iri I i 'I, SEGREGATED SERVICE See Page 4 LDk Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY, CO VOL. LXI, No. 116 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1951, SIX PAGES S Troop Issue Spit Blamed On Truman Senator Claims Prestige Low WASHINGTON - (P) - Sen. Knowland (R-Calif) said yester- day that much of the difficulty in solving the troops-for-Europe is- sue arises from "the greatly dim- inished confidence the nation has in the' President of the United States." He told the Senate the dispute + between President Truman and Congress over authority to deploy American troops abroad must not be allowed 'to paralyze the na- tion's foreign policy during the next two "critical years."- "WITH THE statesmanship and leadership in the administration and in Congress," Knowland said, "We have a chance here and now, by negotiation and debate, to hammer out a foreign and mili- tary policy that will have continu-. ity after the presidential election in 1952." e But at th same time, Sen. Lodge (R-Mass) pressed for ac- tion, declaring that any delay would be "tampering with the security of the United States." The measure under debate ap- proves Truman's plan to send four more divisions of ground troops into the international army being raised in Western Europe. It also provides, however, that Congress authorize any further deployment of American troops there. SEN. JENNER (R-Ind) told the Senate a "small inner cabal" was *planning the nation's destruction "Our problem is not the tired titan from Missouri," Jenner said, "it is the cold, clever, ruth- less men about him." We are being governed by peo- ple who have a blueprint for our destruction and we are right on the time table," Jenner declared. JENNER said Congress must find a way to make sound foreign and military policies "because we cannot trust the executive branch of our government to do it." He called for a defense plan resting on "unsinkable aircraft carriers in England, Libya and Japan. Both Republicans and Demo- crats demanded clarification of the Congressional approval clause. Their dissatisfaction with its language dampened administra- tion hopes of getting the resolu- tion passed this week. Chi Psi House Blaze Damage Put at $5,000 A slow fire which smoldered for a little over an hour Saturday night in the Chi Psi fraternity house resulted in damages, esti- mated at from $5000 to $10,000, House Manager Jack Kausch, '52, reported yesterday. The blaze started around 11 p.m. At that time most of the members of the fraternity were attending an initiation party in Detroit with their alumni. The fire was apparently start- ed by cigarette ashes falling in a couch in the living room. The sofa caught fire and burned ap- proximately 45 minutes before it was discovered by two of the alumni and one of the active members returning early from De- troit. Substantial damage was done to the carpets in the living room, and the floorboards were consid- erably charred, Kausch said. How- ever, most of the loss resulted from the dense smoke which the fire gave off. The walls and ceiling were blackened by the sooty fumes, which pervaded the whole house and made it almost unlivable Sun- day, Kausch said. The house and all personal ef- fects and furnishings in it were fully insured, he said, so that there was no financial loss to the fra- ternity. IFC To R eturn Council Passes A-i ZonigPlan Fraternities, Sororities, Co-ops To Be Included in Special District By VERNON EMERSON The Ann Arbor Common Council last night passed the long pend- ing amendment to the city's zoning ordinance that will establish a special A-1 fraternity-sorority-co-op district. Although the ordinance itself was okayed by a large majority, 12 to two with one abstention, plenty of warm words were exchanged around the council table before the final vote was taken. AS IT WAS passed the new zone, which will roughly extend from Forest St. to Oswego St. and Geddes Rd. to Cambridge Rd., will cut Allies Make 'Substantial' Gains In Korea, Gen. cArthur Says 4-> West Europe Begins Coal', Steel Plan PARIS-(A')-Six West Euro- pean nations yesterday initialed the Schuman Plan to abolish their national frontiers in the coal and steel industries. The ceremony took place at noon at the French Foreign Ministry more than 10 months alter it was proposed by French Foreign Minis- ter Robert Schuman and nine months after the arduous negotia- tions began among France, West- ern Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Italy. , * * THE SCHEME to pool the six nations' steel and coal production must still be ratified by the six parliaments against much opposi- tion. Moreover, it would go into busi- ness without Britain who objected to putting her basic industries, producing 16,000,000 tons of steel and more than 214,000,000 tons of coal annually, under "supranation- al authority." But the plan to create a single market of 150,000,000 people for the multi-billion industry is strongly backed by the United States, Student Shoots Iran Educator TEHRAN, Iran-(P)-A Moslem divinity student, said by police to be vengeful at being caught cheat- ing at an examination, chased and gravely wounded Iran's former education minister in an assassin- ation attempt yesterday. The former minister, 46-year- old Dr. Abdul Hamid Zanganeh, president of Tehran University Law Faculty and a close friend of assassinated Premier Ali Razmara, was felled on the law school steps by a single bullet in the back. The gunman, identified as Nus- tratullah Abdul Hossein Qumi, surrendered to police. Authorities began investigating whether he had links with the Tudeh (Com- munist) Party-a bitter enemy of Zanganeh-or the fanatical Na- tionalist Moslem sect, Fadayam Islam, whose ranks produced the assassin of Premier Razmara 12 days ago. Zanganeh had not been involv- ed in the controversy over nation- alization of Iran's oil industry which is believed to have moti-. vated the slaying of Ramzamara. into the exclusive A and AA resi- dential zones. Group dwellings will henceforth be prohibited from entering these two zones, although they are free to build in the new A-1 area as well as lower class zones. Nine fraternities now in the A and AA districts will be per- mitted to remain there as non- conforming units. This means* that they will only be allowed to expand their present facilities after obtaining permission of a Board of Appeals. And these groups may not dis- continue the operation of their houses for more than 90 days. If they do so they will forfeit the; right to exist as non-conforming units. THE COUNCIL passed a special ordinance last night, however, which will make the 90-day clause non-operative in the case of a national emergency. The hottest issue of the meet- ing was whether or not co-op- eratives should be allowed to move into the A-i zone. Al- though Alderman John Dobson said he opposed the move be- cause many of his constituents had complained that these groups would not keep their property in good condition, Al- derman Arthur. Bromage saidI excluding co-ops would be dis- crimination. Others supporting the measure said that as these houses are gov- erned by the same rules as fra- ternities and sororities, it would border on illegality to leave them out of A-1. The amendment was passed nine to five with one ab- stention. . * *I COUNCIL MEMBERS okayed minor changes in the zone's boundaries to even them off. But they refused to approve an amendment that would have in- cluded in the new zone the pro- posed site of Alpha Epsilon Phi's new sorority house. After hearing several letters of protest from residents in the area-the property is on Cam- bridge Rd. between Hill and Day Streets-the council rejected the proposal by a voice vote. Renee Pregulman, '51, president of A E Phi, termed the measure unfair. "We purchased that prop- erty in good faith more than a year ago. At that time we found no opposition at all from resi- dents there." SPEAKING FOR the Univer- sity, Dean of Students Erich A. Walter, said that he was favorably impressed wit the results of the meeting. He noted however, that it was unfortunate that League houses could not also be included in the new ordinance. The question of League houses being allowed into the zone in the future was referred to the ordin- ance committee for consideration. Comm it tee To Continue RFCProbe Group To Hear Murray,_Casey rASHINGTON - UP) - Chair- m a n Fulbright (D-Ark) an- nounced last night that his Senate Banking subcommittee will con- tinue indefinitely its investigation of an alleged "influence ring" operating around the Reconstruc- tion Finance Corporation. Fulbright said the subcommittee will hear testimony next weeki from Senator Murray (D-Mont), who demanded an opportunity to be heard, and from former Rep. Joseph E. Casey (D-Mass). MURRAY'S NAME figured in the current inquiry in testimony that he plugged for a $1,000,000 RFC loan to the Sorrento Hotel in Miami Beach, Fla. The testi- mony brought out that Murray's son, James, received $21,000 in fees for acting as attorney in the Sorrento case, and in other RFC loans in the Florida resort center. Murray has defended his action as "routine" and in line with "es- tablished congressional practices." { i J 1 Censorship Hides Extent Of Advances Troops Within 17 Miles of 38th TOKYO - (P) - Allied troop, made "substantial" gains again* retreating Reds in West-Central Korea yesterday, .General Mac- Arthur announced today. Extent of the advances wag cloaked in censorship. United States Eighth Army headquarters still would not permit pinpointing of United Nations forces less than 17 miles from the 38th parallel * * * - SPOKESMEN for the Eighth Army announced the capture in- tact of Chungbyong Reservoir and power station 15 miles northeast of Seoul. It was taken three days ago and United Nations troops have advanced beyond it, headquarters said. MacArthur's communique, covering the'24 hours up ti 6 a.m. today, said his forces ad- vanced also on the east-central front Monday. Both fronts were described as "relatively quiet." Red opposition ranged from light to none at all. Allied planes in record numbers swept north all the way to Korea's border and attacked the Reds' war-making potential as soon as supply vehicles crossed the Yalu river from Manchuria. * * * -Daily-Malcolm Shatz CRIME AT THE {UNION--A portion of the 250 TV viewers, who assembled at the Union at 4 p.m. yesterday, take in every word of William O'Dwyer's testimony. Union General Manager Frank Kuenzel estimated that more than 1,000 persons viewed the hearings yesterday. "This is 20 times as many as usually watch a baseball game," he commented. * * * * * * * * Part inGraftuCampus Abandons Books } . -. --- 12 -. ^ C . -n- - .. - -- -_ -.d.s rM-- .f. I 1 In other developments: 1 U ILU 1. Former Congressman Casey ' resigned yesterday as congression- al liaison man for Economic Sta- IBy Costello bilizer Eric Johnston. Casey wrote Johnston he was stepping out "to relieve you of any unmerited em- NEW YORK - 0) - Racketeer barrassment" in connection with Frank Costello admitted to Senate the RFC probe. b terd that he s * * crime probers yesteray tat h 'ForP 11e51 tL1LvteT I eCaL rti CASEY TOLD the subcommit- tee a week ago that he invested $20,000 in a deal in surplus gov- ernment tankers and made a profit of $250,000. He denied any- thing improper. 2. RFC Director C. Edward Rowe testified President Tru- man appointed him to the RFC in August, 1950, with orders that the big federal lending agency, already under fire, "needed to be cleaned up." 3. Chairman Fulbright and his subcommittee sharply questioned Rowe and RFC Director Walter L. Dunham behind closed doors on theiraconflicting testimony about an alleged move to get Dunham to resign. * .* DUNHAM SWORE Rowe tried to make him a "goat" of the Sen- ate inquiry. Rowe hotly denied it. Saying that copies of the testi- mony are being furnished to the Justice Department, Fulbright told newsmen: "When the committee can't find out the truth, it's a pretty serious matter." World 1ews Roundup By The Associated Press GRAND RAPIDS - Dr. A. B. Smith reported "no change" late yesterday in the condition of Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg. HAVANA - Former President Ramon Grau San Martin and 10 of his 1944-48 administration as- sociates yesterday faced trial in the most sensational fraud case in Cuban history -- they are charged with stealing or misap- propriating $40,000,000. LONDON -- Britain and thej United States have agreed on the main points of a soft peace treaty aimed at resoring Japan as a strong, non-Communist na- tion tied to the west, official sources reported yesterday. pulled friend Hall. strings to put a Democratic at the head of Tammany Earlier ex-Mayor William O'Dwyer had admitted to the Sen- ate Crime Investigating Committee -that he probably got help from a Costello henchman in the 1945 mayoralty campaign. * * * O'DWYER SAID the Costello- linked assistance was not his idea and there was no payoff to the Costello gang after he was elected. O'Dwyer's helper was Irving Sherman, a missing witness sought by the committee for six weeks. As the hearing adjourned late last night, Sen. O'Conor (D-Md.) said Sherman might be called tomorrow-the first tipoff that he finally may have been locat- ed. The rest of the committee would not say officially if this was so. Sherman has been described as a campaign helper of O'Dwyer at the same time he was a close pal of Costello. WITH THIS testimony in front of them, the committee sent O'Dwyer and Costello home for the night and directed them to return today. Then it plunged into a sepa- rate inquiry on Jersey water- front racketeering and gambling across the Hudson River from New York-in the first night session of the drama-packed week-old public hearings. Besides conducting the hearings yesterday, the Senate Crime In- vestigating Committee decided against returning to Detroit for another hearing. By HARLAND BRITZ Ann Arbor has gone crime con- scious and television is the reason. At the expense of their books, their women and their other cam- pus activities,,the University men have taken to the Kefauver crime hearings on televsion like nothing TV's given them before. That in- cludes the World Series and wres- tling, according to Frank Kuenzel, Union General manager. "We had about 1,000 people here yesterday and that's 20 times as many as watch a baseball game," he added. * * * ABOUT 250 PERSONS were crowded into the Union tap room, at one time, yesterday to watch Ambassador William O'Dwyer tes- tify. Fraternity houses reported AIM Decides To Endorse Independents Continuation of the campus election policy of active backing of "qualified" independent can- didates was endorsed by the As- sociation of Independent Men at a meeting last night. The system of publishing a list of all independent candidates seeking campus office, which last semester elected independents to more than half of the Student Legislature positions, will again be followed. "What AIM is doing is to en- courage qualified independent can- didates to run, not only for SL, but for Union and other all cam- pus offices. It is not AIM's policy to extend blanket support to all independents, but rather to point out the qualifications of each in- dependent candidate," Dave Pon- itz '52, president of AIM said. AIM also restated its policy of not backing fraternity pledges, regardless of whether they live in I the residence halls. groups of ten to twenty -campedj before their sets from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. when the hearing usually ends. The situation is different with the women students. While men's dorms, fraternity houses and the Union tap room report record TV audiences, women's dorms and sorority houses don't seem to have been bitten by the Kefauver bug.' However, few women's residences have televi- sion sets. When asked what attraction the hearings have for the 15 million Americans that were estimated as viewing yesterday's session, Prof.- Wilbert J. McKeachie of the psy- chology department said that they do so for the same reason that children read fairy tales and see cowboy movies. * * * "VIEWERS of the crime hear- ings are releasing tension," he pointed out. "They identify them- selves with the villains and the heroes, prjecting both their social and anti-social viewpoints." Most of the televiewers expressed agreement with the purpose and the methods that Senator Ke- fauver and his committee are us- ing in their nation-wide investga- tion of organized crime. But one student, Jay Allen, '51, felt that television of the hearings was not such a wise move. "The people under investigation, even though they are allegedly gang- sters," he said, "have families and friends. These innocent people can be seriously hurt by the expose." Ushers Requested For Union Opera Mark Sandground, head usher for the Union Opera, wants 13 ushers for the production on March 28, 29, and 30. Anyone interested may call the Union Opera office between 3 and 5 p.m. or contact Sandground at 2-8809 after 7 p.m. THE REDS were observed dig- ging new defense positions near the 38th parallel on both sides of the peninsula. But it was not de- termined whether these were for a stand or delaying purposes. AP Correspondent Leif Ericson at Eighth Army Headquarters said, defenses on the west were spotted east of Uijongbu. Uijong- bu is 12 miles north of re-occu- pied Seoul and 18 miles south of the 38th parallel. Eighth Army spokesmen esti- mated 750 Chinese and North Kor- ean Reds were killed or wounded in ground action Monday. They were added to the more than 176,- 000 casualties inflicted on the Reds since the Allied offensive opened Jan. 25. Allied tank-infantry patrols Monday ranged miles ahead of five powerful Allied columns in strong positions 17 miles below the 38th parallel. Few Election I NO AGREEMENT HERE: YR Politicos Clash Over GOP-Dixtecrat Merger Petitions Out Deadline Near' Tomorrow is the last day to pick up student election petitions, and at last report the number al- ready out is unusually small. Only two people have taken out petitions for the post on the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Ath- letics, and one is a woman,. ac- cording to Spider Webb, '52, chair- man of the Citizenship Committee of the Student Legislature. If all the petitions taken out so far are returned, there will be at least 45 candidates for the ap- proximately 25 vacant SL seats. Eighteen J-Hop petitions are now circulating, and nine second-se- mester sophomores will be elected to that committee. Class officers for each engineer- ing college class and for the lit- ei~ary college seniors will also by chosen in the elections April 24 and 25. Webb said that petitions would be available in the SL House, 122 S. Forest from 3 to 5 p.m. today and tomorrow. They must be turned in by Friday. 'Military Matters' By CAL SAMRA Two Young Republicans yester- day threw down their gages and swting into a verbal battle over the feasibility of a Republican- Dixiecrat coalition. The argument was prompted by a report that Young Republicans from southern colleges, in an an- nual conference, had endorsed , a GOP coalition w i t h Southern Democrats as a means of electing a Republican president in 1952. "THE NORTHERN STATES," he continued, "would turn away from the GOP if there is a coali- tion, and so would a lot of liberals. I know I wouldn't vote for them myself." Halby, in turn, pointed out that there are no basic differ- ences between the Republican Party and the Dixiecrats, other than civil rights. Cargo, however, proposed an al- ternt nUan He contended that PROBLEM WITH WINGS: Taking Crow AI ters Life of Student. By MARY LETSIS A talking crow with a yen for peanut bars and a laugh like Gil- dersleeve's almost cost Hank Mel- ton, '52 NR. the roof over his head. with him-but no soap. Finally my peanut bars did the trick; he gulped them down and we were soon bosom-buddies." But trouble flew in when the could laugh just like Gilder- sleeve. He says, 'Hello, hello, crow!' and mumbles baby talk, too." But even this talking spree of the