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March 21, 1951 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1951-03-21

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Recruit Tramps Through Army Routine

Newest 'U' Professor
Formerly on UNESCO

would do that, until he's in so
much misery that he'll try any-
thing to prevent it. And it usually
works, though there is always some
kind of reaction.
* * *
JUST BEFORE we left for
training assignment, we were giv-
en a partial payment of $10, just
enough to keep us in cigarettes
and out of trouble.
And when we were paid we
had our first chance to salute,
after several hours of patient
instruction. Once we knew how
to salute, many of the men walk-
ing around the post after dark
would salute almost anything
that flashed, and usually it
turned out that whatever flash-
ed was another enlisted man,
who did the same thing.
The Army takes great pains to
see that you're entertained during
your visit with Uncle Sam's forces.
One night our company was herd-
ed outside-in their ever present
fatigues-and marched a mile or
two to the field house, where they
were treated to a "gala event," a
slow, dull basketball game between
a group of officers and enlisted
men. The officers won, and most
of us had left in disgust before the
first half ended
FINALLY CAME the day when
we were to leave for a basic
training center and permanent
assignment. There was some anti-
cipation when we boarded a Pull-
man train, but this faded when we
learned of our destination-Camp
Polk, Louisiana, the land of heat,
sweat and snakes. But we were in
for a rude shock.
(To be continued tomorrow)
Time Limit
Set for Union
Veep Positions
Men who wish to run for a Un-
ion vice-presidert office have un-
til 4 p.m. March 30 to submit their
petitions to the Union Nomina-
tions Committee chairman Merlin
Townley, '52M, announced.
Townley emphasized that con-
trary to a widespread belief, the
petitions are not filed through the
regular Student Legislature chan-
nels which handle most other
elective campus positions.
The petitions, which require no
signatures, should merely include
the name of the candidate, school
and year, previous Union experi-
ence and other campus activities
and any ideas on Union policy the
candidate may have.
The Nominations Committee,
which consists of five student
members of the Union, will screen
the petitions. Those approved then
go on the ballot for campus elec-
tions April 24 and 25.
There are six vice-presidential
positions open, representing the
literary college _and Graduate
School, architecture and engineer-
ing colleges, Medical School, Law
School, dentistry school andthe
remaining schools and colleges.
Any Union member who is scho-
lastically eligible may be a candi-
Petitions may be mailed to the
Nominations Committee in care of
Union Student Offices, or they
may be left at the student offices.
* * *
Union Offers
Travel Service
Both the Union Travel Service

and the Vulcan special trains will
be available to homeward
bound students during spring va-
Union officials announced that
students who need rides or riders
to anywhere in the United States
or Canada can fill out cards in the
Union Lobby, giving time of de-
parture and destination. The Un-
ion will then match the two sets
of cards.
During the past year nearly 500
students have used the Union ser-
At the same time, the Vulcans
announced that it will sponsor stu-
dent trains to New York and Chi-
cago, April 6.
The New York train will stop at
Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Uti-
ca, Albany, New York and Boston.
Student rate tickets for both trains
will be on sale from 2 p.m. to 4:30
p.m. next week at the Administra-
tion Bldg.

IOWA MANHUNT-Volunteers from a dozen central Iowa communities spread out over snow-cov-
ered fields in an unsuccessful attempt to find a farmer who disappeared near Indianola, Ia. during
the worst storm of the season. Five hundred men, including high school and college students,
helped form a half mile wide line. Drifting snow hampered progress of the searchers.

Art Festival
Opening Set
For Friday
The Third Annual Inter-Arts
Union Student Art Festival will
get under way at 8 p.m. Friday inI
the League Ballroom with an ad-I
dress by Dean Hayward KenistonI
of the literary college.-
Dean Keniston will speak on
"Art As Transformation of Ex-
* * *
Festival the IAU has arranged a
radio discussion of "The Value of
Music Criticism" to be presented
at 9 p.m. today over WHRV.
The festival, set to run Friday,
Saturday and Sunday, will pre-
sent examples of student crea-
tivity in the areas of chamber
music, dance, song, opera and
The Festival art exhibit is now
open at Alumni Memorial Hall
where water-colors, prints, furni-3
ture and other examples of stu-
dent work are on display
WITH EACH mode of art pre-
sented, discussions moderated by
members of, the faculty will be
Prior to Dean Keniston's ad-
dress Friday, two student-writ-
ten string quartets by George
Wilson, '51 SM, and Robert Co-
gan, '51 SM, will be played.
Songs and poetry have been
scheduled for the Saturday pro-
gram which will begin at 2 p.m.
in Rackham Amphitheatre.
* * * ,
"BEN JOHNSON'S 'Hymn to1
liana' " set to music for chorus
and brass by Donald Harris, '52SM,
and directed by Joe Harris, '51SM,
will be presented first.
"Four Songs" based on poems
by Thomas Campion, Willian
Blake, Stephen Spender and
James Joyce will follow. Robert
Cogan set the poems to music.
An informal discussion of the,
student compositionsnmoderated
by Prof. Ross Lee Finney of the
music school will then be held.
Following this, student-written
poetry will be read anddiscussed
with Prof Edwin G. Burrows of
the English department moderat-
A one-act opera "Circus" by
Edward Chudacoff, Grad, and per-
formances by the Ballet Club and
Modern Dance Group will make
up the next program whih is set
for 8 p.m. Saturday in Barbour
Dance Studio.
The Festival will be concluded
with a gallery talk by Richard
Wilt of the architecture college at
7:45 p.m. Sunday in Alumni Me-
morial Hall after which a panel
of faculty members will attempt
to evaluate the Festival.
Committee Picked
Five University alumni have
been appointed to a 12-man ad-
visory committee of the American
Forest Products Industries, Dean
Samuel Dana of the School of
Natural Resources announced yes-
New committee members are W.
H. Hildebrand, Frank Kelly, Bruce
Buell, W. F. Ramsdell and G. B.

Hairless Noggins No
Handicap to Baldies

The newest member of the Uni-
versity's political science depart-
ment, visiting Prof. Walter Laves,
is like the cross-continent traveler
of a few years ago-he expects "a
short wait between trains."
But unlike the Chicago-strand-
ed traveler, who generally griped
at the delay, Prof. Laves, three
years the deputy director-general
of UNESCO, says that is just his
reason for coming to the Univer-
"THIS PLACE will give me a
chance to re-educate myself," the
former University of Chicago
chairman of social sciences says.
"From here I can take a long look
at my own 'firing line' decisions
and decide whether they were
When the 48 year old profes-
sor, says "firing line," he refers
to more than his position as
top-ranking American in UN-
ESCO. Since 1941 he has been
in government service: State
Department, Civilian Defense,
Presidential advisor and United
But even at the University Prof.
Laves is still not completely with-
drawn from government .'work,
commuting almost regularly to
Washington at State Department
request for hisadvisory services.
* * *
Laves explains, have accomplished
a great change in his life. Here
he can always make time for peo-
ple wanting to talk about world
pace, the United Nations and
He admits, however, that
there are almost too many of
these. Since the first two weeks
of the semester when he was
taken with the flu and the de-
partment juggled schedules and
lectures to fill in for him, Prof.
Laves has been besieged by a
steady stream of students and
So far his campus itinerary in-
cludes a talk at ao public seminar
March 26, in the Rackham School
of Graduate Studies, a public lec-
ture sponsored by the campus
UNESCO Council, and later, a
University lecture.

Don't pity the bald-headed man.
Even though most doctors hold
little hope of his ever getting his
hair back, a survey of coeds and
local barbers shows that he leads
a normal life.
* * *
THERE SEEMED to be a chance
that science might overcome the
problem of baldness a few weeks
ago when a research laboratory
announced that a new hormone
had grown hair on the head of a
man who had been bald for five
But University dermatologists
said that the hormone does not
always help and in many cases
is very harmful.
One barber said that being bald,
however, doesn't seem to bother
most men. "They get what hair
they have cut as often as anyone
else andarent too fussy about it.
Some do ask us if there is any-
Events Today
LECTURE - Dean Hayward
Keniston of the literary college
will discuss "Mystic Elements of
Fray Luis de Leon" at 8 p.m. in
the Rackham Assembly Hall.
* * *
LECTURE - Prof. L. Dudley
Stamp of the London School of
Economics will talk on "Town
and Country Planning" at 4:15
p.m. in the Architecture Audi-
* * *
LECTURE-"Is Russia Prepar-
ed for a Third World War?" will
be discussed by Prof. Henry Mil-
ler of the engineering college at
4 p m. in Rackham Lecture Hall.
CONFERENCE - A two-day
conference on "Combustion of
Industrial Fuels" will begin at
9:30 a.m. in the Rackham Am-
* * *
LECTURE - J. 0. Cross, indus-
trial relations director of a De-
troit corporation will speak on
"Modern Trends in Labor and In-
dustrial Relations" at 7:30 p.m.
in the League
Events Tomorrow
LECTURE - "Life of an In-
mate" will be discussed by Clar-
ence Hobson, staff member of the
Federal Correctional Institute at
Milan, at 7:30 p.m. in Lane Hall.
. . .
LECTURE - E. L. lowsher,
superintendent of schools of
Toledo wil speak to all those
interested in teaching in Tole-
do schools at 4:15 p.m. in Rm.
1007, Angell Hall.
* * *
ASSEMBLY - The School of
Natural Resources will hold an
assembly at 10 a.m. in Kellogg

thing that will help them, but al-
though we have lots of stuff we
can't truthfully promise any re-
* * *
MOST WOMEN students had
no objections to dating-or even
marrying-bald men. "I think a
shiny head is cute," one said.
A senior said that she had
once gone out with a bald man
while she was a freshman and
didn't see any difference be-
tween him and other campus
"I see nothing wrong with bald-
ness at all," a married woman said
after noting that her husband
was becoming a little thin on top.
All in all most women agreed
that their interest in a man does
not depend on the amount of hair,
on his head. And as the Turkish
say: "He who has an abundance
of hair has a lack of brains."

-Daily-Roger Reinke
THE PRO ESSOR'S willingness
to discuss world affairs with al-
most any visitor grows out of his
conviction that the main problem
facing the modern nations is "to
increase people's political litera-
cy." This, he maintains, is the
prime function of the United Na-
tions and its agency UNESCO.
(United Nations Educational, Sci-
entific and Cultural Organiza-
"The most important prere-
quisites to world peace," the
former UNESCO director em-
phasized, "is to make the peo-
ples of the world realize that the
UN and UNESCO is 'you,' the
individual. In other words, peo-
ple must develop a sense of di-
rect responsibility for world af-
Prof. Laves has little patience
with isolationist critics, who blast
all international organization as
"The best reply we can make
to them," he said, "is to ask them
'what are you doing to improve
chances for world peace?'"
With that outlook, the profes-
sor's "wait between trains,"
though a welcome rest, should be
a very short one.






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