,. . i THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUVESDAY, MARH 20,.1951 Discuss Value Of Criticism "The Value of Music Criticism," a topic of current controversial in- terest, will be featured from 9 to 9:30 p.m. Wednesday in a discus- sion program over WHRV. Sponsored by the Inter-Arts Union and held in conjunction with the group's Student Art Fes- tival scheduled for next weekend, the panel discussion will be mo- d erated by Prof. Oliver Edel of the music school. Business Careers s$ '~ VIA 4-MONTH INTENSIVE COURSE SECRETARIAL TRAINING for COLLEGE STUDENTS and GRAIDUATES Starting June, October, February Bulletin A, on request. Registration now open. NEXT COURSE STARTS JUNE 11 Lifetime Placement Service Write Admission Counsebsr Co-Educatijonal " G. L A pproveed THE GREGG COLLEGE 37 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago 3, Illinois Pbone Sljate 2-1880 :. YV -pO U NEW STYLES FIRST AT WILD'S FLA . ««+eMA lM wv yr asw+wY.wnworarq t x SMART .. . for Easter RIGHT .. . for Spring Raglan Toppers are sweeping style favor with their abundant sweeping ,a lines and the 'S delightful daring of color, checks and plaids; PRICED AT. I $55.00 ty}:: .::... .... : : ,; :i :tii: :: ":ti :!;i' ' '.:«' . 'j? r i; "" .. U llmVL'MWILDISA State Street on the Campus campaign. J RI I iU 4. THOUSANDS of students all over the country are making this test--proving for themselves Chesterfield smells milder, smokes milder than any other cigarette.. THEY KNOW TOO .. . Chesterfield gives them more for, their money... Chesterfield leaves no yjnpleci sant after-taste! .- 4. . , 1