THE MICHIGAN DAILY The City Editor's SCRATCH . ..-PAD By PAUL BRENTLINGER D EVELOPMENTS OF this semester's fra- ternity rushing period have clearly shown the absurdity of the IFC's rushing rules. Theoretically, all men interested in rushing were supposed to have registered with the IFC by Saturday, Feb. 17, the day before rushing officially began. This idea was emphasized in the Feb. 17 is- sue of The Daily which reported that "IFC rushing officials reminded students that today is the last day to register for spring rushing." By Feb. 17, 276 men had registered for rushing. A list of these men was sent to all fraternities, so that each house would know exactly who was rushing, and so that each would theoretically have the same chances in the rushing competition. This is consistent with the whole theory of IFC rushing rules, which are designed to insure equal opportunity to all houses which rush. That is why the rules have been made so strict, regarding pre-rushing contacts, contacts after rushing hours, and dinners during the first week of rushing. That also is why severe fines are levied on fraterri- ties which violate these rules. BTINSTEAD of sticking to its promise that "today (Feb. 17) is the last day to register for spring rushing," IFC officials did what they had done for many semesters in the past and announced on Sunday, Feb. 18, that "a few more late-comers are ex- pected (to register) next week." "A few more" turned out to be a most conservative estiate. During the actual rushing period, 114 men registered for rushing. This was approximately 41% of the number who signed up by the Feb. 17 "deadline." It was 29% of the 393 men who finally did sign up for rushing. No supplementary rushing lists were sent out to fraternities as these 114 me register- ed after the "deadline." The net effect of all this is that fraterni- ties privately rushed men, got them sold on joining, and signed them up for rushing at the last minute so that other fraternities didn't have a chance to rush them. This contradicts the idea behind rushing rules. It makes it absurd to send IFC in- spectors around to various fraternities to check on "dirty rushing." It makes it absurd to levy $56 fines on houses which violate these rules designed to let all fraternities have an equal chance at rushing. * * * , THE LOGICAL conclusion is that the IFC should take one of two alternatives. If it is going to insist on strict observance of its rushing rules, so that rushing will be fair to all concerned, then the IFC should insist upon registration of all rushees by the Saturday before rushing begins. But if the IFC is going to acnowledge the fact that rushing is a cut-throat, competitive business, and that ruhing rules have an effect similar to that of prohibition laws, then it should seriously consider drastic .revision, or even eli-. mination, of most of its rushing rules. The fraternity rushing system here is full of imperfections at its best; there is no reason why it should bear the burden of .a ridiculous set of regulations. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writess only. NIGHT EDITOR: VERNON EMERSON Zoning AFTER MONTHS of debate, rewriting and amending the proposed A-1 fraternity- sorority zoning ordinance, the president of the local Board of Public Works, Paul R. Kempf, has asked the city council to table the whole matter and begin again. This seems like a slap in the face of the council's ordinance committee which probably feels it has argued out a fair compromise that will satisfy all concern- ed. True there are details yet to be set- tied, but all told the new ruling seems to be nearing its final form. Yet Kempf's plan deserves careful con- sideration. In the advent of all out mobili- zation, the city's population could be radi- cally altered. This is particularly true of the student populace, with which the new law deals. Even without this emergency condition Ann Arbor's present expansion program almost necessitates an overall study of the city's zoning set-up. As it is, the present revisal of the zon- ing ordinance may satisfy most of the people connected with the problem, but it is doubtful that it looks to the near, let alone the distant future. It will be hard to turn the pro.blem of fra- ternity zoning into a thorough study of zoning throughout the city. Councilmen are being hardpressed by their constituents to take definite action on the present proposal. But now, while zoning is somewhat of an issue, would be a good time for the city to clear up the whole question. -Vernon Emerson I 1E .t I II MA rER OF0FACT By STEWART ALSOP MEANING OF A MISSION WASHINGTON-The just-completed and highly, successful mission of Ambassa- dor-At-Large John Foster Dulles in Japan and the Pacific will have infinitely more far- reaching consequences than first meet the eye. For example, one result of the Dulles mission is that General of the Army Douglas MacArthur will almost certainly lay down his command in the next few months and return to this country for the first time in more than a decade. Another result is that the whole balance of power in the Far East will be gradually but radically altered. Mr. Dulleshas returned to Washington with a series of specific and vitally im- portant recommendations, which are pret- ty sure to be accepted. In the first place, he is convinced that the time to act is now-In the next three or four months. If a peace treaty and the restoration of sovereignty to the Japanese government are much longer delayed, the psychologi- cal moment will have passed. At present, the Japanese are not only in- tensely eager for a treaty, they are also eager to have American troops stationed in Japan. This is in large part thanks to Mr. Dulles himself, who chose the course of persuading the Japanese that the protection afforded by American troops was in their own interest, rather than the course, favored in the Pentagon, of bluntly demanding the right to keep American bases. But if the restoration of sovereignty is indefinitely de- layed this Japanese attitude is entirely likely to change. T HE PEACE TREATY proposed by Mr. Dulles would in effect restore Japanese sovereignty without major restriction. A bi- lateral agreement, signed at the same time, DORIS FLEESON: Eyes on the. White House WASHINGTON-It has been a little diffi- cult at times to tell whether the current foreign-policy argument is over troops for Europe or troops for the Republican Na- tional Convention in 1952. Deliberately and purposefully, Gover- nor Dewey, Harold Stassen, Senators Lodge, Duff and others drew the issue of isolationism against Senators Taft, Wher- ry and company. Their obvious aim was to raise a standard to which Republican Internationalists, inside and outside Wash- ington, can repair before the party is wholly , preempted by its congressional leaders. This became a political imperative for anti-Taft forces when the Ohio Senator moved so decisively into the foreign-policy field. He was already outdistancing them fast. His Ohio victory was sensational and few dispute him in domestic affairs. His friends control the national committee, which gives him tactical and publicity ad- vantage. The Republican organ in the capi- tal, the Washington Times-Herald, is for him, and usually against all who oppose hire for any reason. The comparatively small group in Con- gress who buck the Taft leadership will be encouraged by the open display of Governor Dewey and Senator Duff that the great states of New York and Pennsylvania will not be for Senator Taft at the national convention. This is a needed antidote to the recent punishment via committee as- signments of Sen. Margaret Chase Smith of Maine for her independence. - * GOVERNOR DEWEY has named General Eisenhower as his candidate for the Presidential nomination. The best answer to the question of whether he is really be- hind Eisenhower is probably: yes, but not too far behind just in case of a tie. There is one Washington habit the Dewey camp would like very much to correct and that's calling Senator Taft Mister Republican. They don't like it for their own sakes and they virtuously add that it's unfair to give him delusions of Omniscience. General Eisenhower has performed the remarkable feat of appearing really detached from all this maneuvering. But he is avail- able to those on whose support politically he can count and a good deal of quiet work to help and protect his prospects is being done. * * * * IN A LITTLE-NOTICED interview the General's world war II aide, Harry But- cher, now a radio executive, recently said that he felt the General would run for the Presidency only as a coalition candidate in time of crisis. Speculative Democrats be- lieve that this reflects thinking in Eisen- hower circles about a Republican-Dixiecrat coalition. They would expect Governor Byrnes of South Carolina to show some readiness to lead such a Dixiecrat exodus into the Eisen- hower camp. It would, of course, make the general an' internationalist but a predominantly conservative candidate so far as his sup- port went. Nobody knows whether he himself would be willing to make such a sacrifice of the liberal views he has often would spell out the right to maintain Amer- ican troopsin Japan. As soon as the treaty was ratified, the whole cumbrous structure of the occupation would be dismantled, Tok- yo would cease to be an American city, and 'combat troops only would be maintained in agreed areas of Japan, out of the large cities. Even before the ratification of the treaty, Gen. MacArthur would almost cer- tainly resign his proconsulship. Gen. Mac- Arthur is not given by temperament to. enduring anti-climax gladly. He has re- peatedly intimated to visitors that once a treaty is signed, and Japan becomes again a sovereign nation, he will leave. The mere fact of MacArthur's departure from his commanding position in Japan will have a profound and unpredictable effect on American Far Eastern policy. At any rate, Gen. MacArthur backs Mr. Dulles fully on the necessity for moving quickly. Mr. Dulles is so convinced of the need for rapid action that he is reported to have recommended that a treaty be signed whatever the course of the Korean war; no matter how fiercely the Kremlin objects; and even whether or not all our Pacific al- lies are willing to go along. On the first point, it will be necessary of course to get a Japanese guarantee of all necessary requirements for fighting the Ko- rean war, but there will be no difficulty about this. On the second point, as Mr. Dulles will doubtless point out to Soviet Ambassador Malik, in Japan, in contrast to Germany and Austria, Russia has nothing to lose anyway. It is certainly improbable that Mr. Malik and his masters in the Kremlin will agree, but this will not affect American plans for a treaty. The third point-the agreement of this country's Pacific allies-is certainly the most troublesome. The British want guarantees against Japanese competition, especially in shipping. The Philippines want reparations. The Australians and the New Zealanders want limitations on Japanese rearmament. All these demands are considered impracti- cal. ',* * IN THE AMERICAN VIEW, the way to pre- vent Japan becoming again a menace is to bring the Japanese fully into the non- Communist club, as an equal member. Mr. Dulles views the second step after the sign- ing of the treaty as the establishment of a Pacific alliance, to consist at a minimum of Japan, the United States, the Philippines, Australia, and New Zealand. Japan would be allowed a level of armaments permitting her to contribute to the defense of the Pa- cific area, without again threatening her neighbors, and also permitting the American commitment in Japan to be gradually re- duced. But the restoration of Japanese so- vereignty, already much too long delayed, cannot await further endless haggling. As for the third step, it is believed that eventually, with a Japanese treaty signed, and a Pacific alliance established, some sort of settlement of the Korean war may be reached with Communist China, per- haps on the basis of a Chinese buffer state extending to the narrow neck of the Korean peninsula. The dangers are still, of course, very great. The Soviets may yet intervene openly in Korea, or they may infiltrate armed Japan- ese communists into Japan from the Kuriles, as a prelude to an armed coup in the power vacuum which Japan now is. Yet Mr. Dulles himself is reported to believe that, if the dangers of the next few months can be sur- mounted, an uneasy but long-lasting armed truce of sorts may yet be established in the Far East. (Copyright, 1951, New York Herald Tribune Inc.) Shock Value THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, voted 'Mi- chigan's Best Newspaper' last year, ran a story on the front page of yesterddy's pa- per that was in such poor taste that it can hardly be allowed to pass without comment. The story described in very vivid terms how a 20-year-old American soldier from Ironwood, Mich. killed a "Gook" with his bare hands. The soldier's only comment was, "I guess I did maul him around a little bit, but it was him or me. Besides he made me. mad when he broke my watch." Hardly anyone will believe that war is a clean cut sporting event, or that plenty of soldiers have not killed with their bare hands before. However, the Free Press can have no other reason for running such a story than to shock its readers into feel- ings of hate toward the Enemy, or to in- spire an emotional shock that takes no particular direction, but only lashes out blindly at whatever may disturb the reader. No newspaper should openly and blandly foster emotional hate and a subjective re- action such as this story creates. Its basic duty is to report what it considers the im- portant happenings of the day. An emotion- packed report of a young American GI beat- ing the enemy to death with his bare fists can hardly be considered a part of the top news of the day. -Ron Watts Fate of Critics _9 TT t 1/n __ f - f1T___ _ t _ - "Just Charge It To Uncle Sam" OVER 4343,00O- ; N ONE YEAR j FOR SENATE - 0 ' Ki *'9l le ,'Agf.c'r XetteP4 TOTHE EDITOR The'Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the triter and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. fore the SAC was signed by Paul Brentlinger, City Editor. This same Mr. Brentlinger had previously written an editorial strongly opposed to the motion. This instance shows a character- istic of The Daily staffers that is admirable. They try their best to think a problem through, and when they find they are wrong the wrong is admitted-even if it has to be in black or white. For this and for its attempt at good news coverage, The Daily deserves the large circulation it has on campus despite (not be- cause of) the D.OB. -Leah Marks (Editor's Note: Mr. Brentlinger's first editorial specifically objected to a rigid time limit set by the SL on the removal of bias clauses, and to7 the fact that no provision had been made for extenuating circumstances. Since this editorial appeared, the SL has modified its position, and the proposal which will be considered by the SAC does provide for extenuating circumstances. Mr. Brentlinger's ob- jections to the original proposal do not apply to the current proposal.) * * * McGee Case , To the Editor: WILLIE McGEE is a Negro from Mississippi who is facing, death 'in the electric chair on March 20 for the 6th time, con- victed for the alleged rape of a white woman. McGee was arrested 30 miles from the scene of the alleged rape on the same, day. He was beaten by police and held incom- municado for 32 days. A "confes- sion" was forced from him which he later repudiated. He had to be carried into the courthouse for his trial, he was beaten so badly. T h e. woman who brought charges testified at the trial:u"... I' could see nothing, that was the darkest place I had ever seen ..." On this evidence, the all-white jury deliberated. After deliberat- ing 2/2 minutes, they found Mc- Gee guilty and he was sentenced to die. . The other two trials were like this one. The people who were gathered around the courthouse at each trial pressed for a verdict of guil- ty. State militia with machine- guns had to hold them back. Mrs. McGee said in an inter- view with the Daily Compass: "Then on Dec. 6, 1945, they bring Willie back to Laurel and the lynch mob they gather all around the courthouse. They bring Willie in a jeep that got machineguns on it and they have to carry Wil- lie into the courthouse, he can't walk, he's so beat " About the third trial, Mrs. Mc- Gee said: "Well the word got started that Willie going to go free and that lynch mob they threaten to do something. Willie's lawyers ask that they be protec- ted, but the judge - that's the same judge tried him the first time - he say no. And the law- yers they leave the court by the back door before they even can sum up their speeches. And they convict Willie again and then take him out the back door to Jackson.' They went a long way out of the way 'cause that lynch mob is waiting on the regular road to Jackson." In view of these facts, won't agitators, no stereotypes on the Committee to Save McGee. It is a group of serious and concerned' men and women who feel that the time for public action on cer- tain issues has come; that when an innocent human life is about to be destroyed, the too frequently silent voices of Americans must be raised . . . I ask that we rip ourselves from the calm pattern of college life long enough to consider a young man waiting to die, long enough to hear his children cry, toisee his wife bite her lip and 'turn aside. I ask that Michigan men and women welcome the Committee to Save McGee without hesitation or disinterest; that they listen to the facts, and that they aid that com- mittee in seeking the return to life and freedom of Willie McGee. There is so little time. --Arthur Buchbinder '51 Insidious Critic .. . To the Editor: HAVE been observing with growing' apprehension the in- sidious destruction by William J. Hampton of mankind-and, yea -womenkind on the pages of The Daily. Now it is time to act. Can we allow this force of dis- illusionment to continue without check? Must we watch our freedom to merrily believe, with justifiable smugness, that University (as well as national and international) life is firmly good dwindle under the sadistic attacks of Mr. Hampton's scratching pen? His latest diatribe against the one-act plays of the Department of Speech, though conforming to the principles of criticism, is far too idealistic. This idealism forces Mr. Hamp- ton to expect some degree ofac- complishment. Now this is ridicu- lous. And it is dangerous. For in troubled times as these, we must accept things as they are, distant from perfection as they may be, in order to stabilize our hectic lives. Now is not the period of ques- tion, of searching. We must, ra- ther, rest our weary heads on the soft, pleasantly engulfing cushion of acceptance without question. Oh, Mr. Hampton: how naugh- ty you are. You are as evil as my room- mate who cruelly keeps me awake during study hours. -B. S. Brown Cinema v. Movies . . To the Editor: HAVE noticed that in all of The Daily's reviews, motion pic- tures are put into one of the two categories, "Current Movies," and "Cinema." The distinction be- tween Movies and Cinema is ap- parently meaningful inasmuch as both headings have appeared in the same issue. My curiosity about the distinction between these terms has not been satisfed by dictionaries because I found that bothiWebster's and A C D define movie and cinema synonomously. I would like to know how The Daily differentiates between mov- ies and cinema. -Hugh Smith Editor's Note-The somewhat arti- ficial catagories are used to distin- guish the regular flow of first-run movies from revivals or films of special interest.) * * * Critique of Critics . . To the Editor: IT MUST BE discouraging to contributors to the "Letters to the Editor" column of The Daily to note how little their comments are regarded by those'staff mem- bers who are assigned to reviewing music and student theatrical pro- ductions. Surely The Daily's critics read at least occasionally the comments directed at their reviews, many of which are thoughtfully submitted and deserve consideration. Never- theless, they continue 'to attack performances which they deem in- ferior with a perfectionist atti- 4 etude beyond their experience as] college students. Do they not realize the incon- sistency of this intolerant ap- proach with the worldly sophisti- cation they so strive to reflect?. -Ted Kobrin * * * Student Draft . - To the Editor: AFTER READING several of your recent articles on how college men might somehow get, out of military service, we think it is about time somebody put in a yell for the other side-the country. Obviously, the sole reason for the big uproar is based entirely on selfish motives. Much of the draft-bait here sincerely believe that they are too valuable to car- ry a gun. But how they have guts enough to admit it in public is more than we can figure out. This! idea about 'being more valuable to my country here in college' is so much hogwash. As far as we are concerned, the more of these so-called intelligentsia they nail, the better. -R. J. Stegner, '52L C. W. Pike, '52L * * * Exhibit A . * To the Editor: THE National Association for the Advancement of Sadism in Inconsistency *. To the Editor: N A RECENT letter from Lee Setomer, the University stu- dent who was convicted of opera- ting a football pool here at the University of Michigan last fall, he tried to minimize the import- ance of his act. Yet from this case, I am brought to realize a great discrepancy in the policy of, the engineering college. I can think of three things that Setomer did wrong. First, he broke one of the laws of the land. ' Secondly, he received money un- der false pretenses. Thirdly, he jeopardized the reputation of the University athletic department.. There may be more, but at any } rate, Setomer had committed a great moral, or ethical crime against the community. But the final result was this: Setomer was granted a Masters Degree in en- gineering, and sent happily on his way to an engineering job. A week ago, there appeared an article about Robert Lapham who was dismissed from the University because he had violated the engi- neering "code of ethics." Lapham had broken ahcontract with the - Navy, for he had become a con- scientious objector, and had re- fused to repay the Navy for mon- ey that the Navy did not even want. Bob in a later letter had re- considered his position and had offered to repay the money to the Navy, yet Bob was not allowed to return. I wish that the discipline com- mittee of the engineering school could clarify this inconsistent po- licy. Did the great influence 'of the military on camps weigh against Bob? Could Bob have been kept out because he was a conscien- tious objector? What is this engr- neering "code of ethics" which al- .{ lows a criminal to get a degree and an idealist to get out? -Dave Lorch IDEALS are like stars; you will not succeed in touching them with your hands. But like the sea- faring man on the desert of wat- ers, you choose them as your guides, and following them you will reach your destiny. -Carl Schura * * American Universities gathered! you write to President Truman at my place the other night, and' and ask him to save Willie Mc- after a while the Grand High Gee? Satrap of the outfit rose to bow --Myron Sharpe, Grad. tearfully at the snickering effigy of Charles Addams on the mantel McGee Case . piece and promptly handed in the seals of office. Someone else's To the Editor: tales of horror against students HIS LETTER is, in a sense, a were producing more glee than THIS his own (This is tantamount to students and faculty of the Uni- a vote of no confidence in the ad-suetanfclyofheUi ministrationThenecmer -versity of Michigan to put aside, w had for a while, their academic labors in fact excelled in the field of and take notice of the case of highest endeavor recognized by Willie McGee. It is impossible in the Establishment - mangling a letter to describe the history students with valid but impossible of this case except to say that quizzes. In exhibit A, as shown to Mr. McGee is scheduled to die the delegates, we find a question on March 20th for a crime which, which the gentleman insists according to standards of law and threw his students back in disaray evidence, he is innocent .. . and paralyzed their very spiritual At present Mrs. McGee is trav- force: eling about the country, bravely "The University of Michigan telling the story of her condemned May ' Festival has announced a husband in the hope that America series of six concerts which will will open its heart and purse to never feature more than ten con- help save Mr. McGee. On the secutive (if that many) minutes University campus a committee of the music of Correlli, Vivaldi, has been formed to bring the facts Bach, Handel, Haydn, Mozart, of the case before the college Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann, community and then to organize Mendelssohn, Brahms, Tchaikov- the opinions thereupon generated sky, Bruckner, Mahler, Saint Sa- so that Mississippi will ,hear the ens, Dvorak, Moussorgsky, Liszt, protest. Here is an issue which Bruch, Glazounov, Smetana, Rim- cannot be avoided or left to sky - Korsakoff, Rachmaninoff, "others" to handle. It must never Frank, Delius, Debussy, Ravel, be said that Americans were cold and Grieg. How would you design to the plea for Justice. McGee a program to meet these condi- needs help. He needs moral and tions which would get people to financial support. His wife and pay the subscription price?" family must eat. We who spend -Brenton Smith our days in thought and study, Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the>4 authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jim Brown.......Managing Editor Paul Brentlinger............City Editor , Roma Lipsky..........Editorial Director Dave Thomas.........Feature Editor Janet Watts ............ Associate Editor Nancy Bylan..........Associate Editor James Gregory........Associate Editor Bill Connolly............Sports Editor Bob Sandell....Associate Sports ,Editpr Bill Brenton....Associate Sports Editor Barbara Jane........Women's 'Editor'" Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Daniels.......Business Manager Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager Paul Schaible. ...Advertising Manager Bob Mersereau....... . Finance Manager Bob Miller ........Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second-class mal matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier. $6.00; by mal, $7.. * * * SAC Motion . To the Editor; IT SHOULD BE noted cent editorial in fa fraternity clause motio who live so remote from the main- stream of American Life-we stu- dents and faculty must not allow our emotions to freeze, our com- passion for pain and tears to van- that a re- ish. We must not throw up our vor of the arms and cry, "O those radicals n now be- again." There are no radicals, no BARNABY I Jr M'boy, your Fairy Godfather is preparing a very airtight defense in the case of Gus Yes, your dad wasn't using it. And I need something to f carry all my legal equipment- "t n The case will get there anyway, with me in it. I'm starting things with our appeal to' I