Y L it 4UU Dadl CLOUDY AND COLDER CLASSROOM DIVIDENDS See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXI, No. 106 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1951 SIX PAGES U.S. Forces Fan Out for Drive on Seoul ___. IFC To Ask Removal of Time Limit Will Take Appeal To Pres. Ruthven By CRAWFORD YOUNG The Inter-Fraternity Council House President's Assembly last night voted to appeal to University h resident Alexander Ruthven for avetofthe bas clause ielmt The 1956 limit for removal of fraternity discriminatory clauses wst dvoted lstaNovemberabypthe sStudent Legislature and approved last Tuesday by the Student Af- fairs Committee. The President of the University must in turn ap- prove it before it takes effect. THE MOTION passed by the IFC stated that it agreed with the goals of the time limit, but object- ed to the methods by which these Agoals were to be achieved. The IFC felt that its long- range program of research and education, conducted through the Group Dynamics Center, would accomplish more in real elimination of prejudice than any solution forced upon them from outside. Real progress has been made in this direction,it was pointed out. Since the discrimination contro- versy came into the open two years ago, 6 out of the 20 fraternities on campus which had discriminatory . clauses have removed them with- out any official University pres- sure. * * * A LETTER requesting removal, postponement, or reconsideration of the time limit ruling will be sub- n #tted o President Ruthven in a couple of days by the Human Re- lations Committee of the IFC, ac- cording to Pete Johnstone, '51, committee chairman.- Alternative proposals were dis- cussed by the IFC before adop- tion of the plan to appeal. The principle suggestion was that the IFC might accept the SAC ver- dict and make the best of it by requesting that the University allow them to administer the time limit. This was discarded, however, on the grounds that the IFC would be taking upon themselves a re- sponsibility which might prove very uncomfortable when it came to the point of passing judgment on the houses. Another point brought out from the floor was that before the local deadlines are reached, time limits in at least six other colleges will have expired. Important precedents will have been set, IFC members said, both as to whether the individual col- lege will go through with its threat to expel offending fraternities from the campus, and whether the courts will recognize the legality of such a move by a college. f Y * Bias Motion Brings Mixed Student Views With the Inter-Fraternity Coun- cil still strongly opposed, Stu- dent Legislature members general- ly supported the Student Affairs Committee approval of the SL's bias clause resolution. "The SAC has made a wise choice, but the big job still lies ahead," SL member Bill McIn- tyre, '53, declared. "The IFC will have to initiate a practical human relations program, while the job of the SL is public relations-by that, I mean, they must explain and sell this new resolution to the campus." IFC President Bob Vogt, '51, re- marked that he thought the SAC action "a mistake." "The bias clause as it now stands will not ac- complish the desired end as well as the IFC educational program which has been carried on by the Senate Limits Armed Forces Four Million Man Ceiling Added To Bill for 18-Year-Old Draft WASHINGTON-(RP)-The Senate voted yesterday for a man- power limit of 4,000,000 on America's armed forces. That gives the military a leeway of half a million men over the figures they have talked about in public, but applies a curb which they have said might be a danger in emergency. * * * * THE CEILING PROVISION was written into a pending bill for a draft of 18-year-olds now and Universal Military Training in the future. Action followed a brief, sharp debate over whether there should be any formal limit at all in this time of international * * * ' tension. It came shortly after College Draft Deferment Plan Spurred Draft deferment for top grade college students moved closer to reality yesterday when Selective Service Director Gen. Lewis B. Hershey submitted the plan to high government manpower offi- cials. A national news service reported that Hershey is expected to an- nounce the plan soon. It calls for deferment of deserving students, based on class standing and a college aptitude test. * * . UNDER TERMS of the proposal more than one million men would be tested. Those who receive the equivalent of 120'oflthe old armed forces classification test would be allowed to continue their studies. In addition, freshmen in the up- per half of their class this year, sophomores in the upper two thirds and juniors in the upper three quarters would be deferred. Announcement of this scheme is expected to slow down the trend of voluntary enlistments of college students, because many of them would be allowed to remain civilians for another year. The proposal, which stems from the recommendations of a selec- tive service advisory committee, carries the endorsement of most educators. GEN. HERSHEY stated that only one executive approval is needed for the tests to be printed and distributed. He explained that time is becoming an important factor, because the tests must be given before the end of the current school year. Gen. Hershey personally decid- ed that both class standing and test mark would be used as defer- ment standards. He pointed out that although some lazy men who are smart will be deferred, some hard working students that are not so smart will be exempted also. Also, under this plan the smaller colleges will fare better, he said. the High Command, led by Sec- retary of Defense George C. Marshall, had filed solemnly worded protests against a pro- posal to make the lid still low- er. In effect the 49-41 roll call vote put over a compromise. Sen. Morse (R-Ore.) had originally proposed a ceiling of 3,500,000 troops, but Secretary Marshall strongly ob- jected to this. Sen. Robertson (D-Va.) then proposed the four million figure.1 That vote generally followed warty lines. Forty Democrats teamed with nine Republicans for it. In opposition were 35 Re- publicans and six Democrats. Secretary Marshall said that any such limitation as Morse proposed would be a "direct gamble with the national security." The present armed services goal of 3,462,2051 this summer, he went on is "not a ceiling" but a "minimum." * * *. County Drafts 19-Year-Olds Faced with a dwi ndling man- Fpowerpool, the Washtenaw coun- ty draft board yesterday ordered eight 19-year-olds to report for induction to fill the county's March quota of 50. It was the first group of 19- year-olds to go from this area since the start of the Korean war. Special permission to include these men was obtained by the draft board from State Selective Service headquarters after it became ap- parent no older ones were avail- able for call. Of the total of 50 inducted, two were 20-year-old University stu- dents who dropped out of school in February. Iranian Premier Killed by Fanatic TEHERAN, Iran-(P)-Premier Gen. Ali Razmara, a tough anti- Communist whose reform program was backed by the United States, was shot to death yesterday by a religious fanatic at a funeral in a Teheran mosque. The assassination was the cli- max of weeks of political agita- tion. Communists were not believ- ed involved. -Daily-Burt Sapowitch PRESSMAN pickets Ann Arbor Press, Maynard Street commer- cial printers, to help his union's strike for a wage increase and a new contract. Strikers amic- ably let other workers cross the line and joked with manage- ment officials. SL Decides To Switch J-Hop mote~ In a unanimous vote, the SL moved last night to hold the J-Hop Committee elections in the spring instead of the fall. Spider Webb, '52, chairman of the SL Citizenship Committee, ad- vised the Legislature to make the change, particularly for economic reasons, and to give the commit- tee more time to get organized. It was also moved, after considerable discussion, to elect the committee by means of a straight X vote, in- stead of using the Hare system. * * * EARLIER IN THE meeting, the ad hoc Committee to Save Willie McGee was taken under the wing of SL According to an obscure reg- ulation, any ad hoc committees must achieve recognition with the SL before they can operate on campus. After considerable discussion as to the exact mean- ing of the regulation in this par- ticular case, it was moved: 1. To accept the ad hoc commit- tee as operating under the SL cab- inet; 2. To recommend to Dean Walt- er that the committee be recogniz- ed as connected with the SL. The Committee to Save Willie McGee is joining a nationwide movement to save McGee, a Mis- sissippi Negro, from execution for criminal assault. The Committee maintains there has been a mis- carriage of justice. World News Roundup By The Associated Press PARIS-The Russians demand- ed an airing of the trouble-some Trieste situation yesterday as a condition for putting the Austrian independence treaty before the Big Four Foreign Ministers. * * * MOSCOW - Finance Minister Arseny G. Zverev presented to the Supreme Soviet (Parlia- ment) last night a budget calling for an arms expenditure of 96,- 376,000,000 rubles in 1951, which is equal to $24,094,000,000. .: . . PARIS - Henri Queuille, ap-. peared last night on the way to forming his second French govern- ment after spending the evening in conferences with leaders of middle road parties in an effort to form a coalition and end the week- old cabinet crisis. Senate Group OK's Troops For Europe Motion Succeeds By Small Margin WASHINGTON-(P)--Two Sen- ate committees yesterday ap- proved sending "our fair share" of American troops to Europe. T h e Foreign Relations and Armed Services committees, sit- ting jointly, adopted the major provisions of an Administration resolution still awaiting their fi- nal approval. This may come to- day. THE COMMITTEES also ap- proved the selection - of Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower as Supreme Commander of the Allied Army in Europe. As the resolution stands, the House would not be cut in on the decision. The resolution would give Senate sanction to dispatch of armed forces for joint defense of North Atlantic area. Advocates of action by both Houses on the bitterly debated is- sue of stationing American foot soldiers abroad in a peacetime de- fense army were expected to press their point. This might take the form of a separate resolution, per- haps dealing with future troop commitments. PRESIDENT Truman already has announced plans to send four' more divisions to serve with two U.S. divisions already in Europe. They will be assigned to the in- ternational army being formed un- der command of Eisenhower. Tru- man claims the power to deploy troops as he deems necessary without direct Congressional ap- proval. The Administration's troops- for-Europe clause barely squeaked through. The committee also adopted an amendment making it the "sense of the Senate" that the President before taking action to send ground troops to Europe under the treaty, will consult with the Secretary of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Eisenhower and the Foreign Relations and Armed Services committees of both Houses. Collazo Given DeathPenalty WASHINGTON - () - A Fed- eral jury decreed death yesterday for Oscar Collazo, who stormed President Truman's home Nov. 1 in the name of Puerto Rican in- dependence. Actual fixing of sentence in a Federal court is in the hands of the judge-T. Alan Goldsborough -but the jury found the little 37- year-old revolutionary guilty on two counts of first degree murder. The law makes death in the elec- tric chair mandatory on each such count. Both the charges were based on the death of -Private Leslie Coffelt of the White House Guard, shot to death in the furious gunplay outside Blair House on Pennsyl- vania avenue. The Government itself conceded that the actual death bullet was fired by Collazo's accomplice, Griselio Torresola, who was slain in the gunfight, but the jury agreed with the prosecution con- tention that participation in the crime made Collazo equally guilty. --Daily-$urt Sapowitch BROWN MEETS G.B.S.-Samuel Schneider (right) presents a bust of George Bernard Shaw to John Mason Brown, critic and author who lectured last night. Schneider carved the piece of wood during the last war while serving in the Navy off Okinawa. * * * * Brown Says World Crisis Harms Modern Writing By DAVIS CRIPPEN "The perpetual crisis which wet seem torbe in has made it impos- sible for the writer of today to find a genuine focus for his tal- ents," John Mason Brown, critic and author, said in a lecture last night.- Bonisteel To Begin Contest Today in Union, Michigan Republicans w ill launch the election campaign of incumbent Regent Roscoe Boni- steel at 12:15 p.m. today at a luncheon given in his honor inj the Union Ballroom. Regent Bonisteel's running mate for the two contested Board of Regents posts, Leland Doan, of Midland, will also be present at the luncheon. * * * BOTH CANDIDATES received; unanimous nominations on the Republican ticket at the party's Feb. 18 convention in Detroit. Re- gent Bonisteel, originally a Gov. Harry F. Kelly appointee, was named to the ticket early in the proceedings. Doan, president of Dow Chemical Co., got the nod immediately afterwards w h e n early opposition withdrew. They will face ex-governor Murray Van Wagoner and Es- canaba attorney W h e a t o n Strom in the April 2 election. Today's luncheon, sponsored by the Second Congressional District Republican Committee, will be open to the public. Reservations, at $1.50 a plate, may be secured by calling Washtenaw County vice-chairman George Sallabe at 2-0754. When asked about the Re- publican Regents candidates' chances in the coming election Sallabe was optimistic. "This is a spring election," he pointed out, "and these generally go Republican." C o u n t y Young Republican Chairman John Donaldson, '51, agreeing with his party co-worker, said the traditionally light vote cast in spring contests would probably aid Regent Bonisteel and Doan. "He is trying," Brown contin- ued, "to take an action photo with a camera that is not built for such pictures." .* * * "THE IVORY Tower has been swept away in the surge of the' continuing crisis," Brown declared. He admitted that writers in past times had taken part in the great events of their periods and cited Milton, Voltaire and Goethe as examples. "But," Brown went on, "they could choose their causes and withdraw from them when they wanted to." THE CRITIC cited the case of Goethe who served briefly in the Napoleonic wars, but soon decided to quit and seclude himself. There with war raging on all sides of him he was still able to complete some of his best work, Brown said. "Unfortunately, there is no such separation center available to the modern author. Charles Lamb, another of the literary figures of the Napoleonic era, was able to say, 'I can not make present times present to me.' The author of to- day is caught on the other ex- treme. The present day events are so close to him that he can't make anything of them," Brown declared. The result of this dilemma, Brown said, has been the revival of such authors as F. Scott Fitz- gerald. Brown also expressed his dis- may at 'another result of the East- West tension: the growth of hys- teria. "It is wise to overestimate the enemy, but we have done this too much," he said. "If we let this fear continue it will turn us into copies of everything we de- test in the Soviet system. * * * EARLIER IN THE day, Brown had a get-together with an old war buddy, and received a present. The friend was Samuel Schneider, the gift a bust of George Bernard Shaw which Schneider had carved out of Hawaiian mahogany. Schneider, now the head of the photographic department of a lo- cal camera manufacturing con- cern, served with Brown on the staff of Admiral Alan Kirk in the Sicilian invasion. Allies Take lecord Bag )f Prisoners Triple Pronged Offensive Begins TOKYO -() - T anks and roops of the U. S. 25th Division anned out today from a triple ridgehead across the Han river n a flanking drive east of Red- ield Seoul. More than 5,000 Chinese were illed, wounded or captured yes- ;erday as the infantrymen surged cross the Han in assault boats fnd established three bridgeheads .5 miles east of the ancient Kor- an capital. No other Allied troops ni the current drive have crossed ,o near to Seoul. THE POWER - packed push, which gained up to three miles, was part of a general Allied at- ack pressed along a 70-mile front in west central Korea. Gains else- where were as much as five miles. AP correspondent Jim Becker, across the Han with the 25th, said the stunned Chinese sur- rendered in groups. Yesterday's bag of 204 prisoners was the biggest one-day haul by a single division since the war's outset. Other Chinese fled in panic. Last night, the Reds managed nly one counterattack. It was repulsed. THIS MORNING, the infantry'. men began expanding their hold on the sandy flatlands east of Seoul. More than 1,000 Chinese were killed by American foot soldiers on the first day of the big oper- ation. Intense Allied artillery fire accounted for most of the remaining 4,000 Chinese killed and wounded. General MacArthur was at the front yesterday when the Allied 70-mile-long attack began west- ward from the river crossings to Pangnim. * * * AT THE east end of the front an estimated 13,500 North Kor- eans struck hard at Republic of Korea troops and drove them back at least three miles. These furious attacks and counterattacks may be a pre- lude to the expected Chinese spring offensive, with the Allies trying to keep the Reds off bal- ance while the North Ko*Ans probe for a soft spot in Soui Korean lines. Air reports of heavy unidentified reinforcements moving down into the area northeast of Pangnim, where the North Koreans launched their attack, led some front line commanders to believe that this might be the scene of the next Chinese counter offensive. UN.Stalemate Seen in Korea By MacArthur SUWON. Korea-(P)--General MacArthur said- yesterday con- tinued "limitations upon our field of counteroffensive action" means the Korean war "cannot fail" to end in a stalemate. But the UN commander predict- ed the great casualties suffered by the enemy would shake the Red China regime and dampen its ardor for any other "aggressive adven- tures" in Asia. MacArthur read his carefully- worded, statement at a news con- ference in a tent beside Suwon airstrip. The conference follow- ed a three-hour tour of the front with Lt. Gen. Matthew B. Ridg- way, Eighth Army commander. MacArthur said the Chinese Communists have no more -than "an almost hopeless chance of ul- timate military success." He said on the other hand the United Nations, barred from at- tacking Communist war production in China and without reinforce- ments, can achieve no more than continuing stalemate. MacArthur seemed to suggest t th eTr.itiA Naiontn u tinn LSA CONFERENCE TODAY: Students Will A ir Teaching Methods By PAUL MARX Students will have a chance to turn idle gripes about the literary college's recitation and lecture course methods of teaching into constructive proposals for action department and Prof. Algo D. Hen- derson of the education school. Conference meetings, such as tonight's, are held for the ex- press purpose of presenting the Ufcn-vo llnr-aminkt+,ation cussion, a committee of students is. formed to summarize what the views of students were at the meet- ing. From this summary recom- mendations for action are formu- lated and presented to Dean Rob- i