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March 11, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-03-11

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VOIL. IEM. No. 108



'Probe Shifts
ToNew York
Initial Hearing
Held Tomorrow

NEW YORK-(A)-The biggest
and probably the most spectacular
open hearing yet held by Sen. Estes
Kefauver (D-Tenn) and his Sen-
ate Crime Investigating Committee
will begin in New York City to-
A parade of approximately 50
witnesses including "big names" in
a politics and the underworld is
scheduled to appear.
TOP NAME among the politi-
clans scheduled to testify is that
of William O'Dwyer, former mayor
and now ambassador to Mexica,
who has promised a "factual pic-
ture" of the New York scene.
Kingpin among the under-
world figures is gambler Frank
Costello, whom the committee
has described as head of a na-
tional crime syndicate. .
Th crime probers want to look
into possible links between politics
and the .underworld, gambling,
narcotics, gangster infiltration in-
to legislative business, waterfront
smUggling and racketeering and
the Mafia, secret "black hand" or-
* * *
IN CONTRAST with a closed
preliminary hearing held by the
committee earlier in . New York,
the doors will be wide open next
Newsmen will have front row
a seats. So will photographers and
television camermen.
T)here is a possibility that Gov.
t Thomas Dewey and Mayor Vincent
- Impellitteri will appear along with
Democrat Ferdinand Pecora and
-Republican Edward Corsi, defeated
in New York City's heated mayor-
~ ality campaign last fall.
CORSI SAID he believed Mayor
Impellitteri and Pecora to be hon-
est. But contended there cam-
paigns were backed by underworld
One of the most eagerly
awaited witnesses will be Cos-
tello. ,Gov. Dewey once said
Costello was the behind-the-
scenes boss of Tammany Hall,
Manhattan Democratic organi-
His attorney says Costello "wel-
comes the open hearing for at
least the public will get a chance
to hear his denials."
}Senate Will
Start New
Red Hunt
ate Internal Security Committee
has started a far-reaching new
search for Communists-in-govern-
ment, including the, armed forces
as well as the civilian agencies.
Sen. O'Connor (D-Md.), member
* of the new committee, said the
group also is "beginning work on
the problem of penetration from
abroad by Communist agents." He
"The evidence which we have
thus far ,accumlated establishes
beyond any doubt that the Com-
munist network in the United
States is inspired, organized, con-
trolled and directed in large part
by those foreign agents who are
sent here under diplomatic im-
munity and who are working fev-
erishly to destroy us."
As for the new inquiry aimed at
finding out whether there are any
Reds In Federal jobs, O'Connor
said one "task force of the com-
mittee has commenced work with
reference to Communist penetra-
tion or influence in the various
agencies of our government."
Another group, he added, is
working "on the problem of Com-
munist penetration of the armed

Until now the plans of the In-
ternal Security group, which is a
part of the Senate Judiciary Com-
mittee, have been a closely guard-
ed ,secret.
French Form

house Approval
Seen on UMT Bill
Combined Measure Comes Before
Armed Services Committee Today
WASHINGTON-P)-Chairman Carl Vinson (D-Ga) yesterday
predicted speedy approval by the House Armed Services Committee
of a bill authorizing draft of youths at 18 and one-half years and a
universal military4 training program.
The committee will take up the measure today. Rep. Vinson said
he hoped to get it before the House Wednesday and expected to see
it passed before Mar. 25.
* * * *
THE SENATE FRIDAY .passed its own military manpower bill
calling for eventual universal training but setting the draft age mini-
mum at 18. The differences must be reconciled in conference commit-
tee after House action.
The House bill would extend service of draftees from the pres-
* * * Q ent 21 months to 26. The Senate

Of Students'
DETROIT - P) - College stu-
dents should not be deferred, Gen.
Lewis Hershey, chief of the draft
machinery, said here yesterday.
"Is there something sacred about
students that we have to keep them
out of the front lines? We must
survive first," he told the Michigan
Commercial Secretaries Associa-
Gen. Hershey criticized a section
of a draft bill passed by the Senate
yesterday which he said would de-
fer 75,000 students annually.
* * *
THAT BILL also lowered the
draft age from 1 9to 18. But Gen.
Hershey said if the House passes
the bill drafting of 18-year-olds
would be "safe for this surhmer,"
he speculated.
Registration, selection and
setting up of machinery to han-
dle the new load would be
among causes of delay, Gen.
Hershy commented.
The draft boss said he favored
defering Second World War veter-
ans but came out against defer-
ment of industrial workers. He
said there are enough women and
veterans over 25 years old "to care
for industrial needs."
GEN. HERSHEY also advocated
"a common source of manpower,"
presumably draft boards, for all
branches of the armed services,
and criticized what he called "pil-
fering of our best manpower by the
Air Force, Marines and Navy."
Mental and physical standards
should be lowered to get more
men into uniform, the General
went on. "I want to get out my
hatchet for more 4-Fs. I want
to take a fairly liberal bite out
of those who fail IQ tests.
Lowering intelligence levels, he
said, would make an additional
600,000 to 700,000 men available.
Soviet Adopts
Large Budget
MOSCOW -(4)- The Supreme
Soviet (parliament) adopted yes-
terday a 1951 budget of 451,500,-
000,000 rubles, the biggest peace-
time outlay in the history of the
Finance Minister A. G. Zverev
disclosed how the record military
budget of 96,000,000,000 rubles will
be divided. He announced that 74
billions will go to the Army min-
istry and 22 billions to the Navy
Ministry. At official exchange
rates that would be about $24

voted for 24 months.
The House bill throws tighter re-
strictions about the training pro-
gram which would apply to all
youths at 18 and one-half after
the emergency buildup has stabil-
ized the military forces. It would
make control entirely civilian and
keep a congressional eye on things.
The Senate would begin the
training under this program at 18.
* * *
THE HOUSE BILL puts a 4,000,-
000-man ceiling on the strength of
the armed forces. This was writ-
ten into the Senate bill over ob-
jections of military leaders. The
present Defense Deferment De-
partment goal is 3,500,000 on ac-
tive duty by mid-1951.
The bill would terminate the
draft itself July 1, 1954. It is
presumed then-barring a wors-
ening of. the world situation-
the size of the armed services
will be on a stable basis and the
universal training plan will be
, Under the House bill Congress
retains power to sanction, disap-
prove or require changes in the
universal training program.
It requires that Congress is. to
have a detailed report on it every
six months.
FURTHEIRMORE, the measure
gives Congress power by concur-
rent resolution to "terminate or
suspend for a stated period of time
all inductions into the armed for-
ces or the national security traip-
ing corps."
This authority is spelled out
even though Congress could exer-
cise such power by merely refusing
to appropriate money for the draft
or a universal military training
Banish Beran
As Archbishop
PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia-()--
The Communist Government an-
nounced last night it has banished
Archbishop Josef Beran, Catholic
Primate of Czechoslovakia, from
the seat of his archdiocese be-
cause of his "negative attitude to
church laws." He has been re-
placed by a "patriotic and demo-
cratic" parish priest.
Archbishop Beran, foe of any
interference by the Communist
government in church matters,
was ordered by the state office for
church affairs to live outside his
Prague archdiocese and to pay a
While there has been no word
directly from the 62-year-old pri-
mate for 13 months the govern-
ment announcement appeared to
have quieted, at least temporarily,
rumors that he might be tried like
the primate of Hungary, Josef
Cardinal Mindszenty, who was sen-
tenced to life imprisonment.

Keating Says
Mrs. Young
Was Fired
Denies Report
Keating (R-NY) said last night he
had heard Mrs. E. Merl Young,
the White House stenographer
with a $9,450 mink coat, had been
fired by President Truman but
White House officials said "there's
no truth" to the report.
Rep. Keating made his state-
ment during a radio interview in
which he was questioned by Bert
Andrews, radio commentator and
"I heard only a few minutes ago
that he (President Truman) has
fired her," Rep. Keating said.
* * *
AT FIRST there was no com-
ment from officials who are with
President Truman at Key West,
But later in response to re-
porters' inquiries, Lt. Command-
er William Rigdon, assistant
naval aide to the President, said
he had checked again with
WhiteHouse officials on the re-
port that Mrs. Young had been
Rigdon told reportrs:
"There's no truth to it. It is
not under consideration and hasn't
been done."
* * "
A SENATE subcommittee inves-
tigating an alleged influence ring
said to have brought pressure to
bear on the Reconstruction Fi-
nance Corporation has developed
testimony that Mrs. Young picked
out her fur coat last September
at a New York furriers.
The furrier said it was at first
charged to Young but that later
the charge was shifted to the ac-
count of Joseph Rosenbaum,
Washington, lawyer. The sub-
committee has charged Rosen-
baum enjoyed "unusual success"
at getting RFC loans for clients,
largely through young's help.
Young and Rosenbaum testified
that Rosenbaum paid for the coat
as a loan to Youngs.
REP. KEATING declared last
night that if President Truman
has fired Mrs. Young he ought to
come out and tell the public so.
Neither Mrs. Young nor her
husband could be reached for com-
ment here last night. A maid at
their home said they were out of
town. Likewise, the White House
said there was no one there who
could give any information on the
matter. The President is at Key
West, Fla.
e * -
TURNING to another phase of
its RFC investigation yesterday,
the Senate subcommittee put its
spotlight on a Missouri Federal
tax collector.
It suggested-but did not de-
mand-that the Bureau of Internal
Revenue look into relations of
James Finnegan, Collector 6f In-,
ternal Revenue in St. Louis, with
RFC affairs.

On Strategic Red Position

Rgepublican Jack Sharland,
'52 BAd., was a wiser but sad-
der man today after losing an
argument with President Tru-
man. Sharland, who was born
in Mt. Clemens which is just
100 miles from Jackson, birth-
place of the Republican Party,
treated his Chicago House din-
ner companions to a blistering
attack on both the Administra-
tion's foreign policy and "that,
guy from Missouri." Returning
to his room, he found the day's
mail on his desk. Included was
a letter beginning, "Greetings
...""You just can't win,"'sigh-
ed Sharland.

-Daly-Roggr Reinke
TREE TWOSOME-Heading the back to nature movement which
occurs each spring here in Ann Arbor are Sally Stickney, '54,
and Arnold Miller, '51, who climbed into this tree in front of An-
gell Hall yesterday. Why didn't they walk out to the Arboretum?
"It's too crowded out there," they said, "no privacy."
ROi n Life Jeek
Progra To Start Toda

U. .



World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Labor union
charges that defense mobilizer
Charles Wilson dictated wage stab-
ilization board policy were de-
nounced by economic czar Eric
Johnston yesterday as "a lie."
* * *
DETROIT -Investigators for
the Kefauver Senate crime In-
vestigating Committee were sent
from New York yesterday to pre-
pare for a repeat performance
here later this month.
* * *
WASHINGTON-Friends of Sen.
Virgil Chapman's 25 years in Con-
gress attended funeral services for
the Kentucky Democrat here yes-
* * *
publican leaders called yester-
day for a specific demand by
Congress that the lawmakers'
approval be obtained in advance
for any North Atlantic Pact
troop assignments.
* * *

Religion in Life Week will getC
under way today with regular'
Sunday services at all local church-
es and special evening programs
at student religious guilds.
Guest speakers include the Rev.
Francis McPeek, industrial rela-
Votin Age
Poll May Be
Asked by NSA
The conference of the Michigan
Region of the National Student
Association meeting in Ypsilanti
will vote today on a motion ask-
ing that polls of student opinion
about reducing the voting age to
18 be taken and the results pre-
sented in the State Legislature.
However, Student Legislature
cabinet members Pris Ball, '51,
one of the delegates to the con-
ference, said last night that the
political implications of the mo-
tion made its passage very doubt-
A plan which would have each
school in the Michigan region com-
pile a list of faculty members who
would be willing to speak on cur-
rent problems at the various cam-
puses will aso be put on the floor
of the conference.
Another proposal which came
out of yesterday's committee meet-
ings at Michigan State Normal
College was for a vote of complete
confidence for NSA's national
committee which had moved to
stop aid being sent tQ students in
Communist China.
The aid to Chinese students was
being sent by the World Student
Service Fund.
But SL's Leonard Wilcox, '52,
who is a member of the commit-
tee that is making the proposal,
asserted it was felt no funds should
be sent to a nation engaged in
combat with the United States.

tions secretary, of the Congrega-
tional Churches, who will preach
at 10:45 a.m. at the Memorial
Christian Church.
Mrs. Harrison Elliott, secretary
of the YWCA, will speak at 11 a.m.
aVthe First Baptist Church.
Student guild programs will fea-
ture guest speakers including the
Rev. DeWitt Baldwin at the Wes-
ley Foundation, Mrs. Elliott at
the Westminster Guild, Walter
Bellhorn at Gamma Delta, the
University Lutheran club; Mr.
McPeek at Memorial Christian
Church, Dr. Orville Walters at
Roger Williams Guild, and the
Rev. James Maguire at St. Mary's
Keynote speech of the week long
program of seminars, worship ser-
vices and forums will be given
by Reuben Gustavson, chancellor
of the University of Nebraska, at
8:30 p.m. tomorrow at Rackham
Assembly Hall. He will speak on
"Relevance of Religion Today."
Seminars based on the relevance
of religion to various aspects of
daily living are scheduled for,
4:10 p.m. tomorrow. They are:
"Family Life," at the League;
"Educational Process," University
Elementary school cafeteria; "In-
dustrial Relations," Rm. 141 Busi-
ness Administration Building, and
"Social Sciences: Sociology and
Social Work," Lane Hall library.
The Rev. Seymour Smith, of
Yale University, will speak on
"What Difference Does Faith in
God Make" at worship services at
7:15 p.m. tomorrow at the Con-
gregational Church.

Four Power
Talk. Makes
No Pro gress
PARIS-(A)-The western pow-
ers tried yesterday tq meet Russian
objections to their program for a
Big Four foreign ministers meet-
ing but got a rebuff from Andrei
After a full week of conferences
among the foreign ministers' depu-
ties from t h e United States,
France, Britain and Russia, it was
generally agreed there had been no
They'll start talking again at 10
a.m. tomorrow.
ALL OF THE TALKS center on
words and the meaning of the
words used. The deputies can
only set up a list of points for the
ministers to discuss. Discussion
of the matters themselves is sup-
posed to be left to the ministers.
Russia has repeatedly insisted
in the past week that the originalE
agenda submitted by the western
deputies does not cover the items
which Russia considers para-
mount. So yesterday he west-
erners put forward a new version
of one of their items.
The original proposal of the
three western powers called for
"examination of the causes of
present international tensions in
Europe and the means to secure
a real and lasting improvement
in the relations between the
U.S.S.R., U.S., United Kingdom
and France."
Yesterday to this wording they
added "Such as: measures to elim-
inate the fear of aggression, fulfill-
ment of present treaty obligations
and examination of the existing
levels of armaments and questions
concerning Germany in this
Cabbies Ask
Inadequate wages for cab driv-
ers and increased cost of equip-
ment and repairs were the main
reasons for asking an increase in
cab rates, a spokesman for the cab
company operators has revealed.
Two proposals before the city
taxi board would raise the rates
from 40 to 50 cents for one person
to travel a mile.
One proposal would increase the
"flag drop" from 25 cents to 35
cents. The flag drop covers the
first quarter 'of a mile. Each ad-
ditional quarter of a, mile would
cost five cents.
The other proposals would in-
crease the flag drop to 30 cents
and set the rate at five cents for
one fifth of a mile.

Losses Hig
91,In UN Ata,
Assault Mounts
On 19-mile Line
TOKYO-(P)-Three U.S. divi-
sions yesterday pushed close to a
Chinese Red fortified line, 19
miles long and five miles deep, de-
fending the key enemy position in
central Korea.
The Communists rushed in re-
serves to replace losses of 30,000
in four days.
* * *
THE ENEMY defense line ex-
tended from a mountainous area
south of Hongchon, aiRed army
headquarters, west for 19 miles to
the Pukhan River.
The U.S. First Marine Divi-
sion, moving methodically over
ridges within eight miles of"
Hongehon, rammed for the first
time into the Chinese 298th Di-
Officers said this was the only
reserve division of the Chinese 86th
Army which has headquarters at
Hongchon. Its other two divisions
already were in the line.
* * *
OPERATING west of the Mar-
ines, the U.S. First Cavalry and
24th Divisions neared defenses In
depth still being hastily fortified
by the Reds.
In Western Korea, the U.S.
25th Division expanded its
bridgehead north of the Han
Flame-throwing tanks in the
bridgehead poured a fiery death on
Reds hiding in caves. Other Redls
who chose flight were mowed down
by machinegun crews.
* * *
THE U.S. EIGHTH Army esti-
mated 4,988 Reds were killed or
wounded in ground action across
Korea yesterday. It earlier listed
enemy casualties for the previous
three days at more than 25,000.
Red losses mounted in all see-
tors of a 70-mile front where
the, United Nations * divisions
were carrying the fight to the
A field dispatch yesterday from
east-central Korea-the trackless
mountain area east of Hoeng-
song-said the U.S. Second Divi-
sion has closed a trap on an un-
determined number of Commun-
Hoengsong the U.S. Seventh Divi-
sion stormed Mt. Taemi, a height
of more than 3,000 feet.
The Allies' primary purpose
still was the destruction of en-
emy forces rather than con-
quest of territory. For Wednes-
day, Thursday, and Friday, the
first three days of the current
drive, the U.S. Eighth Army es-
timated enemy casualties at 25,-
000. Yesterday's high toll still
was to be tabulated.
The 25th Division troops were
more than five and one-half miles
north of the Han.
Plans Change
In Food Prices
ernment is almost ready to put
America's 500,000 retail food stores

and about 2,000 food wholesalers
under a new system of price con-
trols which will bring higher
prices on some foods and perhaps
lower prices on others.
The Office of Price Stabiliza-
tion said yesterday it expects to
issue three big food orders before
the end of the coming week.
It was learned that the orders
will set specific "mark-up" per-
centages for about 40 categories of

Petitioning for Campus
Posts Starts Tomorrow
The starting gun will be fired tomorrow for the spring all-campus
elections April 24 and 25.
Petitions for 61 seats in various branches of student government
will be available starting tomorrow from 3 to 6 p.m. daily at the Stu-
dent Legislature Building, 122 S. Forest.
AT LEAST 25 Student Legislature seats will h nnen .everl nra


Registration for Local,
State Elections To Close

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