THE MICIGAN DILTY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 25. 1951 a as a isaa vaiaal L'11" Yl'laL.E - - J - '. w ,. nv vv Presidential Tenure )LITICAL vengeance is nothing new to the American scene. Ever since Jack- 's open espousal of the "spoils system" as been with us, cluttering up the frame- k of .good government, sometimes self- scious and embarrassed but usually sh in its application. But the political vengeance the repre- ntatives of the American people are king today is anything but brash. It is iet, methodical and somewhat shame- ced-even more, it is stupid. 'his nation's legislators are about to pass Constitutional amendment limiting the sidential tenure of office to two terms. roduced into Congress in 1947, the mdment was passed by the necessary vote in both houses, which were then trolled by victory-elated Republicans. Zequiring the approval of % of the state slatures the amendment began its steady rney which up to this writing had taken uccessfully through 33 states. It requires approval of only 3 more legislatures to ome a part of the Constitution of these ted States. It will probably get them. But the amendment should not be per- tted, as it has been, to slip through thout the protest it deserves. For un- r the pious palaver of its backers there s one dirty theme-the amendment may torials published in The Michigan Daily written by members of The Daily staff represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: BOB KEITH )RIS FLEESON: PMenCorps ASHING ON-Washington right now is the land bf milk and headlines for in- ,igators and the latest elite corps are P-men. he P is for Sen. Lyndon Johnson's pre- edness committee which has just lowered boom on the Air Force for its "greedy irresponsible" handling of enlisted men ..ackland Field, Texas. The P could also id for a certain amount of privation since P-men learned what had happened at kland by experiencing it right down to heatless tents and 3 a.m. breakfasts. But they got their story documented d a well-done luncheon here attended Secretary of War Pace, Chief of Naval erations Sherman and Assistant Secre- y of the Air Force Zuckert. Concluding sub-committee counsel Don Cook, their s, gave them their terse instructions.: ou are to remember two F's-facts and mess. If you get the first, the second 1 take care of itself." make another stab in a posthumous char- acter-assasination of Franklin Roosevelt. Drawing its initial support from the Re- publican 80th Congress, and state legisla- tures controlled by Dixiecrats and the GOP, the amendment has been permitted to sneak through unobstrusively. Practically the first public note of the project since its Con- gressional debut appeared last week as it maneuvered through its thirtieth legisla- ture. The Republicans reluctance to turn on their usually hoopla machinery in plugging this amendment becomes clear when the purpose of the two year tenure amendment is examined. * * * THEAMENDMENT, its supporters hope, will imply that there was something ethi- cally "wrong" in F.D.R.'s running for a third term. To most Dixiecrats and to a large segment in the GOP this character- assassination is enough to justify passage. Moreover to the less vindictive but more cynical of the Republican party, the amend- ment is a means of counteracting the magic of the Roosevelt name-a potent force in re- cent elections. In brief it is an expedient attempt at poli- tical vengeance. But it is political vengeance which could end in catastrophe. Certainly there is no such creature as the indispensable man. Nevertheless there are men who are better able to meet thechallenges of the presidency than others. And future gen- erations are going to present the chief executive with an almost unlimited series of challenges. It is very likely that we may sometime need the services of an outstanding chief executive for more than the usual two terms-perhaps the services of a Republi- can. Shackling the voters of this democracy in their choice of the best man for the presi- dency would then be a perilous price to pay for the satisfaction of Roosevelt-haters. --Zander Hollander Co-ed Conduct THE NEW suspension plan was not the only discipline gimmick introduced to a rule-weary campus last week. The girls of Stockwell got the word from the officers of their student govern- ment on how they should conduct them- selves in their lounge. There are the girls were told, some things, harrumph, that a NICE girl JUST does not do in public. But unfortunately, these offenses to good taste-such as taking one's feet off the carpet while one was sitting on a sofa with a male, teh! tch!-were of late being committed with increasing frequency in the Stockwell Lounge. To remedy this situation, it was an- nounced, monitors would in the future be on virtue patrols in the lounge, eagle-eyed for feet which were not on the carpet, and1 other such examples of gross immorality. If a monitor sees what she thinks is a suf- ficiently serious breach, the girls were warned, she will wade in and inform the hapless lass that she should report to the dorm's council. (The council is made up of the dorm's officers and the assorted house directors). If the council decides against a girl, they can give her social pro. This ould not only mean that she couldn't con- sort with her male in the lounge, but that for a week end she would be denied mascu- line companionship of any kind after 8 p.m. This recital is not to criticize the ruling. Rather it is to point out a botched up job. Ladies, you who thought up this plan, you've fouled up something horrible. Though you may deny this fundamentally the aim of your plan is to keep American young woman- hood--or at least the segment of it abiding in Stockwell-chaste and pure. But, sweet ladies, your scheme will have just the oppo- site effect. The majority of the girls in your Hostelry on Observation Hill can't help but be more farsighted than you. With no difficulty, ladies of the plan, they'll be able to put things together, to see "Lounge" and "Social Probation" can only mean "Stay Out of Lounge." And with spring coming on too. --Davis Crippen The Week's News *...IN RETROSPECT . Xetted TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. M AJTER O EWr fACTr By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP 'f hey are now back on the road with a dule taking them to camps literally Rhode Island to California. The John- subcommittee got out a tough manpow- rogram but they will try to see to it the men are at least treated well. Ok recruited his group from reserve all men who had served in World War nost of them overseas. They had all the kind of experience every boy new he service gets; they don't have to ask the boys feel-they know, since it so ntly happened to them. ry humanly, Senator Johnson is a lit- ain of the fact that his investigators out a troublesome situation that a com- ee ofreminent civilians, appointed by Air Force, had failed to find at all. The ent civilians cocktailed with the com- ing officer, according to the senator, e his men stood in the chow lines. iat particularly aroused Senator John- was the effort by a press officer to im- reports of bad conditions to "subver- The sub-committee has gone out s way to impress upon the military that scapegoat, so popular in Washington, with them. e extensive energies of the subcommit- ,hairman will be taken up for a while with piloting the manpower bill through Senate. Since he has had a unanimous of approval from the entire Armed ces Committee, that shouldn't be too bw doubt that then and perhaps in veen times, just to make sure he is not gotten, he will think of other things o. The junior senator from Texas is d by reports in a magazine article that s running for Vice President. In the place, no one ever admits to running ess than the top of the ticket; besides, Johnson aspirations are plainly high- His preparedness subcommittee will care of his press for a very long ; at least it is being run intelligently. >ther ambitious young senator has not quite so fortunate personally with an- subcommittee which also is extremely 1. Sen. Estes Kefauver, chairmanof rime Subcommittee, has learned the way that everybody is against crime t in his own district around election Some Democrats-notably the former ity leader, Scott Lucas of Illinois- cut him, blaming him in part for their s, because he exposed scandals in areas. senator from Tennessee is philosophi- 'he job had to be done and time takes f a great many things purely political. I WASHINGTON-"They're all acting like pigs." These are the bitter words of a disgusted mobilization official who has watched with dismay the scramble for spe- cial privilege which is going on as mobiliza- tion gets under way. This vast collective insult was of course an exaggeration. But it .is enough to suggest why mobilization chief Charles E. Wilson's much-publicized battle with organized labor is only a prelude to further battles with agriculture and bus- iness. The significant thing about the row with labor is that all the issues ostensibly in dispute are essentially fake issues. Sen- sible labor leaders agree In private that the proposed 10 per cent wage rise limit -which is actually greater than the in- crease in the cost of living-is not really so outrageous as they make out in public. They also privately agree that Secretary of Labor Maurice Tobin has no real busi- ness running the whole man power require- ments of the nation, including such matters as military deferments and inductions; and moreover that Tobin himself is something less than a genius. As for the third osten- sible issue, the appointment of a labor offi- cial on Wilson's staff, Wilson offered this concession long ago. He has now renewed the offer, in a notably conciliatory reply to the letter in which the labor leaders virtu- ally called him a liar. So this can hardly be rated a real issue either. The real issues go deeper. For one thing, labor feels that President Truman has not paid off for labor support in 1948. When they talk about Truman, the labor men sound rather like Lear-"How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a Thankless child." There are other complications, like jealousy of John L. Lewis. But the basic motivation of the labor revolt is very simple. The labor men are convinced that business and agriculture have jostled into a favored position at the mobilization trough, and la- bor wants to get its share while the getting is good. * * * * THE FACT IS that business and the farm- ers have by and large been no more eager than labor to accept anything smacking of sacrifice, in the national interest. Wilson is perfectly aware of this, which is why his battle with labor is only a first round. The second round, this time with agriculture, has in fact already started within the Ad- ministration, and it will soon be fought out on the public stage of Congress. The powerful farm organizations have taken the stand that the parity formula is sacrosanct, and that they will fight to the last ditch against any attempt to amend the mobilization law to permit control of any food prices below parity. This means, according to the estimates of Wil- son's staff, that food prices will climb an average 5 per cent before they can be controlled. This in turn will reinforce demands for higher wages, to the point where the process of spiralling prices might get wholly out of hand. Wilson is determined that this shall not happen. He therefore proposes to go to Congress very soon and demand authority to control certain'food prices below parity. Inevitably, Agriculture Secretary Charles Brannan is fighting this proposal. It is likely that Presi- dent Truman will support Wilson in the end, and that Wilson will therefore soon be in- volved in another unholy row, this time with the farm organizations and the Congression- al farm bloc. AS FOR BUSINESS, Wilson and his chief aids, despite their reputation as con- servatives, have been looking with a very fishy eye at certain business practices. Al- most five billion defense dollars, according to Economic Stabilizer Eric Johnston, have already gone down the drain because of higher prices charged to the Defense De- partment. This cannot possibly be account- ed for wholly in terms of higher costs. For many defense items, the Defense Depart- ment has in effect been subject to a sort of polite holdup. Many businesses are refusing to bid on defense orders, simply because the civilian market is more lucrative. Wison is determined to deal with this sort of thing. Moreover, he is convinced that in many cases amortization rates are much too high, in effect permitting in- dustry to build new plants at the expense of the taxpayer, and he intends to deal with this matter also. Thus a third Wil- son battle, this time with business, is also in prospect. No nation can embark on a great rearm- ament program and maintain its standard of living absolutely intact. Yet the tragedy of the present situation is that Wilson and his advisers are deeply convinced that only a little self-denial will get the national -Daily-Bill Hampton A NEW UNIVERSITY POLICY was revealed last week. According to Ann Arbor Alderman Green, campus parking lot attendants have taken to pushing un-tagged cars out into the street. The re- sulting jam, Green declared, was left for city police to untangle. * * * * Around the World... KOREA-Slightly over a week ago it began. On Saturday, Feb- ruary 17, the main portion' of the Communist west-central Korean front shuddered under repeated blows, then suddenly gave. From Inchon in the west to Wonju, 36 miles away in the central part of the peninsula, the Reds began to retreat. Throughout the week the pull-back continued, as large masses of Red troops moved north faster and faster. The UN drive, along a muddy front expanded to 60 miles, was backed by heavy air attacks and shelling from warships along the coast. Yesterday, the advance met increasingly heavy resis- tance, and the Communists were expected to make a stand in the mountains beyond the vital highway hub of Hoengsong. MORE PACTS-The great powers in the world continued to line up forces last week. A triangular defense pact with Australia and New Zealand was being discussed by John Foster Dulles in the Pacific communities, as a start toward a broad Pacific pact along the lines of the already-existing North Atlantic Pact. Meanwhile, General Dwight Eisenhower appeared in Europe again to take over as com- mander of the Atlantic Pact army. ANDRE GIDE-Late Monday night, at his Paris home in the Rue Vaneau, a writer died, a writer in whose diversified work lay the essence of twentieth century France. Andre Gide was perhaps not a great author, but the vitality and interest which he consistently expressed in new directions was set with an individual artistry. * * * * National ... ARMED FORCES MANPOWER-The problem of how to get more men and which men to get underwent considerable discussion this week in the various higher circles of the armed forces and in Congress. In general, things looked better for Army and Air Force reservists and National Guardsmen, and considerably worse for 18 year olds, particularly 18 and a half year olds. On Monday, the Air Force led off by announcing that their plan to recall some 80,000 officers and enlisted men would be halted, about a month after its initiation. The next day, it was disclosed that no more National Guard and reserve divisions other than the six now in service would be called up for the Army, unless the national crisis takes a turn for the worse. However, units of less than divisional size are still liable to call. Meanwhile, the question of whether or not to draft 18 year olds continued to be kicked around Congress. On Thursday, Chairman Vinson of the Armed Services Committee introduced a compromise bill proposing that 18 and one half year olds be drafted, although they would not be sent overseas until turning 19. A new round of hearings will begin tomorrow on the whole topic. LABOR DEADLOCK-About a week and a half ago, the nine- man Wage Stabilization Board approved, by a six to three vote, a policy that provided for ten per cent future wage increases. The vote split along the expected lines: the three labor members, pushing for a minimum increase of 12 percent, said no, while the three industry and three public members voted in favor of the policy. Soured on the affair, the labor members withdrew from the board under orders from the United Labor Policy Committee. Last week, their move seemed likely to send the whole labor- mobilization situation into an inextricable snarl. Top labor offi- cials battered the ten per cent wage raise limit with cries of "unjustifiable and oppressive," while Walter Reuther, president of the CIO Auto Workers, suggested that the AFL, CIO, and railroad unions in the ULPC withdraw their support completely from the mobilization program. It was up to Economic Stabilizer Eric Johnston to accept, modify, or reject the wage limitation formula. But he made no decision throughout conferences with labor leaders. On Friday, the labor representatives had their first face-to-face meeting with Johnston's boss, mobilization chief Charles E. Wilson. On Friday night, Wilson announced that the present wage formula would be "modified again to conform with the best interest of the entire economy." What he meant by this was by no means clear. There was still no assurance that the modifications would satisfy the labor demands. Local.. . NEW JOB--Francis C. Shiel has been business manager of Uni- versity residence halls since 1939. Last week Shiel was promoted. From now on he will head "Service Enterprises," a new administra- tive department created out of certain units which were directed by Wilbur Pierpont before he became University vice-president. NEW DISCIPLINE PLAN-A new experimental disciplinary plan which would allow students liable to expulsion from school to continue by working off their punishment was revaled last week by Dean of Students Erich Walter and Dean of Women Deborah Bacon. As yet, the policy has only been "presented to women's organization for their consideration," and will not go into general effect until okayed by these groups and administrative officials. The system involves putting in a certain number of hours of work at University Hospital while going on with school. The student would be paid, but would be re- quired to donate his earnings to a charity. LESS PATERNALISM?-University officials took another step in strengthening student-administration relations this week as Pres- ident Ruthven called together 12 student leaders and a number of administration officials to formally launch a permanent "President's Conference.' Chuck Elliott and Bob Keith I (Continued from Page 2) the Sonata in C minor, Op. 30, No. 2. The second and third concerts will be played Fri., Mar. 2, and Tues., Mar. 6. All are open to the public without charge. Events Today Westminster Guild: 9:45 a.m., Student Seminar in Religion. 5:30 p.m., Student Supper. 6:30 p.m., Program: "Religion and the Armed Services," Dr. John Mor- ley. Col., USAF. Canterbury Club: 9:00 a.m., Holy Com- munion followed by Student Breakfast. 5 p.m., Evening Prayer, at which the Schola Cantorum will sing six selec- tions of the Brahms' Requiem, followed by supper and meeting. Elections at this meeting. Michigan Christian Fellowship: 4 p.m., Lane Hall (Fireside Room). Dr. Kenneth Pike, Professor of Linguistics, will lead a panel discussion on Foreign Missions. Lutheran Student Association: 5:30 p.m., Supper at Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. 7 p.m., Speaker: Miss Frances Dy- singer, Secretary for Promotions of the Women's Missionary Society of the Uni- ted Lutheran Church. Subject: "The Church's Challenge to Its Students." Roger Williams Guild: 9:30 a.m., Cof- fee and doughnuts at Guild House. 10 p.m., Bible Study "Revelations." 6 p.m., Cost supper at Guild House. 6:45 p.m., Program with film, "How Jews Wor- ship." Unitarian students: 7:30 p.m., Mr. Lloyd Berridge of the Health Service will discuss, "The Personal Problems of Students." Hillel: IZFA Study Group, Meeting, 2:30 p.m., League. Dr. Irving Sarnoff will speak on "Some Aspects of Jewish Anti- Semitism." All are welcome. Inter-Arts Union: Meeting, 2 p.m., League. Anyone interested is invited. Hostelers: Trip Meeting, 1335 White St., 7 p.m. Call 2-2823. U. of M. Hot Record Society: Records of TEDDY WILSON and LIONEL HAMP- TON. 8 p.m., League. Public invited. Coming Events Art Print Loan Collection: Prints will be given out in Room 510 Administra- tion Building from 9 to 1 Monday through Friday. There are still a few prints available for those interested in renting them. American Chemical Society: Mon., Feb. 26, 8 p.m., Room 1300, Chemistry Bldg. Dr. R. M. Burns, Chemical Di- rector of Bell Telephone Laboratories, will discuss "Chemists in the Tele- phone Industry." Those interested are invited. Gothic Film Society: Meeting, Mon., Feb. 26, 8 p.m. Rackham Amphithea- ter. Program: Five Chaplin Keystone Comedies. Members intending to bring guests may list them by .calling 21225. Members who have not yet paid their subscription fee must do so before or at Monday's meeting. Women of the University Faculty: Weekly tea, Tues., Feb. 27, 4 to 6 p.m., Club Room, League. Japanese society of Michigan (Kin- dai Nihon Kenkyukai) presents Dr. Richard Beardsley, of the Anthropology Department, and Dr. Robert Ward, of the Political Science Department, in an informal program, "Highlights and Side- lights of Today's Japan," Tues., Feb. 27, 8 p.m., West Conference Room, Rack- ham Bldg. . p.m. League. La P'tite Causette: Mon., Feb. 26, 3:30 Le Cercle Francais: Meeting, Mon., Feb. 26, 8 p.m., Grand Rapids Room, League. Elections. Prof. Marc Denkin- ger will lecture with slides on "Les Aventures de M. Vieux-Bois," by Toepf- fer. Women's International House Meet- ing: Mon., Feb. 26, 8 p.m., Nelson House, 915 Oakland. Everyone welcome. Young Progressives: Open meeting, Tues., Feb. 27, 7:30 p.m., Union. Speak- er: Prof. Sheppard, Psychology Depart- ment. "Psychology of Freedom with Re- ference to Asia." Engineering Smoker: Tues., Feb. 27, 7:30 p.m., Union. Prof. s. W. Boston, Department of Metal Processing, "Crit- ical materials and methods in our pre- sent emergency." Entertainment furn- ished by aprestidigator. Engineers, ar- chitects, and technologists invited. Sponsored by Sigma Rho Tau. I 1Atir1~izt kir Whither Phoenix ?,... To the Editor: A UNIVERSITY has a contribu- tion to make to the community in its scientific research. It also has a contribution to make in the field of ideas. The Phoenix Pro- ject in its early stages was a happy combination of the two-a practi- cal scientific project and a hope to the world that the atom may be channeled into peaceful produc- tivity. But what has happened to it? From the viewpoint of a con- fused bystander, Phoenix has be- come a catch-all phrase under which industry can contribute for whatever research work it happens to want done. What, for instance, does re- search into the "growth of aspen in the northern part of the lower peninsula" have to do with the rising of Phoenix from the ashes of war? This is not intended as ridicule of such projects. Undoubtedly they will contribute to the nation and our productivity. But must they be done under the banner of Phoenix? What is the trouble? Aren't American businessmen will- ing to contribute to a real study of the atom problem? The University has a respon- sibility to the people who took up the Phoenix idea to maintain it as a beacon in a world bent on turn- ing atoms only to war. -Don McNeil. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Punishment .. . To the Editor: PROF. HEYNS says we should- n't execute murderers because clinical treatment might eventu- ally rehabilitate them. Will it also rehabilitate the victim? I suggest a compromise. Rehabili- tate the criminal (to justify the existence of psychologists) then execute him. Prof. Freedman says punish- ment should be in the nature of a deterrent against crime. If we stopped our gentle methods of handling criminals (especially with sex crimes) we might suc- ceed in deterring some crimes. Yes, punishment should be a det- errent against crime but it should also be retribution for those who fail to be deterred. Prof. White says minor penalty will deter crime just as effective- ly as boiling in oil! To this I can reply briefly. Nonesense! Because you psychologists, so- ciologists, lawyers, etc. have been having a field day, we have es- tablished a new and disgusting precedent of sympathy for the murderer rather than the victim. You ignore the fact that the vic- time conformed to social law and the murderer did not. You ignore the fact that the victim is dead!- -G. Adomian, Grad. FREEDOM in a democracy is the glory of the state, and, there- fore, only in a democracy will the free man of nature deign to dwell. --Plato "1 A. CURRENT MOVIES LI At The Michigan.. CALL ME MISTER, with Betty Grable, Dan Dailey, and Danny Thomas. DESPITE THE similarity in title, any re- semblance between this and a pretty sharp Broadway revue of a few years back is completely artificial. Not ideally adapted by nature to the movie musical formula, the star system, or the gifts of Miss Grable, the New York hit has been stripped by we- know-better producers of practically every- thing but the name. Around this nucleus has been erected one of those unlikely plots, the interest of which centers about the production of an army show in Japan after the war. Miss Grable seems to be director-pro- ducer and whatnot of this show; Dailey is her right-hand man and ex-husband, and yes, the boys even dress up in rouge and ballet skirts to play the chorus line. Despite all this, there seems to be a slim chance that when the "show" is eventu- ally put on, just a glimmer of what went into the clever skits of the original might be revealed. The glimmer is forthcoming in what is easily the funniest sequence of the picture-a burlesque of one of those scenes at the Air Corps Officer's Club just after the "successful mission". Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jim Brown..........Managing Editor Paul Brentlinger............City Editor Roma Lpsky .. ..... .Editorial Director Dave Thomas ..........eature Editor Janet Watts............Associate Editor Nancy Bylan........Associgte Editor .'ames Gregory......solt Editor Bill Connolly......... Sports Editor Bob San dell.... Associate Sports Editor Bill Brenton.. .. Associate Sports Editor Barbara .ans........Women's Editor Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Daniels..........Business Manager Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager Paul Schaible.... Advertising Manager Bob Mersereau....... Finance Manager Carl Breitkreitz.... Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters berein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. A. BARNABY r4 --and that's Let's see...The k how itall I stolen money int kids found :the the old house So the crooks captured the wrong bag and | left the money... That's the story, isr't it? And what if he knew the a storv!I whole story he f IL I