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January 19, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-01-19

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_________________________________________________________ I

top dote

T Hi STUDENT Affairs Committee's re-
cent decision to allow any fraternity or
sorority which is forced to close down be-
cause of the war mobilization program to re-
activate at the end of the war-even though
their constitutions still contain discrimina-
tory clauses-was the fairest course which
the SAC could take.
Under a regulation passed by the SAC
two years ago any )new campus group, or
any group which temporarily suspended
activities, either for personal or disci-
plinary reasons, would have been denied
recognition if it prohibited membership
because of race, religion or color.
The wisdom of this earlier ruling was
certainly never questioned by the SAC Tues-
day. The committeee realized that such a
regulation was necessary to prevent the
spread of social unjustices in campus or-
ganizations and would constitute a barrier
to the establishment of additional narrow-
minded organizations which have failed to
recognize their moral responsibilties to the
democratic society tin which they exist.
BUT THE SAC realized that if the war
mobilization program forces a number
of fraternities to close down, it would be
grossly unfair to refuse to allow them to re-
activate at the conclusion of the national
Many of these fraternities, on their
own initiative, ace sincerely making every
effort to effect the removal of the bias,
clauses in their constitutions through
their national organizations. Such at-
tempts will be halted, however, if the
membership is called into the Armed
Forces. In some cases the national organi-
zations themselves would probably close
down for the duration. Even if they re-
mained active, there would be no one left
in the local group to pressure them to
remove the clauses.

By refusing to allow these groups to re-
activate the SAC would, in effect, be penal-
izing the members of these groups for
serving the country in the Armed Forces.
s * *
THE SUSPENSION of this earlier regula-
tion by the SAC has absolutely no bear-
ing on its consideration of the Student
Legislature's recommendation that the SAC
force all campus groups to remove any
discriminatory clause from their consti-
tutions by 1956 or be denied official recog-
Tuesday's action was necessitated only
by the press of international events and
the SL recommendation is completely
unrelated to this consideration. It will be
duly discussed by the SAC as a separate
It should also be pointed out that it
probably will be some time before the SAC
reaches a decision on the Legislature's
Because it is a complex problem, the com-
mittee is planning to call in spokesmen for
both the SL and the affiliated groups. In
addition, the study of campus attitudes
towards minority groups conducted by the
Survey Research Center last year will be
carefully considered before any action is
* * *
IVILE on the subject of the Student Af-
fairs Committee, I should note that
Tuesday's meeting also marked the retire-
ment from the committee of Prof. Lionel
H. Laing. An SAC member sfor more than
two years, Prof. Laing has labored unceas-
ingly in the students' interest. He has been
an enthusiastic champion of student gov-
ernment and student self-control. For your
unselfish efforts and your deep understand-
ing of student problems and attitudes, Prof.
Laing, we can only say thanks. Your counsel
will be missed on the SAC.

As ian Program

UNDOUBTEDLY, A predetermined, long
range program is needed in Asia to stem
the onrushing Communist tide. But it would
be folly to base such a program upon sup-
port of the incumbent governments in the
Our unfortunate experience with Chiang
Kai-shek's Kuomintang seems to bear that
out. It was not long ago that we forward-
ed huge loans-a large portion in the form
of deposit currency-to the now derelict
Chiang. These loans were earmarked for
China in the hope that Chiang would in-
stitute needed political and economic re-
forms in his country.
But Chiang, surrounded by a clique of po-
litical incompetents, utterly disregarded the
pressing need for land reform is his country.
Nor were the Chinese people given a greater
The Weekend
In Towvn
formidable Gopher squad this weekend, and
the Minnesota boys will be out to avenge a
double defeat suffered earlier this month.
Today's contest begins at 8 p.m. in the Coli-
seum, tomorrow's at 8:30.
SPARTANS and Wolverines will tangle
under the hoops when Michigan State Col-
lege's basketballers invade Yost Field House
for a Conference clash at 7:30 p.m. tomor-
FOR THAT "lull - before - the - storm"
breather, those in the know choose the Un-
ion's "Bluebook Ball." Intermission enter-
tainment and the danceable rhythms of "4-
point" Tinker will make exam worries vanish
in a twinkle. From 9 p.m. to midnight to-
morrow at the Union Ballroom.
Decision," a Broadway smash two years ago,
will be presented by the Speech Department
at 8 p.m. today and tomorrow, at Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
bill headlining Charlie Chaplin and Rudolf
Valentino, proves that the Gin and Jazz Era.
can hold appeal even today. Charlie cavorts
with Marie Dressler in "Tillie's Punctured
Romance," while Rudy keeps 'em swooning
via "The Eagle." Presented by the SL Cine-
ma Guild at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. tomorrow,
Hill Auditorium.
THUNDER ROCK, utilizing the talents of
Michael Redgrave, Lilli Palmer and James
Mason. An exceptional British film. Extra
-"Our Mr. Shakespeare." This weekend at
the Orpheum.
classic from-kickoff to final gun. At 2 and
4 p.m. tomorrow, 2, 4, 7 and 9 p.m. Sunday,
Hill Auditorium.
nTTT SV M ,T1T^ _,_.,Y , 6.-j. ._,

voice in governmental affairs. Instead, we
were told by the Nationalist leader that the
Chinese people needed a period of "political
And even more disheartening was the
fact that much of the aid inevitably found
its way into the pockets of disreputable
Chinese politicians.
It is little wonder then that the Chinese
Communists swept down from the North and
handed the Nationalists a striking defeat.
Essentially, the governments of Middle and
Southeast Asia are prototypes of the deposed
Chiang's. Despotic, these feudal states have
failed precisely where Chiang failed. From
Egypt to Thailand, they remain heedless of
the same urgent problems: land reform and
a democratic approach to government. Con-
sequently, it would be futile to buttress them
with our economic or diplomatic support,
only to see them collapse in the near future.
Because these feudal monarchies have not
met their responsibility to their peoples, the.
poverty ridden Asian area is seething with
revolution. Supreme Court Justice William
0. Douglas, who recently returned from that
area, points out that the masses of Asians
are demanding economic and political re-
form. Douglas explains their only alternative
at present is to turn to the Communist Par-
ty, which is exploiting the situation. The
Reds, he claims, are .winning by default.
What the Asians actually need are pro-
gressive parties which would make their po-
sition clear on land reform, democratic pro-
cedure, unemployment insurance, price con-
trol, taxation, food rationing, TVA programs,
civil rights, and other importune Asian
problems. Such a program could emancipate
the discontented masses of Asians from their
acute poverty - and political fetters. At the
same time, they would serve as unrelenting
forces against Communist aggression.
The existence of large liberal elements,
who want reform-but not Communist re-
form, has been reported by Douglas and
many others who have traveled the steppes
of Asia. Actually, such groups existed, and
probably still exist in China. It has been
estimated that the Chinese Liberty Party,
a progressive group led by such men as Prof.
Chang Hsi-jo of the University of Kunming,
numbered more than, a million adherents.
Both Douglas and Afif Tannous of the Agri-
cultural Department claim that these liberal
groups are even larger in other parts of the
It would be disastrous for the U.S. to
make the same mistake in Middle and
Southeast Asia as in China, where we
turned our backs on the efforts of the Li-
berty Party. We must make it clear that
we do not support the practices of the
present Orient governments and steer
away from any entangling alliances or
committments with them, such as econo-
mic aid. At the same time, we can reach
some kind of an accord with the liberal
forces in the Orient.
Such a program must be handled with the
greatest care. Outright intervention and
"imperialism" in the Far East are certainly
not its intent.
Yet, without doing this, we can still
adopt some measure of co-operation with
liberal groups and their reform programs.
Thr s what DnY a - eantw e h

The Great
FOR A BETTER PART of the past two
weeks the chambers of the United
States Senate have been filled with pro-
lific amounts of oratory-all a part of the
Great Debate. Broadly the topic of the
Great Debate deals with our foreign policy,
but more fundamentally, the constitutional
right of the President to send troops into
a conflict without the consent of Congress
is the basis of all the speech making. It has
proven a perplexing problem to all types of
people ranging from the theoretical consti-
tutionalist to a down-the-line party member.
Senator Robert Taft brought the entire
situation to a sharp focus by calling Presi-
dent Truman's action of sending troops to
Korea unconstitutional. Senator Taft
seems to have given the Constitution' a
strict constructionist interpretation. He
points to the clause that gives Congress
the right to declare war. However, Truman
was acting only under a precedent estab-
lished by former presidents of this coun-
It is fairly obvious that in times of crisis,
immediate military action is of great im-
portance. When enemy troops 'are bent on
aggression, it is no time for our legislators
to debate the advisibility of war. President
Truman faced such a situation with the ad-
vent of the Korean war and took action
based on his "presidential prerogative."
Probably the most sensible view taken
so far in the Great Debate was that of
Sentor Paul Douglas, a Democrat from
Illinois. He defended President Truman's
action in Korea. But on the issue of com-
mitting troops to Europe, he joined Taft
in asking for a Congressional permission.
His decision was based on the follow-
ing points.
1. The situation in Europe is obviously
not of the same type as Korea or other
critical emergencies in the past. The Euro-
pean army is in a formative stage. There
is plenty of time for Congressional debate.
2. About a year ago when the Senate was
holding hearings on the North Atlantic
Pact Treaty under which the European army
is being created, Senator Bourke Hicken-
looper closely questioned Secretary of State
Acheson on the point of troop commitments.
Senator Hickenlooper specifically asked
Acheson if joining in this pact carried any
obligations of troop commitments. Ache-
son's answer was a clear and simple, "No."
It seems logical that President Truman
cannot go ahead with his plans for sending
troops to Europe under the guise that the
Senate's ratification of the North Atlantic
Pact Treaty would sanction such action
without making Acheson's answer to Hick-
enlooper appear inconsistent with President
Truman's present policy.
-Ron Watts.
A PUBLIC HEARING before the Common
Council tonight may decide the out-
come of the long-standing zoning battle
that has been going on in Ann Arbor.
And if the meeting convirices the coun-
cil that it should adopt Prof.,A. D. Moore's
amendment to the zoning ordinance
nothing will have been accomplished other
than further complication of an already
muddled situation.
In itself Prof. Moore's plan is a fine com-
promise. By setting up a special A-1 district
the plan should calm townspeople's de-
mands that the fraternities and sororities
be dumped out of the restricted A and AA
residential zones. At the same time it gives
the groups a chance to survive in the A-1
area which is planned specifically for them.
But the plan falls short in two ways. It
leaves nine fraternities out of A-1 and ex-

cludes league and co-op houses from the
These groups will be allowed to remain
where they are now, but it will require a
good deal of red tape for them to do so in-
definitely. Because of this failure the
amendment should be voted down.
But if Prof. Moore's solution is not ac-
cepted just how shall the fraternity-sorori-
ty-zoning problem be handled? As it is now,
the legality of house group existence in the
restricted zones is a muddled question. The
city zoning ordinance forbids the existence
of multiple dwellings in the A or AA areas.
Fraternities and sororities are not defined
by this law as multiple dwellings - but
neither are they termed single or two-family
In 1928 the state Supreme Court did rule
that a fraternity house could not be built
in a restricted zone as it can not be defined
as a single-family dwelling. The group
houses, however, have never been prosecuted
by the building inspector for violating the
law, and the council has never restricted
them from A or AA although Ann Arbor
citizens have previously demanded that it
do so.
The easiest way out of the present dilem-
ma would seem to be simply to leave the
ruling alone. This obviously does not aid
the local citizens. But neither does the new
amendment, which is apparently the best
solution to date. Any other more restrictive
action would be both impractical and un-
fair to the fraternities and sororities.
At any rate, it would be to the advantage
of all interested students to attend the meet-
ing tonight and give the council their views

F, ,., Ed T

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
'Abelous letters, and letters which for any rason are not in good taste will
oe condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Calendar Plan
To the Editor:

Elliott could have put some meat
on the straw-filled body. He could
have showed, for instance, that
Soviet composers, like Prokofieff,,

AM ALL IN favor of a new sys- Khatchaturian, Shostakovitch, are
tem of setting up the University not half so good as their Ameri-
calendar, but I do not think that can contemporaries. . . .
the proposed system is the best He might also have shown-and
way to do it. , I think that he'd have been right
First, what are we trying to do? -that the present sad state of
As I understand it, the central idea Soviet literature, cinema a n d
is to adjust the school year so that painting are the direct result of
Christmas vacation will not come Russian theories on art.
during the waning hours of the But what about the fellow he's
first semester, thus disrupting refuting? The weak-chinned, wild-
classes just before the final exams. eyed, long-haired (I know the ster-
This is a most commendable idea. eotype as well as he does) young
There is, however, another way Bohemian that thinks American
of doing the same thing, that I art stinks-does he like Soviet art?
feel would be much better than Maybe. Good art is the expres-
the proposed plan. My proposal sion of a people, he may think,
would be to junk the present ar- and good Soviet art will be the
chair, system of two semesters in kind that best expresses the will
favor of a system of threeterms, and spirit of the Russian people.
such as the system used at a great It's a good theory, and to refute
many other colleges and univer- it Elliott will have to fight almost
sityes (such as OhioState and every Russian critic and half the
MSC, to name two). non-Russian critics - both pre-
In the first place, the proposed and post-Revolution.
plan would have classes beginning But only half. Maybe this lit-
in August and ending in May with tle man he's talking about thinks
the semesters separated by Christ- at artpeirsonality,preionuey fre
mas vacation. Beginning classes in entity that may react to, but must
August seems to me to be about not be forcibly restctoed b, his
the same as beginning day in the society. His is a good theory, too.
middle of the night so you could It's been held by the other half of
eat. lunch at 10 o'clock and avoid those critics I mentioned, particu-
the noon-hour rush. Under a three larly by the Romantics and by the
term system classes would begin large modern school that contri-
and end- at just about the same butes most to the theoretical posi-
time as now. The first term would tion of the Inter-Arts Union.
end about a week before Christ- So we have at least two major
mas, the second term would end schools that agree that American
during March, and the third would popular art is lousy. But that's all
end in June. they agree about. They aren't the
Under the three term system, same little straw-man, but two
the beginning and end of the term different people, just as Jean-
would obviously be somewhat clos- Paul Sattre is different from Louis
er together than they are now. Aragon.
What happened in class during -J. M. Morris
the first few weeks of the term , . s
would not seem nearly so much!
like something out of the dark World Order . .
distant past. Since most courses To the Editor:
tend to examine students in many
details, these details would be bet- R. GENE MOSSNER'S recent
ter retained at the time of the series of exclamation points
final. was aptly captioned "Reply to
I have yet to discover anything Seltzer" becaus

"I Knock Off A Good Percentage Right Over Here"
*/.Y-y r

.. .
. ; .
, J



when there were thirteen separate
governments with thirteen separ-
ate militias, with the big states
jealously coveting their absolute
sovereignty, and with New York
and New Hampshire having al-
most gone to war over a Dorder
dispute-in 1789 there were a lot
of Mr. Mossners who shook their
heads and wrung their hands and
said it won't work. But there were
also boys like Washington and
Jefferson and Franklin around
then and they saw to it that law
took over, as it had to if we were
to survive, where anarchy and
sovereignty had prevailed before.
And the Mr. Mossners turned out
to be wrong because it worked.
Next, the seemingly irrefutable
argument that the Russians won't
cooperate in the UN so they won't
cooperate in a world government
is based on our national delusion
that the Russian leaders have iv-
ory for brains....
Lastly, I'm all for turning to re-
ligion for guidance in these cheer-
less days if one doesn't just sit
around waiting for Santa Claus
to bring it to the world but dy-
namically does his best to make
Christ's precepts come true. II
think the golden rule is peachy
andkuse it every day in dealing
with my patients. I only point out
that there are people in the world
who do not use it and that's why
we need police-to preserve law
and order in towns, in cities, in
states, in 'nations, and now finally
in the whole world. Or, to work it
backwards, disband the police
force in Detroit and see what
happens. Within a week or may-
be a month we'd have a pilot
plant of today's international an-
archy going full blast. It would
then be time to sit down and ar-
gue on the practicability of set-
ting up a police force in Detroit
-H. S. Seltzer, M.D.
Criticism . .
To the Editor:
Naomi Schlossberg on behalf-of
myself and many others, on'find-
ing a suitable definition for the
movie and drama critics of The
Daily's staff.
May I point out, however, that
she forgot to apply this definition
to The Daily's music critic, Mr.
Harvey Gross, as well. I am sure
that he does not wish to be over-
looked and after his written com-
ments on the Don Cossack con-
cert, I am sure he won't be.
I am only a freshman and make
no pretense at being as qualified
to pass judgment as Mister Gross,
since I am still able to enjoy life.
May I make a friendly sugges-
tion to Mister Gross that he try
the new, whizz medicine, Hada-
col; it is supposed to relieve indi-
gestion and better your general
condition. Maybe it will cure Mis-
ter Gross of his sour outlook on
life; and who knows? Maybe one
day he will only partially dislike a
-Sally Donegan '54
Hockey . .
To the Editor:
AJAY WE suggest to Mr. Stuart
Hertzberg that he go out for
the hockey team. With his intro-
spective knowledge of the game,
plus the fact that four members
of the team are injured, we feel
that he would be a tremendous
asset for the games this weekend.
If Michigan loses any more hock-
ey games this year, we would like
to recommend that Mr. Hertz-
berg replace Coach Heyliger in-
-Allan E. Holmes, '54E
-Herb Wagner, '54
--Jack Kleinert, '52 Ed.

--Martin L. Lee, '52

(Continued from Page 3)
Hospital manager in hospital
in Grand Rapids (hospital ad-
ministration preferred).
Junior design egineer for
Kimberly-Clark, Neenah, Wiscon-
Three metallurgical engineers
for steel company in Pennsylvan-
Mechanical engineers for farm
equipment manufacturer in Wis-
A department store in Milwau-
kee is interested in students for
their junior executive training
A St. Louis, Missouri company
needs a junior salesman for Mi-
chigan territory.
Women: We have several re-
quests for women who are labor-
atory technicians or have majored
in mathematics or bacteriology.
Contact work (women) with
mothers and doctors for food
company in Detroit area, market-
ing, nursing or home economics
majors preferred.
Stenography and typing posi-
tions in Detroit area and various
other locations.
American Airlines, Chicago of-
fice, are interested in segiors or
undergraduates for positions as
airline stewardesses.
For further information call at
the Bureau of Appointments,
Room 3528, Administration Bldg.
University Lecture, auspices of
the Departments of Astronomy
and Geology. "The Structure' of
the Earth." Harold Jeffreys, Pro-
fessor of Astronomy and Experi-
mental Philosophy, Cambridge
University, England. Fri., Jan. 19,
4:15 pm., Rackham Amphithea-
University Lecture in Journa-
lism: Basil L. Walters, execu-
tive editor of Knight Newspapers,
Inc.; will give a campus lecture
before a journalism assembly at
3 p.m., Fri., Jan. 19, Room 2003,
Angell Hall. Coffee hour, 4 p.m.,
news room, Department of Jour-
Lecture on Isotopes: Dr. S. Al-
lan Lough, Chief of the Radioiso-
topes Branch, Isotopes Division,
United States Atomic Energy Di-
vision at Oak Ridge will discuss
the production, availability and
use of radioisotopes in biological
sciences at 4:15 p.m., Wed., Feb.
7, Rackham Amphitheatre; aus-
pices of the Phoenix Project and
the Department of Biological
Academic Notices
Economics 121 (Labor) and
Economics 222 (Collective Bar-
gaining) will not be given the
second semester.
(Continued on Page 5)



really worthwhile ir this two se-
mester system under which we op-
erate. It seems to me to be one of
those old, archaic, fixed principles
which we just hate to give up for
fear of being too radical....
The men in Our University seem'
to have realized that some sort of
change is needed. But rather than
attempting to bend an old, worn
out system, I think it would be
much more advantageous to every-
one if the University Fathers
would simply scrap the old sys-
tem and start in anew....
-John Bogue
** *

JUlG uuue i riiy was --Jerry Liebw,12
a reply to my nam instead of* * *
to my argument for limited world Mustache Wax -
Admitted, that a supranational To the Editor:
government will not solve all our
difficulties. What I said was it YOUR REPORTER is a com-
is the only means, bar none, of plete idiot. In reporting the
preventing world wars, which is campus mustache wax crisis he
at present the principal difficul- failed to call to the attention of
ty confronting the alleged civiliz- patriotic Americans everywhere
ed world. And you can't slough the explosive nature of the basic
off our only chance for sur.vival issues. I refer to the vicious black
with a crock statement like "The market in this exotic commodity
impracticabilities of world gov- which has sprung up to the eter-
ernment are well known to every- nal detriment of starving children
one and I don't think I need ela- of American veterans who cry out
borate on them here." The main in their misery for price controls
impracticability in getting across and rationing.
the concept of world government In brief, Sirs, it bids fair to un-
is people like Mr. Mossner who dermine our glorious republic.
somehow must still think it will ---Glen A. Howland Jr. '53
be easier to put together an atom-
ized, radioactivated and bacter-
ium-scourged planet than to make Communist Membership
an attempt to prevent the sham-
bles from occurring. Their trouble There are 18,000,000 Communists
is that they think it's never been in the world outside the Soviet
done before, when in fact it has Union, according to the Comm-
been done in various ways many form Weekly Bulletin. (The So-
times before. Our shining exam- ' viet Communist party is reported
ple was paralleled with today's to have about 6,000,000 members,
situation for the impracticalists out of a population of about 200,-
by Carl van Doren in THE 000,000.)

Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications,
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown.........Managing Editor
Paul Brentlinger.........City Editor
Roma Lipsky..........Editorial Director
Dave Thomas........ Feature Eldtor
Janet Watts......... ...Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan..........Associate Editor
James Gregory........Associate Editor
Bill Connolly.........Sports Editor
Bob San dell.... Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton.... Associate Sports Editor
Barbara .ans.......:Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staf f
Bob Daniels........Business Manager
Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible.... .Advertising Manager
Bob Mersereau........Finance Manager
Carl Breitkreitz....Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to tie use for republication
of all news dispatches creditea to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan as second-class mal
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier. $6.00; by mail, $7.00.

Art & Politics


To the Editor:
is going to fill up 21 king-size
column inches with a broadside at-'
tack on everybody that dares to
criticize American popular art, he
might first have attempted to find
out what their criticisms are.
As it is, he lumps everybody to-
gether-liberals, Marxists, avant-
gardists, esthetes, socialists-into
o n e hypothetical, bespectacled


What'sthe matter with that Ghost, Barnaby?
O rWetl don't think Gus likes
. .. w to . .

It's such a violent vocation.
And O'Malley is impetuous-
Wi 1' t{ .rye jg E _ -

A car ran off the road down
there, Gus! A big black car-
Grclous! I



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