THE MICHIGAN DAILY "AG owa Drops Calsbeek Leads Hawkeyes To Decisive 65-55 Victory Lagers;llinois mains * * * # # * * * * By TED PAPES One of the worst seasons in Michigan basketball history came to a close in the Field House last night when Iowa submerged the Wolverines with a 65-55 decision. A slim gathering of 1200 fans saw the home team absorb its eleventh loss in 14 Big Ten con- tests, forcing a last place tie with Ohio State. IT WAS VICTORY number nine for the Hawkeyes who finished in third place behind Illinois and Indiana. Just as in the first meeting of these two clubs earlier this year, Iowa's advantage in height was too much for Michigan. The visiting captain, big 'Frank Cals- beek, was the deciding factor as he rolled up 24 points in addi- tion to his backboard control efforts. He received excellent support in both departments from his for- ward running mate, Everett Coch- rane, and giant Chuck Darling at center. * * * FOR THE LOSERS three grad- -,uating seniors put on a great show in their futile effort to stem the Hawkeye tide, Leo VanderKuy, Captain Chuck Murray and Bob Olson closed out their college _ hardwood careers with ontstand- ing performances. VanderKuy battled his tow- ering enemies almost on even terms under the boards while contributing 18 points to his team's aggregate. Two of his six field goals were storybook attempts. Murray had one of his best nights from the standpoint of scoring with 14 points. Six of them were on free throws revers- ing the slump he was in against Indiana Saturday. Olson fought every step of the way until he was removed with a minute to play and Michigan hopelessly behind. His rebound- ing helped the Wolverines rally from a first half lethargy which saw them score only one basket in; 112 minutes. * * . FROM THE outset Iowa's de- fense allowed the losers single at- tempts from the floor before tak- ing over on rebounds. The trend sent the Hawks into a 17-9 lead before Tom Tiernan and Vander- Kuy found theorange to close the gap to 24-22 with four minutes left in the half. Three consecutive fielders by Calsbeek and some timely shoot- ing by Cochrane sent Iowa to the dressing room with a 30-29 'margin. Tiernan, Dick Williams and Jim Skala began a second half drive which VanderKuy capped with' three straight successes to pull Michigan into a 50-47 deficit, but the Hawkeyes' big three had enough power to rebuild the lead into their 10 point final advantage. Four Minute Spurt by Ilini Nips Michigan State, 49-43 EAST LANSING, Mich. - (P) - Illinois won undisputed possession Illinois made 17 of 65 shots of the Big Ten Basketball Title from the floor to 14 of 51 for here last night by beating Mich- Michigan State. The basket to- igan State, 49 to 43, after the tal meant the difference as the score was tied up with only four two teams sank an identical 15 minutes to go. free throws. Sunderlage was high scorer for The win also gives the Illini an Illinois with 16 and Fletcher next automatic place in the NCAA with 12. Guard Sonny Means was Championship Tournament, high man for MSC with 11 points. The game was tied at 22-all at Michigan State surprised by halftime and 43-all with four mm- keeping the score even at half- utes left. Then twice in succes- time and then going ahead to sion Illinois guard Rod Fletcher lead 31-25 four minutes into the stole the ball from MSC dribblers second half. The Spartans still and went down to score with lay- had 38-36 edge with seven min- up shots. . . utes left but Illinois evened it at MICHIGAN State was kept 43-all and then made the three scoreless in the remaining minutes important baskets. and Don Sunderlage added the FINAL' STANDINGS final basket for Illinois in the last w L PCT. PF OP minute of play Illinois 13 1 .929 989 869 Iowa 9 5 .643 906 833 -Daily-Roger Reinke A LONG ONE-Iowa's Bob Diehl (15) lets go with a set shot as Michigan's Leo VanderKuy (8) tries too late to block it and the Wolverines' Dick Williams (11) and Hawkeyes' Frank Calsbeek and Robert Clifton stand ready to battle for the rebound. Iowa won, 65-55. BUCHANAN STARS AGAIN: Spartan Gymnasts irip Wolverines TONi Maple .Leafs Lose Ground h To Wings, 3-Z DETROIT - (P) - The Detroit Red Wings stretched their Na- tional Hockey League lead to six points with a 3 to 1 victory last night over second-place Toronto before Detroit's largest crowd of the seasaon, 14,372 fans. This key game in the NHL race was a rugged body-checking con- test with play usually saved for the playoffs. Referee George Gravel called only nine penalties and two of them figured in the scoring. Detroit jumped to a 2-0 lead while Tod Sloan was sitting out a First-Period Trpiping foul. Glen Skov connected three seconds after the penalty, lining home Sid Abel's pass from 30 feet out. A minute later Gordie Howe tapped a soft 10-footer through Turk Broda's pads from Marty Pave- lich's passout. NEW STYLES' FIRST AT WILD'S Williams counted six and points * * Tiernan each for the losers. /AR. 1 tamfoable t I csa I IOWA (65) FG Calsbeek, f .... 11 Cochrane, f .... 6 Thompson, f ... 1 Diehlf-c ..... 0 Darling, c ..... 6 Colbert, g ...... 0 Clifton, g .... 2 Ruck, g .. ...... 2 Andrews, g .... 0 TOTALS .... 28 MICHIGAN (55) FG Williams, c-f . 3 Skala, f ....... 2 Tiernan, f ..... 3 Brusting, fI.. 1 Vander Kuy, c-f 6 Murray, g.......4 Olson, g ...... 2 Gutowski, g ... 0 TOTALS .... 21 HALFTIME SCORE: Igan 29. * FT 2 2 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 9 FT 0 1 0 0 6 6 0 0 13 PF 4 3 1' 0 5 2 3 2 20 PF 4 1 4 0 4 1 1 A 15 TP 24 14 2 0 16 0 4 0 65 TP 6 5 6 2 18 14 4 0 55 i 1 1 f Special to The Daily EAST LANSING - Michigan State handed the Wolverines their fourth straight conference gym- nastics loss here last night by a 56-40 score. Despite the usual high caliber performances of Captain Ed Bu- chanan, Con Ettl and Jeff Knight, Michigan was unable to overcome the severe lack of depth which has plagued them all season. TOP HONORS of the night went to MSC's Bob Sout. Stout, one of the finest all-around gym- nasts the Wolverines have faced all season, was first on the high bar, the flying rings, the parallel bars and in tumbling, and tied1 with Bob Checkley of Michigan for third on the side horse. Buchanan easily won the trampoline event, followed by Spartan Al Hannan, Stick Da- vidson of the Maize and Blue, MSC's John Walker and Jack Rauton' of State. Reno Boila, Wolverine trampolinist, sprain- ed his ankle w h i 1 e going through his routine, thus be- coming the first Michigan gym- nast to be injured during actual competition this season. Although Knight's side horse victory gave the Wolverines an early lead, State virtually swept the high bar, flying rings and parallel bars events. Michigan scorers in 'those events were Ettl and John Mills on the high bar, Ettl and Mills on the flying rings and Ettl and Wally Niemann on the parallel bars. * * * TUMBING, previously Michi- gan's weakest event, resulted in a pleasant surprise. Wolverine Fred Thompson was second to Stout, followed by team mates Mark Neville and Don Hurst who tied for third. The next Michigan dual meet will be held with Wisconsin at Madison on Mar. 17. ______________________ II Il .-" Iowa 36, Mich- FREE THROWS MISSED: Iowa- Calsbeek, 3, Cochrane, Diehl, Dar- ling 3; Michigan-Williams, Brun- sting, Vander Kuy 4, Murray, Olson 3. Awk Known the world over for its ability to design and manu. facture fine aircraft, Douglas also pioneers in other fields. An example is the Analog Digital Converter shown below. This device converts variable mechanical positions into unambiguous electrical contact settings. Detroit Five Upsets Aggies DETROIT - (P) -- An underdog University of Detroit basketball team plugged up Oklahoma A & M's scoring aces, Gale McArthur and Don Johnson, to hand A & M, No. 2 team in the nation, a stun- ning 62-52 upset last night. The Detroit victory - achieved by controlling the ball and hitting on 16 of 20 first half field goal tries-deprived first place Okla- homa A & M of clinching the Missouri Valley Conference title and a bid to the NCAA tourna- ment. TO PLEASE A LADY . . . I l M I Distinctive favors and programs for your spring formal ... Order early for best selections. I 1. G. BAIFOUR CO. 1319 South University Phone 3-1733 11 1 J _ ., JU SPORT COATS r an SLACKS that will please 1. 'y'otut 4 2. the Folks at Home . the Weekend Date - and will mark you as am ighty shrewd buyer. COLOR AND FABRIC VARIETY that are better and more extensive than ever. Herringbone tweeds, hounds tooth checks, natural camel shades, dark navy blues. 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