r WAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1950 THOMAS L. STOKES: AMA Electioneering WASHINGTON-The congressional elec- tion campaign has plenty of doctors. Real doctors who, as never before, are active in politics because of their bitter hostility to President Truman's Federal Health Insurance Program, which they brand as "socialized medicine." Their activity dramatizes at least one domestic issue in a campaign in which most such issues are submerged by interest in Korea and international matters. This has stirred much speculation in the high command of both parties as to its effect in the November elections on Demo- cratic Candidates for congress. Conceivably it could be substantial because of the influ- ence doctors have in their communities. Many are now exercising this quietly on their patients and friends and with the organized national support of the powerful American Medical Association, which has become one of our most affluent lobbies. You can be advised how to vote while the doctor looks at your tongue and feels your pulse-a new service, and free. * * * THE ANTI-TRUMAN campaign is being stepped up by the AMA's own publicly- announced nationwide advertising campaign which, during the week of October 8, will see spread in 10,333 newspapers an assault on the Truman Health Program. The AMA is spending $1,100,000 on it. But this is only part of the propaganda story. The AMA also has organized a real super-lobby by enlisting powerful business and financial interests which will under- write additional so-called "tie-in" adver- Using in newspapers, magazines and over the radio beyond that'paid for by the AMA. These affiliated interests include more than 100 banks, a large segment of the insurance industry, a number of utilities, one big railroad, as well as druggists-inde- pendent and chains-and retailers embraced hI the Natiohal Retail Dry Goods Associa- Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: BOB VAUGHN tion, according to a signed article in the Journal of the American Medical Associa- tion by Dr. Elmer L. Henderron, Louisville, Ky., AMA president. The total to be spent in this campaign, including AMA's share, is estimated at $20,- 000,000 by the Committee for the Nation's Health, an organization promoting the Tru- man health insurance plan. It asks whether this money might not have been used "to bring better medical care to the American people," a question also asked recently in Congress by Senator Murray (D., Mont.), who listed numerous ways such a sum might have been spent for medical care and educa- tion-a right formidable list. * * * NOT ALL DOCTORS, of course, go along in their consciences with this expensive project and some resent and resist this and other attempted encroachments by the ag- gressive AMA. A few days ago at Atlantic City, for example, the American Hospital Associa- tion, representing most of the nation's 6,000 hospitals, exhibited an independent spirit on another medical front. Over the protest of the AMA directorate, it voted overwhelmingly at its 52nd conven- tion to adopt its own program for estab- lishing and enforcing standards for hos- pitals, and set aside $100,000 of an auth- orized $240,000 increase in dues to finance the standardization program. Instead of leaving standards entirely in the hands of the medical profession, as de- sired by the AMA, its program contemplates a commission broadly representative, includ- ing prominent citizens drawn from business, labor, farm and other groups which con- tribute to hospital support as well as mem- bers of the medical and allied professions. This action was significant as most hospital administrators constituting the hospital as- sociation are medical men. For 30 years the standardization program has been administered by the American College of Surgeons, composed entirely of medical men. It had indicated a desire to relinquish this task for financial and other reasons. Next week in Chicago, representa- tives of AHA, AMA and the College of Surgeons will meet to consider the special interest of doctors in the standardization program and work out their degree of par- ticipation in it. (Copyright 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) TB Prevention THREAT of undetected tuberculosis has been greatly reduced, thanks to medi- cal science and its painstaking progress. But the University's health program-com- mendable in protecting students from one another-does not include a physical exami- nation of chest X-Ray of food-handlers who work in private food-serving estab- lishments, serving students. Fraternities, sororities, private boarding houses, and student rooming-houses are regarded as private food-serving estab- Ushments, and under law, their food- handlers are not required to submit to a physical examination or a chest X-Ray, This means that meals are served daily in these places, prepared by staffs which might include undetected tuberculous cases. The University requires a physical exami- nation of all food-handlers working in Uni- versity establishments, such as the Michi- gan League and Michigan Union. But as the fraternities and sororities are not with- In their jurisdiction, they cannot require such a physical examination from their group of food-handlers, under the present set-up. But unless periodical physicals are made 'CIINIEMA A The State.. . UNION STATION with William Holden, Berry Fitzgerald and Nancy Olson. UNON STATION is another addition to the growing list of semi-documentaries picturing police methods at work. Filmed realistically in and around the Manhattan railroad station, the photography creates an effective link between the prosaic and the bizarre: Unfortunately the story is not always as ingenious as the photography. The police get in on the ground floor of a kidnapping only through a sheer coincidence. And the climax, as have so many since Victor Hugo discovered the Sewers of Paris for Les Miser- ables, takes place in a deep, dark, dank tun- nel. However, once they get on the track, the police, led by Bill Holden as the lieutenant in charge of the Station and Barry Fitz- gerald in the. stock role of Bill's shrewd, but kindly, superior, give an exhibition of police methodology which is, at times, a bit frightening. They use all the weapons of science and are not above employing some of the more primitive "psychological" treatments. (For instance, they threaten to throw one of the girlnappers in front mandatory-under a new University ruling -for every person employed in these private food-serving establishments, and unless those refusing to submit are relieved of their duties, there is more than a possibility of the transmission of tuberculosis germs by them. If these mandatory physicals for this par- ticular group of food-handlers cannot be made a requirement, then as a safeguard against hidden tuberculosis and other di- seases, physical examinations of all stu- dents desiring them could be given. While only freshmen and new students are now given complete physicals, a multi-screening process could be set up at registration time for all other students. This could include a chest X-Ray, blood test, urinalysis, and vision test. This laboratory check could be administered by medical technicians, thereby alleviating the need for busy doctors to per- form these routine tasks. That the faculty and house-mothers are not required to take physicals, including X-Rays, points to another need for a closer scrutiny of possible disease-chan- nels. If the Health Service cannot operate with its present staff and budgetary commit- ments to meet such'additional health mea- sures, it would seem wise for the University to increase its' allotment to cover all latent disease possibilities that endanger the health of the general student body. -Mary Letsis Foreign Policy OURFFORTS to prevent a war with Rus- sia are almost exclusively being devoted to outdoing her in an armaments race. We are pursuing this course even though there is much likelhood that this will help create war instead of preventing it. We should not accept this idea that the only way to stop Russia from starting a war is to have her realize that she can not hope to beat the West. It is much too dangerous to accept this as our only hope. Men are not always guided by reason and those in the Kremlin are no excep- tions. We must search for other means. We must think about the forces behind wars. Do the people of the U.S. want war? I don't think so. We have little to gain. Do the people of Russia want war? They too have little to gain. Within Russia's boun- daries are all the wealth and resources she needs to reach the highest of living levels. Her people have little to gain from war, but they are being put in a frame of mind whereby they would probably raise little protest should their leaders decide to go to war. In the meantime the people of the U.S. are consigned to live in fear and anxiety until something breaks within Russia that will alter her present foreign policy. We can help bring about this change in Russian policy by aiding a revival of the Russian revolutionary spirit. Once we have reached a point in our defense-building whch military leaders deem adequate to re- strain Russia from starting a world war we should devote all our energies to this effort. And until this point is reached a program of enlightenment that will cause the Russian people to take action should receive as much of our attention as arma- ment as a means to be used for the preven- tion of war. There doesn't seem to be much differ- ence between the oppressions of the Czar and that of Stalin. The revolutions of 1905 and 1917 testify that the Russians-like the people of the Western nations-have developed stomachs that refuse to digest despotism. As long as we allow the Rus- sians to remain isolated behind an iron curtain, controlled by a small ruling clique they remain a threat to civilization. While we have to take measures to bring the ambitions of expansion of this clique un- der control, we must break through to the Russian people. We have to make the Russian people realize that they are being deliberately mis- informed. We have to make them realize that the West has no hatred for them, that we are not interested in their lands and wealth. We must make them realize that Russia is welcome into the family of na- tions on an equal and friendly basis. In short, inspire the Russians to do something about changing their government-for the good of themselves and the good of the world. We already have a basis for carrying out this program in the State Depart- ment's Voice of America. For the limited personnel and funds that the "Voice" has been alloted it has done a great job, as can be seen from a statement made at the UN General Assembly last year by Soviet Foreign Minister Vishinsky in acknowledg- ng Soviet attempts to jam "Voice" pro- grams. "All' these broadcasts are the most un- bridled inimical propaganda. They are mere appeals actually for the revolt against and war upon the Soviet Union. This is the most insulting kind of demagogy. .. . If we took measures that insured the free transmission of this nonsense and trash into our country, if these were transmitted all over our country, this would arouse such indignation, anger, ire and wrath on the part of our people that the result would not be a pleasant one... beThe "Voice" has been improving every day since then. And it seems to me that great expansion of the 'Voice' is a more practical and less burdensome way of com- batting the threat of war than by devoting the greatest part of our resources to the ac- cumulation of power.1 At present the Voice of America costs about 10 million dollars a year. An ex- panded "Voice," one able to reach thej entire world in all languages would cost, according to Foy D. Kohler, chief of the State Department's International Broad-j casting Division, about 60 million dollars in new equipment over a period of two years and an annual budget of about 25 million thereafter. It is surely worth a hundred times that to preserve the future of mankind. -Paul Marx Freshmen and the Squirrels AN OLD °resident of the city who takes considerable pride in Ann Arbor's hun- dreds of fox squirrels says that the fresh- men are worse than usual this fall in pes- tering the busy-tailed little rodents. Out- side of the freshmen the squirrels have lit- tle to fear but the dogs.' However, the dogs are the lesser evil of the two as they cannot throw sticks and stones. ette'd TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from Its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all lettersrwhichsare signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words In length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed edited or wlthhe~d from publication at the discretion of the editors. Coaching . . . To the Editor: I BELIEVE that it is time to voice openly the thought, that has come to many people in the last three football seasons. This thought is that our football team is not receiving the calibre of coach- ing that a team playing in the Big Ten requires. Since Oosterbaan assumed the mantle of head coach the team has steadily deteriorated until it reached the point of dis- organization apparent on the field last Saturday. The team fought hard, a common characteristic of collegeteams, but they were not prepared to cope with the well coached State team. The differ- ence was in the coaching and not the personnel since Michigan has! been getting enough of the right kind of material to replace the! graduated members of the well oiled Crisler machines. Bennie Oosterbaan was the head basketball coach at Michigan for eight sordid years. Our cage team was never in the first division in conference play during all this' time. The team displayed the same lack of coaching that the football team is now showing. The leopard does not change its spots. There is something lacking in Ooster- baan that successful coaches have. I never lose any sleep over a lost football game and I have seen1 Michigan lose plenty of them butI it is important to the team mem-' bers whether they win or lose. If they have the good grace to turn n1 14 fur IUUUSdIL i +,MTTch^11t he l. originates neither here nor at a coffee tMle, but comes to life dur- ing game cheers, and the pep rallies. If you look back a few years, you'll find Dad was quite pleased with the pep rally. Our predeces- sors were more noted for the fact that in their gusto a flivver was occasionally overturned and snake-dances wove through the lo- cal theatres, than their paddling up the Huron. A quiet pride was almost unknown when they were students. Notice sometime how strong the lungs of our grads are at a football game.E Miss Owen's editorial is typical of the apathy in which many stu- dents have become enmeshed.! Luckily, for therest of us, active groups like the Wolverine club counteract those who contemplate how jolly nice it is to be at Michi- gan over a cup of coffee. -David Weaver. e . * Michigan Spirit . . . To the Editor: AM WINTING with reference to an article, which appeared in this publication, entitled "Michi- gan Spirit." Firstly, I believe that the author is laboring under a misapprehension when she asserts that the rah-rah spirit is an east- ern institution. On the contrary, if the truth was known, many of the mid-western and westernI members of the big-ten universi- ties would be found to be literally crawling with "over-grown high- scnuoi rail-ran me wn ien zC^ 4 ; ' . . .. 4: .mot ' : i' "": ^Well, Do I Get The Job?" --- ~~ ii / - - ii ANEN -. F0Rce DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN -f Et2gt.OaK, m+sm IN* . Awl nt [oy Pas" - (Continued from Page 2) Oratorical Ushers: List will ap- pear in Thursday's DOB, Oct. 12. Art Print Library: Students who signed for prints may pick them up on Oct. 3 and 4, 510 Adminis- tration, from 8-12, 2-5. University Community Center, Willow Run Village. Tues., Oct. 3, 8 p.m., Wives' Club. Wed., Oct. 4, Ceramics Business Meeting. Thurs., Oct. 5, 8 p.m., Choir Practice. Ceramics. Fulbright Applications and sup- porting credentials for graduate student travel grants are due no later than Oct. 31, in the offices of the Graduate School. This date will not be extended. Grants will be made for study in 16participat- ing countries. Application blanks are now available in 1020 Rack- ham Bldg. Lectures Student Rate for Lecture Course -The Oratorical Association of- fers a special rate of $2.40 for students for the current Lecture series. The student section will be in the second balcony, unreserved seats. Good seats are also still available in the reserved sections, first and "second floors. Students are advised that this special rate is for the full course only as there will be no reduction on individual lecture tickets. Seven outstanding attractions are offered this year, including David Lilienthal, Low- ell Thomas, Jr., Charles Laughton, Bennett Cerf, John Mason Brown, William Laurence and Julien Bry- an. Hill Auditorium box office is open daily from 10-1, 2-5. Lecture, auspices of the Depart-' ment of Mathematics and the Sur- vey Research Center of the Insti- tute for Social Research. "The In- dia National Sample Survey." Dr. P. C. Mahalanobis, director of the Statistical Institute of India. 4:15 p.m., Tues., Oct. 3, Rackham Am- phitheatre. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Geo rge Sherman Wells, Biological Chemistry; thesis: "Urinary Ex- cretion of Histidine by Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Individuals," Tues., Oct. 3, 313 W. Medical Bldg., 2 p.m. Chairman, H. B. Lewis Doctoral Examination for David I. Saletan, Chemical Engineering; thesis: "Synthetic Cation-Ex- change Resin as an Acid Catalyst in Continuous Liquid Phase Ester- ification," Wed., Oct. 4, 3201 E. Engineering Bldg., 3 p.m. Chair- man, R. R. White. History Make-up Exams for the Spring Semester and Summer Ses- sion: All students intending to take make-up examinations in history should obtain written per- mission from the instructor by Oct. 11, and then sign the list in the History Office. Mathematics Colloquium: Meet- ing, Tues., Oct. 3, 4:10 p.m., Rm. 3011, Angell Hall. Prof. C. L. Dolph, "An Application of Green's Functions to the Theory of Linear Projections." Mathematics Seminar. Organi- zational Meeting to arrange semi- ice announces that registration is still open in the following classes: Chamber Music for Recreation. A performance course to intro- duce players to chamber music and to fellow chamber musicians. Participants are organized into small ensembles, major emphasis to be placed on performance ex- perience of each group. Open to University students and members of the community, with or with- out previous ensemble experience. Prerequisite: ability to play easy chamber works. Noncredit course, eight weeks, $5.00. Prof. Oliver A. Edel. Tues., 7 pm. (Opened September' 26) 1022 University High School Semantics - Scientific Living I. Fundamentals of the science of meaning with special reference to the meaning of words as a guide to successful living; the linguistic bases of sane thinking and sane conduct. Applications of general semantics to the solution of per- sonal and social problems. Lec- tures, demonstrations, and discus.. sions. Noncredit course, eight weeks, $5.00. Prof. Clarence L. SMeader. Tues., opening Oct. 3, 7 p.m., 171 School of Bus. Admin. Bldg. Masterpieces of Music Literature H (Music Literature 42). The his- tory and analysis of selected com- positions, both vocal and instru- mental, from Bach to the present day. This course may be elected for two hours of undergraduate credit or for no credit. If taken for credit, the student must attend regularlyha weekly laboratory per iod. $16.00. Prof. Glenn D. Mc- Geoch. Wed., 7 p.m., (opened Sept. 27). 206 Burton Memorial Tower. Concerts Choral Union Concert. Helen Traubel, Wagnerian operatic so- prano of the Metropolitan Opera, with Coenraad Bos at the piano, will give the first concert in the Choral. Union Series Thurs, eve- ning, Oct. 5, in Hill Auditorium. Her program will include composi- tions by Beethoven, Gluck, Schu- bert, Strauss and Wagner. Student Recital: Emma Jd Bowles, Organist, will play a re- cital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music at 8:30 p.m., Wed., Oct. 4, Hill Auditorium. A pupil of Robert Noehren, Miss Bowles will play works by Buxtehude and Bach. Public invited. Events Today S.R.A. Council meeting, Lane Hall, 5-7 p.m. Christian Science Organization Testimonial meeting, 7:30 p.m. Upper Room, Lane Hall. * Science Research Club: Meeting Rackham Amphitheatre, 7:30 p.m. Tues., Oct. 3. Program: "Pain af (Continued on Page 5) C7 * out rorfwombaii they snouid oe ; given the type of expert coaching1 exemplified by such mentors as] Blaik, Wilkinson, Leahy and Cris-, ler, and Michigan has the reputa-1 tion and the money to attract as man of their class. All Oosterbaan is going to do is solve the, ticket1 problem; there will be plenty of empty seats. -Ralph Christensen. * * * i Q Looking Back 50 YEARS AGO HE CITY council passed a resolution ask- ing the board of supervisors to change the court house clock to standard time. This left the path open for the regents to change the time .on the University clock. "Winston Churchill, who will appear in the Student Lecture Association course has just been elected to a seat in parliament." 20 YEARS AGO PRESIDENT Herbert Hoover, speaking be- fore the American Bankers Association, voiced an optimistic view on the future of business and urged America to maintain its present high standard of living. Connie Mack's Athletics beat the St. Louis Cardinals 6-1 for their second straight world series win. ** * . 10 YEARS AGO DESPITE eight Nazi air attacks and ar- tillary shelling of the Dover coast from across the channel, military circles expressed the belief that the time for an invasion had passed and that the main theater of war wnil he transferrer tn Africa Michigan Spirit . To the Editor: I RE: Michigan Spirit Ivy league, green beanie type rah-rah may be less sophisticated than that which originates in the P-Bell or Arb, but it certainly is more spontaneous and sincere and no more imported from the East than the students. The tug of war and similar con- tests between class levels are cer- tainly more helpful in boosting spirit and unity at this University than beer at the P-Bell (which be- cause of state law is restricted to only a few freshmen and sopho- mores while other loyal Michi- gander don't care to partake in the suds) and coffee at the Parrot which does not differ from ordi- nary coffee in the least.! The freshman's excitement at belonging to "the greatest state university" (since when has Michi- gan become a state university?) soon cools as he realizes the 'U' considers him as merely one of its 21,000 problems. A feeling of belonging is one of the most important things in mak- ing the freshman feel that he is welcome here. Lectures, plays and soloists are all very fine for their, cultural value, but school spirit school ran-rah men" who live by the sign of the beanie, by the key- laden key-chain, by the "pods" of campus activity and political or- ganizations, by uninhibited politi- cal pep-rallies, by impromptu snake-chains, and other "extra- curricular activities" not neces- sarily sanctioned by the Univer- sity. However, these universities are not without their out- standing graduate and under' graduate schools. They are not without their convocations, etc. with the "greatest" names in mu- sic, drama, world affairs, science, the arts, etc. They, also, offer their pupils intellectual diversion from the tedious task of prepar- ing to pass exams and to thereby receive a sheepskin. True, prob- ably few schools in the country can boast of a better over-all edu- cation plant than that which be- longs to Michigan. But is that all a pupil should derive from his college daze? Is it enough that the educational institutions of the country turn out technicians-men and women who can provide themselves with that ever-revered green-back? Or perhaps a college graduate should have a slight insight into the workings of a society conpar- able to that in which he is going to exist. This campus is unmis- takably a community. In any com- munity there are inevitably mem- bers who are going to have poli- tical ambitions and others who are going to desire to live more than a work-a-day life. Shouldn't an individual become acquainted with diversified activities rather than having only conquered the frustration caused by the sight of a maze of library reference shelves , ;C ., r r Z S y A 7 e a U r e f ;s 1 nars in the Mathematics Depart- ment will be held Tues., Oct. 3, Rm. 3011 Anigell Hall, at 5:15 p.m. Graduate Students who plan to work for the PhD degree: Dr. H. Hootkins will discuss the langu- age requirements for the PhD de- gree. Wed., Oct. 4, Rackham Am- phitheatre. 7:30 p.m. All graduate students who are working or plan to work for the PhD degree should attend, The University Extension Serv-" or by the complications of a slide rule . "After hours" pinochle games, picnics, and canoe trips all sound like great fun but these activities -are not resigned to the college! capus. However, there are some activities which can be found only o n 1 y on a college campus; That's w h a t makes f o r a more enjoyable college career. It seems that human nature is such that we remember the happier events of our lives (rah-rah) much easier than the trials which we have endured (studying foi blue books and related "traditions"). There doesn't seem to be any- thing wrong with the "Michigan Spirit" except that it's lacking. -Gordon Zelner, '52 Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students o the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jim Brown......... Managing Editor Paul Brentlinger. .. City Editor Roma Lipsky ...,. Editorial Director' Dave Thomas .......... Feature EditW 'Janet Watts . ..... .. Associate Editor- Nancy Bylan A......:Associate Editor James Gregory ...... Associate Editor IBill Connolly.. ...Sports Editor Bob Sandell .. Associate Sports Editor Bill Brenton .. Associate Sports Editor Barbara Jans. . Women's Editor Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Daniels......Business Manager Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager Donna Cady ...... Advertising1Manager Bob Mersereau......Finance Manager Carl Breltkreitz .. Circulation Manager Tele phone 23-24-1 P i Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press isexclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Past Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mal mater. Subscription during regular sokool year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. i I BARNABY Srhia's your CdO-q.Bornobv.9 And your dopey Fairy Godfafher's up a free. - Mr. O'Malley?J He fried to ArrE eu?... rwur' a bl s n OWN" rat You're sure fheres no sfory in this; Shrdlu? I I m :;'1 I