IFC Policy
PETER B. JOHNSTONE'S attempt to jus-
tify the IFC appeal to President Ruth-
ven regarding the SAC decision is disap-
pointing to those interested in seeing the
fraternities become compatible with a demo-
cratic society.
The plan which the IFC is now employ-
ing to discuss the attitudes of fraternity
men towards minority groups is com-
mendable. But apparently the IFC is un-
able to relate this plan to the SAC reso-
lution, and to make them both part of
the same overall program.
Although this research project to assist
fraternity men in understanding and dis-
cussing the problem of prejudice is a valu-
able contribution to a solution, it is, as
Johnstone himself admits, only a long-
range program to achieve the same objec-
tive as the SAC ruling. It should be ap-
parent to both the IFC and the supporters
of the SAC vote that these two plans are
important adjuncts. Neither will be effec-
tive alone.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Of course a willingness from within the
fraternities to alleviate discriminatory prac-
tices must be obtained to realize the ulti-
mate goal of the SAC ruling. The IFC is
an admirable start in this direction. But
there still remains some fraternities which
have balked at taking any concrete steps to
remove discriminatory clauses from their
constitutions indicates the necessity for "co-
ercion from without." Only when these
clauses are removed will the IFC plan ef-
fectively assume its intended role.
The SAC decision will remove all legal
barriers to the acceptance of members of
minority groups, but at the same time will
slow the fraternities' freedom to reject any
individual. If the IFC plan is successful,
the objective of both this program and the
SAC ruling will be fulfilled to the extent
that Johnstone says he desires.
Now that the first step has been taken
it is more important than ever that the
IFC continue its constructive program.
Let us hope that the fratenity men will
enter enthusiastically into the planned
discussion groups and lectures.
It is not, then, a matter of which solution
is "better" but one of integrating the two in
order to achieve the final goal-a demo-
cratic fraternity system.
-Alice Bogdonoff
W ASHINGTON - General of the Army
MacArthur's prediction of a stalemate
in Korea, and the news of another heavy
Chinese offensive, should be read in context
with the planned indiscretions of a Russian
diplomat in this country. Neither the dip-
lomat in question, nor the man he talked
to, can be identified. But the diplomat's
remarks are worth repeating.
The Russian asserted at the outset that
the only reason the "imperalist" forces
had not been finally defeated is that the
Chinese do not have the necessary air-
power and other modern weapons. In
the last war, he said, the Soviet Union
built a great air force and masses of
weapons without outside /technical assist-
ance, and while the Nazis occupied key
industrial areas in Russia.
The Chinese had unlimited manpower,
and no part of China was occupied. Given
"technical assistance" from the Soviet Un-
ion, Chinese deficiencies in airpower and
modern weapons could in time-perhaps in
a year or so-be remedied. Then the "im-
perialists" would be driven into the sea.
MEANWHILE, the diplomat said flatly,
neither the Russians nor the Chinese
would entertain for an instant any proposal
for a settlement which permitted the Amer-
icans to remain in Korea, at the 38th Par-
allel or anywhere else. Moreover, :if by
some chance the "imperialist" forces again
reached the Manchurian and Soviet Siber-
ian border, or if the Americans attacked
the Chinese mainland, the Soviet Union
would be forced to intervene openly in the
These remarks can be best interpreted
in the light of the Russian and Chinese
roles in the Korean war. In the first place,
it is now established, from documents cap-
tured in North Korea and from other
evidence, that plans for capturing South
Korea were first agreed upon between Mao
Tse-tung and Stalin during Mao's first
mission to Moscow, in December 1949.
From the first, Mao's contribution was
to be in manpower, accordingly, the Chi-
nese armies began to concentrate in Man-
churia well in advance of June 25th. The
Fifth and Sixth North Korean armies, which
formed the spearhead of the attack, were
sent across the border. These armies were
actually composed of Chinese nationals of
Korean origin, who had trained and fought
with the Chinese Red Army. The Soviet
contribution consisted.of weapons, including
tanks and aircraft, for the Koreans (for
which the North Korean government was
charged full value).
Meanwhile, the Chinese armies were kept
in reserve in Manchuria, in case the plans
miscarried. And the Kremlin, for its part,
promised the Chinese to intervene with the
Soviet Siberian air force if China itself were
attacked. The plans of course did miscarry,
and Mao, fulfilling his part of the bargain,
sent in his best Chinese troops. But it is a
striking fact that since the Chinese inter-
vention, the Chinese have been fighting al-
most barehanded, with none of the equip-
ment which the Russians initially supplied
to the North Koreans.
* * * *
IN VIEW of the foregoing, a reasonable
interpretation of the Russian diplomat's
remarks is about as follows:
First, it is the primary Soviet objective if
possible to persuade this country and its
allies that no settlement of the Korean war
is possible, and that the war. is therefore
endless and hopeless. If the U.N. forces
now withdraw, the Kremlin will have en-
joyed a marvelously cheap victory.
Yet if the U.N. forces do not withdraw,
and the Chinese are defeated, it is a
secondary Soviet objective to make as
certain as possible that the U.N. forces
do not take action which would make it
necessary for Stalin to honor his bargain
with China, and intervene openly.
Finally, it is clear that the Russians are
extraordinarily reluctant so to strengthen
the Chinese Communists, with aircraft and
heavy weapons, that the Chinese might be-
come in fact supreme in Asia.
"Technical assistance" is no substitute for
this sort of equipment, which Chinese indus-
try cannot conceivably produce in the fore-
seeable future.
The fact is that the Chinese have been
playing Russia's game in Korea, with no
compensating advantages to the Chinese.
If the current offensive fails, the Chinese
will then have no alternative but to admit
failure, or to commit all China's by no
means inexhaustible reserves of trained
military manpower to Korea, in an at-
tempt to drown superior U.N. firepower
in human blood.
The Chinese communist leaders are any-
thing but fools, and they must be fully
aware that the Chinese are paying the piper
while the Russians call the tune. A settle-
ment becomes possible when it is in the'
interests of both sides to settle. This is why
it is still hoped that the Chinese will eventu-
ally cease to play Russia's game in Korea,
and will become willing to settle on reason-
able terms. This hope may well be dashed
-the Chinese may by now be left without
a shred of independence. But there is no
reason to assume that the hope is forlorn,
if the U.N. stands firm.
(Copyright, 1951, New York Herald Tribune Inc.)
Signs of the Times
F THE DAILY followed the tradition of a
large New York paper and printed its
own "signs of the times" it might include
the following observation made by a Univer-
sity graduate student.
The student who was passing one of
the exclusive hotel shops in downtown
Detroit noticed in a display window a
modern childrens' savings bank. It was a
miniature model of the modern slot ma-
chine, known to many as "one armed
As the student pointed out with amused
disgust, "The small china piggy bank which
helped to teach thrift to the kids of agricul-
tural America has been replaced by a slick,
dime grabbing slot machine characteristic
Labor and
WASHINGTON--The political consequenc-
es of labor's walkout on the mobiliza-
tion program are the subject of anxious de-
bate among democrats. They do not perceive
much that can be done until chief mobilizer
Charles E. Wilson, with or without Presi-
dent Truman's help, patches up some kind
of truce with the angry labor leaders.
It is far too early, of course, to fore-
cast what will happen; so much will de-
pend upon events and also upon the kind
of candidate nominated by the major
parties. But what form independent poli-
tical action by labor might take and what
politician who is getting into position to
take advantage of it are fairly clear.
Labor's gripe against the Truman form of
mobilization is more than a dispute about
wage stabilization, more even than a con-
test over manpower allocations, as contended
by Mr. Wilson. It is a basic distrust of a
mobilization entrusted, as they see it, wholly
to business oriented solely to military needs.
* * *
THE MAN who has been expressing this
precise distrust is Sen. Wayne Morse of
Oregon, the Republican Maverick. Senator
Morse has almost monopolized the Senate
floor this week with a sustained attack on
those provisions of the manpower program
which, as he sees it, give the military too
mueh rope. After repeated setbacks, he fin-
ally sparked a limitation on the size of the
armed forces.
Senator Morse's maneuvers, immensely
tiring to the press galleries, stem from his
intense conviction that the military pow-
er is growing out of all proportion to the
economic, political and social control
exerted by Congress and the executive
branch. He believes the military is ask-
ing for too much and that too little is
being done to protect and guard civilian
Unlike Senator Taft, who shares some of
his sentiments about the military, Senator
Morse is a thorough internationalist. H has
a long record of support for international
action and in general supports the social
and economic reforms grouped under the
Fair Deal label.
Others beside Senator Morse feel that
mobilization is over-emphasizing the mili-
tary aspect. Sen. Hubert Humphrey of Min-
nesota puts it that: "On the military side,
we act as if we were at war all right but,
in other fields like price control, taxes and
so on, we act as if we were in an amateur
boxing match."
* * .
ing a United Nations meeting in Chi-
cago, declared that if his party nominated
an isolationist he would take a long walk
out of it. He went on to talk about what
Senator Morse stood for.
The senator is a labor favorite and for-
mer member of the National War Labor
board. He has been at odds with the Taft
leadership and was bitter last January
when he felt they had deprived him of a
seat on the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee for which Senator Vandenberg
supported him.
In another provocative angle of the situ-
ation, the powerful farm organizations are
reported to be dickering about putting one
of their spokesmen also at Mr. Wilson's
right hand. They say that the farmer does-
n't want to be the fall guy, either, in mo-
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
"Now I See How Airpower Can Defeat A Country"
Honesty Course...
To the Editor:
1 PROPOSE a revision in requir-
ed courses for freshmen; name-
ly, a switch from requiring them
to attend hygiene lectures to lec-
tures on ethics. I refer in particu-
lar to honesty. This is not meant
as an affront to the freshmen,
but rather it is aimed at all stu-
dents who may lack such a goodly
During the past semester we
have had numerous cases of un-
lawfulness on the campus. These
ranged anywhere from gambling'
to "peeping Toms." It is not only
of these more publicized wrongs
of which I speak, but of the many
more we don't hear about. Within
one week, yes, one week, I have
had no less than twenty-three
dollars of personal property stolen.
from me. The first of these thefts
occurred a week ago while I was
working during the lunch hour at
one of the resident halls on cam-
pus. Part of the fault lies in the
accommodations the University
has for its student employees. For
the fourteen men studentsthat
work with me, we are gifted to
have four regulation size lockers
with no locks. Work in the kitch-
en of a resident hall requires that
one remove his school clothing in
favor of more suitable apparel.
Arrangements have been made for
leaving our billfolds and watches
in the dietician's office, but what
of our shoes, etc. You guessed it.
A pair of nineteen dollar corda-
van crepe-soled oxfords was the
victim to some wanton soul. I,
don't believe it wasnone of the
girls unless she had a barefoot fi-
ancee running about campus.
The second theft happened to-
day; this was of lesser value than
the first. I am very thankful oth-
erwise I would have to apply to
the R.F.C. for a loan to finish out
the semester. The theft today was
a mere textbook-a new four dol-
lar textbook. The thievery oc-
curred in the School of Business
Administration during the lunch
hour. When I first entered the
school in the fall of 1950 I was
under the impression that stu-
dents of business as well as busi-
nessmen were guided by an un-
written code of ethics in regards
to the observance of verbal con-
tracts, the reliability on one's
word, honesty etc. Perhaps it
would be a good idea to incorpor-
ate such a course as I have pro-
posed in our curriculum as well.
We all recognize, I am sure, the
great expense involved in attend-
ing college and for some of us it
is not an easy job. I am of the
opinion that the theft of property
is of equal importance to the
theft of money and at times more
serious because of sentimental at-
around the East Quad, at least.
It is now against regulations be-
cause too many windows have
been broken in the past. At first
glance, it seems like a sensible
ruling, but further inspection re-
veals it is unfair.
When the fellows finish eating
their evening meal, many of them
like to take advantage of the lin-
gering daylight and warm weather
by spending a few minutes tossing
a baseball back and forth. This
spring they will have to go either
to Palmer Field or to the Intra-
mural Building. There is abso-
lutely no place nearby for fifteen
or thirty minutes of such pleasure.
No one is going to trudge down
to the IM Building. No, they will
just stop playing catch after sup-
per. And they ,will go right on
griping and finding more faults
with the University.
It seems to me that such games
should be permitted despite the
possibilities of ,broken windows.
Someone may argue that it costs
money to repair windows. That
is true, but as long as the Univer-
sity did not see fit to provide the
Quad with adequate playing space
as they did when they built the
women's residences, surely they
can afford to pay for broken
windows in the Quad. The Uni-
versity does not have to pay any
upkeep for a playground, and re-
placing windows is cheaper, isn't
it. When you think that the Uni-
versity completely failed to pro-
vide outdoor recreational facili-
ties at the East Quad (as well as
at the West Quad, and only a roof
playground at the South Quad),
it seems as though they could
compensate for that mistake by
allowing the men the opportunity
of playing catch on Quad property
and footing the bill for windows.
-Roy Wilson
* * *
called so that we can hurry up
and win in Korea.
I have no doubt that the facts
I have set forth so far have sham-
ed many sof you into seeing the
error of your ways. And I view
the shocking situation that now
exists on campus (i.e., actually ad-
mitting to another human being
that you are glad you haven't
been drafted), with alarm. From
such a completely impartialr
standpoint, I have been moved to
issue the following bits of advice
to you Dregs of Society:
1. Enlist immediately.
2. Argue if the physician classes
you as 4-F.
3. Write a "Letter to the Edi-
tor," proudly proclaiming how you
have reformed.
4. Get out and fight!
And now, with the above pub-
licly proclaimed, I hope I have
done my little bit, as an involun-
tary Air Force Reservist ("Off we
go . . . ") to sweep this worthy
cause along to incrediblesheights
of untold grandeur. Please ... 1
don't thank me.
-Stan Challis, USAFR
P.S. By the way, Messrs, Stegner
and Pike, what is your draft sta-
Union Cafeteria . .
To the Editor:
BELIEVE it is obvious to every
.student and faculty member
that the Michigan Union falls far
short of the standards set by the
University of Michigan. Situated
in a locale which is regarded as
one of the medical meccas of the
world, At seems incongruous that
the filth and unsanitary condi-
tions which prevail in the UnionI
cafeteria should be treated with
such indifference. I think that,
it must. be said in fairness to thet
student employees of the Union,
they are a representative and nor-
mal group and that the fault must
lie elsewhere. Where else can it
lie but in the casual, incompetent,
irrelevant, and total inadequacy
of the cafeteria management and
of the Union in general? Whereas
the flagrant disregard for clean-
liness is apparent in the cafeteria,
so, too, are offices lacking in other
departments. Even the most mini-
mal business enterprises will give
more consideration to personal
relationships than is attempted at
the main desk.
It seems that Union member-
ship might just as well be entered
as a liability rather than an asset
in the student's ledger. Any stu-
dent who cares to take the ti~e
to read the propaganda pamphlets
issued by the Union board and
weigh them against the prevailing
attitudes and conditions will findy
them the acme of hypocrisy.
-George Charatis
SAC Motion
To the Editor:
THE SAC HAS placed itself in a
rather tenuous position. A p-
sition which is analogous to that
of the prohibitinists in their work
during the twenties.
The SAC has made a law which,
if assented to byiPresident Ruth-
yen, will prohibit most national
fraternities to have chapters on
this campus. In its stand on the
question of racial and religious
discriminatory clauses in the char-
ters of fraternities the SAC is as
morally right as the prohibition-
ists are in their feelings about the
use of alcohol as a beverage.
The prohibitionists were so
strongly moved on this matter that
they caused an amendment to be
made to our national Constitu-
tion, which amendment prohibited
the use of alcohol as a beverage.
The question, we know, is deeper
than that. It is that the prohi-
bitionists felt it was morally wrong
to drink alcohol; that by so do-
ing, a person rendered himself in-
capable of rational thinking.
The SAC has started on an im-
possible task. The SAC is endeav-
oring to legislate morals. I say.
impossible because morals are in-
herent and cannot be subjected
to'the transient will of a particu-
lar group.
I am not questioning the moral
stand of the SAC. I am trying to
point out that it is usurping an
inherent right over which it has
no power. That it is prostituting
the legislative powers given it by
the students. In dime, it will be
forced to rescind its move and will
be relegated to the position the
prohibitionists hold today.
--John Brennan
* * * *
SAC' Motion
To the Editor:
WHILE I DO NOT question the
good intentions of those mem-
bers of the Student Affairs Com-
mittee and the Student Legislature
who were responsible for the ap-
proval of the bill requiring fra-
ternities to oust discriminatory
clauses from their constitutions I
Student Draft .
(Copyright, 1951, by the
Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
At The State
U. S.SENATE LEADERS have been shock-
ed by a Wayne County AF of L demand
that Michigan's senior Senator Arthur Van-
denberg retire. They have termed the pro-
posal unworthy and shocking.
There should be no shock on anyone's
part, however. The Senators should have
known that before much longer someone
was bound to complain that this state
has been under-represented for too long.
The state legislature must have foreseen
some such action-last Friday the House
of Representatives began work on a bill to
deprive the Governor of the right to fill
senatorial vacancies with appointees.
The present move on the part of local
labor has been termed a purely political ac-
tion by Sen. Tom Connoly (D-Tex). Sup-
posedly Gov. Williams would fill the empty
senate seat with a Democrat. This, the in-
dignant senators feel is a direct insult to
the man who members of both parties re-
spect. Furthermore they say that his bi-
partisan attitude is greatly needed in a Sen-
ate that, is becoming more and more parti-
But these critics of the AF of L scheme
let their loyalty to Sen. Vandenberg inter-
fere with a rational judgement of the plan.
If Sen. Vandenberg were to stipulate that
he "would pick his successor, it seems quite
likely that his wish would be followed by
.. m X~ilim a . f r~- - - - 1_ 111.1 il1,
* * *
THE STEEL HELMET, with Gene Evans,
Steve Brodie, and James Edwards
T HE RACE to get the Korean war
(other than newsreel) has been
on film
won by
the small independents who have already
turned up with three pictures capitalizing
on the conflict. The Steel Helmet, allegedly
the best so far, unfortunately lacks any real
class, however, and leaves lots of room for the
product that can go the distance.
Small budget war pictures, always a diffi-
cult thing to do well, are in especial need of
first-rate writing and direction, and Samuel
Fuller, who does both jobs here, in addition
to that of producer, too frequently falls short.
Handicapped by obvious studio sets and a
long confinement of the action in a Buddhist
temple, effective situations more often than
not are offset by too slangy dialogue, poor
timing, or both. The climactic battle with the
enemy has the personal, limited aura of
Chicago cops-and-robbers.
Enhancing most of the good scenes of
the picture is Gene Evans, playing a ser-
geant of the Whitmore type. Whether
eating watermelon or crawling through a
field of machine-gunned soldiers with his
hands tied behind his back, he makes the
.- 4 -+ f h- iri nr -ttitiuc .-m -.w
To the Editor:
I WAS STRUCK with a revolting
realization, after reading the
letter from Mssrs. Stegner and
Pike in Wednesday's "Daily," of
how right they are! The letter
concerned the shocking manner in
which campus draft-bait have op-
enly admitted a strong desire not
to serve their country. And this
letter is directed at all "campus
intelligentsia" who have not yet
been "nailed" by Uncle Sam. Why
don't all of you get out and fight
and stop hiding behind the pages
of your Slater's texts? Why don't
you fellas in Law and Med school
admit that the only reason you're
in school is to shirk your respon-
sibility and waste the valuable
time that you might be drilling on
a field or pulling a trigger in Ko-
rea for the "Cause"? Sure, Society
approves of your schooling, but
that's only because they are not
aware of your ulterior motives.
And don't tell me that the 'draft
boards are deferring college stu-
dents for a good reason. It's all
the work of some influential Re-
publican'. . . . I think.
Also, I think that if you knew
why you were being drafted, you
wouldn't have the nerve to shout
about yourselves from the Caril-
lon. You're being called now so
that Mom and Dad won't have to
serve later. Ya see? You're being
tachment-rocks and stones
my bare feet. What do you
-J. Lloyd Nault, Bus.Ad. '52
. M
Spring Sports -.
To the Editor:
QPRING IS almost here. Along
with its arrival comes frequent
strolls through the arboretum,
sunbathing, and playing catch.
Catch, did I say? I'm sorry,-there
won't be any games of catch, not
Just in time, Jane! My
Fairy Godfather is going "Shambles. Sharks.
t wave hi manic cigar! hehhvann i heA.
[Here we are ...."Sheets, cotton: Three Waves
of a magic wand" ... That's al! this "Fairy
Godfathers' Handy Pocket Guide" says about