Ar ..41itr tgan : IN& 43 a t I a POLITICS & INFLATION See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY, WARMER, WETT VOL. LXI, No. 99 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28, 1951 SIX Infantrymen Chase Reds into Mountain Some Wage, Price Hikes Imminent Johnson Orders Wage Formula WASHINGTON-(P)-The gov- ernment opened the way last night for some wage and price increases. It did so while struggling to con- trol an economic situation which, in the words of Congressional economists, contains possibilities of "runaway inflation." Economic Stabilizer Eric John- ston modified the Jan. 25 wage "freeze." He issued an order per- mitting workers to seek wage in- creases up to a limit ten per cent higher than the level of Jan. 15, 1950. HE ALSO ASKED the Wage Stabilization , Board to approve promptly seven amendments fur- ther liberalizing the wage ceiling. The chief of these would provide that "escalator clauses" in wage contracts signed up to Jan. 25 of this year shall be permitted to operate up to June 30 of this year. These clauses call for raises when the cost of living goes up, or when the productivity of workers is increased. Bue labor leaders were not satis- fied with Johnston's action. Three labor members of the Wage Stabil- ization Board had walked out when the public and industry members approved the ten per centn"catch up" formula Johnston put into ef- fect last night. They thought the formula was not liberal enough, and last night union leaders indi- cated the labor boycott of the board would continue, at least for the present. * * . JOHNSTON SAID he believed the formula, and the further - changes he suggested, are "fair and equitable." On the prices front, too, the government moved to relax the freeze. It unfroze the retail prices of clothing, furniture, rugs, lamps, drygoods and household textiles, and instead fixed 'retailers' mar- gins-the* differencebetween what they pay and what they charge. Many price increases are sure to result. Price Director Michael V. DiSalle said there 'were provi- sions in the order which he ex- pects to lead to many price roll- backs too. Some of his aides were not as optimistic as he on this score.- Trace History Of Mink Coat In RFCProbe WASHINGTON - (M) - Sena- tors traced the history of a $9,540 mink coat yesterday in their in- vestigation of alleged political In- fluence in Reconstruction Finance Corporation. They discovered: 1-The coat belongs to Mrs. E. Merl Young, a White House sten- ographer.r 2-It came from the stock of Gunther-Jaeckel, a New York firm of furriers which applied for a $175,000 RFC loan but didn't get it. 3-It was paid for initially by Joseph H. Rosenbaum, a Wash- ington lawyer who represented the furriers when they obtained tentative approval of their loan application April 3, 1950. This set of circumstances, re- lated in testimony before the Sen- ate banking subcommittee, caused Chairman Fulbright (D-Ark) to state that the transaction ap- peared to be "part of a widespread pattern of activities" linking the names of Rosenbaum and Mrs. Young's husband around t h e fringes of the Reconstruction Fi- nance Corporation.1 Both men have been mentionedt frequently in the inquiry as wield-i ers of influence in negotiations for big government loans. YRs Elect Cargo, NewHopeLooms In Draft Ouilook Optimism Expressed Regarding 'U' Enrollment Drop Next Semester By PAUL BRENTLINGER Daily City Editor Draft-harassed male students may be able to look forward with added security to another year at the University, if reports currently' being received by*newspapers and University officials prove to be true. Also, chances for a sizeable freshman class at the University and at other colleges next fall have brightened. Thanks to a report issued by Earl J. McGrath, U.S. Commissioner of Education, University officials currently do not expect next year's enrollment drop to be excessive. McGRATH'S REPORT was issued to answer requests from various colleges and universities for estimates of enrollment for the 1951-52 year. The report predicted a 20% drop in full time male undergrad- uate enrollment. Because the University has a great many graduate students and women students, its student body should not get much small- er if this estimate is at all accurate. With a spring term total of 7,389 undergraduate men, a 20% drop would still leave about 5,900. Should the number of women and graduate students remain un- changed, this would mean a drop of only 8% in the total University enrollment for next year. McGRATH'S ESTIMATE is based on the following very im- portant assumptions: 1. The deferral of half the present draft eligible freshmen and all present draft-eligible sophomores, juniors and seniors, subject to sat- isfactory scholastic performance. 2. Passage of an 18 year old draft law. 3. Approximately 90,000 ROTC freshmen, beginning next fall. 4. Approximately 25,000 veterans enrolled as freshmen in the fall. 5. Rejection by draft boards of 10% of high school graduates for medical reasons. 6. 75,000 selected male inductees assigned =to college study, begin- ning in the fall. NEWSPAPER REPORTS also indicate that draft pressure on college students may ease soon. A recent Associated Press dispatch! quoted President Henry M. Wriston of Brown University as sayin "We (educators) have been assured that all men now in college and doing well will be allowed to finish." Further optimism was reflected by a New York Times report of a study of the draft problem made by the American Council on. Education. This study "indicated that the colleges of America might not be hit as hard as many educators had feared," accord- ing to the Times. Last week's announcement that National Guard and Organized' Reserve Corps calls to active duty would be eased also was taken as a sign that the nation's military needs are not as urgent as had been thought. Of course, military reverses or additional international crises could at any time make these estimates and bits of speculation com- pletely worthless. Low Draft' Age Seen As Imperative Military Men Join inAppeal WASHINGTON--(P)-Secretary of Defense Marshall and General Omar N. Bradley joined last night in new appeals for lowering the draft age to 18 in the "interest of genuine security." Marshall said there was no cer- tainty that the current military manpower goal of nearly 3,500,000 might not have to be raised. Brad- ley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that in this event "any compromise" with the 18- year-old figure would result in a shortage of men. m s * THE TWO MILITARY leaders wrote officials of the House and Senate Armed Services Commit- tees as the Senate launched its debate over. lowering the draft age, and the House committee was in the midst of hearings on the military manpower legislation. Primarily the letters were is- sued to clarify what they de- cribed as "some misunderstand ing" about Bradley's testimony Monday on the House side. Some published reports said Bradley had agreed to the House committee's proposal for putting the induction age at 18% years. Bradley wrote he had not changed his mind and both letters empha- sized the Defense Department's conviction that men should be subject to the draft at 18. 'MAUSJAL said he was hop- fu) the current 3,500,000 goal would hold but he could not be certain "in a situation as tense as the one that now confront' us." He said that witIlout the 18- year draft, the nation would be 245,000 below the minimum re- serve pool of men needed to build the armed forces to 4,000,000. The letters referred to the recommended manpower figure as 3,500,000, apparently in rounding out the announced goal of some 3,462,200 for mid- 1951. On the Senate floor, complaints were heard that much of the Kor- ean fighting falls on World War II veterans as debate opened on the, question of drafting youths at 18. Some Republican senators sharply criticized the administra- tion request to lower the draft age. Their views became known after a closed-door conference of all Re publican senators at which, how- ever, the conference took no for- mal action as a group for or against the program. Europe Land Troops Mean War - Hoover WASHINGTON-P) - Former President, Hoover said yesterday the plan to' send four American divisions to Europe "will most likely lead" to a land war with "utmost jeopardy" to the United States. Hoover insisted that air and sea power is the only hope for Eur- ope's defense at this time; that Russia could pound across the continent to the English channel in 20 days. Testifying in the second hear- ing on the hotly-debated issue of sending American foot soldiers to join a North Atlantic Treaty force to guard against Russian attack, the former President said it might take 125 divisions to defend West- ern Europe on the ground. Agreeing that it would be "pret- ty hard on the United States" if Russia overran Europe, Hoover counseled: "But you can't do everything. You have got to de- cide what you can do. I can see no hope of an adequate stopping -Daily-Roger Reinke NEW DORM-Jutting eight stories high, the University's nearly completed South Quadrangle will be ready for full occupancy by the fall semester, with the first students scheduled to move in this summer. It is being built at a cost of $5,000,000. * * * 'A* * * * * e South Quad Fal Openig Announ1ced By BOB KEITH Bulging men's dormitories will get their first real relief since the, war next fall when the University's huge new eight-story South Quad-! rangle opens its doors for student occupancy. Built at a cost of .some $5,000,- 000, the orange-brick structue will World Newv's Roundup ' SAC Postpones Action On Bias Clause Measure " i The Student Affairs Committee yesterday began its formal dis- cussion of the Student Legisla- ture's "bias clause" resolution but postponed any action on the mea- sure until next week. IGoing UP. Today is absolutely the last chance to get the 1951 Ensian for just $5. There will be no extension on the deadline this year so any book purchased after today will cost $6, according to Slug Kettler, Ensian business mana- ger. Ensians will be sold on the diag and in the Student Publi- cations Bldg. The resolution which recom- mends that the SAC enforce a time limit within which all campus groups must remove discrimina- tory clauses from their constitu- tions was presented to the SAC several weeks ago. Last week the committee called a special meeting at which repre- sentatives of both the SL and the affiliated groups spoke for and against the "bias clause" resolu- tion and several SAC members had hoped to reach a vote on the mat- ter yesterday afternoon. A crowded agenda and a un- animous desire to give the SL's proposal careful consideration, however, prompted the SAC to call a special meeting next week. Most of the committee members felt that a final vote on the resolution will be taken at that time. By The Associated Press GRAND RAPIDS-Sen. Arthur Vandenberg (R-Mich) has suf- fered a setback in his convales- cence from a long illness that will delay his plans to return to Wash- ington. Vanaenberg's personal physician and longtime friend, Dr. A. B. Smith, said yesterday, "The Senator's condition is not as favorable as it has been because of unforeseendevelopments in the past two or three days." PARIS-Premier Rene Plev- en's three-party government of- fered to resign last night be- cause it won by only a narrow margin a vote of confidence on the French election law issue, but President Vincent Auriol re- fused to let it step out of office. PRAGUE - The Czechoslovak Communist Party punctuated its charges of Titoism against Vlado Clementis and four other former party leaders yesterday with the disclosure 169,544 party members have been ousted since Sept. 1 in a continuing purge. * * * BUENOS AIRES - A police judge's order last night held up publication of the newspaper La Prensa after loyal employes had fought their way back to work at the cost of one dead and 15 injured. * * * W A S H INGTON - President Truman today strongly urged Congress to wipe out the penny postal card, an American institu- tion for 79 years, and replace it with a two-cent card. provide dorm housing for .1,100 men, thus affording other resi- dence halls at least a partial les- sening of overcrowded conditions. * * * ANNOUNCEMENT of the South Quad's fall opening was made by University authorities today. It came on the heels of assur- ances from selective service of- ficials that the draft will not, bring about a serious drop in fall male enrollment. Previously it had been thought that, because of the draft, the new dorm might have to be used as housing for government trainees, as was the case with University dorms during the last war.j * * * IN ANNOUNCING that the South Quad will be completed in time for the fall term, University officials also said that portions of the east wing will be open during the summer session for student oc- cupancy.. Construction of the building has been in progress since Janu- ary, 1950, and the east wing is Broken Aerial QuietsWUOA A broken coaxial feedline, high in WUOM's 440 ft. radio antenna at Peach Mountain, forced the University radio station to operate at one third its normal power yes- terday. Any attempt to fix the difficulty was thwarted by high winds, ac- cording to Ed Burrows, the sta- tion's program director. It takes 35 minutes to climb up to the top of the antenna, and 10 min- utes to climb down in calm weath- er, he said. The station's technical director,' Gerald Slintack, reported that the trouble would be ironed out by the end of the week. "At present we are operating with a short emer- gency antenna atop the Peach Mountain transmitter station, 12 miles from Ann Arbor," now nearly completed except for furnishings. The structure is being financed by bonds and will be fully paid for out of residence halls income, at no cost to the state. * * * THE OPENING of South Quad will ease the crowded situation in other dorms only partially, ac- cording to Francis C. Shiel, man- ager of the newly-created Services Enterprises department and for- mer residence halls business man- ager. Shiel said that West Quad, East Quad and Vaughn House will continue to house more men than they were originally de- signed for. But he estimated that these dorms will in general have only half as many extra men as they do now. AT THE SAME TIME Shiel in-' dicated that the total number of men living in dorms next fall will definitely be greater than at pres- ent. While some 3,000 men are now housed ins University units, the addition of, South Quad will probably boost the total to 3,860, Shiel said. Of course, this whole picture could be altered by a serious change in the international situa- tion, and, consequently, in the draft. Whatever the total of dorm men is next fall, it will be far less than the number of men living in pri- vate homes and apartments, Shiel emphasized. "It is obvious," Shiel said, "that the University must depend on the community for the greater part of housing for male students for many years to come." many years to come. This service is of great value to the students, and the University, and is gen- uinely appreciated." He noted that, although the University has more than doubled its residence hall capacity for men students in the last decade, the number of men living outside the halls has increased by 4,000 dur- ing the same period. tin Crisis' Allies Enter. Withdraw From Seoul Action Reveale Recent Marine TOKYO-MP)-U.S. Seventh Second Division infantrymen day probed deeper into Ceni Korea's soggy mountains .a taking eight miles of a vital &e west highway. The main objective was to fi and kill Reds withdrawing a their east flank defenses 'w crushed yesterday. A second objective was to win control the road which bisects the pei sula from Kangnung on the e to Seoul on the west. * * * ON THE LONG-quiet west front, an Allied patrol Tuesi night crossed the Han river fought its way into the subu of Red-held Seoul. It later wi drew. South Korean sources toda disclosed a commando-type ra Sunday by the Republic's Ma ines on the west coast with five miles of the 38th paralle The Marines stormed ash from naval vessels near Ongjin, miles west and slightly north Seoul. It is on a peninsula wh juts down from North Korea. Korean sources at Pusan s the raiders * killed a Commx brigade commander and 20 ot: Red officers. They also catu enemy equipment and docume before returning to their ship On the east coast, 90 mi north of the 38th parallel, a sn South ]orean force seized anot island yesterday in the wo port area. The landing w nounced today by the Navy wh warships covered the operati * * * THE MAIN WEIGHT of a 1( 000-man Allied drive, aimed shoving more than 110,000 Oh ese and North Koreans out South Korea, pressed on the ci tral front. Seventh division tanks ai troops yesterday c r u m p l e North Korean defenses north Pangnim and sent the Re fleeing into wild, unchart mountains. The U.S..First Marine Divisi holding high ground around w wrecked Hoengsong, said Chin north of the highway junct appeared to be withdrawing nw West of the Seventh Divsi drive, the U.S. Second Dvisi stopped five Korean Commi counterattacks in three hours While the North Korean m line of resistance broke In east, some 110,000 Chinese Cc munist troops were firmly imb ded in trenches and foxh along the rest of the 100-n front from Hoengsong in the ce ter westward through Seoul to Yellow Sea" IFC Refuses Plan To Exten Rush Period The Executive Council of Inter-Fraternity Council 1 night voted down a plan advan by Slug Kettler, '51, of Theta fraternity, to extend the rush period informally through first nine weeks of the semes Instead, the IFC will contin its policy of allowing sma houses who fail to get the desi number of pledges to apply two-week extensions of rushi according to Bob Preston('5 Council member. The Council also decided to low men on academic probat to pledge, contrary to previou announced policy. However, the men will not be permitted to initiated tin May with the r of -the pledges, but must wait their overall average is above 2.0. The IFC further announc that Friday is thelast day m will h allowend to regter I. MAYBE NEXT TIME: Baby Planet Will Miss Earth --But Not by Much By SID KLAUS A mysterious baby planet, now racing towards the earth at an "unusual" speed, will pot result in the end of the world-but it will be remembered as a record near miss. The minor planet or asteroid was discovered Monday by a Naval astronomer, who hastened to as- sure worried reporters that we were in no immediate danger of Prof. Leo Goldberg, chairman of the astronomy department, ex- plained that the asteroid was prob- ably one of the many thousands of small planets circling the sun. These bodies are usually located in a band between Mars and Jupiter. He said that as many as 30,000 of these asteroids could be seen from the Mount Wilson Observatory. "Since these bodies travel in elliptical and not circular or- 'IMPROPER, UNNECESSARY': Amendment Called 'Threa The new constitutional amend- ment limiting the president to two terms was called a threatagainst rnr.+.,nic ,-ln..i-. a 4. t, nn f.ina i Meanwhile in Washington, Re- publican congressmen have raised 'the new amendment as a possible "Many," he said, "overrepresent underpopulated parts of their states."