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March 18, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-03-18

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See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State


'U' Puckrnen
Beat Brown;
Fast Team Play
Nets 7-1 ictory
Special to The Daily
Michigan's puckmen put on their
greatest performance of the sea-
son last night as they walloped
the Brown University Bruins, 7 to
1, to win the 1951 NCAA Hockey
Tournament at the Broadmoor
Ice Palace here.
The triumph was truly a team
victory as the Wolverines dis-
played a brilliant defense coupled
with potent offensive power and
speed to completely outclass the
Brains, who put up -a game but
hopeless battle.
* * *
Heathcott, Alex McClellan, and
Graham Cragg was beautiful to
behold. Repeatedly they threw
back Brown scoring thrusts and,
their backchecking plus the alert-
ness of the Wolverine forward
A lines kept Brown from ever mak-
ing a serious threat.
So outstanding was the Maize
and Blue defense that goalie
Hal Downes, who played a fine
game himself in the nets, did
not have a single save on a
Brown shot on goal for the
first 15 minutes of the game.
Oddly enough there wxs very
little bodychecking by Wolverine
forwards and defensemen. The
Wolverines threw back the Brown
attackers by the simple process
of poking the puck off their sticks
before they ever could get over
the Michigan blue line.
* * r
BUT IN ADDITION to the great
work of the defense, which had
been a sore spot in previous hock-
(Continued on Page 6)
Senators Ask
Casey Recal,
In RFCPr e
WASHINGTON -()P)- Embat-
tled Republican senators investi-
gating alleged favoritism in gov-
ernment loans yesterday demanded
one more crack at former Rep.
Casey (D-Mass), one of economic
stabilizer Eric Johnston's top aides.
The move to needle Casey about
an admittedly faulty memory may
add new fuel to a mounting con-
troversy between Democrats and
Republicans of a Senate banking
subcommittee now winding up a
drama-packed inquiry into Re-
construction Finance Corporation
loans. The Republicans want to
keep the inquiry going.
SENATOR Fulbright (D-Ark),
the subcommittee chairman, con-
tends his group already has proved
the RFC was subject to political
influence and that the committee
should now let some more appro-
priate group take over. He de-
mands an investigation of the
moral standards of government as
a whole, but insists his subcommit-
tee is not the one to handle this
because it was created to handle
only RFC matters.
The subcommittee has named
Casey as an associate of men
with White House contacts who
wielded influence on RFC loans.
Casey denied he had any undue

influence anywhere in govern-
Senator Bennett (R-Utah), a
member of the subcommittee,
touched off the move to recall
Casey as a witness.
Casey got into hot water with
rthe subcommittee when he testi-
fied recently that a Treasury of-
ficial's informal ruling had guided
him to a big saving in federal taxes
on a $250,000 profit on a $20,000
Russell Calls
For War Plan
WASHINGTON - ()A' - Sena-
tor Russell (D-Ga) called yester-
day for a showdown on whether
North Atlantic Pact countries will

New Board May
End Labor Dispute
WASHINGTON-(A)-President Truman may soon create a new
18-man wage stabilization board on which labor and management
probably would agree to serve despite their inability to agree on its
Government officials yesterday were reported leaning toward solu-
tion of the nation's wage control troubles. A good many labor and in-
dustry leaders are expecting such a solution. Action is possible-though
far from certain-next week.
* * * *I
IT SHOULD BE A LIVELY week in the field of economic controls.

Taft Attacks
Blasts Whitewash
Of Red Probe
-Sen. Robert Taft (R-O) last
night unleashed an all-out attack
on the Truman administration,
accusing it of "political corrup-
tion" and declaring charges of
Reds-in-government were "white-
In an address prepared for an
eastern Young Republican college
conference, Sen. Taft charged
"five percenters and influence
peddlers are still doing business
in Washington at the same old

Advancing Allied Troops




rNew Heavy
Y r Masks Front

Fast on Big.
Four Slate
PARIS-,(JP)--The three western
deputies told Andrei Gromyko in
hardening words at the windup of
the second week of conferences
yesterday they want a Big Four
foreign ministers meeting - but
not at any price.
A French spokesman said the
Soviet deputy foreign minister,
Philip Jessup of the United States,
Ernest Davies of Britain and
Alexandre Parodi of France had
a rather bad session, with each
side repeating a lot of "known
Parodi was quoted as telling
Gromyko the West will not go to
a Big Four meeting "with its
hands tied."
However, the Western deputies
extracted no concessions from
Gromyko which might lead to
ironing out a list of subjects to
be discussed by a foreign minis-
ters' meeting with a view to easing
off the mounting international
steam pressure.
Tomorrow the deputies will hold
their 13th session with the situa-
tion just about as it was when
the talks began Mar. 5.
Gromyko is demanding the de-
militarization of Germany and
reduction of armaments of the
Big Four be taken up as separ-
ate and paramount items.
Name Senator
For Kentucky
FRANKFORT, Ky.,-P)-Thom-
as Underwood was appointed to
the United States Senate yester-
day by Gov. Lawrence Wetherby.
Underwood, Democratic c o n-
gressman from the sixth district
and editor of the Lexington Her-
ald, will replace Virgil Chapman,
Democrat, of Paris, Ky., who died
of injuries received in an automo-
bile accident in Washington Mar.
Gov. Wetherby handed the ap-
pointment order to Thomas Under-
wood, Jr., who will deliver it to his
father in Washington. Underwood
will be sworn in as a senator to-

Labor leaders, an estimated 700
of them, are heading for Wash-
ington for rallies Tuesday and
Wednesday at which they will
demonstrate against high prices
and attack the "inadequacy" of
price controls.
Government price controllers
haggled meantime over what per-
centage of "mark-up" to allow in
Sood stores. The Office of Price
tabilization now expects to issue
two retail orders and one whole-
sale food order within the next
** S
Salle has said the new "mark-ups"
-showing food sellers how much
they can add to what they pay-
will roll back most food prices and
roll forward only a few.
However, on most foods, a
rolled back price would be free
to rise again later if the farmer's
price went up.
Yesterday Edward Morgan, OPS
enforcement director, ordered his
field-investigating staff to start an
"immediate nationwide check" to
make sure that manufacturers and
wholesalers are keeping the rec-
ords required by price control regu-
Concerning the new wage stabi-
lization board, it is reported the
board's powers to settle disputes
would be along the lines proposed
by Economic Stabilizer Eric John-
Peron Slaps
Control Board
On La Pr ensa
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina-
(AP)- A nine-man congressional
committee to take over affairs of
the strikebound independent news-
paper LaPrensa is expected to be
completed tomorrow.
Three members from the all-
Peronista senate have already been
named. The appointment of six
deputies-five followers .of Presi-
dent Juan D. Peron and one radi-
cal-is to follow.
The seizure of the multi-million
dollar newspaper was authorized in
a resolution adopted in a special
session of congress Friday night,
over the opposition of a handful of
radicals in the house.
The resolution gives the commit-
tee full power to keep silenced the
paper which was President Peron's
strongest domestic critic.
LaPrensa has been closed for 51
days by a boycott of the govern-
ment-backed news vendors union
and a sympathy strike called by
the printers union.

FIVE percenters are those who
charge a fee for their services in
obtaining government contracts.
Sen. Taft, possible presidential<
candidate in 1952, labeled a
"whitewash" last year's, investiga-
tion by a Senate foreign relations f .
subcommittee of the controversial
Communist-in-government charg-
es by Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-
"There is no confidence that
Communist influence has been GAMBLER BALKS AGAIN-Fr
eliminated in strategic govern- ers at the senate crime investigat
ment positions. New evidence returned he refused to talk, and
of spies reaching into the most tation.
vital secrets of atomic energy
appear daily in the newspapers.
"Whether Sen. McCarthy's D o
government would have probed
the charges to the bottom and Cl
brought out every fact. Instead RostelCo on R e
the Tydings committee adopted a
complete whitewash technique to
prevent the facts from coming NEW YORK -(A')- A double
out.". threat of contempt .and perjury
* * charges yesterday hit underworld
SEN. MILLARD TYDINGS (D- mogul Frank Costello, who twice
Md), who headed the subcommit- this week refused to talk to senate
tee, was defeated in November's crime investigators.
election by Republican John But- Committee counsel Rudolph Hal-
ler. Tydings since has chargers ley said that transcripts of testi-
"smear" tactics were used against mony, given by Costello before he
him. balked at continuing, was being
Sen. Taft said an investigation turned over to the U.S. Attorney,
by a special committee headed by here for possible perjury action.
Sen. Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn) has* *
revealed a network of crime ex- IN WASHINGTON, members of
tending throughout the country Senator Kefauver's (D - Tenn.)
and tied into political organiza- committee voted unanimously to
tions on the state and local level." ask the Senate to cite Costello and
Van Wagoner Hits State
For Lack of U' Funds

ank Costello, "Boss of New York and the Eastern underworld," glow-
ion committee as he passes the bench in a walkout. Even when he
as a result of his actions Costello risks arrest and possible depor-

'U' Accepts Gift from
Crew of Aircraft Carrier

Democratic r e g e n t candidate
and incumbent Regent Murray
Van Wagoner yesterday took a
hefty swing at the state legisla-
ture's "failure to provide sufficient
appropriations for the University."
The ex-governor, key speaker at
a state Democratic luncheon in the
Union, said that continued paring
of University budgets would end in
"either the laying off of 400 in-
structors or the closing of a
"Nobody wants to do that," Re-
gent Van Wagoner said.
* * *
AT THE SAME time Regent Van
Wagoner, who was appointed to
the Boar&by Gov. G. Mennen Wil-
liams to serve the unexpired term
of the late Regent Ralph Hayward,
stressed the need for expansion of
the University's medical facilities
to meet the need for more doctors.
Moreover, he asserted, faculty sal-
aries at t h e University and
throughout the state must be
Taised to avoid further loss of
top personnel to other states.
Addressing himself to Mayor-
alty candidate Louis Riemann,
Van Wagoner went on record as
favoring closer cooperation be-
tween the University and Ann
Arbor in maintaining the city's
services. "As intelligent men,"
Regent Van Wagoner said, "the
Regents and the city council can
sit down together and work out
some fair means of payment."
Regent Van Waigoner, whose
earlier positions have included that
of state highway commissioner and
more recently, military governor of
Bavaria, told his audience, about

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* * .
e Threatens
fusal To Talk,
two other tight-lipped underworld
figures for contempt.
The others were Joe Adonis,
described by the committee as a
crime-syndicate lieutenant of
Costello's, and big-time gambler
Frank Erickson, now serving a
prison term.
Halley said that testimony of
New York City Water Commission-
er James Moran and of accused
Brooklyn numbers bookie Louis
Weber also would be reviewed by
the U.S. Attorney for possible per-
jury charges.
mittee-appointed physician today
decided Costello was physically
able to testify for "a couple of
hours each day" without suffering
any harm.
Armed with the new medical re-
port, the committee will summon
him again next week.
Halley, in disclosing actions
resulting from the first week's
sessions, said the evidence had
shown more clearly that CosteY-
lo is "the boss of New York and
the Eastern underworld."
The star witness on tap for to-
morrow is former Mayor William
O'Dwyer, now ambassador to Mex-
ico, who flew in Friday to appear
voluntarily as a witness.
Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday will be cele-
brated throughout the city to-
day in churches and youth
Most churches will hold their
regular Sunday services em-
phasizing the story of Christ's
entry into Jerusalem on the
first Palm Sunday. Others have
planned special programs for
the day.
Members of Roger Williams
Guild will conduct a candle-
light vesper service at 7 p.m. in-
the Baptist church.
A special student mass at St.
Andrews Episcopal church will
be held at 9 a.m., and will be
followed by breakfast at Can-
terbury House.
Local churches are also plan-
ing meetings throughout the
1week leading to Easter.

Score New
MSC Ruling
Michigan State's controversial
ban on faculty participation in
federal or state partisan politics
was revised yesterday but the
changed regulation was still termed
"a dangerous compromise of prin-
ciple" by one University professor
last night.
This was the verdict of Prof. 0.
M. Pearl of the classical studies de-
partment, and a local officer of the
American Association of University
Professors. Emphasizing that he
did not speak for the AAUP, Prof.
Pearl said, "I trust that our own
Regents are wise enough not to
try to implement any ruling of that
** *
THE MSC RULING originally
called for faculty members engag-
ing in politically partisan activity
to either resign their posts or se-
cure leaves of absence for the dur-
ation of that activity.
The ban met a storm of pro-
test both at MSC and on this
campus, followed by 8 months of
slow negotiation between MSC
officials and representatives of
the AAUP and the State Board
of Agriculture (governing body
of MSC).
The revised regulation calls for
limitation of the ban to candidates
running for federal or state offices
and will also permit these to ar-
range possible continuation of
their college work on a part-time
* * *
PROF. PRESTON Slosson, of
the history department, who had
scored the original regulation as
a demand that the professor "sac-
rifice his conscience", said last
night that the ruling was "Very
much improved".
"But if a professor does his
work well," Prof. Slosson added,
"whether he devotes his leisure
time to bottle-pool or politics
should be of no concern to the
Like Prof. Slosson, Prof. Arthur'
Bromage of the politcal science de-!
partment and an Ann Arbor city
council member, saw the new reg-
ulation as an improvement.

Greeks Repulse
Attacking Reds
TOKYO - (R)'- Greek troops,
using fixed bayonets, bloodily re-
pulsed Chinese Red banzai at-
tacks yesterday in Central Korea.
In the West and East, other
Allied forces rolled north toward
the 38th parallel against light re-
A heavy censorship shielded the
progress of the advance. Allied
troops were as close as 15 miles
to the 38th parallel when censor-
ship was clamped down .Friday
General MacArthur's headquar-
ters said that the banzai attacks
northwest of Hongchon in Central
Korea were all the back-tracking
foe could muster anywhere.
IN THE EAST-central sector,
some Allied advances were unop-
The Greeks killed 222 Reds
and wounded 60 more in cap-
turing and holding a hill posi-
tion on the approaches to Chun-
chon. The enemy must hold
that vital base only eight miles
below the 38th parallel if they
are to stay anywhere in South
The Greeks beat off three Com-
munist counterattacks in 50 min-
utes. It occurred in an area where
the Reds are estimated to have
up to 250,000 men massed north
and south of Chunchon.
BUT ACROSS the more than
120 miles of the Korean front, the
Reds' still offered no large-scale
opposition to the advancing Allies.
And there were even signs they
were slowing up on movement of
supplies to the front.
U.S. Fifth Air Force pilot*
reported spotting no trains and
only about 160 vehicles last
night after shooting up five
trains the night before. In the
past week, Allied planes claim
to have knocked out 1,100 en-
emy vehicles and 360 units of
railroad rolling stock.
The Allied drive was "going
well," General MacArthur said on
his return to Tokyo last night
from his second ;visit to the front
in 10 days.
There was no immediate indi-
cation whether MacArthur's sur-
prise trip to captured Hongchon
on the central front meant new
offensive planning was under way,
or was simply a routine inspec-
* * *

Crew members of the USS Phil-
ippine Sea, an aircraft carrier,
have made a unique gift of $3,600
to the University to be used for
the legal education of a Philippine
The gift was among the $37,370
Today Marks
'U' .Birth ,Date
Today is the 114th birthday of
the University and the annual
alumni club. celebration day.
Since it is also Palm Sunday, few
alumni will celebrate the founding
on the exact date. Ann Arbor
alumni will hold a banquet Thurs-
Editors and staff of The Daily
join to exuress the hope that the

in donations accepted by the
Board of Regents in a meeting
'yesterday. The largest gift was
a $10,000 donation from the Alva
L. Balsam estate of Detroit. It
will be used in the Balsam Schol-
arship fund.
THE REGENTS also approved
three faculty appointments. Prof.
Leigh C. Anderson was reappoint-
ed as chairman of the chemistry
department for a five year term
beginning In the fall of 1951. A
temporary chairman, Prof. George
F. Hourani, was named to the
Department of Far Eastern Stud-
ies for the spring and summer
terms of 1951. The appointment
covers the period while the regu-
lar chairman Prof. George G.
Cameron is on leave.
Monroe G. Sirken, formally a
lecturer on the University of

* * *
100 county Democrats, of a spot
checkup he had made on the quali-
ty of West Quadrangle food.
He said that after being in-
formed by several Quad residents
of its purportedly unpalatable na-
ture, he had eaten there unan-
nounced Friday night and found it
"pretty good." But, the ex-governor
added, the students later informed
him that the dinner had been
somewhat better than average.

Red Reverses
Can Cost Deal'
Communist mitary reverses in
Korea may toughen United Na-
tions projected peace terms to Red
Secretary General Trygve Lie,
it was learned yesterday, now
thinks it may be possib.le to get a
Korean cease-fire without linking
it to any "deal" on UN member-
ship or surrender of Formosa.
The strictly military cease-fire
was the original UN peace plan
supported last December by the
United States. After it was re-
jected by the Chinese Reds this
country went along with an al-
ternate plan to offer Peiping a
conference on Far Eastern politi-
cal problems in return for a cease-

Marriage Lectures To Begin Next Week

James Joyce once dubbed it
"connubial bliss," and toward that
end the 12th annual marriage lec-
ture series, running intermittently
from March 26 to May 1, will be

light objectively and discussed
In 12 years, the lecture topics-
on the whole-have remained the
same. "This really shouldn't be

pared by Health Service doctors
and the speakers themselves, will
be made available to participat-
ing students.
Moreover, an hour will be allot-

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