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Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LXI, No. 85
Austin Urges UN
o Act on China
U.S. Delegate Demands Charge
Of Red Aggression, Asks for Unity
LAKE SUCCESS- (/)-Warren R. Austin demanded yesterday
that the United Nations face facts and condemn Red China for com-
mitting aggression in Korea at Russia's behest.
The American delegate said Communist China leaders have put
their necks "in the Soviet collar," scorned the UN, openly accepted
responsibility for the Chinese Red masses fighting in Korea and must
accept the consequences.
PLEADING FOR positive action to meet Peiping's rejection of the
UN cease fire appeals, Austin laid the following points before the po-
litical committee:
* * * 4 1 1 i . ,a..., of.~t ' r. Cr..
Deans Ask Revisions ofApplications
China's Reply
By The Associated Press
Many nations of the non-Com
munist world seemed unhappy and
,uncertain last night over Red Chi
na's reply to the United Nations
cease-fire proposal for Korea.
France officially said she was
ready to brand Communist China
an aggressor. But she advised cau-
tion-a look before you leap atti-
THE BRITISH cabinet met to
decide what instructions to send
to its UN delegate, Sir Gladwyn
Indian Prime Minister Jawa-
harlal Nehru stuck by his belief
that the Red Chinese reply "does
not constitute a rejection, pure
and simple," of the cease-fire
A similar view was expressed by
Canada's external affairs minis-
ter, L. B. Pearson, who was a mem-
ber of the original UN cease-fire
* * *
RE TOLD a news conference in
iOttawa, however, that there was
considerable ambiguity in the lan
guage used and indicated he fell
-'steps should be taken to get a
clearer understanding of what th
Chinese mean.
In Sydney, Australian exter-
nal affairs minister Percy Spen -
der declared it "will be a great
tragedy for the free world if di-
vided counsels prevent the Unit-
ed Nations from presenting a
united and determined front in
the situation which has develop-
In Moscow, the controlled press
published the reply from Peip-
ing, but carried no editorial com-
Phoenix Given
$110,000 by
Steel Company
The Great Lakes Steel Corpor-
ation yesterday donated $110,0(
to the Phoenix Project to boosi
the campaign over the half-way
mark in its drive for $6,500,000.
George Fink, president of Greal
Lakes Steel, told President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven that the gift
had no restrictions and it is tc
be used for any phase of ,basic
atomic research that the Univer-
sity desires.
'Because of the diversified
nature of our business," Fink
said, "we feel that any advances
In the physical sciences, the
social sciences, medicine or en-
Tgineering will be of material
benefit to the company, its em-
ployees and customers.
' "It is our understanding that
expert investigators in all branch-
es of knowledge will be working
in the Phoenix Project. There-
fore we have decided that our
, contribution to this program
should be allocated in the manner
that the project's administrators'
deem most profitable."
Great Lakes Steel Corporation
is the first member of the steel
Industry to participate in the Pro-
ject. It is a division of the Na-
tional Steel Corporation.
Union Offers New
i. uonemnation orfRed China
as an aggressor.
2. A call by the General Assem-
bly upon the Peiping regime to
cease hostilities and withdraw its
forces from Korea.
3. A re-affirmation of the UN
intention to continue its efforts
to meet aggression in Korea.
4. A call by the Assembly upon
all countries and authorities to
lend their assistance to the Unit-
ed Nations and to refrain from
giving any assistance to the ag-
s 5. Recommendations from the
collective measures committee on
s the next steps. The United States
is reported to be favoring econo-
mic sanctions but Austin did not
- say so at this time.
These points are expected to
be put before the political com-
mittee today in a formal reso-
Ilution backed by numerous
Austin several days ago gained
the backing of every Latin Ameri-
can country and has the support
of several other nations. Britain
and the Commonwealth countries
have not yet made up their minds.
Seek Purge,
Of Potential
Bias Clauses'
SL-CED Study
Aids in Decision
The Conference of Deans yes-
terday issued a recommendation
to the heads of all colleges and
schools in the University that pre-
admission Photographs and ques-
tions regarding race, religion, na-
tional origin and ancestry be
eliminated from admission forms.
"The report will become an ex-
pression of general University
policy," Frank E. Robbins, as-
sistant to the president, said. He
continued that the conclusions of
the report would be given effect
in the working out of admission
* *, *
gested that personal interviews or
other individual tests of profes-:
sional attitudes be requested onlyi
after preliminary screening based
on the candidates record.
The Conference of the Deans
issued their recommendation
after reviewing the report of a
sub-committee which was ap-
pointed by Provost James P.
Adams to study certain current
practices and procedures in the
admission of students to the'
The sub-committee worked with,
members of the Student Legisla-
ture and the Committee to End
Discrimination in gathering opin-
ions and facts.
*, * *
GORGE ROUMELL, '51, presi-
dent of the SL saw the Deans'
action as "a sep in the right
direction."* "I am very much
pleased with the report," he said.
CED Vice-President Arthur
Buchbinder, '51, remarked, "I
am encouraged and proud that
the Deans,' Committee has seen
fit to recommend the removal
of all potentially discriminatory
items from applications."
In its conclusions the sub-com-
mittee headed by Prof. Harold M.
Dorr recognized that questions
concerning religion, race and na-
tivity are felt by some to be a
basis for discrimination.
- * * * *
pointed out that although no
charges of discrimination are cur-
rently lodged against the Univer-
sity, certain questions frequently
asked serve no substantial pur-
pose in the selection of students
and may raise suspicions of dis-
criminatory practices.
The Deans' Committee con-
cluded that a statement of fac-
tors carefully considered in the
admitting process be published
in the announcements of the
schools and colleges.
It also recommended that each
unit be encouraged to develop new
techniques and procedure in those
areas where the questions elimin-
ated were deemed valuable in re-
vealing character traits, profes-
sional attitudes and personal fit-
New College
WASHINGTON - (P) -- Earl
J. McGrath, United States Com-
missioner of Education, aroused a
storm yesterday with a proposal
that Congress defer from military
service half the college freshmen
and all the sophomores, juniort
and seniors to finish their studies.
McGrath told reporters later
that the Senate Preparedness
Sub-committee, which gave the
proposal a hot reception, had
completely missed his point.
"I intend to ask to be heard
again, and I believe I can show
them this is not so very much
different from what they already
are co'nsidering," McGrath said.
In his testimony, McGrath es-
timated the suggested defer-
ments would apply to about 836,-
000 young men.
Of this number, he figured in
a later statement, 500,000 are in
Reserve Officers' Training, are
draft exempt or are physically un-
fit, leaving 336,000 who he says
should be allowed to complete
their college studies if at all pos-
sible before entering the armed
armed forces.
Air Force To
Call 150,000
Guards, Reserves
To Be Activated
By The Associated Press
The Air Force yesterday an-
nounced it is calling at once some
150,000 Reserves and National
Guards to active duty with the
aim of a quick buildup to 971,000
The Air Force call taps 12 more
National Guard Wings, 21 Air
Reserve Training Wings (all that
remain uncalled), most ground
supporting units- and many un-
assigned reserve personnel.
* * *
PREVIOUSLY, the Air Force
has called up 10 National Guard
Wings, a Guard Tactical Control
Group, four Reserve Wings, and
50,000 individual Reservists, along
with some other supporting units.
The department said at least
a month's notice would be given
units and individual Reservists.
Six Reserve Training Center
Wings affected are Carrier Wings,
to be assigned to duty with the
Tactical Air Command between
April 1 and May 15. The rest in-
clude 11 Carrier Wings and four
Light Bombardment Wings, re-
porting for duty between March
1 and May 1. The National Guard
Wings are mostly fighters.
THE AIR FORCE announce-
ment that all its remaining Or-
ganized Reserve Wings would be
called apparently means the 439th
Troop Carrier Wing at Selfridge
Field is headed for active duty, a
public information officer from
the Selfridge base said yesterday.
Meanwhile, the Administra-
tion's Universal Military Service
and Training Bill was formally
introduced in the Senate on be-
half of all 13 members of the
Senate Armed Services Com-
Eighteen - year - olds attending
college would be deferred until
the end of a college academic year.
Induction of high school students
would be postponed until the age
of 19.
World Newus1
By The Associated Press
SAIGON, Indochina - Commu-
nist-led Vietminh forces-their1
five-day offensive halted before
Hanoi-have struck again in lo-'
cal attacks both east and west of
that northern Indochina capital,
a French Army communique dis-
closed yesterday.
* *. *
BERLIN-The West Berlin
Council yesterday reelected So-
cialist Ernst Reuther-a symbol
of the cjty's resistance to Com-
munist encroachment - to a
four-year term as mayor, despite
the fact the Socialists no longer
command a majority in the
*' * *
KERMIT, W. Va.-Eleven min-
ers were killed yesterday in an
underground explosion that ripped
through the burning Springs coal
-Use of the "most effective wea-
pon we have"-the Atom Bomb-
against Red China was recom-
mended yesterday by Maj. Gen.1
Emmett (Rosie) O'Donnell, justa
Early Arrivals Await Bowl Movies
-Daily-Roger Reinke
PERSISTENCE MAY PAY-These three students were discovered on the front porch of Hill-Audi-
torium last night, cooking their supper over a small fire. They reportedly wanted to get good seats
for the special Rose Bowl movies which begin showing tomorrow. Left to right, they are Jo
Scherer, '53, Sally Gnau, '53, and Larry Wellman, '53.
* * * * * * * * '1
Larry Wellman, '53, was disco-
vered camping out on the front
porch of Hill auditorium last
He said that he was waiting for
the Ann Arbor premier showing of
the 1951 Rose Bowl movies. "I
want to get a good seat," Wellman
* * *
WELLMAN WAS joined later in
the evening by Jo Scherer, '53, and
Sally Gnau, '53, who said they
Straight Terms Civil Rights
Essential to National Security
Safeguarding civil rights is in-
dispensable to our national securi-
ty, Michael Straight, editor of the
New Republic, declared yesterday.
In a lecture sponsored by the
journalism department, Straight
emphasized civil liberties as being
the source of much of our strength,
and oursole, unique weapon
against Communism.
"IF THE present process of
hardening and shrinking of the
spirit of American freedom con-
tinues, the United States, no mat-
ter what productive or militant
strength we have, will go down to
defeat," he said.
Straight explained that he
had had contact with this
"hardening and shrinking"
through the many letters that
he had received protesting
against the "liberal journalism"
of the New Republic, and can-
celling subscriptions.
If the right of protest in par-
ticular is silenced, he continued,
corruption, error, greed and self-
ishness will run rampant. "Libe-
ral journalism must point out that
civil rights are indispensable to our
national welfare."
* * *
STRAIGHT also citec two other
factors that would contribute to
our national strength: (1) Ex-
panding the capacity of the nation
to produce and (2) Insuring the
division of that production over a
span of years.
Also essential to our national
security is the continuance of
economic and military aid to
Western Europe, Straight de-
clared. He urged aid to some of
the countries in Asia-with the
qualification that they initiate
land and political reforms.
In an interview, Straight, who
is chairman of the national Amer-
ican Veterans Committee, predict-
ed that Sen. Joe McCarthy (R.,
Wisc.) would be defeated in 1952.
were determined tv-wee Rudolph
Valentino in The Eagle. "It's been
so long," they sighed simultan-
The Rose Bowl technicolor film,
jointly sponsored by SL, the M
Club and the University, will be
shown twice on Saturday after-
noon (at 2 and 4 p.m.) and at 2,
4, 7, and 9 p.m. on Sunday."
The Rose Bowl picture fea-
tures selected portions of the
colorful pre-gae Parade of
R o s e s, the Michigan band
marching at half time, and the
complete play by play game
For a change of pace, the SL
Cinema Guild and the Association
of Independent Men will present
"A Night at the Flickers" at 7:30
and " 9:30 p.m. Saturday, al-
so in Hill Auditorium. Rudolf Va-
lentino, the traditional "great lov-
er," will star in The Eagle, while
Tilly's Punctured Romance will
feature the droll talent of Charlie
Narrow Gap
Frequent Patrol
Clashes Reported
TOKYO-W()-Massing Chinese
and North Korean Reds yester-
day rapidly narrowed the gap
between their lines and those of
the United Nations in Korea.
"It appeared possible that the
long-awaited Red offensive to
drive United Nations troops from
Korea may start rolling again
soon after a lull of more than
two weeks," AP correspondent
Don Huth reported from U.S.
Eighth Army Headquarters.
a4. * .
FREQUENT and sharp actions
occurred between Allied patrols
and enemy units along the entire
Korean front.
One Chinese division was be-
lieved on the move between
Sumon and Ichon, points 17
miles south and 31 miles south-
east of Seoul.
Chinese and North Koreans
built up their forces in Central
* * *
of war in the central secto said
his outfit, the 31st Division, had
been ordered to slip through UN
lines and infiltrate all the way
to Taegu.
That was the hub of the old
Pusan beachhead held so stout-
ly last summer by UN force
A mid-morning communique of
the Eighth Army said guerrillas
were concentrating for action on
the central and eastern sectors.
S* * *
THE HARDEST fight of the last
24 hours was at Kunyangjang, 25
miles southeast of Seoul.
The Red units found in Kun-
yangjang were believed to be
advance elements of 100,000
Chinese Communists moving
south from Seoul for a fresh
all-out smash at the Eighth
Meanwhile, announced Ameri-
can casualties in the Korean war
yesterday mounted to 45,137, an
increase of 2,424 over last week.
A-1 Zone Plin
Will BeAired
A public hearing on Prof. A. D.
Moore's proposed A-1 zone for fra-
ternity and sorority use will be
held at 7:30 p.m. today in the
Common Council Chamber to City
The amendment, which would
set-up a new residential zone, was
proposed as a compromise measure
after a number of Ann Arbor citi-
zens petitioned that group dwell-
ings be restricted from the exclu-
sive A and AA zones.
Controversy is expected to arise
at the meeting as the new ruling
would leave nine fraternities out-
side of A-1 and would also exclude
league and co-op houses from the
University and IFC representa-
tives have announced that' they
will take part in the hearing.
After hearing the views present-
ed tonight, the Common Council
will decide the fate of the proposal
at a future meeting.
Student Bookies'
Sentence Delayed
Sentencing of student bookies
Lee Setomer, Grad. and Robert
Mcnuire.' ;53A. hasheer nostnon-
Flu Precaution
Last Edition
With this edition, The Daily
suspends publication over the
examination and vacation per-
The next regular issue will
appear Tuesday, Feb. 13. The
annual March of Dimes J-Hop
extra will be published Feb. 11
or 12.
Erection of Mackinac Bridge Urged
By The Associated Press
Construction -of a five mile
bridge across the Straits of Macki-
nac at a cost of $87,000,000 was
recommended yesterday by a team
of consulting engineers.
The engineers employed by the
Mackinac Bridge Authority said
the propo-ml was both physically
and economically sound and pos-
cilnTln ~nimr-. -vnn f
would cost $76,300,000 to con-
struct or $87,000,000 if financ-
ing charges were included.
The engineers proposed con-
struction of a brige fiv miles long
extending almost due north from
Mackinaw City to a point west of
St. Ignace where the present un-
used causeway is located.
* *O*"
iversity 'and Sidney Paige of New
York, reported that the rock for-
mation underlying the straits is
more than strong enough to hold
the bridge. This has been one of
the principal controversies about
the feasibility of the project.
At the University, faculty geolo-
gists and engineers, some of whom
were involved in the formulation
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