See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
:43 a t ty
Mc Gee
IAU Withdraws
Author Claims Pressure of 'U'
Group Reason for Abandonment
The Inter-Arts Union yesterday withdrew from its program the
Hopwood award winning play "War Sky" by Robert Rosenberg, '53,;
which was to be included in the IAU Student Art Festival scheduled
f(r the week-end of Mar. 23, 24 and 25.
Rosenberg said that the IAU decided to abandon the play be-
cause "pressure was exerted on the IAU by some University group
which believed that production of 'War Sky' would cause trouble. I
feel the IAU behaved in a cowardly manner by submitting gracefully."
* * * ,
THE PLAY was in productio
* * * 4
IAU Issues
'War- Sky '
(Following is the statement made
public by the inter Arts Union last
night in connection with its decision
regarding Robert Rosenber's "war
Continuing its past policy of
presenting the works of Univer-
sity of Michigan students within
the fields of the creative arts, the
IAU included in its Third Annual
Student Arts Festival a one-act
flay by a University student. It
has become necessary for the IAU
to state its position and reasons
for canceling the performance of
this play as a part of the festival.
S 'The play was selected for pro-
dluction on the basis of its artis-
tic merit over any consideration
of controversial subject matter.
Permission was secured from the
University by the IAU for its pub-
lio presentation. However, the
play subsequently was given pub-
licity of a political nature by the
author and a member of the cast.
This publicity was unauthorized
by the IAU.
The IAU is not a political or-
ganization, and considers this ac-
tion on the part of the author and
member of the cast to be in bad
faith and destructive to the ob-
jectives of the IAT. The perform-
ance of this play will therefore,
be eliminated from the Student
Arts Festival program.
The IAU affirms its right and
responsibility to choose works for
presentation solely on the basis
of artistic interest and excellence,
but remains a non-political or-
Sawyer Seeks
Tighter Credit
of -Commerce Sawyer yesterday
spoke out for new restrictions on
credit, including tighter rules on
consumer buying, to battle infla-
Elsewhere in the government's
efforts to keep prices and wages
in hand during the vast military
buildup, there were these devel-
1. Economic 'Stabilizer Eric
Johnston gave up, at least for the
time being, efforts to bring labor
and management together on
forming a new Wage Stabiliza-
tion Board and said the next move
is up to them.
2: President Truman, at Key
West, announced an executive or-
der calling for a 17-member Na-
tional Advisory Board on Mobili-
zation Policy to serve under Mob-
ilization Director Wilson, but to
advise the President. It would
include farm, labor and business
3. The Office of Price Stabili-
sation set specific price ceilings
on cattle hides, Officials said
they do not expect the order to
change the price of shoes.
Pursuing Police
Wound Teenagers
n when the IAU dropped it.
Events leading up to the IAU
decision included several com-
mittee meetings which were
called to determine whether or
not the play was "subversive,"
according to Rosenberg.
Last Monday William Trous-
dale, '52, president of IAU, in-
formed him that Prof. Arno Ba-
der of the English Department
who clears student plays for the
University, considered the play
"subversive," Rosenberg said.
' , ,
THE FIRST committee meeting
was called to 'discuss whether or
not that was actually the case,
he added.
Prof. Bader said last night
however, that the play was re-
garded as "controversial but not
as subversive."
At the meeting the IAU favored
going ahead with the play but
with the condition that there
would be no unauthorized pub-
ON WEDNESDAY th'e play re-
ceived the approval of the Univer-
sity through Prof. Bader. That
approval is still in effect, accord-
ing to Prof. Bader.
That same evening the IAU
president received a phone call
from a member of The Daily
staff Inquiring about the rumors
of "subversion" in connection
with "War Sky."
This call convinced Trousdale
that unauthorized publicity had
been released, he said last night.
ROSENBERG had previously
been contacted by the same re-
porter and after confirming the
rumor that a committee was meet-
ing to decide whether or not the
play was subversive referred the
reporter to Trousdale.
Trousdale revealed nothing to
the reporter. Another meeting
was then called. yesterday in
Prof. Bader's office at the re-
quest of the IAU.
Trousdale informed Rosenberg
that the play was being removed
from the Festival program because
of the unauthorized publicity that
had reached The Daily.
Rosenberg's "War Sky" was first
published in Generation, an IAU
publication. The play to be pro-
duced was a revision of the orig-
McCabe Quits
Reserve Board
WASHINGTON - () - Thomas
B. McCabe, Republican industrial-
ist, stepped out of the hot-spot
post of Federal Reserve Board
Chairman yesterday and William
McChesney Martin, 44-year-old
Treasury official, was named by
PresidentmTruman todsucceed him.
It came just 12 days after the
Federal Reserve and Treasury had
broken off a long public feud over
governmental financial policy and
its relation to inflation by pro-
claiming an "accord" of still-un-
certain duration and scope.
Decries Use
Of Pressure
By Defense
Tuesday Set As
WASHINGTON-() - Supreme
Court Justice Black yesterday
granted a temporary stay of ex-
ecution to Willie McGee, Negro
convicted of rape, but angrily de-
nounced "pressure" tactics used in
the defendant's behalf.
McGee, *a three-time loser on
previous appeals to the Supreme
Court, was convicted of raping a
white woman in Mississippi six
years ago. He was scheduled to
die next Tuesday.
*. * *
IN GRANTING the stay, Justice
Black rebuked those who attempt-
ed to influence the decisions of
judges by sending them telegrams.
"The courts of the United
States are not the kinds of in-
struments of justice that can be
influenced by such pressures,"
Black said.
Black pointed to a five-inch
stack of telegrams on his desk.
Mississippi has said that hundreds
of protests against McGee's exe-
cution originated from Commun-
ist sources.
Justice Black specified that
the stay of execution should re-
main in effect until the full
Supreme Court rules on a new
appeal to be filed by attorneys
for McGee:
He said the appeal must be filed
on orcbefore next Tuesday.dThe
high court could then decide at
its next formal session, on March
26, whether it will grant McGee
a hearing.
Black's denunciation of propa-
ganda messages came at the end
of a 90-minute hearing in his
chambers. He did not make the
wires public. Most of them came
from New York City; some were
from the west coast.
S * *
Local Group
Will Continue
On campus, members of the ad
hoc Committee to Save McGee said
last night that the group will not
let up in its efforts to prevent Mc-
Gee's execution.
Co-chairman Valerie Cowen, '54,
announced that the committee still
plans to post a petition on the
Diag asking President Truman to
intervene.- The petition was to
have been ready today, but in view
of Black's action it will now be
re-worded, Miss Cowen said.
THE PETITION will call on the
President to ask the Supreme
Court to definitely review McGee's
If the high court again fails
to take such action the commit-
tee then will make every at-
tempt to obtain clemency for
McGee from Gov. Wright, Miss
Cowen said.
She indicated that the commit-
tee's ultimate appeal would center
on the inequality of McGee's death
sentence, should efforts to get a
new trial fail.'
Meanwhie yesterday the Young
Republicans voted to have a repre-
sentative on the committee, with
the stipulation that YR support
would be later withdrawn if the
committee "acts in a manner ad-
verse to YR beliefs."
Bolts Senate
NEW YORK-()--- Racketeer
Frank Costello risked arrest yes-
terday by defiantly stamping out
of the Senate Crime Committee
"I am going to walk out," he
croaked in his hoarse voice aftera
refusing to answer any more com-
mittee questions.
* * *
THEN HE stood up and strode
from the hearing in the Federal
Court Building in downtown Fo-
ley Square.
"I am going directly home to
bed," said the 60-year-old Cos-
tello, star witness as the Senate
Committee-television and all-
moved through the fourth day
of its sensational open hearings
in New York.
Committee Chairman Estes Ke-
fauver (D-Tenn) said Costello can
escape arrest if he comes back by
next Tuesday-the last day of the
hearings. However, contempt pro-
iceedings will be started at once,
he added.
* * *
KEFAUVER had warned Costel-
lo before he left he'd be arrested
if he took tle walk and cited for
contempt as well.
Allies Take
Hone n
New Gain
Reds Grouping
Near Chunchon
TOKYO-)P-Advancing Allied
forces today hit stiffening Red
resistance on Korea's central
The steadiest Chinese artillery
fire of the war hit them east and
west of newly-won Hongchon.
northward appeared to be ending
at a line along the looping Hong-
chin river on which the ruined
town of Hongchon hangs like a
pendant 20 miles below the 38th,
Hongehon, defended by 40,00
Reds only last week,a fell to U.S.
troops yesterday by Chinese de-
fault. The Reds lifted nothing
larger in its deense than sna°1
arms-C-n p~alled out:
The capture of Hfcntciun gave
United Nrt sns arms anc her key
pivot pcmt on their 100-mile
front eastwa d from liberated
* * *
5F12 are believed na',
ir. at Crunehon, 16 air miles
northwest cf Hongchon and 45
air miles iortheast of Seoul. Field
correspondents said it seemed log-
ical that the Chinese would make
a determined stand at Chunchon.
Chunchon, on main highway
routes to North Korea, is eight
air miles south of the 38th par-
allel, old political boundary of
North and South Korea.
Allied air power continued to
THE OLD hEAVE-HO-Alert Union officials yesterday in'ercerted a sr'iad of ,ich:.Tish attezrpt-
ing to enter the Union's strictly male front door. The scmewbat chilly merma's, who will rer-
form as part of the annual Union open house on SaturCzy,'tcxk the fortidden ent:ance as the quick-
est way to get to a pool practice session. (See story, page five).
Forum Spieakers Ouhlin? ev Z/
Pre req u is ies forPee ovG.e nteic
-- 1 d' 1
But Costello said he'd had
enough and his attorney said
he'd "reached the limit of his
physical endurance."
The racketeer-whom the Sen-
ate committee calls one of the
nation's biggest crime syndicate
leaders-has suffered from laryn-
gitis ever since he first took the
stand Tuesday.
Costello took his walk just after
the former Virginia Hill.one-time
girl friend of the slain mobster,
Benjamin (Bugsy) Siegel, pout-
ingly told the committee she never
took money from "gangsters or
SL Petitions
Petitions for student offices in
the approaching spring election
are moving out of the, Student
Legslature offices at a slow pace.
To date only 23 people have re-
quested petitions to get in the
running for one of the 25 SL seats
to be vacant. Only one Board in
Control of Inter-Collegiate Athle-
tics and eight J-Hop Committee
petitions are now being circulated.
Nine members of the J-Hop Com-
mitteeare to be elected, and one
student will be chosen to fill a
Board position.
The spring balloting will also
be held for class officers in all
engineering college classes, the
senior class of the literary col-
lege, and six Union vice-presi-
Petitions may be obtained from
3 to 6 p.m. through next Wednes-
day at the Student Legislature
Bldg., 122 S. Forest. They must
be turned in by the following Fri-
Negotiation, disarmament and
cooperative effort to raise the un-
versal standard of living are the
prerequisites to world peace, three
forum participators contended
last night.
Speaking on "What Prospects,
for Peace" at the last event of
Religion in Life Week, B. Rajan,
of the Indian delegation to the
United Nations, Brendan Sexton,
of the UAW and the CIO and Prof.
William R. Murphy of Ohio State
University, each outlined differ-
ent plans for preventing war.
THE PLANTS all embodied the
three essentials, but often empha-
sized different aspects of them.
The need for a higher stand-
ard of living was given an im-
portant spot in each plan.
Raj an, speaking for the Nehru
.proposal based on *Gandhi's
pacifism said, "there will be trou-
ble as long as resentments of peo-
ple over frustrated nationalism
and low standards of living exist.
We must stop exploiting people's
problems for war purposes and
harness existing revolutionary
spirit for peace."
"WE MUST be willing to spend
as much for peace as we do for
war," Sexton asserted, outlining
the Reuther plan. "Our best hope
for peace is economic development
which gives people hope that they
can build a life better "than be-
Prof. Murphy, putting forth
Quaker proposals, stressed the
need for cooperative effort in
this connection. "The only an-
swer to Communism is not vio-
lence, but removal of the condi-
tions which breed Communism.
This must come through mutual
On disarmament, Sexton andf
Prof. Murphy agreed also. "It is
silly to suppose tensions can be
lessened when the parties con-
cerned are armed to the teeth,"
Prof. Murphy declared.
*. * *
AND SEXTON gave a long-
range plan for a disarming pro-
cess. "Nations should undertake
a gradual disarmament program.
Eventually the USSR would be
left isolated as the only nation
dependent on force of arms," he
The question of negotiation
brought controversy to the fore.
Rajan contended that there is
always a chance for accomoda-
tion and negotiation. "We must
determine to negotiate even when
success seems impossible. War is
inevitable only if we make it so."
But Sexton placed less faith in
this process. "There can be no
negotiation if the parties are not
equal in strength or do not rec-
ognize a common moral standard.
Negotiations based merely on an
appeal to fair-mindedness will not
Prof. Murphy concurred with
Rajan. "We cannot dismiss ne-
gotiations as impossible until we
attempt to negotiate," he declared.
TEHRAN, IRAN-gp)--By una-
nimous vote, Iran's Parliament
decided tentatively yesterday to
nationalize a British oil industry
which would be a prize of any search out and blast Red supply
war between the West and Soviet dumps, barracks and gun em-
Britain's 50-year control of the
Iranian oil fields was repudiated.
SPECTATORS in the gallery of
Parliament cheered the prospect
that the government will take
over the powerful Ariglo-Iranian
Oil Company, which pipes millions
of tons of fuel yearly to the
armies, navies and air forces of
the United States, Britain and
other Western powers.
Cold war implications were
evident. Soviet Russia has ac-
cused past Iranian governments
of being subservient to the
"Western warmongers."
The vote came eight days after
Premier Gen. Ali Razpara, a foe
of Nationalization, was shot to
death by a Moslem fanatic who
accused him of selling out this
country to foreigners.
,,,. ...a .t.,, .,.,.,......,...,, .... ,., a.., .,. ..
Littlefair Stresses Practical Side of Religion
a __ .
World News
By The Associated Press
GRAND RAPIDS-The serious
condition of ailing Senator Van-
denberg (R-Mich) remained un-
changed yesterday.
WASHINGTON-Senators who
want to limit President Truman's
power to send American troops
abroad claimed a preliminary vic-
tory yesterday when Administra-
tion leaders agreed to let the issue
be, debated by both houses of
PARIS-The Big Four nego-
tiations to set up an agenda for
a Foreign Minister's Conference
remained bogged down over the
; - a fm.. raN..mof
placements. B-29s pounded rail
yards and bridges on the main
supply lines leading southward
from Manchuria.
Fifth Air Force fighters and
bombers flew 732 sorties up until
6 p.m. yesterday and kept wham-
ming away at the Reds into the
night. Most of the fifth's effort
was in strafing and bombing ahead
of the ' slowly advancing allied
18-1- Year old
Draft Passes
House Group
House Armed Services Committee,
by an overwhelming 32-3 vote,
yesterday approved a bill for
drafting men at 181/2 years and
setting up Universal Military
Training later.
Members wrote in an amend-
ment giving draftees a choice of
serving in racially segregated or
nonsegregated units.
* *
Winstead (D-Miss), would permit
a draftee, when he "registers, to
write in whether he has a prefer-
ence. It states this choice would
be respected as far as military
necessity would permit.
The vote on this amendment
was 21 to 12. It is not in the
draft bill which passed the Sen-
ate last Friday. There are many
differences in the bills which
will have to be settled in con-
"I don't want to prepare men
for heaven, I want to prepare them
for this world," Rev. Dr: Duncan
money and supporting petty pro-
"I am appalled by the lack of
religious orientation that I en-
to aid the students in learning to
think for themselves. And if they
can't learn it here, where else will
they learn it?" he remarked.
"Th-t Rsmir-n in MP.WP.Pe
"I DID FIND that a good deal
could be accomplished by meeting
with small discussion groups, such
as fraternities,' he remarked.
"Ci~.nirallu +hir annrnaoh In va-
"WE MUST DEVELOP a religion
for everyday living if we want to
overcome the Communist charges
that it is an opiate of the people.
"TI has hen nrnven historicallv