4I THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 11, 1951 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Daily Official. Bulletin is an composed of the Vice-Prsident (Wilcox), for Airplane Pilot, closing date March' ministration Building as soon as pos- publication of the University and two Members-at-Large of the Cabi- 21; and Psychologist Trainee, Psycholo- sible. dlgan for which the Michigan net (Ball, McIntyre) with the Vice- gist I thru III, salaries $2640 to $5520, ssumes no editorial responsi- President acting as chairman. closing date March 21. German 2: Beginning Tues., March Publication in it is construc- 3. This special sub-committee of the For further information concerning 13, Mr. Seymour's review sessions will ice to all members of the Uni- Cabinet shall have complete jurisdiction the above announcements call at the meet Tuesday and Thursday at 7:30 Notices should be sent in over the ad hoc committee, regulating Bureau of Appointments, Room 3528, p.m., Room 109, Tappan. ' RIUTTEN form to Room 2552 it according to University rules, and Administration Bldg. stration Building, by 3 p.m. on shall use the following outline as a Aero-Thermodynamics Seminar: Tues., preceding publication (11 a.- guide. Personnel Interviews: March 13, 3:45 p.m., Room 1504 E. Engi- Lrdays). a. There shall be no reference to the Thursday, March 15, Dr. Paul Wil- neering Bldg. Mr. H. F. Allen and Mr. Student Legislature in any connection llams will be interviewing for the fol- M. A. Brull, Instructors in Aeronautical U , A ,hoccommittee.lowing companies: The Youngstown Engineering will speak on "Structural VOL. LXI, No. 109 Sheet and Tube Company need me- Problems Resulting from Aerodynamic b. The ad hoc committee shall sub- chanical, chemical, and metallurgical Heating." Visitors welcome. Not esmit to the Student Legislature Cabi- engineers for production; industrial or sub-committee a complte out- mechanical engineers for industrial Complex Variables Seminar: Tues., t Tea: President and Mrs. line of the program, structure, and engineering; engineering graduate who March 13, 2:30 p.m., Room 2013, Angell will be at hom'e to students personnel of the group. has taken a further degree with a ma- Hall. Miss Jean Wallach will speak on o 6 o'clock on Wed., Mar. 14. c. The ad hoc committee shall take jor in accounting, or man with three "Fatou's Theorem." no actin without the specific ap- years of engineering who has trans- an -Sophomore Natural Re- proval of the Student Legislature ferred to accounting. These positions Geometry Seminar: Tues., March 13, onference: Mon., Mar. 12, 7:30 Cabinet sub-committee. will be in Youngstown, Ohio, or Chi- 3 p.m., Room 3001, Angell Hall. Pro- om 2039, Natural Science cago. fessor Rainich will continue his talk tendance required of Fresh- Employment: Mr. C. D. Pence of The Emco Corporation, Salt Lake on "Residues in Curved Spaces." dphomores and new transfer Westinghouse Electric Corporation will City, the world's largest manufacturers urged to attend. Subject: "Job conduct a Group Meeting for June of underground rock loading equip- Set Theory Seminar: Mon., March 12, nities in Forestry." graduates in Engineering, Physics and ment, need mechanical and civil en- 3 p.m., Room 2016, Angell Hall. Mr. Chemistry who are interested in em- gineers for sales in this country and Seymour Ginsburg will continue di- tionsforulbrghtLecturi ployment with the Company, on Mon., in South America; chemical engineers cussing Oriented Families. Dndesearch AardLecturing Mar. 12, 5 p.m., Room 348, W. Engineer- for application engineering and re-- anced Research Awards for the ing Bldg. search; chemical and metallurgical en- Doctoral Examination for Henry J. year, 1952-53, are due April gineers for production; mechanical en- Gomberg, Electrical Engineering; the- ustralia, New Zealand, India, Personnel Requests: gineers for design and development; sis: "A High-Resolution System of Philippines, Burma, and The Trane Company, La Crosse, Wis- advertising artists. Positions except for Autoradiography," Mon., Mar. 12, Room L. The academic year in these consin, has an opening in their Heat sales will be in Salt Lake or New York. 2518, E. Engineering Bldg., 2 p.m. Chair- s begins in the spring or early Transfer Sales Department for an as- Ortho Pharmaceutical Corporation, man, S. S. Attwood. Further information on these sistant to the department manager. Raritan, New Jersey, needs liberal arts ities may be obtained at the Chemical engineers are preferred, but graduates with premedical, zoology, Psychology Colloquium: Mon., March ftiie Graduate School. any engineering degree will be accepted. physical education, or pharmacy ma- 12, 4:15 p.m., Lane Hall. Dr. Earl D. The General Tire & Rubber Com- jors for technical sales. These posi- Schubert, Professor of Speech. "Com- a Students: Late permission for pany, Akron, Ohio, announces a pro- tions are for various places in the munication through the Skin." Every- students who attended "The gram of executive training. Mechani- country, one interested welcome.- lute" on Thurs., March 8 will cal, chemical, electrical, and industrial The Ethicon Suture Laboratories, Di- er than 11:25 p.m. engineers are preferred. vision of Johnson & Johnson, NewCo c t The United States Civil Service Com- Brunswick, New Jersey, have openingsCr ts on Ad Hoc Committees: The mission announces examinations for for business administration or liberal Heifetz, world-renowned violinist, will of the 'Student Legislature, in a Junior Engineer and a Junior Chemist. arts graduates in semi-technical sales; appear if the ninth concert in the e of the Student Legislature These positions will be in Illinois, chemists for research on all levels; Chorar in S erisW n e f March 7, 1951, extends regu- Michigan and Wisconsin. Grades GS-5 bacteriologist with master's degree. oring. March 14, atres8:3iWedn yAudi- tthority of the Student Legisla- and GS-7. For further information and appoint- torium. Mr. Heifetz, with Emanuel Bay allow the Committee to Save The Army Map Service is currently ments call the Bureau of Appoint- at the piano, will present the following [cGee to function on campus accepting applications for the positions ments, Ext. 371. program: Chaconne by Vitali; Beethov- arch 21, 1951. This regulation of Cartographic Aid, GS-3 thru GS-5. en's "Kreutzer" Sonata; Debussy's So- Student Legislature in no way These vacancies are in cartographic University Community Center, Wil- nata for Violin; a Chopin Nocturne; endorsement of the purpose compilation, relief map, photogramme- low Run Village. Sun., March 11, Vil- apr iolial Chbpiniawsr; activities of this ad hoc com- tric and geodetic fields and are located lage Church Fellowship (interdenomin- Capriccio-Valse by Wienawski;and Therefore: in Washington, D. C. Majors in en- ational) 10:45 Church and Sunday- the Paganini Caprice No. 24 arranged Cabint recommends that the gineering, forestry, geography, geology, school, 4:30 Discussion Group, 5:30 Pot- by Auer. cGee ad hoc Committee: illustrating, mathematics, or in the luck Supper. Mon., March 12, 8 p.m., Tickets are available at the offices ek permanent Student-Affairs physical sciences are preferred. Nursery Board Meeting; Fashion Show Burton Tower; and may also be pur- ttee recognition, or The Army Map Service is accepting Committee. Tues., March 13, 8 p.m., eek formal recognition from applications for Intelligence Specialists Bridge.' Wed., March 14, 8 p.m., Choir chased at the Hill Auditorium box of- r more recognized campus or- GS-5 and GS-7 (options geographers, Practice. Thurs., March 15, 8 p.m., fice one hour preceding the concert. Lions (thus coming under the geologist, forestry, engineering and Ceramics. Sat., March 17, Pot-luck Faculty Concert. Ava ComnCase shed SAC-SL regulations of ad languages), and Military Intelligence Supper and mixer for husbands and and Mary Fishburne, pianists, will be ommittees: February 2, 1949), Research Specialists GS-5 and GS-7. wives. The Detroit Civil Service Commission ____ heard at 8:30 Sunday evening, March The etrit ivi Sevic Comision11, in Hill Auditorium, in a recital of regulated by the Student Leg- announces the following examinations: Lectureslmus i torpin Tecprogram e, such regulation is to con- Technical Aid, closing date March 19; Lec ures music for two pianos. The progam only until March 21, 1951. Student Technical Assistant, closing will open with Paul Hindemith's Sona- University Lecture: Mie. Vi aya Lak- ta, written in 1942, followed by works his ad hoc committee is regu- date March 15; and Junior Health In- shmi Pandit, Ambassador of India to by Theodore Chanler, Arnold Bax and the Student Legislature, it will spector, closing date March 12. the United States, will lecture under Victor Babin. The second half of the ted by a special sub-committee The Michigan State Civil Service University auspices on "The Place of concert will feature Bela Bartok's Sona- Student Legislature Cabinet, Commission announces examinations Gandhi in the Modefn World" and on ta for Two Pianos and Percussion, in behalf of the India Students Associa- wlgich Mrs. Case and Miss Fishburne tion will present the Gandhi Library will be assisted by Robert Elliott, Bar- to the University. Tues., March 13, 4:15 bara McGoey, Richard Maddy, and f March24p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall. The public James Salmon. The public will be ad- 24 is invited. mitted without charge. n University Lecture, auspices of the Stanley Quartet: Gilbt Ros and Religion in Life Week. "The Relevance Emil Raab, violinests, Paul Doktor, vio- of Religion Today." Chancellor Reuben list, and Oliver Edel, cellist, will pre- G. Gustavson, University of Nebraska. sent the first of two concerts at 8:30 8:30 p.m., Mon., March 12, Rackham p.m. Tuesday evening, March 13, in the Assembly Hall. Rackham Lecture Hall. The program will - include two works by Franz Schubert: University 'Museums Lecture. "Re- Quartet in G major, Op. 161, and Quin- storing Lost Worlds" (illustrated). Car- tet in C major, Op. 163, for two violins, leton W. Angell, University Museums viola, and two cellos, with Jerome Jel- Artist. 8:15 p.m., Tues., March 13, Rack- inek as the second cellist. The program ham Amphitheatr. will be open to the public without charge. Academic Notices Organ Reital: Robert Noehren, Uni- School of Business Administration: versity Organist, will play the first Students from other Schools and Col- of three Sunday afternoon recitals at leges intending to apply for admis- 4:15 Sunday, March 11, in Hill Audi- sion for the summer session or fall se- torium. It will include Prelude and ester should secure application forms Fugue in F-sharp minor, and two TICKETS: in Room 150, School of Business Ad- Chorale Preludes by Buxtehude; Fan- -___tasia in G major, Trio-Sonata No. 4 in E minor, two Chorale Preludes, and On Sale Mar. 12 Prelude and Fugue in B minor by Bach. nThis program and those to follow on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, will Adm mnistration Bldg. be open to the public. 1.10 -1.30- 1.50 NOW SHOWING Events Toda RUDYARD KIPUINGs EensToa R Y D I I 'Michigan Christian Fellowship: 4 \pm. Lane Hall (Fireside Room). Speak- er: Dr. Cornelous Jaarsma, Professor °_of Education, Calvin College. "Social id n r*i~~ Implications of the Gospel." iding 4 ContnuousLutheran Student Association: Zion fromDEAaingER LLutheran Parish Hall, 5:30 p.m., Supper. with DfEANtr E7 p.m., Speaker: Dr. Kenneth Boulding. _ _ __y_ _ 44c until 5 PChristianity and Capitalism." esdoyF lP.M.li 'j 5(j~[jj, Roger Williams Guild: 10 a.m., Bible supper at Guild House with evening ry% program at 6:45. Dr. Orville Walters, M E , - ' " " Director of Leadership Education, Free 0 Methodist Church of North America. Westminster Guild: 9:30 a.m., Seminar in Religion. 5:30 p.m., Supper. 6:30 p.m., Discussion: "Is Religion Relevant?" by Dr. Seymour Smith, Yale Un'iversity. Young Friends Fellowship: 7 p.m., Meeting at 1325 S. University. Speaker: Prof. David Henley, chairman of Social Sciences Division, Earlham College, :eA .;*" Richmond, Indiana, and Chairman of National Legislation of Friends Com- LOVE... LIFE...CLAUGHTER mPCanterbury Club: 9 a.m., Holy Com- munionAND THE PURSUIT m followed by Student Breakfast. TERRIKT MATINEES AT 30c 5 p.m., Evening Prayer followed by sup- *"C nA lICf(lhC AI NIGHTS & SUNDAYS 44c (Continued on Page 4) ALTERATIONS A. i. MICHIGAN DAILY Phone 23.24-1% HOURS: 1 to 5 P.M. CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING RATES LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .54 1.21 1.76 3 .63 1.60 2.65 4 .81 2.02 3.53 Figure 5 overage words to a line. Classified deadline daily except Saturday Is 3 P.M. Saturdays, 11:30 A.M. for Sunday Issue. ROOMS FOR RENT CAMPUS Tourist Home. Rooms by day or week. Bath, shower, T.V. 518 E. William. Phone 3-8454. }1R ONE COZY DOUBLE, 2 half doubles near University campus for mature men students. Cooking privileges. Two baths with showers for 9 men. Constant hot water, gas heat. Shown by appointment. Call 3YP 794J. )24R MEN STUDENTS NOW AVAILABLEI First floor front room, double, twin beds, individual desks, chests, study chairs. Continu- ous heat, hot water, multiple bath facilities. Linens furnished. Just 3 blocks off campus. Call 7632. )31R BUSINESS SERVICES VIOLA STEIN - Experienced typist. Legal, master's, doctor's dissertations; foreign manuscripts, etc. New Elec- tromat typewriter, 513 E. William. Ph. 2-9848., )2B KIDDIE KARE RELIABLE SITTERS available. Phone 3-1121. )10B TYPEWRITERS and FOUNTAIN PENS. Sales, rentals and service. Morrill's, 314 S. State St. )4B GOOD RENTAL TYPEWRITERS now available at Office Equipment Serv- ice Company, 215 E. Liberty. Guar- anteed repair service on all makes of typewriters. )6B WASHING--Finished work and hand ironing. Also rough dry and wet washing. Free pick-up and delivery. Ph. 2-9020. )1B APPLICATION PHOTOGRAPHS-6 for $1. Satisfaction guaranteed. Snider Studios. )14B PERSONAL BARBERSHOP HARMONY Hear it, sing it at "Harmony Night" 8 p.m. Tuesday, Schwaben Hall (2nd floor) 215 S. Ashley. Entertainment, group singing, refreshments, no charge. Sponsored by Ann Arbor S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. )23P FOR SALE CANARIES-Beautiful singers and fe- nAles. Parakeets in many beautiful colors. Bird supplies and cages. Mrs. Ruff ins, 562 S. 7th. )2B LOST AND FOUND LOST-Tan raincoat with brown and yellow inner lining. Finder please call 227 Anderson Hse. E.Q. )20L LOST-Brown leather case with natural rimmed glasses, Maize Parker 51 pen along Church and S. University streets on March 5. Owner desperate. Reward. Call Liz Wargell, 2-2591 after 5. )21L LOST Pair glasses, natural frames, straight ear pieces. Lost Feb. 21. Own-. er desperate. Reward. Call Shirley Forsyth, 2-3225. )15L LOST-Between TCB and ROTC Build- ing. Brown-rimmed glasses in biown leather case. Notify Mosher desk 3- 1561. ALTERATIONS-Ladies' garments. 510 Catherine near State. Alta Graves. Tel. 2-2678. )5A TRANSPORTATION CARS NEEDED to go on Aspen Colo- rado ski trip with ULLR sprin vaca- tion. Call Ted Reynolds. 8691. )13T WANTED TO RENT GARAGE SPACE near vicinity of Hill and Tappan, beginning March 18. Call Steve Kash, 3-8581. )1w REAL ESTATE 250 ACRES-Excellent house, 2 baths, fireplace, oil heat, Youngstowr} kit- chen, 32x40 & 30x100 basement barns, 2 silos. High rolling land. Located.in beautiful country with nearby lakes. Fine creek. School bus. $30,000. Oril Ferguson, Realtor. Phone Dexter 3102 for appointment. )I i.; ti I STARTS TODAY'! CONTINUOUS FROM 1 P.M. * WEEKDAYS 44c to 5 P.M. I ,t _, L r, 4' I S,. ;. F" SUNDAY DINNER MENU Roast Young Capon, Cranberry Sauce..................$1.45 Grilled Ham Steak, Pineapple Ring.................... 1.50 Half Fried Chicken, Santa Fe Style.................... 1.50 French Fried Shrimp, Cocktail Sauce.................... 1.55 Roast Leg of Pork, Dressing, Apple Sauce................ 1.45 Grilled Rib Steak.................................,.. 1.60 I III M ton- I I I :;.?. l ............ . .... p ............. .. .. . ... .., . .. - - - - - - %4