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March 13, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-03-13

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Latest Deadline in the State

VO. LXI, No. 110



Allied Troops Roll Against Retreatin

g Reds

Tells AtomnI
4Spy Activity
A-Bomb Secrets
' Given to Russians

To Spea

k Today


Madame Vijaya Lakshima Pand
States, will speak at 4:15 p.m. today
Place of Gandhi in the Modern Worl
Her speech will follow the pre
to the University.

NEWYORK - (R) - A former . *
atomic employe testified yesterday PRESIDENT RUTHVEN said ye
he gave an alleged Rusian'spy ring to have Madame Pandit at the Univ
a description of an atom bomb that "took a leading part in her countr
superseded the Hiroshima model-"
and that the ring also obtained in- ence.
formation on a fabulous space ship.
David Greenglass, 29, himself a , '-
confessed spy, related the space FC Steel
project story just before the end of
yesterday's surprise-packed session}
of the nation's first atom bomb
trial.Fraud Told
spy trial. 1
enberg, 33 year old, his wife, Ethel,e
years old, are charged with con- B
spiring to spy for Russia in war-
time-an offense carrying a pos- WASHINGTON - (P)--- Joseph,
sible death penalty. Rosenbaum, Washington attorney,,
Greenglass said it was only a disclosed yesterday that a firm
month after the first atom bomb which he and E. Merl Young held
was dropped on Hiroshima that an option to buy made a quick
he gave Rosenberg a description $75,000 to $80,000 profit on a steel
of a newer type atom bomb. deal last fall.
He said he obtained the informa- Senator C a p e h a r t (R-Ind.)
tion while working on the highly- shouted it was a "pay-off" and
secret atomic project at Los Ala- somebody got $75,000 for doing
mos, N.M. nothing."
THE NEWS that alleged Russian ROSENBAUM described the in-
spies possessed American informa- tricate transaction to a Senate
tion on a post-Hiroshima bomb Banking subcommittee investigat-
was only one of a number of sur-. ing Reconstruction Finance Cor-
prises in Greenglass' testimony. poration lending policies which,
Rosenberg told Greenglass that the subcommittee charges, were
he had taken a *proximity fuse swayed by outside influence. Both
while working as a signal corps Rosenbaum and Ydung, husband of
inspector at a radio plant and had a White House stenographer, have
given it to the Russians, the spy figured in the inquiry.
said. Before Rosenbaum took the
Greenglass said he gave con- stand, former Rep. Joseph E.
fessed atom spy Harry Gold and Casey (D-Mass.) told of making
Rosenberc sketches of a highly- a tax-free profit of $250,000 on
crnfidential °°ith explosive len. a .20,00G investment in a plan
roud vitel in the manufacture of of buying ships from the U.S.
> i bombs. Maritime Commission and leas-
ing them to Standard Oil of New
P Jersey.
onse But Casey, now a Washington
te Cplawyer, swore he had no part in}
_01W7" 9any "web of influence" operating'
e sUJMT in in the government.
* * *

it, Indian abassador to the United
in Rackham Lecture Hall on "The
esentation of the Gandhi Library
* *
sterday that he was highly pleased
versity. "Madam Pandit," he said,
Y's struggle for political independ-
"This is not her first-or we
trust her last-visit to Ann Ar-
bor, so that we know her not
only by reputation but by our
own experience, as a most en-
lightened, gifted, and thorough-
ly delightful representative of
her people.
Madam Pandit, a sister of In-
dia's Prime Minister Jawaharial
Nehru, is arriv:iig at Willow Run
by ptane from Washington, ac-
companied by Prof. M. S. Sun-
daram, First Secretary of the In-
dian Embassy's Education Depart-
* * *
planning to give her a warm re-
ception. At 10:30 a.m., Madam
Pandit will be greeted by Presi-
dent Ruthven and Provost James
P. Adams.
This will be followed by a re-
corded interview with the In-
dian ambassador over WUOM.
Members.of the faculty will then
conduct Madame Pandit on a
sight-seeing drive around the
Later, Madame Pandit will meet
other University officers at a
luncheon in the Union. Some stu-
dents will have the opportunity of
meeting Madame Pandit at a din-
ner in 'the Union, sponsored by
the Indian Students Association
and the StuderA -Religious Asso-
ciation. And at 8 p.m., Madame
Pandit is expected to .meet with.
Indian students at the Interna-
tional Center.

Ike Predicts
Reds May
Face Revolt
Satellite Uprisiiig
Seen If War Hits
Dwight D. Eisenhower has told
Congress that Russia may face re-,
volt within her satellites if she
starts an all-out war.
Eisenhower said in testimony at
a closed session of the Senate For-
eign Relations and Armed Services
Committees Feb. 1 that "our en-
lightened 150,000,000 people can
still whip 190,000 i00 backward
people" in Russia if war comes.
* * *
URGING the approval of Ameri-
can participation in a Western
European Army, the general said
that if 12 American divisions were
given sufficient air and sea sup-
port, they could hold the Breton
Peninsula of Southwest France
against any Russian attack.
The two Senate committees
will reconsider today resolutions
okaying the sending of more
United States ground troops to
join the North Atlantic Pact
forces Eisenhower commands.
Supporters want to clarify the!
resolutions to approve specifically
the dispatch of our divisions and!
to provide for Congressional con-
sideration of any future troop as-
ONE OF THE arguments against
sending any United States troops
has been that Russia could over-
run the continent and might thus
destroy a large segment of Ameri-
can forces.
The five star general told com-
inittee members that the Soviet
imasters in the Kremlin would be
"really fools' to start a general
war now,
Instead of getting expected help
froi satellites, Eisenhower said

-Daily-Burt Sapowitch
LAWYER DISSENTS-William B. Lynch, '52L, didn't agree with the conclusions of the Committee
to save Willie McGee. Yesterday at an open meeting at Lane Hall s.ponsored by the committee,
Lynch rose and defended the United States Supreme Court for refusing to review McGee's case.
Urged on by the audience, Lynch took the platform. Asked what his name was, he replied, "My
name is Lynch." The reply evoked such an uproar that it was several moments before Lynch cofld
continue his arguments.
* Mc eei itR * * * * *
Mrs. Mc ee HeardI inSormy Rll

Foe's Losses
Hit 35,000
In Offensive
UN Only 25 Miles
From 38th Line-
TOKYO - (A) - Three United
Nations columns pushed within
sight of the Chinese bastion at
Hongchon yesterday as Red re-
sistance melted along the Korean
Allied officers were at a loss to
explain the sudden Red withdraw-
al. Both Chinese and North Kor-
ean troops pulled back from com-
manding high points they had
fought bitterly to hold last week.
The Communist pullback was
general along a 75-mile line ex-
tending from the Pukhan River in
the west. to allied-occupied Soksa
in the east.
IT BEGAN gathering impetus
yesterday under allied blows which
included a record of 774 sorties by
U.S. Fifth Air Force fighters and
Fighter-bombers caught 1,000
Reds retreating northwest of
Changpyong. Pilots estimate
they killed 80 per cent of them.
Spokesmen estimated that the
losses of the Reds in six days of
the new allied offensive mounted
to 35,000 men.
* * *
ON THE EAST-Central front,
U.S. Seventh Division troops cap-
tured stony, mile-high Mount
Taemi without a shot. The Amer-
icans had been forced to with-
draw from the same heights Sat-
urday by withering Red gunfire.
This was one of the three points
where United Nation's troops
were within 25 miles of the 38th
In the West, American 25th
Division armored flame-throw-
er patrols lashed out more than
ten miles north of the Han
River without contacting organ-
ized Red forces. Their sector
was 15 miles east of Red-held
U.S. Marines in the center of
the 15-mile-wide front seized tthe
last iidgeline before Hongchon.
They spent Monday night on a
3,000 foot hill commanding a vital
pass leading into the Hongchon
Valley. Leathernecks had ex-
pected "quite a battle" before
pushing 5,000 yards from the
southeast into the mountain pass
area, front dispatches said.
* * *
Ridgway Sees
Victory if War
Ends at 38th

"My husband didn't attack Mrs.,
Hawkins and I know he didn't."
With these words, spoken calmly*
but firmly, Mrs. Willie McGee
defended her husband yesterday
afternoon and asked for help in
saving him from Mississippi's elec-
tric chair.k
Addressing an attentive but par-
tially skeptical audience in a sec-
ond floor Lane Hall lecture room,
Mrs. McGee said she was "touring
this country for all the Negropeo-
ple, for this Jim Crow justice is
happening all over the land."
SOME 200 PERSONS crowded
into the room to hear Mrs. McGee
and to "get the facts" surrounding
her husband's sentence to death
March 20.
Orderly at first, the meeting
had moments of. chaos toward
the end as members of the audi-
ence engaged in 45 heated min-
utes of argument among them-
selves and with the speakers.

Getting off to a late start, the
meeting was opened at 4:30 p.m.
by Lee Winneg, '51 of the Student
Religious Association, who assert-
ed that McGee, convicted of rape
in Mississippi, had suffered a "mis-
carriage of justice."
Valerie Cowen, '54, chairman
of the campus "Committee to
save Willie McGee," then told
what she said were the facts of
the case and urged the audience
to sign some mimeographed post
cards to President Truman ask-
ing him to intervene.
* Lane Hall director DeWitt C:
Baldwin spoke briefly. He said he
wanted "to see justice done" and
emphasized the need for viewing
the case without emotion.
* * , *
IT WAS not until 4:50 p.m. that
Mrs. McGee arrived from Detroit,
accompanied by an official of the
Civil Rights Congress, a group pro-
viding legal assistance for McGee.
When both had addressed the

group, two ladies rose from the
audience, walked to the stage
and placed dollar bills at Mrs.
McGee's feet. A total of $26
was collected at the meeting.
After the speeches the audience
took over and engaged in a verbal
free for .all.
* * *
THE MEETING reached a peak
of confusion when a group of law
students, headed by Bill Lynch,
'52L, and Bob Porter, '52L, charged
that persons questioning McGee's
guilt are in fact denying the worth
of the American judicial system.
"The issue here should be
whether McGee deserves the
death penalty, not whether he is
guilty," they asserted. "His guilt
** *


New Draft Bill CASEY APPEARED voluntarily
before the subcommittee as a self-
styled "injured party," contending
WASHINGTON - ()-- The his reputation had been damaged
House Armed Services Committee by references to him by the sub-
yesterday approved Universal Mil- committee.
itary Training as a part of the
* new draft bill.
The committee also went on Re .istration
record in favor of drafting young
{ men at the age of 181/2-instead T l s,
tee' srvie t 26monhs. To Cdose TodayT
of 19, as now-and extending draf-y
tees' service to 26 months.
Also approved was a provision Today is the last day Ann Ar-
to give draftees six months of bor residents may register to vote
training before they are assigned Irn the April 2 election.
to combat areas outside the Unit- itye rkp r edtJ.
ed States. City Clerk Fred J. Looker has
Chairman Visoannounced that his office in the
nChairman Vinson (D-Gat told City Hall will be open until 8 p.m.
newsmen he expects to get the otkcref atmnergi-
legislation through committee by to take care of last minute regis-
tomorrow and passed in the House
before the Easter recess begin- Students from out of state
' ping March 22. should write to their county clerk
The Senate has already passed for information concerning absen-
its own draft bill, permitting in- tee voting. All states will not hold
duction at 18, with 24 months their elections on April 2-this is
service. Differences between the the date for spring voting in
Senate and House versions will Michigan.
go to a conference for settlement. , On the ballot locally will be
Vinson said the House commit- candidates for mayor, council
tee today will consider the pro- president, and representatives to
posed 4,000,000-man ceiling on the the county Board of Supervisors.
armed forces, along with a pro- The statewide balloting will be
vision saying that the draft is to for two members each to the
end by July 1, 1954. Board of Regents, the Board of
* * * - Agriculture (MSC's governing

* * * the Russians might find these
THE IDEA for a Gandhi Li- border states "one of their great-
brary was originated by the In- est sources of weakness."
dian Students Association after * * *
the death of the Indian philoso- "I DO NOT THINK the Russians
pher and leader. in five short years have been able
The Indian students with the to put all of this stuff together and
help of Indian Nationals in De- feel quite happy about it," the
troit and Chicago as well as the general said, referring to the mili-
staff of the Indian Embassy in tary potential of Iron Curtain
Washington collected, s o m e countries.
books about Gandhi in addition Eisenhowere said he thinks "dis-
to obtaining $500 to add to the sident elements all the way from
library. the Balkans right up to the Baltic
..K. N. Sahaya, president of the will rise."
India Students Association, will "The Latvians hate the Russians
present the check to Madame like the devil hates holy water-
Pandit, who will in turn present pardon me, I didn't mean that,"
it to President Ruthven, he testified.
*~ * *


Election Machinery Starts
As Ten Petition for Offices


THE PURPOSE of the Gandhi
Memorial Project is to present to
the University the books written
by Gandhi and his colleagues and
the books written in many langu-
ages about his life and works.
Books about the various aspects
of Indian culture are also includ-
The Gandhi Memorial Library
will be a self-perpetuating project.
It is hoped that new Indian stu-
dents to the University will con-
tribute to the Library funds, while
those students returning to India
are expected to promote the proj-
ect among their countrymen.
Madame Pandit was appointed
U.S. ambassador on March 16,
1949. Prior to that time she
served as chairman. of the In-
dian delegation to the United Na-
tions and later as Ambassador to
the Soviet Union.

World News
By The Associated Press
Court condemned Alger Hiss to a
five-year jail term yesterday by
rejecting his appeal from a perjury
* * *
dition of . Senator Arthur H.
Vandenberg took another turn
for the worse yesterday.
* * *
TEHRAN, Iran - Hussein Ala,
the little diplomat who defied
Russia's first aggressive move in
Azerbaijan after the second world
war, stepped in yesterday as prime
minister of fearful Iran.

A total of ten petitions for var-
ious student offices went out yes-
terday, as the spring campus elec-
tion machinery began to roll once
According to Spider Webb, '52,
chairman of the Student Legisla-
ture Citizenship Committee, ap-
proximately 60 offices must be fill-
ed in the election, scheduled for,
AprV 24 and 25. Deadline to pick
up the petitions, available at the
SL House, 122 S. Forest, is March
21. They must all be turned in by
March 23.
* * ' *
ALTHOUGH the figure is not
certain yet, about 25 SL seats will
be open. The SL constitution calls
for a member for every 800 stu-
dents on campus.
Nine sophomores will be cho-
sen for next year's J-Hop Com-

mittee, in the first J-Hop elec-
tion to be held in the spring.
Inste.ad of the us'ual Hare Sys-
tem, used for the SL race, the
J-Hop Committee will be picked
by straight nine-X ballots.
Class officers for each engineer-
ing college class and the senior
literary college class will be se-
lected. Six union vice-presidential
posts are to be filled by men rep-
resenting each school or cWabina-
tion of schools in the University.
* ,: *
A STUDENT position on the
Board in Control of Inter-Colle-
giate Athletics is also open.
SL petitions must be filled with
150 signatures, those for the
Board in Control of Inter-Colle-
giate Athletics with 300, and all
others with 50.

-Daily-Burt Sapowitch
... asks help for husband
* * *
was determined in three trials,
the last of which even the U.S.
Supreme Court refused to call,
A number of those present con-
tended, however, that even the
third trial was conducted in an at-
mosphere of mob violence, and
that McGee deserves a new trial.
Spectator Annette Silk asserted
that a government of laws and not
men such as ours doesn't mean the
people should never intervene.
" The gathering broke up at 6 p.m.
but some stayed around awhile
to listen in on scattered arguments
in the hallways and on the front

Units Called
By AirGuard
WASHINGTON-(A')The bulk of"
the Air National Guard will be on
active duty by the end of this year,
wbm the last aircraft control and
warning, group reports for service.
The Air Force outlined yesterday
the recall program for the Air
Guard, listing 19 non-flying units
with a strength of about 10,000
officers and men which will be
brought into service gradually over
the next nine months.
The Air Force had previously

body), the state Supreme Court
and on three amendments to the

-Lt. Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway,
United States Eighth Army Com-
mander, said yesterday he felt an
end of the Korean War at the
38th parallel "would be a tremen-
dous victory for the United Na-
Ridgway quickly added he knew
of no plan for ending the war on
that onetime dividing line between
Communist North and Republican
South Korea.
Communist China's failure to
drive United Nations forces from
Korea, he also told a news con-
ference, "would be a defeat for
her of incalculable importance."
Ridgway's statements appeared
to contrast with one only last
Wednesday by General MacAr-
thur, who said that under present
conditions, "the battle line cannot
fail in time to reach a theoretical
point of stalemate."
MacArthur said the Chinese
Reds had no more than "an al-
most hopeless chance of ultimate
military success." MacArthur al-
so said that further allied ad-
vances "would ; militarily bene-
fit the enemy more than it would
ourselves"-if the UN did not put
more forces into the field and con- -
tinued to ban 'air attacks on the
enemy's Manchurian "sanctuary."
Ridgway told corresepondents,
"The allied ground, sea and air
forces have let a lot of air out of


Gustavson Gives Keynote Address for Religion In Life Week

* * *


Talk Relates Science, Religion

Seminars, Services Scheduled for Today


"Man must relate his basic de-
sire to create and share to his pro-
gress in the physical, biological and

He must use the assumption that
life is of high value when making
these decisions," he added.

Religion in Life Week observ-
ances will continue today with a
program of seminars and services.

ertson, assistant dean of the Uni-
Mrs. Harrison S. Elliott, see-

Grand Rapids will lead the latter
These meetings will take. place

.F FxWw, 'T

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