SUNDAY, MARM 4, 1951'
Sally Rand, KKK Blasted
By Embittered Students.
The nation's campuses were
teeming with protests last week as
embittered students blasted every-
thing from the Ku Klux Klan to
fan-dancer Sally Rand.
* * *
sity the Interracial Club bitterly
assailed the defacement of their
posters by what were referred to
as Ku Klux Klan sympathizers.+
The posters, announcing a debate'
on "Unsegregated Housing," were
burned with cigarettes and mark-
ed with symbols ofsthe KKK.
One sign was also scrawled
with a special symbol represent-
ing Gerald L. K. Smith's Chris-
tian Nationalist organization.+
Travel Talk
Will Be Held
At Lane Hall
A Round-Up for students who
want to get first-hand informa-
tion on summer work project and
travel tours will be. held at 7:30
p.m. tomorrow at Lane Hall.
Sponsored by the. Summer Pro-
jects Office at Lane Hall, the
Round-Up will feature student
speakers who have taken part in
various of the tours and work
projects now being handled by the
Projects office.
Experiment in International Liv-
ing, the American Youth Hostel,.
National Students' Association
tours and work camp, the Lisle
Fellowship, and the Yale Study
Group will be there to tell pros-
pective tourists or workers the
requirements for and advantages
of their respective projects.
Also represented will be the
American Friends Service Com-
mittee, the World Council of
Churches and the Independent
Many of the informal talks will
be illustrated with slides, movies
and pictures.
THE VARIOUS summer proj-
ects range from international
tours in which the traveler goes
primarily as a tourist, a student,
or as a worker, to work camp proj-
ects and institutional work for
psychology and sociology students
here in the United States.
Information booklets and appli-
cation blanks will be available at
the meeting. For those who can-
not get to the Round-Up, the
Summer Projects Office will be
open this week from 3:30 to 5
The publicity director of the
Interracial Club said the "act
was beneath the dignity and
toleration of the student body."
In the East at Harvard Univer-
sity, fan-dancer Sally Rand set-
tled down to a serious speech on
class. But apparently the impas-
sioned freshmen preferred a little
excitement, for Miss Rand's speech
was greeted by apathy, pennies,
and a few cat-calls and boos.
The first pennies fell on the
stage when she claimed that
"Communism cannot be contained
in Europe." Miss Rand rebuked
the throwers wittily with: "I know
only one animal that throws a
s , *
rebel organization was formed on
the Florida State University cam-
pus - WRTPTBSUTRP. The al-
phabetic maze is the motto and
name for this clique: We Refuse
To Patronize Tallahassee Barber
Shops Until They Reduce Prices.
Spokesmen for the organiza-
tion indicated that as soon as
the club's treasury was suffi-
ciently large, the club would
hire its own barber.
At Valparaiso University in In-
diana, a student editorialist de-
manded that the campus student
legislature be done away with.
The recalcitrant writer lashed
out at the so-called "do-nothing"
student legislature, and among
other things, emphasized that the
group wasn't doing a damn thing.
"Let's kill it," he proposed.
AND AT Pennsylvania State Col-
lege, 500 cheering seniors held an
informal caucus and demanded
that final examinations for sen-
iors be done away with.
But Students weren't the only
ones rebelling. At the University
of Minnesota, an alumnus, who
referred to himself as an athe-
ist, is in the process of bringing
suit against the university be-
cause of its aid to religious
Frank C. Hughes, the militant
atheist, says that after he drives
religion out of public education,
he will seek to oust all chaplains
from the armed forces, legislative
bodies, and other tax-supported
agencies, and ban the Bible from
U.S. mail.
* * *
ON THE LIGHTER side, the
University of Illinois discovered
that one of its deceased profes-
sors, who had earned on the aver-
age $6,000 a year, had built a
$1,000,000 fortune as a discreet
stock and bond holder in com-
panies all over the country.
Art Exhibit
Will Begin.
Colorful paintings of Mexican
and Arctic birds- will be the high-
light of an art exhibition to be
held tomorrow through Mar. 14 in
the Rackham Galleries.
Featured in the exhibit will be
24 bird paintings by Prof. George
M. Sutton, of the zoology dept.
These paintings, which have nev-
er been displayed publicly before,
show the birds in their native
PROF. SUTTON will speak on
"The Experiences of a Bird Paint-
er" at the opening of the exhibit
at 8:15 p.m., tomorrow at the
Rackham Bldg. He will discuss
his experiences working on Arctic
birds in 1929-30 and on the birds
of Mexico from 1941 to 1950.
Various paintings, drawings,
photographs and model biological
studies will be displayed at the
exhibit, which is sponsored by the
Washtenaw County Audubon So-
ciety and the Phi Sigma society.
Phi Sigma is a national organi-
zation promoting the interests of
research in the biological sciences.
Prof. Karl F. Lagler, of the School
of Natural Resources, and Prof.
Henry van der Schalie, of the zoo-
logy dept., are national officers
in the organization.
Showings Set
For 'Mikado'
Scheduled To Open
Here on May 17
The Gilbert and Sullivan So-
ciety's production of "Mikado"
will have out-of-town showings
in Hillsdale and .Detroit before it
opens in Ann Arbor May 17.
The operetta is being sponsored
in Hillsdale by the Rotary Club
and proceeds from the perform-
anee will be donated to a local
s * a
what is reputedly Gilbert and Sul-
livan's most popular work will be
Dude Stepfienson, Grad., as Nan-
ki-Poo, the Mikado's son disguised
as a "wandering minstrel"; Mary
Jo Jones, '528M, as Yum-Yum, the
girl Nanki-Poo loves; Vivien Mi-
lan, '51SM, and Barbara Johnson,
'53, as Yum-Yum's sisters, Pitti-
Sing and Peep-Bo; Jim Fudge,
Grad., as Koko, the "Lord High
Executioner" and guardian of the
three sisters; Frances Morse, '51,
as Katisha, an. elderly woman of
the Mikado's court who seeks to
win the affections of the fleeing
Nanki-Poo; Dave Tolan, Grad., as
the Mikado, and Dave Murray,
'52, and Don Stout, Grad., as high
officials of the state.
Author-Editor Brown
To Lecture Wednesday
MARINES ADVANCE - Double-pronged arrow shows where
Marines stabbed north of Hoengsong at the Chinese 66th Corps.
Arrow on extreme right indicates American lunge to within 28
miles of the 38th Parallel. In the West, United Nations forces
fought 3,000 yards closer to Yongdu.
Case Clubs To Debate Law
John Mason Brown, author, lec-
turer and associate editor of the
Saturday Review of Literature,
will give the sixth lecture of the
University Oratorical Association's
season at 8:30 p.m., Wednesday in
Hill Auditorium,.
He will speak on "Seeing
Things." This is the title of the
weekly column which he con-
tributes to the Saturday Review.
Brown is one of Ann Arbor's fa-
vorite lecture personalities..
THIS WILL BE his fourth ap-
pearance in Ann Arbor in as
BusAd Elections
Start Tomorrow
Business administration stu-
dents will flock to the polls to-
morrow and Tuesday to elect
seven members to their student
government, the Business Admin-
istration Council.
Thirteen candidates will be in
the running in the semi-annual
vote contest.,
Balloting will take place from
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on both days in
the lobby of the business admin-
istration school. Identification
cards will be required of all voters.
many years. He is the only speak
er to have done this in the 30-
year history of the Oratorical Asw
sociation's lecture series.
The lecturer Is a 50 year old
native of Louisville, entucky,
who has had a long and varied
career,,most of it connected in
some way with the theatre. He
started out, however, as a re-
porter on the Louisville Courier-
But Brown was not a reporterJ
for long. He' soon quit to enroll
at Harvard, where in 1923 he
graduated cum laude. While there
he studied under George, Pierce
Baker,"famousifor his founding
of Workshop 47, one of the first;
university-sponsored theatres.
* * 1
IMWEDIATELY after gradua-
tion Brown tackled Ne# York,
Until the war he did dramatie
criticism for assorted publications
in New York. After three years of
service in the navy, Brown return-
ed to take his present position with
the Saturday Review.
Tickets for the lecture will go on
sale at 10 am. Tuesday in the
1ill Auditorium box office. They
will be priced at $1.50, $1.20 and'
60 cents.
Eight Law School Case Club
teams will debate the constitu-
tionality of the McCarran law at
7:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hutchins
The debates will be organized in
the form of court trials. Each
team of student lawyers will be
given the same set of hypotheti-
cal facts upon which to base its
case. The cases will involve the
president of an imaginary Com-
munist front group accused of dis-
tributing subversive literature.
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