn- ing point as the London meeting in 194, that led the United States to adopt the policy of "patience and firmness." To be sure, no one who surveys the scene from Berlin can possibly credit the rumor, so sedulously spread by the Kremlin, that the Soviets will take this occasion to offer the basis of a serious world settlement. In pressing for the four power conference they have had much harder and more self-serv- ing aims. The first aim has been to delay decision on the vital matter of the German contri- bution to the defense of the West. In this the Soviets have already triumphantly suc- ceeded, gaining about six months' time thereby. The second aim is vastly more am- bitious. The Soviets hope to use the confer- ence itself to divide and disrupt the West- ern alliance for good and all. * * * THE QUESTION is how Soviet Foreign Minister Vishinsky will seek to attain this planned objective. What is feared in Washington is of course well known. The American policy makers fear that Vishinsky will offer the unification of Germany on the basis of genuine free elections, in re- turn for guarantees of German demilitariza- tion and withdrawal of all occupation forces. On the surface such an offerrwould be very attractive, especially to the Germans. For the Russians, it would mean the temporary loss of their profitable province in East Germany, where their stooge government would be snowed under in any free voting. But for the Western allies this deal would also mean the loss of the strategically vital central German position. Western rearma- ment would be permanently disrupted. Meanwhile the Russian armies would retreat only a few score miles from the German border. They would be as ready as ever to flow out again over a Germany left with no defenses whatever, and a Western Europe exposed by the loss of the German glacis. Thus superficially, Washington fears (which are authorative- ly reported to be shared by Chancellor Adenauer) would appear to be justified. The Berlin signs suggest, moreover, that the Soviets have at least been playing with the idea of this whole gamble. At the Pra- gue meeting, when the new Kremlin line of "German unity'" was first announced some months ago, Vyascheslav Molotov not only rode rough-shod over the satellite Commun. ists to make them agree to his draft declara- tion; there is also some evidence that Mo- lotov called in the non-Communist so-called Foreign Minister of East Germany, Georg Dertinger, and gave him a little speech about the virtues of free elections. SINCE THEN, it is known that the Soviet Kommandatura has discreetly checked what the probable result of a free election in East Germany would be. And it is also known that the leaders of the East derman government, foreseeing abandonment by their masters, had begun to be exceedingly concerned about their own future. On the other side of the ledger, however, are three still more important items of evi- dence. First the Soviets have not only con- tinued exploitation of the East German uranium mines in the Erzgebirge; they have also recently opened a large number of shafts producing very low quality ore. This suggests that the Erzgebirge resource is still vital to them and cannot be gambled with. Second, Gromyko at Paris, contrary to the Prague line, has laid all his stress on German demilitarization rather than "German unity." Third, the East German leaders, Grotewohl, Ulbricht and Gerhard Eisler, have lately each gone out of the way to define "free elections" as the kind of transparent farce that would deceive nobody and receive no consideration at any four power meeting. On balance, therefore, it appears more likely (although very far from certain) that the Soviets will avoid the great gamble with East Germany that has worried Washing- ton. Unfortunately, however, there are other tactics, equally menacing, which are also open to the Kremlin. These require dis- cussion in another report. (Convright 1951. New York Heralr1 TribuneI Tnc. The Burning Fuse f "". APsS0 T11E NRS.N VNi7N pOrf CIS Xettep4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round with GREW PEARSON ONE OF THE MOST fascinating dramas in New York history kept the people of Manhattan glued to their television sets this week as Frankie Costello and underworld leaders were grilled by the Sen- ate Crime Committee. In view of this drama it is interesting to review the manner in which the Washington Merry-Go-Round gave its readers much of the same information regarding Costello a year in advance, and how Drew Pearson's crime columns helped to push the Ke- fauver crime probe through the Senate. Senator Kefauver has paid tribute to Pearson's help in this respect, "Four years ago I may have contributed to a murder in Chicago," Pearson began his crime exposes on Jan. 13, 1950. "This series of col- umns, therefore, is written as my contribution toward cleaning up an ever-widening area of big-city government in which such murders flourish. "Sen. Estes Kefauver of Tennessee has wisely put his finger on this menace in his pr posed probe of interstate gambling rackets. And last summer, Sen. Cyde Hoey's investigating committee unearthed an important clue linking the gambling rackets to Washington, and then backed away from it as if they had stepped on a rattlesnake." Pearson went on to tell how four years earlier he had talked to the late Jack Ragen, former operator of the Chicago bookie wire, and had turned over to Attorney General Tom Clark detailed information regarding Costello, Jack Guzik, Pete Locivella and other leaders of the underworld. In retaliation for leaking this information Ragen was murdered. -UNDERMINING CLEAN GOVERNMENT- N SUBSEQUENT columns Pearson exposed the underworld opera- tions of Costello and his many henchmen together with their poli- tical affiliations. On January 20, Pearson outlined Costello's links in Miami, Kansas City and Louisiana, telling how "Frankie Costello ar- rived in Louisiana with a $100,000 cash contribution to Huey Long's campaign, in return for which Huey opened up the state to slot machines." "Invasion of Costelloism is always slow,. almost imperceptible," Pearson said. "At first it can scarcely be detected. "Nearly always it gets a foot in the door through heavy poli- tical contributions to a candidate for public office. He may be com- pletely honest, but he needs the money and doesn't think twice about the obligations he must fulfill after he takes office." * * * * -KEFAUVER RESOLUTION STYMIED- OTHER CRIME COLUMNS followed. Finally on April 8 Pearson, who had been helping Senator Kefauver push his crime resolu- tion, wrote: "There is more than meets the eye behind the myster- ious maneuvering to block the Kefauver resolution for an investi- gation of organized crime and gambling in the U.S.A. It is now April. The Kefauver investigation . . , hasn't even passed the Senate --. Some powerful forces are at work which don't want any investigation at all. Senator Kefauver himself has had all sorts of personal pressure brought by friends he never dreamed were close to the gamblers asking him to sidetrack his probe." . Meanwhile, Pearson said that "amazing revelations had come to light in California where law enforcement is in the hands of Fred Howser, notorious for his friendship with the gamblers." Some of Pearson's revelations regarding Attorney General Fred Howser brought a long and expensive libel suit against him which Pearson won. It was shortly after the April 8 column that the Kefauver crime probe resolution was finally passed by the Senate. Pearson has never published this but, on the day it passed, he interviewed various Sena- tors and finally persuaded Sen. Scott Lucas of Illinois to give the green light to the Kefauver probe-a move which Lucas bitterly re- gretted afterward. * * * * -COLUMNS ON MAFIA- LAST OCTOBER Pearson also published amazing columns giving the inside story of the Mafia which he said was led in part by Frankie Costello. Apropos of the recent New York Senate hearings linking Costello with Tammany, it is interesting that, on Oct. 12, 1950, Pearson wrote: "Costello is known to have shared quarters with Tammany Hall politician Jimmy Hines at the 1932 Chicago convention which nominated Franklin D. Roosevelt." Also revealed at the New York hearing was the way Costello had been privileged to say good-bye to "Lucky" Luciano when he was deported. Six months earlier Pearson had reported: "Costello had enough power with the federal government so that he-and he alone-went to Ellis Island to see Luciano off." Pearson was probably the first to report, on July 21, 1947, the fact that Costello could be deported for fraud in connection with his naturalization papers. At various times since then Pearson has ham- mered this fact home. Reporting on Oct. 17, 1950, for instance, Pear- son states: "Costello is not being deported for a simple reason-he has contributed heavily to many political campaigns, especially the Demo- cratic party in New York." (Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) T Ji V IP W~ar Sky.. To the Editor: HEREHAS BEEN a large and unnecessary stink raised over the IAU's withdrawal of War Sky, Here are some facts: 1) The student members of the AU alone made their decision, after a long and heated argument. 2) All extra-curricular produc- tions by campus groups are sub- jected to university censorship. War Sky was not singled out for pecial attention because of its 'subversive" (or other) elements. 3) The productio has already been approved by the IAU, the university censor, and all other parties involved, when Mr. Rosen- berg assumed his role of martyr- dom. 4) The position of the IAU is not insecure. All these things were made clear to Mr. Rosenberg last Monday, at a long meeting with IAU repre- sentatives, Daily editorial writers, and interested observers (me). Mr. Rosenberg admitted that he "may have" judged too hastily, but two days later, he states: "I think the situation amounts to a more sub- tle and diffused pressure .... " Having been deprived of the false basis for his previous assumptions, he tries to justify his error by implying that the action of the IAU was cowardly. Yet Generation (sponsored by the IAU) printed War Sky last fall. Has he forgot- ten? Is it less courageous to print it than to stage it? Hardly. This reader can only conclude that Mr. Rosenberg is at best oversensitive, (t h e artist, you know), and that his recent letter was written in a moment of emo- tional instability. Otherwise he could not have condemned, in one lump, the IAU's acceptance of necessary "working conditions," when these include, as he says, ". . . . a desire to produce worth- while work . . . ." Of the others, one does not exist. As for the cen- sor, he is more easily satisfied than Mr. Rosenberg,who is suspicious without due cause, completely in- capable of ' objective analysis. -Siegfried Feller P.S.-There just might be a few copies of the fall Generation available to the interested at the Student Publications -Building, at no increase in price. See me and get yours before it is BURNED! *' * * Funds for Phoenix.. .. To the Editor: The caption of the photo ap- pearing on page five of the March 13 Michigan Daily by Malcolm Shatz states that Mrs. Alexander Ruthven was presented with a check for $1,000, a gift from this year's Sophomore Cabaret Cast. This is not entirely correct. The check was the proceeds from Soph omore Cabaret given to the Alice Lloyd Memorial Fund of the Phoe- nix Memorial Project. Mrs. Ruth ven, as honorary chairman of this fund, accepted the check. Since Tuesday we have had numerous questions as to why we were presenting this "gift" of $1,- 000 to Mrs. Ruthven. Throughout the Daily publicity of Sophomore Cabaret, although i was good, there was no mentior ever made of the fact that our pro- ceeds were to be given to the Phoe- nix Memorial Project. It seems that when such a large activity as Sophomore Cabare pledges its proceeds to such a worthy cause as the Phoenix Me- morial Project that some mentior could be made of this. -Suzanne Hemping, Finance Chairman of Sopho- more Cabaret * * * We Accept-. To the Editor: IN RECENT DAYS The Michigar Daily has taken quite a fey swings at Student Legislature Much of what has been written is sadly enough, valid. But in order to correct the man, false impressions created by those who refuse to recognize the fac that SL is growing in efficiency power. Certainly most of its pro jects may not be of university shaking importance when take; individually, but together they per form many services for the indi. vidual students and for this uni versity. Student opinion as ex pressed through SL is beginning ti gain the respect it deserves fron our administrative officials. The Student Legislature Speak. ers Bureau sends out approximate ly twenty speakers each week. I SL were not functioning well an handling so many worthwhile pro jects, these speakers would be at E loss for words. As it is, the speakers have difficulty pruning their speeches. Although the policy of the Bureau has been to send speak- ers to housing groups, we ex- tend an invitationto The Daily too. You name the time, the place and the topic and we'll send over the best qualified speaker for the given subject. Any other group that wishes to hear all about its Student Govern- ment should call the SL building. If you have any questions about SL that have always bothered you, now is the time to get them an- swered. The Bureau, like SL, is here to serve yogi. All its speakers are at your disposal for any time of the day, wherever you want them, for as long as you want them. -Leah Marks (Editor's Note-The Daily invites a member of the Speaker's Bureau to address the Senior staff from 7:30 to 7:35 p.m. Monday on the topic "Why Student Legislature." Kefauver on TV .Tt E o To the Editor: THE EXTENT to which the Ke- fauver Committee has won in- terest and comment in the last few weeks is humorously depicted by a recently received letter. "Well-after tomorrow I can start going out again. I have stayed home every day to watch Kefauver investigation on televi- sion-enjoyed it so much; what crime goes on in this nation, from the smallest guy to the "HEAD" if you know what I mean. I have nothing against a little "patron- age" but when our mayors, etc. associate with underworld charac- ters solely-that is too much to swallow." The Kefauver Committee had better take a few encores. No- body knows how he spent his time before their Congressional Mens Play began. -Leah Marks * * * Mis-understanding.. . To the Editor: SOMEONE TOLD ME that The Daily's B. S. Brown and JIM Brown were one and the same person. However, I told this person that he was wrong. To me Jim Brown represents a dignified writer, while B. S. Brown represents the field of writing where people only write for the sake of seeing their name in print. My faith in human na- ture would be destroyed if they were the same person. Please cler up this mis-under- standing. -Robert Smith, '52 (Editor's Note-Keep your faith in human nature. Jim Brown is Man- aging Editor of this paper, B. S. Brown is a sometimes letter writer.) I DRAM A Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jim Brown.............Managing Editor Paul Brentlinger............City Editor Roma Lipsk~y........ Editorial Director Dave Thomas.........Feature Editor Janet Watts............Associate Editor Nancy Bylan...........Associate Editor James Gregory.........Associate Editor Bill Connolly...........Sports Editor Bob Sandell....Associate Sports Editor Bill Brenton....Associate Sports Editor Barbara Jans'........Women's Editor Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor Business Sta Bob Daniels........ Business Manager Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager Paul Schaible.....Advertising Manager Bob Mersereau......Finance Manager Bob Miller........Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. AN INTERESTING and worthwhile experi- ment in dramatic reading was unveiled last night in Lane Hall Auditorium by the Hillel Play Reading Group. "Oedipus Rex," Sophocles' timeless trag- edy about the hot-blooded King of Corinth doomed by Apollo to murder his father and marry his mother, marked the Group's in- itial oftering. Attired in ordinary garb, the cast oper- ated on a dimly-lighted stage bare of props and scenery save for black felt-covered chairs and a light blue backdrop. 1Wn-rl:i m n :- n-_h-- f a a s aie a irs-- by his role, but rather because of his excel- lent sympathetic, convincing interpretation. Also worthy of particular commendation were supporting players Seymour Amelyn in his dual role as the Priest of Zeus and as a Messenger, and Milton Levin as Tei- resiais. Unfortunately, several members of the cast never seemed to enter into the tre- mendous dramatic tone of the play, and they appeared content to merely read lines rather than express them. But perhaps the most disappointing as- pect of the presentation was the failure of I, BARNABY s Mr. O'Malley! Jane says Tennessee HMnness at dis nminn rustercI And As t recall, m'boy, the Hanson bnrn houset nne cw. Hnwever , |:My Fairy Godfather went ; I