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March 09, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-03-09

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iversi tyDiscipline Policies


"Come Back Any Time"

THE NEW disciplinary method, called
Dean's Probation, now in the experimen-
tal stage sounds in theory like an ideal pro-
gram to take the place of suspension, but
in practice may prove a detriment to the
Under this system the offender works
in the University Hospital for a period of
not less than four academic months. Dur-
ing this time the student may have no
other extra-curricular activities, and can-
not join in any house activities.
This system will serve to keep University
men from being drafted while under sus-
pension, and undoubtedly the women work-
ing under this plan will appreciate being
able to attend classes while making retri-
bution for a misdemeanor, but it is unlikely
that under the circumstances they will do
their job with any degree of enthusiasm.
A job such as this is usually taken over by
voluntary workers who are eager to do the
job well and get pleasure out of doing it
simply because it is voluntary. They are not
doing it because they have to, but because
they want to.
Even though students are free to choose
either wrk under the new plan or sus-
pension, those who decide to take the
work will probably regard it as little more
than the lesser of two evils. The hospital
job wil seem to them a grind and an im-
position on their freedom. They will prob-
ably put just enough effort into their
work to avoid being referred back to Uni-
versity officials, but no more than that.
Such an attitude is not beneficial to a
hospital job, or to any type of charity work.
The students will not gain anything under
this plan, and the hospital stands to be
the loser
-Cara Cherniak.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
The Weekend
In Town
HOCKEY with Michigan College of Min-
ing and Technology (Houghton) tonight and
tomorrow night at 8, Coliseum.
MILITARY BALL, sponsored by the Army,
Navy and Air ROTCs, replete with miltary
fanfare and decorations. No corsages, but
Paul LaVole's orchestra. At the Union, from
9 p.m. today to 1 a.m. tomorrow.
LITTLE CLUB at the League tonight. All
the thrills of a night club without liquor.

THE DEANS of Students and Women
have proposed a punishment policy
which would seriously impair the Univer-
sity's standing in the academic world and
threaten its faltering reputation as a liber-
al institution.
The plan, Is to punish students who
break University rules by making them
work 16 hours a week without pay in
University Hospital instead of suspending
them as now.
Many persons have criticized the plan
as cruel and extreme but the critics have ig-
nored the main point: the scheme is only
another unpleasant evidence of the Uni-
versity's unnecessary and harmful discipline
Many students condemned fining Psi Up-
silon fraternity $2,000 but condoned the li-
quor ban which Psi U violated. Similar pro-
tests have been raised against the deans'
"work off your punishment" plan, by per-
sons who accept the rules the plan is meant
to enforce.
If we grant the liquor ban is just how are
we to determine how severe an enforcement
of it is just-$2,000, $1,500 or $3? If social
probation' is just punishment for a woman
who stays out late isn't suspension a suit-
able penalty for one who stays out later?
Isn't involuntary servitude an acceptable
substitute for expulsion?
As long as the University attempts to re-
gulate the manners and morals of its stu-
dents we will have odious rules and intoler-
able punishments. Protests against certain
punishments should be directed to the rules
which are being violated. The disapproval
should focus on the University rules which
attempt to control students' morals and per-
sonal habits.,
Of course the University must have some
control over students' actions, but University
officials should apply to their restrictions
on student behavior the same test libertar-
ians apply to legal restrictions on citizens'
An individual may be prevented from do-
ing only those things which would injure
someone else; he may not be restrained
from actions which might harm himself.
It is true that the University is not an
ordinary government and therefore does not
have the same obligations to students that
a civil authority has to citizens. However,
one of the purposes of a university, often
reiterated by University officials, is to pre-
pare its members for life as free citizens.
This can be done only if the university
community provides, besides formal academic
training, the permissive atmosphere neces-
sary for the preparation of independent ci-
tizens. For this reason the University must
never protect its students from themselves.
In practice, this means the University
must do away with the liquor ban, women's
hours, "mixed company" regulations and
all its other blue laws. Then fines, social
probation, suspension and "work off your
sin" plans will be unnecessary.
There will still be, rightly, penalties
for plagiarism, cheating on exams and all
other offenses which invade the rights of
others but experience shows these genu-
ine offenses constitute an infinitesimal
portion of the University's discipline cases.
Those who find the latest step in the dis-
cipline program a little too much to take
should realize that the system which makes
such punishments necessary is the proper
object of their scorn. Students must under-
stand their protestations against the work
plan and the deans' arguments for it are
merely clouding the main issue, the Uni-
versity's unnecessary, unwanted and unwise
controls over students' actions.
-Floyd Thomas
. I

At Ill Auditorium . ..
ORPHEUS with Jean Marais and Maria
A COCTEAU FILM is never dull. While his
efforts may seem pretentious and his
intent somewhat fuzzy at times, his imagina-
tive tinkering is always visually exciting and
the notion is inescapable that he is con-
stantly trying to enlarge the possibilities of
the film as an art form.
This is an attempt to recast and enlarge
the legend of Orpheus and Eurydice into a
modern setting (though the characters have
a certain timelessness). As you may remem-
ber, Orpheus was a Thracian poet of great
gifts who recovered his wife Eurydice from
the nether regions only upon the condition
that he not look back until they reached the
earth. Orpheus did look back and his wife
vanished. He was later killed by a group of
Bacchantes enraged by his prolonged grief.
While this serves as the framework for Coc-
teau's attractive expansion, he has a larger

THE RECENTLY announced Dean's disci-
plinary policy has once again brought
up the old question of whether or not stu-
dent conduct should be regulated by the Uni-
The plan, providing as it does for an
alternate system of ' punishment, war-
rants little discussion in itself. Essentially,
it is a liberalization of the existing me-
chanics of discipline, and constitutes only
a minor change in a much older and much
more important theory.
The theory, that the University should
have some control over student conduct, has
been battered at great and undue length in
these columns. It has often been assumed
almost at the outset that regulation is or-
ganized only to thwart natural and worthy
motivations, and has no per se value.
This empty condemnatory attitude has
effectively blocked any real consideration of
the purposes of regulations. In an adjacent
column, the attitude is carried to its equally
empty end: advocation of no controls at all.
Of course, it may be argued that the Uni-
versity should only prevent those actions
which do harm to other people. Ideally, this
is fine. But further, Mr. Thomas assumes
that a dichotomy exists between those Uni-
versity rules against harmful actions, and
others which "protect the students from
If it were possible to make rules so perfect
that they accomplished exactly what they
are intended to do and nothing else, his
dichotomy might hold. But how many regu-
lations in effect here exist- primarily to pro-
tect a person from himself? Upon close
examination, it would seem that each, in a
primary sense, exists first for the protection
of other people; only in an auxiliary connec-
tion do they restrain the student "from ac-
tions which might harm himself."
Floyd Thomas says that the University
"must do away with the liquor ban, women's
hours," and all the other attendant miseries
of academic life, evidently because the rules
are not perfect.
True, if everyone were ideally suited for
unlimited freedom and capable of taking the
added responsibility which goes along with
such freedom, removing all restrictions would
be the ideal'solution for everybody's prob-
lems. The Deans could spend their time at
tea parties, because there wouldn't be any-
thing for them to do, and the lucky stu-
dents could bask in whatever type of free-
dom appealed to them at the moment.
Similar schemes have ended in a spectacular
sort of confusion.
Arguments against regulations are
usually valid, so long as men are considered
infinitely perfectable. Although I do not
feel that men in general, or University stu-
dents in particular, are essentially evil, I
do not consider them very holy either.
University regulations are clearly a prac-
tical measure. Like all practical measures,
dismiss them as "unnecessary, unwanted, and
they are far from perfect, and we can only
hope that use will improve them. Simply to
dismiss them as "unnecessary, unwanted and
unwise" is evading the issue.
-Chuck Elliott.
THE MAGIC FLUTE by Mozart pre-
sented under the auspices of the Depart-
ment of Speech and the School of Music
at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
In the literature of Opera Buffa few works
are equal to Mozart's Magic Flute. The
libretto is adequate in expressing the humour
and allegorical implications of the plot. Mu-
sically it is insurpassable in its display of
humour, in its subtle moral inferences, and
in its portrayal of romance.
The production given last night 'was on

the whole successful. Special praise must go
to Rose Marie Jun (Pamina) and Bob Elson
(Papageno). Miss Jun was breathtaking in
her very expressive and understanding sing-
ing of her arias. She sang with beautiful
tone and sure phrasing. Elson was excellent
in recapturing the comic antics of Papageno.
Also performing well were Reid Shelton
(Tamino) even though handicapped by a
cold, and Carol Wilder (Queen of Night)
who sang her difficult coloratura arias
with much facility. The ensembles how=.
ever, were sometimes inaudible, especially
the "Go Back" in Scene 5, Act 1, but good
balance was achieved particularly by the
three attendants to the Queen.
Technically, one fault appears in the set.
The opera is extremely difficult because of
its many scenes, but this does not condone
the fact that the set was out of character.
Magic Flute is fantasy. The ponderous set
painted with greys and blacks, was not suit-
ed to the magic and beauty of the opera.
The costuming was in keeping with the
spirit of fantasy with one exception. Tam-
ino's attire seemed dull in comparison with
the rest. The staging as a whole was suf-
ficient. Prof. Wayne Dunlap conducted the
All in all here is a production worth at-
tending. The music alone should be in-
centive enough, but this coupled with the
fine singing adds up to a satisfactory eve-
'rin-. _

1-0, CMOD iOS




The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
IFC Position on the Time Limit

. p -


Washington Merry-GO-Round

ION DANCE tomorrow night 9 to
night, with Frank Tinker's orchestra.


(Ed. Note: Drew Pearson is on a flying tour of Europe and the Middle
East, surveying the world situation.);
BELGRADE-If Russia follows the doctrine of the famous German
war strategist, Count Karl Von Clausewitz, as it has in the past,
it would seem likely that Moscow would order an attack on Yugo-
slavia some time this spring, for Clausewitz taught that the time to
make war is when you are strongest and your potential enemy is
weakest. The moment your enemy begins gaining strength, according
to the war theory followed by the Germans and Russians for the last
hundred years, then it's time to strike.
A careful, cold-blooded diagnosis of Russian strategy in the past
shows rather definitely that they expected the United States to fall
apart at the seams economically after V-J Day in 1946. The depres-
sion which even some American economists expected after the war was
banked on by Moscow to start unemployment, unrest and riots and
either bring the United States into the Communist orbit without war
or else make military victory easier for the Russians. Certainly the
expected depression, Moscow figured, would bring Communism to
Western Europe.,
And there was a time, late in 1947, when this strategy almost suc-
ceeded in Europe. This was when droughts, plus a Communist-inspired
strike of Italian harvest hands, plus French railroad and shipping
strikes, plus riots and general war disouragement had certain Euro-
pean democracies near the toppling point. It was at this crucial time
that such American aid as the friendship trains, followed by a special
session of Congress which voted food for hungry Europeans, followed
by the Marshall Plan, broke the back of the Communist drive to take
over Europe.
Since then the pro-American democracies in Europe have been
getting stronger while the Communist movement is getting weaker.
Moscow definitely missed the boat in those immediate postwar years
and now is faced with the quandary of whether it may miss the boat
again or whether it should cold-bloodedly precipitate a war, for the
beginning in earnest of European rearmament under General Eisen-
hower means that the military advantage now enjoyed by Moscow
soon must pass from its hands. Unpleasant as the contemplation of
those facts may be, nevertheless they are facts we have to face and
no country need contemplate them more carefully than the one nation
which dared to thumb its nose at Moscow-Yugoslavia.
WHEN TALKING PRIVATELY, the man who now bosses Yugo-
slavia is extremely frank about the danger of an attack on his
country this spring. Tito fought in the Bolshevist army in 1917. So
he knows what the Russians are like. If the Russians attack, he told
a friend recently, they will do so in April or May. If June passes and
they have not attacked, then there will be no war this year. In fact,
Tito predicted, if there's no attack this spring it may be that we won't
have to worry about war for some time to come.
Tito also expressed the view that, if the Russians attack, they
will drive through the British Zone of Austria, skirt one side of Trieste,
and advance down the unguarded Dalmation coast. This would cut off
all Adriatic seaports and make it impossible for the United States to
send military aid to him.
Simultaneously, Tito predicted, the Bulgarian army would advance
from the opposite direction to cut off the rail line from Yugoslavia to
Salonika (Greece). He added that, in anticipation of such an attack,
he had established a series of hidden forts in the hills along the Dal-
mation coast-forts that are well stocked with food and ammunition
and could hold out for some time.
Tito also expressed the opinion that Moscow did not want the
Korean war to spread and actually had tried to hold back the Chinese
from taking the offensive against the U.N. forces there. He based
this view on his own experiences with the Kremlin; also because the
Russians had sent Yugoslav, Polish and other satellite nationals to
work in China in an attempt to cement the Soviet orbit through an
exchange of personnel. Some of these Yugoslavs, he said, had reported
their impressions of Russo-Chinese relations back to him.
Vigorous in his denunciation of Russia, Tito said, "We do not
propose to become an appendage of Russia." Then, to his American
friend he added, with a smile, "nor of America, either."
PERHAPS the most important fact about present American aid to
Yugoslavia is that, in effect, we are buying the support of 32 Yugo-
slav divisions. This brings up the all-important questions: will those
divisions fight, are they prepared, and will they last longer than the
Yugoslav army in 1941, which caved in almost overnight before
Hitler's blitzkrieg?
The answers are obviously difficult. However, American military
observers, for the first time in years, recently have been permitted to
inspect Yugoslav troops and consider them well trained, tough and
moderately well equipped. Furthermore, the present Yugoslav leaders
went through the most difficult fighting of the war when Tito's parti-
san bands held out against the Germans in the mountains of Herze-
govina for two long years. They know what it is to fight. Finally, the
present Yugoslav leaders would be shot in 15 minutes should Russia
take over their country, so they have every reason to resist.
(Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

(Editor's Note-The following letter
is an official statement of the IFC
position on the bias clause time-limit
motion recently approved by the Stu-
dent Affairs Committee. It was writ-,
ten at the request of The Daily edi-
To the Editor:
HAVE recently been asked by
many students to discuss brief-
ly the goals and policies of the
Interfraternity Council pertaining
to the "restrictive clause" prob-
lem. More particularly I would
like to discuss the recent appeal
action as determined by the
House Presidents' Assembly of the
IFC. In answering the many ques-
tions which seem pertinent, how-
ever, one may be assured that I
do so with much personal convic-
tion that the IFC position has
been a noteworthy one.
The IFC has in the past and
does now favor the removal of any
"restrictive clauses" from member
group constitutions. Our overall
objective is to attempt some sort
of alleviation of what we term
"discriminatory practices"~ or "pre-
judice." The removal of the claus-
es from the constitutions of the
some fourteen groups most di-
rectly affected exists only as a
more immediate goal to this long-
range objective. We are in oppo-
sition to the SAC resolution not
because of its objective, but rather
because of the methods it incor-
porates to effect this objective.
We strongly feel that our program
of research better represents a
positive approach to the poblem.
The plan the IFC has incorpor-
ated is one that is presently being
used by some of the larger indus-
tries in the nation to study em-
ployee attitudes and morale. The
first step of this plan with our
problem in mind was to conduct
an opinion survey to find out
how fraternity men feel about the
idea of admitting members from
minority groups into all social fra-
ternities. This was done last year
To the Editor:
ALTHOUGH I do not agree with
Col. McKean's point of view
in his letter of March 8th, I am
sure that his statements and ac-
tions in the case of Bob Lapham
have been sincere attempts to do
the right thing. In answering his'
letter, I should like to bring out
what seem to me to be the issues
at the root of Bob's case.
There are two aspects of paci-
fism. The first is the belief that
a nation's objectives can be better
accomplished by peaceful means
'than by war. This means that an
entire nation committed to peace-
ful means might have greater
strength than a warring nation. I
do not know of any pacifist who
believes that merely a "passive-
resistance task force" disp'atched
to the U.S.S.R. would "defeat Sta-
The second aspect of pacifism,
which is our concern in Bob's
case, is an individual's loyalty to
something beyondhis country
which makes him say, "I cannot
kill this man, because his life is
as precious to me as my own." In
a person like Bob, this is not an
evasion of responsibility; it is a
sincere, driving belief.
Naturally, people who believe
this way are destructive factors to
a national policy of war. (This is
why Germany and more recently,
Russia have had to curtail free-
dom of expression.) Our present
national emergencydemandso1
the Navy and of the University
that a person of Bob's belief and
actions be dealt with severely.
But our country, as Col. Mc-
Kean points out, is fighting for
the ideal of the "primacy of the
individual." To him, this cause
seems to justify the suppression of
one individual's right to act o
his beliefs. Perhaps it does. Per-
haps we are at a national crisis

in which'I our ideal of freedom
mustsbe sacrificed for security,
Yet must we sacrifice this idea:
within our own country in ordei
to fight for it on a world scale?
The pressures of our national
emergency upon Col. McKean and
upon the University are under-
standable and they are great. ThE
point at which I feel that Box
Lapham has been unjustly treat-
ed concerns his rethinking of hi,
financial obligation and his later
offer to repay the Navy. Knowing
Bob, I know that this was not
merely a move to "get back in.'
Nhatever the crisis, Bob's sin-
cerity should not have been doub-
ted as it was by the Engineering
Discipline Committee.
-Alice Sutton

with a very able assist from our
consultant committee.
The second step was to arrange
-for "report-back" 'sessions, in
which the results of the survey are,
presented to each house by a dis-
cussion leader using charts to ob-
jectively report the facts. It is'
hoped that the fraternity member
will be able to see at this meeting
how the opinions of his house dif-
fer from those of all fraternity
men, as well as what differences
there are among the men in his
own house. In industry this "re-
port-back" method has been
found to be one df the most ef-
fective systems by which people
can discuss their owA attitudes
and those of their group members.,
The sessions already held have re-
portedly been quite successful. At
our request, a staff under the di-
rection of Dr. Ronald Lippitt of
the Research Center for Group
Dynamics will control and handle
these sessions, and its integrating
Psychology 193 course, open only
to interested fraternity men. Ours-
is indeed a significant and posi-
tive program.
The recently passed resolution
in some people's minds represents
legislation that resulted from the.
dogmatic growlings of a few cam-
pus pseudo-politicians. Others are
firmly convinced that the Univer-
sity should not exercise control
over the right of free association
which is itself an essential of de-
mocracy. Many fraternity men, as
evidenced by the dichotomy of
their actions, are strongly in fa-
vor of the resolution. And a large.
number of others find it difficult$
to form any "one-way" feeling on
the matter at all. Emotions too.
often tend to obstructobjectivity
and we find the Problem becom-
ing a political issue rather than a-
social one.
Because we feel coercion from
without rather than from within
begets resistence, we shall appeal
the SAC decision. We are not as,
anxiously interested in those
houses that are most directly af-
fected as we are with the prin-
ciples established by its passage.
We feel sincerely that our pro-
gram represents better a con-
structive approach to a solution.
I think that the fraternity men
can take a good deal of pride in
the fact that they have initiated,
and are continuing in spite of the,
pressure put upon them, to ap-
proach this issueoinaneintelligent
and objective manner. Our ap-
proach is consistent with the times
and ideas traditionally stressed by
fraternity life, and is consistent'
with the position of social leader-
ship which our group has long,
held on this campus.
-Peter B. Johnstone
Human Aelations Committee:
U s


THE MAGIC FLUTE, Mozart's opera in a
full scale production by the Speech Depart-
ment and School of Music. At the Lydia
Mendelssohn, tonight, tomorrow night (Mon-
day and Tuesday nights as well), at 8. See
Review this page.
THE RED PEPPERS continue their much-
applauded runs at the Arts Theater Club,
2092 E. Washington St., today, tomorrow
and Sunday, 8:30 p.m. For club members and
guests only.
ORPHEUS, the Greek myth of Orpheus
and Eurydice in a modernized version by
the noted French poet Jean Cocteau. Today
and tomorrow 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. at Hill
BORN YESTERDAY, a return engagement
of the movie version of Garson Kanin's stage
comedy about a dumb blonde who doesn't
remain so. Extremely funny. At the Michigan
BITTER RICE. The picture itself isn't said
to be too hot, but it contains an attractive
young lady. At the Orpheum today, tomor-
row and Sunday.
HIGHWAY 301, about a gang of thugs who
managed to "slash a 1000 mile crime scar
across the map of America!" Plus PRELUDE
TO KOREA, written and narrated by Quen-
tin Reynolds, at the State today and tomor-
ested in Jane Wyman, who is an airline
stewardess. At the Michigan starting Sunday.
THE STEEL HELMET, a war picture with
Korea as a background. Seniors take note. At
the State starting Sunday.

Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
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Hello, Barnaby...It's your Fairy
Godfather! Back from Washington-.

Hmmf. Very witty. How can your dad joke?
With the case of Gus the Ghost vs. Barnaby


That's no joke, m'boy, that's serious! The
looks of a litigant are terribly important!

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