THE MICHIGAN DAILY BiasClause Vote T HE STUDENT Affairs Committee will vote today on whether or not a time limit should be adopted for the elimination of discriminatory clauses in the constitutions of student groups. This marks the last phase of a two year controversy, in which every argument for and against this move has been thorough- ly aired and considered. During the controversy, mistakes have been made by both the Student Legislature and the Inter-fraternity Council in efforts to reach a satisfactory outcome. On the whole, however, the Legislature has been makings a notable effort to see that the clauses go without penalizing a local group sincerely working toward this end. Because of this, the motion to be voted on today would enable the SAC to grant one year extentions to groups unable to meet the pro- posed 1956 deadline, but able to show that they are making headway in their attempts. SAC approval of the time limit motion would mark official University sanction to a desirable reform. Of course, eliminating the discriminatory clauses from constitutions does not in itself end discrimination, but it shifts the re- sponsibility for this from aged constitutions to the present members of these groups. It would also serve notice to all groups that they cannot expect to enjoy the bene- fits of a democratic society unless they recognize fundamental democratic prin- ciples. The basic issue facing the SAC today is whether or not these principles will be fully applied at this University. We believe that a vote for the SL plan would be clear proof that these principles are upheld by the Uni- versity community. -Paul Brentlinger Nancy Bylan Roma Lipsky Dave Thomas Janet Watts Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: LEONARD GREENBAUM Illusion and Semantics MUCH OF the difficulty today between the United States and the Soviet Un- ion might possibly hinge upon a fabulous illusion and a semantics problem. Government officials have been pon- dering over Stalin's "nyet" reply to Prav- da's question, "Do you think a war is in- evitable?" Actually, the Premier's ans- wer seems to be part and parcel of a Communist line that has been voiced ra- ther consistently from the early years following the October Revolution to the present. In 1927, the Soviet Union at the Interna- tional Conference in Geneva officially enun- ciated the idea that the two opposing forms of society, capitalism and communism, could live together in peace and cooperation. In general, this remained the rather "con- servative," isolationist, compromising po- licy of the Soviet Union during the next-de- cade and a half. After the war, on March 13, 1946, Stalin called Winston Churchill a "warmonger" after his Fulton, Mo., speech denouncing the "expansive tendencies of the U.S.S.R." and calling for an Anglo-Am- erican military alliance. On Oct. 28, 1946, in reply to Secretary of State James Byrnes, Stalin denied there was "increasing tension between the two major powers." On May 17, 1948, the Russian lead- er answered Henry Wallace's letter with: "Co-existence of Soviet and American sys- tems and a peaceful settlement are neces- sary." On Jan. 31, 1949, Stalin said that he had "no objections" to a meeting with Presi- dent Truman. On October 23, 1950, Andrei Vyshinsky, Soviet UN delegate again emphasized "that peaceful- co-existence between the Soviet system and capitalist states for a very long period, was not only possible but unavoid- able." And now this idea is once more put forth by Stalin: "War is not inevitable .. . As for the Soviet Union, it will continue ... to pursue a policy of averting war and maintaining peace." On the basis of these facts, it seems pos- sible that Soviet foreign policy is still bas- ed upon the old Marxian dialectic theory that the capitalistic world will, by its very nature, inevitably destroy itself. This idea largely explains the Kremlin's lip-service to the cause of peace and the platitudes about the "co-existence of the two systems." This also explains why the Soviets as yet have M A TTEr A C By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP '1 WASHINGTON-There is a simple test of the real importance of the crushing victory.of General Ridgway's United Na- - tions forces, which has been received with remarkable indifference in this country. The bloody failure of the Communist of- fensive in Korea markedly reduces the like- lihood of an attack on Indo-China by the Chinese Communist "liberation army," or- ganized for this purpose in South China. This is not to say that the possibility of such an attack is now ruled out. French General De Lattre de Tassigny, com- manding the French and loyal Indo- Chinese forces, has informed his govern- ment that he still rates the chances of a Chinese invasion at about even, and he is making his preparations accordingly. Yet day by day, the Chinese Communists are being weakened in Korea. Day by day, the French and the Nationalist Indo-Chin- ese forces are being strengthened in Indo- China. With every day that passes, the sea- son of the low clouds called the "crachin," which conceals troop movements from air attack, is drawing to its close. In short, for Mao Tse-Tung and his Chinese Commun- ist armies, time is running out. There can be no serious doubt that an in- vasion of Indo-China was planned by the Chinese and their Russian senior partners up until very recently, whether or not these plans have now been abandoned. The evi- dence on this point is overwhelming: the organization of the 250,000-man "liberation army" on the Indo-Chinese border, under a Sino-Soviet joint staff; the switch in the propaganda line of Indo-Chinese Commun- ist Chief Ho Chi Minh, stressing the glories of being "liberated" by the Chinese; the strategy agreed upon at the Peking meeting of Asiatic Communist leaders more than a year ago, calling for the "liberation by arm- ed struggle" first of South Korea, then of Indo-China, then of all Southeast Asia. * * * WHILE THE United Nations forces were reeling back in Korea, this schedule must have seemed wholly practical. Indeed, the Communist delegate, General Wu, vir- tually announced in the United Nations that Indo-China was next on the list. Yet the' schedule cannot seem so practical now, which is undoubtedly the main reason for Mao Tse-Tung's reported mission to Mos- cow. For one thing, De Lattre de Tassigny has transformed the internal situation. Far more politically astute than his colonial- minded predecessor, General Carpentier, De Lattre has repeated continuously that the French are .now in Indo-China as allies rather than masters of the Indo-Chinese; and that French forces will depart as soon as the security of the new state is achieved. Moreover, American supplies, including modern tanks and aircraft, are at last beginning to reach Indo-China in import- ant quantities. Partly for this reason, De Lattre's forces have decisively defeated Ho Chi Minh's attempt to capture Hanoi and all north Indo-China. De Lattre now has a firm base in the Red River delta. Thus the local risk involved in a Chinese invasion of Indo-China is growing daily. So is the global risk. In the demoralized atmos- phere produced by a decisive defeat of the United Nations forces in Korea, the inva- sion of Indo-China could have been under- taken without grave danger of general war. That is no longer the case. WHEN THE CHINESE invaded Korea Se- cretary of State Dean Acheson pro- posed a form of "limited war" on China, but he was vetoed by the British and French. If Indo-China is invaded, however, the French are wholly committed to fight. With Ma- laya and Hong Kong at stake, British hesi- tations would disappear. Limited war would almost certainly result, involving crippling air attacks on the roads, railroads and can- als which are all that hold China together; over support of the anti-Communist guer- rillas, and probably a Chinese Nationalist foray against the Chinese mainland. The Chinese could invoke the Sino- Soviet treaty. If the Russians honored the treaty, general war at least in Asia would result. Open Russian support would be poor consolation for the price the Chin- ese Communist would have to pay at home, The Chinese may yet attack, sim- ply because it will soon be too late. It wnO iba lrnn,. ladw thaitwoul dco n. ., h not committed their armed forces to actual warfare. Evidentally, the Russians are stalling, hoping for a doomsday when the economy of the United States will collapse. And even in the face of a dynamic capitalist economy, they are tenaciously clinging to this view. Michael Straight, editor of the New Re- public, put it this way: "The Russians are still laboring under the illusion that they can win the world without a shot being fired by Russian soldiers." As long as that illusion is kept alive, the Russians will probably not attempt-the sac- rifices of a third World War. But the danger is that time may destroy this illusion. Faced by a successful Marshall Plan, the Atlantic Pact, and the continuing stability of our economy, the Russians may despair and attempt to establish world Communism by force. Another reasonable interpretation is that Russia at present is too weak to launch an all-out war. This interpretation is highly tenable in view of the fact that great dam- age was inflicted in Russia by Hitler's arm-' ies. The Soviet Union can hardly have re- covered in five years from the effects of World War II. Moreover, their productive capacity nowhere approaches that of the United States. Yet, if the Kremlin is operating on this Marxian tenet or if Russia is too weak to at- tempt a major war, these utterances remain sadly incongruous with the aggressive na- ture of Soviet foreign policy since 1945. The Soviet-controlled Balkan "buffers," the Czechoslovokian coup, the occupation of East Germany and Poland, the aid to the Chinese Communists, the supply of arma- ments to the North Koreans-all give tes- timony to Soviet aggrandizement. Of course, the occupation of the Balkans, Poland, and East Germany was agreed up- on at Yalta. The Czech coup was unique in that it was a "national" revolution; no proof of the employment of Russian troops or armaments exists, although infiltration was apparent. In China and Korea, the Russians took a step further. Not only have Russian agents been present on the Orient scene but a continuous stream of Russian armaments are being supplied the Chinese and North Korean Communists-for aggressive pur- poses. But still no Russian troops have been involved in the actual fighting. Apparently, the Russians have been in- terpreting the word "aggression" in a novel way. In that case, semantics is highly im- portant. It seems that the Free World's de- finition of "aggression" and the Russian de- finition are wide apart. On Nov. 6, 1950, Jacob Malik presented a very narrow definition of "aggression." Ac- cording to the Russian viewpoint, a state should be considered an aggressor if it: "declares war on another country; invades or bombs another country without declar- ing war; imposes a naval blockade on ano- ther country." Nowhere is the supplying of armaments or the infiltration of expert re- volutionists mentioned. On the other hand, the United States and Britain have insisted that these othe factors be taken into con- sideration. A more immediate danger, then, is that the Russians-by their very narrow inter- pretation of "aggression"-may wantonly blunder into a third World War. Their officiousness in the affairs of China, Ko- rea, and other countries may do it. Thus, the goal of the United States should not only be to prepare for that time when the Russians no longer hold the incredible Marx-Spengler illusion that the capitalist world will stagnate and destroy itself. We should also be prepared in the event that the Kremlin fortuitously blunders into another war. --Cal Samra At The State . .. . JOAN OF ARC, with Ingrid Bregman, Jose Ferrer, and multitudinous others. Adapted from Maxwell Anderson's play, "Joan of Lorraine," the film version is often marred by many of the difficulties in- herent in the transition from stage to screen, but often compensates for this in the advantages offered by a mobile camera, Technicolor, and vivid settings. Too often, when adapting a play for the screen the result is little more than photographed theatre. This is the pitfall this film agilely avoids. Where the movie falls short of the play is in the development of Joan's character. There she is portrayed as a person of in- telligence and wisdom. The movie, however, treats her as a symbol; she is completely unmotivated except where she blindly fol- lows her "voices" or the advice of others; she is but a reed blowing before the storm. Other scenes do not come off quite so well: Joan cavorting over mangled bodies and broken battlements is almost ludicrous, rather than heroic. In fact the battle scenes themselves fell curiously flat; they were bloody enough, but unreal, the photography too beautiful and striking to be true. It is, perhaps, unfair 'to make the comparison here to the wonderful battle scenes in Oli- vier's "Henry V", but it is obvious that such was -the effect aimed at, and just as ob- vious that the attempt was a failure. Garg irl.. . To the Editor: IN THE FEBRUARY 21 issue of The Daily Robert McColley wrote what appeared to me to be a rather unnatural letter of pro- test concerning the much talked about Garg Girl contest. The let- ter more than smacked of a cer- tain unsavory academic snobbery that Michiganites are often ac- cused of by their brother school at East Lansing. I think the Garg deserves a round of applause for instigating this new and much needed tradi- tion, despite the evident formid- able and frowning atmosphere ap- parently surrounding us as por- trayed by Mr. McColley's letter. When the football season ends school spirit and unity has a way of fading into the background and reaching its lowest ebb in the rather bleak month of February. Other schools (as well as alas, "the more common element of our populous") maintain this spirit throughout the academic year by traditions precisely like that of the "Garg Girl." It is evident that Mr. McColley doesn't approve of the nature of the contest, in that it is testing physical pulchritude. On a cam- pus in which there are many hon- ors bestowed for mental achieve- ments, I think there is room for giving the physical its just deserts occasionally. After all we aren't just so many extended mental pro- cesses wandering from class to class. We do have bodies and they are rather important despite the fact that Mr. McColley believes them to be "degrading' . . . Also I'd like to comment on Mr. McColley's particularly unnatural view towards faces. It seems to me that the face is in many ways a mirror of the mind and if one has a complete blank for a mind he will have an equally uninteresting face. The beauty of a face lies not in the mask-like qualities of a nose or a mouth or eyes but in what lies behind them . The only thing left to criticize in the Gargoyle's fresh and wel- comed attempt to put a little spirit into things is perhaps the adver- tising. It may be bizarre, it may even rub our aesthetic souls the wrong way. So what? The end in that it goes to create a kind of unity within the student body is good, much too good to try to discourage. -Patty Jewett ** * Generation's Music To the Editor: Re: Dave Thomas's review of the new issue of "Generation." Dismissing the music of Robert Cogan's "String Quartet" as "a justifiable bone to throw to prom- ising composers now and then," Thomas goes on to say that the essay on "Music and the Perform- er" was the only piece in the mag- azine he was "unable to finish." The last sentence should be amended, to include the string quartet music itself. Obviously Thomas had not the time or the ambition even to begin to bang out some of the melodies on his land- lacy's piano. In an otherwise superb review, the singling out of the music as being only for the creator himself is an unwarranted, though under- standable, lapse. As Thomas him- self says, "there is something for every reader in the current issue." And I suspect there are many -- not exclusively the composer - who found something rewarding in this musical score. The langu- age of music, though of course needing translation into sound, is hardly more esoteric than the language of the other contempor- ary arts. -Wiley Hitchcock * * * SMusic Criticism , To the Editor: WE WERE to consider the re- views of Miss Goss and other Daily critics seriously, we would approach Hill Auditorium some- what reluctantly, unless of course, it were to hear the Boston, Phila- delphia or the Royal Ahilharmon- ic. We are referring to Miss Goss' most recent effusions on Tues- day's performance of the Cincin- nati Symphony. Miss Goss finds it difficult to understand "why such an orchestra (the Cincinnati) should be booked on a series with ensembles like the Boston, the Philadelphia, and the Royal Phil- harmonic." The answer is quite apparent, there are not enough "great" or- chestras to go around. But there is more to it. If we were to cut such groups as the Cincinnati from our series, and others were to do the same, then these symphonies which seem to give Miss Goss such shocking aes- thetic experiences would, in time, cease to exist. The first role of these symphon- ies is to provide good music for the millions who rarely receive what many of us, in the culturally rich atmosphere of college towns and large cities, take for granted. Equally important would be the loss of a desirable place to pro- duce experienced professionals who make our "great" symphonies pos- sible. The major orchestras would suffer greatly if we were to ignore the vital contributions of such smaller groups as the Dallas, Hous- ton, Denver, and Cincinnati. May we be permitted a few more remarks? The neophyte music critic is rarely satisfied with any- thing but the best. Perhaps this is necessary if he is to train his ear for greater artistic discrim- ination. Critics should, however, not overlook the fact that music is not produced only as a guinea pig for the development of their critical faculties, but also for peo- ple who are humble enough to en- joy music even though it might not quite live up to a critic's ethereal standards. -Ralph G. Crouch, Albert Rojnik * * * Garg Girl. . To the Editor: IN HIS EPISTLE printed in The Daily on Feb. 21, Mr. McColley has taken it upon himself to judge the worth of the beauty contest and has come to the conclusion that it is most unworthy indeed. I "'You Sure You've Got Him Locked Up Tight?" - ~ ioi -I__ ~14 - j C~R ~fl*~jAJ'.J6?~.. *5 Xeter T TH EITOR The Daily welcomes communications from Its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or llbelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will betcondensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the edtos will be the first to admit that in some of its more naked forms, the "vulgar commercial beauty con- test" is no more than that. How- ever, in the type of contest spon- sored by the Gargoyle (the con- test which he mentions), the Mich- igan Coed is being done a great service. We women on campus have been all too often maliciously reminded of the now famous slogan "Nine of ten girls are beautiful and the tenth goes to Michigan." The Garg Girls whose pictures have so far been printed by the magazine show beyond a doubt that the state- ment is not only false but prepos- terous. May Garg continue long its policy of the Garg Girl and may Mr. McColley be forever doomed to date "the tenth girl" for want of knowledge. -Dot Dryer, Vin Kelley -* * * Advertising . To the Editor: THE EXTENT to which advertis- tising has crept into every phase of our existence is shown by a sign recently placed in New York subways. "Bring your troubles to church this Sunday; "Millions leave them there each week." The advertisement was neatly squeezed between a plug for shoe polish and another for an innova- tion in the production of girdles. Just one of the many troubles you can take to church next Sun- day! -Leah Marks * * * Conduct** To the Editor: IN THE February 25th edition of The Daily, new standards of conduct for the Stockwell girls were made public. The only fault I find with these regulations is that they do not go far enough. I would like to supplement them, with the aim of making the ac- complishment of their mission more absolute. These additional rules are as follows: 1. Removal of all dual seats, couches, etc.; and the partition- ing of the lounges, one side for the boys, another for the girls. 2. Adoption of a chaperone service, thus enforcing the rules of proper conduct. 3. Curtailment of Jazz music from the East Quad Radio Sta- tion, WEQN, as this type of enter- tainment tends toward feet tap- ping, a highly improper practice. 4. Wearing of weighted shoes by all girls, thus removing any temptation to lift either or both legs from the floor. 5. Conversation naturally must be replaced by notes, which after being properly censored, will be delivered to the persons con- cerned. With the adoption of these ad- ditional measures, along with those already imposed, and the dampness of Ann Arbor weather, the chastity of University women will be preserved. -Warren Rudner More on Hanlon . . To the Editor: HOW CAN B. S. Brown compare Hanlon Won't Go with such universally acclaimed master- pieces as A Midsummer Night's Dream and King Lear? Is he serious? Come now, Mr. Brown, don't let y o u r zeal for trying to rebut a poorly rt ten drama criticism run off with your reason. Your letter shows that you were looking for some signs of mature analysis in The Daily's criticism. When you failed to find it you were righteously incensed. The result was your letter which obviously shows that your past experience as a drama critic were forgotten in theheat of writing it. Two wrongs do not make a right. The student players who under- took the production of Hanlon de- serve much credit. The under- taking of such a financially risky venture is in the true American tradition; The staging of an un- known author's work is also in the same American tradition but also a part of our common tradi- tion is the writing of analytical reviews based on the intrinsic worth of the work performed. That was lacking as B. S. Brown so dramatically pointed out but still that was no excuse for au- thoring a meaningless outburst of emotions, --Ronald Seavoy his views concerning capital pun- ishment. Being a graduate stu- dent, Mr. Adomian, (like many others even less qualified, has taken the seat of judgment and begun to bestow his profound wis- dom upon the conduct and wel- fare of fellow human beings. Un- fortuntaely, he is not alone in his insistance on the 'iron hand' in treating criminals. "We have es- tablished a new *nd disgusting precedent of sympathy for the murderer rather than the victim," he remarks. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth; you're a citi- zen of thewrong government my friend-there are some who would welcome you with open arms. Mr. Adomian says you psycholo- gists, sociologists, and lawyers can go home now-so long boys. Take your knowledge, progress and hu- manity with you; don't you rea- lize that this is a wicked world, a world in which the politicians of a state legislature have to pro- pose capital punishment every two years, to appease those staunch and courageous citizens who would stop a stream of blood by making it a torrent Throughout history, Mr. Ado- mian, your acute wisdom has been thought and applied. Men have been beaten, mutilated, branded and tortured to death. Courage- ous men like you have taken re- sponsibility for the dead, and slaughtered hundreds for their appeasement-what a great det- errent against crime, look at the records, Mr. Adomian, go on look at them! If murderers were a strange species of animal, which a lot of narrow-minded people mistaking- ly believe, then there would be ample reason and purpose for ex- tinguishing them, and thus rid- ding our race of ,11 murder and other violent crimes. But it has been proven that they are not, murderers come from all walks.. of life. At least the killer has had some reason that provoked him to kill. What have we, as society, to show for our killing in revenge? I as- sure you, Mr. Adomian, that 'a murderer who is rehabilitated is sufficiently punished for his crime by having to live with the horror of his deed the rest of his life. Kill, not cure, has proven-utterly unsuccessful as a deterrent, prog- ress and knowledge dmand that we try something better. Please give it a chance, Mr. Adomian. -Richard D. Helmrich * * * New DOB ... To the Editor: MANY THANKS for the new format of the DOB. It not only saves time for read- ers and department secretaries, but it increases the efficiency of the D.O.B. by insuring that the reader will not miss a page of it. -Milton Borden . 4 l Liberty T HEY THAT can give up essen- tial liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin id~tr~jijan zif Military Caution THE DEATH OF Maj. Gen. Bryant E. Moore was the third such disaster since the beginning of the Korean episode. Pre- vious to the Ninth Corps commander's death Eighth Army commander Walton H. Walker and Maj. Gen. William F. Dean, of the 24th Division, had died in Korea. From a military point of view, if not from a humanitarian outlook, it is more disaster- ous to lose a member of the General Staff than a man of lesser rank. These men have gone through long years of expensive train- ing to store up the knowledge of warfare that they have. And on the battlefield, they have become acquainted with the situation so that it is usually inexpedient and danger- ous to replace them. In short, no country can afford to take chances in losing its top officers. The daring general is the foolhardy gen- eral. In setting an example for his men, he is endangering them by placing their com- manders life in jeopardy. Such exploits should be left to good junior officers, who can adequately handle the job of inspira- tional leadership. The same is true of recon- Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jim Brown. .......Managing Editor Paul Brentlinger............City Editor Roma Lipsiy. .........Editorial Director Dave Thomas ......... .Feature Editor Janet Watts............Associate Editor Nancy Bylan..........Associate Editor James Gregory........Associate Editor Bill Connolly............Sports Editor Bob Sandell.... Associate Sports Editor Bill Brenton.... Associate Sports Editor Barbara Jans..........Women's Editor Pat Br'ownson Associatb Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Daniels........Business Manager Waiter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager Paul Schaible..,..Advertising Manager Bob Mersereau......Finance Manager Carl Breitkreitz....Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches creditea to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier. $8.00: by mail, $7.00. i. Capital To the Punishment .. . Editor: "KILL THE Beast," says Mr. Adomian. I wonder how many others are singing the same tune. In a letter to the Editor last Sunday Mr. Adomian expressed BARNABY Irs all over, Barnaby. The stolen money is back in the bank. And the policemen will take care of the bad j If his imaginary Pixie and a Ghost are all he's concerned about, he'll go right to sleep. Mr. O'Malley-O CarefuIofE y, that broken "I i .5