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March 21, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-03-21

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See Page 4


Latest Deadline in the State

VOL LXI, No. 117





Costello Still
Balks Crime
Racketeer Linked
With Tammany
NEW YORK - ()-Racketeer
Frank Costello, stubborn from
first to last, refused again yester-
nday to tell Senatehcrime probers
"how much money he's worth.
He first balked at the question
last Tuesday, the first day he was
a witness before the all-star open
hearings of the Senate Crime In-
vestigation Committee.
AND YESTERDAY -- the next
to last day-he refused again in
just about the same hoarse man-
ner, saying:
"I refuse to answer on consti-
tutional grounds."
His attorney was allowed. to
argue in a written brief due by
Monday that Costello has the
right to refuse. If the argument
fails, the big-time racketeer faces
a contempt citation by the Sen-
COSTELLO came back to the
hearing after the committee spent
most of the day listening to Wil-
liam O'Dwyer, former mayor of
New York. O'Dwyer admitted
knpwing Costello and called the
racketeer a sinister influence on
~Tammany Hall.
O'Dwyer, in his testimony,
added mobster, Joe Adonis to
his list of acquaintances around
town, but said they met cas-
ally only once.
Costello seemed more relaxed as
he went before the committee for
the sixth day in a row. He man-'
aged an occasional laugh, in con-
trast to his solemn, nervous man-
ner last week when he once got up
and walked out on the committee.
His seemingly naive answers to
some questions convulsed the
packed hearing room more than
once until the standing-room-only
crowd was gaveled to silence and
warned to be quiet.
Costello, enlarging on his influ-
ence in Tammany Hall, conceded
he knew 14 Tammany leaders. The
Democratic Manhattan organiza-I
tion is made up of 42 district lead-
ers, plus 42 co-leaders.

Labor Asks New
Defense Poicy
Mobilization, Wage Programs'
Criticized at Two Union Rallies
WASHINGTON-(AP-Leaders of most of the nation's labor un-
ions heaped criticism on the mobilization program yesterday, said it
was "going on the rocks" and called for a new deal.
Local and statewide leaders of the AFL, CIO, machinists, and
non-operating railroad unions met at two separate rallies at which
the wage stabilization program and many other phases of the govern-
ment's defense planning were assailed.
THE MEETINGS were called by the United Labor Policy Com-
mittee, composed of about 15,000,000 organized workers in nearly all

UN Troops Drive
Within 8'2 Miles
Of 38th Parallel
Strong Resistance in Central Korea
Encountered; Heavy Fighting Rages
troops are within eight and one-half miles of the 38th parallel, Eighth
Army announced today.
The forces probed north of Seoul after withdrawing Reds but
bumped into stiff rear guard resistance in central Korea. Elements
of China's Third Field Army entered the front line to screen the en-
- emy retreat.

i s+...

Martial Law
Imposed in
Iran Cap'ital
TEHRAN, Iran-{AP)'--The gov-
ernment imposed a curfew on this
capital last night and made a show
of force with tanks under martial
law in a hard-hitting effort to
smash a reign of terror by assas-
Premier Hussein Ala's new pro-
western government acted amid
strikes and a flood of unconfirmed
reports of new assassinations in
the wake of the killing of Premier
Gen. Ali Razmara 13 days ago and
the wounding of former Education
Minister Abdul Zanganeh by an
enraged student Monday.
ONE RUMOR, which no official
could confirm or deny, said Gover-
nor General Manouchar Egbal and
his police chief had been slain at
Tabriz, capital of Azerbaijan pro-
vince. That province was ruled by
a pro-Soviet separatist government
in 1946.
A rumor that was officially
denied said Mayor Mehdi Nam-
dar and Jamal Imami, a member
of the lower house of parliament,
had been targets of assassination
The new government proclaimed
martial law immediately after it
had been presented to Shah Mo-
hammed Reza Pahlevi at noon.
Some cabinet posts still were not
filled because prospective members
were too terrorized by assassina-
tion threats to accept the jobs.

except John L. Lewis' min-
nd the operating railroad
e ULPC recently ordered
ithdrawal of all labor mem-
from mobilization agencies, F
ling the Wage Stabilization FINAL
d, in a move to emphasize chestra,
asure with what it called Beethov(
business" control of defense in Hill .
awhile, in Key West, Fla.,
ent Truman directed Econo-
abilizer Eric Johnston to re-
his efforts to find a formula
ding the administration's ch
es with labor.
nston flew back to Washing-

-Daily-Roger Reinke
REHEARSAL-Under the direction of Prof. Wayne Dunlap, the University Symphony Or-
assisted by the University Choir, performs at its last rehearsal. The Orchestra will present
en's "Symphony No 9" and Haydn's "The Seven ,Last Words of Christ" at 8:30 p.m. today
Auditorium. This will be the orchestra's second concert of the semester.
Con cert Most Fraternities Apathetic
ed U led About New City Zoning Law

d1 'f P'4 'H' A'lA1 A 'Ef' k



.mediately after the 35-min-

I Contriutions to WSSF Save
Lives, Worker Tells Group

gram is going on the rocks-that
it cannot mobilize this country to
do the tasks this country faces,"
Al J. Hayes, head of the machin-
ists, said in a speech.
"We withdrew from it because
the people were being misled into
thinking it was just and equit-
George M. Harrison, head of the?
railway clerks and an AFL vice
president, said he regarded the
program as "hopeless."
"IT IS political suicide and just
can't work," he declared. "It is
socially indefensible and econo-
mically impossible. I want a new
Harrison said the mobilization
program might have to continue
for 20 years, and in that time
under present policies he said,
workers "will certainly be a regi-
mented bunch of serfs."
Mobilization Director Charles E.
Wilson, chief target of the labor
attacks, was dt scribed as an
agent of big business who regards
labor "as a commodity."
George Meany, AFL secretary-
treasurer, said the order setting up
Wilson's office made the former
General Electric Corporation chief
"more powerful than the Presi-
"We've talked to Wilson, but you
might as well talk to a stone wall,"
Meany said.
But he added, "This is more
than a fight with Wilson; it is
also a fight with Congress."
He told the local labor leaders:
"Your job is to go back and let
the people know this is not just
a fight over wages either.
Works Committee
Members of the, city council's
public works committee have given
their approval to a $448,795 street
improvement project.
Outlining the program, Mayor
William E. Brown, Jr., said the
undertaking will be covered by a
special bond issue,which can be
paid off in 12 to 15 years.
The program wil probably be
brought before the council for ap-
proval at their next meeting.


Every dollar spent by the World
Student Service Fund does the
double job of helping to save a life
and contributing to the chances
for world peace, Wym Price, Grad.,
told a crowd of Jordan Hall resi-
dents last night.
Price is one of the student WSSF
workers, who in conjunction with
the current campus fund drive, are
making the rounds of dormitories
and houses. They are explaining
the work of WSSF to the residents
Reached by,
IAU, Author
The charges and countercharges
levelled by the Inter-Arts Union
-nd Robert Rosenberg, author of
.''ar Sky" were dismissed yes-
terday by both parties and attri-
buted to a misunderstanding by
all concerned.
The agreement over the con-
fused issue of IAU's cancellation
of "War Sky" from their Arts Fes-
See LETTERS page 4
tival was reached after a meeting
by both groups Monday night.
Rosenberg, in a letter to The;
Daily, withdrew his charge that
pressure was being placed on IAU
by a University group.
IAU, also in a letter, withdrew
their charge that Rosenberg had
acted in bad faith by releasing

and showing WSSF or United Na-
tions movies.
* * *
HE ASKED the residents to con-
tribute money, sign a pledge or
give a pint of blood at the Univer-
sity hospital blood bank to aid the
Fund, an agency pledged to help
destitute students throughout the
WSSF, initiated in 1937 to
help Chinese students carry on
their studies, sends funds and
supplies everywhere to students
who need help in continuing
their work.l
"The only stipulation is that
WSSF be allowed to distribute the
funds and goods where the organi-
zaion sees the need to exist," Price
merely to dole out charity, he
went on, but whenever possible,
it institutes self-help projects.
Such a project is the textbook
mimeograph cooperatives which
are operating in several war-torn
countries of Asia and Europe.
"Instead of sending textbooks,
WSSF sent mimeograph ma-
chines to the students," he said.
"We figured that a text can be
made for 25 cents this way."
The agency also finances tuber-
culksis sanitariums, and provides
clothing, food and shelter for pen-
niless students.
"We won't use social pressures,
such as tags, to get anyone to con-
tribute." Price emphasized. "We
want only to educate the students
to the existing need. We hope they
wil give because they want to."
-u___-1 A------

FOUR SOLOISTS will sing parts
from the Beethoven choral sym-
phony in which h'e glorifies the!
brotherhood of man.
All music school students, the
soloists are: Grace Ravesloot,
'SiSM, Gloria Gonan, Grad.,
Robert Pearson, Grad., and Jack
Wilcox, Grad.
Miss Ravesloot, soprano, recently
appeared in the School of Music-
speech department production of
"The Magic Flute."
Miss Gonan. leading contralto,
also appeared in "The Magic
Flute" and numerous other musical
Formerly in 'Gianni Schicci,"
Pearson will sing the tenor solo.
Wilcox, who will have the bass
lead, has had roles in slch pro-
ductions as "La Boheme,' Verdi's
"Requiem" and "The Magic Flute.''
He will also perform in connection
with the Inter-Arts Union Student
Art Festival this week-end.
Arraignment Set
Felix Mielzynski, '51, will be ar-
raigned at 9 a.m. today in Circuit
Court on charges of breaking and
The arraignment was originally
scheduled for March 26. The date
of arraignment for Paul Kluth,
Grad., who is charged with the
same crime, has not been resched-

O tD J QI'IYL of'j By CR AWF ORD YOUNG feeling that the individual group
rIiApathy and resignation seemed was being discriminated against
to be the only reactions aroused rather than a general di8approval
The University Symphony Or- in the nine fraternities not includ- of the new regulations.
chestra, assisted by the University ed in the new A-1 zone set up by * * *
Choir, will present a program of the Ann Arbor City Council Mon- THE ZONING CODES, as now
Easter music at 8:30 p.m. today in day. constituted, outlaw the entrance
Hill Auditorium. Only Acacia fraternity and a of group dwellings into the exclu-
"The Seven Last Words of'soority, Alpha Epsilon Phi, which. sive A and AA residential districts.
Christ" by Haydn and Symphony had purchased land in a now-re- Those nine fraternities now there
No. 9 D minor" Beethoven stricted zone, voiced any opposi- will be permitted to remain as'
are the works to be presented. ction to the revision of the zoning non-conforming units, but may!
ordinances. And even in these make no improvements without
PROF. WAYNE DUNLAP will cases. the unfavorable reaction special permission from the Board
conduct the orchestra and Prof. seemed to stem mainly from a of Appeals.
Maynard Klein will direct the see ose anyfo fApas
y Bob Vogt, '51, president of the
choir. Interfraternity Council, which
"Symphony No. 9 is generally * had taken a stand mildly oppos-
considered Beethoven's most dif- ' 'r "M yed to the proposal, felt that on
ficult and mature work. The etT Athe whole the compromise was
University Orchestra is one of Ae- .as favorable to fraternities as
few student orchestras in this could be expected.
country capable of undertaking Ze)uHerbert Wagner, Acacia alum-
such a complex composition," it Zn nus who had pleaded his frater-
was reported yesterday. nity's cause before the council,
Mayor William E. Brown, Jr., objected. to the failure of the A-i
Haydn's "The Seven Last Words yesterday said that he may veto zone, which was set up to take'
of Christ" was written for a Lenten the new A-1 group dwelling zone care of the fraternities, sororities
service at the Cathedral of Cadiz ordinance passed by the Common and co-ops which have houses in
early in the 19th century. Council Monday night. the A and AA residential districts,

He said that he might reject
the measure on grounds that
League houses were not included
in the ruling, although fraterni-
ties, sororities and co-ops will be
allowed to enter the new zone.
Alderman John S. Dobson said
last night, however, that he had
talked to the mayor since he an-
nounced that he miglt veto the
ordinance and doubted t h a t
Brown would take any action.
"I explained that the council
does not feel that it acted in the
haste Mayor Brown felt it had,
and I believe he agreed." DobsonI
said that he would be opposed to
any veto action.
The mayor has 10 days in which
to veto any council action. Mem-
bers of the council can override!
the veto with a 12 to three vote.
The measure was passed 12 to two
with one abstention.
Alderman Arthur Bromage said
he felt a veto would be unfortun-
ate. "In view of many requests
for the ordinance from local citi-
zens, it seems sound to set up
a zone recognizing multiple units
now. The council has worked
months to reach this compromise
in the face of many conflicting
He noted that League houses
have a chance of being included
in the scope of the ordinance in
the future. The question is now
being considered by the council's
ordinance committee.

to include the Acacia house
* * * *
Tau Delta and Deta Kappa Ep-
silon fraternities and Delta Zeta
sorority had houses across the
street which were included.
The plight of the Alpha Epsi-
Ion Phi women was a little more
acute. The sorority had pur-
chased land for a new house,
but would now be prevented
from building it.
"We don't know yet what we
can do about it," Renee Pregul-
man, '51, former president, said.
"But we feel it was very unfair
the way our request for a special
extension of the A-1 zone was
handled by the City Council."
THE COUNCIL, by a mere
voice vote, rejected the AE Phi
request, which had been endorsed
by prospective neighbors of the
None of the nine fraternities,
Acacia, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Delta
Sigma Phi, Phi Sigma Delta,
Phi Sigma Kappa, Tau Delta
Phi, Zeta Beta Tau, Gamma
Alpha (grad) and Psi Omega
(dental), had any plans for new
houses. However, several had
planned additions to their pres-
ent buildings.
Vogt felt that there would be
little trouble obtaining the per-
mission of the Board of Appeals
for work of this sort.

,AEC .Hints
A tEniwetok
Atom Tests
WASHINGTON -() - A new
series of atomic bomb blasts is
under way at the Eniwetok prov-
ing grounds in the Pacific, the
Atomic Energy Commission hinted
It referred to a "test" program
of a "major" character and said
one aim is to gather information
which will help architects design
buildingsto stand up better under
atomic blasts.
* * *
THE PROJECT at the remote
Pacific atoll has been nicknamed
"Operation Greenhouse." .
The commission gave no hint
as to what type, or types, of
atomic weapons were involved.
Presumably, though, they would
be models substantially improved
as compared with those tested in
the first series of Eniwetok trials
in the spring of 1948. The three
bombs tested then were described
as "improved" over their prede-
cessors. Presumably the tests
would involve something differ-
ent from the weapons tested re-
cently at Las Vegas-that is, dif-
ferent in explosive capabilities, or
in proposed use.
It is even conceivable that a
trial explosion of the proposed
hydrogen bomb might be attempt-
ed, just to see what headway has
been made of the full-scale studies
which have been underway for
more than a year now.
World News
By The Associated Press
PARIS-Gen. Dwight D. Eisen-
hower chose British Field Mar-
shall Lord Montgomery as Deputy
Commander of his Atlantic Pact
Army yesterday and completed
the High Command with the ap-
pointment of eight other officers
to staff jobs.
(R-Ohio) said yesterday the
United States may be asked to
contribute 15 divisions to the
defense of Western Europe be-
fore the end of 1952.
The Republican leader told
the Senate the Truman Admin-
istration has "no intentoin" of
holding the American contribu-
tion to six divisions, as outlined
recently by defense chiefs.
..GRAND RAPIDS-Senator Ar-
thur H. Vandenberg had a rest-
ful day yesterday, his physician
reported, but his condition re-
mains serious.
WASHINGTON-The first of
8,000,000 special life insurance
dividend checks for World War
II veterans will be put in the
mail in early April.
The Veterans Administration
said yesterday that the $685,-
000,000 fund will average out at
about $85 apiece.
BERLIN-The practice of Chris-
tian Science was banned yester-
day in Communist East Germany
as People's Police closed offices
and meeting places and seized lit-
erature of the sect, officially call-
ed the Church of Christ Scientist.
Ruthven To Decide
YP: 1 -P. *A A ..:?

THE UNITED Nations offen-
sive, reaching within 17 miles of
North Korea, ground slowly for-
ward toward the answer to a poli-
tically explosive question.
In central Korea, the road of
Hangye, 13 miles south of the
border, still was in Communist
Hangye is 15 miles southeast
of Chunchon, the big Red base
eight miles away from the North
Korean boundary.
Early today a Chinese Red pa-
trol clashed briefly with U.S.
troops northeast of Seoul and then
withdrew. Elsewhere across the
western front, U.S. and South
Korean patrols probed north of
the Han River without contacting
the foe.
* * *
IN THE SAME area, the Allied
troops underwent heavy Red artil-
lery, mortar and small arms fire
The Eighth Army said today
that ' the 26th Chinese Army
Corps of the Third Field Army
now is on the front line. The
Corps holds positions north of
Allied-won Chungpyong reser-
voir, some 20 to 30 miles north-
east of Seoul.
AP correspondent Jim Becker
reported . that Chinese Reds
manned defense positions in west-
ern Korea to the east of the
Seoul-Ui ongbuhcorridor. North
Koreans were west of it to the
Yellow Sea. Uijongbu is 12 miles
north of Seoul.
Allied troops in central Korea
met the stiffest resistance in days
Rear guard Reds fought bit-
terly northeast of Hongchon,
abandoned Red bastion 55 miles
east of Seoul.
The U.S. Eighth Army estimat-
ed 800 casualties were inflicted on
the enemy Mondayhthrough
ground action alone. That would
make approximately 177,000 suf-
fered by the Reds through ground
action since the Jan. 25 start of
the offensive.
SL Petitions
Not Available
The deadline for hopeful stu-
dent politicians to pick up their
petitions at the Student Legisla-
ture House has been set at 5 p.m.
Spider Webb, '52, chairman of
the SL Citizenship Committee,
also announced that the complet-
ed petitions must- be turned in be-
fore 5 p.m. Friday.
An even 50 potential candidates
for the 25 open SL seats have al-
ready begun circulating petitions.
Twenty-five students have thrown
their hats in the ring so far for
next year's nine-member J-Hop
Only four students have taken
out petitions for the one open post
on the Board in Control of Inter-
collegiate Athletics, Webbreport-
ed. Candidates must be at least
second semester sophomores and
Board members are elected for
a two year term.
Literary college seniors and all
classes of the engineering school
will elect class officers. A total
of 18 literary college officer peti-
tions have gone out, and also 15
petitions for the engineering col-
The first meeting of the SL can--
didate training program is sched-
uled for 4 p.m. today in the Union.

Spring Receives Cold Shoulder in Ann Arbor

Spring got a cold reception asP
it was blown in on the crest of
March winds early this morning
Traditionally a time of flower
buds, warm breezes and blossom-
ing life, spring came to Ann Arbor
in what seemed like the middle
of winter.
Aq fntr .fi vmrin +-~n, tic

* * *s *

only forecast, "windy, cold,
occasional snow flurries."


Spring rains are generally a
welcome sign to the world's farm-
ers, and they have adopted many
superstitions to assure their ar-
rival. In Armenia, the people
took up the practice of pouring

... r. i -., .

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