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March 24, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-03-24

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Latest Deadline in the State



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Army Cuts QUota
For AprilDraft'
Increase in Volunteers Given as
Reason for Slashto 40,000 Men
WASHINGTON --(P)-- In a surprise move, the Army yester-
day slashed its April draft call from 80,000 men to 40,000.
The Army explained that it was getting twice the number of
volunteers and lcsing far fewer men in Korea than was expected when
the April call for 80,000 draftees was issued Feb. 1.
DEFENSE OFFICIALS said another factor in the draft reduction
was the need for a greater proportion of junior officers to help the
Army train and absorb recruits.
Despite the change in draft plans, the Army expects to meet its
1,600,000-man goal by June 30. It now has about 1,400,000 men.
It hopes that volunteering will continue at the monthly rate
of 23,000 established during January and February. If the May and
June drafts are held to the April figure of 40,000 and the volunteers

;Slashes Tire
Shi p Ients
ernment slashed tire and tube de-
liveries for new passenger cars 25
per cent last night, effective
April 1.
The National Production Auth-
ority order, issued because of
growing rubber needs by the mili-
tary, followed these other develop-
I . -President Truman signed
stop - gap legislation extending
rent controls for three months un-
til June 30.
2. The Bureau of Labor Statis-
tics cost of living index hit an-
other new high as of February 15,
rising 1.3 points in the preceding
. month.
3. Retail sales slipped off some-
what, providing a lull in the in-
flatiorary storm, but wholesale
price levels climbed to another
new record as of March 20.
The cut in tires for new pass-
enger cars was even deeper than
the 20 per cent reduction in
steel for automobiles which pre-
viously had been ordered.
Increased need of rubber by the
military, combined with a drop in
synthetic rubber production, was
blamed for the new restriction.
Fires and other operational
difficulties are expected to cut
the April production of synthe-
tic rubber about 4,000 long tons
below earlier expectations, NPA
The rent control extension will
affect some 1,300 communities
which had taken no such steps on
their own. dontrols were due to
expire March 31 except where
positive action had been taken.
Communities still may order .de-
control of their own areas.
* * *
Ceilings Read
On Groceries
CINCINNATI -()-- Three new
food regulations within the week
will set price ceilings on 65 per
cent of the items a grocer sells,
Price Stabilizer Michael DiSalle
said last night.
The new regulations, he said in
an interview, "will control the
prices on everything but fresh
fruits and vegetables."
DiSalle, director of the Office
of Price Stabilization, has said
before that such regulations were
in the works.
He also revealed that a previous-
ly outlined manufacturers' roll-
back would be forthcoming within
10 days.
He said this rollback would es-
tablish manufacturers' prices "as
of the prea~Koreax1 level and per-
mit only direct cost increases af-
ter that date."
Railroads Ask For
Freight Rate Hike

keep coming in at the current
rate, the Army will be only 11,000
short of its mark at the end of
June. I
The announced draft call for
May is 60,000. No figure has been
given for June.
* * * .

the reduced draft was not expected
to interfere with plans for releas-
ing reservists or for speeding up
the rotation of battle veterans
from Korea.
Assistant Secretary of Defense
Anna Rosenberg has told Con-
gress that the Army hopes to
start releasing reservists in the
near future. She set no date.
Some Army officials saw the
possibility of decreased volunteer-
ing as a result of the radical re-
duction in the draft call for April.
They noted that many young men,
particularly those just starting
their college educations, had been
volunteering in the hope they
would get a head start in the
Army before being drafted.
These officials pointed out, how-
ever, that the announced May
draft for 60,000 can easily be re-
tained and the call for June set at
that figure or higher if the rate of
volunteering falls off.
* * *.-
Army To Call
ROTC Grads
This Summer
my announced yesterday it will
call into active service about 10,-
000 Reserve Officer Training Corps
students who will graduate from
colleges this summer.
The announcement said the ord-
er affected all students who have
been enroled in the senior ROTC
program and that all would be
commissioned during July, August
and September.
The students will be ordered to
their basic branch service schools
for about 90 days immediately aft-
er starting their active duty.
The order includes all ROTC
members who have been deferred
from selective service in order to
complete their education. The ac-
tive duty call also affects ROTC
members who have not executed
deferment agreements but , who
have had less than two years prior
active service'as officers or enlist-
ed men.

Pilot Reports
Wreckage in
53 Passengers
On Lost Plane
LONDON - (P) - A U.S. Air
Force officer at Shannon Airport
said today flares and wreckage
were sighted along the route over
the Atlantic followed by the long-
overdue U.S. Air Force C-124,
missing with 53 persons abroad.
A pilot of one of the armada
of searching planes made the
A ROYAL AIR Force control of-
ficer at Uxbridge, Eng., said the
search pilot, in a B-29 Superfort,
reported by radio seeing what he
believed was a life raft. The offi-
cer said seas were running high
and there were strong winds in
the area. Two weather ships were
closing in on the spot some 450
miles southwest of Ireland in the
Atlantic Ocean.
The pilot of the search plane
said he made the sighting at
12:45 a.m., London Time (6:45
P.M. yesterday) -- almost 24
hours after the big transport
was last heard from.
The huge transport plane bound
from the United States to Britain
with 48 passengers and a crew of
five disappeared early yesterday
in a fog and rain 800 miles south-
west of Ireland. Among the pass-
engers were several high-ranking
officers, including Brig. Gen. Paul
T. Cullen, Deputy Commander of
the Second Air Force, headquar-
tered at Barksdale Field, Shreve-
port, La.
headquarters at Omaha, Neb., an-
nounced four SAC officers were
abroad. They were Col. Kenneth
N. Gray, Budget Officer; Lt. E. A.
McKoy of the Materiel Director-
ate; Lt. Col. J. I. Hopkins, Chief
of SAC's Military Personnel Di-
vision; and Maj. G. H. Stoddard,
assigned to the Directorate of
A routine radio message from
the transport at 1 am. (7 p.m.
Thursday) gave its psition as
800 miles southwest of Ireland
and said it expected to land at
6 a.m. at the U.S. Air Base at
Mildenhall, Eng.
There was nothing in the mes-
sage to indicate what went
wrong," said the Royal Air Force
Controller who is directing the
Big Four Deputies
Still Deadlocked
PARIS-(A)--The Big Four De-
puty Foreign Ministers met in se-
cret for four hours yesterday for
what was called, an informal ex-
change of views.
An official Western source said
"very little, if anything, was ac-
complished." A deadlock has long
been evident.
The deputies, seeking/ since
March 5 to agree on a list of
world subjects for a proposed
meeting of their chiefs, decided to
resume open meetings today. These
are open in the sense that details
are made public at the end.



Union Votes
To Postpone
HVeat Strike
CHICAGO-(P)-The threat of
an early. meat shutoff to Ameri-
can consumers vanished yesterday
when 110,000 AFL and indepen-
dent meat handlers agreed to de-
lay their strike at least until May.
However, the 120,000-member
CIO United Packinghouse Workers
union failed to reach a similar
agreement with the packers. This
union could strike legally after the
present agreement expires Sunday
THE UNIONS are angry at the
government for turning down part
of an industry-wide wage increase.
A CIO strike, like one called
three years ago, would cut sharp-
ly but not paralyze the nation's
meat supply.
The AFL Amalgamated Meat
Cutters and Butcher Workmen
reached an 'agreement with Swift
and Armour, the nation's two
largestapackers, holding up their
strike at least until May 6. The
AFL group represents 100,000
Pat Gorman, secretary-treas.
urer of the AFL union, said the
union expected the same pat-
tern would be followed with
other packers.
Most of the AFL union's mem-
bers are employed by the smaller
packing companies while the bulk
of the CIO packinghouse workers
are employed by the large pack-
THE STRIKE deadline exten-
sion is designed to give govern-
ment officials a chance to recon-
sider an 11 cent hourly wage boost
agreed to Feb. 9 by the packers
and unions.
Eric Johnston, wage stabiliza-
tion director, turned down the
agreement holding it violates
the government wage formula
limiting pay boosts to 10 per
cent above levels of Jan. 15,
1950. The meat handlers re-
ceived an 11 cent boost last
The February agreement con-
tained the provision that govern-
ment approval was neededtby
March 25 to make it effective.
The new settlement moves this
up until May.
World News
By The Associated Press
LIVERPOOL-The former Cze-
choslovak ambassador to India ar-
rived with his family yesterday to
seek political refuge in Britain.
* *' *
(D-Va) yesterday got the back-
ing of Jesse Jones, former Re-
construction Finance Corpora-
tion head, in a fight to abolish
Byrd made public part of a
letter he received from Jones
expressing, doubt that a Senate
investigation of political influ-
ence in the huge government
spending agency "has more than
scratched the surface."
United Nations announced plans
yesterday to resettle 50,000 Pales-
tine refugees in the Sinai Desert
of Egypt.





S* 4
Reds Routed
Opposition Light,
MacArthur Says
TOKYO--(P)-Allied paratroop-
ers and ground forces forged a
solid front today 20 miles north
of Seoul, seizing most of the Reds'
last-stand territory below the 38th
General MacArthur, flying to
the front today, said the daring
operation virtually ended all or-
ganized Red resistance anywhere
in South Xorea. Hi troops were
as close as two miles to the 'ars-
ficial boundary for North and
South Korea.

A-BOMBER-The Air Force announced this week that this B-47 jet medium bomber wil
of three types participating in the Eniwetok atomic tests. Last night these tests, which m
already taken place,' aroused speculation over possible Soviet observation of the Eniwetoka

I be one
nay have
atoll test

area from offshore submarines.
sighted in the vicinity.

During the 1948 Eniwetok tests, several unidentified subs were

- - 1

New A tom
Plant To Be
Cons trncted-
DENVER - (P) - A $45,000,000
atomic plant for a major but se-
cret type of production will be
built northwest of Denver.
Construction will start late next
month and be completed next
year. The plant, small in size
compared to giants at Hanford,
Wash., and Oak Ridge, Tenn.,
will be nestled on barren land
against the foot-hills of the Rock-
ANNOUNCEMENT of the plan
caught state and city officials by
surprise. They have been boost-
ing the state as a haven from
atomic warfare, starting a move-
ment by industry and military in-
stallations to the area.
There were a few hints on the
purpose of the plant. An atomic
energy spokesman said it will
not produce bombs or atomic
weapons "as such." It will give
off no dangerous wastes nor will
it use large quantities of water,
gas and electricity-both marks
of basic processing plants.
The plant will be under the
AEC's Sante Fe operations office.
This is the office in charge of re-
search, development, testing and
production of atomic weapons at
Los Alamos, N.M., 400 miles to
the south. The nation's uranium
production center is in south-
western Colorado 300 miles away.
* * * -
AT HIS HOME in Fort Collins,
Rep. William S. Hill (R-Colo.)
said he was informed the plant
will be devoted to radiological re-
search in connection with the Los
Alamos laboratories.
The plant will be run by Dow
Chemical Co. of Midland, Mich.
The plant site covers 2,500
acres-about four square miles.

Tobey Questions Fitness of
O'Dwyer To Serve in Post
WASHINGTON-(P)-Senator Tobey (R-N.H.) proposed yester-
day that the Senate Foreign Relations Committee inquire whether
William O'Dwyer should remain as Ambassador to Mexico in view of
testimony in the Senate's crime investigation.
Two Congressional committees already have asked Federal prose-
cutors and tax collectors to study sharply conflicting testimony con-
cerning O'Dwyer for any evidence of perjury or tax evasion. A leader
of a New York firemen's union said he gave the former New York
mayor $10,000 in cash. O'Dwyer denied it.
TOBEY PREDICTED at a news conference that O'Dwyer's status
as Ambassador "might be brought up" before the Foreign Relations

SRA Meeting
Will .Discuss
Peace .Plans
Students and faculty members
will join in an all-campus peace
assembly at 10 a.m. today in Lane
Under the sponsorship of the
Student Religious Association so-
cial action department, the as-
sembly will discuss the general
world situation and appropriate
action that may be taken by citi-
zens to promote the cause of world
* * *
EMPLOYING both panel dis-
cussion and general open meeting
techniques, the conference will di-
vide its work into three stages.
The first, under the heading
of "the current global situa-
tion," will include consideration
of such topics as "the German
question," the "problem of
world armament" and the ques-
tion of "militarization in the
United States."
This discussion will be follow-
ed by consideration of the role
of the citizen in peace activities
and the functions of a campus
peace organization.

OCommittee, which only a few
months ago approved his appoint-
Chairman Connally (D-Tex.)
of the committee said it had no
plans to re-study the O'Dwyer
nomination, but he declined fur-
ther comment.
Officials said the Senate had no
way of recalling a nomination, but
Tobey contended the committee'
should examine O'Dwyer's present
THE CRIME Committee taking
a Good Friday respite, got set for
another inquiry into Murder, Inc.,
the Brooklyn gang blamed for
scores of killings. O'Dwyer takes
credit for breaking it up when he
was New York prosecuting attor-
The committee snagged a
witness, Abner (Longie) Zwill-
man, who will get a chance be-
fore the committee goes out of
existence next week to answer
under oath testimony connect-
ing him with Murder, Inc.
Meanwhile yesterday, the chair-
man of the crime committee said
"legalized gambling is not the
answer" to the problem in this
Sen. Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn.)
expressed this view in a statement
on the CBS program "Hear It

MORE THAN 3,000 men, with
artillery and supplies, parachuted
yesterday at Munsan, eight miles
from the 38th Parallel. They
sought to cut behind and kill Reds.
But they killed only between 150
and 200. Eighty-seven Reds were
captured. Enemy opposition gen-
rally melted in favor of flight.
An armored task force which
speared up the main Seoul-
Pyongyang highway an linked
up last night wiih the para-
troopers at Munsan also found
few Reds.
General MacArthur said in 4
statement, issued before he left
by plane for Korea, that Red
China's hopes of winning Korea
with sheer masses of manpower
have been bloodily crushed.
* * *
HE SAID he was ready to meet
Red China's high command in the
field at any time and seek a milir
tary means of realizing the Uni-
ted Nations' objective in Korea
"without further bloodshed."
(In Washington, State De-
partment press officers said
there would be no comment on
Gen. MacArthur's statements.)
MacArthur said the Commun-
ists had been crippled by the
heavy destruction to their supply
lines caused by 'round-the-clock
aerial and sea bombardment."
I-e added that Chinese troopv
are "showing less stamina" than
Allied forces "under the rigors of
climate, terrain and battle."
Reports from the parachute
drop zone at Munsan, 21 miles
north of Seoul, said casualties
were very low.
Mayor Okays
New Zoning
After Revision
Ann Arbor's new A-1 zoning
ordinance has been okayed by
Mayor William E. Brown, Jr.
Mayor Brown yesterday decided
not to veto the ruling, which sets
up a special fraternity-sorority-co-
operative zone. He had previously
threatened not to sign the measure
because League houses were not in-
cluded in the district.
He said, however, that he only
gave his approval to the ordinance
after Alderman A. D. Moore, chair-
man of the city council's ordinance
committee, had promised to take
steps immediately to include Lea-
gue dwellings in the zone.
Assurances were also given the
mayor that the size of student
groups allowed in the area will be
Terming the measure a piece-

Hilleizapoppin Slates
Four Satirical Sketches

More than 200 players will caper
across the Pattengill Auditorium
stage from 8 to 10 p.m. today
when four house groups compete
in the annual Hillelzapoppin skit
Alpha Epsilon Phi, Sigma Del-
ta Tau, Phi Sigma Delta (with a
group of independent women) and
Zeta Beta Tau will vie for honors
and the coveted prize cup when
they put on their skits at the
show, which is a traditional
xn.4r T711Nil ni .Vp,

brella salesman," Miss Benjamin
The ZBT's will send a group
of college men through the
troubles of a Communist strike
in Paris and the glories of a~
Parisian night club in their
show. This play will feature
original music by Jack Hodan,
"Ratio Riot" is the title of the
Phi Sigma Delta offering. A Uni-
versity coed will come up with a

Music, Poetry Highlight IA U Bill,

Student artists are coming into
their own this weekend as the
Student Art Festival brings their
creative efforts to the critical pub-
lic eye.

PARIS-Harried by a spread-
ing strike wave, the French cab-
inn eeterdav raised the leel

In addition, the poems of
Thomas Campion, William Blake,
James Joyce and Stephen Spender
have, been set to music by Robert
Cogan, '51 SM. Rose Marie Jun,

act opera by Edward Chudacoff,
Grad., entitled "Circus." The libe-
retto of the opera was written by
Dan Waldron.
Prof. C. L. Stevenson, of the



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