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March 17, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-03-17

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T EWITHDRAWAL of the Hopwood' win-
ner "War Sky" from the Inter-Arts Un-
ion Festival is an example of the fear and
narrow self-preservation that can result
from the current vogue of thought control.
Though the withdrawal is an internal
situation to be decided solely by the mem-
bers of IAU, the manner in which they
made their decision and the final reasons
they gave for the cancellation are too sig-
nificant to be ignored.
The cancellation was blamed on a breach
>f faith with IAU by the author in releas-
ing unauthorized "publicity of a political na-
ture" concerning his play. This, IAU claimed
was not in keeping with its objectives: the
;resentation of student works solely on the
basis'of artistic interest and excellence.
The so-called unauthorized publicity oc-
curred when the play's author and an actor
discussed its pacifist theme outside of the
IAU inner circle.
To. the Inter Arts this was a violation of
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily~
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

some inviolable rule that they invoked be-
cause of the content material of the play.
They were obviously afraid that if this in-
formation became general knowledge they
would be called a pacifist organization and
subsequently a Communist front.
Their fear became evident in their at-
tempt to keep the play and the cancellation
out of the public's reach. The story of their
decision was not released by them but rather
was intended to be kept another IAU secret.
However; the fear of public reaction to this
particular play is not well founded. Genera-
tion previously printed the work and neith-
er the magazine nor the University received
public condemnation.
As long as Inter-Arts remains behind
the insipid excuse of "breach of promise"
it must be assumed that pressure, either
external or internal, was applied to force
the cancellation. Where the pressure came
from, can only be conjectured. The Uni-
versity, though calling the play controver-
sial, cleared it for production.
By cancelling the performance and excus-
ing itself on such meager grounds, the IAU
has lost the individuality that was its main
asset. An organization that should have been
unconcerned over the stigma of name-calling
and politics has bowed to a fear of expected
public opinion.
Leonard Greenbaum

Should We Arm Spain?

A T LAST, after five wasted years there is
an American ambassador in Madrid.
Now the question is how much longer it will
take our government to recognize the mili-
tary importance of the Spanish peninsula.
All over the world we are expanding our
air bases so that, in the event- of Russian
aggression, our air force can strike quickly
and. hard at the Soviet war machine. We
have recently opened another big air field
in England. We are building a new base on
on the island of Cyprus. We are streng-
thening our installations in North Africa and
throughout the Middle East. And we are
working constantly to improve our bases on
Okinawa and other Pacific islands. Yet we
are not arming Spain.
It is impossible to find a reason for not
arming Spain consistent with our foreign
policy. The objectof that policy is to use
every possible means at our command to
defend ourselves.
Defense is our reason for supporting Tito's
Yugoslavia. Even though his government, is
a copy of Stalin's, we have kept his army
alive with American food this winter. We
help him, not because of his form of govern-
ment but because his army is Europe's best.
Our Seventh Fleet is protecting Formosa
from invasion by the Chinese Communists.
The reason for this is not American support
of the corruptness in the Nationalist re-
gime. We defend Formosa because it is in a
strategic position in the defense of our own
Pacific back door.
Our government is considering rearming
Japan and Geimany. We are not anxious to
put guns back in the hands of the enemies
we have so recently defeated. But Japanese
industry and manpower are essential to the
defense of the Pacific area. German indus-
try and manpower are essential to the de-
fense of Western Europe.
For our own defense we are aiding anti-
Russian nations all over the world. We are
helping these nations for their strategic
value, not supporting governments with
whose policies we do not agree. For this
reason we must arm Spain regardless of its
government's fascist nature.
At the present time we do not have enough
divisions in Western Europe to stop Stalin
if he decides to attack. If communist armies
oerrun Europe and our bases there are lost,
we will have lost our only means of striking
back-air power. It is this threat which
makes it imperative for us to build bases
for our air force in every strategic area of
the world.
Strategically, Spain is ideally situated for
air force installations. Spain is the only part
of Western Europe which can be held with
the troops now there. The rugged Pyrenees
mountain chain is the only natural barrier
in Western Europe defensible without a
large land army. While we are going through
the lengthy process of rearming and sending
troops to the rest of Western Europe, we
must arm the existing Spanish troops.
With modern American weapons and
vehicles, a well armed, highly mobile
Spanish army could defend the Pyrenees
almost indefinitely against land forces.
Meanwhile our air force, based in Spain
and protected by Spaniards, could deliver
the bombs to the aggressor.
If our defense is to be realistic and our
foreign policy consistent, our government
must recognize Spain as a vital military as-
-Bruce Cohan.

Con ...,
THAT THESE ARE hysterical times no one
needs to reiterate. But an appalling ef-
fect of this democracy's hysteria is a kind
of super-analytical approach to the global
crisis in a conscious attempt to bury our own
confusion in a welter of expedient argu-
In the case of Spain, the result has been
the bland prostitution of Western ideals for
the solace of military pseudo-rationalization.
The Colonel Blimps of this cold war have
developed a blind spot to what they regard
as clumsy encumbrances but which less dog-
matic thinkers feel are the indispensable
principles of the free world. Into this breach
in their visual field the Blimps hurl lumps
of geography, history, strategy and frequent
apology in a furious effort to be "logical,"
"objective" but above all, dispassionate.
When that type of thought pattern be-
gins to creep down to the college level
then it is time to wonder and to examine
the specific assertions of its holders. These
usually run to redundant references to Ti-
to, Formosa, air bases, manpower and
those rugged standbys, the Pyrenees.
But tacticians citing these perennials
manage to miss at least one very pertinent
consideration inherent in each of them.
Any comparison of Tito's position in Yu-
goslavia to that of Francisco Franco's in
Spain breaks down upon the introduction of
an overriding consideration: if we do not
aid Tito, Tito will fall and his country will
return to Soviet domination; if we do not
aid Franco, Spain will remain just where
she is untIl there are more reasonable argu-
ments to justify Western action on either
side of the problem.
The analogy to the Korean War and
our "protection" of Formosa is equally
faulty. Our neutralization of the island,
and its purpose of safeguarding the sup-
ply lines of the "UN's operation in that
area, destroy the validity of any compari-
Air bases-a commodity which it seems we
shall not lack if present projects in Europe,
Africa and Asia progress-would admittedly
be a fine thing to have in strategic spots.
But is Spain one of them? What worthwhile
target can we blast from the Iberian penin-
sula that we cannot hit equally well from
bases in Atlantic Pact nations or from our
burgeoning African and near eastern
fields? Perhaps France.
This brings us to a point which Franco-
philes overlook with a completeness born
either of ignorance or a painful awareness
of a yawning in their rational awning.
The French, Italians, Belgians and Dutch
can arrive at only one conclusion if we
build bases in Spain-those bases will be our
means of destroying their countries when
we pull out on them.
To establish such bases, knowing the
consequences for Western Europe's morale
and will to resist the Soviets, would be idiocy.
The prospect of an addition to our Atlan-
tic Pact land forces which Franco dangles
before our eyes is an understandably pleas-
ant one. But the efficacy of the fighting men
of a nation which maintains thousands in
permanent imprisonment is questionable. If
Franco finds such measures necessary to
maintain himself the logical assumption is
that his grip on Spanish loyalties is shaky.
In fact Madrid observers for almost all per-
iodicals report that had developments in this
country not seemed to be favoring Franco,
he would now be either dead or exiled.
Ah-but those Pyrenees! They seem a
good, solid argument if their ever was one,
but their validity as a factor to be consider-
ed in this case is debatable. For they are
passable and have been passed by almost ev-
ery land-bound conqueror ever to roam the
battlefields of Europe.
But these same people who would aid
Spain -stress that airpower will keynote
future conflicts. In an air war no moun-

Prob lems
WASHINGTON-The report that Sen. Ar-
thur Vandenberg is losing ground in
his fight for life coincides with a low ebb in
the fortunes of the'bipartisan foreign pol-
icy to which his name imperishably at-
Those who believe in that policy have
always praised Mr. Vandenberg; now,
with the Michigan Senator's" condition
worsening, they are tremendously con-
cerned over finding a successor who can
reforge his policy for the battles that lie
ahead. No obvious choice presents itself.
Senator Lodge is too young, his seniors
will not follow him. Most GOP seniors of
stature did not wholly share the Vandenberg
views. Envy among the Democrats has con-
tributed to widening the gap between the
White house and Republican Senators who
might have been induced to make the fight.
Yet a clear Republican call for a new
bipartisan foreign policy has come from the
Senate. True, Senator Duff of Pennsylvania
is a freshman; he has literally taken a back
seat in the chamber for two months and has
yet to make his maiden speech there.
But when he speaks up outside Washing-
ton, as he does with increasing frequency,
it is clear that the Republicans will shortly
find themselves with a Paul Douglas of their
own on their hands. Senator Duff does not
put that gloss upon the passing show that
a party's interest presumably demands or
people are supposed to prefer. The details
don't fret him; as with Senator Vandenberg,
his interest is for the central fact-we are
at war in Korea, the national emergency is
ENATOR DUFF demanded in Philadel-
phia this week that the foreign policy
of the United States be put back on a bi-
partisan basis so we can avert all-out war
with Russia if possible or if not, win it.
For the benefit of President Truman
the Pennsylvania Senator said that any
impartial observer knew that many Am-
ericans mistrust the foreign policy of the
United States. For all hands he said one
person and one party couldn't put togeth-
''er a fully accredited foreign policy. For
his own colleagues, he had the emphatic
message that it was a tremendous disser-
vice to arouse distrust of our military lea-
"We are not prepared-we can only be
safe if we are prepared for the worst," Sen-
ator Duff declared.
** *
THIS IS SPARTAN gospel which most po-
liticians are resisting as Congress drags
along with major legislation stalled. Sena-
tor Taft's further challenge to the current
drift is plain talk.
"America was aroused to the necessity of
military preparation by the sudden and
unprovoked outbreak of the war in Korea,"
he said. "But, strangely enough, the longer
the Korean war lasts, the more conclusively
it proves that Russia is willing to risk World
War III rather than reach a peaceful end
to the war in Korea.
"The fact that we are taking the situ-
ation in Korea so casually proves beyond
doubt that as a nation we have tempor-
arily lost contact with the hopes and fears
and aspirations of our boys in the battle
line and with the threat they are there to
Senator Duff has a table-stakes person-
ality, about as different from the genius of
Senator Vandenberg for accommodation as
could be imagined, but he also serves who
forces people to face the facts.
(copyright, 1951, by the Bell syndicate, Inc.)

The Capitol Hill Military Academy
ALOti4Gi Tis LiIl l k Y
{ - 4
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
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be condensed, edited or withheld ,from publication at the discretion of the



Washington Merry-Go-Round
(Ed. Note: Drew Pearson is on a flying tour of Europe and the Middle
East; surveying the world situation.)
ROME.-The inside fact about the new armament program just
voted by the Italian parliament is that it was put across only after
some heroic backstage wire-pulling which few people, even those in
official life, know about. The behind-the-scenes story illustrates
what terrific uphill obstacles the United States faces in both rearming
Europe and inspiring internal reforms over here.
The rearmament move really began when foreign minister
Count Carlo Sforza, a great friend of the United States, became
worried about the bad press Italy was getting in the United
States and asked some of his American newspaper friends about
it. Their reply was "Don't you realize that American boys are
dying in Korea, that we all face possible war with Russia, yet
Italy is doing nothing about it? The American people are getting
tired of protecting the rest of the world."
Rearmament was not in Sforza's bailiwick. Furthermore, it was
not in the bailiwick of certain Americans connected with the Marshall
Plan who talked to Sforza about rearmament. Both were on delicate
ground because he risked offending Italian generals; Marshall Plan
officials because they risked offending U.S. Ambassador James Dunn,
who, follows the old-fashioned diplomatic theory that you must not
jog the elbow of foreign governments regarding domestic -policies and
he was reluctant to crack down on the snail-like pace of Italian re-
However, Sforza finally came up with a 26-page rearmament plan
which was so confidential that it was given to ECA officials in the
Rome railroad station by Sforza's deputy, so they wouldn't be seen
The ECA officials sent back word that the proposed plan
chiefly called for more expenditures by the already overburdened
American taxpayer and that any real Italian rearmament plan
must also provide for Italian sacrifices. More conferences fol-
lowed, out of which was finally evolved the $400,000,000 arms
bill okayed by the Italian Parliament last week.
THE NEW Italian arms bill can bring about a complete end of com-
munism here, provided Italy is able to get all-too-scarce steel, alu-
minum and copper from the United States., For the new program
should reactivate the northern automobile and tank factories, which
have been virtually idle since the war, and wipe out Italian unem-
ployment-the chief cause of Communism.
However, the inside fact is a lot of money will also be wasted
under Italian arnment. The army, for instance, still maintains
huge farmts, theoretically for breeding cavalry horses. Though the
cavalry has long since passed from use, the army clique refuses to
relinquish its vast landed estates and Minister of Defense Randolfo
Pacciardi, a devotee of David Dubinsky and the International Ladies
Garment Workers, hasn't dared to buck the military hierarchy to
bring about needed economies. In fact, Pacciardi has quietly ap-
pealed to American military advisers to pressure him for these econo-
This illustrates in Italian bureaucracy something which would
make Senator Byrd faint. Commerce Minister Ivan Matteo Lon-
bardo, commenting privately on this bureaucracy, once remarked
"I have 13 stenographers. If I could fire all but three of them I
could get some work done, but with 13 they just get in each other's
This bureaucracy has piled up so many government servants that
86 per cent of the social insurance paid in by the workers goes to pay
for government administration. Repeatedly, since the war, the work-
ers have had their premium payments for social security raised but
not once have their insurance benefits been raised. The increase
goes to pay bureaucrats' salaries.
(Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

McGee Case .. .
To the Editor:
TO THE DAILY editors I wish to
express my heartfelt gratitude
for their interest in the Willie Mc-
Gee case. I have felt that in writ-
ing their columns each has written
with nothing but the noblest as-
pirations, always bearing in mind
the great responsibility of the press
in upholding all that is just and
The editors have not striven for
sensational effect for its own sake.
They have written as their con-
sciences have dictated, I am sure.
It is not for us to condemn their
consciences for subordinating the
injustice of the McGee case to the
danger of agreeing on any point
with the so-called subversive
groups in this country. We must
oppose the subversives on every
issue. That is the only rational
thing to do if we hope to retain
our democracy. In no event must
we permit ourselves to become
emotionally stirred by pity, the
sense of right, or the love for
mankind when greater things are
at stake.
I must confess that I have per-
mitted my interest in the McGee
case to be motivated largely by my
pity for a man unjustly treated. (I
have even considered the absurd
idea of prayer.) Now I realize my
folly and shall henceforth look to
such persons as Cal Samra, Roma
Lipsky, Bob Keith and Ron Watts
for the guidance I need in doing
what is right.
I'm sure that Rosalie McGee too
is most grateful to the above-
mentioned editors for their ob-
jectivity and sincerity in helping
her to save her husband.
-Francis R. Dixon, '52.

himself with more than one musi-
cian friend when he attends amcon-
cert. Perhaps then his sentiments
could de directed toward more re-
liable and constructive criticism.
In any case, musicians of the sta-
ture and caliber of a Heifetz are
few in number, and we shall con-
tin-e to feel that it is a rare privi-
lege to hear this fine artist.
-Wendell Nelson, Grad.
School of Music.

Heifetz Review .

0 0

fleif etz

Review .

* 0


HOTEL UNIVERSE, by Philip Barry.
Presented by the Arts Theater Club at
2092 East Washington.
The second of the Arts Theater Club's
series of theater-in-the-round experiments
began its two-week run last night and,
while it did fare so well as the group's ear-
lier "Respectable Prostitute," it seemed to
me as much a case of the play as of the
"Hotel Universe" is a talky, heavily-in-
flected piece of drama. It involves a num- -
ber of familiar types: the world-weary,
introspective, and very, very brittle people
of Fitzgerald and Hemingway's "lost gen-
eration." At thirty they are suffering from
a vicious ennui which causes them, for
the major part of the play, to ask each
other such questions as "how can anyone
believe he matters any?," and to wonder
about "the location of Man in the Uni-
Superimposed upon this is a layer of ro-
mantic fantasy worthy of another Barry
(or Barrie): the "chance-to-do-it-all-over-.
again" device-"Dear Brutus" turned into
psycho-drama, but with surprisingly few
Everything hangs upon the proper mix-
ture of these two elements. There is the
building of a mood, a temper, rather than
the construction of a situation: the sort of
,-, ni+ aidpn1n v i+wi +n tthe intimae-v of

To the Editor:
MUSICAL criticism in The Daily
reached a new low with the
pitifully inadequate review of the
recent Heifetz concert. Mr. Gross
seems totally incapable of recog-
nizing great music when he hears
it. Heifetz is one of those rare
musical geniuses who carefully
molds and shapes every musical
phrase that he plays. Making mu-
sic is his foremost concern. Mere
virtuosity alone hasn't given
Heifetz the continued success and
popularity that he's had in this
country ever since his New York
debut at Carnegie Hall in 1917. His
pure tone and fine musical inter-
pretation have been aci:1aimed by
musicians and critics all over the
world. Artur Nikisch, former on-
ductor of the Berlin Philharmonic
Orchestra, stated without reserva-
ti-n that the violin playing of Hei-
fetz was the greatest he'd ever
"Armed with a score," Mr. Gross
asserts that Heifetz distorts Bee-
thoven's tempo indication. It's dif-
ficult to find proof of such a state-
ment unless Mr. Gross was also
armed x th a metronome. We sug-
gest that Mr. Gross forget about
the score and listen with undivided
attenton tc the music.
Such ill - chosen phrases as
"straight-forward Beethoven" and
"Debussy's ice-cold Sonate" are
meaningless without a definition of
terms. Mr.. Gross ought to surround

To the Editor:
ACCORDING TO music hyper-
critic Harvey Gross, he has
That was very much in evidence
in his reviews of the Budapest
String Quartet several weeks ago.
But on Wednesday evening Har-
vey came to the Heifetz concert
'ai red with a score" of the
Keutzer Sonata. Unfortunately, it
dlc n't do him a darned bit of good!
One-fourth of his space was de-
voted to the matter of playing ie-
peats in the first and third move-
ments. As it happens, these repeats
in the Kreutzer are almost never
played by any artist.
From repeats, Harvey turned to
tempo. Alas! The scoundre'l Heifetz
had modified the Beethoven tempo
markings of Adagio and Presto
Referring to my score of the
Kreutzer this morning (Thursday),
I found that there are only twelve
measures in the body of the first
movement and eight in the Finale
marked "Adagio." Heifetz, of
course, does not play in strict
metronomic tempo. Neither do
Toscanini, Schnabel, Szigetti, and
Koussevitsky. Nor would Beetho-
ven, were he alive today 'I
I could continue writing about
the "Gross" inadequacies of last
night's review, but rather I would
like to offer as constructive cri-
tii ;m what Harvey should have
Heietz's technique was superb.
And in most lyrical passages h4s
tone was truly glorious, altriough
at several times it seemed some-
what harsh. This was espenial y
noticeable in the Kreutzer.
In addition, Heifetz night have
been legitimately criticized for
having played the first movement
of the sonata too fast-so fast
that the music was hai'd to com-
When there is a Cincinnati
S1.mlfeny concert with a shat .o v
program and brassy playing, one
should rot be afraid to kn act
down. But a critic should never
waste space on trivia at the ex-
pense of missing the main points.
--Dave Belin.
* * * .
Function of Art . .
JOY TO the world! We have our
own cause celebre.
Now that Justice Black has
stayed , McGee's demise we can
look to a little matter right here
on campus; i.e. the Inter-Arts Un-
ion's ban on Rosenberg's play.
The reasons the IAU gives are
too obviously baseless for much of
an attack. But just when have
play producers started to surpress
publicity of any kind?
The motivation for this ban
seems buried in the myriad com-
mittees of the IAU and University,
but essentially they arise from


one cause; the play is possibly
The main objection along this
line is that the play is anti-war
and that it would bring into open
the conflict of campus between
the Patriots and those without
draft deferments. There, I said it!
It's in the open.
The IAU in the name of art has
shut its gates upon this conflict.
But "art" is only meaningful
when expressive. And to cut off a
part of expression because of its
political ramifications is to travel
the road of the Ivory Tower and
Even more important than the
fate of the IAU is the attitude
that brought this play into dis-
pute. If we have freedom it must
be the freedom of others to ex-
press opinion we hate or else it's
meaningless. I personally disagree
with the politics Rosenberg's play
points to, but I believe that ev-
eryone should have an opportun-
ity to hear both sides so that they
can decide for themselves.
This involves another problem;
that of sponsorship. One can tol-
erate a divergent opinion so long
as it isn't bothersome, but it takes
something else to sponsor that op-
inion in order to see that it gets
a hearing. That something else
the University didn't have in the
Phillips case, nor the IAU in this.
Maybe that something else is
No doubt, in practical effect,
this' letter will be ineffective. Or-
ganizations are notorious when it
comes to defending their positions
rather than re-examing them. But
next to doing wrong, silence is
most despicable.
-Eliot S. Gerber
Summation . .
To the Editor,
Frankly it takes the editors of
the Daily so many issues and so
many columns to express the sim-
ple will of the college community
that one may well end up missing
the forest for the trees. If you
continue in such puffed-up over-
elaboration and bloated discur-
siveness, you will merely convince

people that Thomas Wolfe is the
saint in your shrine.
Without injustice, I can sum up
in a phrase everything you and
practically all the students have
had to say for the last three
weeks: "A stay of doom for Willie
and Bobby and instant -death for
Trenton Smith


Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
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Jim Brown.............Managing Editor
Paul Brentlinger.........City Editor
Roma Lipsky ........ Editorial Director
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Bill Connolly..........Sports Editor
Bob Sandell ... Associate Sports Editor
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Barbara Jans........Women's Editor
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann
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Subscription during regular school
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The Battle

DUCK! The battle is on.
A man has drawn a bow across some gut,
another man has recorded his reaction to
the resilting sounds. and vet another has



It's not that they're not

But tthink just plain white sheets are

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