City Editor's
A RATHER SIMPLE amendment to Alder-
man A. D. Moore's latest Ann Arbor
zoning proposal could change what is now
a very discriminatory plan into a reasonably
fair and adequate one.
In an effort to compromise the in-
terests of fraternity and sorority members
with those of local home owners, Prof.
Moore's plan would establish a special A-1
zone containing all but nine of the Uni-
versity's existing fraternities, a d per-
mitting business as usual for the frater-
nities within the A-1 zone.
The other nine fraternities would be left
out in the cold, however. They would be
left in top residential.zones, and under the
Moore proposal could continue to operate as
non-conforming users in these zones. How-
ever, should they cease operations for 90
days or more, they would be through as
fraternities. They would have to close up
permanently, and try to find buyers for
their large, specially designed houses. This
would be a difficult or impossible task. Of
course, there is a chance that the frater-
nities concerned could make an appeal to
city authorities to go back into business.
A strict application of the 90 day rule
would mean that each autumn the fraterni-
ties concerned would have to make an ap-
peal to the city (and pay the $10 appeal
fee) in order to stay open, if they had closed
down for the summer. Would such appeals
be granted automatically? It's hard to say.
A city planning board official told The
Daily that "each case would have to be con-
sidered separately" and that "there is no
way of telling how successful an appeal
would be."
More serious than the summer closing
situation is the very great possibility that
the current national emergency will lead
to the temporary closing of a lot of frater-
nities in the near future. No one seems to
know exactly how the 90 day rule would
apply under this circumstance. The city
planning office representative merely said
that "closing down for a war situation would
probably be a good basis for appeal."
Under the Moore proposal, the great
bulk of fraternities would never have to
worry about such problems. But the ef-
fect on the nine leftover groups would
obviously be serious. The proposal, as it
was presented, clearly discriminates
against them and their approximately 400
student members.
The suggested remedy to this proposal
would be the establishment of a spot A-1
zone around each of the nine fraternities
not now included in the proposed new zone.
This small change in Alderman Moore's
proposal would carry its compromising ef-
fects to the logical end of providing equal
treatment for all existing fraternities. Such
a spot zone, isolated in the midst of an A
or an AA zone, might not be ideal from the
standpoint of zoning theory. But the es-
tablishment of such zones would be the only
fair and equitable basis for agreeing to pas-
sage of the current Moore proposal.
COMMAND DECISION by William Wister
Haines, at Lydia Mendelssohn. Produced
by the Speech Department.
Department has brought to campus one
of the most powerful and successful plays
to come out of World War II.
Written with an intimate knowledge of
what makes the Air Force tick, the play
centers about Brigadier General K. C. Den-
nis, commander of the Fifth Bombardment
Division stationed in England. A sincere
and understanding man, he is mentally
tortured by his duty of sending his division
on three vital but deadly missions beyond
the range of fighter protection far into
The loss of life,. including some of his
best friends, is overwhelming. Under strong
pressure from Washington, from the press,
from his superior officers, and from visiting
congressmen, to abandon Operation Stitch,
the tired and hounded general fights for
what he considers the crucial bombardment
of the European War and the survival of
the Air Force.
The entire drama has been competent-
ly handled by the all-male cast. Their
job, on the surface an easy one-to be
men-is complicated by the swift pacing
of the script and the mounting tension of
the play. Several of the secondary charac-
ters, Col. Haley, Major Davis, Capt. Jenks
and Lt. Goldberg, though adequate, need
improvement. Haley and Davis were not
completely convincing as officers. Jenks,
with all his insubordination, sounded too
much like a flaunting high schooler, and
Goldberg, though fatigued from his mis-
sion, is over-regretful too early.
Outstanding performances were given by
Nafe Katter as Dennis, Albert Nadeau as
Sgt. Evans, Ron Soble as Col. Martin, War-
ren Pickett as Gen. Garnett, Ted Heusel as
war correspondent Brockhurst, and James
White as General Kane. White, however,
was maudlin in the scene where he reveals
how he sold his soul and body to get official
recognition for the Air Force. The sudden
Aid To Education,
AT THE TIME of the Roosevelt-Spellman
debate on federal aid to education,
everyone from editorial writers to high
school debators were vigorously arguing the
pros and cons of the issue. Today, despite
the continued importance of the proposed
aid, interest has fallen off considerably.
The deterent to quick action is, of course,
the religious controversy. Despite a large
majority of Congressmen who desire the
passage of an aid to education bill, none of
the proposed bills has passed the House
Committee of Education and Labor.
When the committee first began debates
on the subject, its chairman, John Lesinski
A BILL HAS just been introduced into the
state legislature which would require
the death penalty in Michigan for first de-
gree murder.
Some Michigan voters may believe that
the death penalty should be state law,
particularly after the recent publicity
given to the criminal attack and slaying
of a Kalamazoo coed. However, they
should first take careful consideration of
these facts:
1. Capital punishment not only denies the
principle of reforming the criminal, but also
thwarts society in its striving for safety and
security. In states where capital punishment
is mandatory for first degree murder, it is
more difficult to obtain a conviction since
neither judge or jury cares to be the cause
of an individual's execution. The murderer
is therefore sentenced on a charge other
than first degree murder, making him
eligible for "good time" parole later.
2. The threat of the death penalty is use-
less in cases where murder is committed in a
fit of passion or by a "born killer." And if
crime is pre-meditated, the death penalty
does not deter a criminal who thinks he can
evade detection and escape punishment.
Instead, a more effective and recommend-
ed deterrent to criminals is to threaten a
man with permanent loss of freedom, which
can be done through effective administra-
tion of conviction laws and parole proce-
3. The death penalty, like so many other
means of punishment, is made to fit the
crime but not the criminal. Statistics com-
piled by criminologists and prison wardens
(among them the late Lewis Lawes, famous
warden of Sing Sing) show that capital
punishment is actually a highly discrimina-
tive process.
It claims victims mostly from the lower
stratas of society who cannot afford the
better-trained and extensive counsel avail-
able to wealthy offenders who can buy, or
buy off, justice. Also a mandatory death
penalty overrules consideration of an of-
fender's environment and heredity, two fac-
tors which may be largely responsible for
the crime and over which the offender has
little control.
4. That capital punishment does not de-
crease a state's homicide rate is shown by
statistics collected by Lawes and others
studying the problem. These statistics gen-
erally show that the states retaining the
death penalty have a higher homicide rate
than do states that have abolished it. The
absence or existence of the penalty has no
noticeable effect.
5. Instead of guaranteeing justice, exe-
cution of an innocent man assures injustice.
In has been proven too often that neither
judges or juries are infallible.
Capital punishment is a relic we have
retained from primitive laws that insisted
offenders be punished for -purposes of
security and revenge. But the death penal-
ty offers no security, and maintaining it
for just plain revenge is a poor excuse for
a society founded on the sanctity and re-
formation of human life.
Society must punish its criminals, but it
must also set up progressive means of re-
form both inside and outside our prison
walls. If voters ever return the death penalty
to Michigan, it means that this state has
swerved far from its slowly-evolving at-
tempts at positive reform.
-Bob Solt.
of Michigan, vigorously defended the stand
of the Catholic Church on 'the issue. He
skillfully blocked all attempts at compro-
mise, hoping 'that eventually a bill would
pass which would fully include the paro-
chial schools.
At the death of Lesinski, the committee's
reigns were taken over by the present chair-
man, Graham Barden of North Carolina.
Rep. Barden, who is diametrically opposed
to Mr. Lesinski on the parochial school is-
sue, was the sponsor of the much-publiciz-
ed Barden Bill (the central issue in the
Roosevelt-Spellman debate.) His bill would
completely exclude parochial schools from
federal aid.
Due to Barden's extreme position, the
committee has achieved no more than it
had under Lesinski.
The obvious solution is a compromise, and
the terms of that compromise have already
been suggested by several Catholic spokes-
men. They would have the Congress allot
funds to cover the school bus expenses of
parochial school students wherever public
school students enjoy that benefit.
By giving funds directly to the students
and not to the church, they argue that no
American traditions will be, broken. If any
compromise to be effected, certainly this
one appears to be the most just.
Congressmen should recognize that an in-
telligent compromise could speedily get re-
sults on an issue which might otherwise be-
come a musty "could have been" in the files
of Congress.
--Harland Britz
"'We Get To Think More About Our
National Resources"
" 'A
. f Y f G } 1i . L
''fir, . +5 Y L* .
(Continued from Page 3)
thony M.
Examination for An-
Pasquariello, Romance
& Literatures: Span-
aa s r....saaarw pgfrr
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
THE MAN WHO pulled the wires to bring
back General Electric's Charles E. Wil-
son back to Washington as head of war
production is hdndsome, hard-working
Stuart Symington. Yet Symington now finds
himself virtually euchered out of a job by
the man he brought to Washington.
What happened was that Symington
realized how war production was bogged
down, sold Wilson on coming back to the
same war production board job he occupied
in World War II.
Wilson agreed. However, when he looked
over the Washington set-up, he demanded
that he be top boss of everything even re-
motely connected with production. In other
words, he wanted to take over most of Sym-
ington's duties as chairman of the National
Securities Resources Board-including price
controls and the office of economic stabili-
These two offices are man-sized, back-
breaking functions all by themselves.
Most bureaucrats fight for power and nev-
er yield duties to other bureaucrats willing-
ly. Symington, however, bowed to Wilson,
now finds himself sitting in left field, strip-
ped of his far-flung powers by the man he
brought to Washington.
This is what has led to reports that Sym-
ington would become Secretary of Defense
when General Marshall, who took the job
reluctantly, eventually bows out.
Note-Symington is giving Wilson com-
plete cooperation, and Wilson already has
put a lot of zoom into war production.
The House Appropriations Committee is
battening the hatches for a stormy squawl
on the question of continuing the so-called
''one-package". appropriation for defense
and domestic spending. The all-in-one bill
wasn't welcomed with open arms in the last
Congress because of its arbitrary, meat-ax
approach to pruning government expendi-
Therefore, don't be surprised if the house
committee junks the idea and returns to the
old formula of separate appropriations for
each department.
One thing troubling congressional leaders
about the one-package bill is the tremen-
dous power over government spending which
it vests in appropriations chairman Clarence
Cannon of Missouri.
(Copyright, 1950, by the Bell Synaicate, Inc.)
Movie Manners..
To the Editor:I
AS THE EDITOR of the student
publication at the University
of Michigan, I want to take this
opportunity to bring before you a
situation which only you can rect-
As a former student at the U. of
M. I was told that the college men
of today will be the leaders of in-
dustry tomorrow. From the ac-
tions of today's students I dread:
to think of the future in any sense.-
The action I am referring to is
that which any person can wit-
ness by attending either one of
the two theaters on the campus.-
Never in my life have I seen
such juvenile, disgusting, and un-
called-for conduct displayed byj
University students attending the
theaters. People go to the theater
to enjoy the picture showing on!
the screen-not to listen to grown1
men acting like uncouth hood-
It's an appalling situation when
I find myself ashamed to tell peo-
ple that I attended the University
and am associated with those in-
dividuals who think only of them-,
selves and try to "outact" the stars
on the screen.
Can't something be done to
eliminate the "hooting," "hissing,"
and "smart alek" actions of those
students responsible for this dero-
gatory view of the general student
--Cecil L. Bovee
Book Exchange .
To the Editor
ATTENTION House Presidents:
^ For years students have be-
moaned the fact that they do not
have a decent student book store.
For years the units in which stu-
dents live have claimed to exist
for the benefit of their members.
This year the IFC Student Book
Exchange offers to these units the
opportunity of being of great ser-
vice not only to members in their
particular unit but to students all
over the campus. This year they
can help foster a good student
book store!
We are attempting to set up an
agent in every living unit who will
receive books from members of
that unit for the Exchange. The
books will then be picked up and
removed to the store in the Union
by the Student Book Exchange.
The effort required will be small,
while the service rendered will be
Whether you are the president
of a fraternity, sorority, residence
hall, or co-op house makes no dif-
ference. If you have not yet set
up the agency in your house, do it
now! Send the name of the per-
son delegated as the agent to the
IFC Student Book Exchange,
Michigan Union; or call Chuck
Good at 3-8581.
--Tony Palermo, Mgr.,
IFC Student Book Exchange
* * *
'The Miracle' .
To the Editor:
ANENT your article of January
13th on the movie "The Mira-
cle", the American public should
be warned that censorship is not
an answer to its presupposed "im-
morality". The answer given by the
Rev. John F. Bradley that "The
Miracle" "intimates that the foun-
dations of Christianity ;are silly"
is a devastating admission in spite
of its non-sequitur-ness. If that
is the best argument that a Cath-
olic priest can give against "The
Miracle", Christianity is in a bad
shape. There are arguments which
would prove that "The Miracle" is
not as "silly" as it "intimates"
or that it may not be "immoral",
and that the Christian foundations
are more intimately unified in its
divine and human aspects than
some theologians suspect or are
able to grasp. Cervantes had a
word to say about such theolo-
gians (cfr. Don Quixote, II, ch. ii,
xxl). For the Rev. Bradley's edi-
fication - Protestant theologians
and logical positivists would not
understand them-I suggest read-
ing Spanish plays of the seven-
teenth century and the picaresque
novels of the same period.
What concerns me most deeply
is that these theologians have not
raised their divine voices against
commercial profits while young
men are being drafted. We can
darft the youth, but we cannot
draft profits. Such a situation
does make the foundations of
Christianity silly and useless.
-F. Sanchez y Escribano
(Dept. of Romance Languages)
4 * 4
Re: Hockey Critic . .
To the Editor:
Hertzberg on your effort to im-
press the public with your feeble
knowledge of hockey. How we have
won nine games this season with-
out your help is a mystery!
Perhaps these next four para-
garphs will straighten things out
for you.
1) It is impossible to backcheck
in the defense zone of the oppos-
ing team. Backchecking takes
place in the center, or the defend-
ing zone of the team not in pos-
session of the puck.
2) Defensemen carrying the
puck out of their defensive zone
especially when the opposing team
has the pressure on is dangerous
Shooting the puck out takes the
pressure off and makes the other
team do the work.
3) On a power play when the
short handed team is defending
the offending team on their pow-
er play shoots the puck into their
zone; the shot is not aimless but
intended to miss the net.
4) Hockey players standard
equipment includes shin pads and
as I remember no Montreal play-
ers complained of broken legs. But
they did complain that there are
not enough teams in their league
such as Michigan.
-Paul E. Pelow
A St. Louis, Missouri company
needs a junior salesman for Mi-
chigan territory.
Women: We have several re-
quests for women who are labor-
atory technicians or have majored
in mathematics or bacteriology.
Contact work (women) with
mothers and doctors for food
company in Detroit area, market-
ing, nursing or home economics
majors preferred.
Stenography and typing posi-
tions in Detroit area and various
other locations.
American Airlines, Chicago of-
fice, are interested in seniors or
undergraduates for positions as
airline stewardesses.
For further information call at
the Bureau of Appointments,
Room 3528, Administration Bldg.
University Lecture, auspices of
the School of Music. "Music and
the Eighteenth Century." Dr.
Curt Sachs, Lecturer in the Grad-
uate School of Liberal Arts, New
York University, and President of
the American Musicological Soci-
ety, Thurs., Jan. 18, 4:15 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheatre.
University Lecture in Journa-
lism: Michael Straight, editor of
the New Republic will address a
journalism assembly at 4:15 p.m.,
Thurs., Jan. 18, Rackham Lecture
Hall. Subject: "Peace Without
Appeasement-Can Liberal Jour-
nalism Provide the Answer." Op-
en to the public.
Lecture, auspices of the De-
partment of Zoology. "The Pro-
perties of Cytoplasmic Particles"
(illustrated). Dr. M. J. Kopac,
Professor of Biology, New York
University. Thurs., Jan. 18, 7:30
p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.
University Lecture, auspices of
the Departments of Astronomy
and Geology. "The Structure of
the Earth." Harold Jeffreys, Pro-
fessor of Astronomy and Experi-
mental Philosophy, Cambridge
University, England. Fri., Jan. 19,
4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphithea-
University Lecture in Journa-
lism: Basil L. Walters, execu-
tive editor of Knight Newspapers,
Inc., will give a campus lecture
before a journalism assembly at
3 p.m., Fri., Jan. '19, Room 2003,
Angell Hall. Coffee hour, 4 p.m.,
news room, Department of Jour-
Lecture on Isotopes: Dr. S. Al-
Ian Lough, Chief of the Radioiso-
topes Branch, Isotopes Division,
United States Atomic Energy Di-
vision at Oak Ridge will discuss
the production, availability and
use of radioisotopes in biological
sciences at 4:15 p.m., Wed. af-
ternoon, Feb. 7, Rackham Am-
phitheatre; auspices of the Phoe-
nix Project and the Department
of Biological Chemistry.
Academic Notices
Political Science 52: Final Ex-
amination, January 29, 9-12 a.m
Room assignments as follows:
Sections 1 & 5 (Laing)-2231 A.H.
Sections 2 & 4 (Filley)-1025 A.H
Sections 3 & 10 (Vernon)-229
Section 6 (Abbott)-4 A.H
Sections 7, 8 & 9 (Bretton)-1025
Algebra (II) Seminar: Thurs.
Jan. 18, 4 p.m., Room 3011, Angell
Actuarial Seminar: Thurs., Jan
18, 3 p.m., Room 3201, Angel:
r Hall. Miss Van Eenam will con-
tinue her talk of insured retire-
ment plans.-
Economics 121 (Labor) and
Economics 222 (Collective Bar-
t gaining) will not be given the
second semester.
Time Schedule Change for sec-
ond semester in Mathematics:
t Mathematics 47, Section 5, wil
meet at 2 p.m. instead of 1 p.m.
Mathematics 125 will meet at1
p.m. instead of 2 p.m.
Mathematics 20, Air Navigatior
(3 hours) will be given MWF at
3 p.m. in Room 3201, Angell Hall
by Professor Carver.
Speech 36 will be given at 1
r a.m., Monday, Wednesday and
Friday the second semester.
ish; thesis: "The Entremes, Sain-
ete and Loa in the Colonial The-
atre of Spanish America," Sat.,
Jan. 20, East Council Room,
Rackham Bldg., 10 a.m. Chair-
man, I. A. Leonard.
Doctoral Examination for Mer-
ton Louis Davis, Chemistry; the-
sis: "Thermodynamics of B-
KHF2, Including Heats of Dis-
sociation, of Fusion, and of the
A-B Transition," Tues., Jan. 23,
Room 3003, Chemistry Bldg., 3
p.m. Chairman, E. JFrWestrum,
Doctoral Examination for Max.'
Arthur Proffitt, Zoology; thesis:
"Comparative Morphometry and
Growth of Scales in the Bluegill,
Lepomis m. macrochirus Rafin-
esque, with Special Reference to
Related Body Growth," Wed.,
Jan. 24, Room 4101, NaturalnSci-
ence Bldg., 9 a.m. Chairman, K.
F. Lagler.
Doctoral Examination for Don-
ald Garner Castanien, Spanish;
thesis: "A Seventeenth Century
Mexican Library and the Inqui-
sition," Fri., Jan. 26, East oCuncil
Room, Rackham Bldg., 10 a.m.
Chairman, I. A. Leonard.
Doctoral Examination for Clar-
ence W. Olmstead, Geography;
thesis: "The Pattern of Orchards
in Michigan," Fri., Jan. 26, Room
210, Angell Hall, 1:30 p.m. Chair-
man, C. M. Davis.
Doctoral Examination for Ar-
thur Ferdinand Carlson, Latin;
thesis: "The Orthography and
Phonplogy of the Latin Papyri,"
Sat., Feb. 3, Room 2009, Angell
Hall, 10 a.m. Chairman,' H. C.
Doctoral Examination for Riki
Kobayashi, Chemical Engineer-
ing; thesis: "Vapor-Liquid Equi-
libria in Binary Hydrocarbon-
Water Systems," Tues., Feb. 6,
Room 3201, E. Engineering Bldg.,
9:30 a.m. Chairman, D. L. Katz.
Notice to Graduate Students
working for the Master of Arts
Degree in Biology. I will not be
on the campus next semester and
to relieve Doctor Hooper from do-
ing all of the advising I wish the
above mentionedstudents would
consult with us during the week
of January 15-19 at the following
times and places:
Hooper in room 4119, Thurs.
Gustafson in room 1033, Fri.
We have the election blanks.
-F. G. Gustafson
The Teacher's Oath will be ad-
ministered to all February can-
didates for the teacher's certi-
ficate on Thursday, Jan. 18, Room
1437, U.E.S. This is a require-
ment for the teacher's certificate.
(Continued on Page 5)
. .
Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown............Managing Editor
Paul Brentlinger.........City Editor
Roma Lipsky.......Editorial Director
Dave Thomas............Feature Eidtor
Janet Watts......... * Associate Bditor
Nancy Bylan..........Associate Editor
James Gregory.......Associate Editor
Bill Connolly............Sport's Editor
Bob Sandell.. .Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton. . ..Associate Sports Editor
Barbara .ans.......Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Daniels........Business Manager
Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible.... Advertising Manager
Bob Mersereau....... Finance Manager
Carl Breitkreitz.... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use far republication
of all news dispatches ceditea to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Past Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan as second-class mal
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier.,$6.00; by mail, $7.00.
At The Michigan .. .
OUTRAGE, an Ida Lupino production,
with Mala Powers and Ted Andrews.
An almost excellent film is playing at the
At times almost overbearing in its senti-
ment and repetitive in detail, "Outrage" is
a moving and completely absorbing account
of the affects of a criminal assault on a per-
fectly happy young woman.
Ida Lupino and her associates have taken
another step in presenting to American au-
diences films which should have a bigger
place in the movie industry.
In this, her first film, Mala Powers de-
monstrates quite capably the ability that
won her the lead in "Cyrano de Bergerac."
Tod Andrews, as the minister who leads her
back on the path of normalcy, does a good
job, quietly and understanding of the girl's
Thf fva f il ..hmlrl p Prn,,,.t1
in a new but popular literary form--a
Truman letter.
The latest epistle is the President's ans-
wer to 11-year-old Suzanne Coats, who
wrote him, ". . . I am sorry my dad is a
Republican. But I think you are doing a
good job and when I grow up I am going
to be a Democrat."
In response Truman thanked her for her
favorable feelings and wrote, "I was happy
to receive your letter, and you should be
complimented on your decision to become a
Suzanne's parents did not know about
her decision until they received the letter
from White House carrying the signature
"Harry S. Truman."
The Republican father of Suzanne, how-
ever, was not so happy at this letter ex-
change between his daughter and Presi-
dent Truman.
He was appropriately worried; Truman
was using "infiltration tactics" on his fami-
Calendar Plan * .
To the Editor:
THIS IS TO register my opinion
of t h e proposed calendar
change published in the Daily Sa-
turday. I believe it would be a very
good idea. No other change would
present so many advantages to
Michigan 'tudents other than that
of having Christmas in the mid-
dle of January. I hope the Univer-
sity will make this change as soor
as possible. -Tom Stapleton
Doctoral Examination for Ro-
bert Austin Warner, Musicology;
thesis: "The Fantasia in the
Works of John Jenkins," Fri.,
Jan. 19, West Council Room,
Rackham Bldg., 3 p.m. Chairman,
Louise E.
Barnaby, I saw you and your dopey old Gus, I left out a detail!... A Private
imaginary Fairy Godfather coming up to Op usually is overdrawn at the bank at
this haunted house with false faces on-- the moment the client strollejnto his
shabby agency to lay a stack of crisp
c. ... - --t. . .. . .. . . . t
No. So it should be easy for me to -
become overdrawn, shouldn't it?...
Hold down the offie. Till