S-r a FOOTBALL POLLS 'See page 4 F r .v si O 6 O J 'Mies WINDY, WARMER Latest Deadline in the State VO. LXI, No. 104 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1951 SIX PAGES I Large Red Force Moving to Front MacArthur Suggests Possibility Of New Enemy Counter-Attack TOKYO-(1P)-General MacArthur said today the Chinese Red Third Field Army is moving "a large force of several corps" down the mountainous middle of Korea for a possible counter-offensive. This was the first indication that the Third Field Army had shifted in force from northeast Korea to the central front to reinforce the Chinese Fourth Field Army. BETWEEN NINE AND 12 fresh or rehabilitated Chinese divisions already are in the battle area with tanks and cavalry, the United Nations Commander announced. Snow up to six inches blanketed the battlefront where Allied troops advanced slowly today-the 14th day of "operation killer." In the first 12 days, 22,253 Chi- Senate To Vote on 18 RFC Probe HitsS enator, sMiami Hotels Inquiry Involves Two Large Loans WASHINGTON - ()') - An in- vestigating senator told yesterday of evidence that Sen. Murray (D- Mont.) plugged for a $1,000,000 Reconstruction Finance Corpora- tion loan to a Miami Beach hotel 'which netted one of Murray's sons a lawyer's fee. Testimony involved a second son. The Senate inquiry also released testimony taken privately that Donald Dawson, a White House aide, and other politicians had en- joyed visits to Florida as non- paying guests of another Miami Beach hotel, the Saxony, which orrowed $1,500,000 from RFC. " THE SAXONY, where the tariff starts at $30 a day for single guests, is one of the fanciest es- tablishments in Miami Beach. The names of Sen. Murray and his sons were brought into the inquiry by Sen. Bennett (R- Utah), member of the Senate Banking Subigommittee, which is investigating three hotel loans at the Florida playground. Bennett said the subcommittee had learned Sen. Murray wrote a letter in 1949 urging approval of a $1,000,000 RFC loan to the Sor- rento Hotel of Miami Beach. x . s HE STATED that James Mur- ray, a son of the Senator and a Washington lawyer, received $21,- 000 as part of the attorneys' fees involved in the three loans under study. Through questioning, Bennett brought out that Charles Murray, another son of the Senator, who acts as his administrative assist- ant, attended a conference with RFC director Walter Dunham be- fore the Sorrento loan was ap- proved. Testimony about the con- ference came from George M. Glassgold, New York lawyer who handled all the loans. nese and North Koreans have been killed, wounded or captured in ground action, as tabulated in U. S. Eighth Army communi- ques. MacArthur said elements of four corps of the Chinese Third Field Army are building up "along the enemy's main supply corridor from Kumhwa southward through Hwa- chon and Chunchon." * * * THAT CORRIDOR stretches along a north - south highway through central Korea to Hong- chon, a Red assembly area. U. S. First Division Marines have bat- tIed to within nine miles of Hong- chon as the spearhead of the Allied central front attack. The Third's new staging area -as specified by MacArthur- extends from Kumhwa, 20 miles north of the 38th parallel, to Chunchon, 12 miles south of it. - Chunchon Is'16 miles northwest of the present U. S. Marine goal -Hongchon. Lt. Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway,. Eighth Army Commander, today said he did not believe an enemy counter-offensive in central Korea was imminent. But he acknow- ledged the enemy has the poten- tial there for one. ON THE RIGHT FLANK of the central sector, North Korean Reds poured a heavy mortar barrage last night against U. S. Second and Seventh Division infantrymen. A field report said the barrage caused little damage. Twenty miles northeast of Pang- nim, 1,500 Reds were spotted mov- ing in to join a force already esti- mated at from 3,000 to 5,000. The strongly reinforced North Korean First Division troops were forced out of their Taemi strong- hold yesterday by a combination of American-French ground assaults, air attacks and artillery fire. At the same time a U. S. Seventh Division tank-infantry team drove 4,000 yards (more than two miles) into Changpyong. SAC To Decide On 'Bias Clause' The chances of the Student Af- fairs Committee reaching a deci- sion on the Student Legislature's "bias clause" resolution yesterday were described by a SAC member as "highly probable." The SAC which will meet in a special session had deferred ac- tion on the resolution last Tues- day because of a crowded agenda and desire to give. the measure ad- ditional study. The resolution calls for the SAC to. enforce a time limit within which all campus groups must re- move discriminatory clauses from their constitutions. Hike Length Of Service By 3 Months Test Vote Passes By 55-31 Margin WASHINGTON-(P) - A 55 to 31 test in the Senate yesterday set the stage for voting a draft of 18 year olds. Also, the Senate approved ex- tending draftee service from 21 months to 24. " " " THE TEST on the age issue came in the rejection of a com- promise, offered by Senator Morse (R-Ore), to draft no one under 18 and one half years old. The minimum age now is 19. In the sharp debate that led up to the vote, Senator Taft (R- Ohio) vigorously backed Morse's plan and accused Secretary of Defense Marshall of trying to "blackjack" Congress into draft- ing 18 year olds. It appeared probable the Sen- ate would vote on the question of the 18 year olds tomorrow or Thursday. THE EXTENSION of draftee service to 24 months was agreed to on a voice vote. The military high command had asked that service be extended to 27 months but Chairman Russell (D-Ga) of the Armed Services Committee proposed that the Senate make it 24. One of Russell's own commit- teemen, Senator Lyndon John- son (D-Tex) protested in vain. Johnson helped write a commit- tee bill that proposed 26 months. Marshall and others in the mil- itary high command want the present minimum age of 19 years reduced to 18, with no restric- tions. TAFT SAID Marshall had cou- pled his request for a draft of 18- year-olds with "the blackjacking statement that it would be un- fair to reservists if they weren't called."1 * S * Credit Polic y Reestablishled The literary college faculty yes- terday voted to reinstate the policy of granting four hours credit for basic training to men who have served at least 90 days in the ac- tive military service. This ruling which was in effect during the war years was suspend- ed in 1947 after military service ceased to be a compulsion. In explaining the reinstatement, Asst. Dean of the literary college James H. Robertson said the fac- ulty felt that conditions similar to those existing during World War II exist today. Furthermore, he added, there are several aspects of military training which may be properly taken into account for credit toward a college degree. The new ruling is intended for the benefit of present and future servicemen, but is retroactive to 1947. There is no general limit, how-) ever, on the number of hours to be credited for such advanced train- ing. * 'UPt I G DT * 10* E 'S * * * ** s * YerOdDraft iO CONSTRUCT HLTCPLANT Project Includes SwimmingPool. A $2,500,000 women's athletic building, complete with the long awaited swimming pool, will be constructed in the near future, accord- ing to University officials. Preliminary plans call for a one million dollar swimming pool unit to be built first, Prof. H. O Crisler, athletic director, revealed. The exact date for starting the construction has not been set. *s s * * * THE BUILDING will be constructed on the southeast corner of S. Forest Ave. anti N. University Ave. The houses now located on the University property will be moved. Lester F. Etter, public relations manager for the athletic depart- ment, was less certain than Crisler about plans for the new building. "I'm not positive of the exact location of the proposed building," Etter said. "Its construction will be sometime in the future and it's hard to say exactly about some -Daily-Chuck Elliott SITE OF NEW BUILDING-This map shows the 1 ocation of the newly announced women's athletic building, to be built in the near future at a cost of $2,500,000. A million dollar swimming pool unit will be constructed first. Spring P A surprising total of 375 frater- nity pledges for the spring semes- ter was announced yesterday by the Office of Student Affairs. Only 393 were signed up for rushing, which means that 95 per cent of the rushees were pledged to a fraternity, a phenomenal per- centage, according to Bruce Sodee, '52, rushing chairman for the In- ter-Fraternity Council. Following in alphabetical order are the 41 fraternities with their respective pledges: ACACIA: John M. Arms, '54A; Kingsley Johnson, '54E; Harry Lunn, '55; Herbert P. Neal, Jr., '54; Lewis B. Palmer, '52E; and William Strickler, '53E. ALPHA DELTA PHI: William P. Conlin, '55; George L. Cotter, '54, and Thad C. Stanford, '54. ALPHA EPSILON PI: Dudley Davis, '53; Peter B. Lederman, '53E; Joseph I. Levy, '53; Rich- ard E. Myers, '55, and Ronald Rubenstein, '55. ALPHA PHI ALPHA: Wesley E. Ledges Number 3751 ... _.. World News Roundup By The Associated Press UNITED NATIONS, N.Y.-The United States yesterday called ur- gently for United Nations mem- bers to earmark quickly, by Sep- tember at least, armed forces to fight any aggression at any time. WASHINGTON-The United States denounced Moscow yes- terday for breaking off Japa- nese treaty discussions while professing a desire for peace with Japan and all the world. ** * , GRAND RAPIDS-Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg was reported "rest- ing comfortably" yesterday, but still in serious condition. * * PARIS-Russian and Western Deputy Foreign Ministers met for three hours yesterday and a French spokesman said he be- lieved they could agree on an agenda for a Big Four meeting. PREVIEW OF SPRING Cam pus 13asks int Sun --But for How Long. By FLOYD THOMAS While blizzards and sub-zero weather gripped other parts of the midwest yesterday Ann Arbor took advantage of a temporary but welcome spring. The 45-degree temperature and sunny skies lured coeds dressed in shorts and shirts to the tennis courts behind the women's dormi- tories. Today's expected 60 de- grees will probably entice the of the day. One State Street beer baron reported a decided upswing in suds sales during the past few days and gin, per- ennial warm-weather favorite, was in great demand. Motor-scooters, jeeps and bi- cycles-anything without a roof- were the desired means of trans- portation. Coeds riding in con- vertibles forced grins as the wind snarled their hair; coeds walking i Kemnpf Asks Zoning Lain Reinvestigation A thorough restudy of Ann Ar- bor's ,zoning problem was called for last night by Paul R. Kempf, president of the Ann Arbor Board of Public Works. Kempf asked that the proposed zoning law being studied by the Common Council be tabled and a special committee be appointed to study all aspects of local zoning. He spoke at a public hearing be- fore the council.j UNDER A SIMILAR plan, also proposed, no fraternity or sorority would be allowed to purchase land, or build or remodel their house until the study is complete. This would essentially be the plan Ann Arborites first sug- gested when they petitioned the council to prohibit group houses from expanding in the exclu- sive A and AA residential zones. The plan now before the council would establish a special A-1 zone designed for fraternity and sorority houses. Council members also listened to discussion on an amendment to the A-1 proposal which would Bradford, '53, and John E. Cod- well, Jr., '54. ALPHA SIGMA PHI: Ralph E. Griffith, Jr., '53, Robert I. Jack- son, '53; William L. Mayo, '53; Daniel J. Murphy, III, '53E; Rob- ert Nimmo, '53A; John E. O'Dell, '54A; Vincent A. Palladino, '54; Milford Palmer, Jr., '54E; Gerald D. Pruder, '54E; Reginald P. Pugh, '53; Millard C. Quinlan, '53, and John R. Worthington, '52. ALPHA TAU OMEGA: Ronald J. Balla, '55; Donald R. Bernard, '54; Bruno Boelstler, '54E; Rob- ert B. Bunting, '53; Gordon Comfort, '54; Donald F. Fackler, '52; John R. Falk, '54; Dean A. Harris, '52; James A. Hogan, '54; Thomas B. Joseph, '54; Louis S. Klimecky, '53; Bruce G. Martz, '54; Howard A. Maturen, Jr., '52; William D. Munroe, '54; Edward 0. Nelson, '54E; James I. Tucker, '54E; William A. Werner, '54; John D. Wood, '54, and Lloyd B. Young, '54. BETA THETA PI: Floyd A. Graham, '54; Robert R. Grew, '53; Charles B. Vinkemulder, '53, and Richard Wiltse, '55. CHI PHI: Allan D. Thomas, '55A; Allan E. Holmes, '54E; Paul W. Morris, '54; Lee R. Krumbholz, '54Ed; Richard B. Begole, '54; Ralph R. Moore, '53; Clement R. Arrison, '52E; Richard L. Sander- son, '55A, and John W. Roberts, '54. CHI PSI: Benjamin Bennett, '52; Dean L. Carlson, '54; Ronald B. Foulds, '53E; Russell E. John- son, '54; James M. McGuire, '54; Loose Goose The Ann Arbor police are holding a well-dressed goose who was sporting a handsome tie when le was picked up waddling down South Univer- sity. Verna Levantrosser, Grad., who was struck by the sartorial splendor of the goose's windsor knot, warned the police that the reckless swain was on the loose. The bird is being held until claimed. James E. Nickelson, '54E, and John J. Spellman, '54. DELTA CHI: Brendan D. Drew- ett, '53; Lawrence M. Kinstle, '53; Robert W. Jack, '52; Gordon C. Lofquist, '52E; Frederick E. Ron- eker, Jr., '52BAd; Donald J. Skin- ner, '54E; Earl Sobisek, '52E, and Robert G. Stakenas, '53E. DELTA TAU DELTA: William S. Allen, '54; Barry A. Dunne, '52; George Q. Hardwick, '53; James Z. McClune, '54A; Allen M. Norris, '54; Robert E. Overholt, '54; Bruce H. Treweek, '54; William C. Wil- liams, '54E, and Lloyd J. Yeo, '54. DELTA KAPPA EPSILON: Leo Angros, Jr., '53; Richard H. Aster, '52; George N. Aster, '52; Hugh T. Birckhead, '54; Baret Brand, '54; Charles F. McApine, '54; Bryce S. McKiel, Grad, and Ralph E. Wolff, '53P. DELTA SIGMA PHI: Walter W. Bailey, '53; Pat Bolen, '54; Pierre A. Carmona, '52E; George L. Greene, I53; Laurence B. Haig, '54; Buhg F. Kabat, '54, and James E. Olson, '54. DELTA UPSILON: Robert D. Biggs, Grad; Thomas W. Brennan, '52; Leo S. Efimchik, '54Ed; Ulrich H. Koch, '54E; David B. May, '54; Charles S. Stanulis, '52BAd; Roger T. Watson, '54P; Edson A. Whip- ple, '53, and Richard E. Young, '54. KAPPA NU: Stephan D. Bur- stein, '55; Kenneth H. Cowen, '53; Simon Dresner, '54; Morton Fleishman, '55E; Conrad L. Giles, '55; Daniel Klinghoffer, '52; Melvin L. Rubin, '54, and William Sherman, '54 B KAPPA SIGMA: Paul B. Bar- rows, '52E; Robert W. Burwell, '54; David E. Church, '54; Bruno F. Datillo, '54; Radford S. Fischer, '54; Delance L. Hyde, '53; Thomas Kuehl, '53NR; John W. Matteson, '54; John H. McKennell, '53; Gor- don C. Naylor, '53; John P. Ostro- minski, '54E; Thomas A. Rankin, '53Ed; Jack W. Rose, '52Ed; John B. Ross, '54; Joseph M. Scandura, '53; Joel E. Sebastian, '54; George D. Sellards, '54E, and David A. Yates, '53NR. LAMBDA CHI ALPHA: Alexan- der B. Maitland, '54; James W. Beatty, '53; Thomas E. Fricke, (Continued on Page 2) ~Prof.-Slosson Pessimistic AboutConfab By PAUL MARX The Big Four Foreign Ministers Conference which got under way in Paris yesterday will not result in a solution of any of the world's major Issues, Prof. Preston Slos- son of the history department as- serted last night. Prof. Slosson said that Russia has called the Conference because she js genuinely alarmed about a remilitarized Germany and be- cause she is anxious to settle some of the minor difficulties in East-West relations such as an Austrian peace treaty. "BUT", HE DECLARED, "Rus- sia is faking about her desire for world disarmament. If the Sov- iets were really sincere about world-wide disarmament t h e y would have accepted the proposal for a world census of armed forces and non-atomic weapons which was put before the United Nations last week." Russia, however, will probab- ly mask her refusal to accept the UN proposal by declaring that she could not agree to it because it did not also provide for a census of atomic weapons, Prof. Slosson said. "Undoubtedly Russia will put forth a plan for a united and de- militarized Germany. If it is possible to create a genuine Ger- man buffer state, the West should agree to the plan." In such a case the West would have to be extremely wary of se- cret Russian armament of Ger- many as Russia did with the eas- tern European nations after the last war, he added. Bus Ad Elections To Conclude Today Business Administration Coun- cil elections will continue'through 4 p.m. today after a heavy open- ing day turnout yesterday. Though no official count was taken, election officials estimated that many more ballots were cast yesterday than on first days of past elections. details." Prof. Crisler said the struc- ture had been authorized by the Board of Regents and the Board in Control of Intercolle- giate Athletics. Three architects, Lee and Kenneth C. Black of Lansing and Alden Dow of Mid- land, are now working on plans for the building. "We have funds now for the pool unit only," Prof. Crisler said. "We'll leave the rest of the pro- ject to be constructed when we get the money. "THE $1,000,000 available for the construction of the pool re- sulted in part from the profits, of the University's intercollegiate athletics program, principally foot- ball receipts," he explained. Several student drives through the years also have added to the million dollar fund. Out- standing among these is Michi- gras which turned $3,050 into the fund coffers last spring. However, Crisler said that they are going to proceed and draw plans for the full building. "We have to look forward to the even- tual loss through age of Water- man and Barbour Gymnasiums." Tentative plans for the swim- ming pool unit call for a three. story building, housing a six lane pool, 75 by 44 feet and adequate locker and shower facilities. * * * "WE HAVE considered estimates that include spectator space for 300 to 1,500 persons," Prof.. Mar- garet Bell, chairman of the de- partment of physical education for women, declared. The remainder of the build-. ing which will be constructed at a later date will contain two gymnasiums with enough floor space to interchange indoor and outdoor physical education ac- tivities. Other facilities forthe building would include therapeutic gym- nastic equipment, small games rooms, class rooms, special facili- ties for a teacher education pro- gram', offices, staff rooms, locker facilities and a possible laboratory. * * * THE LACK OF swimming pool facilities for women has been for a long time a problem with the women's athletic department. Women have been forced to prac- tice their aquatic abilities in the Union pool, I-M. Bldg. pool. or a small tank in Barbour Gymna- sium. "As many as 400 or 500 women have registered for swimming in a - single semester in the past," Prof. Bell said. "Many have to be turned down for lack of facilities. REFERENCE TO LAW. Joint Judiciar Issues Warning Students were warned against ALL OF THE CASES, Ryder given to all beer and liquor dis-