CITY EDITOR'S SCRATCHPAD See Page 4 Y int Latest Deadline in the State ~Iaitr PARTLY CLOUDY, MILD LXI, No. 58 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1951 EIGHT PAGES 1%iVfili ilsuib 7 2 Chinese Price-Wage Freeze Seen Likely Soon Advancing Costs Necessitate, Move WASHINGTON -(P)- A gene- ral price-wage "freeze" will be or- dered within the next five or six days, a key government official said yesterday as food prices soar- ed to the highest peak in Ameri- can history. The official said the blanket or- 'der may be accompanied by a roll- back of prices to Jan. 1 levels. MOUNTING.congressional pres- sure for concrete action to combat Inflation, coupled with steadily in- creasing prices, were said to have pirompted mobilization chief Char- les E. Wilson to decide that fur- A SHOW IS B ther delay would be harmful. some laugh-gett] He declared yesterday that which will be p price and wage ceilings must be Igfrteso imposed with "speed and forth ing for the sho ghtne"--a virtual announce- setting of 1870 ment that the ceilings are immi- nent. 1 Alani Valentine, head of the Eco ai tblzainAmnsr-U nomic Stabila atio Amnsr-n o tion (ESA), was reported ready to carry out across-the-board ceilings despite ESA's lack of an adequate o o itaff and enforcement machinery. C hIIASsadoowvrta OFFICIALS said, however, that ,more- than 100 new employes have ncreased ESA's staff to 450 in the The big strugg last 10 days and work on opening Eying a Marc field offices is being rushed. Thir- mally plunged into teen regional offices are expected and some time-tes to be "in business" by Feb. 1 or Starting today earlier. concoct, within the H e t a i 1 s of the proposed be the finest, funri "freeze" were not disclosed. Of- ficials declined to discuss whe- ther it would take the form of a Re flat ceiling on prices-such as the old OPA attempted to im- pose during World War II-or a restraint on profit margins. Some merchants, recalling thed black market operations of OPA days, have urged a curb on profit VINH YEN, Indo Markups rather than outright , price ceilings. Chi Minh's Moscow * * " dropped its pressur ON CAPITOL HILL, criticism of ter five days of both the administration for fail- French in what his ing to curb rising prices has boiled an all-out attempt up in both the Senate and House. noi, capital of Nort One of the strongest blasts came Gen. Jean De La from Senator O'Mahoney (D- ny, French comma Wyo) of the Senate-House Eono- 000 Communist-led ;nie Committee, who is usually a bels fell back ov stron3 supporter of White House slopes of the Tamd policy. regroup after vain <.'O'Mahoney s a i d President reatedly at French Truman's economic message to Vinh Yen, 30 miles Congress last Friday contained Hanoi. "appalling evidence of the pro- oi gress of inflation, but no record Foreign Legion, S of any positive steps taken as roccan and Vietnam yet to hold the line against in- French forces fanne flation." 'attleground north - In his message, Truman made ther their own wo no specific recommendation for abandoned weapon wage-price controls, but said gov- enemy dead. 6rnment staffs were'being gather- Officers said th ed to apply "broader controls," appeared to have asualties. The Fre Ft hold onto Hanoi a Air Force t 'uoving. The last thrusts By Dearth of ninh. attack cam arwice, Vietminh tempted to rush Fr ra nin Sonce at dusk and 4I night, when the Fre was unable to interv A severe lack of training facili- ties, including housing,' clothing Boost in and medical units forced the Air orce to halt all enlistments ex- Ms cept for Air Force veterans, offi- ials explained yesterday. The overcrowding at indoctrin- "'cn r h s e s h a tion centers has been so heavy hat 40 enlistees are now assigned The Federal Re or duty at the Ann Arbor re- boost in margin re ruiting station. stock purchases wa The new ban on enlistments is terday as unimport not expected to be lifted for at fisting conditions by least a month and until Samson from the School, of Air Force Base in New York is ministration. reactivated and made available The order, which to trainees. tive yesterday, for Besides veterans, only appli- purchaser to pay a ants for the Womens Air Force cent of the cost o and men who have been appoint- cash. The order i ed to Aviation Cadet courses are stop inflation by eing accepted. amount of money As soon as the backlog of en- stock market specub listees is cleared and the ban AorAdine to- P Re ds Refuse UN Peace * 0 * * s " Patrols, Probe Toward Seou Communist Offensive Expected; Allies Easily Enter Rubbled Wonju TOKYO-(A')-Field dispatches today said daring Allied raider patrols ranged as far as 26 miles north of the United Nations defense line in Korea without finding the main masses of Chinese and North Korean Reds. Allied commanders were inclined to think the enemy had pulled back slightly in preparation for a new offensive-just as the Com- munists did last November north of Pyongyang. IN CENTRAL KOREA, a strong Allied patrol entered burned and ° NORTH STATUJTMILIS sO T~ ~#m .. _ IKIOREA$ Kac ong Chunchon +CKON Kumyan9 ang . WONJ t.N>ai chon' .cho a*"9**" :C 'hop Chmchn . * pp Konan Q*CW Hongsong " "-= honju amchan'g6.1h"" on~uSang ju . SOUTH TA KOREA - Kunsan : Kumchon Choniu -1K $ T WAR MAP-Allied forces struck out south sudden offensive on the western Korea fron jang, Chon, have been recaptured In the atta front. On the east-central front the UN fo Yongwol (B) after recapturing the town Jan Blurosen, Pease, Elected to Men's J ORN--Bill Edmunds, '52E, grins as he thinks up ing witticisms for the new Michigan Union Opera resented in March. The script Edmunds is writ- w was approved last night. It calls for a western vintage. 1Opera Board uses Sce-_nvari~o By BOB KEITH gle is on. h 28 deadline, Union Opera executives today for- 'the annual all-out battle to whip a few plot ideas ted gags into a sparkling stage extravaganza. Y just about from scratch, opera men planned to brief space of two months, what they promised to iest example of campus tradition on schedule this- 9year. etruea "China china-('P)-Ho w-blessed army e yesterday af- battling the radio said 'was to capture Ha- hern In'dochina. ttre de Tassig- nder, said 25,- 3 Vietminh re- er the grassy dao foothills to ly lunging re- defenses above s northwest of Senegalese, Mo- npatrols of the ed out over the of town to ga- ounded, collect s and check on e rebel troops suffered heavy nch chance to appeared to be of Ho's Viet- e last night. battalions at- ench positions, again at mid- lnch Air Force ,vene. Stock Calld tant serve Board's quirements on as viewed yes- tant under ex- two professors Business Ad- became effec- ces any stock t least 75 per d his stock in s intended to reducing the available for lation. Prof. nouais I * * * THE MICHIGAN Uniop Board of Directors gave the official "go" sign at a meeting last night. In quick order, the board: 1. Approved a senario, written by Bill Edmunds, '52M, which sets up the 1951 opera as a bois- terous take-off on life "out West" in the 1870's. 2. Named veteran New York showman William "Bill" Hol- brook to repeat as director of the show. A title has not yet been selected. BASED ON A plot involving rug- ged frontiersmen, medicine shows and traveling thespians, this year's opera will hark back to the days when-men ruled the West and the appearance of a woman on the scene was the occasion for all sorts of ribald excitement. According to opera publicists, the show develops hilarious com- plications as misrepresentation and deceit in the plot mix amus- ingly with the traditional Union Opera misrepresentation of hav- ing male students fill all the female roles. Edmunds will work with an eight-man executive staff, headed by general manager Gene Over- beck, '51, to put the 1951 show in shape for its presentation March 28, 29 and 30 in the Michigan the- atre. Holbrook, who first appeared on the local scene when he di- rected "Lace it Up" last year, is expected to arrive within a few weeks. Also returning will be Robert Mellencamp, last year's scene designer. Casting and tryouts for the show will take place early in February. IFC Adopts New Rules For Initiation' Rushing as usual was the by- word at the IFC meeting of house presidents last night, and a revised program of rushing and initiating to cope with the present draft un- certairt was adopted. The IFC iu_4mously approved a new rule which permits pledges for the spring semester to be ini- tiated any time from May 15 till the end of the semester. This elim- inates the possibility that a pledge would be drafted during the sum- mer, going through all the haz- ing without becoming an official member of the fraternity. ANY STUDENT who pledges and is inducted before May 15 may be initiated before that time with the special permission of the IFC. The house presidents referred to the executive IFC committee for further consideration 'a pro- posal to prohibit students on academic probation from rush- ing. The IFC, in conjunction with Dean Erich Walter, has worked. out a plan by which first semester freshmen and new transfers who pledge will receive tentative grades on May 15, determining their eli- gibility for initiation. * * * SPRING RUSHING will actually begin on Sunday, Feb. 18, with each of the campus' 44 fraterni- ties holding an open house. Registration for rushing will start Feb. 7, the first day of Orientation Week, and continue through Feb. 17 in the IFC of- fice, Rm. 3C of the Union. Bruce Sodee, '52, IFC rushing chairman, hoped that potential rushees would not be discouraged by the war situation. / The new policy of initiating pledges before the end of the se- mester, it was felt, would alleviate any fear; of rushees that they would be in the Army.before they were init ted. "But e 'en in service," Sodee said, "th would be many ad- vantages fraternity affiliation." J-Hop Ticket Sale To EndSaturday J-Hop tickets are scheduled to be sold through noon Saturday at the Administration Bldg. Abby Funk, ticket co-chairman, has urged students to pick up their tickets as soon as possible since they may be sold out before the Saturday deadline. She added that tomorrow will be the last day women's names will be accepted for the J-Hop Extra. rubbled Wonju yesterday and found no enemy in that transport hub. The U.S. second division early this week pulled back to Chung- ju after holding for 16 days a wedge extending within a mile and one-half of Wonju. Chung- ju is 26 miles south of Wonju. The second's wedge prevented the' Reds from cutting off UN forces withdrawing southeastward from the Seoul area. AP correspondent Tom Brad- shaw reported in a dispatch to- day that the patrol which enter- ed Wonju met "scattered opposi- tion on its way in." Another field dispatch from the same sector said Communist troops were reported moving toward the central front from Suwon and Ichon on the west. SUWON IS THE town.17 miles south of Seoul where a strong Allied tank-led raider team and supporting planes killed an esti- mated 500 of 1,000 Reds in a sur- prise attack Tuesday. Ichon is more than 30 miles southeast of Seoul and about the same distance northwest of Chungju. AP Correspondent William C. Barnard said today Allied patrols were making scattered contacts with Red forces up to company strength in the Ichon vicinity. A Red company was engaged in a brief fight two miles west of Ichon. A field dispatch today from West Korea said that small Al- lied patrols yesterday continued to scour the area north of the United Nations front line in search of Red troops with little success. * * * AN EIGHTH ARMY communi- que today reported a fight five miles northeast of Kumyangjang that for a time involved two com- panies on each side. The lack of Red pressure against Allied lines worried some UN field officers. Aerial observers reported three Chinese armies with an esti- mated strength of 90,000 men gathering between Red - held Seoul and the air base town of Suwon, 17 miles south. Another Chinese Army in the Seoul area brought the total of massing Reds to 120,000. Camouflaged Red supplies were detected 12 miles north and six miles northwest of Suwon. Enemy troop trains were blast- ed from Kaesong, 36 miles north- west of Seoul, to Sonchon, within 35 miles of the Manchurian bor- der. The train at Sonchon was claimed destroyed. Two of the trains were at Py- ongyang, capital of North Korea. The Allies sent out strong pa- trols along the Western front to keep the Communists off balance and to take the elements of sur- prise out of any planned all-out Red offensive. Male members of the Student Legislature cabinet and Men's Ju- diciary council president Jim Smith, '53, named three men to Men's Judic last night in a meet- ing which lasted until shortlyaf- ter midnight. Selected were Merlin Townley, '52M, David Pease, Jr., '51NR, and Al Blumrosen, '53L. * * * FIFTEEN MEN petitioned for positions on the council which acts on student discipline problems and election discrepancies. Townley, who hails from Rides Junction, Mich. is a member of Druids, senior honorary society. Senate Told 18-Year-Old DraftUrgent WASHINGTON - () - Karl T. Compton told senators today that a draft of 18-year olds followed up by universal military service is the best choice among the evils of a crisis that will last "a very long time." The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Board Chairman drew strong backing from Harold W. Dodds, president of Princeton University, who testified for the plan advanced by the Defense Department: "I favor it beyond all other pro- posals I have seen, or have been able to dream up." The two educational leaders were witnesses before a prepared- ness subcommittee of the Senate Armed Services committee. The group is working on manpower plans in general, and armed forces requirements in particular. There is evidence of strong dis- like among its members for low- ering the present 19-year draft age . Compton met that opposition head-on with a challenge: "If you cannot show me a better plan, then either support the 18-year old plan or else come out frank- ly and say that you really are opposing the creation and train- ing of a three to three and a half million armed force." He was th presidento 50, and th president i Pease, als of Sigma Ph on the SL chairman. A O., he wasi cil, having Al Blumr igauma and the Michig home in De SL PRES mell, '51, c choice was a a new syste cess. "Formerl most prom interview tf interviewed much long while." Concernin rosen voiced constitution Council sho' out of date council in position wit and the ad like to re-su lem." Proposal YAsk 7 Nation 38Tak m-".-, eaceTlk As Alternate eA cheson Refuses To Consider Plan yang ut"- . u - LAKE SUCCESS -(A)- Com- munist China turned down yester- Andong day the UN appeal for a cease- '" fire in Korea, It proposed instead a se- *fgba* ven-nation conference in Chi- na to work on the Korean war, '' Formosa and other Far East prob- t" g lems. The Peiping Regime insisted Red China must be seated in the IAEGU KyiOn UN before talks begin. Secretary of State Dean Ache- s o n immediately rejected the of Seoul (A) in a counter-proposal, branding it as a nt. Osan, Kumyang- symbol of the Communists' "con- ck along a nine-mile temptuous disregard of a world- orces withdrew from wide demand for peace." n. 14. "Their so-called 'counter-pro- posal' is nothing less than an out- right rejection," Acheson continu- ToeyAMERICAN forces at the UN laid udiciar plans for bringing up a resolution udiciar branding Red China as an ag- gressor in Korea. "We must face squarely and soberly the fact that e Medical School vice the Chinese Communists have no of the Union in 1949- intention of ceasing their defiance e literary college vice of the UN," Acheson declared. In 1948-49. Red China's foreign minister, o a Druid, is president Chou En-Lai, listed his demands hi, and rherly served in replying to ,last Saturday's varsity committee as cease-fire appeal ny the General k native of Cineinnati, Assembly's Political Committee. renamed to the coun- Chou made it clear Peiping will served this past year. not talk about stopping the Ko- osen, member of Mich- rean fighting or about anything I former city editor of else until the regime is a mem- an Daily, makes his ber of the United Nations. He de- troit. riounced the cease-fire appeal as * * *"ambiguous" and said its purpose was to give theU.S. troops in Ko- IDENT George Rou- rea breathing space. Then he tick- ommented that "The ed off these counter proposals: difficult one; we used 1. The negotiations be conduct- m in the selection pro ed ondthebasis of agreeing to the withdrawal of all foreign troops from Korea and the solution of the ly we selected the international affairs of Korea by ising candidates, and the Koreans themselves. ;hem, but this year we 2. That subjects for negotiations Ihe bu Itt sworkhmust include the withdrawal of er, but it was worth U.S. armed forces from Formosa and the Formosan Straits, and .g his selection, Blum- other problems concerning the Far the opinion that "The East. of the Men's Judiciary 3. That Communist Ching, the uld be cleared up, it's Soviet Union, Britain, and United I'd like to see the States, France, India and Egypt a solid constitutional take part in the negotiations and h both the students that the place of Red China In ministration. I'd also the UN be established "as from rvey the liquor prob- the convocation of the seven-na- tion conference." 4. That the conference be held , ] 7 in China. rid iNews On the basis of past declara- tions by UN members, this coun- )un ter-proposal was doomed to rejec- tion in the Political Committee of the General Assembly. The Unit- e Associated Press ed States opposes negotiations be- fore the fighting stops and the Gen, Dwight D. Eisen- recognition of Peiping by the UN ed last night to deter- before all questions are settled. will and ability to hold The U.S. resolution branding Com- the Atlantic Pact's munist China as an aggressor in nt. Scattered clashes Korea leaves up to the UN the mmunists and police question of what steps to take, d in several cities as * * . Nehru P~et oi Lisbon. NhuProtests. --The Russians Yes. e reported attempt-.Brandi Reds ister all men in the rO Wo By Th ROME - hower arriv mine Italy'sN her part of Western fro between Co. were reporte he landed fi VIENNA terday wer ing to regi I FOR FIGHTING INFLUENZA: Health Service To Begin Free Flu Shots Today By RICH THOMAS The University's Health Service is prepared to give the student body facing the prospect of a round of winter colds, a shot in the arm as of this morning. The University financed free flu shots will be administered from 8 a.m. to noon and from 1 to 5 p.m. do is enter the North door of the Health Service, present his Iden- tification Card, fill out a slip and get his shot from one of four innoculating groups. "The whole process has been set up to assure a minimum of dif- ficulty and consumption of student time." Dr. Forsythe said. lent, Dr. Forsythe vigorously urged the entire student body to get the Health Service's flu in- noculations. He termed the sit- uation "sort of an emergency urgency." Although danger of the flu epi- demic reaching the United States is nf imminant~v nrP.Snanq r. WITH THE present European epidemic reported to have carried over into Greenland, Dr. Forsythe asserted that students had better get their vaccinations now. "I'm not trying to scare anybody," he said, "but the old adage, 'better safe than sorry' is a good one." Soviet zone aged 18 to 33. High government officials said the registration .had been underway for several days, and had caused considerable alarm in the Soviet occupation area of this country. * * * WASHINGTON - The House unanimously approved yesterday a bill to give the U.S. fleet a 57,- 000-ton super aircraft carrier able to handle planes that can fly the atom bomb on long strikes. * *. WASHINGTON -- An $87,000,- 000,000 program to buy the arms needed now and to build a pro- duction base for 50,000 war- planes and 35,000 tanks a year was unveiled yesterday. by the Defense Department. As PARIS - (R) -Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru said yesterday the United Nations must avoid branding Communist Chi- na an aggressor or abandon hope for peace in the Far East. "To brand China an agressor in Korea would bolt and bar the door to a peaceful settlement," Nehru told a news conference. "We must avoid doing this, even if China rejects the United Na- tions' cease-fire proposal." The Peiping radio broadcast the Communist Chinese rejection about the time Nehru was speak- ing. "All the troubles in the Far East arise from the failure of the Aggressors