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March 14, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-03-14

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Y- ZT- ':

See Fage 4

Latest Deadline in the State


'GOP Group1
Opens Drive
To KillRFC
Influence Deals
Hit in Congress
WASHINGTON-(4)- Outcries
' against "influence-peddling"
mushroomed in Congress yester-
day and the House Republican
Policy Committee demanded swift
abolition of the Reconstruction Fi-
t ntance Corporation.
Several bills were ready in both
houses to liquidate the multi-bil-
lion-dollar federal lending agency.
* , *
DEMOCRATS and Republicans
x alike joined in the attack.
The House GOP committee
= adopted a resolution declaring
the RFC has "degenerated into
an instrumentfor the peddling
of influence" and now engages
in distributing gratuities and
rich political plums.
Simultaneously, Rep. Canfield
R-N.J.) told the House that an
RBFC request for $17,835,000 for
administrative expenses for the
fiscal year beginning July 1 will
be turned down by the House Ap-
propriations Committee.
Canfield is a member of the
The New Jersey legislator said
the House group has refused to
consider the RFC request.
* s*:
ALTHOUGH the RFC has big
eunds for lending, the rejection
of its bid for administrative funds
presumably would mean the agen-:
cy's end.
A Democratic backfire against
eritics of the administration
started when Rep. Wayne L.
Hays (D-Colo.) took the House
floor to accuse Republican Na-
tional Chairman Guy Gabriel-
son of "influence peddling" with
the RFC.
Hays charged that Gabrielson
obtained $18;500,000 in federal
loans for his own company over
a three-year period and collected
$100,000 for his services.
"It seems Mr. Gabrielson has
been doing a little influence ped-
dling himself," Hays told the
Hays also declared that two
senators put on pressure to get
RFC loans for Gabrielson's firm.
Group Votes
To Separate
House Armed Services Committee
refused yesterday to tie onto the
draft and universal military train-
ing bill a rule against sending
American troops to Europe with-
out the direct consent of Congress.
The vote was 21 to 14 to table
an amendment by Rep. Towe (R-
NJ). There is no debate on such
a motion. There were strong in-
dications, however, that heated
discussion of the Republican-
backed plan was only postponed
until the legislation comes up in
the House itself.
That may come this week.
Chairman Vinson (D-Ga), who
announced yesterday's action aft-
er a closed meeting, said he hopes
to get the bill out of the commit-

tee today.
The tabling of the Towe amend-
ment, presumably killing it as far
as the committee is concerned, got
r one of the last big obstacles out
of the way of final action on the
measure by the committee.
That group, considering the bill
section by section, already has
stamped approval on its provisions
lowering the draft age from 19
to 18% years, 'extending draftees'
service from 21 to 26 months, and
setting up a universal training
program to take effect when the
present emergency need for actual
service by draftees has passed.
The Senate has passed a gen-
erally similar bill for drafting at
18, with those nearest 19 to go
first, and a service term of 24
McGee Meeting
P1 ..1 rTin ht-

Crawford Plans
fune Retirement
Engineering Dean To Move West
After 11 Years as College Head
Dean Ivan Crawford, of the engineering college, will retire June
The 64-year-old dean announced yesterday he will return to his
native Colorado to continue as an engineering consultant. He has
been dean of the engineering college since 1940.
The Regents have given Dean Crawford permission to retire be-
fore 1956, when his year-long retirement furlough would normally
begin. No successor has been named.
** * *
OF DEAN CRAWFORD his colleague Dean Hayward Keniston,
* * * Qof the literary college, said: I

To Est~





Mob ilizers
Back New
Rent Ceiling
control proposal broader in some
ways than the World War II law
was reported yesterday to have
won backing from top mobilization
Housing expediter Tighe Woods
said his plan had been approved
by Economlc Mobilizer Charles E.
Wilson and Economic Stabiliza-
tion Director Eric Johnston. He
talked with reporters just after
the Senate had passed a 90-day
extension of what is left of the
present controls.
The Senate acted in a flurry
of 'talk about close limits of the
application on any rent it pass-
es for a longer term, with the
emphasis all on defense produc-
tion areas and those around
military establishments.
Basic principles of the Woods
plan, which would require action
by Congress, include:
General recontrol, extension of
the curbs to commercial rents
which were not controlled even
at the wartime peak, ceilings for
new construction, possible roll-
backs for rents not now con-
trolled, and elimination of the "lo-'
cal option" provisions of the pres-
ent law which permit communities
to free themselves from control.

have known and respected Dean
Crawford these 11 years and have
worked with him many times. I
regret he is leaving but I have
known for some time that he
wished to be relieved of his hea-
vy duties."
During the administration of
Dean Crawford, fifth dean since
the college was founded in 1895,
three major additions were
made to the college's plant.
They are East Engineering
Building; structural, hydraulic
and sanitary laboratories in the
civil engineering department
and revamped mechanical en-
gineering laboratories.
Dean Crawford was dean of the
engineering and architecture
school at the University of Kansas
for three years before he came
here. He had been dean of the
engineering college of the Univer-
sity of Idaho since 1923.
THE RETIRING dean received
a bachelor of science degree from
the University of Colorado in 1912
and a civil engineering degree in
1915. .He joined the Colorado fac-
ulty in 1912 and had risen to asso-
ciate professor by 1923.
Twice the dean's academic
career was interrupted. Between
graduation from high school in
his native Leadville, Colo., in
1906 and entrance into the uni-
versity he worked as a miner,
teamster and railroad surveyor.
In 1917 he went on active duty
with the Army. Dean Crawford
served as a major for 18 months,
10 of them in France as comman-
der of a combat engineer battal-
* * *
LAST YEAR Dean Crawford ad-
vised the Defense Department on
curriculums at West Point, Anna-
polis and the proposed Air Force
academy. During the Second
World War he advised the Army
ordnance department and the
Navy personnel department.
Dean Crawford served as Ida-
ho's state engineer in 1933 under
the Federal Emergency Adminis-
tration of Public Works. He was
consultant to the Natural Re-
sources Board in 1936.
The University of Colorado
awarded Dean Crawford an hon-
orary doctorate of science in 1944
and the Norlin distinguished
alumnus award last year. The
American Society of Industrial
Engineers gave him a fellowship
in the Academy of Engineering in
Dean Crawford was director of
the American Society of Civil En-
gineers from 1935 to 1938 and
vice-president of the Society for
Promotion of Engineering Educa-
tion in 1936 and 1937.

Union Okays
Wage Board
Formula Would
la for bringing union leaders back
into the mobilization program has
been approved by union repre-
sentatives and is being studied by
management, informed sources
reported yesterday.
The compromise was described
as a proposal to double the
strength of the Wage Stabiliza-
tion Board, giving it 18 members
and empowering them to settle a
broad field of labor disputes. At
present the board is only a policy-
making group.
* * *


'gU' Hea,
"If the economic problem be-
comes more serious in India, the
Communists will be able to step
in," Mme Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit,
Indian ambassador to the United
States declared yesterday.
The illiterate peasant of India
has no knowledge of the differing
ideologies of Communism and
democracy, she explained. "I don't
even find a knowledge of Com-'
munism in this highly civilized
"And the Communists can ap-
peal strongly to hungry, illiterate
people by promising them food."
THOUGH the standard of living
in Russia seems low to members of
the Western nations, Mme. Pandit
pointed out that conditions there
were good compared to her own
country. "It's all a relative mat-
ter," she laughed.
She insisted that India does not
view Communism or Communist
China as a threat. "We recognize
Communist China, but diplomatic
recognition involves the national
necessities, not approval of foreign
"In India we have had sabo-
tage troubles with members of
the Communist party, which has
resulted in thousands of Com-
munists being jailed." But the
Communist Party has not been
banned nationally, Mine Pandit
explained. "Some of the autono-
mous Indian states, where the
problem is acute, have banned
the party. So today most Com-
munist party activities in India
are underground."
She expressed her government's
pleasure over the friendly message
of President Truman to Congress

* * *

Mme. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
yesterday emphasized the strong
influence of the teachings of Ma-
hatma Gandhi in shaping India's
present foreign policy.
Addressing a large audience in
the Rackham Lecture Hall, the
Indian Ambassador to the United
States recalled Gandhi's advice to
"concentrate on human and moral
factors and strive for peace
through conciliation."
* * *
ON CAMPUS to dedicate a new
library of works relating to the as-
sassinated Indian leader, Mme.
Pandit declared that while Gan-
dhi was a strong pacifist, he was
well aware of the issues of war.
"While violence is bad in the
abstract," she quoted Gandhi,
'It is the duty of the believer to
decide between the aggressor
and the defender, and then side
with the defender in a non-
violent manner."
Gandhi was a man of peace,
she said, but "not peace at any
He advocated "truthfulness, hu-
mility, tolerance and a reliance on
spiritual forces.
"Stressing man's responsibility
to man, Gandhi's humanitarian
nationalism encompassed the well-
being of the entire world." Mad-
ame Pandit said.
"He suffered for truth, and he
would rather have seen his peo-
ple suffer too than profit at the
expense of others.}
"I ask you, my friends, to think
in your own hearts whether the
world has a need for such a man

rs Mie. Pandit

ACCEPTANCE has been voted
by the United Labor Policy Com-
mittee, the sources said. This
body speaks for the CIO, the AFL
and some other major labor
Economic Stabilizer Eric John-
ston is reported to be in favor
of the compromise. One source
said the compromise had been
approved by the U.S. Chamber
of Commerce but that the Na-
tional Association of Manufac-
turers had balked.
A statement issued by the
Chamber of Commerce last night,
however, said it was in complete
agreement "on principles" with;
the manufacturers association and
other business representatives. It
said the businessmen were still
in session, drafting a policy state-
ment for presentation to John-
ston today.
IF JOHNSTON is successful in
gaining general agreement, the im-
passe caused when union repre-
sentatives withdrew from the
Wage Stabilization Board last
month will be removed. Settle-
ment of this area of dispute, how-
ever, would not necessarily mean
the immediate return of labor rep-
resentatives to other mobilization
agencies. There is still a quarrel
between the United Labor Policy
Committee and mobilization boss+
Charles E. Wilson.
The compromise proposal, it'
was reported, would give an en-
larged wage board authority to+
handle disputes arising from its
own policy or decisions as well as
those certified by the president
as causing a national emergency.
Ticket Sales
For Marriage
Lectures Start
Tickets are now available for a
long-awaited lecture series on
marriage and family relations,
running intermittently from
March 26 to May 1.
The series, sponsored by a joint
faculty-student committee, will
feature a variety of specialists in
the connubial-family relations
field, according to Ivan Parker,
chairman of the committee.
* * *
ALL OF THE lectures will be
delivered at 8 p.m. in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall on the following
Monday, March 26. "Contem-
porary Setting for Marriage."
Prof. John Useem, of the sociol-
ogy department at Michigan
State College.
Monday, April 2. "Psychologi-
cal Factors in Marriage." Prof.
Ernest G. Osborne, of Columbia
Monday, April 16. The Mc-
Graw Hill marriage films will be
Monday, April 23. "Court-

urging wheat for India. "The mes-
sage has made the United States
many friends in India."
* * *
"GETTING FOOD is our first
step in making India a strong na-
tion," she said. "Secondly will be
giving everyone an opportunity to
rise in status according to his own
She pointed to the need of in-
creased technical development in
India. "That is why we send so
many students to the Ub ited
States., Here they can gain tecipi-
cal knowledge, and bring it back
to us."
The Indian student population
at the University this year is 55,
one third of whom are govern-
ment-supported. In previous years
it was well over 100, but the dollar-
exchange has forced it to slip.


rnAllied Planes,
Artillery Hit,,,
East-West Road
Defense Seen
TOKYO-()-Chinese Commu-
nist forces yesterday traded space
for time to build a new mountain
line in central Korea, breaking
off contact along most of a 70-
mile front.
Allied air and artillery hammer-
ed the retreating Reds. Allied
ground troops moved up to with-
in 22 miles of the 38th parallel,
without determined opposition.
.* * *
movement from both northwest
and northeast Korea toward the
battlefront were reported, how-
ever. More than 1,500 vehicles
were sighted in the past 48 hours,
hinting that a big new battle still
may be brewing just south of the
38th parallel.
Front dispatches said the Reds
seemed intent on defending an
east-west lateral highway run-
ning from the battered Com-
munist-held capital of Seoul in
the west, through the central
Korean base of Chunchon to
the east coast.
Chunchon is eight miles south
of the old political boundary be-
tween North and South Korea,
and 14 miles northwest of Hong-
chon. Hongchon is the Red army
corps headquarters and assembly
area now menaced by three con-
verging allied columns from the
right, left and center.
IN PULLING back the Chinese
yielded without a fight a strate-
gic crest of ridges and hills south
of Hongchon. It was from this
line that the Reds tried to burst
through at Wonju and Chipyong
into southeast Korea in a bloodily
repulsed mid-February offensive.
They pulled out of their front
line so rapidly yesterday that
they abandoned- pack animals
used to haul artillery and sup-
plies to the front.
Dispatches indicated the Reds
had decided not to defend Hong-
chon-once headquarters for the
Chinese 66th Army Corps.
British Commonwealth troops,
including the famed Canadian
Princess Pats, moved up to within
four miles of that Red base against
no resistance.
The U.S. First Cavalry and the
U.S. First Marine Division were
striking at the Red bastion from
the left and right. The dismount-
ed cavalry swept- toward Hong-
chon from the southwest and the
leathernecks from the southeast.
Cavalry troopers hurled back three
Chinese counterattacks.

Policy Rapped
By McCracken
"The government has failed to
pursue direct and vigorous mea-
sures to curb excess buying pow-
'er," Prof. Paul .W. McCracken of
t h e business administration
school, told members of the Amer-
ican Veterans Committee last
As a result he showed that we
are now in an inflationary per-
iod, featured by loose credit con-
trol and a tax policy that is em-
phasizing the wrong thing. ,
Stiffer taxes are necessary, not
primarily to balance ,the budget,
he pointed out, but to cut civilian
spending. He suggested a greater
personal income tax and a possi-
ble excise tax on the federal level.
The government also needed to
move more quickly on monetary


World NewsI
By The Associated Press
PARIS - Alexandre Parodi of
France told Soviet Deputy For-
eign Minister Andrei Gromyko
plainly last night that the Korean
war and a "great fear of the
Soviet Union" are the real causes
of world tension.
LONDON-Britain urged Italy
yesterday to negotiate a Trieste
settlement with Yugoslavia, of-
ficial sources said.
The informants said Prime
Minister Attlee conveyed Brit-
ain's views to Premier Alcide De
Gasperi and Italian Foreign
Minister Carlo Sforza in a day-
long discussion of world and
Anglo-Italian problems.
* * *
Foreign Relations and Armed
Services Committees yesterday
approved President Truman's
plan to send four more Ameri-
can divisions to Europe, but
they reserved the right of Con-
gress to authorize all future
troop assignments abroad.
V, *
DETROIT-In a formal charge
of unfair labor practices, the CIO
United Auto Workers contended
yesterday that Briggs Manufac-
turing Co. was responsible for the
beatings of five unionists in 1946.

Costello Dodg-es Revealing
Income at Senate Inquiry

NEW YORK - (P) -Television
shy Frank Costello, jittery lest he
lay himself open to income tax
charges and deportation, yester-
Still Very ill
Arthur H. Vandenberg, veteran
Michigan Republican, still lay
gravely ill at his home last night.
His family said there was "no
change" in the last 12 hours in
the Senator's condition and point-
ed to a carefully worded state-
ment issued earlier yesterday.
That report said "unless a fa-
vorable change occurs soon, his
future condition must be con-
sidered grave."
The champion of a bi-partisan
U.S. foreign policy suffered a re-
lapse last month while recuperat-
ing from a series of operations
that started 18 months ago with
removal of half his left lung.
Vandenberg, who is 66 years
old, has failed to rally since the
relapse, his physician, Dr. A. B.
Smith, said.

day refused to reveal his wealth
to Senate crime probers.
At the end of the second day of
the Senate Crim Committee's all-
star hearing, Costello was asked
to think it over and open up.
Otherwise, the committee said, he
will be cited for contempt.
Costello--who refused to let TV
cameras show his face while tes-
tifying - spoke quite freely of
money he made last year. But he
refused point-blank to say what
he's worth as of now.
"Mr. Costello, what is your net
worth?" Committee Counsel Ru-
dolph Halley asked several times.
"I refuse to answer on the
ground that it may tend to in-
criminate me," replied Costello
just as often.
He estimated his 1950 income
at more than $168,357-from ren-
tals and sales of property, oil
leases and gambling coups.
Costello attributed his solid fi-
nancial status these days to his
early beginnings in the slot ma-
chine racket in New Orleans. '
He testified the late Huey P.
Long invited him to take over the
slot machine business in Louisi-
ana when Long was Senator and
controlled the legislature of that
state in 1935.

Speaker Stresses Need
For Ethics in Disputes

The ethical implications in the
field of labor-management rela-
tions should not be overlooked,
Rev. Francis McPeek, Industrial
Relations Secretary for the Con-
gregational Christian churches
contended yesterday.
Speaking at a Religion in Life
Week seminar meeting, Rev. Mc-
Peek pointed out the relevancy of
religion and the need for Chris-
tian ethics in the everyday bus-
iness world.
But these ethics are not to come
on purely a ministerial level, he

the field of psychology. A fifth
seminar on religion and Com-
munism was slated, but Rev.
Duncan Littlefair, seminar lead-
er, adjourned it so that the
group could attend the lecture
given by Mme. V. L. Pandit, In-
dian ambassador to the United
The seminars, will take place
again at 4:10 p.m. today. "Is Re-
ligion Relevant to the Educational
Process" will be held at the Uni-
versity elementary school cafeter-
ia. The seminar on religion and
family life will take place at the

SHeifetz To Play Rare Violin at Hill

Jascha Heifetz, distinguished vi-
olinist, who will perform at 8:30
p.m. today in Hill Auditorium has
held a wide variety, of violins in
his hands ranging from his own
Stradivarius to an almost legend-
ary aluminum violin which Hei-

Heifetz has come across, was made
of 2,750 matches. He discovered it
in Capetown on his fourth world
tour and demonstrated that it
could be played extremely well.
In Paris as a boy Heifetz
nicked un a violin in a walking

emmonom u

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