r.AGE. FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1950 Atom Day Program PHOENIX PROJECT officials have been worrying about the outcome of Atom Day, tomorrow, ever since they announced it last week. Not too many of them seem worried about the outcome of the drive for $6,500,000 which will begin then. In fact they 'seem quite confident that faculty, students, alumni and friends of the Uni- versity will contribute generously to the atomic research memorial, What they are worried about seems a small matter when compared to the month- long national drive and its overall purpose. Officials in charge of the Atom Day pro- gram are afraid that it may flop here in Ann Arbor. The talent that Project workers have lined up should assure it of success. Aside Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the weriters only. NIGHT EDITOR: CHUCK ELLIOTT from outstanding speakers at nearly 200 meetings throughout the country, the pro- gram here is an exceptional one with Gordon Dean, chairman of the Atomic Energy Com- mission, Sen. Ferguson, Pres. Ruthven, and Fritz Chrisler on the schedule. But Marv Lubeck, student chairman, and other Project planners are still afraid that Hill Auditorium will not be packed. This doesn't speak too well for student interest in the Phoenix Project. Having had experience with University students, they know that when David Lilienthal opens this year's lecture series Hill will be well crowded, And they know that any- thing that seems connected with a Uni- versity project will usually not get half such a turn-out. However students must remember that the Phoenix Project originated from them and is planned to honor those who have lost their lives in war. As students jam the stadium on Saturday to cheer a team that represents Michigan, they should jam Hill Auditorium tomorrow night in the same way -and really for the same purpose. -Vernon Emerson. Rushees, Take Note HJAVING carefully read the legal docu- ment concerning rushing regulations, surrendered several facts on your personal life and attended well-organized mass meet- ings designed to better prepare you for the two weeks of bargaining, today you are ready to.sally forth and meet the Fraternity Men eye to eye. Make no mistake, it will be a tense, try- ing period-a period wrought with anxiety and frustrations. You, as a rushee, must steer yourself against these obstacles. With the idea of making it less trying, we are listing a series of topics of conver- Isation on which you should be prepared to talk. Naturally this list isn't the final word in rushing topics. Often some new topic may - : added, and gad, if some fraternity man doesn't think of it, who will? The list is as follows: 1. Your name (if it's Dewey, pronouce It loud and clear.) (Also during the social call try to maintain a broad smile.) 2. Your home town and Ann Arbor resi-. dent (if there is a lull in conversation at this point, you might mention your room number.) 3. Your field of concentration (don't mind the snickers if it happens to be pre- med, the 5,000 other freshmen pre-meds get the same treatment.) 4. You might mention if you were vale- dictorian at your high school. (It would be strategically wise to save this point for fraternities whose averages dropped below 2.4.) 5. Casually mention if dad was a for- mer member of the fraternity (this will be relatively important, when your per- sonality is considered.) 6. Avoid wearing a striped tie and gray flannels (you might be confused with the regular members), but we would recom- mend your imported tweed and hand-stitch- ed overcoat. 7. Above all, remember to keep smiling, names, rush alphabetically to avoid be- coming confused about which fraternity you are visiting and remember, Keep Smil- ing. (Any reprints of this article or any part of this article' without the expressed per- mission of the IFC will be considered a blow against the grand old fraternity sys- tem and will be dealth with accordingly). -Ron Watts ON THE Washington Merry- Go -Round WITH DREW PEARSON It Seems to Me (EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Nuechterlein, a graduate student in Poitical Science, has recently re- turned from Europe. This is the first in a series of columns he will write for The Daily.) By DON NUECHTERLEIN MERICANS are making a big mistake f today in thinking that people in the Western European countries are sold on the principles of American foreign policy. Some Congressmen have the idea that because Uncle Sam has given billions of dollars in economic and military aid to Western Europe, this automatically as- sures that these countries will uncondi- tionally accept American leadership in the struggle against Soviet Russia. Noth- ing could be farther from the truth. Europeans appreciate American aid since the war and are wforking hard to make themselves economically self - sufficient. However, they are not convinced that American planners fully understand the problems involved and are therefore dubious about our foreign policy in the cold war. The impression I received during a year in Europe was that Europeans think America is still too immature in her international thinking to carry out an effective program to combat communist propaganda. Overwhelming fear of another great war is one aspect of European thinking that many Americans simply do not appreciate. Those millions who lost their homes and families during the German invasion and occupation and then were subjected to the devastation that went with the liberation are so scared of another,such war that the threat of a Russian invasion and a com- munist dictatorship does not stir them as it would people who never experienced the war close to home. This fear of war also explains the sentiment in some quarters of Europe that there will be no active resistance in case of war. It seems to me that the Russians are outbidding .us by realizing this anti-war sentiment throughout Western Europe and catching the ears of millions with their peace campaigns. This propaganda has its effect. It looks to many Europeans as if Russia really wants peace while America steadily prepares for war. Secretary of the Navy Matthews showed a remarkable lack of understanding of this sentiment when he advocated that the United States fight a preventive war against Russia. Statements like his send a wave of jitters across Europe and give the Commu- nists the best propaganda weapons the? could wish for. Many Americans also fail to understand the intense hatred and fear still felt throughout Europe for the Germans. The terrible destruction of two World Wars caused by German militarism is not sa easily forgotten in the ravaged European countries as in the United States, where there really was no war at all. As a result, Europeans are deathly afraid cx American proposals to rearm Germany, lest we produce another Frank- enstein monster. And many people in the former occupied countries, France for ex- ample, frankly wonder whether the Rus- sians are any more a threat than a new and powerful Germany. Closely tied to this is the question of Franco Spain. People who experienced the terror of fascism at the hands of Hitler see no reason why aid and comfort should be given to Franco's regime simply because 1950 finds the West with another enemy. Arguments that Spain is needed as a base in case of war with Russia causes Euro- peans to fear that American military plan- ners will scuttle the rest of the continent if the Red Army moves West. This prospect certainly does not instill hope among our friends in France and Belgium. Finally, Europeans ,are skeptical of our foreign policy because of the anti-socialist campaigns in Congress and the American press. Many West European countries have Social Democratic governments and there are strong socialist parties in the others. In Denmark and Great Britain, for instance, thees parties have done a lot of good and won the support of many people. Europeans feel that if America wants capitalism that's her privilege; but they don't want Americans trying to tell them what is best for them. They want to work out their own destinies, unhampered by pressure and propaganda from the United States. The conclusion, it seems to me, is that Americans should stop acting like the par- war,ent-guardian of Europe. Europeans are much wiser in many respects than we are and if we.hope to keep them as true friends and have them as strong allies in case of war, it's about time that we show a little more understanding of the European point of view on these issues. Antil-Inflation URING the last year, says Chairman Mc- Cabe of the Federal Reserve Board, con- sumer indebtedness, including home mort- gage loans, has increased by approximately 10 billion dollars. In other words, that much money has been made available for spending through loans and credits obtained to buy goods and houses. The Federal Reserve Board is already preparing to stiffen the terms of its recent order intended to curb installment buying, and in cnoneratinn with the T-nnisin- yand 4 WASAINGTON ;sa ll C-- IncW ° - t FI 1 r , ,c h 1 1 The Week's News ... IN RETROSPECT .. . 44E'z.L-cK DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) WASHINGTON-Stuart Symington, czar of civilian mobilization and a city boy, has got himself right in the middle of a bitter, mud-slinging farm fight. The most vituperative fight in Washing- ton is between Secretary of Agriculture Charlie Brannan, author of the Brannan plan, and Allan Kline, president of the Farm Bureau Federation; and this is exactly the battle into which Symington stuck his handsome, innocent head. It all got started when Symington, whose job is to mobilize labor, agriculture and in- dustry on the home front, asked Secretary THOMAS L. STOKES: Progressive South WASHINGTON - The growing moderate type of progressivism in the South is under threat in this year's Congressional elections. Regularly every two years in Congres- sional primary elections, which are decisive in the one-party South, there reappears a long familiar movement to defeat progres- sive candidates and substitute Democratic conservatives who will join with Republi- cans in Congress in the equally familiar coalition that President Truman labeled "obstructionists" in an "oddly assorted group." The movement is by no means entirely .native. Powerful financial interests in the East, absentee landlords of Southern hold- mgs, contribute to it as part of their politi- cal business. A vote in Congress for their interests from the South is just as good as from elsewhere. In fact, it may be better, because it splits and weakens the Democra- tic party in its administration of national affairs and also tends to discredit the Demo- cratic party in other sections. The slowly growing progressive move- ment in the South is not only important in that area, where it is needed to improve the condition of its people, but it also has national interest. For "obstructionist" votes from the South affect people all over the nation. President Truman recognized that in his Chicago speech winding up his cross-country tour by referring to the "backward-looking Senators and Repre- sentatives" who have "hobbled" the Ad- ministration. i Brannan for a list of farm leaders to serve on his "committee on mobilization policy." The list which Brannan sent him did not include Allan Kline. Brannan and Kline's Farm Bureau have been feuding all over the nation regarding the respective merits and demerits of the Brannan Plan, but Symington, engrossed with air power and stockpiling, hadn't paid much attention- So, completely naive and unsuspecting, he appointed to his advisory committee the. names Brannan sent him-Albert Goss, master of the Grange; James Patton, head of the Farmers' Union; and Murray Lin- coln, active in the Ohio faction of the Farm Bureau which opposes Kline and has en- dorsed the Brannan Plan. ILLINOIS JEOPARDIZED Immediately, more trouble than Syming- ton ever knew existed began to rage round his head. As Secretary for air he was in the middle of the B-36-supercarrier fight. He also carried the ball in the 70-air-group battle. Furthermore, he labored under the illusion that farms were placid, peaceful places and that farmers were friendly, fence- leaning philosophers. He was wrong. He found out how wrong he was when he got a telephone call from Scot Lucas of Illinois, the Senate majority leader. Lucas was sore. He had heard from Char- lie Shuman, President of the Illinois Farm Bureau, who also was sore. Shuman had made it clear to Lucas that Symington's boycotting of Allan Kline was not going to be tolerated. And Lucas, in turn, made it clear to Symington that he had been guilty of an affront to the farmers of America. What was worse, this affront might alien- ate the powerful farm vote in the state of Illinois. Symington promptly sent for Kline, asked him to advise him on farm problems at any. and all times, though he did not actually make him a member of the "committee on mobilization policy." Word that Kline is now a "special adviser" to Symington was promptly relayed to Secretary Brannan by the Farm Bureau grapevine, and now Sym- ington is in wrong with the other side. (Copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Dry Cleaning The Mind THERE IS no drawing the line between physics and metaphysics. If you exam- ine evervdav fa c t a11 nlv v n vou ar "OH-I THOUGHT IT WAS ONE OF OUR NEW JETS" ALL EYES focured on Korea last week as UN forces scored some of their greatest triumphs of the war. On Capitol Hill things were pretty quiet; Congress had adjourned to do some campaigning. Here in Ann Arbor a decreased student body bought books, attended a few classes and saw a football game. *Around the World . KOREA-After days of savage fighting in the streets of Seoul, UN liberators finally chased the Korean Reds out of the ancient capitol city. Seoul's capture was of major psychological and strategic importance, and it touched off a UN victory parade through the town, led by General Douglas MacArthur and South Korean President Syng- man Rhee. After turning the city over to Rhee, MacArthur settled down to consider plans for crossing the 38th parallel in pursuit of the shattered Red forces. Already MacArthur's Seoul-area troops had linked up with those from the Pusan beachhead, leaving more than 50,000 of the enemy trapped in the southwest and turning the North Korean retreat into a "complete rout." There was much talk of a quick end to hostilities, and uncon- firmed rumors of a Red peace offer floated through the UN at Flushing Meadows. One thing, at least, seemed certain; the North Koreans couldn't last much longer without outside help. POLICE FORCE-In an unprecedented action, the North Atlantic Council approved the creation of a combined police force to guard the North Atlantic community of nations from Soviet aggresion. Western Germany will be guarded particularly under the new agree- ment. UNITED NATIONS-The UN Security Council finally o ered Com- munist China a chance, after Nov. 15, to present its complaints of American aggression in person. Meanwhile, eight member countries urged that United Na- tions action on unifying Korea be speeded up in order to give Gen. Douglas MacArthurdauthorization for a UN drive north- ward to the Chinese border. The unification, proposed on Thursday by the United States, would be embodied in a six-point program. The purpose of the program is to make Korea into a free and independent nation, under the guidance of all the United Nations. Nationalr... THE WHITE HOUSE-President Truman penned his signature to a 17 billion dollar bill for strengthening the defenses of the United States and its allies. Later, Truman said the U.S. could not afford to cut down its defense program after the Korean war ends. FIFTEEN ROUNDS-It marked the end of an era in the sports world Wednesday night when the fighting career of Detroit-born Joe Louis was brought to a bloody, inglorious close. Louis was defeated by Ezzard Charles in a 15-round bout for the world heavyweight crown. CRIME-In three cities across the nation state and Federal in- vestigators were looking into big-time crime. In Chicago a U.S. Sen- ate Investigating Committee stepped up its work after two investiga- tors were slain in typical gangland style. Other investigators were trying to uncover links between crime and politics in New York City and Kansas City. Local.. . LESS PEOPLE-University enrollment has taken the first big skid in five years. Incomplete figures, released by Registrar Ira M. Smith early in the week indicated a ten per cent decrease in the number of students enrolled. The campus population now stands at 18,527 as compared with 20,618 last year. The enrollment decrease, however, was welcomed by campus officials whose job it is to find classrooms and lecture halls enough to go around. LANDMARKS SCRAPPED-Finishing a job begun soon after the Haven Hall fire last spring, wreckers knocked down the last bits of that building this week, in addition to finishing off Mason Hall and University Hall. I-A-Returning students, the male ones at least, had a new institution to deal with-the draft. Questions concerning status have kept local selective service information centers busy during the last week. EXTRA-CURRICULAR-A year long study on the whole ques- tion of first-semester freshmen participation in activities was launch- ed by the Student Affairs Committee. The study came on the heels of SAC's decision to waive the eligibility ban in the case of freshmen in University Glee Clubs. AVERAGE UP-Campus grade point averages for the past year were revealed Thursday, showing, among other things, that eight fraternities had failed to make the required 2.4 average. On the brighter side, the overall campus average rose .01 of a grade point over the previous year. ATOM DAY-Governor G. Mennen Williams proclaimed tomor- row as Atom Day throughout the state of Michigan. The proclama- tion gives official recognition to the beginning of the fund-raising campaign for the Michigan Memorial Phoenix Project. -Bob Keith and Chuck Elliott. Robert Brown McGhea William McGonagle Sarah McHale Robert McColly Mary A. McPherson Naomi Mehlman Rosemary Michelmann David Miller June E. Moore J. B. Mosteller, Jr. Maribel J. Murray Betsy Nebel Elaine Nogelvoort Kathrn Noxon Owen A. Noxon Mary Ellen Nyberg Walter Oberreit David J. Otto Samuel Pasieucer James s .Peterson Mary Jo Poitenhauer Elizabeth A. Puglisi Judith C. Raub Nyles Reinfeld Frances Reitz John Riordan Marcus Rowden Justine Rowden Leon Roach William A. Sadler, Jr. Marvin J. Seven Laverne Schmtikons Robert M. Schwarner Jean Schutt W. C. Shadford Jerome Shapiro Mildred Shapiro Mart Sharda Lanette Sheaffer Catherine Shinn Robert P. Skye Tom Sparrow Walter K. Stanton Edward M. Strauss Tomas M. Straus John Charles Strictand Renee Targan Emily Tomell Dorothy Urban Harvey VanDike Jackie Wenk W. W. Wilkinson Jacquelyn Yund Bluma Zilber Donald Zill Joseph L. Zinnes Boarding Accommodations. There are openings in both men and women Cooperative houses for boarders. Reasonable rates and about three hours of work a week. For information call: Person- nel Chairman, 2-2218. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Geo- rge Sherman Wells, Biological Chemistry; thesis: "Urinary Ex- cretion of Histidine by Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Individuals," Tues., Oct. 3, 313 W. Medcal Bldg., 2 p.m. Chairman, H. B. Lewis. Mathematics Seminar. Organi- zational Meeting to arrange semi- nars in the Mathematics Depart- ment will be held Tues., Oct. 3, Rm. 3011 Angell Hall, at 5:15 p.m. Applications for Grants in Sup- port of Research Projects: Faculty members, who wish to apply for grants from the Research Funds to support research projects dur- ing the current academic year, should file their applications in the Office of the Graduate School by Mon., Oct. 9. Application forms will be mailed or can be obtained at Rm. 1006 Rackham Bldg., Tele- phone 372. Freshman Health Lectures for Men: It is a University require- ment that all entering Freshmen, including veterans, attend a ser- vies of lectures on Personal and Community Health and pass an examination on the content of these lectures. Transfer students with freshman standing (less than 30 hrs. credit) are also required to take the course unless they have had a similar course elsewhere which has been accredited here. Upperclassmen who were here as freshmen and who did not ful- fill the requirements are request- ed to do so this term. The lectures will be given in the Natural Science Auditorium at 4, 5, and 7:30 p.m. as follows: ing to the idea of one God, in comparison with the rise of mono theism in Isreal and the bearing of this development on the faith of a man like Ghandi, who could honor the New Testament and yet feel no need to become a Christian. Noncredit course, eight weeks, $5. Prof. Leroy Waterman. Mon., opening Oct. 2, 7:30 p.m. 146 School of Bus. Admin. Bldg. Understanding Poetry. Based on the belief that the understanding of poetry is a stimulating experi- ence, the informal lectures and discussions of this course will af- ford practice in reading a number of poems representing the course of twentieth-century poetry, Brit- ish and American. Versification, imagery, and the play of ideas will be considered, with special at- tention given to the work of con- temporary American poets. Non- credit courst, sixteen weeks, $10.00. Dr. Donald . Hill. Mon., 7:30 p.m. (Opened S t. 25) 171 School of Bus. Admin. Bldg. Chamber Music for Recreation. A performance course to intro- duce players to chamber music and to fellow chamber musicians. Participants are organized into small ensembles, major emphasis to be placed on performance ex- perience of each group. Open to University students and members of the community, with or with- out previous ensemble experience. Prerequisite: ability to play easy chamber works. Noncredit course, eight weeks, $5.00. Prof. Oliver A. Edel. Tues., 7 pm., (Opened September 26) 1022 University High School Semantics - Scientific Living . Fundamentals of the science of meaning with special reference to the meaning of words as a guide to successful living; the linguistic bases of sane thinking and sane conduct. Applications of general semantics to the solution of per- sonal and social problems. Le- tures, demonstrations, and discus- sions. Noncredit course, eight weeks, $5.00. Prof. Clarence L. Meader. Tues., opening Oct. 3, 7 p.m. 171 School of Bus. Admin. Bldg. Masterpieces of Music Literature II (Music Literature 42). The his- tory and analysis of selected com- positions, both vocal and instru- mental, from Bach to the present day. This course may be elected for two hours of undergraduate credit or for no credit. If taken for credit, the student must attend regularly a weekly laboratory per- iod. $16.00. Prof. Glenn D. Mc- Geoch. Wed., 7 p.m., (opened Sept. 27). 206 Burton Memorial Tower. Concerts Choral Union Concert. Helen Traubel, Wagnerian operatic so- prano of the Metropolitan Opera, with Coenraad Bos at the piano, will give the first concert in the Choral Union Series Thurs. eve- ning, Oct. 5, in Hill Auditorium. Her program will include composi- (Continued on Page 8) I~~ 1Mr4iu &i L I : f. Lecture; 1 2 3 4 5 6 No. Day Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Mon. Tues. Date Sept. 25 Sept. 26 Sept. 27 Sept. 28 Oct. 2 Oct. 3 Oct. 4 Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jim Brown .........Managing Editor Paul Brentlinger........City Editor Roma Lipsky....... Editorial Director Dave Thomas.........Feature Editor Janet Watts ....... .. Associate Editor Nancy Bylan........ Associate Editor James Gregory....... Associate Editor Bill Connolly......Sports Editor Bob Sandell .. Associate Sports Editor Bill Brenton .. Associate Sports Editor Barbara Jans.. ...Women's Editor Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Daniels ........ Business Manager Walter Shapero Assoc. BusinessManager Donna Cady ...... Advertising Manager Bob Mersereau......Finance Manager Carl Breitkreitz .. Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press isexclusively entitled to the use for republication of allnews dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Past Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, asasecond-class mail mater. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6 .00: by mail, $7.00. !I 7 (Final Exam) Wed. You may attend at any of the above hours. Enrollment will take place at the first lecture. Please note that attendance is required. The University Extension Serv- ice announces that registration is still open in the following classes: Comparative Religion-The Re- ligions of India. A study of the- istic development in India, lead- a BARNABY r Hey; look, rnr. -nr e (M'boy, I've got the man for the lob! S S coop~ Shrdlurl has been in 'I -as a printer's devil. Been in the business one way or anther ti to nw:P erfec4 nbatrcund. Now, Shrdlu, I want this publicity campaign to land me on the front inaeoa nlthea nnners in a varv