,A SitJO :4 aI UNIVERSITY DISCIPLINE See Page 4 PARTLY CLOUDY Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXI, No. 108 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1951 SIX PAGES Committees OK Troops For Europe Needs Congress, Approval First WASHINGTON-(P)-Two ma- jor Senate committees yesterday approved resolutions urging that troops be sent to Europe-but call- ing on President Truman to get endorsement of both Houses in following this policy. Senator H. Alexander Smith (R- NJ) quickly explained this restric- tion was intended to apply only to future troop moves-not to the assignment of four divisions al- ready promised by Truman. * * * SMITH PUSHED through this provision when a coalition of Re- publicans and southern Democrats suddenly grabbed pontrol of the Foreign Relations a n d Armed Services Committees, which are jointly considering the hot issue. The section calling for action by both Senate and House was a major setback for the adminis- tration. Its supporters had sought to limit the committee's action to a resolution calling for Senate sanction of the dispatch of American foot soldiers to join the international army under General Dwight D. Eisenhower. ' The final result, which Senator George (D-Ga.) called a "Botch" was two resolutions. ONE, ADOPTED unanimously, requires only approval of the Sen- ate. The other, approved 16 to 8, is a concurrent resolution, requir- ing both Senate and House ap- proval. However, this is merely an ex- pression of Congress, without force of law. Administration forces ral- lied to defeat 13 to 11 a Republican proposal to make it a joint resolu- tion, which would become law with the President's signature, Senator George, one of the com- mitteemen who went along with the coalition, called the result "wholly unsatisfactory." He called it involved and complicated, de- claring it fails to meet the issue directly- U.S. Claims Russia Began Arms Race PARIS--M--The United States accused Russia yesterday of fo- menting the current armament race and said any Western move now to disarm would alarm the free peoples of the world. U.S. Ambassador-at-large Phil- ip Jessup made the statement at the meeting of the Big Four depu- ties who are trying to arrange an agenda for a meeting of the for- eign ministers of France, Britain, the United States and Russia. s . , SITTING AT his right was An- drei Gromyko, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister. One source pres- ent said Jessup looked squarely at Gromyko as he asserted: The majority of the free peo- ples of the world and those seeking escape from bondage are alarmed by the mass of armaments of the Soviet Union and its bloc. This alarm will increase, not diminish, if the United States, Bri- tain and France halt their efforts to reach a military parity with Russia, unless there is some as- surance from Russia that she has abandoned her aggressive policy. A short time before, Gromyko had said that the "furious arms race of the West" was causing the world's tensions. He said the West had started the movement and that the people of the world are worried by it. This exchange was part of the fourth session of the deputies. Persons who attended said there was still no apparent progress in framing an acceptable list of points for discussion by the for- eign ministers. Truman Linked With REC Loan Dunham's Diary Shows President Interested In Big Loan Last Year WASHINGTON-()-A Senate committee investigating alleged political influence on reconstruction finance lending discovered evi- dence yesterday that President Truman once interested himself in a $12,000,000 loan to a Boston, Mass., corporation. Working through a personal diary turned over to them by RFC Director Walter L. Dunham, the investigators found an entry stating that John R. Steelman telephoned Dunham last year to communicate the President's interest in a project to build a mammoth garage and O air raid shelter under Boston Strom Will Meet Student BodyToday Democratic Regents candidate Wheaton Strom will meet mem- bers of the student body at 4 p.m. today in a reception at the Union sponsored by t h e University's Young Democrats Club. Strom, an Escanaba attorney and University alumnus. has said his purpose in visiting the campus is to become acquainted with the WHEATON STROM * * * problems of the University. He told the YD yesterday that he was anxious to meet informally with the student body. STROM'S running mate in the April 2 election will be ex-gover- nor Murray Van Wagoner, incum- bent Regent appointed to fill- the Board vacancy left by the death of the late Ralph Hayward last semester. Young Democrat President Don McNeil, Grad., said that all in- terested students were invited to attend the Strom reception. * * * Regent Lists GOP Policies Michigan Republicans assem- bled in the Union yesterday to launch the re-election campaign of incumbent Regent Roscoe Bonisteel. In a luncheon marked by fre- quent tributes to the Ann Ar- bor attorney, about 250 guests heard Regent Bonisteel outline problems and policies facing the Board. EMPHASIZING the complexity of the task, Regent Bonisteel as- serted that he, his Republican running mate Leland Doan, and the entire Board "would keep the University of Michigan great." "In recent years," Regent Bonisteel said, "we have been and still are the envy of all1 publicly-controlled educational institutions."] Common. * * * THE ENTRY was made part of the record in the inquiry being conducted by the Senate Banking subcommittee under the chair- manship of Senator Fulbright (D-Ark.). At the little white house in Key West, Fla., presidential sec- retary Joseph Short said there was "no comment" on the com- mittee inquiry development. A transcript of yesterday's pro- ceedings, made public by Fulbright, showed that he asked Dunham whether Steelman, one of Tru- man's aides, ever urged him or any RFC director to act favorably on a loan. "No sir," Dunham replied. * * * FULBRIGHT then drew his at- tention to an entry inhis diary for June 30, 1950 which said in part: "Mr. John Steelman White House telephoned. Said the Pres- ident had requested him to call each director of the RFC re- garding the garage to be con- structed under the Boston Com- mon, Mass. States that he had already talked with Vise and Gunderson (former RFC direc- tors) the amount of the loan to Motor Parkway $12,000,000." On that same day the loan was approved by the directors, but the money was never dispersed be- cause the applying corporation did not meet the collateral require- ments. World Newus Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-American Mar- shall Plan headquarters in Europe has suggested, officials said yes- terday, that dollar aid to West Germany gbe stopped until the German government takes steps to live within its income. * * * WASHINGTON--Democratic Senator Virgil Chapman, 55- year-old Kentuckian with 25 years in the Senate, died on the operating table at Bethesda Na- val Hospital yesterday seven hours after his automobile col- lided with a big trailer-truck in a fashionable residential section of Washington. WASHINGTON - The House Un-American Activities Commit- tee delved yesterday into a reputed list of Hollywood big-name finan- cial "angels" to the Communist party, which reportedly included some of the "biggest names in; Hollywood." LANSING - No evidence of fraud and few errors were found in the voting in the last guber- natorial election, a special com- mittee of the Michigan State Board reported yesterday. *' * * SYDNEY, Australia-The Aus- tralian High Court yesterday de-1 clared invalid government legis- lation outlawing Communism. i Committee For McGee Recognized SL To Supervise Ad HoeGroup By SID KLAUS Following Student Legislature action taken Wednesday, the SL cabinet last night drew up an agreement under which the ad hoc committee for Willie McGee will operate on campus. Dean of Students Erich A. Wal- ter also last night granted the committee temporary University recognition under the plan. * * * THIS TEMPORARY recognition will allow the group to organize immediately. The Student Af- fairs Committee, meeting Tues- day, will decide whether the tem- porary arrangement is satisfac- tory . This marks the first time that the SL has been granted author- ity over an ad hoc committee of individuals. SL officers emphasized, how- ever, that their rcognition in no way implies SL endorsement of the purpose or activities of the committee. * * * UNDER THE agreement drawn up and accepted by the McGee group, a sub-committee of the SL Cabinet, composed of the vice- president, and two cabinet mem- bers at large, will have complete jurisdiction over the group. The ad hoc committe will submit to the SL Cabinet a complete outline of its structure, program and per- sonel. The McGee group can also take no action without the spe- cific approval of the SL sub- committee. Legislators Wednesday night voted to accept the committee, after finding that an obscure Uni- versity regulation requires ad hoc groups to achieve SL approval before being able to operate on campus. * * * SINCE THE WORK of the com- mittee centered around a time limit, SL voted recognition im- mediately. The ad hoc committee is join- ing a nationwide movement to save Willie McGee, a Mississippi Negro, from execution March 20 for criminal assault. Convicted in 1945, McGee has had five stays of execution since that time. Myron Wahls, '54, and Valerie Cowen, '54, are co-chairmen of the McGee group. Thir tentative plans call for petitions on the Diag and an all campus rally. Act To Have FootballTVed LANSING - (P) - A resolution requiring the University and Michigan State College to per- mit televising of home football games was introduced in the House yesterday. Introduced by Rep. John J. Fitz- patrick (D-Detroit), the resolution would set up a television commis- sion of two members from each House of the Legislature and one member each from the governing bodies of the colleges. Many taxpayers who have been helping support the colleges for years, the resolution said, can not see football games other than on television and they should "bene- fit from their years of service." The rules of the Big Ten forbid televising football games. Both colleges are members of the con- ference. Cost of Living Wage Raise l? GI'S SCOUR ENEMY NEST-A Third Division infantry patrol cautiously moves through a recently vacated enemy post on the south bank of the Han River, along Korea's western front. The Allies Johnston Approves moved doggedly forward yesterday, inflicting 17,000 * * * * * HALT COUNTERATTACKS: UN_ Troops 1(1 TOKYO - (P) - Allied troops THE ALLIES ha wiped out 6,000 Communists yes- gains of up to thre terday in their renewed offensive western sector of tl and then smashed furious North mile front before hi Korean counterattacks which ex- desperate countera ploded along a 25-mile front. east. The Chinese and North Korean T casualties boosted the Red losses Thousands of for the first two days pf the new Reds struck four U Allied offensive to more than 17,- divisions in that ea 000. They charged acri casualties on the enemy in two days. * * * * 111 6,000 Reds d ground out ee miles in the ,he flaming 70-' urling back the ttacks in the North Korean United Nations astern assault. oss the snow- Physicist Offers Space Ship Directions to Vensus WASHINGTON-(P)Road di- rections for reaching the planet Venus in a space ship in 146 days were offered yesterday by a Cali- fornia physicist. John M. Wuerth of the aero-j P arty Blows Cause Death of Illini Student CHAMPAIGN, ILL.-(/P)-A 21- year-old University of Illinois stu- dent died of a brain hemorrhage late Wednesday 11 days after he was knocked down several times at a formal fraternity dance on the campus. An inquest into the death of the student, Harold J. Colton, a sopho- more of Chicago, was scheduled last night. Coroner Don Wikoff said members of Colton's fratern- ity, Alpha Delta Phi, told him Col- ton was intoxicated and created a disturbance at the fraternity's for- mal dance on Feb. 24. About 30 couples attended. Fred H. Turner, dean of stu- dents, said in a statement that there was "nothing to justify a statement by anyone" that the dance was a "drunken brawl." University regulations prohibit drinking at any university affair in fraternity or sorority houses. physics laboratory, of a national aviation concern, offered no views on propulsion requirements or possibilities. BUT HE DID say this: Given the rocket propulsion to have a ship break away from the earth at some 25,000 miles an hour, it should be possible to navigate the vessel to a pin- point rendezvous w i th the bright planet after a flight of some 200,000,000 miles. Wuerth told a meeting of the Institute of Navigation that an in- strument of the type used in con- trolling the flight of the German V-2 rocket offers possibilities-if further developed-for placing a bound-for-Venus space ship on an unwavering course in the first 13 minutes of flight. "It should even compensate for 'detours' to dodge meteors," he said. Wuerth was a project officer in the navy's bureau of aeronautics and ordnance during world war 2. Name MSC Editor EAST LANSING-(i)-A foreign student yesterday was named edi- tor of the State News, Michigan State College student paper. The honor went to Phed Vosnia- cos, a native of Athens, Greece, the first foreign student to hold the post. Steve Bransdorfer, Lan- sing senior, was elevated from edi- tor to manager. New flecked hills with guns and gre- nades. A U. S. Tenth Corps spokesman said the enemy onslaught was re- pulsed after "bitter fighting." No Chinese troops were reported in that attack in the mountainous east. But Chinese Communist forces have been reported moving down toward that sector from North Korea. FIGHTING in nippy weather but under clear, sunny skies, Amer- ican troops paced the general ad- vance with strong artillery and air support. Chinese retreated hastily at points, leaving burning camp- fires and hot food behind. In the west, '25th Division troops drove through a lacework of Chinese Communist mortar and machinegun fire to gain a bitterly-contested one and one- half miles in their two-day old offensive 15 miles east of Seoul, Lt. Gen. Matthew B. Ridgeway's command acknowledged that his U. S. Eighth Army was engaged in a major offensive. MSC Approves Long-Range Anti-Bias Plan EAST LANSING - (P) - The Michigan State College Student Council Wednesday night approv- ed a long-range plan for the elim- ination from the campus of fra- ternities and sororities with dis- criminatory clauses. The measure, introduced by Tom Angeli, Lansing junior, provides that all campus organizations must eliminate discriminatory clauses from their constitutions by Oct. 15, 1956, or forfeit recog- nition by the Council. An "escape clause" in the mea- sure, however, reads that the dis- criminatory clauses shall be elim- inated by 1956 or the organizations "must show proof of progress and good intent." Unorganized Labor Aided 'By Decsion DiSalle Upholds Freeze on Cotton WASHINGTON - (P) - Econo- mic Stabilizer Eric Johnston fur- ther relaxed wage controls last night to permit raises to perhaps. hundreds of thousands of unor- ganized workers. Johnston issued three new or- ders. They were handed to the press by W. Willard Wirtz, acting executive director of the Wage Stabilization Board. * * * THE ADMINISTRATION also got into hot water on its policy of price control over ray cotton in the mobilization porgram. Legislators from cotton states angrily demanded that the Ad- ministration pull back its ourbs on cotton prices, but Price Di- rector Michael V. DiSalle refused to do so. Meanwhile an official of the Wage Stabilization Board said it was a "sheer guess" that 250,000 workers will be affected by John- ston's move. The order is in three parts. One authorizes "cost-of- living" raises up until June 30 even though not required under a labor-management contract, pro- vided that the employer has a written "cost of living" wage or salary plan which was formally communicated to the employes on or before last Jan. 25. Earlier, Johnston had okayed such in- creases where provided by con- tract. Officials said white-collar work- ers at Ford, Chrysler and General Motors are among those who stand to benefit. * * * THE ORDER also sets proce- dures for determining wages in new plants-on a scale comparable to rates in nearby industry-and provides for possible wage boosts for workers in the same industry where other employes have already been granted increases. This might apply, for example, to the coal in- dustry. On Capitol hill, a stormy three-hour Congressional hear- ing over cotton price controls ended in an apparent deadlock after Price Director DiSalle de- clined to budge on the govern- ment's position. DiSalle contended that failure to act on cotton would have given other industries ground for ex- emption. * * * AT ONE point, Rep. Gathings (D-Ark) demanded: "Will you or will you not re- peal this (control) order?" Calmly, DiSalle replied he had heard no testimony "that would cause me to repeal the order." Rep. Rankin (D-Miss) shouted that the order represented "the worst treatment ever meted out to the farmers of America." Senate Looks at Draftees, Dollars WASHINGTON-1)--Two pro- posals to "draft dollars as well as 18 year old boys" faced the Senate last night as leaders plan- ned to complete action today on the Universal1Military Service and Training Bill. They came from Senator Lan- ger (R-ND). Sponsors of the UMST measure expected the Sen- ate to reject both. One Langer amendment pro- posed to take all taxable income of any individual above $25,000 a year. The other called for a 100 per cnt tax upon the excess profits or dividends of all corporations. PRO'S AND CON'S OF THE CLASSROOM: Students, Faculty Strongly Criticized at LSA Conference By LEONARD GREENBAUM Both students and faculty mem- bers were strongly criticized last night at the second Literary Col- lege Conference of the year. While no group action was tak- en, numerous viewpoints were pre- "We want a person not a vic- trola" and "students are not taught to think" were the main criticisms. Prof. Samuel Eldersveld of the political science department led students say they want one thing while they really want another. They ask to be challenged, and when they are, they want the teacher to answer the challenge. The difference in student atti- tude between the freshman and student attitude he had overheard in a conversation between two co- eds on a rainy afternoon: "We might just as well go to class as walk home on a day like this." * * * STUDENTS, HOWEVER, coun- Charles Staubach of the Spanish department suggested that finals should require the student to give back the material, show an under- standing of the teacher's reasoning and present his own viewpoint with evidence to back it up. recitation classes the einphasis was on the quizmaster versus the in- structor. The ideal situation, agreed on by both faculty and stu- dents, was one where the discus- sion and the interaction of ideas was achieved.