i:Y i rt it A :4a xij CLOUDY, RAIN IAU SELF-INTIMIDATION See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXI, No. 114 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1951 SIX PAGES Hershey S ubits Plan 1 efer S..tudents * * * * * * _ Union.PlaysH Today' UN Patrols Meet Heavy Red Artillery Chunchon Area Probing Repulsed By The Associated Press Chinese Communists, throwing in fresh troops and artillery along the Korean Front, yesterday re- pulsed Allied patrols probing de- fenses of the vital Red base of Chunchon, Tokyo reported yes- terday. The Allied offensive ground ahead less than 20 miles from the 38th parallel. But the Commun- ists showed every indication of being ready, after days of retreat, to stand and fight. b * A HEAVILY-censored field dis- patch said Allied patrols moving north of captured Hongchon, 15 miles southeast of Chunchon, were forced to retire. An intense enemy artillery barrage also suggested Red de- termination to hold Chunchon, their last big base below the 38th parallel. Around Hongchon, entered Thursday by the Allies, the last pocket of "no surrender" Chin- ese was wiped out yesterday., A CENSORSHIP blackout then was thrown abruptly over Allied operations. Units smaller than the Eighth Amy itself could not be identified. The UN line stretched tightly from points north of liberated Seoul in Western Korea to Kangnung of the east coast. Of this 120-mile front, the main Chinese defense appeared to be in a 30-mile-wide sector south of Chunchon in Central Korea. AND FROM FROMOSA came a Chinese Nationalist assertion that! the Chinese Reds were planning a big summer offensive in Korea. A Nationalist Defense Ministry spokesman said between 12 and 18 Chinese Communist armies were transferred to Korea recent- ly and still more are on the way. This would be 360,000 to 540,000 men. *~ * * Britain Asks UN Halt Near 38th Parallel LONDON-(P)-Britain has told America the United Nations should seek a Korean settlement with Red China when UN forces stab- ilize themselves around the 38th parallel, Western diplomats re- ported last night. They said the British suggestion has been received with some sym- pathy in Washington, where talks on the political aspects of the Korean war take place frm time to time. BRITAIN reaffirmed that she is against the idea of a major UN thrust into North .Korea, the sources added.1 That kind of action, her1 spokesmen in Washington have argued, would expose the UN forces-with extended lines ofs supply-to another strong Com-1 munist counter-offensive. When a stable military line has been established-either just be- low or just above the parallel,a whichever is militarily more ten- able - Britain has suggested a cease-fire offer should go to Red China to open the way for a political settlement in accordance with declared UN objectives. Claim Ex-Student Admits Extortion * * Full Round Of Activities, Tours Listed Officials Expect FAST FOLLOW THROUGH-Intensity is high as an aspirant for the Union's bowling championship gets in his last practice shots. Semi-finalists in pool, billiards, and ping-pong are also polishing their games in preparation for the sports tournament to be held during open house. Critics of Naturalism Fear Reality, Says Author Farrell Y Successful Day The annual Union open house, an event which gives students an opportunity to go anywhere in the Union and enjoy a varied enter- tainment program, will be from 1-5 p.m. today. Having arranged a schedule of activities which they believe is designed to suit every taste, Union student officials are looking for- ward to the most successful open house in years. * * THE PROGRAM will consist of 'Previews of Progress', a dancing mixer with a live orchestra, Union See PROGRAM, Page 2 sports tournament finals, a show by the Michifish, JGP previews and admission to the Union tower. Students entering the Union's front door will be met by one of thirty hosts and hostesses who will escort them around the building and advise them as to the activities available. These activities have been pro- grammed so that visitors will be able to see everything. As every year, a special show will be presented which is educa- tional as well as entertaining. On hand this year will be 'Previews of Progress', sponsored by General! Motors Corp. * * * FLYING MODELS of jet air- planes and rocket bombs along with a replica of a 2,200 year old jet engine, the world's oldest, will highlight the program. Details about how to make synthetic rubber in a pop bottle, a cold stove that cooks, a beam of light that plays music, and a lamp smaller than a cigarette but sun-hot will complete a show designed to present the latest in scientific achievements. YP's Distribute McGee Data Campus Young Progressives passed out information sheets on the Willie McGee case yesterday in a move with which the Com- mittee to Save McGee had no con- nection. YP members distributed the sheets on South University and near the women's dorms. Includ- ed were post cards to be used in asking President Truman to in- tervene in the case. The Committee to Save McGee passed a resolution Wednesday night, stating that it would appre- ciate the efforts and assistance of other groups. However, co-chair- man Valerie Cowen, '54, empha- sized that such efforts should not be regarded as having official en- dorsement of the committee. Miss Cowen said the committee will post petitions Monday and Tuesday addressed to Truman and to Gov. Wright of Mississippi, where McGee was convicted of rape. MEET YOUR REGENTS-Student leaders converse informally with two University Regents at the Meet-Your-Regents coffee hour sponsored yesterday by the Union. Left to right are Regent Mur- ray D. Van Wagoner, Assembly president Deora Nelson, '51, Regent Vera Baits and Union president Jerry Mehlman, '51. Costello Still State Democrats Launch By CHUCK ELLIOTT "Behind angry and embittered criticism of naturalism, there lies an actual fear of reality," James T. Farrell, noted author and critic, maintained yesterday before an overflow audience in the Archi- tecture Auditorium. "I have been called an embat- tled naturalist, but it is the cri- tics themselves who are really em- battled. They are limiting them- selves, as is shown in their pole- mics against horassty in fiction, and drawing back out of the weal world." * * * FARRELL, the author of such controversial works as Studs Loni- gan, A World I Never Made, and The League of Frightened Philis- tines, pointed out the hostile re- ception which greeted other auth- ors of great realistic fiction. "Critics overreacted to Zola, to Flaubert, Hemingway, and Crane. They have consistently reacted against authors who ground their writings in reality, but they read them because they are drawn to something that they don't want to face. "Yet, it is these writers, the na- turalists, that new generations turn to, to laugh and weep." - * * * EXPLAINING the illogic of damning all realists, or all na- turalists, simply because they are what they are, Farrell said that Balks Crime Investigation NEW YORK-(AP)-To avoid ar- rest, racketeer Frank Costello walked back into the Senate CrimeI hearing yesterday. But he solemnly, stubbornly! again refused to talk. The Senate Crime Committee asked Costello if he had "a meeting with O'Dwyer in 1942?" (The reference was to William O'Dwyer, then Brooklyn District: Attorney on military leave. O'- Dwyer, who, later became mayor of New York, will be questioned Mon-! day.) THE DAPPER racketeer, who left his bed to appear, said he: wasn't answering "until I'm fully well and able to." Costello defiantly walked out on the all-star hearing Thurs- day, complaining that he was too ill to testify and was going home to bed. He has laryngitis and his voice yesterday sounded like little more than a hoarse croak. THE COMMITTEE treated him with kid gloves but still got no- where. So they let him go until a committee physician can look him over and see just how sick he really is. Costello said he was going back to bed. Costello's about-face return to the hearing came in its fifth day -a day highlighted by state po- lice testimony that gambling ran wide open in Saratoga Springs all through the 1940's. Bordin Speaks On Counseling A Forum on University Teach- ing yesterday heard Prof. Edward Bordin of the psychology depart- ment advocate a counseling sys- tem whereby a student might have a closer relationship with instruc- tors. In discussing the "Counseling Services of a University" in the Library Lecture Hall, Prof. Bordin pointed out that quite often fac- tors involved in counseling are be- yond the ability of college teach- ers. LocalCamp State Democrats will launch their local campaign at 12:15 p.m. today in the Union at a lunheon honoring Democratic Regents can- didate and incumbent Regent Murray Van Wagoner. Regent Van Wagoner. ex-gov- ernor of the state, will,go to bat for himself and his co-nominee Wheaton Strom, who is ill with the fKu and will not appear. Strom, an Escapaba attorney, met with stu- derts last week, however, at a carmn:us reception. IFC Carries ]Bias' Battle To Ruthven The Inter-Fraternity Council yesterday submitted its appeal to University' President Alexander Ruthven for disapproval of the bias clause time limit, according to Pete Johnstone, '51, of the IFC. The IFC last week voted to make the ap;cal to resident Ruth ven to exercise his veto power over the time limit proposal, previously passed by Student Legislature and approved by the Student Affairs Committee. * * * ONLY PRESIDENT Ruthven's signature is necessary to put the 1956 deadline for removal of dis- criminatory clauses from consti- tu.0on- of campus groups into ef- tect. The letter, drawn up by John- stone, restates the official IFC positon on the discrimination question, that it approves the ob- jectives but not the methods of the time limit, and wants instead to continue its own program of eliminating prejudice by educa- tion. President Ruthven has not yet' decided when the final decisioii will be made, his office reported. Tfte IFC still hopes to prevent! the time limit from taking affect. Precedent, however, is against the' group, as President Ruthven has never before seen fit to veto any act approved by the SAC. EEGENT VAN WAGONER, who was appointed to the Board by Gcv. G. Mennen Williams to- serve bhe unexpired term of the late Re- gent Ralph Hayward, will be mak- ing his first and what is expected to be his major appearance of the local campaign. He and Strom will face incum- bent Regent Roscoe Bonisteel and Leland Doan, president of Dow Chemical Co., in the April 2 election. Both Republican candi- dates were guests at a similar Re- pubican luncheon last week... .. Also selected to attend the lun- cheon are three Democratic can- didates for other state offices. They are Louis McGuiness, candi- date for State Board of Education; Mrs. Raymond Starr, candidate for State Board of Agriculture (gov- erning body of MSC); and Prof. Edgar Waugh of Michigan State Normal College, candidate for state Superintendent of Public Instruc- ti 3n All the candidates will tour the county after taking part in the Union affair. Reservations for the luncheon may be obtained by calling Ed- mamd Woodin at 3-1728. Tests May Determine Exemptions Wilson, Fleming To Make Decision WASHINGTON - (A') -- Selec- tive Service Director Lewis B. Her- shey disclosed yesterday he has proposed a plan for qualification tests to give draft deferment to brainy high school and college students. In correspondence with the douse Armed Services Committee, Hershey said he had submitted the proposal to Mobilization Di- rector Charles E. Wilson as a recommendation. Whether it will be put into effect is up to Wilson and Arthur Fleming, Manpower Director under Wilson. OFFICIALS SAID the number of educational deferments may in- crease, if the new plan is put into effect. Hershey's plan calls for na- tion-wide tests of high school and college students as a guide to determining whether they should continue schooling or be drafted. High school graduates of draft age passing the test with a mark of 70 or more would be deferred to enter college. * * * FIRST, secpnd and third year men passing the tests with the 70 mark or better also would be de- ferred to go ahead with another year of college. In addition, all college fresh- men in the upper half of their class would be deferred. All second year college students in the upper two-thirds of their class could take a third year course. All third year college men in the upper three-fourths of their class could go ahead with a fourth year. Also graduate students and pro- fessional students of medicine, dientistry, veterinary medicine, os- teopthy and optometry would be deferred without taking any tests, provided their schools certified they are meeting scholastic re- quirements leading to a degree. * * r s a 1 JAMES T. FARRELL under his definition realism is an attempt to explore the nature of experience. "In this broad framework, all varieties of viewpoints may ex- ist: writers who believe in free will,, those which follow differ- ent political arguments, those who write about large fictional bodies and those who deal with minutiae." And it is not right that a writer should be judged purely on the basis of his viewpoint, Farrell de- clared. aign Today World Nees Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - Directors of the Reconstruction Finance Cor- poration yesterday decided to let the public know everyone who bor- rowed from the agency last year and how much he got. But at the same time, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce supported Republican demands in Congress for immedi- ate abolition of the multi-billion dollar gency. GRAND RAPIDS-Seriously ill Senator Vandenberg (R-Mich.) spent his "most comfortable day of the week" at his home here yesterday. His condition, how- ever, is still serious, his physician said. - BUENOS AIRES-The Argen- tine House of Deputies last night approved government sei- zure of the strike-bound inde- pendent newspaper, La Prensa, strongest critic of President Juan Peron. * * * PARIS-The Big Four Deputy Foreign Ministers didn't get any- where again yesterday and a con- ference official explained it this way : "In the words of the Russians, who love double negatives, it is imnossihle not to agree that they W lliasSy Colleges Not; To Speed-Up Colleges and universities have not been asked by the Defense De- partment to accelerate their aca- demic programs, accqrding to Robert L. Williams, assistant to the Provost. Williams, who serves as a co- ordinator to keep the University in touch with national emergency developments in Washington, spoke yesterday before a' confer- ence of Michigan's junior college faculty representatives. He also said that the 'ex- tensive special training pro- grams, such as ASTP and V-12, conducted during the last war, are not yet being considered. Williams quoted an assistant secretary of the Army as saying "the Department of the Army has no occasion to request the col- leges and universities to acceler- ate their academic programs at this time." He also said that college en- rollments may not be reduced as much as was anticipated a few months ago. He quoted, a U.S. Officeof Education report that male undergraduate enrollment will decrease about 20 per cent. 'U' Quits Loans For Tuitions The University will no longer lend students money for tuition, the Committee on Student Loans announced yesterday. The netriction foiowed reacti- vation of a rule that students must RIVAL IRISH CLANSMEN CLASH: Frothy Draw Called in St. Patrick's Day Row * * * , * . . By RICH O'THOMAS An "orange" from North Ireland and a "green" from Eire duelled toa frih Aracs. , st. nrrhf + a - .; fT 1dcw ~ _ *~ _____ __ i