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February 27, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-02-27

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See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State







* *




NPA To Cut Co,
Civilian Use
Of Rubber
Ruling Affects.WASHI
-similar to
40,000_Products stitutional y
The Wi
WASHINGTON-(A)-The Na- quired com
tional Production Authority yes-sthreatnd
terday notified rubber manufac- sion throWi
turers that natural rubber will be the "nation
reduced or banned entirely in 40,-
000 civilian products on March 1. THE N
The order, due.shortly, will limit the Labor
small-size passenger car tires to 15
per cent natural rubber, larger
tires to 22 per cent, baseball cen- Tram
ters to 10 per cent and sponge
rubber "falsies" to no natural rub- End!
ber at all. . iflt
MANUFACTURERS were also EcOnl4
directed to makethe "minimum"
possible use of natural rubber in a
long list of items ranging from WASHIN
solid aircraft tires to mattresses, Truman yes
girdles, dress shields, baby bottle promise to e
nipples and baby pants. eral Reserv
The purpose is to force upon ment finan
industry greater usage, of syn- The Pres
thetic rubber and conserve the ness to give
natural product for the defense strong addi
stockpile, military uses and ex- inflationary
panding industrial production, will, in ret
' government
Leland E. Spencer, NPA's Rub- of their pri
ber Director, told reporters the and Treasr
order will hold civilian consump-,
tion of natural rubber and latex-to TRUMAN
about 30,000 tons a month. Thi equally im
compares with 35,000 tons antici- stability in
pated use in February. ity market"
However, total use of rubber, in- vate credit e
cluding synthetic, will be about The Pres
90,000 tons in march. This is an In the Trea
increase of about five perrcent dispute bef
from February and will result; unqualified
from increased output from syn- insistencet
thetic rubber plants. curity pric
--be kept s
Group emergency
of the sec
OK's Extension This had
reserve offi
O f C r s that if th,
O en 'hr s buying, they
flation by sw
WASHINGTON-(P)-A three- ply. Hence
months, stopgap extension of the not keep up
Federal Rent Control Law, under given addit]
which rents on some 7,000,000 kind to cur
homes are controlled, was ap-
proved'yesterday by the Senate Railm
Banking Committee.
Senator Maybank (D-SC), com- Conte
mittee chairman, said hearings
would be held meanwhile on the CLEVELA
question what longer-term con- therhood o
trols would be needed in view of yesterday p.
the defense program. tempt of co
S * *Emerich B.
EXISTING LAW provides that ment for si
federal conrtols shall expire March The actio
31, except in communities which nection wit
decide to continue them. Comm- union memb
nities so deciding may remain un- again this
der federal ceilings until June 30. earlier had
the govern
The banking committee reso- charges it1
lution, which will be sent to the union.
Senate floor for .action,, would
reverse this situation. Federal V R A
ceilings would stay in effect un- VERBAL
til June 30 except in communi-
ties which decide to abolish
them. Fr
Maybank said that whatever
longer-term plan is decided upon An
will be tied in with the Defense

Production Act, so that it will be
under the over-all control -of De-
fense Mobilizer Charles E. Wilson. The "wizar
Housing Expedited Tighe E. Colby, died1
Woods has been plugging for a there was a
law permitting more widespread as to howg
application of rent conltrols. Since was.
the war millions of homes have Colby, wh
been taken out from under ceil- ize the Englis
ings, either by federal or local ac- icans," establ
tion. an authority
never havee
West Berlin Mayor noun "quint
n_ - rn-_ HE USED

Se ize





* *

! # #

M - #

urt Invalidates
Ility Strike Ban
NGTON-(P)-A Wisconsin "public utility anti-strike law"
laws in a number of other states-was declared uncon-
esterday by the Supreme Court.
sconsin law, in forbidding strikes on public utilities, re-
pulsory arbitration of labor-management disputes that
to interrupt essential public service. The 6-3 Court deci-
ng it out held that it encroached on federal law, notably
al emergency strike" clauses of the Taft-Hartley Act.
* * * *
ATIONAL Labor Relations Act of 1935 (Wagner Act) and
Management Relations Act of 1947 (Taft-Hartley) "are
the supreme law of the land," the

Court held.

tan Seeks
to Federal
omic Split
sterday urged a com-
end the Treasury-Fed-
e Fight over govern-
zial policy.
ident showed willing-
the Federal Reserve;
tional powers to curb
credit expansion if it
;rn, continue to buy
securities in support
ces, as the President
ry want.
SAID in effect it was
portant to "maintain'
the government secur-
and to "restrain pri-
xpansion at this time."
ident had intervened
asury-Federal Reserve
'ore, but only to give
backing to Treasury
that government se-
es-and interest rates
teady throughout the
y," by support buying
urities where nece,-
brought protests from
cials, who contended
y continued support
would be feeding in-
welling the money sup-
they felt they could
support bu'ying unless
onal powers of some
b credit expansion.
en Confess
upt of Court
ND--(/P) -- The Bro-
& Railroad Trainmen
leaded guilty to con-
irt and Federal Judge
Freed deferred judg-
x months.
n as brought in con-
h walkouts staged by
ers last December and
month. The judge
refused a motion by
ment to dismiss the
brought against the

"This Court must take the
comprehensive and valid federal
legislation as enacted and de-
clare invalid state regulation
which impinges on that legisla-
tion," it added.
Michigan is not affected by the
court action. In 1949, the StateI
Legislature repealed a similar
THE WISCONSIN opinion was
the principal one of 18 handed
down by the Court, along with an- j
nouncements of whether it would
review still other cases. Still left
hanging, however, was perhaps the
most eagerly awaited opinion-
whether to uphold the convictions
of 11 top Communist leaders ac-
cused of conspiring to overthrow
the government.
In other actions yesterday, the
Refused to review a decision
that states may not censor mo-
tion pictures shown on television.
Held that the Federal Bureau of
Investigation acted properly in a'
Chicago case when it refused to
disclose its confidential records in
open court. At the same time, the
Court declined to decide at this
time whether the FBI may refuse
in every instance.
Ruled that a grand jury wit-
ness who admits to Communist
membership and then refuses to
answer questions beyond that,
may be jailed for contempt of
Refused to review a decision by
the U. S. Court of Appeals here
that John L. Lewis and his United
Mine Workers may not force em-
ployes of 18 coal mines owned by
steel compnies to join the union.
The NLRB had ruled that the at-
tempt to require membership was
an unfair labor practice.
Affirmed a decision which up-
held a Federal law designed to
help states collect taxes on out-of-
state cigarettes purchases. The
law requires that when a seller
ships cigarettes to a buyer in an-
other state, the seller must make a
monthly report to the Tobacco Tax
Authorities of that state. The idea
is to enable state and local author-
ities to check against taxes claimed
to be due.

Road Center
Devastated by
Chinese Mass
For New Drive
TOKYO-(gP) -Leathernecks of
the U.S. First Marine Division to-
day seized hills south of war-
wrecked Hoengsong and turned
that Central Korean road hub in-
to a no-man's land.
T h e Marines hold positions
south and southeast of Hoeng-
song-a key town guarding the
way to Hongchon, Chinese Red
assembly center.
Chinese Communist buildups
behind a maze of trenches and
strong points 20 to 30 miles south
of the 38th parallel gave fresh in-
divations today of preparations
for a new do-or-die Red offensive
in South Korea.
However, Allied troops slogged
forword up to four miles with-
out opposition in one undefend-
ed central sector of the 60-mile
broad front yesterday.
The Reds fought three, stub-
born, rear-guard actions else-
250,000 in Korea
Omar N. Bradley, Chairman of
U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, dis-
closed yesterday well over 250,-
000 Americans are fighting in
Korea "for this nation and our
position in world affairs." This
figure does not include Air
Force men fighting over Korea
or some 90,000 Navy officers
and men engaged offshore.
where on the central front and
offered stiffening resistance north
and west of an important road
junction at Pangnim, 25 miles
east of Hoengsong.
Another hazard developed when
winds of hurricane strength were
forecast on the east-central front.
Troops along the line were or-
dered to "buckle down" for rain
with winds of 60 miles an hour or
In the West, U.S. 25th Division
patrols crossed the Han River and
probed within two miles south-
east of Seoul but were forced back
to the south bank by intense ar-
tillery, mortar and machine gun
World News
By The Associated Press
LONDON-Prime Minister Att-
lee firmly supported yesterday the
appointment of United States Ad-
miral William N. Fechteler as
Supreme Naval Commander for
the North Atlantic.
PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia --
Dr. Vlado Clementis, former
Czechoslovak Foreign Minister,
was reported today by Prague
newspapers to be under house
* * *,
WASHINGTON -- Senator Ful-
bright (D-Ark), chairman of a
committee investigating alleged
political influence in the granting
of RFC loans, intimated yesterday
that William B. Boyle, Jr., head
of the Democratic National Com-
mittee, may be called for ques-

DETROIT - The Senate's
Crime Investigating Committee
was asked back to Detroit yes-

BACK FROM KOREA-USS Leyte, 27,000 ton Essex class carrier, steams into Norfolk after service
in Korean waters. Meanwhile, Congress authorized the construction of a record-size 60,000 ton
behemoth, capable of launching planes carrying atomic bombs..

State Defense
Budget Set at
LANSING-(IP)-The State De-
fense Council agreed yesterday to
presenta $7,126,000 budget to the
legislature in the expectation of re-
ceiving $3,149,000 more from the
federal government and $1,687,500
more from local governments.
The request is substantially less
than previous estimates of what it
would cost for Michigan's civil de-
fense program.
THE MAJOR ITEM in the pro-
posal is $3,500,000 to continue
Michigan's unique mass blood typ-
ing program. The goal is to have a
"walking blood bank" of about
3,500,000 persons.
Second largest item was a
$3,140,000 grant for fire fighting
equipment, including 250 pump-
ers, personal equipment for 15-
000 volunteer fire fighters, 250
portable gas driven pumps and
50,000 feet of fire hose.
Sixty-five of the pumpers would
be placed in critical cities which
lack sufficient modern equipment.
The rest would be assigned to mo-
bile support teams.
THE BUDGET includes 125 air
raid sirens for outstate cities and
50 large type sirens for Detroit, all
on a local matching basis.
It includes $300,000 of state
money and $231,575 of federal
money for medical supplies.
Each of 100 first aid stations
would be given equipment to
handle 60,000 casualties for 24
hours. That is the toll expected
from one atom bomb fall.
Auditor General John B. Martin,
Jr., advised the council to stimu-
late the idea that many areas will
not experience bombing and
should not bother preparing for it.
Instead, he said, those areas
should be told the facts frankly
and directed to train civil defense
crews which can aid the strategic
ares of the state in case of attack.
Brig. Gen. Clyde B. Daugherty,
Detroit Defense Director, warned
that nearly all outstate communi-
ties were concentrating on the re-
cruiting of useless air raid forces
and ignoring the development of
their available welfare facilities to
handle refugees from the bomb

Extension of Rushing
To Be Debated by IFC

A proposal to extend rushing for !
nine weeks and the fining of two
fraternities accused of dirty rush-
Ing will be considered tonight by
the IFC Executive Council.
The suggestion to continue rush -
ing on an informal basis through
the ninth week of the semester
was made by Clarence "Slug"1
Kettler, '51, Theta Chi.
* * *
KETTLER presented a petition,
endorsed by five others, to the IFC,
which agreed to consider the mat-
ter tonight..
Such an arrngement was in
effect the spring semester of
1948, principally to help several
fraternities then on social pro-
bation to get pledges.
The motive this time, according
to Kettler, would be to help fra-
Western Union
Faces Charge
The Western Union Telegraph
Company 'was ordered yesterday
by Circuit Court Judge James R.
Breakey to show cause why it

ternities get as many men as pos-
sible. "The present draft uncer-
tainties have put fraternities in
need of all the men they can get."
KETTLER'S PLAN would per-
mit fraternities to have potential
pledges up for dinner or parties
any time during the first nine
weeks. Any time, the fraternity
could pledge the man simply by
sending him down to pay his two
dollar rushing fee to the IFC. If
he had already registered for rush-
ing, he would not have to pay
IFC officials were somewhat
dubious of the necessity of this
measure. Bob Vogt, 151E, IFC
president, pointed out that
houses who were unable to get.
pledge classes as large as they
desired could apply to the IFC
for exteided rushing privileges.
Also to be judged tonight are
the cases of the two houses appre-
hended in the act of violating
rushing rules by Dan Archahtgeli's
Enforcement Committee. Fines of.
$5 will be levied if the Executive
Council feels the evidence proves

Act To Make
Change Does No
Affect Truman
By The Associated Press
The 22nd Amendment, barring
future presidents from servin
more than two elective terms o
House, became the law of the land
more than 10 yearsain theWhite
House last night.
Utah and Nevada-the 35th anc
36th states to approve the amend-
ment-voted for ratification lasi
night, Nevada completing actior
at 7:30 p.m.
- * **
36 states, wasneeded t make the
amendment effective.
It will ont apply to President
Truman, who was specifically
exempted when Congress sub-
mitted the proposed amendment
to the states in 1947.
The last amendment to the con
stitution-the 21st-repealed pro.
hibition. It became effective Dec
5, 1933. Utah was the 36th stati
to ratify that one.
NEVADA'S lawmakers stood b:
to grab for their state the distinc
tion of making the 22nd Amend-
ment a part of the constitution.
The Nevada senate voted 16
to 1 for ratification minutes aft-
er learning that Utah had voted
to approve.
The proposed amendment ha
been kicking around in state leg
islatures since March, 1947, bu
only 24 states had voted to ratif-
until late last month.
OTHER STATES voting to rati
fy in the last few weeks have bee
Indiana, Montana, Idaho, Nei
M e x i c o, Wyoming, Arkansas
Georgia, Tennessee, Texas, ani
North Carolina.
Congress specified the amend-
ment must be ratified by March,
1954, to become effective:
ACTING UNDER a suspensio
of the rules, the Minnesota legis
lature had placed a joint resolu
tion to ratify ahead of other bill
and scheduled a vote for 4 p. M
The amendment provides that
a president may serve only two
elective terms. A mani who
served up to two years of an-
other president's unexpired term
could still serve an additional
eight years.
But a vice president succeedin
to the presidency and servin
more than two years before th
term expired would be eligible fc
election only once.
on ratification usually followe
party lines-Republicans for an
Democrats against.
Opponents said they regarded
the proposal as a slap at Presi-
dent Roosevelt who broke the
tow-term precedent set b3
George Washington.
However, in recent weeks Demc
crat controlled states have beer
among those voting for ratifica
** *
THE OTHER 24 states thi
have ratified the amendmen
with the years they voted:
Maine, Michigan, Iowa, Kansa
New Hampshire, Oregon, Illino

Delaware,. Vermont, Californi
N e w Jersey, Wisconsin, Ohi
Colorado, Pennsylvania, Nebrask
Missouri, Connecticut (1947
New York, Virginia, Mississipi
(1948); North Dakota, South Da
kota (1949); and Louisiar
Taft Asks Wes
EiirOne Pled cy

should iot be held in contempt the parties guilt.
for allegedly transmitting horse
bets through its Plymouth office. New Split Hits
The petition named John Moon-
ey, an alleged associate of James W. German Reds
Carroll, East St. Louis bookmaker
currently being investigated by FRANKFURT, Germany-V)-
the Senate Crime Investigating The worst crisis since the end of
Committee, as the recipient of the war hit the west German
bet,* placed in Plymouth on races Communit ty yester.
at Florida race tracks. Communist party yesterday.
Three of 11 State Party chair-
Evidence from an Ann Arbor men have been fired. A good sized
barber has led Prosecutor Doug- purification of party ranks is in
las Reading to conclude that gai- the offing following a Munich
blers are evading a September in- conference of "Bolshevik criticism
junction of the Circuit Court aofndef oei criticism wek
against Western Union by going sMore headsrill roll in the wek
to Plymouth to place bets, of the conference, Allied Intelli-
The "show cause" action was gence officers said.
based on the prosecutor's belief The West German party's woes
that the injunction holds for any are symptomatic of a growing
Western Union office in Michigan, Europe-wide Communist ailment
not just those in Washtenaw which is causing an apparently
County. continuous purge.

ink Colby, Columnist
,d Wiord Expert, Dies

rd of words," Frank O.
Sunday, Feb. 25, and
difference of opinion
great of a wizard he
o tried to "American-
sh language for Amer-
ished a reputation as
yon words that might
existed by coining the

way. Dictionaries should be writ-
ten that way."
* * * i
HOWEVER, an instructor and
former student of the University,
Robert G. Shedd, expressed an-
other point of view. He criticised
Colby's decidedly unscientific ap-
proach and dramatization of word
derivations. He cited a bright spot
in a course he had taken on the
development of the English lang-

SteelShortage May Halt Building

Though work on the multi-mil-
lion dollar Angell Hall addition
has proceeded according to plan,
shortages in material may threat-

building restrictions imposed by
the government.1
At present the biggest materialI
problem facing the builders is steel
for the structural frame work.I

The total estimated cost of the
addition has been set at $4,000,-
000. The money has already been
authorized by the Legislature.
In other University building

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