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March 14, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-03-14

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Stodgy Progress

ered into the stodgy slot of progress. For
five or six* months now, few "hot issues"
have been dragged up before it and slugged
out in ardent debate. 'No University admin-
istration tempers have been ruffled.' No
half-cocked legislator has popped off with
unpopular opinions on subjects close to the
more sensitive hearts on campus.
There are no Communists and very few
other "subversives" fretting about causing
their customary amount of confusion.
All is seetness and light. For the first
time in the history of the University, a
feeling of mutual respect has arisen be-
tween student representatives and Univer-
sity Administrators.
Only two problems brought before the SL
all last semester caused much more than a
ripple on the serene Walden of campus po-
The first was the long Thanksgiving Ho-
liday request, which the Legislature took be-
fore the Dean's Conference. The request,
which would close the University the Friday
and Saturday following Thanksgiving Thurs-
day, has been temporarily shelved.
On the second issue, the long-fought fra-
ternity anti-bias time limit motion, action
was more conclusive. The SL won a major
victory two weeks ago when the Student Af-
fairs Committee adopted the proposal.
Aside from these two splashes, the SL has
moved steadily, if unostentatiously, along. It
'plays a major role in the calendaring of
campus events, runs the Cinema Guild, helps
rid the student of obnoxious fees, regulates
the sale of ten cent football programs, and
in an amazing variety of ways, serves the
student community remarkably well. .
All this maturity and accomplishment is
fine. But along with this progress has arisen
an attitude within the Legislature as a group
which is unfortunate.
Its a "Holier Than Thou" position whose
particular manifestation is the ridiculous air
of a peanut peddler who feels he is dedi-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

cated to a Great and Sublime Cause. As a
result, the average Student Legislator has
lost all sense of perspective and, coordinate-
ly, his sense of humor.
In fairness, it must be admitted that sev-
eral legislators do not fall within this cate-
gory; most of them, however, do. With apol-
ogies, then, to the few really big people in
the Legislature and with the hope that the
others don't get re-elected this spring; an
examination of the many and odious ramifi-
cations of this Legislature attitude is reveal-
For one, there is a general feeling among
the part-time politicos that the Legislature
should be immune from any type of "unfav-
orable publicity" or open criticism. Witness
the hue and cry they raised when The Daily
reported the SL's.mis-handling of the Phil-
ippine Fund Drive last fall.
During their meetings, the legislators
sometimes haggle around for the better part
of an hour trying to resolve a point of par-
liamentary procedure. Actually, the debate
could be settled in a minute if the official
parliamentarian would consult an edition of
"Roberts Rules" and then assert the author-
ity of his office.,
At the same time, some influential leg-
islators may be passing "top secret" notes
to each other while those solons of the
more disinterested faction (and they are
numerous) will simply pass cute little
jokesback and forth and then giggle at
their own cleverness.
No one begrudges any group a good joke or
a good parliamentary debate now and then;
but when the jokes are poor, and too fre-
quent, the debate of an inferior and defi-
cient nature and' when the whole thing is
carried on with deadpan seriousness,..
THIS DOESN'T MEAN that the SL should
take no pride in its past accomplish-
ments or hold no sincerity for future pro-
jepts. Obviously it should.
It does mean, however, that unless the
Student Legislators climb from the saddle of
their collective high horse, honestly evalu-
ate the importance of their group as an ex-
tra-curricular activity at an academic insti-
tution, laugh at their own obvious absurdi-
ties, they are likely to plod off into eternity
doing nothing more than they are today.
-Rich Thomas


N OW THAT some of the fire and smoke
has cleared away with Mrs. Willie Mc-
Gee's' departure, a retrospect on the campus
campaign to save Willie McGee is in order.
The entire program of the committee had
some delicate implications at the outset. The
fear of being identified with "Leftists" caus-
ed one member to pull out of the commit-
tee. This member was sincerely concerned
over the impending electrocution of McGee
and wanted to do something. But . . . he
was fearful of being involved in anything
rumored to be a leftist campaign.
This revelation was a pathetic one. It
was certainly a sad situation when an
American couldn't plump for civil rights
without being identified with Communists
and rabble-rousers. And even sadder when
an individual feels coerced into inaction.
After all, civil rights are the unique core of
American democracy.
Actually, the ad hoc committee was, on
the whole, composed of persons who were
really disturbed over a clear miscarriage of
American justice.
Unfortunately, however, their approach
was poor. A big mistake was not making a
direct effort to get the Young Republicans
and Young Democrats in on the campaign.
Of course, YD-YR participation was also
hampered by the usual inertia of the clubs
toward civil liberties activities.
Representative of the approach of the
THE MUSIC SCHOOL faculty has out-
done itself lately with a number of com-
petently executed, listenable concerts to
which last night's performance of the Stan-
ley Quartet was no exception. The Quartet,
composed of Prof. Oliver Edel, cellist, Paul
Doktor, violist, and Prof. Gilbert Ross and
Emil Raab, violinists, presented the first of
a series of two concerts devoted to the music
of Franz Schubert.
Both of the works played last night
were characterized by an orchestral ef-
fect, difficult to achieve in chamber mu-
sic, which. distinguishes the romanticism
of Schubert from earlier quartet styles.
The Quartet put this effect across. The
fullness of tone and variety of coloring,
prerequisites to the preservation of eu-
phony in chamber music, were achieved
with a balance broken only occasionally
by thin, uneven texture.
Somehow, the cellist lacked sufficient
power to give depth to portions of the G
major Quartet; in the Allegro assai move-
ment of this work,, however, performances
all showed sincere feeling and technical
polish which-resulted in an almost exciting
effect. The addition of a second cellist, who
solved the mystery of how a Quartet could
present a Quintet, gave the second half of

committee was a fantastic idea suggested by
a committee member on the eve of the ral-
ly. He proposed the invocation of a two min-
ute silent prayer for McGee at the rally.
This type of emotion was later revealed at
the rally-an interesting but fruitless one--
by another member of the committee. Most
irrationally, he said: "The previous speaker
showed his contempt for the colored people
by not calling him Mr. McGee."
Another type of impassioned repartee was
revealed by the representative of the Civil
Rights Congress, whose voice often cres-
cendoed into a blatant outburst. Once he
lashed back at the now famous Mr. Lynch
with "Look, bud, if you've got the facts,
come on up here and give them."
One student jumped to the stage and an-
nounced that he was organizing a "mob" for
a trip to the White House to plead Mr. Mc-
Gee's case.
The rally did succeed in stimulating -a
great deal of needed discussion. But in an
atmosphere of hisses, cat-calls and interrup-
tions, nothing really constructive could be
Finally, such a program was precisely
what some persons wanted-a rip-roaring,
highly passionate, touching rally. Such a
rally-when not organized properly-might,
be playing into the hands of some off-cam-
pus groups who wanted the publicity accru-
ing from this sad case, groups who actually
care little about justice in this country but
are using human misery for their own ends.
Had the YR and YD been active in the
committee's program these blunders would
have probably been corrected. A large share
of the blame lies with the YD and YR them-
selves. The clubs should have been aware of
this situation and acted accordingly.
It is about time both YD and YR mem-
bers got off their stoic posteriors and took
cognizance of these matters, as their
presidents have. In so doing, they would
add a needed guiding hand to campus
civil rights programs. If they don't, in the
future we can expect similar emotional; ,
desultory action of which off-campus left-
ists groups will take advantage.
However, despite the blunders of the com-
mittee in its program, the fact remains: a
Negro is going to die for a crime no one is
sure he committed. This is basis enough for
a letter to Gov. Wright of Mississippi ask-
ing for a stay of execution.
-Cal Samra
Power of Words
HE WHO WANTS to persuade should put
his trust not in the right argument, but
in the right word,
The power of sound has always been
greater than the power of sense. I don't say
this by way of disparagement. It is better
for mankind to be impressionable than re-

IN THE GRAY, gloomy city where the
notes for this report were made, there is
only one note of color-the innumerable
scarlet posters and banners demanding
"German unity." As the whole world knows
by now, the American policy makers are
terrified that the Soviets will shortly make a
serious offer to unite and neutralize Ger-
many, ini order to halt Western rearma-
ment and disrupt the Western alliance.
The prize the Kremlin has to play for
is very great indeed. But it is important
to realize that the Kremlin must also risk
a very great stake in order to gain this
No offer to "unify" Germany will be treat-
ed seriously, either by the Western Germans
or the Western allies, which does not in-
clude a guaranty of free elections in East
Germany. There is no doubt at all that the
iron communist control of East Germany
would collapse instantly in any free election.
And East Germany has become a proper-
ty of immense importance to the Kremlin.
* * *
W HAT HAS HAPPENED here in the last
year, made this year's Leipzig fair a
striking contrast with last year's. Last year
all was still misery and horror. This year, on
the other hand, one noticed chiefly the
combined results of German hard work and
methodical, iron-handed Russian organiza-
tion, which are making the Soviet zone of
Germany a going concern.
The conditions of life are materially
better, although still very bad. But what
is really important to the Kremlin, is that
East German production has greatly in-
creased. The best index is steel output,
which fell below 250,000 tons a year at
the low point. It is now above 1,000,000
tons a year and is expected to reach 3,-
000,000 tons a year (far above the East
German pre-war level) by the close of the
East German five-year plan.
The great increase in East German pro-
ductivity is of course far more beneficial to
the Kremlin than to the East German peo-
ple. Thirty per cent of the industry, includ-
ing such great plants as the former I. G.
Farben chemical complex at Bitterfeld, are
directly owned by the Russian government.
These not merely produce for Russian ac-
counts but also pay a handsome profit. The
remaining industry, of which about two-
thirds is owned by the East German state,
produces reparations out of current produc-
tion for Russia to the tune of about 1,500,-
000,000 marks per year.
Heavy occupation costs relieves the
Kremlin of supporting its huge army in
East Germany, and the East German tax-
payer also pays the whole cost of oper-
ating the uranium mines in the Erzege-
birge, where nearly 250,000 workers are
employed extracting radioactive ores for
Marshal Beria's atomic prpject.
Finally almost all German industrial con-
cerns are buying agents for the Kremlin,
securing from West Germany and else-
where in West Europe an enormous volume
of critical and strategic materials and equip-
ment. For example, the Wismut A. G. not
merely runs the Erzegebirge mines, but also
buys in the West all sorts of special items
needed by Marshal Beria's project in Russia.
, ,
SOME OF THE Soviet returns from East
Germany therefore cannot be valued.
It is not going too far, however, to say that
in hard dollar values, the Kremlin extracts
from this single small province of its em-
pire, with a population of only 17,000,000
people, an annual revenue in goods and pro-
ducts of more than $2,000,000,000.
This smoothly-running system of econo-
mic exploitation, which takes from East Ger-
many for Russia about one quarter of the

annual product, is based in turn upon a
state organization that is now absolutely
The economic boss is Heinrich Rau. The
real political boss is Walter Ulbricht. Al-
though the facade of a multi-party system
is still maintained, these two men run
the state and the economy through the
Communist hierarchy. Except industrial
technicians and other men with special
skills, all communists with the faintest
Western taint or orientation are now being
expelled. (This was the reason for Ger-
hard Eisler's recent grovelling.)
Moreover, while "loyalty to the Soviet Un-
ion and Comrade Stalin" is the test for Ger-
mans, Soviet control is further insured by
the Russians who hold key positions, advis-
ory or even managerial, throughout the
whole strange structure from the highest
level to almost the lowest. In short, what is
seen here in East Germany is a new imper-
ialism so total and so unashamed that it
would make Lord Clive himself sink into
the ground for very envy. Because of their
hard-working character and submissiveness
to authority, the East Germans have now
adapted themselves to this new imperialism
better than any of the other satellites. The
question remains, whether the Soviets will
wish to gamble this model province in order
to halt the rearmament of the West.
(Copyright, 1951, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)
Newspaper Credo

'r cwu++ ono roar.

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

McGee Case . .
To the Editor:
THE DAILY has sounded off on
the McGee case. Good. For
the death of Mr. McGee will ham-
per attempts to bring democracy
to Negro students at Michigan.
His death will give encouragement
to those who stand in the path of
democracy and will strengthen
their hand. His freedom will push
the fight for Negro rights and we
hope will make future "McGee
cases" non-existent.
What have the Daily editorial
writers to say: First there is Roma
Lipsky. Roma doesn't believe what
U. of M. students think and pro-
test will have any bearing on the
outcome. This is the tired liberal
approach which is actually vicious
because she attempts to lead oth-
ers to this conclusion-a do noth-
ing conclusion. Don't forget that
similar campaigns are being wa'
ed on hundreds of campuses and
in thousands of communities. In-
dividually we will lose, but collect-
ively we will win as demonstrated
with the Scottsboro and Trenton
Six cases. Apparently Miss Lipsky
has lost her faith in American
democracy. Too bad. Before leav-
ing Miss Lipsky it is only fair to
say that she does partially re-
verse herself and recommend
some letters to Mississippi's gov-
ernor. Any fool can see that this
alone won't do the trick. The Fed-
eral government and Mr. Truman
have to show their hand. Those
Dixiecrats go for lynchings in a
big way. Democracy in the south
is a myth, Miss Lipsky. When are
you going to wake up and stop
trusting them?
In the next column appears
Crawford Young's masterpiece.
He's worried about emotion. Mr.
Young, death is an emotional
thing when it happens to your
husband. An innocent man is
about to die. Are you afraid to
hear his wife tell the facts? More
of us white students should be-
come acquainted with American
"democracy." A little emotion
would probably do us some good.
Needless to say, Paul Marx's edi-
torial is the best. He clearly sees
the necessity for improving our
"democracy" and is willing to
have students do something about
it. His is the answer American
youth must give to the white su-
premacist. He may get labeled
subversive, but I believe the ma-
jority of students want to do
something about Mr. McGee. I
wish the other Daily editorial wri-
ters would get instep.
Cal Samra's article is amusing.
He says there is not sufficient evi-
dence for or against the convic-
tion. His answer-too soon for an
opinion. (McGee dies in 7 days).
But why must there be conclusive
evidence for a man's innocence?
I thought American law deems a
man innocent until 'proven guil-
ty. Since by Mr. Samra's own ad-
mission there isn't sufficient evi-
dence for guilt, he should support
agitation for his release or anoth-
er trial. This he refuses to do.
Does Mr. Samra have different
standards for Negroes or does he
advocate retroactive amendments
to American jurisprudence?
-Gordon MacDougall

McGee Case.
To the Editor:



THERE ARE several rather puzz-
ling things in Mr. Sandground's
letter. To begin with: "Do you
think for one minute that the
Communists want Willie McGee to
be pardoned and saved? They
don't." And he goes on to say
that if McGee dies, it merely gives
the Communists more to throw at
democracy. Well, if this is true,
then it means that we should want
to save McGee to refute the claims
of the Communists that the legal
proceedings of the United States
are undemocratic. But, in the next
paragraph of Mr. Sandground's
letter we find: "If the names of
the persons who are leaders of the
crusade . . . were revealed, one
should not be surprised to find it
would include most of the agita-
tors, rabbelrousers, and plain
Communists who are trying to
destroy our precious heritage of
freedom." Perhaps, I shouldn't be
surprised, Mr. Sandground, but I
am, especially since you said in
the paragraph above that the
Communists don't want McGee
But on one thing, I agree with
Mr. Sandground; I too, want the
readers of the Michigan Daily,
and of the larger syndicated news-
papers, to do a little of their own
thinking. And I would like them
to bear in mind such situations as
those that allow a man to be
judged in a court of law on the
basis of the color of his skin; and
the fact that at this moment the
American government is follow-
ing an avowed policy in Korea of
killing as many men as possible.
Where does that fit in with the
"well worth it, American demo-
cracy" of which Mr. Sandground
speaks. I am an American; but be-
fore that I am a human being.-
And the, fact that the news-
papers may call the Chinese, Reds,
hordes, or anything else, does not
keep me from remembering that
they are human beings, and that
a policy of killing as many of them
as possible is not humane.
Perhaps, Mr. Sandground and
the "precious heritage of freedom"
boys, who are always talking
about our "American democracy,"
ought to turn around and notice
the Englishman or Pole who is
laughing at you and shaking his
head in disgust, and the man in
India who can only look at you
with a blank stare-because he
doesn't know what you're talking
about-and doesn't care. He's been
too hungry for too long.
-Ivan Gluckman, '53
*EES * * *
McGee Case . .
To he Editor:
THE McGEE case arouses ex-
tremely disturbing thoughts.
With little effort our attention
swings from the obvious injustice
done to an individual named Mc-
Gee to events of the most far
reaching international signifi-
cance. No matter how I cut it, it
always comes out the same and
the stench is overwhelming.
Today 400,000 Americans, both
Negro and white are fighting in a
foreign country 8,000 miles distant.
We have committed tremendous
resources to this job. We have

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spent and are spending fabulous
sums of money. We are rushing
arms, planes, tanks, guns, 'bombs]
and bullets all over the world. Bil-
lions of words pour out of radios,
movies, newspapers and comic1
books day in and day out, explain-1
ing and trying to convince us thatI
all this is for "peace," that we
must sacrifice for "democracy"'
and the "free world.";
With blaring headlines and
great pride "Operation Killer" is
announced. It's really great. We'-
re going to slaughter "gooks" and
"chinks" by the truckload. But
"Operation Killer" is not just con-
fined to Korea. It apparently is
flourishing also in Mississippi,
Virginia, Harlem, New Jersey,
Tokyo and Detroit. These are the
places, and more, where the idea
started. In Virginia seven are elec-
trocuted. In Harlem John Derrick,
back from Korea a week, is mur-
dered by the police. In New Jersey
the Trenton Six are up on trial for'
the third time facing the electric
chair. In Detroit we have the Gor-
dy Case where the Detroit police
in true gestapo style have unleash-
ed a reign of terror against Gordy,
his relatives and the whole Negro
community. In Tokyo the NAACP
declares segregation responsible
for the court-martial of twenty-
one Negro soldiers charged ,with
"cowardice." The list is endless.
"Operation Killer" continues with
increased fervor against the Am-
erican Negro. The "free world"
and "peace through strength" line
rings hollow and empty.
Why do we have to go 8,000
miles to fight for democracy?
There's a man named McGee and
he's located in Mississippi.
-Al Lippitt, '50
McGee Case . .
To the Editor:
F THE LAW students who tried
to break up the McGee meeting
had studied their law a little more,
they wouldn't have said that the
Supreme Court's refusal to hear
the McGee case meant the Court
found the trial to be fair. "The
denial of a writ of certiorari im-
ports no expression of opinion up-
on the merits of the case, as the
bar has many times been told."
Mr. Justice HIolmes in U.S. v. Car-
ver, (1923). The defenders of Mis-
sissippi justice can draw no "le-
gal" comfort from the Court's re-
fusal not to review. They can have
the comfort of knowing that Mis-
sissippi "justice" may take ano-
ther innocent black man's life.
As to the insolent suggestion
that Mrs. McGee's mission in life
is to discredit the American judi-
cial system, it Is mighty poor taste
so to attack the wife of a con-
demned man. "Governments are
instituted among men, deriving
their just powers from the consent
of the governed." (Declaration of
Independence). Mrs. McGee is
very proper in carrying her appeal
directly to the final tribunal, the
people. She doesn't want to over-
throw the Government. She wants
the people to exert their sovereign
influence on that Government to
save her husband's life.
And as for those who say that
Mississippi justice is of no con-
cern to Michigan residents, what
about the newspapers that insist
it is our mission to defend "demo-
cracy" all over the globe, from
Greece to Korea? A little incon-
sistent, isn't it, to say that Mis-
sissippi, one of the "48," is none
of our business! Do we mean to
brand ourselves before the world
as a nation of hypocrites?
If so, don't demand that Pres.
Truman use his influence to safe-
guard human life and freedom in
America. Wait 'till the papers get
hopped up about something on

the other side of the world, and
then self-righteously demand that
we interfere on that other side to
"insure free elections!"
-Robert H. Silk, '51L
* * *

justly the life of any individual
no matter how humble or un-
known. Secondly, if any citizen
does not receive a fair trial, the
Bill of Rights itself becomes a
mockery. Hence the democratic
tradition of our country is being
tested. Furthermore, an attack on
the rights and life of any citizen
Negro or white is very directly an
attack on all the citizens of our
country. How can anyone consid-
er themselves free if they are not
guaranteed the rights of a fair
trial, if they can be sentenced to
death on insufficient evidence?
Hence, there should be no ex-
cuse for saying, "The case is not
important to me, its only one man
anyway, or one person can't do
anything. A very important prin-
ciple is at stake. Failure to act
now to save the rights of another
man may mean that' our rights
get trampled on some day. More
important, anyone who believes in
the facts as stated by the Com-
mittee to save McGee and doesn't
take the trouble or time to write
a postcard to the President is by
that very inaction helping to send
a man to his death-a man who
in all probability is innocent.
-Robert Schor
E* * *.
Elections .
To the Editor:
AT LAST WEEK'S SL meeting a
motionswas passed to have
next semester's J-Hop election
held by the direct voting system.
Under this system the voter plac-
es an "X" next to each of the
NINE candidates whom he wishes
to vote for. The obvious weakness
of this system is that the average
student on this campus just does-
n't know NINE candidates. This
weakness can develop into a dan-
gerous situation.
First of all, if the average stu-
dent only knows and votes for 4
instead of 9 candidates, then an
organized group voting in a "bloc"
for the maximum 9 candidates
can have complete dominance in
the election. In fact it is possible
for 20% of the students to elect
all 9 of the J-Hop committee!
A second fault of this system
arises when a student knows but
three or four candidates, yet
wishes to vote for the full nine
in order to have his votes count
as much as the next fellow's. His
choice of the remaining candi-
dates is therefore based on the
various publicity campaigns. Con-
sequently, candidates will make
large expenditures for posters,
and their chances of election will
vary directly with their financial
status which I believe is a pretty
poor qualification.
An ideal recourse would be the
return to the Hare System of elec-
tion. However, superficial objec-
tions by some legislators defeat-
ed this plan. Therefore, I will.in-
troduce at tonight's SL meeting a
compromise motion limiting the
amount of {votes per person to
THREE. I believe this precaution-
ary measure will help eliminate
bloc-voting and will ensure that
the student will know the candi-
date he's voting for.
-Bob Perry
. + +


McGee Case . .


To the Editor:
AVING READ certain of the
letters in the Daily concern-
ing Mr. Willie McGee, a Negro
who faces possible execution in
Mississippi on March 20 for alleg-
edly raping a white- woman, I be-
gan to feel a sharp duty to ex-
press my own feelings on the
I believe that everybody should
learn the facts of the case. If they
should then arrive at what I con-
sider the almost inevitable con-
clusion that Mr. McGee did not
obtain a fair trial, they should im-
mediately ask President Truman
to grant a stay of execution. I be-
lieve the trial was held under an
atmosphere of fear, hatred, and
First and foremost, the life of
an individual is at stake. It is one
of the most damning condemna-
tions of a society which purports
to be democratic to take away un-

Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown...........Managing Editor
Paul Brentlinger............City Editor
Roma Lipsky.......Editorial Director
Dave Thomas............Feature Editor
Janet Watts. ...........Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan. ...........Associate Editor
James Gregory,........Associate Editor
Bill Connolly..........Sports Editor
Bob Sandell. . . ssociate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton... . Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans...........Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Daniels..........Business Manager
waiter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible.....Advertising Manager
Bob Mersereau......Finance Manager
Bob Miller.......Circulation Manager
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Yes, that's the department store
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