# I SCRATCH PAD See Page 4 icj:4r Latest Deadline in the State :43 a iiH CLOUDY, COOL VOL. LXI, No. 8 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1950 SIX PAGES India Seeks Korea Peace Compromise Yugoslavia Adds Support to Plea LAKE SUCCESS - O) - Comi munist Yugoslavia joined Indi yesterday in asking the Unitec Nations to try to find a compro- mise solution between East an West programs for Korean peace. The Russian plan, supported b the Slav Bloc, demands an in- stant cease fire, withdrawal o: foreign troops, setting up af elec tion observation commission to in ude' Russia and Red China, an elections to be held in both Norti and South Korea to unify th country. But a succession of other dele gates in the Genetal Assembly 60 Nation Political Committee pile up support for an eight-natio plan to unite the country as a independent nation. i ~The eight-nation plan is spon sored by Britain, ~Australia, th Philippines, Pakistan, Cuba, Bra zil, the Netherlands and Norway It. calls for UN supervision ove Korea through a commission tha would arrange for and supervis elections, unify the country, an arrange for its rehabilitation. AUSTRAIJAN VIEWPOINT Australia told the committe that North Korean resistance mus be smashed and the entire ountr occupied by the UN todguaranteh peace and unity. Canada and th Philippines agreed generally wit this and the statement found wid support from other speakers. * Canada's Lester B. Pearson als said that Andrei Vishinsky, Sovie Foreign Minister, had rejected an idea of compromise in a state- ment last night. Both the Yugoslav and India delegation leaders rapped Russiar proposals to pull UN forces out 0: Korea immediately.. Yugoslav Foreign Minister Ed. yard Kardeij suggested, however, that the 38th parallel should be continued as an administrative boundary between the two section: of Korea until the country i ready for unification. Nationalist China, Ecuador Burma and El Savador joined the parade of countries favoring the 8-nation plan. INDIA'S VIEWPOINT Sir Benegal N. Rau, Chief In- dan Delegate, expressed fea that UN occupation of all Korea as demanded by Australia's Exter- nal Affairs Minister, Percy Spen- der, would "increase tension ir that part of the world" and might stiffen North Korean resistance. Rau has made no secret of In- dia's worry that Red China might take a hand in the Korean con- flict. The debate promised to go into tomorrow despite the anxiety of most delegates to get action on the eight nation plan. The Economic and Social Qommittee has been alerted to stand by for an emer- gency meeting to adopt measures for Korean rehabilitation as soon is the majority plan is approved. Hootkins Will Talk Tonight A general assembly of all grad- uate students working for doctoral degrees will be held at 7:30 p.m. today in Rackham Lecture Hall. Hirsch Hootkins will address the meeting. He will explain the lan- guage requirement for the degree. Hootkins is the language examiner for students working on their doc- torate. He will discuss the possibility and method of substituting lan- guages, the various methods of preparing for the exam, and the exam itself. A question and an- swer period will follow. The assembly has been called to clarify many difficulties regarding the language requirement, accord- ing to Melvin Marcus, president of the Graduate Student Council. He urged all graduate students to attend. 'M' Club Founder Has Heart Attack New Papers May' . or t ores Prove Red Aimns Pittsburgh Judge Gives 'Sensational' lI fPC [I Documents To House Committee Supply Lines UN Air Power PITTSBURGH-(J)-A Pittsburgh judge today produced a bulky sheaf of seized documents he said proves the Communist party in America is a war machine which seeks to overthrow the government. Judge Michael A. Musmanno said he sent 17 documents to the House Un-American Activities Committee which establishes the aims of the American Communists without question. Investigators for the House committee in Washington called the papers "sensational in import." The documents will be given to com- mittee members when they return to the Capital next month. Musmanno, Democratic nominee for Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania, released photostatic copies of letters, directives and pamphlets he said he took from the desk of Steve Nelson, Chairman of the Communist Party of West- Prominent Ann Arbor Counsel Dies George J. Burke, prominent Ann Arbor attorney who held many im- portant positions in state, na- tional, and international affairs, died suddenly yesterday afternoon while at his office in the Ann Ar- bor Trust Building. Death was believed to have re- sulted from a heart attack as he. had been hospitalized for a heart condition last spring but had re- covered and resumed duties as senior partner in the law firm of Burke, Burke, and Smith. He was 64 years old. Recently serving as a judge at the war crimes trial in Nuren- burg, Germany, Burke was active in public affairs throughout his life. Burke served as attorney for the University, where he received his bachelor of laws degree in 1907. He was also attorney for the Ann Arbor Trust Company, the Ann Arbor Bank, and other major public and private institu- tions. He was a former member and chairman of the Michigan Civil Service Conimission and acted as a legal counsellor to the Office of Price Administration during the war. He was chairman of the board of directors of Argus, Inc. and president of a Howell insurance company. He is survived by his wife, three sons and seven grandchildren. Inflation May Cut Air .Force WASHINGTON -()_-The Air Force today blamed rising prices for tacking $315,000,000 to $360,- 000,000 onto the cost of its pro- gram to build 4,428 new planes by mid 1952. Undersecretary of Air John Mc- Cone told the House Armed Ser- vices Committee that soaring pric- es will mean the Air ,Force must do one of two things: 1. Either cut its program by the equivalent of 750 F-86 jet fighter planes 2. Or get more money from Congress. Chairman Vinson (D-Ga.) quick- ly discounted any idea of reduc- ing the number of planes which the Air Force says are needed to safeguard the United States in the event of World War III. ern Pennsylvania, in an Aug. 31 raid on Nelson's office. Nelson and two aides now are free on $10,000 bonds on charges of sedition filed by Musmanno. REDS ANSWER In New York, a spokesman ,,at Communist Party headquarters termed the charges "ridiculous," adding, "it's just another Mus- manno stunt. He's been slapped down twice by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania and now he's try- ing something else." One paper Musmanno found-4A entitled "guide for speakers" --- said: "In Korea the people have had the opportunity of witnessing the liberating role-not only in words but in deeds-of the Soviet troops and the Soviet occupation forces, as contrasted with the enslaving role of American troops and the American military authorities." Other documents include orders and directives which told of the infiltration being attempted by Communists among employes of the Carnegie-Illinois and Jones and Laughlin steel corporations. Ford Planits Hit- byStrike Rouge Wildcat Will Throw88,000 Out DETROIT-(.P)-The Ford Motor Co. declared last night a wildcat strike of 2,800 workers in the steel rolling mill of the River Rouge Plant will result in a gradual shut- down of all Detroit area plants. President Carl Stellato of the Ford Local of the CIO United Auto! Workers ordered the men to re- turn to their jobs today. The com- pany reported, however, the men failed to show up for the 4 p.m. shift. "We cannot permit wildcat! strikes of a few members to affect the democratic and economic rights of 65,000 Ford Rouge work- ers," Stellato declared in issuing the back-to-work order. Forecasting a gradual shutdown of Ford operations in the Detroit area, Del S. Harder, vice-president in charge of manufacturing, said, "by the end of the week 88,000 persons will be laid off. 'Within another three to 10 days, depend- ing upon the geographical loca- tions, other company plants will be forced to close causing the lay- off of another 37,000 persons." Workers in the rolling mill walk- ed out in protest against a deci- sion by Dr. Harry S. Shulman, im- partial umpire under Ford's con- tract with the union. Soviets Call For Strike In Austria Reds Order All Workers off Jobs VIENNA, Austria -{A)- Com- munists called for a general strike throughout Austria at midnight last night and the Western Allies braced themselves for possible vio- lence, sabotage and a Berlin-like blockade of Vienna, 90 miles be-' hind the Iron Curtain. Orders were issued to 50,000 workers in Russian-controlled fac- tories to stay off the job. Against this threat the government issued rifles and steel helmets to Vienna police for the first time since 1938 and put all Austrian police and firemen on the alert. Thirty Communists were ar- rested by Vienna police this morn- ing after trying unsuccessfully to cut street car service in the Ameri- can sector, Socialist Party head- quarters announced. The Communists hoped to bring off a general strike of all public utilities and factories and a con- sequent breakdown of the govern- ment. It was not possible to judge the effects of the call in the first few hours. Power stations continued working past midnight, trains left on schedule and telephone com- munications were normal. REAL TEST COMING But the real test will come when factories and other establishments open for business this morning. The Communists claimed thatI the workers were leaving their posts in Russian-controlled factor- ies in the Soviet Zone. Vienna itself was quiet in the early hours after midnight. Defying a Communist ultima- tum to grant a 20 per cent wage increase by midnight, a govern- ment appeal was plastered on bill- boards and broadcast by radio and press. It called on the Austrian people to ignore the strike call, throw Red rioters out of the factories and destroy their roadblocks in a fight for "freedom." Austria's 7,000,000 people anxi- ously awaited the outcome of a test which seemed aimed at soft- ening their anti-Communist gov- ernment and putting the country on the road to becoming another East European "Peoples' Democ- racy." Conimmuist AIRBORNE INSPECTOR--Grinning from the cockpit of a F-51 Mustang is Lt. Col. Marshall Strick- ler of the Air Force just after he landed at Ann Arbor airport yesterday for an inspection of Air Force ROTC facilities. Greeting him on the left is Lt. Col. William Todd, commanding officer of the University AFROTC. Col. Strickler, who is from the Office of the Special Assistant to Air Force Chief of Staff Hoyt Vandenberg, flew to the campus direct from USAF headquarters at the Penta- gon in Washington. Col. Strickler was the second top-level officer to visit the campus in the past week, the other being Major General Harry Johnson, commanding officer of the Tenth Air Force. On his return trip east, Col. Strickler will visit ROTC units at other colleges and universities., State Dept. Hits Bridges' For Charges WASHINGTON - (P - The State Department hit back at Senator Bridges (R-NH) tonight for his charge that Secretary of State Acheson is engineering a "grand sell-out" to the Chinese Communists. The New Hampshire Senator, a longtime critic of Acheson's fore- ign policy, issued a statement ear- lier in the day accusing Acheson of "opening the back door" for, the entrance of Red China into the United Nations. He said this meant "giving away everything won by the blood of our youths" in the Korean war. The State Department promptly denounced Bridges' statement as a "rash, unfounded accusation" and declared that such "carping criti- cism . . . can only weaken the United Nations and give aid and comfort to propagandists of thel Soviet Union." Bridges said he received a report three weeks ago that an under- standing had been reached be- tween the U.S. State Department and the British Foreign Office to arrange for the admission of Red China into the UN. The depart- ment said this was a lie. FIRST MOVE Bridges said the first move was made last Friday when the UN Security Council vote 7 to 3 to in- vite representatives of Communist China to present their complaints of alleged American aggression in Formosa. Bridges also noted that the reso- lution inviting the Chinese Com- .munists to present their case was the first in resolution adopted since Acheson personally took charge of the U.S. Delegation. The Department then made these points: 1. The United States "in clear and forceful terms" opposed the resolution to hear the Chinese Communists in the UN, but was outvoted. 2. A proposal to seat the Chi-' nese Communists in the UN, in- stead of the present Chinese Na- tionalist delegates, has already been defeated "under the leader- ship of Secretary Acheson." YP's Hear U' Students Report on IUS Meeting Campus Young Progressives last night heard a first-hand report from two students recently re- turned 'from the Second World Student Congress of the Interna- tional Union of Students in Prague. At the same time the non-par- tisan Students for Dawson or- ganization met at the home of Mrs. Margaret Price in Barton Tito .Asks U.S. For Surplus In FoodCrisis WASHINGTON -(P)- Marshal Tito's Yugoslavia is pressing the United States for help in meeting a threatened food crisis resulting from a disastrous summer drought. The bread ration was cut 10 per cent last week. Ambassador Vladi- mir Popovic, back from a trip to Belgrade, has conferred twice at the State Department on the sit- uation in the last few days, in- formed officials said today. Meanwhile American Ambassa- dor George Allen has been having talks in the Yugoslav capital and reporting on the food difficulties to Washington. INELIGIBLE FOR ECA Officials confidently expect a response to the call for help, in line with the .American policy of sustaining Yugoslavia against So- viet pressure. But at the moment they are stumped about how to do it. The Yugoslav regime, which re- mains Communist despite Tito's feud with Moscow, is ineligible for grants from the Economic Cooper- ation Administration. It already has received a cash or pledges for $55,000,000 in loans from the Export Import Bank and has a $25,000,000 loan pending with the World Bank, but these are earmarked for industrial and other development purposes, rather than for food requirements. With Congress in recess until Nov. 27, the outlook; is dim for early action on new authorization legislation. Finding a solution is considered urgent. Hills to hear their candidate speak and to elect officers. At the YP meeting, Ed Lanning, '52, and Myron Sharpe, Grad., re- viewed their reactions to the IUS conference. Lanning said that"he was "convinced peace is not im- possible if we work to get it." He asserted that the peoples of war- ravaged Europe do not want arm- ed conflict. Lanning and Sharpe both con- demned Cornell University for ex- pelling John Marquesee for his. behavior at the Congress. Mar- quesee, they reported, seconded a resolution asking for a cease fire in Korea and a UN-sponsored gen- eral election in that country. DISCUSSES NSA Later in the meeting, Lanning declared that the National Stu- dent Association has not cooper- ated with the INS. He said that NSA decided to attend the Con- gress in order to search out non- Communist students behind the iron curtain. At the Students for Dawson meeting, Prof. John P. Dawson, Democratic candidate for Con- gress, declared that "it is essen- tial that we continue a program of reform and change. We need to offer- our people the prospect of steady improvement in our so- ciety through the processes of democracy." ATTACKS "NEGATION" Prof. Dawson attacked the lead- ership of the Republican party as offering "only, negation." He re- ported that he had challenged his Republican opponent, George Mea- der, to debate pertinent issues during the campaign. Warren Elliott, '52L, was elect- ed coordinating chairman of Stu- dents for Dawson. Dave Marsden, '51L, and Jim Jans, Grad., ex- president of Student Legislature, were named to head the campaign in the law school and all other schools, respectively. Consul Ousted PRAGUE - Czechoslovakia ac- cused the British Vice Consul in Bratislava yesterday of spying and demanded that he and his Czech- born wife leave the country with- in 48 hours. Forces Fail To Appear Southern Troops Still Advancing TOKYO-(IP)-United Nations air power blasted Red supply ar- teries in Noith Korea today but searched in vain for signs of a Communist defense line against South Korean forces advancing 50 miles be~nd the 38th parallel.. Pilots claimed they knocked out 85 comouflaged trucks in a Red, convoy moving down Tuesday from the direction of Chinese Communist Manchuria. Swarms of carrier-based and land-based planes pressed the widespread aer- ial attacks and light bombers kept the assault 1 going through the night. . In addition the Navy reported today that carrier-based Chsair fighters knocked out six more camouflaged trucks north of the Communist capital at Pyongyang. Pyongyang continued to ignore General MacArthur's ultimatum,' broadcast hourly since yunday for the Communists to surrender or face inevitable destruction. But the North Korean High Command communique broadcast today made this admission: "On all fronts, the People's (Communist) Army is withdraw- ing to undertake new duties." RED ATROCITIES In South Korea, the mop up of disorganized' Reds by U.N. libera- tion forces disclosed evidence of new Communist atrocities. A United States officer, Col. Francis Gillette, said gruesome photographic proof would be sent to the United Nations that the Reds bayonetted; shot and burned to death more than 700 civilians, including children, at Yangpyong 36 miles east of Seoul. "It will be extremely difficult to prevent retaliation measures in the future," Gillette's report stated. To avoid border incidents with the Chinese Reds, American planes are observing a 30-mile bomb free zone along the Manchurian bor- der. Carrier-based planes struck co- ordinated blows. A Navy summary today said the raiders knocked out spans of three river bridges north of Pyongyang. The planes, from Task Force 77, raided "the western half of Korea north of the 38th parallel," the Navy said. The Far East Air Force said light bombers ranged up and down the North Korean railway lines from midnight until dawn, bomb- ing supply arteries and hunting for any sign of large southbound troop movements. B-29s aso worked over a major Red troop concentration area at Sariwon, 35 miles south of Pyong- yang. GROUND TROOPS ARRIVE The closest American ground forces were 115 air miles southeast of Pyongyang at the time the sup- ply movements were detected and blasted from the air. U.S. Marines punched into the outskirts of Uijongbu, 12 miles northeast of Seoul, wiping out 250 rear guard Reds and four tanks which put up fierce resistance. Meanwhile AP correspondent William Jorden with South Ko- rean forces north of 38th parallel reported well-fed and fresh North Korean troops were among pri- soners captured by the Republican Capital Division above the old boundary line. Jorden said a column of 75 trucks loaded with troops was re- ported moving south along the Korean east coast after aerial at- tacks, but pilots were unable to locate them. PRODUCTIVITY UP: Pollock Calls, German Recovery Remarkable German recovery from the dev- astation of war has been astonish- ing, Prof. James K. Pollock, re- cently returned to campus after a summer as a special adviser to the U.S. High Commissioners in Germany, said yesterday. Prof. Pollock, chairman of the political science department, as- serted that at no time since the end of hostilities have the German people seemed as normal or so happy as at the present. "The German reconstruction program has reached its peak, pro- police force by 10,000 men under authorization of the Allied High Command. Pollock did not feel there is any danger from a strong German po- lice force as long as Germany re- mains an occupied nation. The German search for external security is best exemplified by the activities of Chancellor Con- rad Adenauer, according to Prof. Pollock. Adenauer's greatest hope, he says, is to foster a permanent Franco-German friendship. PR F CTTR L' (nT A 1'I'TA TTFR V i V7 w orld News Roundup By The Associated Press JACKSONVILLE-Circuit Judge Claude Ogilvie ruled yesterday that Jacksonville's anti-Commu- nist ordinance is unconstitutional. ABROAD YACHT COMMAN- DER - President Truman last night was reported planning to is- sue soon a proclamation for the drafting of male physicians A-hd dentists. Congress passed a law early last moirh authorizing the draft. The President's proclamation would fix the registration date. * * * PITTSBURGH - A strike of mailing room workers brought an abrupt halt yesterday to daily newspaper publishing in Pitts- burgh. * * * WASHINGTON - The Agricul- ture Department warned yesterday that the nation's meat supply is endangered by a new variant of hog cholera in the midwestern hog belt. T-LMQTTYT Ltvr:LT f*n LAST CALL TODAY: Daily Will Accept More Tryouts Students who missed the first porting skills and technical as- of practical journalism, Daily try-