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March 23, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-03-23

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Latest Deadline in the State

t t




Meat Strike
Walkout Threat
Remains Serious
By The Associated Press
Threat of a double-barreled
!AFL-CIO Meat Handlers strike
Monday that could shut off the
flow of meat to American dinner
tables was averted yesterday after
AFL President William Green
urged a delay,
The AFL Amalgamated Meat
Cutters and Butchersworkmen,
representing some 100,000 pack-
inghouse workers, said flatly "No
AFL strike Monday."
* * *
BUT WHILE the CIO United'
Packinghouse Workers, represent-
ing 120,000 workers, set no strike
date, it did leave "the timing of
a strike" to its strike strategy,
Both unions had threatened
to walk out in plants across the
nation M o n d a y in protest
against governmental refusal to'
approve a 11 cent hourly wage
increase they negotiated with
the major packers.
Although a possibility of a CIO
strike Monday was not definitely
ruled out, both unions have been
acting together in this dispute.
A CIO walkout alone would crip-
ple but not paralyze the nation's
meat packing and supply machin-
Green sent his "peal to both
* s
ELSEWHERE on t h elabor
front, a union proposal to settle
a two-year-old railroad wage dis-
pute failed when the carriers re-
jected it.
The answer was given to the
Senate Labor Committee in
Washington which is investi-
gating the long-standing dis-
agreement between the nation's
rail carriers and the four bigI
operating unions.
Chairman Murray (D-Mont)
had urged the lines to accept the

U.S. Airrne nitStr
Cose Re d etreat Highwa

_____ n

-Day-Jack Bergsti on
FORMAL ATTIRE-Clad in their caps and gowns for the first
time, senior women march to the League to take part in the
annual festivities of Senior Night.
Senior Women See JGP,
SEnjoy Annual Festittes
Although senior women began their parts in the traditional Senior
Night in full control of the situation, they succumbed to the power
of good entertainment, and finished the evening with high praises
for the juniors' production, "It's The Payoff."
After a dinner at the League, complete with songs, laughs and
fond memories, the coeds marched to Lydia Mendelssohn to view the

Alert Forces
I n French
t"- *-I *w-",b.

new proposal, put forward through
him by the Brotherhood of Rail- .UI
road Trainmen. Although it di-
rectly affected only the trainmen, PARIS-()-The French
Murphy believed it would lead to A gov
a settlement with all four unions. ernment cancelled police and
r L .Y 1~c vPa .yQUeSuat y d 5 lrs

first perf snance of the 1951
Junior Girls' Play.
Clad in their caps and gowns,
the seniors impatiently waited for
the curtain to rise. However, they
passed the time by singing num-
erous college songs and clapping
their hands in the best "staid old
senior" style.
amo* * *
DURING THE first act of "It's
The Payoff," the coeds made life
miserable for the cast. Using their
prerogative of asking for a repeat
of any part of the play, the coeds
had lines and production num-
bers repeated over and over.
With cries of "Roll 'em up!",
the audience persuaded the ac-
tresses who were playing men's
roles to roll up their trousers
before sneaking a word of dia-

To BeCalled
Maybank Orders
man Maybank (D-SC) of a Sen-
ate-House "Watchdog" Committee
yesterday ordered a broad investi-
gation of the nation's mobilization
program. centering on wage-price
controls and charges of favoritism.
Mav ank said public hearings
will 5tart about April 4.
THE St NATOR told a news con-
ference that officials of "at least
50" Fcdcial agencies involved in
the multi-billion-dollar defense
program will be called as witnesses.
. Senator Capehart (R-Ind), a
member of Maybank's Senate-
House Committee on Defense
Production, told newsmen:
"The inquiry will try to find
out why they are not controlling
prices, not controlling wages, not
controlling anything."
Aside from controls, Maybank
said the committee wants to look
into charges of favoritism in
granting tax benefits to some in-
dustries to enourage defense pro-
He said Federal officials will be
called on to explain why tax con-
cessions were made to certain com-
panies while others in the same
industry failed to get benefits.
Under the 1350 Defense Pro-
duction Act-the master chart of
the whole mobilization program -
a company may be permitted to
write off as much as 20 per cent a
year, for tax purposes, on the cost
of building a plant.
* * *
Johnston Calls
Country Too
Stabilizer Eric Johnston last night
issued a warning that "too much
complacency" over inflation is un-
dermining the mobilization effort.
"Inflation is already sabotaging
our oefense just as surely as if
It carried the Red flb of inter-
national communism," Johnston
declared in an address over the
CBS network.
.Johnston said last September's
$4,500,000,000 tax increase already
has been eaten up in the higher
price the government must pay for
weapons "and military equipment.
The public must expect higher
taxa2,. because a balanced Federal
budget is vital to conquer infla-
tion, he said. Credit controls must
be tightened to end the "spree of
easy credit since last June."
He said the country "simply can
not afford to let the rate of profit
go on shooting upward."

But D. P. Loomis, representing
the railroads, announced at the
committee's public hearing that
management would not go along
with the union plan.
The settlement proposal dif-
fered in two respects from a com-
promise reached Dec. 21 at the
White House between the four
unions and the railroads. The
compromise collapsed when local
union officials turned it down.
Good Friday'

amy Leaves yes erdaay as strikers
halted nearly all railway traffic
in France.
SThe1government-owned Nation-
al Railway Company was trying,
to keep a few trains running on
the main lines. s n

-AP News Photo
EMPHATIC POINT-Former mayor of New York City, William
O'Dwyer clenches his fist as he makes a point during testimony
before the U.S. Senate crime committee which is now investigat-
ing the relationship between politics and the underworld at
New York.
* * *
Kefauver Group Questions
O'Dwyer on Tax Evasion

To BeVaried
A variety of Good Friday ob-
servances are scheduled to take
place throughout the city today.
The Protestant Churches will
join together from noon to 3 p.m.
at the MethodisthChurch: State
and Huron, for the Community
Good Friday services. Sixteen min-
isters will take part in the service,
which will be centered around the
seven last words of Christ.
The service has been arranged
so that students and townspeople
can come and go at their conven-
** *
IN ADDITION, two protestant
student guilds will carry on spe-
cial or regular Friday worship.
The Congregational, Disciples,
Evangelical and Reformed guilds
will hold a chapel service at 5:10
p.m. The Methodist Wesleyan
Guild will sponsor a dramatic re-
cital, "The Story of the Lamb,"
at 8:30 p.m. in Pattengill auditor-
An Episcopal service will be
held at St. Andrews Church, 306
N. Division, from noon to 3 p.m.
also. There, The Rev. Elsworth
Koonz will deliver several ser-
mons and lead the meditations.
A supplementary service for
those who cannot attend the aft-
ernoon vigil will be held at 8 p.m.
at St. Andrews. Student pastor,
The Rev. Bruce Cook, will lead
+t hit' . ary


EXTRA BUS routes and planes I Logue
were scheduled, but the Easter "tge.s
travel snarl promised record head- "It's The Payoff" is the story
aches. of four young women who "must
Individual requisition orders pay the rent," and in order to do
had gone out to about 40,000 so must produce play. They
key railwaymen-nearly a tenth finally manage to do it, with the
of the total force. Refusal to help of a friendly ghost and
obey could mean a five-year jail drunken janitor.
sentence, but some were report-
ed refusing. JOAN STREIFLING, who wrote
The strike is due to end at mid- the script, managed to make near-
night today, but there was a ly every line a laugh, and Mar-
chance that the pro-Communist garet Strand and Patricia Joy,
General Confederation of Labor, singing and dancing chairmen, re-
which had not formally called out spectively, had their chorus timed
its 300,000 supporters, would not to perfection.
tell them to go back to work After the curtain had fallen
either. on the finale of the play, the
The strike was officially called seniors admitted that this JGP
by non-Communist unions which was the best. Cathy Sotir, gen-
command only about 130,000 rail eral chairman, and Mickey Sa-
workers. ger, director, were called on the
stage to take bows for their
parts in the production.
Ar n sBeaming with pride and happi-
ness, Miss Sager stated, "They
By Phoenix wanted production numbers-we
gave them production numbers.
And I guess they liked them!"
Co to0 'hirteen JGP will be presented to the
campus at 8 p.m. tonight and to-
Thi , f h morrow, and at 2 p.m. tomorrow.


By The Associated Press I
Congressman leveled tax eva-4
sion and income tax inquiries at
Ambassador William O'Dwyer yes-
terday because of a reported $10,-
000 cash handout from an AFL
union leader.
Both his Kefauver Crime Com-
mittee and his personal tax af-
fairs were placed under scrutiny.
THE TAX inquiry also took on
O'Dwyer's long-time aide, James
J. Moran, who, during the day,
quit under fire his cushy $15,000
a year lifetime job as City Water
But O'Dwyer stood firm un-
der attack, denying any plans
to step out as U.S. Ambassador
to Mexico.
Sen. Kefauver (D-Tenn) said in
Washington there are grounds for
World News
By The Associated Press
BUENOS AIRS - Dr. Alberto
Gainza Pax, editor Hof the govern-
ment-seized independent newspa-
per La Prensa, was declared a fu-
gitive from justice by the Peron
government yesterday.
PARIS--The Big Four Deputy
Foreign Ministers will meet in
their first closed (secret) session
today to decide, according to
informed sources, whether to
continue their deadlocked ef-
forts to Arrrpge a meeting of
their chiefs.
NEW YORK-Alger Hiss, one-
time trusted adviser to President
Roosevelt, was whisked off to jail
yesterday to begin serving a five-
year perjury sentence.

possible perjury charges in testi-
mony about lavish cash gifts by
John P. Crane, president of the
AFL uniformed Firemen's Asso-
ciation of New York.
* * *
IEFAUVER asked the Justice
Department and the U.S. attor-
ney in New York to go over the
entire record of the New York
hearing-a record in which Crane
swore he gave O'Dwyer $10,000 in
cash and Moran $55,000.
Another Congressional sub-
committee set the internal rev-
enue agents to combing the for-
mer Democratic mayor's tax af-
fairs. The agents were direct-
ed to see if he evaded payment
on the $10,000 Crane claims to
have handed him in 1949, in the
midst of a mayorality campaign.
Rep. Kean (R-NJ), told re-
"Somewhere in there, there may
be a gift tax which should be
paid, or if the money was given
for services rendered or to be
rendered, it should be reported as
O'DWYER denied under oath
ever taking any political contri-
butions from Crane, a supporter
of his last mayoralty campaign.
However, Crane swore to the
Kefauver Crime Committee that
we handed O'Dwyer $10,000 in
cash in a red manila envelope
in October, 1949. He said the
money was evidence of the fire-
men's support for O'Dwyer's re-
election as mayor.
Meanwhile in Washington, com-
mittee members decided to lift the
contempt action it had voted
against James J. Carroll, long-
time St. Louis betting comnrnis-
sioner who had refused to testify
before TV cameras in St. Louis.
Carroll talked for some length be-
fore the committee.

Night Plight
While the seniors are away,
the underclassmen will play.
And play they did. Pedestri-
ans on Hill Street last night
were startled to see several
yards of women's unmention-
ables, neatly tied together and
strung from the balcony of the
Alpha Xi Delta Sorority anryex
at 914 Hill Street.
Taking advantage of the ab-
sence of the seniors, who were
busy with Senior Night, the
younger w o m e n snitched
clothes belonging to their older
sisters and strung them in
front of the house for all to see.
Inter-A rts,
Festival To
Open Today
Dean Hayward Keniston of the
literary college will speak on "Art
As Transformation of Experience"
today in the League Ballroom as
part of the first program of the
Inter-Arts Union Student Arts
The program will open with the
playing of two student-written
quartets at 8 p.m. Dean Keniston's
address will follow.
"QUARTET IN G" by George
Wilson, '51SM, will be played pub-
licly for the first time. The other
work, "Quartet in B flat," by Rob-
ert Cogan, '51SM, was played here
at the Composer's Forum last No-
The work, however, has been
revised and edited, since that
time. Part of Cogan's quartet ap-
peared in the last issue of "Gen-
Both quartets will be heard at
the Mid-West Student Symposium
in Cincinnati and the Student
Symposium at Northwestern Uni-
S. e
PROF. ROSS LEE Finney of the
music school said yesterday that
both quartets show "maturity and
remarkable form."
"They are concerned with the
problem of abstract form in mu-
sic composition that can be trac-
ed from Beethoven and Haydn
down to Bartok," Prof. Finney
In Wilson's work there is an
interesting romantic urge, expres-
sed, but it is not 19th century ro-
manticism, he added.
At last year's Festival "String
Trio" by Wilson wa-performed.
The Festival will continue to-
morrow and Sunday with other ex-
amples of student effort in the
area of creative art.
SL Makes Final
Call forPetitions
All petitions for student elec-
tions are due in to the Student
Legislature Bldg., 122 S. Forest,
by 5 p.m. Aoday.
One hunced thirty one peti-
tions were issued preceding We<-
nesday's deadline, according to
Spider Webb, '52, chairman of the
SL Citizenship committee. They
must be completed and returned
between 3 and 5 p.m. today.

New Attack
Puts Troops
Near 38th
Ridgway Lead',
Surprise lWve
TOKYO - (A) + Thousands of
U.S. parachute troops today drop-
ped behind enemy lines north of
Seoul and cut the main escape
highway for an estimated 60,000
The day before three Allied di-
visions close to Seoul struck along
a broad front and ground out
gains up to four miles. They were
keeping up the frontal pressure
on the big enemy force.
THE AIRBORNE troops, incluId-
ing hard-hitting rangers, spread
out along the flatlands near the
Imjin. River, which flows about
20 miles north and northwest of
The second airborne opera-
tion of the Korean war landed
the Allied troops several miles
south of the 38th Parallel. The
first drop was made north of
the Korean Red Capital of Py-
ongyang last fall in the drive
toward the Manchurian boun-
Waves of B-26 light bombers
saturated the area for today's
drop with high explosives, napalm
fire bombs and machinegun fire.
Escorting fighters reported neither
air nor anti-aircraft opposition
from the Reds.
* * *
FIELD REPORTS said the air-
borne troops cut the main road
that leads 35 miles northwest from
Seoul to Kaesong.
It was a brilliant maneuver,
personally led and directed by
America's own master para-
trooper, Lt. Gen. Matthew B.
Ridgway, U.S. Eighth Army
The troops bailing out of the
big flying boxcars caught the
enemy completely by surpris.
They quickly consolidated their
Ground forces only a few miles
to the south were hitting the ene-
my from positions last reported
from five to eight miles north of
New Program
Brings Relief
To Reservists
WASHINGTON - (P) - A pro-
gram to relieve the uncertainty of
reservists now awaiting calls to
active duty was outlined yester-
day by Mrs. Anna Rosenberg, As-
sistant Secretary of Defense.
She said the Defense Depart-
ment hopes soon to announce tha
no more inactive reservists will
be called unless the world situa-
tion changes or the individual re-
servist has unusal military quali-
Additionally the Department
hopes that it will be possible for
the armed forces to begin re-
leasing reservists now on active
duty as soon as replacements aik
Inactive reservists, Mrs. Rosen-
berg explained, are unpaid reserv-
ists, those who do not receive com-
pensation for attending drills or
other reserve activities.

The new policy was outlined at
a session of the Senate small bus-
iness committee.
Ticket Sales for
Lecture To End
Today is the last day that tick-
ets for the marriage lecture series

1r1 WeenUnewiacuLy research
grants by the Phoenix Project were
announced yesterday by Dean DEVELOPED 'RD
Ralph A: Sawyer, chairman of the
Faculty Planning Committee.
One of the top grants will be,
made to Prof. Joseph J. Martin of
the engineering college, who is in-
vergating how fast gases inter-
mingle at high press re.
'To date, researcai sponsored by Prof. Werner E. Bachmann of
the Phoenix Project ht-s accounted the chemistry department, an in-
for the expenditure r $70,000, and
more than $25,000 will be spent on ternationaly known authority in
these new grants," Dean Sawyer his field, died of a heart ailment
said. "There are also a number of in University Hospital yesterday.
other projects in the planning The 49-year-old-chemist, in ad-
stage all of which will ultimately dition to teaching at theUniver-
be of great practical value to the ditinte achiat
scientific world." sity since 1925, achieved great
Other studies will be made in fame for his development of an

'Chemist W. E. BachmanDe

Award for outstanding work in
his field.
In addition to his academic
honors, he was given the Naval
Ordnance Award, the govern-
ment's Presidential Certificate
of Merit and the British King's
He was a visiting professor at
the University of Illinois in 1931,

* * #

time that process was accom-
plished in a laboratory.
Prof. Bachmann held member-
ship in the National Academy of
Sciences American Chemical So-
ciety, Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, Phi
Lambda Upsilon, Phi Kappa Phi,
and Alpha Chi Sigma. He was
on the board of editors of five
scholarly chemistry magazines.
M.v f is orer-stu,.deants

_ _ ?

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