pY A QUESTION OF ETHICS See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State ii PARTLY CLOUDY, COOL VOL. LXI, No. 101 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1951 SIX PAG U.S. Troops Meet Heavy Red Resistance * * * * * * * * * Some Wage Raises OK'd, By"Johnson I New Auto Price Hike Announced WASHINGTON - (-O) - The Government last night poked holes in both its wage and price ceilings: it approved some "esca- lator" wage increases and gave auto manufacturers a 31/2 per cent 1 price boost. Economic Stabilizer Eric John- ston liberalized the wage policy by allowing workers to get full bene- fit of cost-of-living wage increas- es up to midyear - but only if their escalator - type contracts were signed before Jan. 25. HE ACTED on his own, because Shis wage stabilization board was made nearly useless by the walk- out of its three labor members. Organized labor Wednesday pulled all its members out of the mobilization agencies, in protest against alleged "big business" domination. But Johnston already was mak- ing cautious moves to set up a new wage board-with new facesj and possibly having 18 instead of nine members-in hopes labor' would rejoin industry and public representatives on t h e rebuilt panel. & * * * THE AUTO PRICE freeze was cracked by price stabilizer Mich- ael V. DiSalle. He said the in- crease would "partially offset in- creases in production costs." DiSalle extended for another 60 days the auto price order of Dec. 18, with the price boost1 tacked on. Dealers may pass on Two Names Stand Out in Presidency Speculation By JIM BROWN Daily. Managing Editor Speculation continues to mount here on campus as to who will succeed President Alexander G. Ruthven when he begins his year- long retirement furlough next summer. It was nearly three months ago that The Daily first published a list of outstanding educators who might be under consideration for the presidency of the University and it was widely felt at that time that the Board of Regents would announce their appointee before the first of March. As yet, however, there has been absolutely no official indication as to who President Ruthven's successor will be. * * * * ONE POSSIBLE REASON for the delay may have been the un- fortunate death of Regent Ralph W. Hayward two months ago. The Board may have felt it necessary to orientate Regent Haywgrd's successor, Murray D. Van Wagoner, before actually appointing the president. Van Wagoner assumed his duties as a Regent more than a month ago, however, and there still has been no indication as to when the new president will be announced. Tight-lipped University officials will only admit that the Re- gents "are considering the matter extensively." But it is now generally thought the announcement will come sometime in April. DURING THE PAST THREE months there have been few new persons named by local speculators as possible candidates for the presidency. Nor is there general agreement on any one specific can- didate. These facts, however, are agreed upon by nearly all faculty mem- bers, administrators and students contacted: 1. The Board of Regents have already selected President Ruth- ven's successor but are deferring the announcement until there is complete unanimity as to the wisdom of their choice within the Board itself. 2. The man selected by the Regents is not a member of the University staff. He is at present located elsewhere-probably at another educational institution. 3. He is a nationally recognized educator and is noted for his work in some other field-either the physical or the social sciences. The validity of these "facts" is of course highly questionable and are admittedly attributable only to local gossip. Several faculty members and students are still insisting that the next president will be drawn from within the University staff itself. But if the facts are correct two persons now stand out as the most likely candidates to succeed President Ruthven. * * * * FIRST, DETLAV W. BRONK, president of Johns Hopkins Uni- versity. An outstanding physicist, engineer and neurologist, Bronk re- ceived his doctorate from the University in 1926. In addition, he is a leading authority on aviation medicine and an editor of several scientific journals. It is felt by some, however, that Bronk would be unwilling to accept the presidency since he has already refused the directorship of the Phoenix Project and has just instituted a new educational plan at Johns Hopkins which enables students to pursue their studies as fast as their abilities will allow. * * * * SECOND, JOHN EWART STERLING, president of Stanford Uni- versity. Sterling, a noted historian, served as the director of Stan- ford's Hoover War Library from 1932 to 1949. He became president of Stanford in 1949. Again, at least one University official has expressed serious doubt as to whether Sterling would accept the presidency if it were offered to him. Ths official pointed out that Sterling has only recently assumed his duties as Stanford's president-a position which could likely be- come a lifetime job. * * * *t STILL ANOTHER University official intimated that the Board of Regents' choice for the next president of the University is a man who has not been previously mentioned as a possibility. Which leads us to the conclusion that your guess is as good as ours. Russian, Western DeputiesTo Meet Big Four Delegates To Slate Issues For Later Ministers' Conference WASHINGTON-(R)-Diplomats of Russia and the Western Pow- ers will sit down at a Paris conference table Monday-but the United States expressed open skepticism last night that it would lead to any easings of world tension. There is no sign of "any real change" in the Kremlin's attitude, the State Department said. * * * * Troop Issue Harm 'Seen ByTruman WASHINGTON - (P) - Presi- dent Truman indicated yesterday he wished Congress would quickly dispose of the troops-to-Europe issue lest it injure America's re- lations with her Western allies. He 'told his news conference that Congress can debate foreign policy on anything els4 it .wants to, but that doesn't mean it helps relations with the rest of thej IT ANNQUNCED, however, * * * ,A- afyvno -"f I- 1 1,- TT 0 T -+-,- 11 to passenger car buyers only the exact dollars-and-cents amountJa n.Pc of the factory rise. This, DiSalle said, will mean W ill Thw art less than a 3% per cent rise at retail. In at least one case it will enm 1:2J!Q6 ot- b tn Reds -- Djjlles , an grneement oy te u.S., Britain, world, France and Russia to open a . . , meeting of foreign minister's dep- THE PRESIDENT declined to uties Monday to work out a slate discuss the current Senate inves- of critical issues for later discus- tigatns of the RFC. crimnd 1 came To .o per cenE-or aoout half the increase which General Motors, Ford and some other com- panies had planned on their 1951, models before the Government froze them. This is a temporary order, Di- Salle said. It will be replaced by a general ceiling formula for all manufacturing Industry. Johnston's wage move appar- ently headed off the threat of' strikes in the auto and other in- L dustries where "escalator" in- creases-falling due as of Wed- nesday in some cases-might have been voided in part by the wage ceiling. RFC Director Under Attack WASHINGTON - (A') - Carl G. Strandlund testified yesterday that RFC director Walter L. Dunham aided a "small clique of financial wolves" who sought to get con- trol of the Lustron corporation in a "brazen and open conspiracy." ) Along With Dunham, Strandlund named the following as leaders in the purported plot: E. Merl Young, husband of a White House stenographer. Rex Jacobs, Detroit manufac- turer. Strandlund, who parlayed $1,000 of his own money into a $37,- 500,000 loan from the Reconstruc- tion Finance Corporation in set- ting up the non-bankrupt Lustron corporation, toll his story before a Senate investigating committee. WASHINGTON -UP)- Ambas- sador John Foster Dulles predict- ed last night the proposed peace settlement with Japan will "thwart the Stalin strategy of conquerng the West via the East" and pos- sibly loosen the present grip of Communism on its "captive world." President Truman's special peace treaty envoy said it is vital for the West to mnake Japan a dependable friend and expressed confidence this can be done. "IF JAPAN SHOULD succumb to Communist aggression, there would be a combinaton of Russian, Japanese and Chinese power in the east which would be dangerously formidable," he advised. In a radio speech over CBS on his recent treaty conferences in Japan, the Philippines, Aus- tralia and New Zealand, Dulles stressed the view that building a strong bulwark against Com- muiist aggression in the east shares importance with liquidat- ing the Pacific war after more than five years. The United States, he said, is "receptive" to some arrangement which would assure Australia and New Zealand, which fear a revival of Japanese militarism. He sug- gested this might take the form of a pledge to consider an armed at- tack on them as a threat to Amer- ican security. Dulles disscussed the peace terms with Japanese leaders during hisj recent visit to Tokyo.' sion by the Big Four foreign min- isters themselves. The announcement followed receipt of a terse note from Moscow. In it the Soviet Union reaffirmed its position that the Western Powers are responsible for the world's trouble. But Russia expressed willingness to hold the Paris talks for a pre- liminai'y survey of the topics which the foreign ministers might later go into in detail. * , * THE ARRIVAL of the Russian note was followed by hasty talks among the three Western gov- ernments which resulted in the fi- nal decision to go ahead with the Paris meeting. This decision was disclosed by Michael J. McDer- mott, State Department press of- ficer, who said in a statement: "The Soviet note does not suggest any real change in at- titude on their part which would encourage the hope that the four ministers would be able to reach useful agreement." The Western Powers have sug- gested that the Big Four should meet in Washington, provided the preliminary Paris negotiations re- sult in agreement on an agenda. Today Set As RushingDeadline The IFC yesterday reminded rushees who have not yet regis- tered for rushing that today is the last day they may do so. Rushees may sign up from 3 to 5 p.m. in the IFC office, Rm. 8C of the Union. IFC officials reported that ap- proximately 350 men have signed the 1950 campaign. Maryland senatorialI I He also expressed full confi- dence in Mobilization Director Charles E. Wilson and said he did not consider labor unions' withdrawal from the Govern- ment's home front agencies a serious development. The remarks on the troops is- sue came in response to questions about a report on Presidential and Congressional war powers. The report was prepared by the ex- ecutive branch. MEANWHILE Republican sen- ators Kem (Mo.) and Bricker (Ohio) asserted that the decision on sending more troops to Europe is one for Congress-not President Truman. As they spoke out on the Sen- ate floor on thekbitterly debated issue, Earl Cocke, Jr., National Commander of the American Legion, gave Senate committees a declaration of his support of the proposal that defense of the allied nations be backed up with soldiers. During yesterday's Senate ses- sion, President Truman said again that what he would like to be "permanently" is Senator Tru- man. The President paid a surprise visit to the Senate to give Vice- President Barkley a gavel in rec- ognition of Barkley's long service+ in Congress. Truman's remark threw a little more fuel on the Presidential hot' stove league gossip that what he'd+ like to do in 1952 is run for his old seat in the Senate.+ V,5"svl:7 v Lic .L14:ti, i Il~r"a, l Communists Massed for New Attack Enemy Air Force RenewsActivity TOKYO-(A')-U.S. Marines and ihfantrymen bumped into hard fighting today in central Korea from Chinese Reds believed to be planning a counter-offensive. General MacArthur's operation- al summary acknowledged that the potential of 31 Chinese and North Korean divisions lined up across Korea was still "unim- paired" despite heavy losses and shattered supply lines. The Reds also were showing signs of risking their air force in combat. BAYONET - WIELDING Mar- ines of the first division launched the second day of attacks north of Hoengsong in Central Korea this morning. They rammed into' heavy enemy resistance on high ground. U.S. Second Division infan- trymen, fighting 18 miles south- east of the Marines front, still were engaged this morning aft- er beating off night-long Red counterattacks. The Marines' attack was aimed at winning all of 1,500-foot moun- tain three miles northwest of Hoengsong. Yesterday their drive up the wooded slopes was stopped after a half-mile advance. The Ieathernecks had to use bayonets yesterday as they won, lost and then re-won a nearby 600-foot ridge overlooking the war-wrecked highway hub of Hoengsong. The U.S. Second Division on the Marine right flank ran into the Red counterattacks after telping to win control of nearly .all the Pangnum-Hoengsong road. That is a 24-mile stretch. * * * ALLIED PLANES, which have flown virtually unopposed in the skies over Korea, bumped into op- position yesterday. A B-29 Superfort reported it shot down a Russian-type Mig- 15 jet and damaged another in a battle over northwest Korea. They were among six jets which attacked four Superforts. The Far East Air Force said all B. 29s returned to their bases. Front dispatches said the at- tacks by the leathernecks near Hoengsong and by Army divisions generally along the front would throw the Reds even further off balancehand probably delay the new Communist drive expectel this month. World News Roundup By The Associated Press MADRID-Stanton Griffis, first United States Ambassador to Spain since 1945, presented his credentials yesterday to General- issimo Francisco Franco, symbol- izing resumption of normal diplo- matic relations. * * * BELGRADE - The United States has apologized to Yugo- slavia for violation of its air space by an American military plane, the Yugoslav government said last night. The plane, a two-engined B-26 fighter bomber, was blown off course by strong winds Feb. 10 on a training flight from the U.S. Air Force field at Neubiberg, Gerniany, to Udine, Italy. WASHINGTON-President Tru- man asked Congress yesterday for $1,454,000,000 more in cash and lending power to help speed up the defense production and civil defense programs. * * * WASHINGTON-Oscar Colla- zo calmly related yesterday his role in the storming of Blair House Nov. 1, but he insisted he A MUDDY LOT-A student wields a board to assist Ronnie Raider, '53 and Don Hope, '51, who found themselves stalled in a University parking lot on Maynard St. opposite Betsy Barbour House. This lot and another next to Helen Newberry Residence, were constructed last October and need a year to settle before they are paved, Plant Superintendent Walter M. Ioth said. "People are park- ing in those lots at their own risk," he warned. Rail Employes Get Immediate' Wage Increase WASHINGTON--()-A million railroad workers won an immedi- ate 12 cents an hour wage in- crease yesterday in a settlement sweated out at an all-night session in the White House. arshall Renews Pleas for 18 Year Draft, UMT Approval WASHINGTON--(P)-Secretary called a "change of atmosphere" of Defense Marshall pressed anew on the draft issue. yesterday for Universal Military * * * Training and a draft of 18 year ONLY TWO MONTHS ago, he olds told the legislators, the Defense And he chided the House Armed Department was being criticized ' Services Committee for what he for not asking for four or five s s i The railroads promptly made Court Asked To ready to ask another freight rate H increase as a result of the boostRejeet iss Ap eal in wages.hieotR ec HisA p a The pay hike goes at once to WASHINGTON-UP)--The Gov- non-operating employes, includ- ernment yesterday asked the Su- ing clerks, machinists, shop work- preme Court to throw out Alger ers and the like. They have been Hiss' appeal from a perjury con- getting $1.48 on the average. The viction. pay boost is retroactive to Feb. 1. In a brief filed with the court, It is tied to the Government's Solicitor General Philip B. Perl- cost-of-living index and will go man called an appeals court de- up again on April 1, possibly four cision affirming the conviction or five cents. "correct." up thus far. I million men instead of the force of 3,500,000 provided for in the bill now before Congress. He said the feeling in the committee then was that the country was not building its defenses fast enough. "Today the atmosphere is quite different," Marshall stated. "We are not asked how much more we need, but why we are asking so much." While Marshall was urging the House committee to give uncom- New Hopve? WASHINGTON - (AO)-- Non- stop education for men exempted from the draft to attend college was suggested to Congress yes- terday by an Indiana educator. Frank H. Sparks, president of Wabash College, broached the idea to the House Armed Forces Committee, which is consider- ing draft law changes. He said colleges and universi- ties could condense the normal four year course into two years and eight months by eliminat- ing all vacations and requiring continuous classes. CLASH OVER CHARTER, PARTISAN ELECTIONS: Creal, Karsian Campaign for City Council Chairmanship * * ,, : M By VERNON EMERSON Candidates vieing for the job of presiding over Ann Arbor's com- mon council have started the month-long preelection campaign by locking horns on several civic issues He called for a thorough re- vision of the charter which he charged has been amended .only as the need arose, giving it a patch-work-quilt appearance. Creal pointed out that a council est; it makes for better democ- racy." When it comes to increased pay for city workers, Creal said that his stand was clearly re- corded when he recommended the pay raises of upwards to 10 provements may come from in- creased University payments. He noted that University payments have grown in the past few years and pointed tot the increased co- operation between the school and the city. wl* ""..".-,*-"-".,-.", -*- I