THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDN'ESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1951 ti THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUAILY 28, 1951 ACTOR? AUTHOR? DIRECTOR? Authors Have Dual Roles in Triple Bill 4> *~ Schaadt Appointed New Manager of Dormitories * * * There's a student rehearsing over in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- tre these nights who at times doesn't know whether he's coming or going. This potential schizophrenic is Jim Gregory, '51, whose "Final Re- turns" is one of three plays which will be presented in a Speech De- partment sponsored bill of one acts tomorroiv and Friday nights., GREGORY'S difficulty comes from the fact that he is playing one of the major parts in his play -a possibility he didn't foresee when he wrote "Final Returns' in Prof. Kenneth Rowe's one-act playwrighting course last semester. "Sometimes, when a line sounds wrong," Gregory said with a puzzled tone, "I don't know whether it's I, the play- wright, who went wrong, or I, the actor, who's going wrong. Did I write the line wrong, or am I saying it wrong?" In contrast to Gregory was Al Nadeau, Grad., who also will have a one-act on Mendelssohn boards Thursdy and Friday. Though Nadean ualso has a dual role in the mounting of his play-he is directing it-he was, he said suc- cinctly, "calmly confident." Leonard Schaadt, former assist- ant to the business manager of Residence Halls, will move up to the position of manager on March 1. His appointment was made known by Francis C. Shiel, the new manager of Service Enter- prises and former business mana- ger of Residence Halls. Schaadt's old position will be filled by Gilbert P. Lutz, who is a principal clerk in the Food Service. He has been with the University since December of 1949. Schaadt was made assistant business manager of Residence Halls in 1943. Before he came to Ann Arbor, Schaadt worked for the General Electric Supply Cor- poration in Los Angeles as pur- chasing agent and in the account- ing department from 1929 to 1941. He then moved to the Los Angeles branch of the Solar Corporation for two years where he was in charge of production. Schaadt w e n t to California 'U' Choir To Give Concert Tomorrow The 150 voices of the University Choir will be raised in an all Latin concert at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium as the group pre- sents its first program of the semester. Under the direction of Prof. Maynard Klein, the choir will be accompanied ,by George Exon, Grad. Opening the concert will be "Christus factus est" (Christ was made obedient even unto death) by Sartori (cir. 1700). This will be followed by "Caligaverunt oculi mei" (Then were my eyelids veiled with darkness) by Victoria (1540- 1611). The Russian-styled "Jushua" by Moussorgsky will ,be presented next as a first performance in Ann Arbor, featuring mezzo-soprano Gloria Geonan, Grad. and bari- tone David Murry, Grad. After intermission the choir will sing excerpts from "Requiem" by Brahms with soprano Rose Marie Jun, Grad. Petitions for seven open posts on the fBusiness Administration Coun- cil, the newest arm of student gov- ernment, will .be available until, noon tomorrow council officers an- nounced yesterday. All candidates for bachelor and master degrees in business admini- stration are eligible to run in the election, which will be held Mon- day and Tuesday. Twenty-five signatures are necessary for nomi- nation. Petitions can be obtained in Rm. 150 of BusAd Bldg. THE COUNCIL was founded on September 28, 1948 "to formulate and voice student opinion and to manage student functions." It has operated similarly to the Student Legislature, the all- campus student government. And it has shown results. Among the accomplishments of the coun- cil, are a falculty-rating program, regular coffee hours, expanding the range of BusAd courses, ad- vanced scheduling of courses, pro- motion of a student expert ad- visory program, sponsorship of The Petitions Now Available for Positions on BusAd Council Monroe Street Journal, a student newspaper, and the settlement o small issues arising between stu- dents and faculty. THE COUNCIL consists of 10 members who serve for one year. Staggered elections provide for an election every semester. Aside from the accomplish- ments of the l Council, many other ideas are currently being discussed. s: -Daily-Roger GREGORY ... Confused * s --.aily-Roger Reinke NADEAU . Confident * , * , "I'm not worried about a thing,"Qnot a usual thing in the present- he continued. "Everything's going to be all right." THE CONSENSUS of the stu- dent thespians working on the one-act bill- seemed to be that Nadeau could well feel secure, that his job was much easier than Gregory's. Playwright-directors - though History Department Praises Text Banned at NY College A history textbook used on this campus was dropped last week at a New York college after three Negro students complained that it was "offensive to their race."* The book, volume I of "The Growth of the American Repub- lic," is used by the University his- tory department as a basic text in History 49. Several history de- partment members have defended it as a "fine text." IT WAS WRITTEN jointly by two of the nation's top historians, Harvard's Samuel Eliot Morison a n d Columbia's Henry Steele Commager. The volume was dropped at Queens College, of the City Col- lege of New York, after officials pondered at length a list of ob- Polce Force Board INae By Ruthven A special four-man committee has been appointed by President Ruthven to check with city repre- sentatives on the possibility of es- tablishing a University police force. The city, which now receives some $27,000 a year for police service in the campus area, has asked that the University either pay more for police. protection, or begin its own force. Ann' Arbor officials have said that if the University takes either of these actions it will enable them to increase pay to city police. Named to the committee were: Walter M.- Roth, superintendent of the plant department; Alfred B. Ueker, personnel officer; Her- bert G. Watkins, University secre- tary and Walter B. Rea, associate dean of students. Buy and Sell Thru Daily Classifieds jections raised by the three'stu- dents. Among passages which annoyed the students is a description of pre-Civil War Negroes as "a race with exasperating habits" and the characterization of the typical Negro slave as "childlike, improvi- dent, humorous, prevaricating and superstitious." The objectors also resented the occasional reference to Negroes as "blacks," or, in one passage, "Sambo." * * * THE COMMAGER - Morison .book is now used in more than 500 schools and colleges and is said to be highly regarded by educa- tors. On campus, Prof. Gerald & Brown, who uses the book in His- tory 49, termed it a'"fine text." And Sidney Fine, whose His- tory 50 classes use volume II of the same book, said he regarded it as the "finest text in the field of American history." He said Morison and Commager are "generally fair and tolerant" and show no anti-Negro preju- dice, at least in the 'volume he is using. Neither Fine nor Prof. Brown could recollect hearing any com- plaints about the texts. Many students who have used them here seemed to consider them excellent. As for authors Morison and Commager, they apparently are planning no changes. They re- portedly felt that the passages were sound history, and that the phraseology properly reflected the spirit of. the period they were de- scribing. Police Seek Local Murder Suspect Police throughout the nation yesterday continued the search for Marcelo Valesquez, suspected of murdering his estranged wife, Mrs. Anita Valesquez, here Mon- day night. Ann Arbor police said they think Valesquez may have headed for Texas where he lived before coming to this state. day theatre-are not uncommon. Playwright-actors are decidedly unusual., Not too infrequently there will be a person who writes, directs and acts in a play, but it is a rare playwright, acting in his own play, who lets someone ele direct it. Surprisingly, this information didn't seem to quiet Gregory. He still looked worried. The two playwrights weren't, they were asked, just looking for publicity, were they? To this the men replied, "Of course not." But then one of them was heard to mutter, "The season's third bill of one-acts will be pre- sented at 8 p.m. tomorrow and Friday. Tickets cost 30 cents and will go on sale at 10 p.m today in the Lydia Mendelssohn box office. The third play on the bill is The Flies by Jean-Paul Sartre. "And it's going to be a darn good program." Or ranizations Hold Carnival The Activities Carnival, intro- ducing students to 23 campus or- ganizations, will be held from 7:30 p.m. to 10:15 p.m. Sunday in the Union Ballroom. This year, for the first time, men may bring dates. There will be dancing in the Terrace Room. Excerpts from the Union Opera will provide entertainment. The Gargoyle, the Phoenix Pro- ject, the Student Legislature, and all the men's and women's organi- zations on campus will be repre- sented, at the Union and League sponsored affair. SL To Hear ReportsToday The Student Legislature will hear reports from the SL calen- daring sub-committee, the Michi- gan Forum Debate committee and the Phoenix Project tonight at its regular meeting in Rm. 3 R-S, at the Union. The calendaring report will in- clude a proposal to set May 15,as the deadline for submitting events to be listed in next semester's cam- pus calendar. The meeting will start at 7:30 p.m. It is open to the public. Union Announces BridgeMatches Coming on the heels of the Na- tional Intercollegiate Bridge Tournament, the Union announced two new bridge tournaments to be held at 7:30 -p.m. today in the Un- ion Ballroom. The games tonight will mark the beginning of a two week series to choose five teams to play in a re- gional thatch in Detroit, March 10. The five winning combinations will have their tournament en- trance fees paid by the Union. All interested students will have a chance to compete tonight. The Detroit tournament should provide stiff competition for cam- pus bridge epthusiasts, for it at- tracts some of the top players in the, country, including Charles Goren, bridge-columnist. LEONARD SCHAADT . . . New manager * * * from Milwaukee where ne was factory production manager for the Solar Corporation. He is a native of Van Wert Country in Ohio. Zr' eC ~-af ius Vord- Among these are open houses in the faculty-alumni lounge, tours of industrial plants, reactivation of the Business Administration Club, coke and cigarette machines in the lounges, decoration of the council room, lockers Ifor the second base- ment lounge, and the possible re- scheduling of mid term examina- tions. The three students who will hold their positions into this semester are Barbara Hansen, '51 BAd, Harry Hawkins, '51 BAd, and Ralph Jarl, '51 BAd. Bill Merrit, Grad. is the retiring president. i your Ut Piz. k G V A L 1 "Rose Bowl Edition" $9 c t l e. .. 1 / ,1 I I ***NEW RULES... GARGQYLt FINAL WEEK: THE GARO GIRL PHOTO SURVEY Girls! Here's Your Chance to be the New Garg Girl RULES CHANGED by popular demand. Survey opened to Coeds. r _ Sw I Li 1k r 1,A I / iT! Daily Classifieds Get Quick Results $6 9-12 ) ) ufte r this da e : t ENTRY REQUIREMENTS 1.' ANYONE may sponsor an entry. 2. The name and a snapshot of a Michigan Co-ed must mailed or brought to the GARGOYLE office (Publi tions Bldz.) by March 2.. ALL. SNAPSHOTS W11 I be ca- Hear Yourself as Your Audience Hears You ! r r Q r. A.M. 1-5 P.M Monday-Friday 11 i