Monday, February 12, 1951 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Thirteen Provincial . Loses Ruthbone! By PEW BEERSON Alex Enjoys Retirement Tension mounted at sprawling Provincial University yesterday with the announcement of President Alexander G. Ruthbone's retirement from the presidency of the University. 0n F oowbau Parlay Loot Although President Ruthbone's retirement has been expected for several months, the * n * * * *'* ° *"'University's blackrobed Board of Ity ELEZEAR APHRADAS Regents has remgined tight-lip- President Alexander G. Ruth- ,ped as to the possible identity of bone sallied off into retirement his successor, yesterday with an estimated $340,- 'THE ONLY "LEAK" which has 000 and seven used football parlay emanated for the Regents' lush cards tucked into his pocket. suite in the Ivory Tower Admini- "I've been waiting for years for stration Building was reorted by Provincial's chief janitor, Eric my bad luck to break,'' he wasHae. Haler heard to chuckle. Under intense questioning Ruthbone admitted Halter allegedly discovered a scrap of paper nestling in the that he had "cleaned up" on a two-inch-thick carpet in the student-run football pool last No- two-ncs ick carktain the vember and intended to take ad-a i Regents private cocktail lounge vantgem ofrhisdininsd goingkd-which indicated that President vantage of his winnings by going Ruthbone's successor would be into retirement while he could ° named on February 22, 1953. afford it.n d F 21 Meanwhile, seculation continued WITH mixed feelings, Ruthbone to run rampant on the Provincial revealed the story of how gam- campus. Administrators and facul- bling had nearly been his down- ty members vying for the lucra- all "It all began when I was a tive presidency have intensified young herpetologist," he said. their efforts to endear themselves to the Regents-doubling control "One day my mother sent me Fregulations over student activities. a chameleon. Some of the other fellows and I got to wondering EVEN THE Provincial students, what color it would turn when when allowed to gather together placed on a piece of blue paper, in small groups of two or three We laid down bets. Then we every Sunday evening, heatedly lead down the chameleon. The debated the possibilities and damn thing died. But not be-,U pushed favorite candidates. fore it turned magenta, which Although nothing is known was my color. for certain on the Provincial "That started things. My mother campus, these persons loom as used to send me chameleons all the most likely candidates to the time, and we would bet on ALEXANDER RUTHBONE YESTERDAY LEFT THE OFFICE HE HAD OCCUPIED FOR 22 YEARS fill President Ruthbone's shoes: them. WITH A SIMPLE, BUT IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY, ATTENDED ONLY BY A FEW FRIENDS 1. James P. Madman, Provost of * *$ ® -** , * *the University since 1937. Former- "4 DIDN'T always win. In fact, president, things were even that some enterprising students fling to break even. I was in pret- ly a professor of home economics I lost most of the time. So I rougher. Bigger stakes. I found were planning distribution here on ty deep. But I finally hit it!" at Harvard; Madman has won the turned to bigger things to recoup myself gambling on everything campus, I could hardly contain Chortling quietly, Ruthbone widesread acclaim of the student my losses. You know-the races, - legislature appropriations, myself. brushed a bit of snow from his body for his hearty support of the card games, football pools, and alumni legacies, and so on. * * * double-breasted burberry. "In- Student Legislature's school spirit that sort of thing. "But football pools are my "I DIDN'T WIN the first time. sidious, this gambling," he re- program, "When I became a university special vice. When I discovered In fact, it took considerable jug- marked. 2. Marvin L. Kisshus, vice-presi- .__ ..._ .-_..... dent of the University since 1948, Kisshus, formerly a professor in Alder en Propose Plans Provincial's Law School, has di- As fst nd asy s "ettng' ourhai! A l ern en ropo e P ans rected the intricate job of "sell- As-fast and easy as "setting" your hair! sing" the University to the local Thryeatning University ifetownspeople. the' 3. Prof. James K. Wedlock of the political science department. Tall, softspoken Wedlock has By D. H. FANGHORNER "I think," he suggested with a won international recognition as Temporarily foiled in their at- ceilingward glance at some roach- an expert on Inner Mongolian tempt to turn fraternity row into es which were crawling about in affairs. As chairman of the a ghost avenue, fuming Ann Ar- the sky light, "that we should give political science department he