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March 03, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-03-03

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See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State

Vote Due on
18 Year
. Draft Plan
Senate Will Act.
On UMT Issue
imous consent yesterday the Sen-
ate agreed to vote Monday on the
hotly debated issue of drafting
young men into the armed forces
at the age of 1812 instead of 19.
The test will come on an
amendment to the Universal Mili-
tary Training and Service Bill,
which Democratic floor leader
McFarland of Arizona is trying to
push through the Senate as
"emergency legislation."
A DRAFT AGE of 18 has been
approved by the Senate Armed
Services Committee. Its bill
would provide, however, that 18
year olds nearest 19 be taken first,
and that none be taken before all
eligible men in the 19 to 26 year
category are inducted.
Senator Morse (R-Ore) is the
author of the -amendment to
drop the draft age only to 18
years and six months. But he
propodes that those in the 19-26
bracket be called up at the
same time, and that boys be-
tween 18 and 18 be allowed to
It is on this amendment that
the Senate will vote Monday.
THE HOUSE Armed Services
Committee has not agreed on a
bill yet, but the representatives
are thinking in terms of registra-
tion and classification at 18, in-
duction at 181/, with no waiting
until the 19-26 group has been ex-'
Chairman Vinson 4D-Ga) of
the House Committee recom-
mended yesterday that expan-
sion of the Reserve Officer
Training Corps be deferred in
favor of building up more offi-
cer _training schools so that
youths who are drafted will
have an opportunity to become
At a hearing on his committee
he expressed fear that college,
ROTC units may become a haven'
for students trying to avoid the
ROTC leaders told the Commit-
tee present plans call for expand-
ing the number of ROTC college
students from about 124,000 to
approximately 150,000. The cost
of the program would be increased
from $8,642,000 a year to $115,-
000,000. ROTC students are ex-
empt from the draft under pres-
ent law.
Support for drafting 18 year
olds came yesterday from Sena-
tor Cain (R-Wash), who told the
Senate "we need every man we
ri can get in Korea."
"How impractical and how un-
realistic can we become in our
efforts to sugar-coat this pill-to
evade the issue", Cain asked.
Franco Said
To Be Against
Defense Pact
WASHINGTON -(P)- Senator
Hunt (D-Wyo.) said in the Senate
yesterday "the highest authority
in Washington" had told him

Spain and her leader, Generalissi-
mo Franco, don't want to join the
North Atlantic Pact.
Hunt did not name his authority
but said it was not President Tru-
man. That appeared to leave the
implication it was Secretary of
State Acheson.
HUNT MADE THE statement in
an exchange with two Republican
senators over administration plans
to send additional U.S. troops to
Europe to serve in a combined Al-
lied defense force.
J Senators Wherry (R-Neb.)
and Cain (R-Wash.) had said
they wanted definite assurances
that forces of Spain, Yugoslav-
ia, Greece and Turkey would be
used as part of the defense army
being formed under Gen. Dwight
Eisenhower. They argued against
' sending any additional U.S.
ground troops until that is defi-
Hunt, acting as Democratic lead-I
er, said he also wanted these na-

i -

New Living Index
Sends Wages Up
1,700,000 Workers To Get Pay Hike;
Statistics Show 1.5 Per Cent Boost
WASHINGTON -- (R) - An estimated 1,700,000 workers were
assured last night of an automatic pay increase as the government
announced that the cost of living rose 1.5 per cent in January.
These employes, including 800,000 automobile workers, have
contracts tying their scale of wages directly to the Labor Department's
cost of living index. The. auto workers get four or five cents an
hour more.

Marines Move on CentralFront

* * *


Marines Battle
Past Hoengsong;
Push Northward
Korean Troops Run into Furious
Opposition from Entrenched Reds
TOKYO--W)-U.S. Marines today pushed north of captured
Hoengsong on the third day of their central Korea attack but South
Koreans on their left flank ran into furious Chinese Red opposition.
The Marines, who overran war-wrecked Hoengsong yesterday,
resumed their drive at 8 a.m. north of that highway junction. The
Chinese resisted with small arms from dug-in positions in the hills.
* * * *
FIVE MILES west of Hoengsong, the South Korean Sixth Division
had to use bayonets before ousting Reds from a vital hill. The two
hour fight was heavily supported by Allied artillery and planes.
The U.S. Second and Seventh Divisions, operating farther east,
" made new gains. The Second
occupied more hills north of the
lateral Pangnim - Hoengsong
Prof essors highway. The Seventh sent pa-
trols north of captured Amidong
to within 26 miles of the 38th
Disagree on parallel.
On the western front, North
Korean small arms and mortars in
Red-held Seoul repulsed the lat-
est in daily attempts by U.S.
By SID KLAUS Third Division patrols to knife
into Seoul.
One of the most controversial :
issues in Ann Arbor's heated mays THE MARINE occupation of
orality race-partisan vs. non- HengAonesry unop
comments from two University Hoengsong yesterday was unop-
comments from two University posed. But the Leathernecks

THE DEPARTMENT'S Bureau of Labor Statistics issued a new
type index adjusted to changing buying habits. This one, stood at
181.5 for mid-January, compared
* with 178.8 for mid-December. The
period 1935 to 1939 is considered
S eenormal or 100.

Lustron Fix
mony about a lawyer's proposed
$100,000 fee and "the Washington
Fix" was laid yesterday before a
Senate committee investigating
the crackup of the multi-million-
dollar Lustron Housing Corpora-
Roy Fruehauf, Detroit indus-
trialist, told the lawmakers that
RFC Director Walter L. Dunham
blocked efforts to save Lustron
from financial collapse only a few
hours after the first $10,000 in-
stallment of a $100,000 fee to a
Washington attorney had been
FRUEHAUF named the attorney
as Joseph H. Rosenbaum, one of
the central figures in the Senate
group's inquiry into charges that
directors of the RFC yielded to
influence in granting big govern-
ment loans.
Fruehauf told of meeting
Rosenbaum in a Washington
hotel room late in 1949, during
negotiations to rescue Lustron
from threatened bankruptcy,
and he testified:
"Rosenbaum told me he abso-
lutely could save Lustron. He said
Dunham and William E. Willett
(another RFC director) were in
his hip pocket."
The witness went on to say
that his own attorney, Alfons
Landa, had cautioned him against
entering into any deal with Ro-
PTorld NLews
Rou ndu p
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW-Andrei A. Gromyko,
first deputy Soviet foreign minis-
ter, intends to leave here by plane
today for Monday's meeting of
Big Four deputy foreign ministers
in Paris.
* , , .,
KEY WEST-President Tru-
man came here last night to view
the international and domestic
problems of his administration
far removed from the turmoil of
He flew to Key West after a
final pre-vacation conference
with his cabinet
plea of innocent was entered yes-
terday by the Pennsylvania Rail-
road to 84 indictments charging
manslaughter in the Woodbridge
train wreck, the nation's worst rail
disaster in over three decades.
* * *
cob A. Malik yesterday proposed
that the UN's special committee
on atomic control and arms reduc-
tion should choose its first chair-
man by drawing lots and the name
of the United States was then
drawn from a book.'


The point change of 2.7 rep-
resented a percentage rise of
The bureau also issued the old
type index. On this basis of cal-
culation, the January figure was
181.6, and the December index
178.4, an increase of 1.7 per cent.
THE AUTO industry's cost of
living, or "escalator," contract,
provides for raising or lowering
pay one cent an hour for each
rise or fall of 1.14 in the index.
It has not yet been worked out
whether the new index will be ap-
plied in figuring out the wage in-
Contracts with escalator
clauses signed before the wage
freeze date of Jan. 25 are al-
lowed to go as high as the cost
of living can carry them.

LEATHERNECKS ADVANCE - U.S. Marines, back in action in the Korean war for the first time
since their historic withdrawal from the Changjin reservoir near the Manchurian border last De-
cember, move over a cratered bridge as they advance on the Central Front.

AFL Union
Quarters Hit
By Grenade

Airplane Crash in Iowa
Storm Claims 15 Lives

SIOUX CITY, Ia.-(P)-A Mid-
Continent Airlines plane, making


However, those negotiated since an
that date must be submitted for JERSEY CITY, N.J. - () - A in a sudden, heavy snow storm,
stabilization agency approval if hand grenade hurled into the crashed into a bordering cornfield
they push wages more than 10 headquarters of an AFL long- yesterday, killing 15 of the 25
per cent above the level of Jan. shoremen's union injured five per- persons aboard.
15, 1950. sons yesterday. The twin-engined DC-3 plane
AN ESCALATOR contract was The bomb crashed through a burst into flames and was destroy-
N EPlate-glass window, rolled under ed within a few minutes.
signed Thursday for 1,000,000 non- atess ndowpolled s nerng .
oprtn;alodepoe a desk and exploded, scattering
operating railroad employes -- a mea rget note iI BUT TEN, survivors were extri-
penny an index point, metal fragments into the ceilings BTTNuvvr eeeti
and walls of the ground floor cated and rushed to Sioux City
hnntnlc nt l nst four in nos-

Meanwhile, the Truman ad-I
ministration apparently decided
on a cooling off period in an ef-
fort- to end labor leaders' "re-
volt" against mobilization poli-
The tip-off was cancellatidn of
a statement by Charles E. Wil-
son, mobilization director. He had
let it be known he would reply
yesterday to the attacks the union
leaders made on him when they
pulled their representatives out of
the economic controls setup.
The administration appeared to
blieve the crisis could be com-
promised. President Truman in-
dicated this Thursday when he
said it is not very serious; just a'
The unions argue they have not
been given enough voice in the
program; that the program fa-
vors big business, and is unfair.
Orders Flood
Opera Office
Tickets for $1.80 seats at the
March 30 Union Opera perform-
ance of "Go West-Madam" were
sold out last night, less than 12
hours after mail order sales
Opera promotions manager Ben
Gates, '51, reported a "deluge" of
"But orders are still being ac-
cepted for remaining seats at the
March 28, 29 and 30 performanc-
es," Gates said. Tickets sell for
$2.40, $1.80 and $1.20.
Checks and mail orders should
specify the date desired and
should be addressed to: Michigan
Union Opera, Michigan Union.
House groups desiring a block
of seats together have been urged
to place their orders immediately.

room. *
I lro IN.REspi a s, awr eastruck p
THE INJURED all were struck


by pieces of shrapnel.
Police said a dark sedan drove
up to the three-story brick
building w h i c h houses the#
downtown headquarters of the
International Longshoremen's
Association, Local 1247.
"A man got out of the car in
the heavily populated area and
pitched the grenade through the
window of the union office," said
Detective Frank Slawsky of the
Crime Investigation Bureau.
THE CAR bore New York li-
cense plates and had been report-
ed stolen recently.
Police said the desk appar-
ently shielded the office occu-
pants from more serious injury.
The blast shattered the desk
and stopped the office clock at
3:45 p.m. (EST).
The Longshoremen's Local re-
cently has been the scene of bitter
intra-union strife and it has a
long record of violence. A hotly-
contested union election is sched-
uled for today.
Jessup To Attend
Four Power Talks
NEW YORK-()-Dr. Philip C.
Jessup, chief U.S. delegate to the
preliminary Big Four talks in Par-
is, left by plane last night for the
French capital accompanied by
two State Department experts and
five secretarial assistants.
Jessup said the talks, starting
Monday among deputy foreign
ministers, are aimed at agreement
on an agenda for a meeting of the
foreign ministers themselves.
Jessup will meet with represen-
tatives of Great Britain, France
and Russia.

Oelid UX 7 d i
For Damages
By Pearson
McCarthy's Attack
Given as Reason
nist-commentator Drew Pearson
yesterday sued Senator McCarthy
(R-Wis.) for $600,000 damages,
and McCarthy and others for $3,-
000,000 or more.
The exact amount sought was
left open. Pearson said he wanted
damages from eight persons, the
Washington Times Herald, "John
Doe, Richard Roe and other per-
sons at this time to your plain-
tiff unknown."
* * *
PEARSON FILED the suit in
U.S. District Court.
He asked $250,000 for what he
said was a physical attack made
on him by McCarthy at a pri-
vate dinner Dec. 12, 1950, at the
Sulgrave Club here.
He also asked $350,000 damages
against McCarthy for an allegedj
"libelous, false and defamatory at-
tack" upon him in a 37-page state-'
ment Dec. 15, 1950.
He said in his suit that McCarthy
"maliciously published and caused
to be published" a "libelous, false
and defamatory attack upon the
charaoter, veracity, morality, com-
ketence and patriotism of the
plaintiff ."
In his third count, Pearson said
the named defendants made simi-
lar statements about the same time
and contrived to "hold the plain-
tiff up to public scorn and ridi-

sibly critical condition, the airline
,officials said.
The plane was due at Sioux
City airport at 9:12 a.m. (CST)
on a scheduled flight from Kan-
sas City to Minneapolis.
It was the first fatal crash for
Mid-Continent in its 17-year his-
* * *
ity inspectors from Omaha and
Chicago arrived here last night
to investivate the cause of a plane
crash which claimed 15 lives.
The two inspectors who ar-
rived late yesterday examined
the wreckage but declined to
comment on possible causes, al-
though they said the weather
apparently was involved.
The pilot of yesterday's ill-f at-
ed plane, Capt. James Graham,
34 years old, of Kansas City, was
among those killed.
At the airport, observers said
the plane flew over the field once,
went on to make a climbing turn
to the left, then was lost to spec-
tators in the storm. The crash
was heard a few moments later.
Quenifle !Given
PARIS -()P)- Georges Bidault
gave up yesterday his attempt to
form a new French government
and Henri Queuille became Prem-
Queuille and his Radical Social-
ist Party looked to a national ref-
erendum on a new election, law as
the only solution to the cabinet
Leaders of the Radical Socialist
Party, which despite its name is a
moderate one representing small
businessmen and farmers, support-
ed Queuille in his efforts to form
a cabinet, but they were not hope-
ful for his chances to succeed.
The Radical Socialists and the
Catholic Republican Movement
are the two groups whose dispute
over changes in the nation's elec-
toral law caused the downfall of
Premier Rene Pleven's coalition
Queuille headed the longest-liv-
ed of France's post-war cabinets.
At its fall in October, 1949, it had
lasted 13 months.

political scientists.
Prof. Arthur W. Bromage agreed
with Lewis Reimann, the Demo-
cratic candidate for mayor, that
city elections should be run on a
non-partisan level. Prof. Samuel
J. Eldersveld sided with Mayor
William Brown, the Republican
candidate, who is in favor of con-
tinuing the present party system
for local elections.
"NON-PARTISAN nominations
and elections in cities assume that
the business of municipal admin-
istration should not be an issue
between Republican and Demo-
cratic candidates," Prof. Bromage
"And certainly municipal gov-
ernment is fundamentally a bus-
iness of fire and police protection.
public works, public health, water
supply and sewage."
In addition, he said that the
party label may automatically
result in the rejection of an able
candidate in one ward and the
election of a weak candidate in
"Ann Arbor is still small enough
for voters to know their candi-
dates and follow their records.
There is no real need in a city
of this size for the party label as
identification and ratification of
a candidate."
* * *
PROF. BROMAGE saw no ad-
vantage in tinkering with the
present Ann Arbor charter to pro-
vide for non-partisan elections.
"However, ,if and when Ann
Arbor creates a home-rule char-
ter, consideration must be given
to non-partisan nomination and
elections," he added.
Prof. Eldersveld said that "tak-
ing sides" in a partisan political
sense is good government and
good democratic theory.
"I * *
often politically lazy," he said.
"And he is in no way intellectu-
ally or morally superior to thed
"Independent candidacies," he
added, "produce confusion of
responsibility, a disease worse
than the cure."
"If we believe in parties at all,
local party organizations are in-
dispensible. For a national and
state party which is starved at its
base may well become a phantom
"Political action and opposition
are necessary on the municipal
level," Prof. Eldersveld asserted.
"They can best be provided by our
present party system."
"The job of voters in Ann Arbor
is not to abolish parties but to
improve their character and func-
tioning," he emphasized.
Eccles Attacks
CHICAGO - 0P) - Marriner S.
Eccles, Federal Reserve Board
mrmhor n+&onlroA oanw vac.+n,. av

were halted last night by dark-
ness and Communist fire at a
point within 15 miles of Hong-,
chong, a Chinese Red assembly
Other Friday developments:
Marines and South Korean
troops east of Hoengsong and
British and American troops to
the west fought stubbornly to
keep the United Nations attack
moving forward in the face of
desperate local counterattacks.
s* s
FROM 12 to 15 Russian-made
Jets braved the North Korean
skies for brief encounters with the
Fifth Air Force. No casualties
were reported from the air fights,
but two U.S. Mustailgs were shot
down by anti-aircraft fire.
On the east-central front the
U.S. Seventh Division met stif-
fening Red opposition north of
Amidong. An estimated 60
North Koreans wearing South
Korean uniforms attacked at
close range.
The GI's hurled them back at
bayonet point, inflicting heavy
casualties. Associated Press cor-
respondent Tom Stone said the
attack was only one of many prob-
ing attacks by the Reds against
this division.
* * *
THE U.S. Second Division, west
of the Seventh, fought from noon
to nightfall for high ground
north of the Hoengsong-Pangnim
lateral highway. It was described
as "the bitterest fighting of the
day" by Associated Press corres-
pondent Leif Erickson at U.S.
Eighth Army headquarters.
On the Marines' left flank Bri-
tish, Canadian, New Zealand and
Australian members of a British
brigade pushed north against
stiffening Chinese resistance in
the Yongdu area, 17 miles west
of Hoengsong. The First U.S.
Cavalry Division was moving on
Yongdu from the south and s uth-
Elements of the Seventh Cav-
alry Regiment held the high
ground on the southern edge of
Yongdu. From the hills its ar-
tillery, pounded the town, which
lies on a road to Hongchon, scene
of the reported buildup for thv
next expected big Communist of-
Attack Planned
financing a fresh Treasury drive
against gangsters who evade taxes
were disclosed yesterday by mem-
bers of the House Appropriations
They predicted that the Inter-
nal Revenue Bureau's budget for
the next fiscal year would be
hiked substantially with the un-


'U' Professors Discuss Education at Forum

The humorous side as well as
the more serious side of education
was included in the first of a
series of forum discussions on
"College and University Teach-
ing" held yesterday afternoon in
the library lecture hall.

trate my lectures upon them,"
Prof. Frank X. Braun of the
German department remarked.
By observance of these students,
I am able to tell which groups
are grasping the information
and whether it is above the un-
derstandable level or too sim-

important to keep the minds of
the student a few steps ahead
of the instructor.
Concerning the preparation of
material for class, Prof. Phillip S.
Jones of the mathematics depart-
ment remarked that it's a neces-
sity to prepare leading questions

mer feels that the biggest mistake
a person new in the teaching field
can make it posing as an author-
ity upon every subject.
audience inquired whether the
courses are subject-centered or

PALMER differed however, say-
ing that the teachers are often
relied upon, but hardly ever the
Prof. Algo D. Henderson of
the education school is the
chairman of the forum and led



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