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March 01, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-03-01

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Latest Deadline in the State


VOL. LXI, No. 100



Groupays Contract Fight
Crime Could
WreckU.S. Expels Engneer
Senate Probers Breaking of NROTC Pact Given
Fear Mob Rule As Cause for Disciplinary Action
WASHINGTON-(P)-Mobsters A University student has been expelled from the engineering col-
are using fantastic crime and lege by the faculty Committe on Discipline for "unethical and irre-
gambling, profits to finance an sponsible action" in breaking a contract.
underground government that The student, Robert J. Lapham, '52E, was notified shortly before
could turn subversive and wreck Christmas vacation that he would not be allowed to enroll for the
the United States, the Senate
Crime dommittee reported yes- spring semester in the engineering college. The disciplinary action
terday. was based on a contract that Lapham had broken with the Navy late
The crime investigators said in October after becoming a conscientious objector.
the czar of a vast American un- - - * -
derworld lives in Italy and is ACCORDING TO Prof. Axel Marin, chairman of the Committee
"Lucky" Luciano, deported New on Discipline for the engineering college, Lapham was expelled be-
York vice overlord. And there is " cause he indicated in his inter-
evidence the Mafia, "Black Hand"-- view with the committee that "he
Sicilian society, also operates here i was under no obligation to repay
the report said, and may be the the Navy for the benefits he had
"adhesive" holding gangs together. received under the contract."
I * *T "We are concerned with the
THE 35-PAGE report is a pre- IIloW ethics of our students as well as
liminary one. But it said if Amer- their engineering ability," Prof.
icans ever had any doubt that Marin explained. "If a student
crime in the United States is or- does not live up to the Engi-
ganized, that doubt is now dis- oneering code of ethics (an un-
pelled by facts the committee has written set of laws) we feel that
uncovered "over tcn months of the it is our duty to discipline the
most intensive investigation of its If the weather man is right, a student in some way."
kind ever attempted." stormy March wind and driving Lapham who became a regular
It estimated "conservatively" rain will race across the campus Lmemr o heama re r
that $20,000,000,000 changes today to blow holes into the hopes member of the Naval Reserve Of-
hnseeyyainognzd of those who dreamed March ficers Training Corps in the fall
ilegal gambliyeoar in organizedg "come i keam b of 1949, decided last fall to become
It said the gangsters do not Sleet with freezing rain and a conscientious objector. Because
hesitate to use murder, bombing wind velocities up to 25 miles ank of this stand he felt compelled to
or any other form of violence to hour are predicted for today, and break his contract with the Navy
eliminate competition. And it no immediate relief is seen by
said large sums in protection mon- the Willow Run Weather Bureau. MARINE COLONEL William B.
ey are used to buy off local and . * * McKean, commander of the Uni-
versity NROTC unit, notified the


Marines Lead Armed Pus







La bor QaitsA11 lgeces



Wagea Board
Rift Causes
Total Break
Action Ordered
By Policy Board
leaders yesterday ordered a sweep-
ing boycott of the home front
control program, directing union
men to "resign immediately" from
every government mobilization
The momentous decision dashed
hopes that labor's three members
will rejoin the dispute-torn Wage
Stabilization Board, and indi-
rectly raised the threat of future


strikes in industry.
Committee - 14 top officials of
CIO, AFL and other major union
groups - announced its unani-
mous decision after a four and
one half hour session yesterday.

DEAD GENERAL HONORED-The flag-draped casket containing the body of Major General Bry-
ant L. Moore, commanding general of the U. S. Ninth Corps, arrives at Haneda Air Force Base,
Tokyo and is placed in a waiting hearse by GHQ honor guards. Maj. Gen. Moore died last week
after a helicopter crash into the Han River.


federal officials.* * THE RECENT warm spell de-
engineering college concerning the Acknowledging "the gravity
cevdmany into expecting a breach of contract. He recoin- of this decision," the policy
THE REPORT added that there mild entrance fromn unpredictable!nmended thatcLapham be expelld oardchardsianew that "-ig Prof. M aurer
is evidence of corruption and March. But past turn-abouts mddhatlaphatbeelled boardehard anew thatm"big
connivance at all levels of gov- show that a blustery entrance from school, a prerogative given business" dominates the mobi-
conmnaat a lllvlnfdo-iso thatsawblsteryentranc him by the regulations covering lization effort, and that the sev- 4ltlCl ll l
ermnent andtis was the most and a bland exit are more a part NROTC students. l ab o r 'InI idation'
testimony Following Christmas vacation jobs are used merely as "win-
The committee said it is an in- Freezing cold with high winds five local student ministers and dow dressing."
escapable conclusion that an un-' was recorded on March 1, 1949, religious leaders met with the Labor men accordingly are re- Two members of the journalism
derworld government exists, con- with temperatures as low as 29. disciplinary committee to discuss signing from 24 advisory posts ( department yesterday voiced acid
trolled by the mobsters. And on March 1, 1950, too, all the action. They failed to alter and other positions in the defense criticism of Argentinian Dictator
"This phantom government en- Ann Arbor shivered when the the decision of the committee.-, agencies, including the military Juan Peron's coercion of the inde-
forces its own law, carries out its temperature nosedived to 23 and At that time, Lapham had ap- agency, the committee announced. pendent Buenos Aires newspaper,
own executions and not only ig- winds blasting at 20 miles an pealed his case to the Faculty They include AFL president Wil- La Prensa.
nones but abhors the democratic hour backed up snow and rain. Committee, the engineering college lam Green and CIO president The squlbbling between Peron
processes of justice which are held Bove ing unit. In his apeal let- li Murray, who have advisory and La Prensa, shut down 33 days
to be the safeguards of the Amner- But March in those years, fol-., ter, Lapham said that he was will- holes by a labor dispute, exploded into
ia cte he reort Ad. lowing a traditional script, turned ing to repay the Navy. . * * violence Tuesday when loyal em-
It added c tizentathe if not curbed this eaceful during her last days. * EXPLAINING its action, the ployees of the paper battled their.
underworld could become the ba- HOWEVER, according to Prof. committee declared the new 10 way back to work at a cost of one
sis for a subversive movement ONE NATIVE Ann Arbor stu- Marin, it was felt that Lapham per cent ceiling on wage increases
"which could wreck the VKry foun- dent took the opportunity to blast had not changed his mind toward is "unfair, unworkable and un- Court
d-tionsofthi country March and its tricky weather by the obligation of the contract and . I wa isuUTesera
danshscountry. issuing what he said was an an- that he appealed only to get back just. It was issued yesterday
n an- r pn intoschoolsimultaneously, the labor headsD
nual anti-March proclamation.IT sclsaid, with a price order under
SsAE Fined for "It's the meanest month of the The discipiary committee which business is being allowed
,wholeyear here. They ought to claims that their action hastReeslcPn re.
(, -e. ,j u~ u.strike it from the calendar. Just nothing to do with Lapham's Labor will not resume its
Dirty Rushig like a senator-it blows hard, riles conscionetious objector stand or place on the wage board, the
everybody up and then does a the request of Col. McKean for committee decreed, until the BUENOS AIRES - ( ') - A fed-
The Executive Council of the fade-out," he said. his expulsion based n hi board is entirely "reconstitu- eral judge closed the printing
Inter-Fraternity Council yeser- "I keep saying this year after Our action was upo s ted." And that, some officials plant of the anti-Peron newspaper
Inter-Fyeare"nheysaidudisappointedy,"butlack of responsibility in a con- e.An
day announced that Sigma Alpha March keeps coming around any- tract," Prof. Marnn said "From our said, means that chairman Cy- La Prensa last night, forcing its;
Epsilon had been fined $50 for a .way." point of view he (Lapham) has no rus S. Ching and the other two loyal employes to abandon their
violation of rushing regulations. ethics. He made quite an unfavor- public members must be re- efforts to resume publication aft-
The infraction occurred Tues- able impression on the committee placed. er a'34-day shutdown.
day night, when the IFC Enforce-o/ by his insistance that he was un- Two congressional investiga- Judge Roberto Durrieu ordered
ment Committee, entrusted with Or IS der no obligation to repay the tions immediately were called. the newspaper's watchmen ex-
policing rushing, discovered two Navy." Sen. Bricker (R-Ohio) said he pelled from the printing plant last
Sigma Alpha Epsilon actives in Round p* * . will seek an immediate inquiry by night. He posted police guards
the room of a rushee in the pri- P "THE NAVY WAS not interest- the Senate-House watchdog con- at all its doors for the duration
rvate boarding house where he ed in reclaiming money invested mittee on mobilization. Sen. Mur- of his investigation of the bloody
lived. By The Associated Press in Lapham," Col. McKean said. phy (D-Minn) promised that his incidents of Tuesday in which one
As a further penalty, the fra- WASHINGTON - Ambassador There are no provisions in the Senate Labor Subcommittee will La Prensa employe was killed and
ternity will not be allowed to John Foster Dulles suggested yes- NROTC administration for receiv- dig into the situation "as soon as 15 wounded while trying to return,
pledge the rushee involved. terday the United States may not ing money from members who have it is humanly possible." to their jobs.-
Other accusations which had recognize as legal Russia's posses- broken contracts. "If the mnoney * * * Those who got into the plant
been brought to the Council sion of Kurile Islands and South had been repaid it would have gone THE LABOR revolt oversha- Tuesday were thwarted in their
proved either inconclusive or com- Sakhalin unless Russia partici- into the Navy 'conscious' fund," dowed everything else on the con- attempt to get out an issue yes-
pletely unfounded. pates in making and signing a the Colonel continued. trols front yesterday, but at the terday by Durrieu's ordering them
A delegation of Sigma Chi's peace treaty with Japan. The engineering college handles Office of Price Stabilization, there to a police station for questioning.
turned up at the meeting to refute * * * all its own disciplinary cases sep- were these developments: They had planned to make an-
the claim that they had been ' MT. CLEMENS-Expressing his arately from the rest of the Uni- A nationwide investigation of other try, at reopening the news-
rushing in the dorms, but found disdain, 16-year-old Rodney Mc- versity. This practice is also fol- meat prices was ordered, to see paper today to publish tomorrow's
that no charges had been brought Rae heard a judge yesterday sen- lowed in the Law School. whether packers and whole- issue. Last night's order from
against them. tence him to life in prison for Lapham wa elected president of salers are complying with price Durrieu forced them to give up
the September slaying of youth- the Wesleyan Guild, a Methodist ceilings. that plan.
ful Joey Housey. youth organization, in the spring A spokesnan said "it won't be Several thousand turned out yes-
Clay Says Send * * * of 1950,t many days" until price ceilings terday for the funeral of Roberto
E oLONDON--A Laborite, a Liberal He will be allowed to apply for are ordered on livestock. Meat is Nunez, 36 years old, a newspaper
Men to Europe and a Conservative peer each readmittance into the engineering under price controls, but live ani- hoist operator at the La Prensa
______called yesterday for the resigna- college next fall. Lapham, who mals aren't. Slaughterers have plant who was the victim of Tues-;
WASHINGTON- P) --Gen. Lu- tion of ailing Foreign Secretary does not plan to make an issue of complained rising prices for live day's battle between the loyal em-
DClay said yesterday that f Ernest Bevin to make way for a the question, hopes to enter the animals have caught them in a ployes and gangs of sluggers and
cius D.a y saidysrda tatii man in good health. college then. , freeze.gunmen.
ll da hJ~. dA 1 i tAG1IOA.. gundmen.

- -- - - --


dead and 15 injuries. Gangs of'
gunmen and sluggers had, opposed
them in their fight to work.
* * *
chairman of the department, said
the incident was Peron-inspired.
He pointed out that the La Prensa
has long been a great bulwark for
Constitutionalism and opponent of
The paper's opposition to
Peron--although forced into a
mild tone-has precipitated this
incident, he explained.
"Peron has employed two effec-
tive methods of clamping down on
the La Prensa, the same tactics
which brought other Argentinian
newspapers. under control," Prof.
Maurer continued.
* * *
HE EXPLAINED that the pro-
government News Vendors Union
had started a strike Jan. 26 after
echoing demands for a 20 per cent
share in advertising revenues.
The pro-government Printers
Union called a sympathy strike,
and Tuesday's fracas was the
result of some La Prensa em-
ployees returning to work
against the will of the unions.
A second clamp on the La Prensa
and other papers, according to
Prof. Maurer, was a government
decree imposing newsprint restric-
tions on all Buenos Aires news-
:* * *
PROF. MAURER considered the
entire incident unfortunate and
referred to the La Prensa as "one
of the greatest newspapers in the
Raymond Courage, Grad., Prof.
Maurer's assistant and a journal-
ism student who has studied Per-
on's consistent intimidation of Ar-
gentina's newspapers, also lashed
out at the Argentinian leader.
Courage indicated that "the out-
look for the press in Argentina
seems to be a continuation of ;the
struggle by Peron for suppression
of all criticism against the govern-

Guard Units
National Guard divisions conceiv-
ably may have to be called into
federal service this year, Gen. Law-
ton Collins, Army chief of staff,
said yesterday.
Six divisions of the National
Guard already are training in a.-
tive service and two of them, the,
40th of California and the 45th of
Oklahoma, leave for Japan next
month for occupation and defense
Gen. Collins, appearing before
the House Armed Services Com-
mittee, said there are no present
plans to summon additional, divi-
sions, although smaller guard un-
its may be activated. But he said
there is a possibility two divisions
may be called. He did not wish
to discuss the reasons publicly but
offered to go over the question
privately with the committee.
SL May Stiffen
Election Rules
A motion to stiffen election
rules, with provision for severe
disciplinary action for violations
was heard and tabled by the Stu-
dent Legislature last night.
The motion will, if passed, limit
election campa gn expenditures to
$25 for each office, require an,
itemized statements of expenses
from each candidate, and forbid
placing of campaign literature on
trees, lamp posts, in classrooms,
or other places prohibited by ex-
isting regulations.
Violators would be subject to
disqualification or other disciplin-
ary action by the Joint Judiciaryl
The Legislature also heard a
report by Mary Lubeck, '51, stu-
dent chairman of the Phoenix
Project fund drive.

Hits Peron's Army May'
of La Prensa Call Up Two

UN Forces
Advance on
Infantry Crosses
Han; Hits Islan
-TOKYO - () - United Stat
Marines led a powerful attack t
day by allied troops and plan
along a 25-mile front in centr
Korea against the heart of Ch
nese Red defenses.
Simultaneously, United Stat
Third Division infantrymen c
the western front crossed the Ha
River in assault boats and a
tacked a two-mile-long sand i
land southeast of Red-held Seot
Both actions met fierce ene
* * *
PRIMARY purpose of the b
central front assault was to mal
the Chinese either stand at
fight or withdraw from the o
sector best suited for enemy cou
Purpose of the Third Divisio
action was to get troops acros
the southern loop of the Han
establish a bridgehead, the
move tanks across the shallow
northern loop of the river it
flatland southeast of Seoul.
Third Division soldiers ran in'
hard-fighting Reds near ?.nche
on the north side of the Islar
and Chamsil near the southe
THE CENTRAL front assai
gained ground despite bitter cf
United States First Main
Division troops, spearheadni
the assault, quickly capture
600-foot "Clover Leaf Hill," a
strategic height in the Hoeng.
song area. A Marine spokesma
said the attack was progressini
on schedule.
The drive by American, Brti!
Commonwealth and South Kore
troops was aimed at heavily mai
ned Communist mountain po
tions north of the road hub
Hoengsong, AP Corresponde
Stan Swinton reported from Uni
ed States Eighth Army headqua
THE 25-MILE attack front e:
tended generally eastward fro
The new attack amounted t.
a westward swing of an alie
punch which earlier in the weel
crushed North Koreans aroun
Pangnim, 24 miles southeast o
Clearing weather over the rai:
soaked central front enabl1
planes to support the ,new Allil
limited offensive.
Other primary aims of the ne
thrust were to cut enemy supp:
lines north of Hoengsong to tx
Chinese divisions and to im'pe:
Hongchon. That Chinese asset
bly center is 15 air miles nort
west of Hoengsong.
Hoengsong, a wrecked no-mar
land, was not considered of a
military value by the attackil
Pleven Cabin
Calls It Quits
PARIS- (A') - The coaliti
government of Premier R e r
Pleven, which has steered Fran
through the first stages of r

arming for- Western Europe, r
signed last night because of
deadlock in parliament o V E
changes in the French electi'
law, a domestic political issue.
The cabinet had been in offi
10 days short' of eight monti
It was" France's 16th since tl
liberation of this nation from tl
President Vincent Auriol relu
tantly accepted the resignati
after refusing it twice previous
within 24 hours. He summon
political leaders promptly for tal
on the choice of a successor
Burglary Hearin,

imu speea anea 1 iliil man a i
building up Western European de-
fenses, he's convinced that within
a year Russian aggression will
"seem unprofitable."
To help build these defenses,
Clay said, American troops must
be sent abroad without any limi-
tations on how many may go.
Clay pis a formner governor of
the United States Zone in Ger-
Clay testified before the Senate
Foreign Relations and Armed
Services Committees. These com-
mittees are considering a resolu-
tion by Senate Republican leader,
Kenneth Wherry of Nebraska,
n., 4 nP. -nnm.- r.Qnin a' Tn if

Reimann, Brown Clash Head-on in Hot Mayorality Race


* *

. . .

With several issues already in
the "hot" class, Ann Arbor's may-
orality race seems destined to be
a fast paced one.
Democratic candidate Lewis C.
Reimann and incumbent. William
E. Brown, Jr., have squared off
nynafa anh ha nnc _ra.In

been an independent. One of his
main arguments is that city Ann
Arbor elections should be non-
"Decisions in the city govern-
ment are not made on a parti-
san basis-there is no need for
electing the government on such

is wrong with the document.
"There are some things wrong
with the charter, of course, but
there should not be any slap-dash
revision of it."
As for University payment for
city services, both amen declared
that the school owes some con-

problem should be undertaken
in a business-like manner so as
not to endanger city-University
relations and create a town and
gown division," Reimann said.
Streessing that at present there
is no real feeling of controversy
between the city and the Univer-
sity, Brown agreed that coopera-

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